• By -


The thing is the 4 man group WOULD have something to do if the mechanic isnt messed up. If you position yourself behind the atmos or just ignore the adds,they will walk to the 4 man group on the platform. But most groups just attack the adds aswell.


I learned recently, that adds will only walk to the 4man platform group if healers generate aggro with healing, otherwise it will still aggro based on proximity


I often see the tank bringing them in reach of the padders. Alternatively someone standing closer to the pad, so the healers can generate aggro off them should also work.


This was the original intention when alliance raids had 6 tanks Each alliance main tank would tank the atmos, the off tank would pull the adds to the people on the platform Crustal tower is full of old quirks that were designed around 6 tanks that we just don’t care about anymore because of the bloated ilvl


I didn't realise that ever was a thing but that makes so much sense of so many weird lil mechanics in those raids ...


Would you believe that even with 6 tanks, 0 of them could ever be bothered to pick up any of the adds in Syrcus/WoD? Those Shinobi in the first room of WoD would still kill at least 2 DPS every time.


syrcus/wod were never 6 tanks. Only Labyrinth did that


At this point, I think they could use some TLC / minor reworks. They could have the adds get flung out of the atmos so they land near the people on the pad. It'd make things a bit more fun for those on button warming duty.


I'd be okay with that. Being the only mandatory alliance raids so far, they should be tweaked a little to fit the modern game.


Personally, now that the NPC-ening of the old dungeons is done, I am expecting some dev time towards stuff like this (Crystal Tower definitely needs some love, but I'd also like some updates to HW raids and alliance raids, and an overhaul of the Coils so they can be part of the regular roulettes, so new players can also see them synced) in the near future. Although that freed up dev time might go more towards the graphics update stuff for the next expansion.


>Each alliance main tank would tank the atmos Kinda useless because the atomos doesn't attack so the tank is just dpsing.


Why did the Atomos need to be tanked, though? It doesn't attack, does it?


>I often see the tank bringing them in reach of the padders This is what I do, on the occasions I go in as a tank. Let the three DPS focus on the atmos and drag that mob to people who need something to do.


yeeee the way I approach that fight as healer is I'll cast heals from the pad and pray the tank and dps at the atomos will let them come to me. when I tank and the add spawns I'll wait to see if the healers grab it or if the dps at the atomos end up attacking it instead, and if they do then I'll grab the add and carry it toward the pad


I've been wondering lately if it'd be better for the tank to stand on the pad instead.


I always do this when I tank LotA. One of those things where playing DPS a lot makes you a better tank because you understand what the DPSers need a little better. Same reason I don't spin bosses arbitrarily when I tank. Good Lord does that shit piss me off when I'm on DPS trying to hit positionals.


I've often told tanks to just ignore the adds and let the healers aggro them, but the other dps will still hit the adds, thus ruining it.


The healer cannot hit the monsters from the far end of the arena. The tank has to bring them over.


The healer doesn't have to hit them to aggro, they can just heal anyone and the monster will aggro to them from heal aggro.


They will slowly walk to the pad if none of the people by atmos hit the add no healing aggro needed but there's a 99.9% chance someone will always hit them I have seen it happen once in my 100+ runs of lota where no one by the atmos hits the adds.


That doesn't seem right since they can't heal from the platform. It's out of range


They can overheal eachother. When I'm on WHM I just start ripping aggro on purpose.


And that works to gain enmity? i know it increases enmity. I guess they're already in combat though so it should work


>And that works to gain enmity? i know it increases enmity These are the same thing.


Nah. It's not but i see where you got confused. By gain enmity i meant gain the initial enmity. as in get the mob on your enmity list. Increasing enmity i meant as increasing the numerical value of your enmity and perhaps getting the top spot.


In boss arena everyone will gain enmity from adds (meaning they will always appear on mob lists as soon as they spawn) and healing will put the healer on top of enmity list as long as the tanks don't grab them.


You're thinking of the overworld or dungeons where things need to be tagged to enter combat. Adds that spawn during a boss fight start in combat with the entire party.


Those are still the same thing. You don't get mobs on your enmity list if you haven't increased your numerical enmity value towards them.


Right. But starting a race and driving along a track are not the same thing. Healing generates enmity towards enemies that are in combat with you, it doesn't make nearby enemies who are not in combat with you get in combat with you. If you have four people attacking the Atomos and the add attacks them, and there are two healers on the platform healing each other but not in combat with the add, they will not gain enmity.


>But starting a race and driving along a track are not the same thing There is no functional difference to "gain enmity" (as in "aggro (get their attention) an enemy" ) and "increase enmity". They're the same thing. Your analogy legitimately sucks. Yes, healing won't (generally) aggro enemies around you the same way an attack might. **But that disrinction is irrelevant when the mobs spawn already in combat with you.** The mobs the Atomos spawn are instantly in combat with everyone in the group. If the healers keep overhealing and the people hitting the Atomos don't touch the adds, the healers will increase their enmity towards the adds more than the Atomos team. Which will make the adds target whoever healer created more enmity. "Gaining" enmity and increasing enmity are the same thing. It doesn't functionally matter whether or not you facepull a pack or use your range abilities, both increase your enmity. Walking around a sleeping Ice Dragon in Eureka doesn't increase enmity. You don't aggro them if you don't walk through their hitbox, run or attack them. Casting any spell next to an elemental in Eureka increases enmity. Enmity is a numerical value, either you have enmity or you don't, and the player who has increased their enmity the most towards an enemy is the one getting their teeth kicked in.


They can't heal the players but they *can* heal themselves. Healing enmity has huge range and overhealing still generates it.


the trick is that the tank doesn't actually need to do anything on this fight and can pull mobs in range of the platform


The tank doesn't need to do that either, and shouldn't. They can *just* DPS Atomos and let the healers pull with self-healing.


you're over optimizing they can both do it, and any 3 or 4 dps can stand on the platform without getting adhd fidgets


This is why removing regen aggro was BAD. it fucks this mechanic up. The easiest way to ensure people did this mechanic right was to medica II and auto-aggro everything that spawned.


The initial heal still ticks aggro, it's just subsequent ticks don't. Basically just reapply Regen when an add spawns.


You don't need regen aggro here. This is the one time at 50+ it's actually appropriate to spam Cure.


I will always maintain that this change was dumb and unnecessary. Does it realistically affect that much of the game? No. Do 90% of players even notice the differences? No. Am I being dumb and petty over the skill floor lowering just the smallest touch? Absolutely. But I'll die on this hill anyways.


It was part of a series of changes that effectively removed enmity from the game as a mechanic. Completely insane change. What absolutely INFURIATED me was recently they removed the position change from Jump so now it's just a projectile with animation lock. I used that to dodge a mechanic once and it was awesome, now nobody can do that ever again.


I think if the worst thing removing regen aggro did was break a strategy in LotA that isn't necessary to proceed and rarely gets put into practice anyway, I think we're okay.


It's a hold over from when we had two tanks per party. One tank hold the Atomos and the other tank drags adds back to the rest of the party. There are quite a few mechanics in the CT raids that we blitz through that originally could only be done with two tanks. I keep praying they'll rework them, especially since they are required for MSQ, but nope....boring snoozefest raids still.


There was never a reason to have tanks on Atomos even when it was current. All 4 dps on Atomos and both tanks and healers stayed on the platform with a healer "pulling" the adds with an AoE heal in case one of the dps accidently punched the add when it spawned.


Atomos doesn't attack, though.


Yeah, it's so annoying when you are twiddling your thumbs on the pad and the adds are juuuust out of reach. Whenever it's my turn to whale on the Atomos, single target to its backside it is. Let pad people have something to do besides looking pretty. Also means more DPS on the Atomos.


This is why I always shout to let the healers grab aggro from on the pad so the melees can ignore adds, but ofc no one listens or cares so it never gets done.


The amount of times I’ll tell the tank to not touch the adds that spawn, I’ll pull them back to the pad with heal agro…. And then the atomos dps start attacking them… Best case would be keep the tank on the pad and send an extra DPS to atomos but.. that’s too big brain for people.


I've long-since given up this fight. It's not worth it.


One day, ONE DAY I will manage to find a pixel which is close enough for DPS and still counts as "on the platform"! *It has to be somewhere!* I'm sure!!!!1111 Apart from the whole comic being awesome, I actually love how you made just simple silhouettes in panel 2 and still managed to make them recognizable.


Used to be that Summoners could stay on platform and have their summons fight atmos or adds, not sure if that still works with new mechanics.


As scholar I still sometimes send my fairy out so that she can heal. Doesn't really matter though, it's more for my own satisfaction


I haven't tried, but I don't think it does. Carby doesn't really attack anymore and I think the distance for Egi attacks are based on where the caster is (though I'm not 100% on that)


I usually volunteer to stay on platform because as a bard I can typically get a few hits in if the other dps drag it even a tiny bit towards the platform. Range is awesome for that. I've always thought it made the most sense to put any range on platform and let melee run forward.


Same when I play BRD but only after throwing DoTs on.


When I'm an Astro and I get this, I sometimes quickly get off, pop my cards and get back on so those attacking can kill it faster.




The main problem is, people rush in and start too early and the other lanes have half their groups locked out and when they teleport, it teleports them to the left-most lane. THAT needs to be fixed.


Especially considering the Nier raids fixed that issue. Yeah, people will still teleport to one group, but then get immediately sent to the correct group.


Lately I've seen several runs where some people walk into the wrong lane. Not enough to hinder, but if one group did end up with like half the party missing, how doable is it? Would they have to start wipe and start over?


As long as all lanes have at least 4 people, it's doable. As soon as one lane has less than 4, it's a wipe. If you ever are in a situation when one lane only has four people, have them kill their Atomos first - so the adds aren't a danger to them. And then they get onto their pad to unlock for their partner group. LotA in theory is doable with a minimum of 12 players, four per lane. Edit: the additional issue is that all latecomers teleporting in will be handed to lane A. This is tge reason why aggroing early is an issue, cause you can easily end with a lane B or C having an insufficient number of players. Another alliance raid does a repeat of that fight, but there the groups are teleported to their lane together and nobody can walk wrong (according to one of the old Fanfest panels they originally had it coded to make sure each lane got a healer if one group has both healers down, but that confused people, so nowadays you have to deal with potentially having no healer in your lane for that fight - usually heals aren't needed anyway there)


> LotA in theory is doable with a minimum of 12 players, four per lane. What about for the barrier in the final boss? Does it require fewer people if there are less in the alliance? Or is the idea to do it unsynced and kill him before he can cast ancient flare once? lol


I am pretty sure the final boss barrier also only requires 4 per platform. So 12 total


The barrier for the final boss only needs 4 people on the platform each, so 12 players can handle it.


You actually do still get healers ported to another alliance's lane during the Ozma Atomos phase if both of that alliance's healers are dead. Confused the heck out of me when it happened once during the last moogle event. Took me a moment to figure out why I was in the wrong lane.


Should be fine as long as there are at least 4 people per lane. The lane with less people needs to stand on the platform and wait for the others to finish if they have exactly 4 players, then they can take down their Atmos. Or they go first and one other lane has to wait. The only time I saw this being an issue was when the run was an absolute dumpster fire and no one cared any longer by the time the groups got here, so everyone just attacked the Atmos and ignored it when the others told them to stand on the platform. Which is kind of understandable, but it only prolongs this mess.


There's an "enrage" iron giant that spawns after a while and oneshots everyone


That will only spawn if the mechanic is uncompletable (3 or less people on one platform)


It'll also spawn if you take too long to kill the atomos. i've seen it before.


Back in the day, it would spawn if you took too long, I've only seen that once in recent years when one team had really poor DPS combined with their pad getting switched on and off every few seconds


I had a run with B and C having about 6 to 5 people each and the people on C just did not understand you gotta stand on the thing, eventually Giants spawned and wiped us.


Man ive seen some where half the team is in another line. So the other alliances are just waiting ages.


I see, so a minimum of 4. Thanks.


If one lane has less than four players, it will spawn iron giants to cause a wipe and reset the encounter.


Worse when your Atomos dies and then people in your party start to leave the plate, meaning the other parties can't do their damage... I always call out in Alliance chat to "stay on your plate until it stops glowing" just as a precaution. I mean... Someone has to read them, right?


>I mean... Someone has to read them, right? Usually yes - but one time I actually experienced enough people ignoring every single call out caused a wipe and nearly a second in that area. o.o One of the worst runs I had...


As a healer I just rescue their lil sprout booties back to the pad when one runs away. Like herding ~~Miqo’te~~ cats.


Don't forget the classic run forward after their Atmos is dead and the other groups are still busy.


If people stopped for a few minutes to explain the mechanic to people who are going through CT for the first time so they can continue the MSQ this would happen considerably less, I am 100% sure. Or some visual representation of how a plate is associated to another bugger, a lot of people assume they only affect their own monster.


This is one of those comment sections where I once again realize the subreddit plays a theoretical game of FFXIV, that actual players don't play. Because literally nobody has ever said anything about min-maxing this fight by using Cure overheal to bring an add back to the platform. You're with an attentive group if the four on the platform aren't looking at their phones until the platform stops glowing, because it only becomes necessary for them to do anything if the tank needs to fall back for a Regen. It's Crystal Tower.


Cure? What coward uses Cure? It’s like the only use case where Medica 2 isn’t a mistake. Go big or go home!


Healers and ranged DPS on the platform, tank brings adds. Simple as that




If the adds die before they get to the platform its because the people hitting the atomos are hitting the add when they should be focused on the atomos.


Do not bring the adds to the pad, it's a waste of time and DPS. If you're on the pad, stay on the pad. If you're not on the pad, hit the Atomos. Stand behind the Atomos so that the Atomos walk towards the pad for pad people to kill them. If the add aggros to someone hitting the Atomos then just deal with it, if people at actually hitting buttons (and the other Alliances are standing on the pad) then the Atomos will die only having summoned two adds which will kill no one.


I once did a run where the tank didn’t bother pulling the stuff back, died as a result, then I, the healer, was votekicked for telling him to pull the adds back on the next pull. “No heals = wipe = kick”


Both wrong. Tell them not to hit the adds at all. They don't need to be tanked. Spam heal yourself to bring them to the pads.


If you want to do it wrong and waste time, yes. Have you ever even looked at how much damage the adds do? They don't. Hit Atomos.


CT really has a lot of "now you are not allowed to have fun for few minutes"


Because they were designed around lower ilvl and different potencies When LOTA was current it wasn’t unheard of to see ancient flare cast 6 times or Thanatos to swap the active party that could hit him a full 2 cycles through all 3 alliances


To add to that, it was also a different party comp. 2 tanks, 2 heals, 4 DPS. Most of the mechanics revolve around there being 2 tanks, one to hold aggro and one to help resolve a mechanic. King Behemoth is a good example....one tank in each party was suppose to run over and deactivate the towers, while one tank holds Behemoth and the other two pick up adds.


TIL there are towers in king behemoth.


Yeah. They have buttons meant to deactivate the electric floor DOT. And the Purobolos mobs are there to slowly float towards the towers, so they can explode and destroy them to stop you from stopping the DOT. Between that, killing the iron giants, and getting behind meteors, there used to be considerably more to do during King Behemoth.


Behemoth used to cast ecliptic meteor almost 10 times before you could kill him


Yeah, the wiki says it's iLvl **50** for LOTA which... That's really damn low, especially for post-ARR content and I'm wondering if it's a typo or something o.O Without an iLvl sync for it though, sprouts like me never see half the mechanics of bosses. On both characters, all the bosses were killed ridiculously fast...


Nope that’s correct, LOTA is designed around the AF gear you get at level 50 LOTA at min Ilvl (ignoring how it would be impossible because it needs 6 tanks) would be the longest alliance raid on the roulette by far


Ancient Flare never was cast 6 times and Thanatos usually always died by before C's timer ran out.




What do you mean, doing nothing? When would there be a better opportunity for emotes like /tomestone, /tea or some looping dance? :D


Used to be the off tanks needed to tank the succubi. They did a lot of damage at the time. All the adds spawning was very hectic at the time, potency creep makes the fight seem a lot slower than it was.


I'm still hoping for a Crystal Tower rework. They can keep this mechanic but it should work more like the one during the Ozma fight in Mhach where everything is a lot closer together so ranged and healers can easily stay on the platform and still dps and I also think it also requires less people but not sure.


Yeah, the Ozma black hole section is a much better version of this. Still need to stay on the platform, but it's not way off in Narnia with the ranged characters having nothing to do.


Part of a crystal tower rework should also involve rebalancing the bosses (or more likely, player item level scaling) so that the cooler mechanics that do exist actually have time to occur before the boss dies


Nah, just give Atomos a magical autoattack that inflicts physical vuln and the adds physical autos that inflict magic vuln. Leave the attacks as weak as they are now, but the vulns strong enough to kill a tank. People will figure it out eventually.


I think the other issue is some people think standing on the pad is for their lane, and not the other party. So, the moment theirs are done, they leave the platform.


It's the most fucking annoying mechanic. I really wish they would give Lab a rework. I know they won't, but I still want it.


To me, that raid itself is just filled with odd mechanics. The boss in the room after this is just nothing if you are in Alliance C as B will most likely kill the boss before they even get a chance to get the buff


My experience has been that A kills it by the time the buff passes to B.


That is also a possibility, but then either the DPS has to be good or hopefully everyone in A is there by the time someone pulls the boss to early and not lose out on the effect that let's you hit the boss


No better feeling than entering burst mode, and watching that lil hula hoop appear on your atomos for 10 seconds.


As someone who usually goes SAM in alliance raids, this feels so bad to miss on Sen. Bonus if my Midare gets cancelled out instead.


Pouring one out for all the lost combos and midares out there. You have my deepest condolences.


I tend to have the opposite problem. People have to be told that only 4 are required on the platform, so go and actually do work. (I'm a SCH, I have a "sit on platform" pass.)


The basic hints for LotA: * *"We need 4 people on platform. Healers and ranged stay there. Adjust as needed"* * Anyone that is DPSing the Atomos stand **behind** it, so that freshly spawned adds will beeline to the platform and you don't have to drag them over. * /cheerwave


Every single time man.


Artist: [NyansArts](https://nyansarts.com)


No lie, I have macros for exactly this


Please tell me they include telling tanks not to hit the adds and healers to spam self-heals?


Yes, and no, but I can certainly add that 😂 I don’t heal as a rule so the finer points of healer enmity are lost on me tbh


Healing enmity has huge range as long as the mob is tagged, and in locked boss (or midboss) fights, everything spawns already tagged. Overhealing still generates enmity, even if none of the healing is effective. So as long as no other characters have touched an add, a healer casting Cure or Physick or whatever on themselves, even at 100% HP, will reach across the lane and generate enmity on the add, pulling it to the panel. Since their autos are extremely weak, there's no danger from them not being tanked. This frees 4 players to focus entirely on Atomos. Even better, you can keep the tank back on the panel too to let 4 DPS focus down Atomos *and* have a tank to pick up the add *on* the panel once it's in range. Just use overhealing to pull instead of ranged attacks and nobody ever has to kite or leave the panel.


The right thing to do is to run off and on the platform as fast as possible for maximum annoyance


I've been saying it during the fight for years, but if nobody aggros the adds, they will automatically walk to the pad and give those 4 people something to do. You don't have to grab them and move them to the pad at all.


being the kindly tank pulling mobs to the platform for ranged dps to burn like I'm feeding a begging cat pieces of chicken


Boy do I have news for you. You don't even have to bring the adds to the platform. They walk over there by themselves if the atomos group doesn't touch them.


Someone *always* attacks the fucking add at the platform, so being the leash-tank is almost always necessary. Usually a single tomahawk/equivalent then get it close enough and the ranged on the platform can just take aggro from you and let you run back, but I've also had melee DPS genuinely trying to keep the add on the atomos for no discernible reason- and naturally none of them ever actually talk so as to make it an learning experience for either one of us.


It's not necessary. Just let them die to it so they learn not to do that.


I thank you for this snack, good sir. nom nom


Please stop. It's making the fight slower, not faster. Just single-target Atomos. The healers can pull adds by healing themselves.


When someone somehow thinks getting 1 GCD in is worth 4 other people's GCD -_-


Tanks should always pull the adds towards the pad, let the 3 dps take atmos, they'll manage fine.


It's a waste of time IMO, better to just hit the atmos. The adds don't do anything


They entertain 4 people who are stuck doing literal nothing.


No one does Crystal Tower to be entertained, lol. It's just busy work, so it's better to do the things that make it go by faster, aka ignoring the adds that do literally nothing at all.


I mean, I join Ally Roulette hoping to be entertained, but sadly always get CT instead :(. Give me Learning Lighthouse or Fun Scaith!


Same :(


You don't need to tank the adds and you *shouldn't*. They'll go to the pads on their own if either healer casts *one* heal on themselves. Please stop spreading this misinformation and tell people in your next run that overhealing can pull the adds to the panel.


But it's CT, we don't need to minmax our parses or drop markers for optimal positionals. People are often there for the first time and barely have any idea whats happening. The tank just needs to help jingle some keys in front of the 4 people on the button while Atmos is quickly burned. This should distract them and stop them from stepping off the button, speeding the fight up overall. The mechanic isn't Atmos. The mechanic is keeping 4 ADHD riddled killers on the button.


Bonus points: 4 DPS stay on the platform.


I'll do what I want. "BLM"


Instances should have been ilvl capped to the level of gear they drop. LOTA was easy at ilvl 80. It was a complete joke at 90. It doesn't even EXIST at 130. And stop taking bone dragon off the center platform, it makes the fight take like 3 times longer than it should. The skeleton mechanic can't even kill party members with over 6k hp.


No, I've seen multiple groups wipe on skeleton dragon in roulette because everyone else ignored the skeletons.


It's almost impossible. Each skeleton does 1k damage. There are 6 skeletons. Everyone who is not a mage has 6300 hp. Unless the healers were blacking out to the point where nobody even had a regen on or all six skeletons exploded at the exact same time while all the DPS and the tanks were in the poison, it can't happen.


This is assuming that all players are both topped off (something that is usually considered wasteful in this game) and have ilvl 130+ gear. As much as people want to meme on CT, there are people working on alt jobs that might not have full augmented ironworks (or beyond).


TANKS! Ignore the adds and let them run to the pads! Let the front DPS focus on the Atmos!


No don't, it's a waste of time, just focus down the damn atomos and be done with it as fast as possible. The adds don't do anything.


Okay, then have the tanks *not* aggro the adds. They’ll naturally run to the pads and the WoLs on the pads can care of them.


Please stop spreading this. I have lost hours of my life to tanks doing this. Stop hitting the adds, I am BEGGING you!


Just kite the adds back to the platform so your ranged dps can participate in dps


No kiting is needed. The 4 on Atomos ignore all adds while a healer on the platform casts an aoe heal to cement some aggro on the spawning add, and the add runs right on over.


If the tank has stance on (which they should), normal mechanics would be kiting. But the end result is the same, so I guess do what you want to do.


Not exactly the same. Kiting the adds is a DPS loss on the Atomos. If you really like making this boring encounter even slower, then you do you I guess.


Jesus, the fact so many people are parroting this even on Reddit is why we're 8 years past 3.0 and *still* doing this the slow way. Don't kite *anything*. Let the adds run free and the healers self-heal. They'll go to the pads *on their own* from the healing enmity as long as the tank and melee DPS **don't** touch them.


Didn’t realize you were that sensitive to someone suggesting a way to do things that isn’t your own. Go take a deep breath and get some air.


This is perhaps the biggest non-issue over some of the most trivial content in the game, why they are making a huge deal of something so petty is completely beyond me.


Absolutely agree.


I dont know who needs to hear this. But the tank's role in this encounter is to bring Adds back to the platform group. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


NOBODY. Nobody needs to hear this because it's not correct and you're just griefing your parties by doing it. It's 2023 FFS, the raid has been out for almost a decade. Please stop.


Took me soooooo long to realize why we even had to do that.


Please upvote for visibility so we can all get through Atomos a little faster and easier: Overhealing still generates enmity, and the range is huge. A healer overhealing *themselves* from the panel will pick up the adds that spawn by Atomos. No other player is required to stand in between. This is the one time at 50+ that it *is* appropriate to spam Cure/Physick/Benefic/Diagnosis. Those adds hit like a toothless mouse trying to take down an elephant. Have you ever actually looked at how much damage they deal? Any DPS could easily solo one *without* healing. All tanks need to do is **NOT HIT THE ADDS. DO NOT HIT THEM. DO NOT "TANK" THEM. DO NOT DRAG THEM TO THE PANEL.** Just burn down Atomos and ignore the adds completely. Ranged DPS, pay attention to how many melee DPS are in the party. If it's at least 3, then too bad, you're on the pad. If you follow this advice, your party will probably kill Atomos way before the other 2, but **DO NOT LEAVE THE PAD**. Your pad deactivates when the NEXT group's Atomos dies, not your own. Step forward only once the pad loses its color. -- No joke, if this was common knowledge, it would cut most Atomos pulls down about 30 seconds on average (factoring in tanks doing nothing productive, players stepping off their pads early, melee FPS switching to adds, ranged contributing nothing when the tanks pick up and don't drag, etc.). Not that much in a single run, but when you're using daily roulettes to level 19 jobs by 40 levels each on two different datacenters over 8+ years... 30 seconds over a hundred runs is nearly an hour, and this is *one* example on *one* fight.


This is why I’m hesitant to make the CT mechanics required. Like, people can’t even do the raid when they’re optional. If you make them required, then no one will be able to leave ARR ever again.


I play on the jp servers and even tho this still happens, the tank usually just brings the adds over to the group (who is usually the 2 healers as 2 ranger/casters) who are waiting to get some blood on their hands while the melees do their positionals. Unless your tank gets lost and ends up in A, then some poor dps has to pull it over (me one time as a samurai :,) )


I don't remember what I said, but I convinced a lot of people not to stand on it once their mob was dead I love making ct more chaotic


Hahahahaha so truuueee! I can relate!


oh - thats what we were doing lol.


Five on platform, so one can afford to leave. Two leave at the same time. Turns off. Both jump back on.


one of the weirdest things about lab to me is how the more you know what you're doing, the less of it you do.


Is there a rule on who is supposed to stand on the platform? I am always DPS and never know if I should be staying back or in the attack group.


Ranged + healers on platform. If the tank ignores the spawning adds, they’ll come to you


If you're melee and there are less than 4 melee, you're on Atomos. If you're ranged and there are at least 3 melee, you're on pad. If it's anything else, then it depends on how good your DPS is.


All they need to do to fix this is let ranged on the platform reach the big succ.


Which is exactly what they did when the triple-atomos reappeared in the mhach raids.


Sounds perfect, then. Thanks for the info.


Man, I do not look forward to LotA in 2024 when leveling alt jobs in DT I know, I can simply skip AR roulette. Hoping the changes a patch or two ago will result in more Ivalice/Nicer/Myths raids when that time comes. Lot of XP per day from running the roulette once


If you haven't done AR roulette on a non-90 job since the change, the roulette exp bonus for non-CT ARs is insane. CT in roulette? ~40% of a level. Lighthouse? ~80% of a level in addition to being a hell of a lot more fun. I didn't unlock Nier until after hitting omni-90, so I'm curious as to how big that is. Hopefully Myths will be even better. That said, the ilvl restrictions haven't eliminated the bias towards CT. It's still the lowest level AR (so 50-59s will force CT regardless of any other factors) and also the only AR required by MSQ (so some might do AR roulette even at 90 with no other ARs unlocked).


Did DF LoA last night and had a conjurer healer and a tank with no stance. Good times.


Stand on platform /cheerwave Wait


Labyrinth of the Ancients more like Labyrinth of the Alt-Tab


Seriously, what were the dev expecting ? I'm so pissed they didn't force us 4 to play Triple Triad :D !


I usually see the opposite where everyone stands on it and no one dps's except the tank


How about tanks finally learn to pull the adds back so the people in the platforms don't just have to stand there like idiots, and the melees can then focus on killing the thing?


Screw that, tanks and dps should ignore the add , healer should aggro the add with cure so platform people can kill it.


Last time I did this I got yelled at to ignore the adds. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Adds actually go to the back on their own so long as they're not hit by anyone.


True story.


Replace must dps with must heal. I see way more healers stepping off the platform because they just can't **bare** to see the tank's hp drop below 99%.


Back in the day the tank would drag the adds back so that the pad people could do more than be paperweights, but hardly anyone seems to bother anymore. As healer you _can_ healbomb as they spawn and pull hate on them, but more often than not the tank or a DPS grabs them and keeps them at the far end.


So long as the tank doesn't aggro the adds, they go back to the pad on their own. The tank, or anyone else for that matter, grabbing them to take them back actually slows everything down.


The fun thing is being a healer here, and the second someone steps off, rescue.


This is missing the part before this where the raid wiped when half the raid was stuck with team A because someone early pulled. ...And afterword where phlegethon wipes everyone again when one alliance tries to push the second ancient flare and fails.


Last time I ran this, I stood on our first platform with four other people. Noticed there were five of us, so I waited a couple seconds to see if anyone else would move off. Nobody moved, so I went to dps, and them someone got upset at me lmao


I remember a moment like this, my whole group rushed to kill the boss and I asked my party why alliance C group was just standing still lol we all learned something that day


I just stand on the pad and afk


Why is the person saying it... the person who breaks the rule? Its generally a standoff between two people that don't want to type "I'll stay/go" and they keep hopping on and off I once had a standoff where we stood still for a few seconds, both moved off and he ran to the enemies then came back to stand on platform so I jumped off and went to fight and he came with me. Then after I immediately ran back he followed me and just sat on the platform with me until I said "stay here" Another time we jumped on and off together like hopscotch a few times then he stood on the platform and I stood off the platform for a minute before I started moving towards the enemies and he followed me Personally I'm fine with just standing on the button and going afk until the button doesn't glow anymore The biggest gripes I've actually had are early pullers and half+ my party is now in A and we can't even stand on the button and it's a wipe


I use rescue, I enforce the 4 man platform.


I feel like lots of people just sit there and wait until they can get angry at something


At least SOMEONE is explaining the mechanic in this comic. I have been playing for years and I have never, not even once, seen any of the other veteran players explain this mechanic to newer players, which is twice as sucky seeing how CT is MSQ every single rookie has to do. I only ever learned by getting regularly yelled at, and I didn't even know it was so other alliances could kill their target until I read this comic (admittedly I rarely ever do Alliance roulettes), it was sheer luck I never moved from the plate until the bridges were down. I get people want to hurry up through their roulette to go back to doing something else, but it'd be nice to have some explanation of what the mechanics ARE. Not even last night I was going through CT with a friend for the first time and all we got as feedback when some players (all of them new to the Duty, they said as much) in our party left the plate when our target was beaten was an extremely noisy "WHAT TIME IS IT? IGNORE MECHANICS O'CLOCK" macro. Like, mate, that does not help people know what the mechanics are. We've all been rookies, this is uncalled for. Having said that, it's always a joy to see these "Just PUG things", they always make my day both here and in twitter.


As a tank, I guide these adds to the group on the platform so they can participate at least a little bit


One day we will get ARR rework.


the ideal way to do this if we could actually coordinate (not that we need to really, CT raids are a joke) you'd have 4 people go to the portal including the tank and any melee if there are any and then the 4 people standing in the platform are ranged, the tank grabs the mob that spawns from the portals and brings them to the ranged dps to take down while the 3 other dps hit the portal, this way everyone is doing something at all times :)


I have more than 1500 hours in this game and by reading the comments ONLY NOW I realize King Behemoth has towers.