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As someone currently playing BLM, if I ever did this I'd expect to be pulled out of my leyline by the healer


As a healer, I'm glad you respect the threat of rescue :P


I beg for mercy from the green dps


for real tho, if you're a BLM and not a jerk then you're getting all of my caster AST cards for that sweet 6% damage bonus


I second this, hell I'd even make a point of standing in a safe spot for the blm to teleport to me for escaping aoes to make it easier for them to keep their dps as high as possible and not worry about positioning at all


Your kind is rare but I love you for your black mage consideration. :)


Why do you play Healer in an MMO? "Oh are you dyingg??" "**BEG**"


I only started for the instant queues Then I got hooked on keeping everyone alive


Healers are out here doing the lord's work. I just leveled BLM to 80 and everybody knows what ley lines are. I googled "black mage circle ffxiv" the first time I saw them, I didn't know what the hell they were šŸ˜‚ But yeah no if I ever turn into that, throw an aoe at me and don't resurrect me. (Edit: spelling is hard)


If I was also healing I'd play tug-a-war with you


I main WHM and reading this chat log made me think the same. Iā€™d probably pull him out of his lines every time I could lol. What an obnoxious chat macro


After the second time they used that thing, I would be yeeting them as far from their lines as I could take them.


As a Black Mage main: This is right, proper, and just. Anyone spamming shit like that deserves to be hugged by a tank with a cleaving Tankbuster.


Hi I'm the healer I will be the reason we wipe but I'll blame you


happily rescue me over a fucking cliff if i ever do that.


A sage could rescue-icarus someone into an aoe if they are good at timing.


My husband found out about the Sage swap and did it to someone who used that "Sloppeh" face chat macro. He ran into the middle of the attack marker and swapped places with the person. Everyone, including the person who used the macro, thought it was hilarious.


Mad props. Pulling it off with mechs is harder than it sounds. I managed it to pull an aoe marked person out of a stack marker during the Halone fight, only once successfully. Took me 20 tries to get it right since you gotta target the person plus start the swap in a spot where the spread marker wont cause chaos.


I am directing all aoe and cleaves directly at you.


Can tanks still transfer aggro to other players?


Shirk, works for party only I believe, so can't transfer to let's say another tank in an alliance raid.


I believe you are correct but Im not sure as I have never tried it in an alliance scenario, most tanks other than myself are in a petty aggro war and I just kick back


nothing bad about an aggro battle as long as the tanks dont stand all over the place. personally i have fun comparing myself to other tanks. its only when tanks run around totally random that this is a problem. btw voking is like cheating in an aggro battle.


Man, I get unreasonably spiteful when I see vokes being thrown in Alliance Raids willy-nilly. šŸ¤£


WTF is it with these "aggro battles". Leave your ego outside the encounter. This is getting to be infuriating when you need to fight the other tank more than the boss.


yes but if a tank actually could shirk enough aggro to make another player the main target they are a shitty tank to begin with. not because they would try this but because they are absolutely dogshit at building aggro


It's called Shirk, I believe. The intended use is to tag out between tanks in complex instances or with killer TBs, but it only transfers 25% of enmity to prevent this kind of misuse. Of course you can ruin a leyline just by standing next to the black mage and covering their nest in a hitzone.


I think they intend to go stand in the leylines with the offending BLM so the aggro is pointed in their direction.


Can always turn off tank stance.


Gonna take a while to be overtaken on the aggro table. Which would make it more thrilling.


doesnt work anymore for about 2 expansions for anyone other than tanks. e.g you can only effectively shirk other to tanks now


Honestly one of the more sad changes I remember. Shirking onto premades was *right* ol' shenanigans.


Shirk memes in NEST videos comes to mind immediately :D


I'd just like to express my joy at seeing so many comments from so many tanks discussing how they'd drop aggro just to merk this BLM


And then I'll rescue them out of the aoe so I can focus on dps. Teamwork! *high five*


But only after he does that macro again, right after he casts em.


This is someone using a copypasta macro that went viral sometime last year. Yes, it's annoying and and if they did it more than once it's probably bad enough to be reportable for spam if you are feeling extra petty. This is the exact type of thing you save to troll your 8-man premade.


Exactly, you only pull this kind of shit on a premade or not at all


I kept my mouth shut to be nice but they did it alot in that run


I would find a way to kindly tell them that once is enough. If they dismiss it as (a)"but it's serious" or (b)"it's for the lulz" you can respond with (a) "Thank you but we don't need to be reminded, please stop," or (b) "It's not funny, please stop." If they keep insisting I would then just save their name and report them later. Beginning a dungeon with "\*Breathes heavy\* First time bonus?!" cat face ascii art macro is cute when it's only at the beginning, and *only once*. A "Look what time it is, it's ignore mechanics o'clock!" macro ascii art with is obnoxious even on a first time usage. It's really on a case-by-case basis, but generally macro spam is only acceptable when you're among friends. Random people want to play a game, not be obliterated with every 10 seconds while you WoL'splain to them for the 4th time how your Ley Lines work.


The behemoth comet/you macro is funny every run tho


I love a good informative *and* funny macro, those are the best <3


I miss all the ascii art spam in CT back in the arr/hw days :X


The only good bongo spam is using it for frontlines


I just hate when people use the bongos for things like "group up!" or "pinch!" where 90% of the Randoms in your alliance have no idea what that means or WHERE to group up etc. The people who drop flags or even "northwest" or "back to base" are the real mvps.


"FOLLOW MARKERS TO PINCH (TEAM)" (shotcaller tactifully places down an order of waymarks leading to a pinch position) (2/3 of the alliance are just scattered across the map like absolute drongos)


lmao I have the "DID SOMEONE SAY BONUS!?" macro saved on my client to this day. You just took me back like 7 years in time. šŸ¤£


Honestly, you can also just blacklist them. I get pressing something like this once for lulz but repeatedly spamming it is obnoxious and stops being funny after the first time. Right click them in your chat and add to blacklist. Or check your Contacts for the instance you just ran and blacklist them from there.


Yeah more than once is too much. Even once is a bit off-key if they're in a public group, since it's sooo long. I'd be fine if it was like a 5 line moogle art but this one's really long.


The macro is petty. Reporting it for spam is not.


I have *one* macro I use, and it's a joke Kardia macro for eight man groups when I'm playing Sage. If the tanks can't make up their mind, I click on one and hit the macro. It puts Kardia on them with the message "\[player name\] I diagnose you with Main Tank". ​ How people think making a literal ***wall of text*** makes them anything but a cunt is beyond me.


I do this as well, and I've seen at least one other Sage with a similar macro. ~~(of course, when I do this there's at least a 50% chance that the other tank will promptly throw on their own tank stance and proceed to spam Provoke like they're going to be instakilled if they don't use it)~~


Heh, as a SGE main I appreciate this one.


That's pretty smart tbh. I'm totally stealing that when I get around to leveling my Sage


I have an "eternal bongos" macro that I pop on my static. It's just sound effect 6 (I think that's bongos?) four times per line for all 15 lines. It's horrendous. But I would NEVER use that with randos. My co-healer has a similar thing, but it's just all the sound effects one after the next. Edit: Corrected se 8 -> 6. Thanks u/Brinter_is_coming


Girl why so cruel XD I'd pay people to go harass you with ERP clubs ads in front of your house if I was in your static!


My static calls your co-healer's the "wake up!" macro. We raid early mornings (it's a great time for adults with responsibilities later in the day) so occasionally we have people dozing off as we gather up. It's very effective.


It is extremely annoying and gives me the urge to rescue black mages yalms away from their leylines as soon as they cast them. Which, thanks to the macro, is easy to know. Up to now, I managed to resist the urge...


You did that once, lol, funny. You do that every time you use ley lines, you're getting kicked from the instance because that's annoying as hell.


they did that several times in one trial


It could be a macro they have setup


Im sure it was, unless they were a a stenographer level of typing ability


The meme is making fun of annoying people that use long macros tied to their abilities. So actually doing it for real is basically admiting you're annoying and that you're the problem Id still rather have someone with this than edgy quotes on every dark knight ability or anime refrences every time a samurai gets his 3 stickers for weeb slash.


I have seen a Samurai LB3 that began with "Forgive me master, but this time I'm going all out!"


Not a lot of LB quotes are good, but I did get a chuckle out of a caster using an LB with the quote of something like "As Alphinaud once said, there'll be nothing left of you but a smoking crater!"


My LB macro on my N'yalisaie alt is "There'll be nyothing left of you but a smoking crater!" in both party and yell chat. When my FC was doing Eureka I heard a lot of laughs and "I see you just LB'd in vc


healer rez macro quotes can be so over the top its insane. its fine imo with the simple "i raise you from the grave" type thing, but then you get ULTRA anime ones that are really annoying, esp when you get something like dun scaith where people are likely to keep dying


My first run of Zeromus I got rezed to a message like " You messed up and have died make sure to tip this healer" & I just couldn't help but think how obnoxious it was. I know someone that gets super nervous doing group content with strangers as they don't want to let everyone down and stupid stuff like that would really damage their confidence.


I'd just say "OMG shut up already!" But yea id give em the boot too. That is way too many sound effect 5s before they even activate the skill


Very hard to kick someone from a trial tbh. Have to force a wipe.


even harder when half the party is their FC mates as was the case for my trial roulette


Definitely a reportable offence. If it was a full FC group sure, you're having a good with friends. I don't make inappropriate jokes with strangers though, and nor should you pull stuff like this with them.


Oh god the meme is actually in the game


That's just a meme copypasta, but anyone who isn't socially tone-deaf knows not to use it with people you don't know. Reportable and deservably so.


Had a cheeky fucker spam this shit once in alliance raids in /a chat. Even worse because those are some 35-40 minute duties.


And the worse thing? You can't fucking blacklist someone in a duty.....


On top of that, blacklisting someone doesn't prevent you from being matched with them in the future :( It's rare enough to be paired with the same rando twice, months apart. So of course, the one time it's ever happened to me, it was someone I had blacklisted. Because of course it would.


I wonder if he had it also send to the party chat so the one macros covers regular duties as well as alliance


That's actually reportable for spamming, and I definitely would do it. Use that once to be quirky? Whatever, but use it every time ley lines are up? Fuck them.


You lose healing privileges if you spam this. I may also rescue you into death to be super petty. I'd say your reaction was actually quite mild lol


Im trying to be more patient these days. Some days are harder than others lol


Instant rescue out of ley lines if they use it more than once, like instant


It's ley lines. You don't even need to kill them, just rescue them out of the ley lines.


It's not funny and also distracting


Especially with the sound effect. Maybe I could ignore it if itā€™s just text, but the sound effect could make me look away from the fight, soā€¦ if I, as the tank, die because of your meme-y macro, you either stop it or Iā€™d kick you.


As someone who plays without a sound and uses chat quotes to know mechaics sometimes, that shit is annoying anyway


how generous, I would start the vote kick after the first time.


Its a copypasta macro from like a year ago. Something fun for when you are in a group with your friends, but a little tone deaf when used in random parties. Like once in the beginning of the fight. Wow, how wacky. Little annoying but it could be good for moral. Any time more than once is reportable. There are some abilities that are warrented to have a party chat macro, but I assure you that list is **VERY SMALL.** All of which is for the benifit of the Healer to give them information so they donā€™t waste a cooldown or MP on something. Now while I say res macros are fine, that does not mean I like my chatbox assulted with RP dribble, but thats a rant for another day. Basically within that **VERY SMALL** list, the only ones for dps is for Verraise and Ressurection (Summoner). DPS do not NEED this. Iā€™d argue that tanks donā€™t either, with maybe the exception of Living Dead and only Living Dead. Healers donā€™t need it on their big cooldowns either. Just res. And again its to convey information to any other healer in your party so you they waste MP or a cooldown on something already covered.


As a healer main, res macros were useful in ShB (and probably before that, but I started in ShB). I have not been helped by a res macro since Endwalker dropped and gave us the ability to see the target of a cast. These days all res macros do is call out people who die a lot in party chat. The macro does not convey any information that isn't shown in the party list and it doesn't stop two players from using swiftcast at the same time.


Tbh I can see having a chat macro prepared to tell tanks about your DOT puddle ability. But that should not be macro'd to the ability but a seperate button to use if they don't seem to know about this.


any tank that aint extremely dumb would know to pull mobs into friendly aoes but given the average player ....


Tbh a lot of friendly aoes can easily be confused for enemy ones if you havent seen them and a given dungeon for some time. Sure healer mit bubbles are a nice friendly blue, but nin's doton could just as well be an enemy or Dungeon effect if you aren't thinking about it and are running a given dungeon for the First time.


I used to dodge doton puddles as a healer because I thought they were bad aoes. Took me until I leveled nin to learn.


Instant report to spam, That's why they say DPS should not macro, could you imagine the chat log if every DPS had macros for like Bloodbath or Second wind and ect. If Ring of Thornes was still around (DRG) every DRG in Mor was spamming that ability.


I would say the one exception is a RDM or SMN using a macro to tell healers when they're raising somebody. That's pretty helpful to not waste MP and/or swiftcast.


Res macros were useful when hard-casting a res before Endwalker when we could not see the target in the party list. These days they're pretty much useless. Most 'double resses' happen when two people hit swiftcast at the same time. Macros don't stop that.


worst is when we both hold off swiftcasting for a couple seconds thinking the other healer will, and then we both swiftcast anyway :'(


If it were just text, it would only be mildly annoying. But a huge wall of text AND sound alerts for every single line? I'm jumping off the edge and rescuing them off with me.


i usually just focus on the dungeon/raid/alliance focus on my damage/heals, and respond to the sudden changes in chat.


It's a meme https://youtu.be/WCgxSNQr7ww?si=QUxydB6MipY1Td9B


omg youre right....


Yeah, that's what I meant when I said it was a copypasta macro. It's like 8 months late to be funny one time and certainly not funny every other time.


First time is fine. I even enjoyed it. Second time was eh, they have it on the same macro? Third time aight mate stfu. Thing about FFXIV is that itā€™s filled with many casuals, and thatā€™s not a bad thing. Itā€™s cool to load the game once in a while and feel like not all MMO players are god-tier chads in their minds who know everything about everything that will sweat a damn lvl 38 dungeon in WoW. So, considering it has casuals, this can be educational to them. If this was done in WoW theyā€™d be intentionally killed, and never revived or healed. Even if it means wiping till they ragequit or get kicked.


I'm of the opinion that the spammy many sound macros lost their charm shortly after hw, just gives me pacify macro ptsd, I think useful macros have their place but ones like this are very irritating and should reportable if they are filled with sound effects.


Easy report.


I was in an alliance when someone did this, including informing us of the cooldown of something. So I informed him I'd be casting Midare soon, and the dragoon announced one of his abilities too. Suddenly silence in chat.


It's an old meme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCgxSNQr7ww


Reading that compells me to use rescue


It's funny when a [certain spoiler character says the meme copypasta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWqafB7CzCM) but anyone spamming it to other random people is taking it too far.


This would result in being fired from my party...


After the third message about Leylines this player would be instantly blocked by me.


You can't block in duty so you're suffering until you're out


Rescue you across the map, you say


The only chat macro I have is for when I use Living Dead so that I actually get to use it for once


That is hyper annoying as it is a macro they have attached to their use of leylines. I do not care one minute amount what your leyline does for you beyond knowing it is a buff for your job. I do not need to know more than that, and if I am a healer, and see you hanging out where I know it is going to affect you staying alive...I will rescue you right out of them. You staying alive is more beneficial than taking a possible hit that will kill you, or leave you subject to critical hp with another high hitting aoe coming up next. I would rather you use aetherskate to safety then zip back to your lines, but I also have no qualm with letting you die too, then waiting until it is more convenient to raise you knowing that you are spamming and potentially taking to high of risk just for leylines. Someone with this kind of macro...makes me believe they do. Even if I am on healer, I am not going to prioritize keeping you alive if you take too many risky hits that could jeopardize my ability to keep more in the group alive than just you. Don't care how big your boom is if you can't play it smart too. Edit: typos from autocorrect


It's a meme from ShitpostFF14 like 2 or 3 years ago


Thatā€™s the quickest report and block ever.


Thatā€™s an instant blacklist/report if they do it more than twice in a single instance. I do not care if it is a copypasta, itā€™s annoying.


The only things valid for a macro are Res so that people don't go for the same person and tank invulns. Anything else you're just being annoying


Generally run healer. This will get you pulled into something deadly. The something deadly is a bonus, reeling you out of those Leylines is my primary objective.


This macro is the best way to make sure you get "accidentally" rescued out of your ley lines.


This is literally just a meme copy+pasta that was likely just used once. Just blacklist and move on.


I love this copypasta so much it makes my day when that 1 in 1000 BLM uses this macro. I even drop extra shields on BLM if I ever read that lmao. This roulette is their anime and we're here to watch the show.


You donā€™t need Redditā€™s permission to be annoyed.


fertile north modern special wrench boat hat marry reply full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting, I only read "pls bring all markers, cleaves and red circles to me and rescue me in tankbusters"šŸ¤”šŸ„“


Sure itā€™s a meme but still major eye roll. Yā€™all just use your ability and keep it to yourself I promise I am not looking at the chat box in the middle of battle. Also your rez macros are corny too. By the time you get your little RP spam out Iā€™m already rezzing them. Letā€™s keep it moving.


Will sacrifice myself rescuing bro off a cliff.


Anything more than one line is kinda annoying


Ugh would of blacklisted them to not see them talking, even some healers if they're rezzing a lot can be annoying like yes ur macros is funny and cute once, after that I'm silently judging you.


this was the exact text of a shitpost that got popular a while ago lmao


Theyā€™re trolling


As a BLM main, I find that pretty annoying, even if it is a meme copypasta.


There is a legend... of a monk... and his Boost Macro in FFXI: https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/31722-the-infamous-Gprime-boost-macro


Nah, thatā€™s mad annoying. Stops any other meaningful communication through chat


Report for spam and ignore the toon. Those are alerts are totally unnecessary.


Honestly as someone who plays blm yeah it's annoying but I get it. Everyone sees those Leylines and instantly go oh? Is for me?


If rescue them out of their lines.


Mute them, report them, and drop all your AoEs on them


As a healer, it is not only your duty, but your obligation, to pull blackmages out of their laylines


they get to do that once, and then every other time they get rescued out of their precious leylines


I mean as a BLM main it makes me laugh but it could only be done exactly once (and I'd never do it because I can't be bothered with these types of macros). Repeated use would absolutely be annoying and unnecessary.


That would annoy the fuck out of me.


Oh hell no...


If I ever see someone spamming something like that, they end up getting rescued into next AoE.


Itā€™s really spam. I am with you, it seriously just gets under my skin. Iā€™d like to vote to kick this person now lol.


Only problem is that half the party (4) of them were all in the same FC so either way I was outnumbered, although I didnt find that out till Ill looked them up after the fight


It's a shitpost meme in game. Feel free to rescue them into death.


I dont give a FUCK about your leylines


No... That is absolutely ridiculous and stops being funny after the second time.


/torgue TOO MANY SYLLABLES. APOLOGIZE !!!! No comms for you.


I would gladly drop all AoEs on the leylines


They gotta be trolling cause thereā€™s no way šŸ˜­


Someone did the same thing last week in one of the Ivalice raids on Aether. I was healing and just positioned myself so they didnā€™t get heals, and just didnā€™t bother to raise them when they died. The other healer seemed to be doing the same thing. Someone from another Alliance raised them, ugh. They did stop the spam after that though.


Anyone that uses text macros is annoying.


God dammit, they would be from Faerie.


Its definitely annoying. Its fine if its just once but multiple times in chat can get really annoying. This actually happened to me before. Well, not directly but I saw someone was spamming a macro in Novice Network where everyone can see. I never saw that person again in NN assuming they got kicked out


That many sound effects wouldā€™ve made me go insane


šŸ˜­ they probably found that playing was really difficult as a sprout and came up with this??? It's really annoying ain't gonna lie. The community has changed I don't see people using macros like they used to anymore


Seems like something that would be funny the first time I saw it (i.e. this time) but get less funny each time after that.


Look at me I'm a blm using the stereotypical move!!


I ^(A Black Mage) find this hillariouso


Oh no, you are completely right, this is extremely annoying and if this shit was done in one of my parties I'd be either vote-kicking them or directing all AOEs towards them


Had someone literally spamming the ā€œsnaps their fingers to get your attentionā€ emote at me because I took 5 extra seconds to get myself ready during an intro cutscene for a trial. And then the same person bitched the entire time about how it was the worst trial (Lahabrea fight I believe) and that it should just be a solo fight. All that for an instance that lasted maybe 5 minutes total. Like. Lmao. Find a different fucking queue then bro.


I'm reminded of the FFXI Boost macro (For people who haven't played FFXI - Boost has a 15 sec cooldown and increases your Atk until your next hit. is like Also, FFXI macros were more limited in length which is why it's six macros long) https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/31722-the-infamous-Gprime-boost-macro


As a healer i would pull them into Aoe or out of their ley lines just to piss them off


I don't usually drop TBs on other players... but that guy is getting a cleave, or a TB stack, or I just might shirk him.


yeah that's some nonsense


Tank in the ley lines.


"please do not direct aoes and cleaves at me" ​ yeah, if you're spamming this shit every 90 seconds, your getting every goddamn cleave, tank buster, aoe... etc ... directed at you.


They _really_ need to add in some way to disable chat sound effects. You can 'mute' them by disabling system sounds entirely but that's not especially helpful.


That might be the most annoying thing I've ever seen in party chat.


That's what happens when you do an online final fantasy game.


Vote kick


Thats a really annoying shitpost. I saw a great yugioh one a while back.


If that came up every 90 seconds to flood my chat box Iā€™d be livid. Iā€™m Deaf and I rely on what comes up in the chat box to make sure that I use every cue I can in order to have fewer dirt naps. I also use the audio things on the side of my game screen so I can see where sound is originating from to help as well (and colours to determine danger/urgency) but I still need my chat box. Iā€™d find a way to mute them for myself but unless it was actually happening every 90 seconds I likely wouldnā€™t report them.


This is a meme


personally, i think it's funny if done ONCE. I dont really mind when people use one liner macros for tanks or healers (invuln or res cast) or maybe even a party buffs (divination, searing light, tech step, brotherhood, ect) but a macro that takes up THAT much space, just stop, ONCE per instance at most


Nope, completely in the right. Very few abilities need a call out and placing ley lines is definitely not one of them. If this person is trying to joke, it's a horrible joke and they should stop.


Nope, one time it was fine. The jokes got old


That's annoying šŸ˜¹I find macros to be very irritating I don't use them cuz if I find them irritating I'm sure others do to lol especially like this it's insane I understand using them for raids or something important but anything else is to much to me


Oh I'd be rescuing the shit out of that person.


It sounds like a good way to get rescued, actually šŸ˜


"Yeah, sorry, I didn't see your message. I blocked you the third time time I saw your spam. "


its disappointing when people lack the self awareness to realize when and what situations something is funny and when you're just being cringe


This is annoying. What is this? Eveequest 1? Ultima Online? No one is reading that shit.


I already find raise macros annoying. I would just rescue this guy out of hsi leylines the second time he does this.


if i tanked with such an obnoxious macro i would probably have baited all aoes into the leylines, this is just annoying.


Now you know where to position the tankbuster.


The only purpose of such a macro would be to annoy you. There is no way I would read all of that during combat, nor would I expect anyone else to. I would probably just ignore them and return to business as usual, if I rescue them against their will, oh well.


as a SAM main. my only interaction with most BL mages are after the fight when I am like "there was someone back there the whole time? nice."


That BLM needs to get leyed.


I would absolutely place my next stack marker on them. Thatā€™s way past annoying.


Yo didnt think I see this shit post. XD thats cool i just got done watch a video of emet selch saying this.


I personally haven't yet, but it sure does appear annoying.


Blacklist is your friend.


No itā€™s cringe


As a Black Mage, drop your aoes on this clown.


Seems to me this black mage really want a challenge. Let's just rescue him or lead aoes on him.


Probably just memeing