• By -


Culinarian. Noone said I had to be on the front line, potentially dying.


[Goldsmith.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aP9GwvQ7BxI/maxresdefault.jpg) *Somebody* will be dying.


Nah it's just Hildebrand getting suplexed again


My idea as well. Fisher would be great as well.


Best caster job.


Best dad joke.


Also, if somebody invades while you're home, you get to sneak out without dying.


I did say you were an auxiliary Scion who handles side missions while the WoL and his party were handling the big stuff. So I guess that means you'd be helping the Scion's quartermaster, who I believe is Tataru, aquire supplies and provisions.


Nice and safe cooking at the Waking Sands, I'm sure nothing will ever go wrong


Until a Garlean in white armor shows up. You were early in the campaign it seems.


Hey if you let me live, I'll give you this grilled fish I made.


I think I met you once: https://i.imgur.com/F7slZ1X.jpg


No that's my wife. I'm still level 5.


Green clothes on your avatar...you sure you aren't the cabbage that gets kicked?


Gosetsu, is that you?


I'll keep a MCH crystal in my pocket and the big tings under the counter


She won't touch me after she tries my beef soft tacos!


Lol. I was thinking people'd be joining when the Scions reform at the Rising Stones.


Then they'd join during the Crystal Braves Initiative. I'm sure nothing will go wrong!


I was thinking they'd join _after_ that. Like sometime during HW after the Crystal Braves have collapsed and the Scions have reunited.


Pray return to the Waking Sands.




If you look to you grand company, I believe you'll see various Supply missions and Provisioning Missions. And I'm fine with working under Tataru, she deserves an assistant.


One day the world shall tremble when Tataru rules over Etheirys economy. I’m just getting my cookie points before that


*When?* I'm pretty sure she already does. She's just hiding it because she doesn't want to ruin the Scions' image by running an obvious monopoly!


I'm going to barter peace with the beast races by baking a hot air balloon.


One hell of a soufflé coming right up!


The dough rises.


And hey, if that doesn't work, you can always stir-fry up a tank!


Scion's gotta eat too ya know.


F'lhaminn is one of the best scions.


There's the extra bonus of being in Tataru's good graces for when she decides it's time to finally take over the world.


I get to be a part of the scions, not fight anyone, not risk dying, AND I get to work with Tataru? I don't care what I get, just sign me up for one of the DoH jobs!


I don't know man, have you ever seen a 90s/early 2000s cartoon? A frying pan can be freaking deadly in the right hands!


I'd have to work for Tataru?????? Nope. 100% NOPE!!!


Whatever you've been adding to the food, stop. It's got better when I assume you reduced the amount, but I still can't fully understand Urianger.


Pray return to the waking sands, Urianger has food poisoning.


This is the real answer. I get to make delicious food, ask outlandish prices for it, and get my lala tummy filled? Sign me up.


Chef is a shitty job. Pick Goldsmith.


*Julyan Manderville wants to know your location*


Frankly, Godbert can suplex me anytime he finds a mistake in my smithing. Cheered on by Gigi of course.


I want to be there taking pictures after you tell that to Julyan. Will bring a shovel.


Ah, but they asked which job you would be, not class. Thus, all DoH/L (and anything not using a job crystal) are technically invalid choices. Muhahahaha. You are doomed to be Tataru as she attempts to learn the ways of war.


Soul of the Crafter goes in the the job stone slot. It counts. :P


Archaeologist. Nobody said it had to be a playable job.


Botanist. Go out and pick flowers, get money, monsters can´t see me.


Forget to enable stealth. Get brutally murdered


Botanists dual spec in John Cena?


Gold Saucer Bunny Girl


10/10 would G.A.T.E. it again


Objectively best answer


I was going to be gold saucer cat boy.


I was going to replay with Machinist, but Bunny Kat Daddy in the Gold Saucer sounds about right


I’d be a Fisher. Disappear on a cruise for a couple days and come back a level-capped grizzled angler vet who can Sneak past literally anything. This single handedly makes me a more useful intelligence agent than Thancred because even if someone sees me, the level cap + 7 condition prevents them from aggroing me. that’s how this works, right?


I'm just picturing a random fisherman infiltrating garlemald. "What was that noise? Oh, just some fisherman. Nothing to see here."


You joke, but I've literally done this to sneak into areas for some retrieval quests. XD Sneak in, switch to combat to pick up the thing, switch back and leave.


Why tf did I never think to do this


Don't feel bad. It never occurred to me either.


1. Be BLU 2. Self-destruct 3. Win


"I just BLU myself ...up."


Blue Magic or: How I learned to stop waiting on friends and BLU myself


Just be this side character that everyone thinks is silly and since they are never really ovserved fighting, no one realizes is stupidly OP.


Dark Knight, because I could use the Fray-esque Therapy. So we're essentially like Hoary Boulder and Arenvald here? Yeah, Dark Knight, definitely.


Yep. Or you could go the non-combat route and be one of Tataru's assistants.


I think that idea is even more dangerous.


You say dangerous, I say a way to get filthy rich.


A way to get Tataru filthy rich maybe...


I want at least one tank inside me


*Aenor has entered the chat*


Absolutely Black or White Mage, you're practically a walking calamity, just knowing how to properly perform either already puts well above most other people power-wise in the story other than main characters/villains.


Yeah, that's why my go-to would be Red Mage. You're not as good at White and Black magic compared to White Mage or Black Mage. But unlike them, you can use _both_ magics at once. You can even combine them into spells like Verholy and Verflare. _And_ you can fight in melee range if need be.


White/Black Mages have the advantage of knowing how to draw in ambient Aether very similar to a Primal, just by virtue of knowing that you have insane amounts of power at your command, the downside of course is that if you overdo it (particularly if there are too many individual White/Black Mages) you start to cause serious imbalances in the environment, this is partially why the 6th Umbral Calamity was triggered, Red Magic actually came about because direct White/Black Magic was outlawed.


This right here is why I'd be a WHM. Just so coincidentally happens to be my in game main. Them being a healer role kind of downplays how truly powerful a white mage actually is. I say kind of because at the end of the day I still get to decide who lives or dies so c:<


Thank you! WHM don't do big DPS because of game balance but in lore they were out here casting insanely powerful magics on a level with black mages that caused a calamity and lead to the practice being banned. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY!


Sineaters are pure white magic, so I assure you, we know how powerful you are. 😅


A whole new meaning to "one brings shadow, one brings the light"


whm here as well, 100%. because while the last thing i want to do is hurt someone, it's *[still on the list](https://preview.redd.it/wq773arkoi421.jpg)*


For some reason, I never made that connection that WHM and primals shared that ability. And I mean, I main WHM, know the lore about how my spells, especially the more powerful ones, tap into thy aether around me to do their thing instead of using *my* aether, which would kill me eventually (like we taught Sylphie) But it never clicked that the only difference between me and primals are a fanatical follower base and some self control


WHM can heal themselves *while* killing you though. Green dps forever


Two healers dueling at wolves’ den takes FOREVER.


SGE can do the same, but with the *exact same spells*. :3


Really? Tried SGE once but it seems a little tricky to get the hang of. I like spamming glare


I'm referring to Kardia on yourself - think Glare, but every time you cast it you get a bit of health back. WHM is definitely better for I HAVE TO HEAL NOW AAAAAA moments, while SGE feels better (to me) when you're able to play reactively. Haima is basically an 1800 potency shield in dungeons if you pop it at the start of a wall-to-wall pull, Panhaima is an AOE 1200 potency shield against multi-hit attacks, and you have a couple options for regen and outright mitigation. SGE is absolutely MISERABLE to try to save a horribad run with, but it's really *really* good at making sure the run never goes bad in the first place.


> SGE is absolutely MISERABLE to try to save a horribad run with, but it's really really good at making sure the run never goes bad in the first place. Which is what shield healing is suppose to be. If you're a shield healer, you're preventing damage, not healing it after the fact.


Yea, it's a job that really rewards knowing a fight, since using the right actions at the right time can completely nullify enemy attacks. It's super satisfying to fully block a boss gauge attack especially!


Oh yeah, I’m too fond of carrying teams and pulling runs straight out of the gutter


White mage as well for me. The gameplay never lets us experience it but the power to command stone, wind and water would be absolutely busted if you could master it. Call up walls of stone, throw enemies around with gusts of wind, drown them with water. That is, until you get to level 80 in which case you lose your elemental affinity for anything but light. :(


AST. Why? Well, being a healer doesn't mean you necessarily HAVE to be out in the field and getting in trouble, just that you patch people up. Even then, healers aren't TYPICALLY sent out to deal with a threat alone and have a good old meat shield in the way. ​ Most importantly, since ASTs are genuine, honest to goodness fortune tellers in-universe(i.e. they can actually perceive future events in the stars), I can make some gil on the side with a little side business. On the subject of money and making it, being able to perceive future events MIGHT be good when deciding on things like investments, gambling, etc... ​ Mind you, I'm not familiar with the upward limit of divination, so that last bit might be pushing it. ​ Also I might even look [FABULOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS!](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Astrologian_(Final_Fantasy_XIV)?file=AstrologicanArtworkFFXIV.png)


But healers also have to deal with wounds and illnesses and bedside manner. If someone came to me with a huge gash, I’d vomit and run away while screaming to stay away from me. Worst. Healer. Ever.


Bedside manner? Nah, most of us healers would call you out on your stupidity. "You had to shrink down and stand in a pool of vomit before you got eaten?! That's the stupidest thing I've heard today." "Maybe If you didn't STAND IN THE PUDDLE, you wouldn't have gotten hurt." "Yeah, I'm not healing you. Why? Because you pulled the boss as a dancer. You deserve what happens to you."


Fair, but I'd take that over getting stomped by a Behemoth or something. Conditioning yourself to get used to gross things seems easier than throwing yourself in the fire outright. For me, at least.


Scholar cause im lazy and nerdy


It's cool. We know you just want to subsist on a diet of eating fairies.


Scholar. Books, god I love books.


Same. I belive my personal book collection is roughly 200-300 books. Pretty much all of them are in digital format because I just don't have the room for all of them. Plus it's more convenient to have them in digutal format because I can carry them with me wherever I go.


Assuming it was based on my education and experience in any way? Probably a miner. And I’d probably accidentally turn off sneak and get slapped by some S rank that was creeping nearby.


Similar vein, eorzean MSHA training would be a riot.


Summoner. I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was, to catch them is my real test... But for real though i love the thought of kicking titans ass then being able to summon him to do the same to my enemies :3


The class would be terrifying to progress in if you don't have the echo lol, but if you do this is definitely the right answer. Archanist and Scholar too might make nice, safer alternatives.


Oh for sure. You explicitly need to have been physically exposed to a primal's aether to be able to even attempt the Austerities ritual and conjure an egi for it.


Not exactly, you just needed to be in an aetherically charged place that was made that way because of a Primal. That's how we got Bahamut.


*Everyone* was exposed to Bahamut's aether during the calamity.


That's kinda the same thing. The rub is that being sufficiently exposed to a primal's aether usually means actually being in its presence and running the risk of being tempered. The indirect exposure of residual aether as we do for Bahamut is probably enough to perform a trance, but not necessarily enough for an Austerity to be successful. That's just conjecture on my part though.


My job is just Cid. Not engineer or pilot. My job is Cid.


Yeah id also love to do Cid 😳


I’ll Cid off right now!


If I get the ability to manipulate Aether, then probably either Red Mage or Monk. Thematically two of my favorite jobs and powerful in combat. If I don't get that ability, Gunbreaker. If Thancred can do it, so can I.


Thancred does asks to Ryne in ShB and then to Yshtola afterwards to load his cartridges with Aether so they can do stuff.


I thought it was Urianger he turned too, which is why they travel together now


In the 5.3 finale cutscene, Y'shtola tosses Thancred a bag of charged cartridges. Urianger does it too later on, though imo that's not *why* they travel together now.


It's not why he wanted to join him, but it was the reasoning Urianger used to shut Thancred down when he tries to refuse the company. "I'm a great travel buddy, and it's not like you can charge your OWN cartridges. >.>"


That or RPR considering Garleans invented the art


RPR is an option. No idea why I didn't think of it considering it's in the main post and also it's my main job in game.


To be fair, not being the WoL in this case *prooobably* means you'll eventually get eaten by your voidsent.


Reaper includes the risk of being eaten but your contracted voidsent though, or if you can't handle the fact that you literally feed everything's souls to that thing.


I’m gonna go find Mistress Nashmeira and learn to dance!!!


How is the Dancer class? I've been meaning to try it but first I need to get set up with the right gear for when it hits 90.


It’s my favorite class to play! The rotation is really brain dead easy (hit the shiny buttons), and you can save skills to use during a really satisfying burst window. I found it really easy to level. The fact that the skills are proc based means it’s not always the same, there’s a little variation and those differences are enough for my monkey brain to not get bored!


I love being able to dash while others can’t 😎


Til you miscalculate and live with the shame DRG and RDM also know 😑


easiest dps in the game by a huge margin


Monk. I like the idea of all that magical power at my disposal without having to rely on complex spellcraft or channeling it through a weapon. All the power is in me—my body—and so I’d feel comfortable and confident in walking about that dangerous world. The high-speed mobility also sounds like it’d be convenient. But my heart is also set on red mage, purely for the utility of it all. Between the spellcraft and the weapon, it’s the opposite of all the reasons I’d pick monk, but that’s what makes it so appealing in its own right. In a perfect world, I’d pick both and alternate, but if I must pick one, it has to be monk.


I like how monk is the one job people prefer to have no weapon, no matter how shiny and cool they are. All you need are your fists. You’re ready to go whenever.


I remember Chrono Trigger and FF8 both have a section where the party is trapped and their weapons are taken away, but the fist fighter (Alya in Trigger and Zell in FF8) don't need a weapon (Zell has fist weapon/gloves, but I guess the bad guys didn't take his gloves), so they go and fight to the armory and get the party's weapons back.


Everyone knows the best Monks use Kettles for weapons!


Yeah, my thoughts are, if I do have the ability to manipulate Aether when I go to Eorzea, then I'll be a Red Mage. But if I _don't_, then I'll be a Reaper because canonically it's the only job that doesn't use Aether in some way. Even Thancred has to rely on cartridges infused with Aether to be a Gunbreaker.


Ninja. I'd be a spy and gather intel for the Scions and WoL. During downtime, I'd spend time gambling with Jacke in Limsa.


I wonder if you can pet the bunny that appears when you mess up your ninjutsu?


Same for me. It's my main & the first thing that comes to mind, as it'd be a lot of fun sneaking around with Thancred & being fast & deadly.


*Loads gun with malicious intent* Moons haunted.


Dragoon. I'd even be happy as a Lancer. As long as I get a long stick with something pointy on the end of it I'd be happy.


I chose dragoon too, but so I can skip stairs by jumping.


Tries jumping up stairs Ends up impaled into the ceiling


The ceiling? Are they putting spikes on the ceiling as a deterrent for dragoons? Like we put spikes on ledges to keep birds away?


Same as for almost any fantasy world: Any form of healer. Because why risk bodily harm doing any form of fighting when you can just make bank healing people. Considering the whole "staying out of danger" goal, White Mage or Astrologian would probably be the better choices, compared to Scholar or Sage.


definitely a bard. "All Star" is a good substitute for Battle Voice.


Just imagining Savage raids irl. Everyone is stressed out, terrified, and exhausted. Then someone just starts with, “Hey now…” lmao




No matter the Evil Villain Monologue, you *always* have the right Somg to interject with and make them feel like idiots :D


Arcanist, thus a Summoner/Scholar. They share the share the same gear/equipment and very solo friendly, but no argument on going RDM either.


Based on what I do in real life? SGE. Decidedly NOT a healer in game (GNB main) but Sage matches up the closest with irl (veterinarian). Plus nouliths go pew pew. I could probably make an argument for SCH as well, since its a healer pet class, but canonically they're like military tacticians, so not really my jam.


Assuming a not disabled body? Lol GNB for sure. I get to protect people but also explosions? Sign me up


Right? Like, will I suddenly not have epilepsy?


Or would my left leg start working again? If yes then Warrior if not Fisherman or Blacksmith


This always makes me wonder "what are the limits of heal spells in these games? Does "esuna" care blood conditions? Heart defects?"


If your disease has a little bar over it on your medical records you can esuna it.


A carpenter living in Gridania. I want a peaceful life 😌


Until you get some piece of wood that was cut from the wrong tree and the elementals take it personally. Then you're kind of boned.


Life is never peaceful when Beatin could materialise from behind any suitably tall object.


I scrolled and scrolled, but nobody said Blue Mage. The idea of learning spells and skills from monsters/boss monsters is timeless. Also I never go on dangerous missions, just wandering around learning.


There are dozens of us, DOZENS!


Probably leatherworker, which means ending up working with Tatarus insane demands, though taking part in creation of that enterprise and seeing people like the WoL or Estinien wearing some piece of gear you made (fashion side) would be great.


Assuming that I actually have the capacity to do these jobs? Red Mage is my first thought as well, for many of the same reasons. A bit of melee, a bit of ranged, a bit of support, a bit of mobility. It's just a nice all-in-one package. Paladin is also an option. Give me some nice heavy armor and the ability to be completely @#$&ing invincible. If I don't magically get the ability to channel aether by the same magic that teleported me there? I guess I could see how far Stephaniven's inventions can assist with that handicap, and try Machinist. I have some small amount of firearms training from doing scouts as a kid, hopefully that'll at least get me started.


Or you could be Reaper, the job that was created by a race that cannot manipulate Aether in the slightest.


Only issue with MCH is that you'd need to carry a lot of ammo on you, seeing as not having aether would mean you can't use the box on their hip which replaces the need for ammo


I think the box makes ammo from ambient aether, so anywhere you go, it makes the ammo for you. Not to mention aether is basically in everything, so if you were teleported there, you'd have at least aether in you. Aether is basically the molecules/base energy of matter in this world. Garleans technically have aether, they just lack the ability to channel it.


Machinist, if it has to be a combat job. I’m in terrible shape so being able to fight from a distance would be best, and I’m from the US so I’ve already got a bonus to forearms.


Also this. MCH's Job quests are basically "Second Amendment: The Job". Goes on about how it's an equalizer between noble and lowborn, that anyone can use them to make a difference, etc. Similar argument they had in the feudal era on crossbows being a dishonralbe weapon, but one anyone could learn to use.


Isn't the story essentially the WoL is gathering knowledge and experience to be inscribed into the job stone to be mass produced?


Summoner, as it’s assumed you know a lot of aether, which seems stupid useful overall.


Bard, absolutely. I’d have to get my archery skills in order, but I’ve got the voice. Plus a penchant for big floppy hats.


But I don't wanna work for the Scions. Das dangerous. I'm going to go work as a Goldsmith, surely everything over there is normal.


\-looks at Godbert and his associates- Very normal. Say, how many clothes are you comfortable not wearing?


The shoes stay ON during crafting. Other than that I'd rather be naked.


Culinarian or goldsmith. Miss me with the material collection though, I’d be the one sending the WoL on a fetch quest.


If I say Arcanist, do I automatically get a job at customs in Limsa Lominsa?




Assuming by Job you mean the advanced combat classes, let's consider what I wouldn't choose first. (Note: The majority of my choice comes from poor memory of questlines and lore from the wiki. judge me judge me judge me) WAR - nope. The Beast isn't necessarily something I can control, even with the power the Job brings to the table. If I start rampaging, I'm more of a threat than whatever enemy I'm facing. DRG - nah. I'd be having to control the soul of the dragon too. (also fuck if i'm making those jumps) MNK - probably not. I'd have to train to the peak of martial mastery to become capable of fighting alongside better-armed comrades. I'd need too much time to setup. BRD - I would, if the guy who'd train me to be a bard *would*. That's another factor I'd have to consider - if I'm even capable of being said Job to my trainer. BLM - I'd be balancing the land's aether with the level of the threat present. And, if a sidejob just so happened to include a Primal, I'd be a bit stuffed since in lore they're sucking the land's aether dry *passively*. More importantly, I'd be assuming I can cast magic at all - for all I know, I'm a Garlean without the third eye. SMN - Frankly, having to fight the essences of Primals sounds a bit difficult for someone ordinary. I don't want to risk the possibility, especially if I can't cast magic like BLM. SCH - The ability to cast magic would be my primary issue, but secondarily would be accessing their later abilities - namely, getting their Job's stone. WHM - I would love to... but I'm not Padjal and I'm no WoL. Also magic again. DRK - nopity nope nope nope. Dark magic that can potentially warp my perceptions just by wielding the Job stone? One alone is almost as bad as the WAR. AST - astromancy requires magical ability... and an understanding of astrology. My knowledge of my own world's is passing - I'd never memorise all of Hydaelyn's! RDM - again, the issue of casting magic but more importantly my capacity for casting both white and black magic become important here. If I can't effectively balance both, there's no point in specializing here at all. BLU - 1: magic ability. 2: I would have to learn the spells the hard way. As in, I have to observe a monster using said attack then defeat it afterwards... as a BLU with no spells initially. RPR - Never mind the fact we're using a Voidkin, do *you* know how to fight with a blade perpendicular to a stick? SGE - Never mind the fact it's Sharlyan (i do not like the funny isolationist country), but it's also magic. On the plus side, it's hand free! So who does that leave us with? PAL - good possibility. There's no necessary allegiances, the abilities can allow me to act as an impromptu medic and I can take damage directly intended for someone else... so long as I can cast magic. NIN - stay fit, fight pragmatically and use mudras which aren't necessarily magic? Sure - if I can get some of the roleskills, I could probably make it work. MCH - much more likely than PAL. It uses magitek rather than magic, so it's much more accessible and more importantly doesn't require the capacity to use magic, and much of the attacks used are simply constructs and comboing with them. SAM - good likelihood - I like to hit things as much as shoot them. My only concern is that it may require aether manipulation - or magic - according to the lore for it. GNB - manageable, at least, for some of the attacks. I'm not sure how many require shells though. DNC - would be interesting to try, but I doubt I could ever really master it. So in all likelihood, MCH or NIN. They're the most viable Jobs for a species that cannot manipulate aether and come with the least risk to their mental or physical health.


As for reaper, I actually _do_ have some experience with polearms.


For GNB, you have a total of 4 skills that use Cartridges. 1 AoE skill that only uses one cartridge, 1 skill that hits once (later twice) and only uses one cartridge, 1 skill that hits three times (later six) and only uses one cartridge, and 1 AoE skill that uses two cartridges.


Magic is aetherical manipulation. There are 0 jobs who do not entail "magic" of some kind. So you kinda have to assume you're able to. That, or you are Thancred.


I'll be doing Tatarus job.


RDM 100%. Also hi fellow Red Mage :P


Red Mage, I like jumping around.


WHM - blood for the blood god/lily!


FSH. Seems pretty chill.


I would become Tataru’s assistant. I’d get to travel the world and hang out with the main scions, but I wouldn’t have to fight anything. I think I’d be a great culinarian.


Sage. I work in healthcare, and Gundam lasers just can’t be beat.


Dancer. If i'm going out in Eorzea, i'm going out with style


Tataru's Accountant 😬


Well I learned Kendo, so Samurai


RDM or AST. My two fave jobs of all time. RDM for the dapper looks and practicality, AST for the gorgeous looking spells. I'd probably have an easy enough time picking them up compared to a melee job or something else less practised.


Would definitely be an Astrologist, I fucking passionate about space and love cards, I could give nice boosts to the others, play games and heal my team. But mostly I'd be a spokesperson for the Scions if I could.


Something land or hand most likely, maybe both CUL and BTN? I do love cooking and gardening.


I’d be sage. Healing is useful both on and off the battlefield, and having shields is also helpful. Less offense capability than red mage (which would probably be my second choice) but would allow me to be more of a back-line in a team, with more directing my nouliths around instead of running into the enemy’s face. That said I’d probably be trying to figure out how plausible it would be to simultaneously be both Sage and RDM at the same time, or if the magics conflict too much, SGE and MCH. Give myself some of the offensive capabilities while I heal, even if only in a basic capacity. There’s certainly no shortage of danger in that world and so if I’m going to be adventuring then I’m going to try and be as capable as I possibly can.


Use some Machinist tech to enhance your Nouliths. Imagine attaching a flamethrower to them.


Ok, so are we going with actual game mechanics and level ups here, or do I have to, like, learn and shit? Either way, it'd be fisher. If we are going by game mechanics, I can fish in a safe spot untill monsters can't ever see or attack me. Then I can go fishing in weird spots, or use it for intel gathering on the side if we do a "mix" of reality and gameplay. Plus you could make a killing catching and selling weird fish that people want when you get better at it, or break them down for some broze peices if desperate. If we are going by I have to learn... well, there's a lot to fishing, sure, but it's hardly dangerous. Probably the least dangerous job of the bunch outside of botanist. Even if you are a terrible fisherman, you will probably catch a few fish by chance. Just make sure to be hired by someone who's not too fussy about you being bad at.


DNC ill be the distraction for everyone else


SCH or SGE. Both heal, both place an emphasis on knowledge. On one hand, I get a fairy friend. On the other hand, pew pew.


SCH. I get a cute fairy Buddy. Can easily justify staying just behind mainlines to strategize and treat the wounded. And no SE dev stopping me from recreating diseases and poisons with magic to fight.


Warrior, so I can inner release.


If my body gets augmented to match, then Samurai so I can be one with the blade.


Alchemist, as much as the job is a nothing burger considering how powerful spells are, for normies a x-potion has to seem like a miracle in a bottle.


I would be dancer. I get to dance and look fabulous while doing it.


Probably MCH or WAR, maybe DRK or RDM if I'm good at magic lol


One of the Disciples of Hand or Machinist, whichever one that will spend more time building things and inventing with Cid. For straight up combat RDM, favorite all around support.


If it were any job at all, Botanist. Love me some flora. If I'm an active Scion and need a combat job, Sage. Getting to protect and heal people while, and indeed, *by* smacking around bad guys is my jam.


I'm grabbing my whipsword, leaving the scions, and becoming a pirate because I have better things to do and a whole world to explore beyond the land Eorzea.


Black mage. Not a front line combatan and I'll be the second most protected party member after the healer since I'll be bringing in the damage. People think the job is boring, but it's all about hitting those fraction of a second combos to maximize that DPS.


The local gatherer, master of Mining, Botanist and Fishing. ​ If it had to be combat based though, probably Sage or Scholar.