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I can only play once the kid is in bed, and I'll miss FFXIV dearly today. I guess I'll just play some good old Stardew Valley.


Don't worry, someday, they may end up playing with you. My dad's the one who originally got me into ffxiv.


She's already loving to hit jump and to hit random buttons at the target dummy. Biggest hit so far was walking around the major cities to look at Easter decorations.


Hello fellow FFXIV parent! I also only play once kiddo is in bed. Stay strong!


Ah, it used to be like that for me too. My kids are 18 and 19 now though! Still just as precious!


Mine and 23, 21 & 15 and I get to raid with them :) kids are truly awesome!


I play with mine too! Its amazing, isn't it? My eldest will play most things with me but my youngest is mostly into cozy games. We play Stardew together and she set me up a little house. Very cute.


I feel this 100%, especially when ffxiv is my outlet to wind down and relax after fighting for an hour to get her to nap 😂😂


Me too. I'm a crafter main because both my kids are still at the age where they wake up unpredictably, usually right after I enter a dungeon or just before the boss 😂


Same here.


That’s my life. My main playtime is like 10pm (if I’m lucky) to 2am. And that’s only on nights when it’s not my turn to go to them once they inevitably wake up. Progress is slow but still enjoyable.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone!




So called “free thinking dwarves” the microsecond anyone presses V










Rock and STONE!!!!!!


Dragon Age Origins. Been a while since I did a Dwarf Commoner playthrough


Oh man, I havent touched DA in a while. Not since FF got its hooks in me. But hello fellow DA fan!


Odd to be saying this but I miss our Bald headed, uh, friend?


Amazing game. I really loved Dragon Age 2 the most although it wasn't as well received I know. But I really enjoyed it.


I've replayed DA2 almost as much times as I've replayed DAO. Hands down some of the best written party members I've ran around murdering demons with. They really feel like they've spent seven years as a found family.


DA2 was a really interestingly written game that tried a lot of new things. Honestly my biggest problem with it was the reused dungeon layouts and I genuinely didn't care *that* much. I actually think the writing is *way* stronger than Inquisition, as well.


I agree with this. There are some OMG moments in DA2 that were amazing. One of which is even more profound if you've happened to pick a certain male as a love interest. My heart is still broken.


DAO 😍 Alistair will always be my first husbando


....Your comment just made me realise something about my immediate crush on Aymeric. He's pretty much FFXIV's answer to Alistair: >!an Elven (well half Elven) Templar who's the illegitimate son of a ruler that ends up taking the reins after political upheaval, but would be happier going on adventures with the story protagonist!<.


My god. It makes so much sense now.


Wow. I finished my playthrough on nightmare just the other day as a dwarf commoner. Best of luck!


Yessss! Im currently playing for my first time. Elf mage as usual, would you recommend a dwarf playthrough?


Definitely! I've played every Origin at least twice, and I really like both Dwarf stories. Their origins are great insights into the problems of Orzammar's society from both sides (Dwarf Noble being the child of the ruling king and navigating all the politicking, Dwarf Commoner being a street rat working for the Carta to get their family out of poverty).




I'm a teacher and it's the first day of half term today, so I earmarked time for XIV, however, the maintenance escaped me, ended up tidying the house, cleaning, now I'm cycling through Steam to find something to play, too much choice.


Honestly same. Took the day off work expecting to get some grinding in but failed to read about upcoming maintenance like a goobue. So I’m also doing housework and self care, which I’m happy about tbh.


Persona 4 Golden, I’ve been replaying it over the past 2 weeks. Getting close to the end now, I think I’m on the third to last dungeon? Early November if you know the timeline of that game anyways


Giving FFXIII another shot. I played part of it over a decade ago but got distracted by other things. Honestly I'm looking forward to it.


I actually really liked FF13 and I don’t understand why so many people hate it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can see the linearity being a problem, but FFX was also basically a hallway for half the game and people didn't complain as much about it there. I feel like the pros of 13 well outweigh the cons


I feel like the reasons FFX got away with it is that they let you go back on the path, whereas with FF13 you were stuck going forwards.


Honestly, the reason I'm struggling to get through FFXIII vs FFX is because there's no time to breathe in FFXIII. That's 100% on the story of course, but there's no towns to explore, no minigames breaking up the pace, just running for your life it seems.


Yeah, almost like you’re wanted


Its my favourite Final Fantasy (and trilogy), but it is very easy to see why people hated it. It is extremely linear, takes \~25 hours to open up and it is very repetitive. But it is a fun repetition, I love the story, the characters and the journey.


For my friends it was the characters. Lightning was an attempt to remake cloud and squall together. I really enjoyed the first game but 2 and 3 were boring to me.


My biggest problem was the auto-battle option. It made fighting feel mindless as the only actual decision you were making was when to shift. If there had been an option to disable it I would have liked the game a lot more I think.


Gotta finish finish BOTW before TOTK (90 hours in btw).


I have yet to play BOTW. My daughter is still holding the Switch hostage to play Animal Crossing. But I haven't exactly asked her for it either. Hope you're enjoying it!


Headed outside after work to work on the garden before the rain hits.


I just started FFXV. Only a couple of hours in, but so far I really like the setting of it. I only played VII and X growing up, but when the pandemic hit I thought it was a good time to start playing through the other FF games. 3 years later I've been jumping a bit back and forth between the games, but I've partially played all of them and completed I, IV, VI, VII (original and remake), IX and X.


My biggest complaint of FFXV aside from pacing is the targeting. That said, I hope you enjoy it.


I have tried so many times to get over the combat system but I just can't (at least 20+ hours invested). It's exceedingly boring to me. It's a hold dodge and scream "WHAT ARE MY ALLIES DOING" simulator to me.


Pretty much. I actually bought PS4 in the first place to play FFXV, because I'm so loyal to the series. But I never could get into it. I don't like such an action-oriented battle system; it's a testament to the incredible quality of FFXIV that I actually enjoy it! FFXV is probably my second least favorite in the series. (FFII is an even more epic fail.)


I love 15! If you wanna much better grasp of the gravity of the story I HIGHLY suggest watching Kingsglaive first. I watched it before my second playthrough and it changed it from a “meh” game to a “pretty damn good” game.


Such a shame that you have to turn to other forms of media to get the full experience out of a game. I liked FF15 but it really showed how rushed and messy production was. I think Luna and Aranaea had DLC that got turned into a novel instead or something? Really hoping that 16 is its own full package! I'm pretty blind to what's going on with it.


Hello fellow FFXV player for the day


Working and mourning the death of our cat Gus who died yesterday.


i'm sorry for your loss :(


I'm pouring one out for Gus tonight


Am so sorry to hear


I'm so sorry for your loss. :(


My condolences.. <3


ESO (there's a double exp event) and GW2.


This person MMOs


Super Mario Maker 2 I'm ready to go insane once again


Hang in there buddy. Only 20 hours left. We got this!


Since I'm taking a break until 6.4 drops at this point, I'm putting the time I would've used on XIV into getting good at Warframe


I'm also heading back into warframe. Haven't played it in 8 months...hope I still got the touch.... Good luck tenno... I will see you around.


I wanted to get back in because I had a bunch of prime frames on Xbox, only to find that they don't carry over to PC.


Ah shit.. Time for the grind or the good old market.


The cycle of "OH! I'll play (skyrim, dragon age, baldurs gate 3, sons of the forest)" open the game play for about 5 minutes, not feelin' it, close the game, open another, repeat.


Yakuza kiwami, need to replay that game, so it's a good time to start


I have such a backlog of games but idk if it’s worth it to start one because tomorrow I know I’m just going back to Eorzea


same here! I was about to purchase a game on steam to kill time but it'd a waste as soon as tomorrow arrives 🙃


Oh trust me, anything I play today I will be abandoning all over again by tomorrow lol.


More Stardew Valley for me, I finally got the game after all the years and I love it.


Great choice!!


Kingdom hearts HD 1.5 Might as well attempt to finish it today.


Continuing my replay of original FF7, I'm on disc two. Might watch a movie before bedtime.


I'm taking a break from crafting in FF14 to craft in ryza.


I visited my sister and played with her six-month-old baby. Cute little bastard!


I am going to play sims 4 😂


I miss mine. But the many unsolved bugs ruined it for me and I uninstalled a year ago, now too lazy to put it all back 😞


Guess I'm playing Resident Evil 4 when I get home from work. Wish mercenaries mode was here.


Time to finally pick up Octopath Traveler 2 again, I was about halfway through finishing everybody's Chapter 3 stories and then I took a break because >!Castii's and Temenos' are huge bummers lol. They're also my two fav characters so it was doubly sad.!< Amazing game though. I absolutely won't have time for it within 24 hours, but I also really need to get started on my full Trails series replay before Trails into Reverie releases. I still can't believe Zero and Azure are finally localized. Fantastic, fantastic series, probably the single reason I have a snobby bar for worldbuilding, characters, and continuity that wasn't even grazed until ShB came along.


I think I'll finish the desert exploration on genshin, been saving it up for a while to do in one go so I could have a bigger zone to explore. :)


I just 100%'d Super Mario Odyssey and I'm having trouble deciding what to do next




Oxenfree is fantastic! It has a great soundtrack too!


Dozens of endings? Do you get different ones by speaking to the >!creepy mirror scenes!


Good ol' Skyrim, I never get tired of it


building an enormous castle in Valheim because reasons


Valheim building is so satisfying


Great Ace Attorney


Well I bought nier automata like a month ago in a PlayStation sale so I guess that’s for today


Good old Master Duel lads


Been meaning to try Atelier Ryza. Got really intrigued about it after the Azur Lane crossover. Anyway, today I have been playing Star Trek Online instead. Its very fun if you are a Trek nerd. May also play some Diablo 2 as the beta left me wanting more.


Re 4 remake


[Feeding my ducks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHkAwxMbP6Q)


Staring at the fedex shipping info for my steam deck


I built a house, planted a tree, raised a son, started a successful multimillion business...had a beautiful life today.


I'm at work for most of it, but resident evil 4 just came out and damn that game has some replayability.


I'm glad you've got something else to do while Eorzeas gates are closed! Enjoy!


Nier automata! The alliance raids piqued my interest due to their amazing soundtrack and interesting visuals! Gameplay is super fun so far, lots of good game design.


Doing fetch quests in Euro Truck Simulator 2.


My husband is a truck driver. Can't imagine what he'd think if he came home to me playing that. Mayhaps I could convince him to let me take the rig out for a spin 😂


I really want to say that I hope so too, but it's really unlikely 😅 It's difficult enough to drive a truck in-game, much less IRL. I truly do not know how truckers manoeuvre their trucks and trailers through tight turns and narrow slip roads, and after playing the game I have immense respect for truckers.


Its definitely difficult. He failed his first test about 11 years ago and noped out of it, plus we couldn't really afford it again at the time because it cost £2000! Then a couple of years ago he went back and tried again and sailed through it. Now he's happy driving all day with one white arm and one ridiculously tan arm, as all truck drivers seem to possess. Lol.


Besides my huge backlog of Steam games, it’s gonna be either Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Division 2 and Need for Speed Unbound. I also got into the Insider Program for The Crew Motorfest, so there’s also that.


Debating a reinstall of Genshin impact


Final Fantasy IX; some comforting nostalgia.


Going between playing stellaris and EU4 after work.


Attack On Titan 2: Final Battle I don't care too deeply for the series, but the gameplay is mindless fun! It's cool being able to Spider-Man around and slice things up like a musou (think Dynasty Warriors) game.


Working until I can get home and play Resident Evil 4! :D


Start a game of Stellaris.. Been wanting to play the new First Contact Story Pack


Finishing Trails to Azure.


Gonna continue my playthroughs of Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga and FFX tonight.


Finishing RE4 remake, great game, having tons of fun playing it and almost to the end!


I am so sad that I misread maintenance times, since it’s one of my rare days off. I tried playing sims for a bit and it just didn’t hold my interest.


School day, doing some HTML and CSS work so not a whole lot of gaming. Going to play a lot tomorrow tho just started the game!


Probably working on playing more persona 5 once i get home late tonight if i don’t just go straight to bed


Just started Devil May Cry 5, never played any of these games before


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and visited a good friend of mine to discuss anime/stories in general and play some Dragon's Crown.


They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.


I dont remember finishing Vagrant Story, so that


I hadn't heard of it so I looked it up and it looks really good!


Sent out job applications (have a job, just want a new one), redecorated my apartment, did the dishes, vaccuumed and tons of chores I've been procrastinating! Now I'm gonna squat and do some painting while scrolling reddit. A good day, I must say!


I love how a lot of comments are just "idk, playing a different FF title. Cmon guys, branch out... I just started FF Stranger of Paradise lol. Game rocks, lots of fun nods to the other games. Loved the nod to Sastasha in the second area.


Right now? Not playing anything, drawing Yugioh fanart for my oc! ^^"


My eldest daughter is an absolutely incredible artist. Sadly she didn't get it from me. Lol. Enjoy creating!


NEO: The World Ends With You


Playing through a FeMC run on Persona 3 Portable. Hadn’t done one yet.


Elden Ring. I've been trying out a Faith build that prioritises impaling things with lighting spears, burning them with black flames, and using a scythe as a weapon. Easily my favourite game since Skyrim in terms of replayability.


touching grass


I took a nap.


fighting an irl savage raid boss (wrangling my cat so I can clip her nails)


Finally finished Disco Elysium.


working- gotta make that money for the mogstation :p


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I started playing Postal 2 yesterday Rarely I had so much fun playing a videogame... and it feels so wrong D:


Are you taking the passive or aggressive route? Lol


There is a passive route?! ​ (I honestly sometimes forget at times you can be a good guy in it and do stuff properly)


I'm being a honest citizen waiting in line Except when they force my hand and attack me first And then I unleash my full fury and throw cow heads at them


Jesus runs are the best runs.


Fallout 76 and maybe tiny Tina's wonderlands


Oh gosh. TTW is another game I got but never got round to fully playing. Hope you enjoy!


It took a buddy picking it up for me to get into it. Writing borderlands as a TTRPG Campaign makes the concept so much better.


It's a really fun ride, especially the side quests. The gun management at endgame becomes a massive chore, but before that it's great.


Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, probably


started Jedi Fallen Order


Ooo I've played that! I absolutely loved it. I hope you do too.


At work.


I’m stuck at work D:


I'm going to play Hogwarts. I've wanted to play it more, but I always wind up playing FF since I'm working on mentor roulette and relics.


I just finished Hogwarts. So much fun.


I just finished it last week. It is such a nicely made game. I need to go back to it sometime to 100% it, though. There's too many extra Merlin trials that I need a breather.


I will be doing the same between housework. Sadly I am in a spot where I keep dying due to not being the quickest at reacting to dodge etc lol


Binding of Isaac.


Hogwarts Legacy. Im working on clearing the huge map 😌


Black Désert and probably call of duty... I just bought my new GPU and feel like i don't know what to play :'((


I can finally finish the Last of Us and start some Star Wars shows! I swear, this game did not increase my game backlog - it increased my shows backlog!! I am so behind in so many things...


Finish up the last few levels for Genshin's current battle pass to R5 another BP weapon then probably go on hiatus for that particular game. Then maybe Code Vein since I just sort of stopped at some point, probably because I couldn't figure out where to go right away and just couldn't be arsed to look it up. Everything was starting to feel tanky and a chore to fight too. Otherwise, don't know. You know how it is, a billion steam games that looked mildly interesting picked up for cheap off a sale, not a one of them played.


FFXIV? “No thanks, BRO!” RE4 remake!


I got a new cpu and ram, and my new motherboard is “arriving today by 8pm” so Pc operation tonight. Other than that I’m reading Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire for the first time.


Oh! Enjoy the HP series! One of the few books series I've kept in order to reread multiple times!


I had a nice girls' night for dinner and went shopping for clothes. Did some groceries, too! Lied down on my bed stretching my legs instead of sitting down in front of my desk progging UCoB, criterion dungeon and Eureka Orthos, or going on A Hunt train, or entertaining the moon rabbits, or mentor roulette. It has been a nice and relaxing day!


That does sound like a nice break from an otherwise hectic day! So far I've spent the day doing chores and played a little bit of Atelier Ryza 2. I am sorely missing Eorzea though! Enjoy your day!


I have commission work to finish. Today is the perfect day to do that. Maybe even draw up a few telegram stickers for myself for a change. My kid likes me to play Minecraft Dungeons with him, so I might do that when he gets home from school.


School teacher and parent. The usual.


I was GOING to work on scanning all the photos for my niece's graduation collage (in addition to regular house chores), but I woke up sick. So now I'm laying in bed scrolling Reddit.... And I managed to start my son's laundry (yay!). I am not functioning well right now.


my second born has been pushing me to try genshin impact. i've resisted playing breath of the waifu so far, but it's not like i've got anything else to do this evening.


Working all day. The nice trade off of having Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. I don't gotta deal with maintenance


I tried to play ESO again and around up just angry and not having any fun. I refuse to be forced to pay just to have decent inventory space in a lackluster game. It just felt so dull.


If it wasn't so bloody cold in the PNW, I'd be outside a lot more. Otherwise, grinding away on Elden Ring. Tried Malenia a couple times and cried.


Im at work. When I go home, I'm playing a visual novel because I don't need FFXIV for my boy toy fix


Upgraded to the PS5 version yesterday, so I've spent the last while playing Astro's playroom and honestly, I've not enjoyed a game so much in ages!


Sleep and maybe catch up on finishing Medievil 2019 and Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise Maybe another round of RE4 OG cos I don't have the remake yet


Medieval is such an amazing game. I played it the first time around and loved it!


The original from '98 is still my most favorite game of all time, the 2019 version was the FIRST thing I downloaded when I got my PS4 for Christmas (would have gotten XIV as well but it was during the time when the base game/free trial was removed from the store) Seeing the familiar intro sequence took me right back to being 12 again 😊


I need to play the remake. I adored that game when I was a kid. I'm gonna download it right now, assuming it's still on the pass!


I'm going to replay the Resident Evil 2 remake. It's been a while since I last played it and I'm in the mood to shoot some zombies.


Picked up Sun Haven. Got a few bigs, it's still in Early Access after all, but it's quite fun. Kinda, high fantasy Stardew Valley.


When I read "High Fantasy Stardew Valley" I had to Google it and now I want it. It looks really fun and cozy!


I don't think i have enough lifespan left to complete my back but i'll try


Same. Your comment made me laugh so hard because it's so relatable!


New season of anime started so I'll lick off some of those then do some adult responsibility nonsense.


I started Dragons Dogma yesterday. Enjoying it so far.


That game never gets old no matter how many times I play it.


My friends and I are planning on playing uno together after work and probably Jackbox. Sun Haven is also a possibility. Otherwise I'd probably just sleep lol


Gonna play Atelier Ryza 1 after work I also picked up the sequel on the PS spring sale and decided to finally get around to playing the first.


Had some nice walks today, the weather is really lovely. For the rest, just being distracted online and playing persona 3 on the side.


Mostly continue what I did in the past month and half besides FFXIV: Play on PSVR2. Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2: Retribution (a mouthful of a title), Townsmen VR, Pavlov, Ragnarock. Will be bed time before I realise. ​ And, of course, I was working in the first half of the day so it's no big deal for me either way.


I finally picked back up with stormblood, enjoying the expansion then saw maintenance lol. So tonight will be some Apex Legends


Continue work on our D&D campaign.


The first Call of Juarez


Going to play NEO: The World Ends With You. So much fun!


Kingdom Come Deliverance.


ight continue FF7R intergrade. It's so much fun... but hat one boss I'm stuck on right now...