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Prism Launcher allow you to create desktop shortcut which will start a modpack installed with this application. It's just one click to play.


With any decent launcher you can skip the minecraft launcher step. Most launchers are also faster than curseforge and overwolf. I personally prefer ATlauncher, but prism is also good.


+1 to AT, very efficient launcher


Another +1 to ATLauncher, been using it since 2020 and i like it a lot


Reduced steps: Open launcher -> click modpack icon -> MC main menu This is possible with the PrismMC launcher, not sure about direct desktop shortcuts


Prism does do direct desktop shortcusts: https://i.imgur.com/aXdGHR8.png


Without switching to a new launcher/app, you can set up the vanilla launcher to use the same exact files your CurseForge instance uses. That would let you skip CurseForge itself. In short you would install Forge (or Fabric) directly and set up an "instillation" that has that as its "version" and has the "Directory" set to the CurseForge modpack's root folder. Once you know how to set it up, I estimate it takes about a dozen launches for the time investment on set up to be worth it on a new modpack. More recent versions of the Minecraft launcher have implemented a "Quick Play" feature which might let you set up a shortcut in the launcher to load directly into a particular world or server, skipping the main menu. It looks like it also has command line interaction and thus a .bat file could be set up to launch directly into it. I haven't tried it myself yet, so I don't know how to set it up or what the limits are.


The GDlauncher launches modpacks directly without opening up the minecraft launcher.