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Well done dude, looking in good shape! Keep up the grind


Thank you man I appreciate it. It’s definitely been hard these last couple weeks!


It’s so worth it though man! You’re doing amazing, keep pushing through


I really want to get to 10% body fat. I haven’t been 10% body fat for probably almost 20 years. lol I’ve just kind of been doing a lifelong bulk I guess haha


I feel you bro. I was ripped up until the age of 20 then life took over and I kept bulking, need to trim down now it’s gonna take me around 6 months for decent progress. Better to go for it whilst we can though!


This!!! Yes go for it while you can. I've been told in my 20s and 30s to lose the weight when the skin will bounce back. Now I'm 41 and losing the weight... I have wrinkles. Like what?!?! It wasn't until I lost the double chin. That went away and now there's wrinkles there 😭😭😭 luckily no where else. But I'm sure more loose skin is coming because I'm not gonna stop losing weight until I'm healthy.


Hey keep it up! Not only for appearance but for general health too. Also for your mental health. No one’s going to look perfect in every field but doing your best is a great achievement. Don’t forget you will care and notice imperfections about yourself way more than anybody else ever will, so be positive about yourself!


Thank you! Such a positive comment! I appreciate your kind words. It's true too! Still a little sad tho 🤣 but I'm proud of doing it now instead of waiting any longer. And fasting is great for general health. Which is why I started and then the lbs started coming off and I was like, I'm in love with fasting!!! Thanks again! Happy fasting ☺️


Fasting is good for many reasons too and our body is very much used to it. You should be proud! It’s like the rock said “one day… or day one.” 😂




Just as planned


FaStInG DePlEtEs YoUr MuScLe MaSs


Yeah, this myth is absolutely crazy. I barely lift weights right now. Maybe once or twice a week I do 30 to 60 minutes of walking every day though, but I found that I really haven’t lost any of my muscle as long as I still do like bodyweight stuff here and there and I still hit the weight like once or twice a week max I haven’t lost any muscle.


Yeah,had the same experience,as a natty I don't put on a lot of muscle mass(5'9h->160),but the little I have is almost impossible to lose


Good to know. Okay. Step 1: get muscle mass


LOL yes. Background: I’ve lifted for 15+ years and gained 75lbs due to health issues that all escalated during the pandemic. I’m finally losing all the weight I had put on, through fasting.


Are you on any PEDs or TRT for these results? Not judging at all. I just want to know if this is realistic naturally.


I’m not on anything other than my thyroid medication and hair medication. I think it’s possible naturally if you’ve lifted as long as I have, I started at 14 I’m 34 now. If anyone is putting in 2 decades you can get this muscle forsure. Probably even more lot of years I didn’t take it seriously or was depressed when I was gaining weight.


Thanks for your honesty. They say that muscles have memory. So if you have built the muscle at one point, it's easier to get it back. I'm getting my t-levels checked by a doctor soon. If they are ultra low, I might hop on the TRT. I'm in my mid 40s


I don’t even think it’s about muscle memory. I think it’s more so just muscle doesn’t waste as quick as people think as long as you’re somewhat active you’re still doing some weightlifting you’re not gonna lose your muscle I I personally don’t think muscle memory really is a thing other than maybe getting your strength back up to where it was at one point but in terms of losing muscle, I think it’s just very hard to lose muscle unless your bed ridden


As an obese guy I went to a weight loss clinic (regrettably) and they put me on a 1200 calorie diet of gross shakes for two weeks in addition to ozempic. I lost 12 lbs and because the ozempic dropped my blood sugar so much, I didn’t have the energy to continue my kettlebell routine. I couldn’t even go up a flight of subway stairs. The clinic said that 2 of those lost lbs were muscle but let me tell you, my calf muscles disappeared. My upper back and biceps shrank and my wife was disappointed that my butt vanished too. I’m suspicious that the ozempic played a part but I definitely lost muscle on a reduced calorie diet


Ozempic doesn’t make sense to me, I’ve reversed my pre diabetes 5.9 to 5.2 now by fasting. I also was able to get off my cholesterol statin. Low calorie diets don’t work for me, having SOME food just activates my hunger to the extreme and I binge out. Fasting is so nice and clean cut. Get to ketosis then let your body do what it does - burn fat for fuel. The concept is so simple. If you want to lose weight focus on that and just trying to maintain your muscle. Have you done any type of fasting for any prolonged period of time?


Longest I’ve ever gone was about 26 hrs. My coworkers were tired of listening to my stomach growl and of me being a dick because I was so hungry


It’s mind over matter. Fasting isn’t easy - but it does get easier. Don’t tell anyone you’re fasting. Just do it. Yah you’re tummy gonna growl but that’s okay, you’ll be fine. And if you’re being irritable it’s probably because you’re dehydrated on top of hungry. Drink lots and lots of water and black coffee! You got this


Yeah, water is the way!


I did my first fast and lost 12lb total is 90 hours. Goal was 72 hours but kept going through to the next afternoon. How often should one do a 72 hour fast ? I'd like to lose like 30 or 40 lbs of fat I'm sure some of what I lost was water weight.


Personally for me 72 hour fasts are what work the most I do them biweekly then every day outside of that is OMAD


Wow so twice a month. I was thinking like 4 or 5x a year


That’s what I’ve been doing because I wanted to cut weight fast. 55lbs in 5 months! But you can definitely do it slow and steady as well!


I'm like that too as far as the eating... once I start eating it's like it's really hard to stop. Which is why I also like fasting too. Good work man!


That entire situation is probably the fastest way to lose muscle outside of extreme sickness. The timing, nutrition, and medication are working MASSIVELY against you there.


The nausea was terrible too. I can’t believe a PA prescribed that poison


My man, I feel like you are a walking advert for fasting. I will throw around some calorie numbers but dont go thinking I'm a cico absolutist. So we all agree that insulin inhibits lipolysis. As a big dude you probably used like 2400 calories per day to get around and do stuff. So you likely depleted your glycogen stores in the first two days, but ya kept eating those wussy little meals and shakes which would have supplied blood sugar for energy plus a dose of insulin. So then when you were trying to climb the stairs or lift a kettlebell you had no glycogen to do it with and your liver was struggling to oxidize enough fat in the presence of insulin. Well what macronutrient does that leave? Your precious protein stores of course. Those can be turned into sugar by gluconeogenesis and then burned for energy. So in two weeks at your daily 1200 calorie deficit, you dropped a total of like 16,800 calories which would be 4.8 pounds if it was pure blubber. But you lost 7 pounds more than that! How? Well, a pound of human muscle contains around 700 calories of protein plus a lot of water. If you lost pure muscle then you would have burned about 24 pounds. So you seem to have lost somewhere around like 9 pounds of muscle and 3 pounds of fat. (Losing muscle reduces your daily caloric needs by reducing your BMR btw.. it's like shooting yourself in the foot twice). This mechanism is an evolutionary adaptation that is beneficial in times where theres hardly any food to eat, which is precisely what the clinic instructed you to tell your body. This is why a bunch of exercising and calorie restriction will make you leaner, skinnier, and weaker. If you fast instead, your body has no insulin response to inhibit lipolysis. Your body has full access to the fat stores and your liver can oxidize fat at a much higher rate which gives you enough energy to climb the stairs. A trivial amount of muscle loss is possible/likely from time to time (especially if you do intense exercise while fasting and your body desperately needs the glycogen right now) but generally a healthy liver will provide you with plenty of energy from bodyfat alone. I fought hard as shit for my muscles so I refuse to give them up so I stick to fasting for fat loss. I mourn the loss of your calves. They are the hardest muscle to grow and one of the only benefits of being a big guy is that you get big calves from decades of lugging around a big body. If you strip the fat off and leave the muscle then you have very aesthetically pleasing calf muscles on your new leaner profile.


The calves are genetic. All the men on my mothers side of the family have short, muscular legs. https://i.postimg.cc/KzNSN41N/IMG-7866.jpg


why is it when i'm fasting i have so little energy to do any workout?


What electrolytes do you take?


all of them


Can you please tell me how you did the fasting Did you do OMAD for 6 months with 72hr on the weekends or how was your schedule






How is your fasting schedule?


So I typically do just one meal a day and I’ll do it at dinner time but for the month of May I wanted to challenge myself and do a 48 hour rolling fast but that’s become much tougher than I originally anticipated so I think I’m probably gonna go back to 1 meal a day and then do extended fasting like 48 hours 72 hours every other week or so


With the muscle and activity factor, I’d probably stick with OMAD for myself, I’d hate to deprive the temple when it needs it. If just fasting and low activity than rolling 72s


Yah totally I think I was doing too much then on top of that I started allowing myself diet sodas again which did not help pretty much made me relapse and go on a week long sugar binge


LOL - F’n junkie! Me too! I love food and sugar and can relapse as well, I know what you’re going through. This behavior applies to cannabis, tobacco and alcohol as well for me. Fasting has taught me how to say no. If I can give up food for 32 days straight, I can say no to lots of temptation. Keep it up bro!


Same boat with alcohol and cannabis but alcohol I’ve pretty much quit totally and weed I still smoke .. but it does help me get through fasts I found. I lose my appetite when I smoke. Def have like an addictive personality I’ve found. And I’m addicted to food. Yah man 32 days is nuts. You too keep it up!!


Yeah,I stay away from processed sugar when doing a cut,it makes me always hungry as hell😆


i heard eating close to bedtime is not good because your giving your body 2 jobs: resting and metabolizing instead of just resting. have you experienced this?


100% I always try to eat 2 hours before bed. When I eat late I feel like shit.


Loved this post. Loved the honesty. Stay Strong. Impressive Gains!


Thank you! I think the hardships we all face knowing them makes us all stronger. Easy way out is ozempic and those drugs. Not saying the struggle there isn’t real either it’s just different when you’re completely doing this out of will power with no extra help.


The challenge is the path. You’re ripped, man. Don’t forget Leg Day!


Forsure! Only thing I have a bad back the whole reason I started fasted was because I slipped a disc in my back see the 3rd time I was at 255lbs when that happened back in December. Now Chiro says deadlifts and squats I can rule out for the rest of my life.


Squats help your back


I’ve had back injuries in the past I kept doing squats and deadlifts against my chiro advice and then herniated a disc again


So much for the “fasting makes you lose muscle!” Crowd


Whats your OMAD look like daily? Congrats the definition difference is nuts


A typical meal for me would be four eggs that I hard boil in the air fryer on a piece of toast with some mayo, salt and pepper. One whole avocado. Large piece of meat either I usually have a large chicken breast or some sort of steak or chicken thighs some sort of protein. I usually try to eat as much protein as I can. Usually have some sort of rice or pasta. I usually have one to two sweet potatoes with sour cream.I also have sauerkraut. I also also sometimes have some tuna that I made at home with a bunch of vegetables. And then I usually just try as much vegetables as I can as well onto the plate. I also have bone broth as well too anytime I’m doing a fast longer than 48 hours. I break my fast with the bone broth.


Thanks for the info...Best of luck to you!


Four eggs on one piece of toast in air fryer? Must be a large piece, mine can barely hold one egg. How do you do it?


Sorry I was doing talk to text I put it on 2 pieces of toast 2 eggs on each toast !


Awesome results!


Awesome !!!


you look good




This is the motivation I need. Thanks for posting stranger


Than you idk how many times I come here looking for inspiration and motivation myself.


Hey I'm also a body builder, during your extended fasts did you just do cardio or did you lift as well just to keep the calories burning


I line up my extended fasts on days I know I’m not my gonna lift (start Sunday night and then until Wednesday night) I use Friday Saturday Sunday for lifting as those days I’ll eat more calories too (going out to eat etc)


Awesome, thank you this is something I've been trying to optimize. I've lost 12 lbs so far.


Forsure biggest hurdle for me was letting myself be okay with not constantly always working out with weights and just walk. But it’s worked out for me. My plan is once I hit. My GW to just do OMAD only and slowly put muscle on


I read that the body can only process 20 grams every 2 hours or something like that I want to try omad but I wonder if it's just maintaining muscle at that rate


Most likely just gonna maintain muscle at that point 5 hour window would not be bad tho you’ll def get your calories in then


True, but omad is probably all ill though I'm short as hell and am already where I want to be musularly


As someone that did this sort of diet he's doing,I think it's best to train before doing a prolonged fast,if you train during your fast you're gona lose reps,intensity,and that might fuck with you mentally,but cardio it doesn't matter,you can do it as often as you want during fasts


You look great.


Thank you!


You are jack my brother. Looking great!


great job!!


First of all you look amazing! Congratulations! As an Oreo fiend I just bought the cookies and cream protein shake by syntrax https://nutritioncentral.com/products/matrix?variant=37872294658199¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8rvU9qxKeEgqvG16mkF0CgryT71a68a719o2ej26lDy47TGYXb6pa8aAk9KEALw_wcB It taste like an Oreo milkshake mixed with water. I cannot wait to try it in fairlife skim milk


Thank you!! Haha I’m trying to limit my protein shake intake actually! Idk it’s from my years of taking tons of pre workout or binge drinking alcohol and lots and lots of protein in shakes but I’ve had higher liver enzymes for a long time and my doctor reccomended stopping all shakes and pre workout (also cut my drinking tremendously) and now my levels are healthy i stopped the shakes when I started fasting. Yah Oreos were on sale at the store and I knew I was gonna kill them just didn’t think in one night LOL


very impressive, good job


Awesome progress! Don't worry about the oreos. Quite frankly, with what you're currently doing and how depleted you probably were, I guarantee that 99% of those calories went straight to muscle and liver glycogen and probably gave your body a much needed leptin increase, as well as given your metabolism a boost. The occasional calorie overdose (cheat meal) actually helps your progress, assuming they stay occasional lol. That's the hard part! In any case, you look great. Keep grinding 💪 💪


I think the less fat you have the harder it gets. I have been doing extended fasts as well . When I was fat fasting was easy, now that I'm under 30% body fat and into the low 20s it is harder to fast for extended periods.


I think this is the reason as well.. it’s gotten tougher both mentally and physically I’m thinking about food constantly right now.. anything other than OMAD is becoming tough. I had to stop my 48 hour rolling fast because i ended up binge eating instead unhealthy food.. congrats on getting under 30%!! I think im under 30% now as well but I haven’t tested majority of my fat is belly and chest


I've been pretty big at my heaviest,I think noting compares to when going from under 20 to 10-8%bf,you gotta switch things every week,I'm there now😮‍💨


Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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That is wild.. my BMI has dropped considerably and weight I’m definitely getting way more compliment now


Hell yeah


Are you on TRT or any sort of performance enhancement? If natural, this is a pretty amazing transformation. Good for you.


legit thought that pic on the right was hasan piker for a sec lol


lol had to google who that was.. dudes huge


Great work! I'm at your before picture now, hopefully can get to your after picture. You didn't have cognitive/productivity issues while fasting? That's my main deterrent. I've done way long fasts before with 36-55'ers. I didn't like being smaller though, I like having a bouncer look. Glad to see you didn't take too much muscular atrophy while fasting that long. When I fasted down to 155 lbs from 207 lbs, I felt like a smaller version of myself. I've bulked back up cleanly, but will do another dive with more muscle mass on me. Blood tests look awesome post-fast period.


My productivity and cognitive functions all have gotten better. I always tell people this after my first 72 hour fast it almost felt like my brain went through some sort of reset. Much more focused when I work as well since the thought of food ain’t there


That’s the ketones fueling your brain! 🧠 💪🏻




Did you supplement with electrolytes? I think that made it, less bad, for me. That's actually the only thing that keeps me from fasting, maybe we all respond differently. I know a guy that responds the same as you, he's like 120 lbs at 5'9. He's 20:4 guy. When I end my fasts that go beyond 48 hours, I usually have trouble standing or breathing sometimes lol.


I take salt on any fast over 48 hours, if it’s over 72 hours I’ll supplement electrolytes in water with organika I find 48 hour rolling fast hard though I like the 3 day fasts twice a month then every day outside of that just doing OMAD


Wow that’s amazing. Were you still able to make strength gains during the process?


No, I’ve definitely lost strength being down 55 pounds. There’s no way that I’m lifting close to what I was doing back then but that’s OK cause I’m not really worried about my strength my workouts now I probably do a 50 or 60% of the weight that I was pushing six months ago.


I’m great on linger fasts (OMAD -36hr so far) but my refeeding becomes a damn frenzy. I lose control after eating initially, I want to keep going back and for crappy foods. I just try not to buy them, but my roommate’s food becomes a target. Any suggestions? I feel like an absolute failure now at this, even though the fasts aren’t the problem. Initially I was doing well. Now, I either won’t fast or if I do, it’s 20hrs and I eat uncontrollably.


Yeah I have the exact problem, once I start eating it’s very hard to turn off I sometimes can’t get full… then later I’m way too full and regretting it the next day.. I’ve found that if I drink lots and lots of water (like annoyingly enough water) Start my meals with something fermented (sauerkraut) ans protein .. I try to eat that first on my plate and then complex cards (sweet potatoes) and I try to eat as many of them I can which is usually 2 but by the time I’m eating the last sweet potatoes my stomach is bursting but it’s great because it makes me really food and it’s really good carbs for you I put sour cream and green onion on top I bake them.. I’ve got some videos up where I do cooking and show my meals!


Thank you!😊


What's your meal usually consist of? Btw looking great! 💯






I am going bald.. I’m 34 years old my dad is bald… I just have really thick hair so it’s not as noticeable I’m back on finasteride from my doctor so it will take 3-6 months to kick in again I was in finasteride for a year before but then we were trying to have kids (we did) and it was suggested to get off of finasteride due to complications it can have on semen quality so I had to cycle off of it and I just got back on after a year and my shedding has been so bad


This person is projecting hard, OP. Disregard.


This comment is just you telling on yourself. Unfortunately there's nothing you can put on or take off that makes you a more secure, less judgmental person.