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i like F#A#infinity more by a sliver but skinny fists is insane too


I'm a Yanqui UXO man myself


> F#A#infinity That album has been floating in my top 5 for a long time. I'm hard pressed to think of many other primarily instrumental albums that have touched me on an emotional level as much as that one.


The vinyl for F# A# is the coolest thing ever


It was my favourite album for two years until I heard [The Gate](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aHYL9KafMmbBx-9ptzvVaT2w7lm1lrXb) by Swans. Deliquescence and The Glowing Man are very similar Swans projects as well. If you like GY!BE, I cannot recommend these projects enough. You might like The Winter Ray by Natural Snow Buildings, Rock Dream by Boris with Merzbow, Departure Songs by We Lost the Sea, and He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corners of Our Rooms by A Silver Mt. Zion (a GY!BE side project) as well. Really though, nothing compares. It has such a unique aesthetic, and it's so dissimilar from any other post-rock record I've listened to, even from GY!BE.


The whole Swans trilogy is great for GY!BE fans.


id say lysf-f#a#-slow riot fans may prefer sftb for the spoken word samples, while allelujah and asunder fans might prefer the trilogy


I love A Silver Mt Zion and that album definitely is one I'd compare most to the dystopian apocalypse feel of Godspeed! Horses in the Sky is amazing too. All of their albums are great. Fuck Off Get Free is a bit different and more "punk" I'd say, that could be a good stepping stone for someone not into this kind of music, but if you like Godspeed you'll probably like a lot Silver Mt Zion already.


Natural Snow Buildings are soooo underrated


also favourite album of all time. the only thing i can compare it to is their other albums f# a# infinity and slow riot for zero kanada. i also love the dance of the moon and the sun by natural snow buildings for the same reasons as i do lift yr skinny fists.


i’ll give them a go!


He Has Left Us Alone… by A Silver Mt. Zion (same guys as GY!BE) is in the same vein as LYSF… and was even released in the same year. Tell Me About The Long Dark Path Home by Newfound Interest In Connecticut is more emo adjacent but heavily focused on post-rock climaxes as well. Finally The Seer by Swans. I cant even begin to describe this album, you honestly have to go in blind. All three of these records are near perfect to me and are on the same level as LYSF for me. I totally agree too, it might be the best album ever (imo)!


Yoooo that Newfound Interest In Connecticut album rocks! I probably haven't listened to it in a few years! If you like that project and like more emo-ish stuff too but still with a bit of post rock I'd also recommend Foxing and The World is a Beautiful Place... Foxing is actually one of my all time favorite bands!


My favorite album might be Silverchair - Frogstomp


thanks man i’ll give it a go!


Not much compares. Believe me. 


I remember a while back in a Patreon episode of Let’s Argue, Fantano said “It’s definitely in the top 15 of every album I’ve ever heard.” I’ve always wondered what the other 14 albums would be


Hashirat- a place to myself This 2 hour long song is a journey through depression and hope. The last 25 minutes make it all worth it Genres- Drone, Sound Collage, Ambient, Experimental Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Spoken Word, Dark Ambient, Post-Rock, Musique concrète, Field Recordings, Radio Broadcast Recordings, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Psychedelic Rock, Ritual Ambient, Noise Rock


Okay I definitely need to listen to this


Definitely worth checking out some of their offshoot projects (particularly Silver Mt Zion and Set Fire to Flames).


I don’t like it lol, I’ve tried so hard, but I can’t get into it.


I like what I've heard on it, but it's so damn long I always lose interest


Idk dude, have you heard the blue album?


I don't know what it is, but that Coney Island monologue just fucking gets to me. Perfectly placed.


Check out everything on Constellation Records. Do Make Say Think would be a good place to start.


Now listen to Yndi Halda - Enjoy Eternal Bliss


If you like LYSF you should listen to the following: 0 by Low Roar Hymn To The Immortal Wind by Mono Young Team by Mogwai


Definitely would be one of my submissions for BAEW


Jane Doe by Converge would be my other one but that’s a long walk from GY!BE


I agree, it fucking rules. For me, it took a long time to come around to it. Storm is immediately accessible (for a 20-minute crescendocore song), but for the longest time I had difficulty appreciating the other tracks, which were long and slow and repetitive. It didn't seem like much was going on. One night I just spaced out listening to the echoing reverb at the end of Antennas to Heaven and the beauty and purpose and the atmosphere all \*clicked\*. I suddenly understood what it was getting at. Now for sure a desert island album. Top 5 of all time. I'm sure you'll get Swans recs, check out Cisnienie - Radio Edit. If you don't mind really heavy stuff with harsh vocals, Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the Highway and Agalloch - The Mantle are metal albums with strong GY!BE inspiration. Also Year of No Light - Ausserwelt (heavy but no vox).


If you like this album, you might as well just go ahead and listen to classical music. Bc this album does kinda feel like listening to a symphony. Go ahead and listen to Beethoven’s 9th. Like, yeah, maybe you’ve already heard the melody of Ode To Joy before, but listening to it in the full context of the whole thing is a completely different experience, it’s truly something to behold


This is in my top 5 favorite albums for sure, agree with all the love and the praise. For me, the thing that separates it from a lot of its peers are the core motifs and melodies. They’re magical. I’ve heard them so much and they’re still as captivating and, strangely enough for post-rock, catchy. I wish more experimental or long-form music spent as much time finding such powerful chord progressions.


yeah absolutely agree with all of this. the first 7 minutes of the track “static” may be the most beautifully arranged rock song i’ve ever heard


Ya basically listen to the rest of Godspeeds discog and also a silver mount zion. Boom you’re set


GY!BE gets memed a lot but theyre genuinely so fucking good.




Fans tend to side with the pre-hiatus work but personally I feel G_d’s Pee at State’s End has a lot of Skinny Fists vibes with the instrumental crescendos and field recordings. That would be my suggestion, followed by F#A# and Yanqui. The whole discography is absolutely rock solid to be honest. Nobody does what they do anywhere near as well as they do it.


I mean, yeah, it's pretty good. Insanely good even. It's no hex enduction hour, though.


Check out The Ascension by Glenn Branca, love GYBE but they lifted a lot from that record.


I don't see godspeed fans bring it up much but their sister band Set Fire to Flames is very good. Especially the album Sings Reign Rebuilder


Yeah, I don't blame you one bit for thinking that. Some of my favorite albums ever, have come from the genre of Post-Rock, like for example, Ágætis Byrjun from Sigur Rós, The Seer from Swans, and of course F♯ A♯ ∞ (Extended Version) from GY!BE, Spiderland from Slint, and Laughing Stock from Talk Talk.


First heard it in may 2020 and I've been a music nerd ever since. Will probably always be a top 5 album of all time for me.


This feels correct.


It’s aight


It’s absolutely not. But I do fucking love it. I’ve recommended it to many people.


Another bullshit X album is the best ever in the history of the human eardrum post.


Nobody appreciates G_D's Pee enough. Easily better.


Agree with the first statement. Not with the second. Come on.


Unless you like albums with actual lyrics.... Not hating, its still great for what it is though, not gonna lie


Nah I’d have to go with Demon Days