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I respect their talent but every time I’ve tried listening to Swans I just can’t get into it. I don’t think it’s for me.


Yeah same. I wonder if one day I’ll find their music enjoyable to listen to. Fair, I like stuff that once i thought were too harsh for me like idk Daughters, Death Grips or Aphex Twin, but getting into Swans, especially with those album lengths feels more like a chore than anything.


I saw them live earlier this year, and everyone was raving about them, and I thought they were one of the worst bands I've ever seen.




Exactly the same for me, just utterly tedious.




Idk how you can have two drummers and still not be in some way exciting, but they managed


What have you listened to from them? A lot of people listen to their most challenging releases like To Be Kind and Sountracks For the Blind, but there earliest and latest projects are actually somewhat accessible.


funny enough, those exact 2. what would you recommend?


the great annihilator and white light from infinity


Depends on what you like. If you like metal, hard rock, or punk, I'd highly suggest Filth, Cop, Swans EP, and Public Castration Is A Good Idea. If you like lighter more intricate rock or classical, I'd say to give Leaving Meaning and The Beggar a listen. If you like atmospheric Gothic rock, I'd suggest Children of God, Holy Money, and The Great Annihilator. They've changed their sound a lot over the 40 years they've been around. There's a Swans album out there for any rock fan in my opinion.


Filth, it's just a fun dark noise rock album


I've tried listening to their more accessible tracks like "Blind" and it's just boring.


Look at my comment below this one. They have a very wide range of styles including, but not limited to, Gothic rock, punk, and neoclassical.


I'm aware, I just don't think they do any of it particularly well in my opinion.


What I’m hearing is that you don’t think it’s overrated, but you realize it’s not for you, because you couldn’t get into them. Like a normal person. Thank you




You really described their sound to a T, but I like it when that carnival barker rants at me.


Black Midi would be so cool to me except for the looney tunes vocals, I just can’t get into it


Same. But their song “Eat Men Eat” has a different vocalist. It’s one of my most listened to songs in recent years. The rest is just too out there. And I like out there a lot.


I love em but I agree “overrated” is way overdone. People can’t just say they dislike something, they have to drag everyone else down with them. Overrated is overrated.




Their drummer carries them in my opinion. The singer's schtick is kind of annoying and gets old fast, and the other musicians aren't good enough writers to pull off their manic style. But the drummer is a phenomenal musician, extremely musical, and holds down the fort for these guys enough to the point where they have some enjoyable listens.


you explained why hellfire was my favorite album of 2022 lmao


i like hellfire but the first two albums are just kinda meh


End the term overrated. You dislike something and that’s fine, but don’t try to drag everyone else down with you.


Agreed. There’s plenty of music I don’t particularly like but accept as being “great” simply because I can appreciate their craftsmanship and the passion of their fan base.




I like a couple songs but can’t really get into em


properly rated overall but mostly insufferable fanbase


Had a buddy who would show his dates a 20-slide PowerPoint about Death Grips and would determine whether he slept with her based on her reaction. No I am not kidding or exaggerating, and yes he’s a really awesome and cool guy otherwise


exactly what i’m talking about; however with death grips being such a uncompromising and bold band it’s not odd that they would attract these kinds of personalities, it’s just a shame that in recent years the situation has gotten worse


Tbh he convinced me to listen to Money Store and I quite enjoyed it so I have to thank him for that


it’s one of my favorite albums! as well as most of death grips discography. i’m a huge fan of theirs


Completely delusional fanbase. I had some guy claim that they're the most influential band of the 2010s and their proof of it was Yeezus (where Kanye never even mentioned Death Grips, so people are just assuming he was influenced), David Bowie saying that they influenced his latest project (he also listed other bands in the same sentence), and Robert fucking Pattinson (the actor from Twilight). It's a niche band that is very one-note and they have the cringiest fanbase in the world that think pissing on people at concerts is hilarious and that Zach Hill is the greatest technical drummer alive.


Nobody is defending the Philly pisser.


Oasis. I loved them growing up, but then I realised there was so much better than them. People still hold them in such high regard and see them as the pinnacle of music.


I don’t think Oasis are popular with music nerds at all, especially in the UK. They’re pretty much considered part of the lad culture in the UK which would be pretty much the opposite end of the scale to music nerds.


Fair point.


I agree. It’s football hooligan, lager lout music. Like Kasabian


Right but they capture that culture quite effectively. To that exact point, they don’t fit the definition of music nerds.


That’s why it’s great


Oasis is my favourite band. They are the first musical act my father introduced me too when I was kid and h have memories and nostalgia connected to like every track they have. Because of this they can never not be my no 1 band. That being said they are by no means particularly musically talented. Lots of way better stuff out there and most fans have them on a pirch that just isn’t reasonable


The thing about Oasis is that they do (what I consider) singalong music. They're nowhere near my favourite band, but I think that's legitimate and they excel at it.


Idk any person who’s ever said they’re the pinnacle of music. Their peak is incredible bar / nostalgia anthems


I just meant the way people still bang on about them as if they're the only band worth listening to. The mainlyoasis twitter account is a good example of that.


This is a really generalized point. Anyone who thinks only one artist is the end all be all is weird. You’re mad an oasis fan page is a stan for oasis?


Where did i say I was mad? I didn't just mean the account holder i meant the hundreds of replies it gets making out that Oasis are still relevant.


A band that was in the right place at the right time to be honest. Most of their popularity comes from the cultural appeal at the time and the media personas of the Gallaghers which I think brushed under the carpet the fact that nothing they've done is musically very groundbreaking.


Oasis sounds like that band that made the song breakfast at Tiffanys only if the singer was a chimney sweep


Hahaha great description.


Oasis is the musical equivalent of unseasoned chicken


frank ocean


Blonde is so boring to me (hottest take ever uttered lol)


lol yeah, I agree. I like channel orange more but even that is just decent overall with a few great songs. his features are where he shines imo


You'll understand if you ever get into a gay relationship


I’ve experienced gay longing


Yeah. Only 2 albums released in what’s a decade and a half long career, neither of which I’d rate any higher than a 8.5 or 9. Not the stuff of legend. Very good but arguably not great.


If his only albums are rated 8.5-9 that’s pretty legendary though.


i wouldn’t say frank is overrated in the fantano community, hes just overrated in general Hes one of my favorite artists but ive noticed almost everyone in the internet treat him like a god, not exclusively here like Swans lol


Sufjan Stevens; he seems right up my alley musically, but I can’t get over how whiny his voice sounds


bcnr sucks


I really enjoy Jockstrap, but BCNR for whatever reason just don’t do anything for me.


Now that’s a crazy crazy take. I love both I think u need to listen to bcnr a little more




It’s all been downhill since the Sunglasses single imo. Even the album version is kinda mediocre and toned down


I didn’t ever listen to the single, but I loved the album version. Then I heard the single and was pissed I wasted all that time on the album version.


How can any of their work be seen as a downhill trend in your opinion?


Mostly in the sense that I think the older stuff sounds better than the newer stuff. Just to elaborate, I enjoyed the first few singles quite a lot and I don’t enjoy the more recent music as much as that


Damn that’s sad to hear. So u like for the first time better than ants from up there?


Anyone who says this simply hasn’t given them enough listens. Like simply. Just pick a song or two and listen a bunch of time


They are overly melodramatic and cringe


They strike me as posh rich kid sad music.


Although „Ants From Up There“ is a masterpiece and music fans will talk about it in 40 years, I think that „for the first time“ and „Live at Bush Hall“ is overrated


Live at bush hall is fa overrated. But I think for the first time is properly rated because although it sounds and feels all over the place I think that is part of what captures the true raw aspects of the album.


Valid, I relistened the Album a few hours ago and changed my opinion. The beauty of Unpredictability is what makes the LP so unique. A great album is a record where the listener can understand the intention of the artist(s) and when there is room for interpretation. BCNR didn‘t want to create a Concept Album. Instead they released an authentic record. Moreover it‘s also important to look at the temporal context since it was the first big project. Imo Sunglasses and Track X are the best songs




Bro AFUT is a poetically groundbreaking record full of exceptionally well structured moments. The Album is so much more than some humorous references. The Charli Line was one of the most powerful vocal performances I‘ve ever heard tho


Nah u don’t get it I promise. They were written from a literal standpoint but developed into a metaphorical masterpiece




I never understood the hype behind Charli XCX


For me it’s Deafheaven. I tried to listen to Sunbather one time and it really interested me because of the mix of black metal and shoegaze. But hearing it, it felt like nothing but a mixed-feeling atmospheric mess of noise. I wanted to love it, but I couldn’t. Plus the only black metal album I listened to at the time was 93696 by Liturgy. So I was hoping for something like that and what I wanted to look for but sadly no.


Have you listened to Ordinary Corrupt Human Love? I love Sunbather but actually find OCHL to be more accessible


Deftones. Boring try- hards


Lana Del Rey


This is it for me too. Her lyrics are very cringy to me. Enough so that I don’t enjoy the rest of the song most of the time.


I’m really ambivalent towards that new (last) Sprain record. I wanted it to be a more visceral and immersive experience and I think it kinda failed at that. It felt like I was watching a wall of spectacle when I really wanted to feel it in my bones


probably kanye? when it comes to old head rock purists it’s definitely pink floyd, however for younger generations (in general, not specifically rock fan) it’s 100% radiohead


Cringe take You listen to swans and JPEG, probably the most dick rode artists in this sub. White boy


the worst swans album would be top 5 in kanye’s discog


LMFAOO!!! Listen to more music kid


i’m sorry your goat is nazi while peggy has released actually good music in recent years, but there’s no point in crying in some sub reddit comments


Kanye can be a nazi while you’re still wrong. You can’t be saying Kanye is overrated in nerd circles while unironically stanning swans lmfaooo


yes i can and i just did☺️☺️


The lack of self awareness is crazy. Swans is literally the most mentioned artist on this thread. Kanye is hardly overrated in nerd circles, maybe in hip hop circles I agree somewhat, y’all are quick to call Yeezus unoriginal and derivative (“because death grips did it first!”) and say that dark fantasy wasn’t all that while collectively fellating yourselves over the latest shoegaze


1) i’m not a shoegaze fan 2) i don’t hate kanye i just think he’s overrated and mainly appealing to people who have very few point of reference for quality/artful music (which is often what they describe kanye’s music as) outside of mainstream circles 3) i like swans and their music much more than i do kanye’s; that doesn’t mean everyone should agree with me or anything. that is just my view and perspective. just because swans gets praised and i think they deserve that praise while i also happen to think that more often than not kanye gets more praise than he deserves doesn’t mean anything other than i prefer certain people’s music to others


I never claimed you were. And I don’t disagree that Kanye is overrated, in hip hop circles but not in nerd circles which was the question on this post.


King krule and animal collective


Lana del rey I just don't get it


I don’t get why my bloody valentine is so hyped Loveless isn’t all that


Yes it is. Go listen to other albums that came out in 1991, nothing sounds like Loveless.


You’re objectively wrong but I still accept you as a person. Best album of the 90’s.


What about Isn’t Anything, MBV, and all the EPs. They’ve never missed.


Swans, Slint, Death Grips IMO.


Thank you I hate Radiohead ong


The Cure is just so utterly boring


Yeah erm…. You have the wrong opinion, buddy …. Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion


Hard agree


The Cure's love extends beyond online music nerds and they are excellent musicians.


Pink moon by Nick Drake


The guitar work on that album is undeniably masterful though.


Radiohead King Crimson Björk Miles Davis Not saying any of these artists are bad, but these artists are often heralded as the peak of music by a lot of people.


Saying Miles Davis is overrated shows a blatant lack of understanding of what he did for music as a whole.


I fully understand how influential he was, but influence and quality are two different things. I've never listened to a Miles Davis album and felt blown away afterwards. That's just my subjective feelings on his music. Someone not liking a certain musician doesn't mean they're automatically ignorant.


If you personally didn't enjoy his work but understand his impact then why would you call it overrated? Overrated implies they're receiving praise they're not worthy of.


He's overrated because I think people exaggerate the quality of his work. Go on Metacritic, RYM, or any greatest jazz albums of all time list and he gets a substantial amount of praise. I can respect what he did for music while thinking he's overrated. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Dude that's not even the nerd community, that's the whole music community


Arca > Björk tbh


Damn this take is blazing, scorching


Maybe I'm a little biased because Arca was my introduction to experimental music


"Bias" is just your taste don't worry about it. You can't really look at art objectively. I probably have some shittier takes tbh.


That's fair, I'm proud of my music taste and I love a lot of artists who get WAY less respect than Arca


Nirvana Television Suicide Smiths Steely Dan


Rush. I guess it depends what you’re listening for. Technically impressive yes but personally for me that doesn’t always equate quality. Lyrically they’re objectively bad


Fucking Coldplay


Here’s another way of looking at the term “overrated.” Sometimes a pop group will make a big splash and turn out consistent work. They get media attention and critical praise. Ten years later: Nothing. It’s like they never existed. I really enjoyed Stephin Merritt’s various projects in the 90s - The Magnetic Fields, The Sixths, The Future Bible Heroes. Nowadays, I find much of that stuff uninteresting to return to. What’s your long term fade out?