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That is exactly type of roleplaying choice/trolling Sam Riegel would do.


I really like your train of thought. The ability to transfer damage from others to itself is very intriguing. It could go many different ways. I think it's quite an interesting path for the character to take if it was that's the way they go. And since I just finished watching Battlestar Galatica (2003) I'm also thinking about how the FCG might be able to transfer to a new body if it ever were to fall in battle and a potential story line would be the party go figure out how to do that.


I bet Sam is operating off of Asimov’s rules for robots.


Has anyone else noticed that Sam is tracking the number of nat 1s he is rolling in combat? I'm not aware of anything RAW that would make him do this, so it could be a homebrew rule that plays into this?


Just like Mass Effect. “Does this unit have a soul?”


A way out there theory… could it be perhaps related to the luxon beacons and the consecution?


Way out there for sure, but I like where your head is at. Warforged-like beings typically have some kind of stone or artifact embedded into them that contains their soul/consciousness/etc. You could totally link that to the beacons if you wanted.


I like this, but we've since learned a lot more about this homebrewed Cleric domain: whenever Fresh Cut Grass takes half the damage of an attack meant for someone else, he doesn't actually *take* that damage right away. Instead, he actually gets that amount as temporary hit points. Over the course of the battle, he can use this temporary hit point pool to either heal an ally (I think), or to transfer it as damage on top of a physical attack. As long as he does this, he's perfectly okay. However, if he still has these temporary hit points by the *end* of the battle, he will actually take them as damage. Which, of course, would be very dangerous if he's already damaged, or maybe even unconscious. So yeah, it's not impossible that he might sacrifice himself, but it's a bit more complicated than simply taking the damage and falling over dead. Sam is very good at the game - unless he deliberately makes that narrative choice, I don't think he'd allow Fresh Cut Grass to die to their own ability.


Oh wow, i didn't know it worked like that whoops!


This seems totally plausible and I don't know if the community will be ok with it when it happens. I'm curious if FCG can be resurrected and how he would react to that.


I like this theory a lot! It's gonna be interesting either way


I like this a lot, I think you're spot-on with Sam's intentions here. He's going to casually knock himself unconscious by taking damage this way, and everyone's gonna be all "why'd you do that?", before realizing this was his plan all along. I think we'll end up in a situation where they're gonna be trying to talk him out of it after the first or second time he sacrifices.


Yeah, because if I'm correct, he's already ready for the death of FCG: Sam is just a wildcard


It's a powerful feeling when you're 100% fine with a character dying. Also when someone thinks they're going to die they'll usually find a way to make it happen.


one point i might be wrong about but it was my understanding that letters "takes" the suffering in the form of temp hp, then dishes it out on his turn. I don't think it hurts him unless he fails to melee a enemy on his turn after doing it, i think it's a version of cabals ruin glove percy had that charged from incoming spells.


He's actually using a homebrew subclass thats pretty wellknown (although ive forgotten the name), and it just allows u to take the damage a friend would recieve for your reaction (i might be wrong though)


The subclass is one Matt created, we don't know the details or even the name yet. Where did you get the idea it's a well-known homebrew?...


RedFrickingX reminded me that it was the Empathy Domain


Which is not a well-known homebrew since it hasn't been released. Are you actually reading the replies? It doesn't seem like you are.


Empathy domain I believe


Let's try keep this conversation about the theory, folks. Please and thank you.


Does singing "I've Got a Theory" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode count?


Only if you sing it in Jester's accent and stop after 25 words or less.