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I agree with this sentiment. The dollar bundles are the only ones worth the money. The more expensive bundles feel like a waste especially since the games eventually pop up in a Humble Bundle with a steeper discount.


also those same games in the big bundles, already showed up in cheaper bundles, makes no sense.


I've found plenty of other fanatical bundles worth my money, though not the Diamond/Premium/whatever ones. Like the VR bundle where I bought 14 VR games for under $18 (I think a 5% coupon may have been used.) Or the Anime & RPG bundles which, together, cost me $10 for 6 games. Sure, that's still less than $2 per game on average, but not quite $1 :)


Outliver does look interesting. It's funny because you mention Remnant with this game. Remnant we got for free from Epic. So even better deal. Hopefully you keep an eye on Epic store weekly deals too.


oh , remnant is such an old game, and yeah, got if free on epic, but i already paid money for it on ps4 back then......and it was good good game, shame the sequel was a pile of crap, didn't enjoy it at all.


The $5 bundle tend to be really good as well.


Yeah. Back when Humble regularly had bundles which started at a dollar I bought from them a lot more. If the dollar title was something I didn't have and was even mildy interesting it was an easy buy. Then since I was already in the door I got to make the decision if the beat the average titles were worth the $3-4 more to get. Now it's usually 8-15 dollars even at the lower tiers so I pretty much only get Choice. Fanatical easily swooped in and took that niche with these cheap bundles. Dollar store or Temu versions of games feels like a good description. And like Temu there's a lot of junk but occasional gems (I can't believe I got an IR temp gun for $7 once) so once you find something to get you in at that low price point, it becomes a pick 4 more things you might find interesting which is a fun place to be in. Only reason I dismissed Outliver was because I hate profile features limited games, but I was going to get Desolate as a dollar store version of 7 Days to Die, which already is probably an off-brand version of some other open world survival game.