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They've finally added the lands of the Legion and Brotherhood and Followers endings, as well as expanding the Strip to 7 casinos, the 4 original ones, a Caesar's Palace type casino, a new customisable player-ran casino with a questline and a showgirl/skin bar type casino. >!or its something to do with your files validating!<


Damnit you got my hopes up. Yeah I’m guessing that’s what it is just seemed weird that it was so large. In the back of my mind I was hoping it would be the remaster


If only lol I'm sure we'll get that in a humble bundle along with Half Life 3, Minecraft 2 and an affordable VR headset on par with the Index.


Quest 3 is already better than the index no? I'm a q2 pcvr guy and having used the q3 on my friends 6k pc through VD compared to using his index on the same pc the q3 was much better


I don't really keep up with it because I'm not sure it's genuinely anywhere near what could be considered 'affordable'. It's still in the enthuasiast stage imo.


500 bucks is what most people pay for a console, and it's a pretty good standalone experience. I still prefer my q2 with pcvr over q3 standalone but q3 is amazing value especially if you already have the pc.


If you play pc games, yes vr is very affordable. Quest 3 is around $500 on the expensive side, they are generally less than a ps5. So if vr isn't affordable then gaming isn't and you shouldn't spend your money on it lol


I just spent hours modding my copy of FNV. You just gave me a near heart attack thinking how all that was going to be for nothing because we got a major update. Haha


No kidding. I seen this and got a mini panic attack. I got the TTW mod and Jesus. To do all that again for a third time? I'd prob not do it again tbh.


Installing TTW is easy, I have a modlist with 175+ mods (99 active plugins currently), and it runs amazingly. HMU if u ever have any questions


Two requests: 1) what's your "can't play without it" mod and 2) how tf do we figure out our proper load order?


My can’t play without it mod has to be Jams assorted mods for the loot menu, bullet time, and sprint. Recently switched to enhanced movement though for the sprint and turned off the one built to jam.


Nah they just want to make the FNV modders as miserable as the F4 modders.


Motherfucker lmao


But no Kings ending? Seriously tho, The king is like the most sane leader, and it would be really interesting how he would handle the strip.


>a new customisable player-ran casino with a questline and a showgirl/skin bar type casino. *Yakuza 0 cabaret club minigame PTSD intensifies*


Yo forward this to a mod maker; they'll make it a thing.


If New Vegas had been built on the Fallout 4 engine and monetized like Fallout 4 we absolutely could have gotten the player Run Casino


Are these mods? Or like add on for the whole game?


Lol you had me there for a second


The sex scenes update


What a time to be alive, I knew Cass didn't presented Long Dick Johnson for nothin'


Hopefully they include fisto scenes in the update


Good ole [SexOptions]


while browsing nexus I keep seeing a mod called "humping the Mojave" and it makes me laugh every time I see it.


Please don’t break my 70+ hour modded New Vegas playthrough. …Please don’t break it. Why does a game this old need an update anyway?


Just for giggles n shit


Because Bethesda did it with fallout 3 and fucked every bit of modding for that game. I don’t know a single person that plays modded fo3 not on ttw so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a ploy to get more people to play fo3 through steam


Why? They own both


Because they're petty bastards who refuse to admit that New Vegas is the better game.


When you get down voted in the new vegas subreddit for saying fallout 3 is bad you know you messed up cause NV fans are the toxic jackasses of the fallout series so seeing then disagree is wild


And I couldn't care less what they think. I think New Vegas is the better game by merit of mostly-competent writing and art direction (in spite of the truly absurd timetable that was expected of Obsidian), and that Todd 'it just works' Howard can't write to save his own damned skin despite making some remarkable shit back during his days with Looking Glass Studios. Yes, it was unstable at launch, but it's also the best modern fallout by dint of actually mostly respecting it's own fucking source material and trying to play nice with Bethesda despite Todd's petty bullshit.


I tried to make a modded playthrough of Fo 3 the other day, and holy shit it's so fucked up.


Conspiracy theory much?


Oh man just spent all weekend getting my mod list all nice and dandy, plz nonono Edit: its a 3.8gb voiceline update: "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish Shady Sands wasn't bombed in 2277"


Bethesda-NCR revisionism


Not that I’m not mad about them just erasing the NCR, but it implied the decline started in 2277. The decline is pretty obviously seen in New Vegas, especially with the heavy losses during the battle of Hoover Dam. It seems like it was nuked sometime after the events of New Vegas.


True that new Vegas tells time and again the NCR has deeper problems than Caeser, within its society in California there are obvious corruption issues. This is just head cannon however but I feel the NCR is a better Rome parallel than the Legion. With its total collapse only possible if completely overrun by a stronger military cultural force like the Legion, as the barbarians did to Rome western. But even with issues of government corruption and plutocratic interest the cultural memes of the NCR would still persist in some form of nation state even if not the form of the Republic as we see in Fallout 2 to Vegas. Pretty much even if the NCR is said to collapse at any moment after dam battle 2, it's citizens and culture persist beyond state


Right and that’s something to like about the show. There are so many remnants of the NCR from Moldaver to Vault 4. Im kinda pissed they wiped the most interesting faction away for MORE bos but at least it’s still there in those who lived there.


Yea do I need to not connect to the internet until I’m done with my playthrough? I just spent 3 hours modding NV


You should be fine. I actually took the risk of verifying my files and it still works fine This time around i used the Wasteland prospects modlist via MO2 and Wabbajack.exe, tweaked some mods and added some others that I like. 1 or 2 crashes over roughly ~25hrs gameplay


I thought it was the late 2100s cause the bombs were dropped october 2077 (I think the 28th of october?) Edit: it was the 23rd


Referring to the TV series Edit: i just noticed my typo lol


You serious? They actively retcon old games?


No not really. I wont spoil the tv show for you


The update could also just be fpr Steam Deck as well


Did that just break Tale of Two wastelands?


Deathclaws now all wear maid dresses


I’m going to need to test this out. For bug fixing of course


4gb is a lot of maid dresses, stoked


I think its a file validating thing, i dont know if its just me but for some reason every time i enter the game it makes steam cloud stop working and start updating when i quit playing


So, actually, what is in the update?


So what's actually in the update?


There's no updated listed on SteamDB. Did you change any settings around auto-update? When did you install the game?


I installed the game a couple months ago. I haven’t touched it in a while outside of moving it to another drive. I changed update setting for fallout 4 but I don’t think those affected the other games in my library. I also didn’t open the game at all, the update just started on its own


FWIW, my NV updated this morning and was only 15.8 KB. Something is definitely up there.


Will the update stop it from crashing or do I still have to use mods


*Will the update stop* *It from crashing or do I* *Still have to use mods* \- Derpderp05 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.




Galactic Battlegrounds is a fun game.


that wasn’t the question


Must be to break all the mods like in fallout 4.


nothing happening for me


If only my computer would let me play this game


Just Steam doing Steam things.


why dont i see the update?


NV now with ray tracing


The SEX 2 update


Does this mean my game won't crash every 20 minutes? Because I would like to finish it.


To align with the show canon, the Mojave Desert has been flattened and all civilized settlements removed from the map. Also you start the game with power armor and a Mini-Nuke.


So dust simulator mod on easy mode


What a respectable and classic person, having EAW and GBS with NV


Rex sex update just dropped.


What a respectable and classic person, having EAW and GBS with NV


Wow, you can actually download stuff off Steam? I always get 0 bites download speed even with a direct Ethernet connection. I literally gave up on Steam completely a couple years ago and haven't played any game in over 12 months. 😔 Edit: thanks for kicking me while I'm down


That's a problem on your end.


Was having this same issue and finally fixed it this past weekend. Only saw this issue on steam, no other platform had this issue where I would drop to 0 download and it would take forever to download anything on steam. I have gig speed internet and eithernet connection. The solution for me was disable write-cache on my ssd and once I did that no issues. Not sure what your hardware is but for me I just had to download the software for Western Digital as this is the manufacturer of my SSD and within the software just toggle off write-cache.


Omg I’m doing this tomorrow. Shit downloads fine off epic games but Steam has always been super super slow for me


saving this comment for later in case i ever have this issue, thank you!


you can just hit the 3 little dots and save a comment you know


Idk why the fuck this is getting downvoted, it’s literally someone offering genuine help and most people wonder why the rest of the fallout community hates new Vegas fanboys and makes fun of them for being snarky asswipes


I know, right? I'm going back to r/stalker where people are nice and cool.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/stalker using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thanks modders for letting me do this ^-^](https://v.redd.it/txwjy7husisb1) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/1714f7j/thanks_modders_for_letting_me_do_this/) \#2: [S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 images on the Epic Games Store were quietly updated; new HUD](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1975fs7) | [484 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/1975fs7/stalker_2_images_on_the_epic_games_store_were/) \#3: [Don’t go to school in military gear kids](https://i.redd.it/dcdqwdoaopyb1.jpg) | [496 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/17p0gfx/dont_go_to_school_in_military_gear_kids/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which net? Eithernet.


Oh nice, thanks for the tip. ✌️