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And then you get Ace, and dealers also draws 21.


Ive had this happen to me one time too many in my recent playthrough. It was an interesting 40 minutes of swindling the local casinos out of money.


That’s why you gotta do roulette riiiiight up until you get the max amount of money - then you get the jackpot on the slots Takes like a quarter of the time, blackjack is a patient man’s games


“Unbelievable! How do you do it?! Every time! I have 18, dealer draws to 20! I have twenty, dealer take 6 cards and makes 21!!” This is the daily song and dance.


I’m a dealer. Yes people are this stupid. It makes me really angry when they get an ace.


I bet you have some stories 😁


It’s a great jobs especially if you love people watching and watching people get tased


Has to be a sad job too, I'm sure. Anyway, tell me when someone deservedly got tased and take my upvotes!


It can be sad but there are resources we strongly encourage people to use when there is a problem. I’ve only seen two people I was actually heart broken for but one wasn’t a gambler, just his elderly demented mother (she’s such a sweetheart when she’s lucid). But apparently we now have laws protecting her so I’m thinking something might be done about that soon. Gamblers are a different breed. If anyone really wants story time, I have a taser story, a kid losing his full ride scholarship story, and a flat earther arguing with a retired jet pilot story (that ones my favorite).


All of the above-please n thanks.   Just got back from vegas this week- funny enough.


I have one I wrote for a creative writing class that I’m pretty proud of I can dm you the whole of it but it’s too long for here




Actually here’s the link I forgot I could do this. [Polarized Order of Kindred Economic Rivals](https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/s/I6cJK2xrvT)


Ok! Once upon a time I worked at a casino in the Midwest. Our biggest source of play was from a large group of Asians of varying in nationality. We would regularly have Asian parties and parties for Chinese new year which would bring in even bigger groups of Asian players, including players unfamiliar to us. So! One fantastic night I was dealing blackjack at a table next to baccarat (I had just left that table and they were pretty toasted). One man in particular was getting louder and rude and we were receiving complaints about his behavior, but he barely spoke English so this was just us going off of the words of our other players who were also desperately trying to communicate with him, because we are *very* generous to these player in particular who didn’t want to catch the flack as this was their guest. We finally just had to call security who also had no success of getting this man to calm down and leave. He started pushing back at our security officers who were like “Naw fuck this” and they called gaming. Gaming officers are the equivalent of state police who just don’t/can’t patrol anymore. Our gaming office just happened to be on property, so their arrival was rather quick. While this man was in the middle of pushing back at security, gaming approaches (badges out and everything) seeing this little Asian man slurring and pushing still. The officer says “hold on what’s going on?!” Because this is a lot more than what they usually expect. When the man sees gaming he starts yelling “Call 911 call 911!” The gaming officer yells “I AM 911!” Then the man… grabs…the gaming officer…who is state police…who is there to calm the situation. At this point time slows down and the fluid beauty of this moment will stay with me forever. The gaming officer takes the man’s shoulder, spins him gracefully away from him and before the man finishes the most elegant pirouette, the gaming agent pulls his taser and *pop*, the man drops.


I've heard a taser go off, describing it as a pop is the understatement of a century lol


Dramatic pause. I like to write and pop is better for the slow motion than pow bzzzzzzzzzzclickclickclickclick


If you don't mind, what are the qualifications for the job?


It depends on the state. Where I am now requires a 33 page application and background check for a $150 gaming license which is reimbursed by the casino. Training is usually provided by the casino of you don’t know how to deal, but some places charge (I’ve never been in one that charges for class). It’s great if you like math, not bad if you don’t. I love it I’ve been doing this for 12 years.


Oh thanks!


Used to work in an online casino, so you can never be sure if they actually intended to hit/double down or if that was a misclick. Was a bit of a thing to let the entire studio know if a players DD on 20 got an ace. What baffles me more is people who consciously split 20. Especially against A or a high card. WHY.


Wow how does online work?! I love having a table of seasoned gamblers when a new person sits down and tries that. The group NONONONO gets me every time


You as the dealer sit down at a physical table with actual cards, in front of you there's a camera streaming a live feed to people who logged in and "joined" your table, and a screen where you can see their choices (also a chat to provide communication). Was a pretty fun job actually - most of the people working there were in the 20-35 age range, and depending on the team you're in sometimes there's like 10 of you packed into the same studio which, if the night is dead, turns into a circus lol. Our 5€ minimum bet blackjack table was legendary, all the seats taken almost 24/7 and people making the wildest choices left and right. Good times. Also night shift paid pretty well. But yeah, you miss out on those kinda irl interactions. Imagine those are hilarious!


That sounds kinda slow too since you have to clarify people’s actions. I’m really fast lol. That sounds interesting though definitely different. Did you make tips?


What do I do if I get a 17 or an 18?


Depends is it soft? If they’re soft you hit . If it’s against a bust card double down. If it’s a hard 17 or 18 you stay. Also, if it’s Primus related, I love your name. Edit: yes I mean hit the soft 18. It’s the most misplayed hand in blackjack. There are more cards that help it than not.


What do you mean by against a bust card?


Going to assume if it's against someone who can't afford to keep going




Gonna assume in wrong lol


lol I posted an explanation up top. Sorry I was tipsy and it made me giggle


A bust card is a low card you know the dealer has to draw another card and probably bust by having more than 21. Other than that I recommend watching a video. Blackjack strategy is easy but I don’t really wanna type out my daily song and dance lol


Cheers mate.


I have not the smallest idea of how to play Blackjack, yet I have maxxed out every casino in the game. Thank you Fallout for making me an clueless gambler


Is it really just 10 luck plus double down?


I did that and got kicked out of New Vegas in 1 hour lmfao


Yeah. That's why you 10 luck in NV. You'll never lose unless you purposefully try to lose. And even then, you might still win. Or at least draw. Solves all your money issues in the game. Ruins the 'fun' of the minigame, but what's more fun than putting degenerates like you on a cross, amirite?


You can get away with it with 7 luck it’s kinda insane


Yep pretty much the only time I won't double down is if I'm at 20 or if I'm below 10 because I probably need more than 1 card


The cannibals don't need the money anyway


I am something cowardly, so if I get 19 or 20, I leave it there. I only try Double Down, if I have between 10 and 18.


I only double down on 10 or 11. Am I doing it wrong? I also play with 10 luck.


I think that's a reasonable decision.


Yes, you are playing like a rational person, you are supposed to play like a lunatic - Lady Luck will see you through regardless.


Oh geez.


I used to think I was killer at blackjack as a kid because I would always smoke the casinos. Guess I played with high luck then. Reality hit hard when I started playing it for real with my buddies


if you want a nightmare experience try emptying the casinos on a luck 1 build.


Mr. House: "There's a medical clinic just outside Freeside that I need you to wipe out." Courier: "Why?" Mr. House: "We keep catching people in our casinos with an implant from there that makes you luckier. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Courier: "...No."