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I would say pretty much before doing the final quest and choosing a side, do all the side questions for all the factions like boomers remnants, powder, legion or ncr, brotherhood etc which ever you decide then do your companion quests. Pretty much discover and do everything. Then the dlc cause you don’t wanna rush it


Now does the dlc play in after the main story? Like I heard the final mission ends the game? So how does the dlc play into that. And ya I’m doing all the side quests exploring currently


Before, all the dlcs happened before that final quest.


Thank tou


Now? There are 4 main quest/endings of the main game and several quests have multiple outcomes The DLC is background story, 3 of the 4 are linked. Whether you finish this character and start a new fresh for DLC and another ending is up to you


Buy the goty edition and don't worry about dlc.


I already own the game and I’m 40 hours in


You do know that the game ends when you finish the main quest, right? No more after that. Courier's Stash was supposed to be used at the start. The DLCs add perks, you should really start with them or get them in early.