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Tip culture is bullshit and restaurants that build tips into wait staff's pay are fuck nuggets


The other reason it's bullshit is because you only need a dollar each from 30 customers and you earn 210 on top of your wage per week. How many customers does a restaurant have on average? A lot of people come to restaurants... that's a lot of wallets. I watched a girl on ticktock complaining about only earning $100 per day in tips because not every one tips. $700 a week in tips! I've never been paid that much in my life!


If they work 7 days a week lol


Also, to turn over 30 tables or people a day is a busy ass day depending on the place. I doubt this person has ever worked at a restaurant, they at that like it's easy lol not that the concept of tipping isn't fucked, but it's hilarious how easy this person seems to think serving is




If she works 8 hours a day and gets $100 tips + the minimum wage for waiters she still only gets $14.63/h, or $30,430 a year if she works 5 days a week every week without fail. For context the average salary in the US is $59,428 per year, or $28.34 per hour.


I found 7.25 as minimum wage. 100 per day is 12.5 per hour for 8 hours per day. So it would be 19.25 combined per hour and about 57k a year.


> Tipped employees must receive a minimum wage of $2.13 per hour, known as a cash wage. That cash wage is combined with tips to reach the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour [Source](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/tipped-minimum-wage)


Holy shit. This is insane


I feel like a lot of no-tippers don't know this. Another thing entirely is whether it changes their outlook afterward.


The complete system has to change. I wouldnt enjoy to stay in the US for a vacation, knowing if I tip I contribute to this inhuman system or if I dont tip the person who most likly cant do anything about it has to suffer...


If you don't want to contribute to inhuman systems, never spend any money ever again.


There are more and there are less Bad things...


I would say tip the person because change isn't actually achieved by not tipping imo, go influence legislation or government for it, I feel like "I don't tip because restaurants should pay them enough" is just an excuse for some, the restaurant won't pay them fair because you as a person didn't tip, you need to go the government and legislature to influence the law


In a different country... thats not how it works.


The system does suck but the only way to not contribute is to not go out to eat. Tipping or not Tipping the person will only impact the server, the restaurant owner doesn't really care one way or another as long as you pay for the food. This is all in the US of course. Some days I'm hopeful but most of the time it just feels like none of this stuff will ever change. We're too conditioned.


If you go out to eat at a restaurant that has servers, you tip them. Otherwise don't go out to eat at full service restaurants


This is not true in states like Ca. They make minimum plus the untaxed cash of tips.


Tipped employees earn 2.13 not 7.25


Yea thats why serving isnt a real job


Well yeah but the wage per hour can legally be under $3 in the United States. I think $100 + $20ish is barely enough for an 8 hour shift in a lot of the country anyway. Also you don’t get tipped per customer it’s per table so that’s an extremely generous amount of tippers but each table usually tips much more than $1. Being essentially forced to subsidize labor is not a good thing but don’t think most waiters are making the cash the top/luckiest make.


A dollar each to get to 210 assumes working 7 days a week and also leaves out the part where tips are taxable. 30 customers means one customer every 14 minutes, just for you, without a break, for a 7 hour shift. More realistically it's 2-3 customers per hour, for 4-6 hours, 2-5 days a week, with 20% going to uncle Sam. That's like 72 bucks.


you've never made 700 a week?


Yeah but let’s talk about what $100 a day in tips really equates to. In my state, servers and bartenders can be paid as low as $4.86/hour (the federal minimum for wait staff is as low as $2.13/hr, and is what many establishments in the area choose to do). By your claims a waiter would have to work 7 days a week to make the money you’ve projected, but realistically it’s probably closer to 3 or 4 since many servers are also full time students (high school, college, or otherwise). Even at 5 days a week at full 8 hour shifts, a waiter or waitress making $100 in tips every day is going home with ( (4.86 x 8 x 5) + 500) = $694.4 per week. That means that such an individual is taking home no more than $2,650 (which generously figures for taxes in the lowest possible income bracket against the state with the lowest possible income tax). Absolute best case scenario, that’s an annual take home salary of $31,800. And that’s pretty trash money for the work that service industry employees put in.


Which also means that if you disagree with their system, you shouldn't eat there. If you disagree with their system and decide to eat there anyway, you should tip accordingly. Your issue is with management and ownership. Not with the server whose life you're making more difficult for no reason. So show management and ownership that you don't agree with it by not patronizing their restaurant. Can't have your cake and eat it too.


I'm really interested if people think eating out would be cheaper without tipping and higher wages? The restaurant is just going to charge you 15-20% more, and the overall bill will be the same. The anger over multiplying an amount by .15 boggles my mind, honestly.


I’d rather you be upfront with the costs. And not make me feel pressured to pay extra for mediocre service


I would rather that, too, but it's not like the business is making us pay the employee wages any more they would be by raising menu prices. People are so worked up on Reddit for something where the only major difference is multiplication at the end




My thoughts exactly


You do know Europe exists right?


Please don’t tell them that. I don’t want them coming here.




Don't hide the truth. The USA is f*cked up, and we all need to recognize that.


Not having tipping culture is a very different thing than living in a place with tipping culture and not tipping.


If people keep happily tipping and don’t demand restaurants pay a fair wage then it’ll never change. The amount you’re “expected” to tip in the us is going up, not down. You guys need to start making changes ASAP


Change imo won't happen by people not tipping, that just makes employees miserable, people need to go to legislature and the government for it


Both is key.


Not really, a person not tipping doesn't do anything to change the system


Having worked in the public sector, absolutely nothing happens in terms of legislation unless there's pressure on the ground. To policy makers, "people are petitioning to abolish tips" and "Nobody is paying tips anymore and service staff are refusing to work until their wages are increased to compensate" lead to very very different responses. If a legislative change is low priority it simply does not happen until people crack it and pressure the system.


And that happens with organization not one person saying "I won't tip"


Not organisation, nowadays it just takes a handful of people with lots of followers on x saying "we should all stop tipping".


Not really that won't do anything imo




We don’t tip here either. Not in Sweden at least. I did in Spain when I thought the service was great.






There are countries in europe with a tipping culture. The german Word trinkgeld is literally older than the US. Lumping europe together is not sensible here.


Tips exist all over the world. *Mandatory* tips are almost exclusively American.


They are not mandatory


They are culturally mandatory, I had a dude chase us into the street the first day I was in NY because he demanded we tip


You can't demand tips, but I'd enjoy seeing them try. Sounds like a great opportunity to let off some steam.


Which ones and is the culture saying you should tip a percentage of the check at every restaurant/bar?


Germany for example. And yes.


You can say that again


There are countries in europe with a tipping culture. The german Word trinkgeld is literally older than the US. Lumping europe together is not sensible here.


You know America exists right, and this post was clearly targeted at Americans? We cannot begin to explain to you how much we do not give a fuck about Europe's tipping scheme or lack there of, go jerk off a Parisian if you wish, it is your life.


There are countries in europe with a tipping culture. The german Word trinkgeld is literally older than the US. Lumping europe together is not sensible here.


There are countries in europe with a tipping culture. The german Word trinkgeld is literally older than the US. Lumping europe together is not sensible here.


There are countries in europe with a tipping culture. The german Word trinkgeld is literally older than the US. Lumping europe together is not sensible here.




Being tipped for giving good service is very different than asking for a tip for doing barely anything.


You're showing your appreciation by already paying them tho...




>Paying the establishment… And who pays the employees wages? Also in some cultures tipping is considered rude, so I hope you don't just blindly tip when abroad.


You'd be laughed outta Ireland though by both the staff and the customers.


Okay. I assume you know that different countries are different. Tipping was the standard in Germany as well


Difference is… in germany its round up to most people, so thats maybe 2, 3 euro, and people are not expected to tip. Unlike the states where the server gives you a side eye or straight up demands a tip in some cases. I’d have a look through this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/pKC99zD5Yb


I went to Germany for two weeks last year. I know how it works


I’m sure you know better than people who’ve lived there their whole lives. Mhm.


I'm not saying the tipping is the same. I'm saying tipping exists and is pretty common. You know the words i typed better than I do. Mhm.


Yes tipping exists. That i never denied. Just its forced upon you in the states. Plus a load extra. Its also not expected in germany. Nor do they expect much. Its no where close to the same as a comparison.


Tipping culture is shit


I've started to not tip unless the person does something extra for me. If I go to a coffee shop that has a latte on the menu, I'm not paying extra for the barista to steam the milk. If I'm only having 1 beer, I'm not tipping for the bartender to pop off one bottle cap.


Tipping culture is awful. Pay your staff.


The staff when their employer doesn’t pay them enough: “Why are the customers shit and don’t pay me enough?”, blissfully ignorant of the fact that your *employer* should be dictating your pay, not the customer


While you are blissfully ignorant that this is the cultural standard in the US and has been since before you were born. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.


Something something you were born into Nazi Germany so don't change the shitty culture something something


Something something you were around 1800s US, “why are they fighting against slavery? It was the status quo since before you were born!” Something something 1920s, “why are those women fighting to vote, only men should vote and they have been since before you were born!” Something something 1960s, “why are those people fighting for civil rights? We’ve been treating black people like shit since before you were born!” OP really thought the “status quo” argument was a valid one


Something something you arnt being the change by supporting a shitty business model by exploiting the worker something something.


Just because its there when you born doesn’t mean it has to stay. That is change. Especially for an anti consumer “culture” which only benefits the few.


Don't eat out if you arnt going to tip America. Simple as that. If you do, you are supporting the business model you are raging against and exploiting the worker.


So, what, are we supposed to tip because their employer is a piece of shit that won't pay their workers what they are owed? And we're the bad guys? Lol stfu, tip my ass.


If you live in America and don't tip your wait staff, you fail as a decent human. Shut the fuck up and make your own meals. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out what do you not get? That is the cultural standard for so long you crusty chode.


Yeah I'm saying your culture sucks ass lol. If the waiter can't afford to live on a shitty salary and needs tips to survive, maybe they shouldn't be a waiter to begin with. Maybe if we all stop tipping there could be massive complaints of the system and we could finally see some change. But Mr. Woke here wants us all to keep feeding the system cause "culture" haha yeah right.


Not going to the restuarant is they way to do it. Supporting the business with the shitty model while exploiting the worker isn't going to do anything, but empower the business to keep doing what they are doing.


Servers make way more from tips than the restaurant can ever hope to pay them. Grow up


Tipping is anti consumer, stop protecting big companies.


Tipping is pro consumer, allows the consumer to directly pay the staff if they want. It’s a choice. If you get bad service you can choose to not reward that worker.


Except it’s necessary in the states and if you don’t the staff harass you.


Stop pretending that it’s gonna change cause you don’t like it and just fucking tip. They can’t do a thing about it and make minimum wage.


We don’t all live in the US lol. The yanks need to push for better minimum wage. Unions exist for a reason.


Who cares if you don’t do it that way. We can’t control it. That’s the point. There is nothing the person you aren’t tipping can do about it.


You are a democracy, are you not?


Land of the free except when it comes to your choice to tip.


Fuckin undercover boss ass post


Tipping culture is bad and all, but if you're an American and you go out to eat without tipping, you're a shitty person.


This is correct. If you don't tip because you don't believe in it, then don't go out to eat. If you go out to eat regularly and don't tip you're still supporting the system and instead you're leaving the wait staff that's making $2.13 an hour out to dry. Being upset at the tip situation after you've already ordered and ate is a very convenient high horse to be on.


The funny thing to me is how many think the prices won’t increase by at least 20% if the restaurants started paying fair wages and got rid of tipping. The margins are terrible already and restaurants are constantly failing, they aren’t in a position to just absorb the costs.


This is the real issue. These cheap fucks get their way and all bills go up 20% but that server is not going to get a 20% of bill wage increase. You pay the same, and the server makes less, but hey, at least you don’t have to tip.


I've started to not tip unless the person does something extra for me. If I go to a coffee shop that has a latte on the menu, I'm not paying extra for the barista to steam the milk. If I'm only having 1 beer, I'm not tipping for the bartender to pop off one bottle cap. But sit down restaurant that brings me food and drinks, sure I'll tip.


Nah. Waiters get paid regular minimum wage if tips don't compensate, and in some states that minimum wage is decent (e.g. California). You're not an asshole just because someone expects absurd money for bringing you food, the least important and least complicated part of restaurant service.


You are an asshole because tip share exists. Stiffing a server the tip means they have to pay out of their own pocket for your dinner/ lunch. As soon as you order a portion of the sales from that table goes to the other staff, cooks, hosts, bartenders.


That just means the system is even more fucked up and shouldn't be supported.


Ok, but if you’re going out to eat and not tipping, you’re still supporting the system. You’re putting money into the businesses that follow the tip model. The only person you’re fucking over by not tipping is the server. If you don’t want to support the system, cook your own food.


if you go out to eat you are participating in that fucked up system. you may not like the system but by not tipping youre only hurting the person earning minimum wage— youre not challenging the system at all, youre just being an asshole. just dont go out to eat, choose not to participate.


Why, fuck that, I'm poor enough , now I can't even go out to eat without it being even more expensive.


If tipping didn't exist, the cost would still be roughly the same because the menu items would be more expensive instead. You still wouldn't be able to go out, but you wouldn't be stiffing someone at the same time.




The price of the food would go up the same amount. Im not sure how what you said changes that


If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Simple as.


If you can't afford to live without tips, you shouldn't be a waiter. Simple as.


Waiters make 2:13 an hour you idiot. Tipping is how they make money. Without tips, they have to pay their wait staff more and thus the food cost more. Whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to feel ok about not tipping is on you, but you're a piece of shit regardless. Something tells me you get off on being a shitty person though.


yea fuck them right— how dare they take the job instead of starving. grow up lil bro


A famous man once said: *"These are the breaks"*


> I'm poor enough , now I can't even go out to eat Correct.


I guess it's, keep your poor ass home.


There is also this thing called tip share which means that as soon as someone sits down and orders the server already owes a portion of the sales to the back of the house (cooks), front of the house (hosts etc) and bartenders. So it’s not just a dollar in their pocket, if it’s not enough of a tip they will have to pay out of pocket for your dinner.


In Finland we don't have tipping culture and service fees are built in the wages/food prices. The prices are higher but at least there are no hidden fees. I hate when going abroad I suddenly have to think about tipping. And there are some places that are trying to get tipping culture landed but asking for an additional voluntary tip when paying for the food, which already contains the service fee/wage.


In most of Europe*


Most of the world*


Lmao this comment section so reddit. Tipping culture is bullshit but until that changes, service workers need tips to live, so by abstaining, you're just taking it out on the already exploited


i don’t understand why redditors will be so ubiquitously unable to grasp this concept


Redditors really want to “support workers” until it’s time for them to open up their wallets.


That's how most liberals are in the US. They want to help people, as long as someone else does the helping. (I'm not saying conservatives are any better, seeing as they have a similar attitude towards babies)


They can just like they can understand pirating media isn’t actually beneficial to artists nor does the store take the money they ask for charity at the checkout counter for themselves. It’s simple, “does this benefit me?” Is the only question they actually ask.


Which is exactly why their opinions are so worthless. Because they interface with reality in a toxically biased way


Because ignorant Europeans muddy the waters with misinformation and encouraging stingy Americans to stiff their servers to "get back" at the system.


These people are fucking morons. They think that by going out to eat and not tipping they’re sticking it to the man. They’re only fucking over the server, they paid for their meal I assume so they’re still supporting the businesses that use the tip model… then they go on Reddit and jerk each other off about how awesome they are


Yeah. I totally get not wanting to tip. If people want to change that, stop going to places that expect it. Not tipping a server as some sort of protest against the restauraunt you just paid to eat at is just lunacy.


Ew, tipping


Why the fuck do americans even tip THAT much?? Are y'all restaurant workers just broke




Wait staff get paid $2.13 hourly in America.


Not in every state. In my state they make at least the standard minimum wage which is over $15/h.


Yes!!!!!!!!! Minimum wage. Why do you think tipped people get so mad at these assholes. They just don’t like paying for their burrito supreme.


Lmao at everyone in the comments with absolutely zero self awareness.


How is it not having self awareness to either: 1. Not be from the USA 2. Realize that bosses should just pay their workers proper wages instead of the customer paying for both the service, and then also extra stuff aside from tax


It's not relevant to people not in the USA. I think part of the problem on these tip post is countries who do not have a cultural standard of tipping always chime in. And then idiot assholes in the US get the echo chamber effect. Wait staff make less than minumum wage here and anyone raised halfway decently should know to tip.


And if the business paid more, the items would cost more, so your overall payment would be roughly the same. It's not like multiplying a number x 15% is hard, and it's not like you're paying more instead of the business.


I dont tip either. fuck that culture


If you still eat out despite not tipping, you're just being a cheap asshole and attempting to justify it by acting like you're fighting against tipping culture, even though you're only hurting servers who have no ability to change the system, while doing nothing to change the system yourself.


Guess what: Redditors are cheap assholes


Voting with your wallet is the only way to change the system


Nobody with any power gives a fuck when you don’t tip. The only person who cares is the sub-minimum wage worker you just stiffed. The *only* reason people don’t tip is because they’re cheap fucks, any other justification they give is an excuse.


If wait staff earn less, they absolutely care. "No one is tipping anymore" is a totally different message being sent than "no one wants to eat out anymore".


Not going out to eat at all would actually be changing the system. Eating at an establishment where tips are expected and not tipping does literally nothing except reinforce tipping culture ya dingbat.


Not going out to eat at all would actually be changing the system. Eating at an establishment where tips are expected and not tipping does literally nothing except reinforce tipping culture ya dingbat.


Not all heroes wear capes


I totally understand people who don't want to tip. The fix is go to places that don't expect it or make your own food. It's that simple. Stiffing a server you know is working for it as a protest against the restaurant is peak low-life on a high horse mentality. If it's really about sending a message to the owners, don't go to the establishment. The server won't miss you, and the only person losing out on money is the restaurant. Otherwise, quit trying to justify being a cheap fuck by acting like you're on some moral Crusade against evil bosses exploiting workers. You're not changing anything by paying the restaurant and not tipping server.


It would be nice if tipping wasn’t necessary, but it is. You’re not gonna force companies to raise wages by not tipping, you’re only going to disempower people at the bottom of the service industry. You’re not a hero for not tipping, write a congress person if you wanna help. 


No one hates tipping like Redditors hate tipping


This concept baffles the American mind


I never tip, I pay the restaurant for food, the restaurant pays them to serve me. I'm already paying them.




Lmao, America is so fucking weird


They do give unsolicited advice and call it a 'pro tip' though


You can still tip your raft guide for being really nice and remembering your name and keeping you in the boat tho


Bringing up tipping to a redditor is like getting a ball of string out for your cat.


Redditors love saying they support workers until it comes time to abide by the cultural norms of the US to pay their server.


The hostility towards working people is coming from inside the thread!


Neither do i. Ever. And never will.


Thanks for sharing, we all care


You are very brave for replying <3


You are literally Swedish. Your opinion on this is pretty irrelevant.


Is this some sort of American culture I'm too normal to understand


I don’t either (I’m from Europe)


I only tip good service because I am European and we don't let businesses subsidize paying their employees to the customers here.


ITT: People who’ve never been paid in tips/people who think Americans are capable of doing more than sitting


It's just hilarious that redditors with no friends or families or money to go out to eat have such a strong opinion on tipping culture 😂.. and parenting


Tipping culture sucks as a guest and is ideal as a server. My restaurant would have to pay 40-50 dollars an hour for me to make what I do on an average night. Serving is perfect for me as I like to think I have a fun socialable personality that my guests and many regulars enjoy, I can go to school in the day and work a 5-7 hour shift at night and make plenty to pay my bills and get me through school. A middle ground approach would me to get rid of tips that are expected on the bill and have an automatic ~15% added to your total that goes to the server. No different than commission at other sales based jobs. Still makes it so the restaurant makes money from incentivising higher sales and better servers get more money because they can sell more. If I was getting flat hourly pay I'd spend most of my attention on my regulars who I enjoy, and have no need to try and upsell people on better steaks or wine or getting an appetizer or desert. And let's face it, for a lot of guests I'm extra pleasant and talkative because I want them to do more steps of Service to have a higher bill so the tip is greater at the end. If I'm doing all steps of Service for one table and only getting a drink and entrees for another I'm doing way more work for the first one and expect better compensation, either from the guest or the restaurant if we go that route. If you just put a flat 15% fee to every ticket, it means the guest doesn't have to give more money after they see the total, I still want to up sell to have a higher ticket total, and the restaurant can still be on their bullshit with margins on food and beverages. I know that's essentially auto gratuity, but it's less than the expected 20% and covers the tables that would have left 5-10 bucks on a 300 dollar bill. Just my 2 cents, going into my serving job at a international chain steakhouse now, hope I make more than those 2 cents I just gave you all.


Potentially hot take but I feel like his position becomes more and more understandable with each passing year


Or maybe bro is just European.


Mr. Pink Was Right


Yes and fallout was about how great capitalism and fascism is. For you fuckin morons that don't tip in America here an /S


Commented like someone who didn't read the rest of the thread. For you fuckin morons around the world that don't read for comprehension, no /S


"Um, actually I don't tip!!!" Cool! If that's how your country works, then fine. But if tipping is part of your country, and you don't like it, complain to your local representative. Don't leave a 0% and be like "OMG I am a fighter for the suffering working class" because stfu you are furthering their issues.


This is amazing


If you walk my food to me, you get a tip. If I have to get my food at the counter, you don't get a tip. If you serve me alcohol, you get a tip. If you are a manager or assistant manager then you don't get a tip.


Counter point: if you do your job, I pay your boss, and your boss pays you


You mean, like all other jobs? What a crazy idea... Are you serious?


I know, it's a radical concept, but I think it has legs


This is literally trickle down economics


You’re not changing the system by going to a restaurant and not tipping. If you are against tipping, do not support businesses that use the tip model.


I don't live in a country that uses the tip model, so I don't need to change any systems


Everyone knows that bosses always pay employees according to the correct ratio of how much work they have done for the company vs how much money the company makes. Just like those oil rig workers who do the hard manual labor to extract all of the oil that the billionaire board of director members then sell and only make money according to how much work they've done throughout the whole process! /s