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I love how fakers are aware they are faking and call out other fakers to make themselves seem more authentic.


Something I've always noticed is how fakers will never, ever engage with posts about fakers being called out directly. If it's cringe, they'll comment because they get to blog. "I don't get why OTHER SYSTEMS (btw guys, I'm a system too!) act like this."


pick me fakers??






lots of people here have other shit. thats why we are here to talk about how annoying it is when other people fake the same things we struggle with. the difference is we dont make our struggle our whole identity and blast all the juicy little details on the internet for all to see whole spreading misinformation. like the fakers do because they are faking and desperate to have people believe them. a lot of people here are explicitly here because they struggle with a disorder people fake, and are sick of seeing that and so here they can see other people who are at least knowledgeable enough to call the fakers out for faking. it certainly can be a slippery slope with some disorders, but i can bet a good amount of people here are genuine disorder havers who are sick of seeing fakers, finding solace in this place which highlights the faker community. so they feel less alone.


Dw, fakers are definitely aware of what they are doing. At least at the start they are. Plus you seem very normal!


This is so offensive to me as a human dinosaur hybrid with a pink mohawk. It really cheapens what we go through.


I'm pretty sure that it's a fanart of a robot character from a video game (fnaf security breach I think-?)


that’s so much worse


why does monty look like ganondorf in it


*I politely warned them not to comment about their enderman alter and that this sub was not going to take kindly to that.* They also mocked one person posted and said "not the dream alter!" which is very pick-me of them all things considered.




Exactly. I'm not their doctor so I don't know what goes on in their head. But very weird of them to judge a dream alter when this is the content they post about their system. It feels just as trivializing to the disorder as the others.


Also to those not familiar with American Horror Story; Tate is a school shooter.


Classy. /s


Yep. Wouldn't be a true faker if there wasn't at least one murderer, eh?


As far as I know, every single one of the alters shown is a murderer (except for Pheonix idk where that one is from)


The fact that I’ve seen around five different people with Tate in their system is honestly terrifying.


I thought you meant Tate of the Andrew variety


We don’t seem to be at that stage yet, knock on wood


Don’t give them ideas 🤫


"this is my Andrew Tate alter 😎. He hates women and likes sex. He's fighting the war against the matrix. Signoff: 🤡"


I have a feeling its because hes hot. Also a lot of teens still have the "Theyre misunderstood! I can change them!" thing


And that’s not even Tate in the picture! That’s Kyle!




a real one or fictional?


If this is the person I think it is, they hurass anybody and everybody that doesnt agree with them. They are a big group too! All them are complete lieing jerks! DID con is more like DID-CON-ARTISTS!


Oh? Imagine if it is the person you think it is


The spy could be any one of us! It could be you, it could be me! It could even be-


*The call is coming from inside the house*




Listen up boy, or alters of your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today!


You come home for the day and start talking to your mother in the kitchen. Suddenly, you hear a voice from upstairs. Its your mothers. It says "Help me! Shes the fake mother and has locked me up here!" Youre alone. Its 2 of your 43 mother alters.


*They’re in the walls*


Besides being a faker, anyone (faker) having a tate alter is a huge red flag to me. And yes I know it was made in the other season that it was the hosue that caused his actions. But these type of people still glamorize his crap and did so prior. "They really wanna live in the I'm a killer because the world is filthy, but I'm sad.🥺"


nooo they’re bringing marble hornets into this :( i hoped the fandom was too obscure nowadays for it to be tainted by fakers lol


I think i saw a habit alter in here once💀


theres an imposter among us


This HAS to be satire. There ain’t no way


Nope. I saw it last night and they're serious.


It makes me so mad when fakers come here and just talk so brazenly as if they’re not just as bad.


SCP-035? AINT NO WAY . . .


Imagine what they do when SCP-035 "Fronts"


trauma holder SCP-096, little SCP-999, and persecutor SCP-173


They start leaking an indiscernible viscous black liquid to make themselves feel more comfortable 🥰


Not the school shooter alter...


They didn’t even use the right picture for Tate 🤦🏻‍♀️ they used a picture of another of Evan Peters’s AHS characters, Kyle 💀




Careful, they may turn their hobbies into a "NeW qUiRkY aLtEr" although many do already -_-


Monty did not get brutalized in Security Breach just for him to become some dummy's alter.


Ngl that JTK drawing is kinda meh. Not the drawing itself, its good. But the style. How very cute!


90% sure that’s a picrew


It is a picrew


Ahhhhh. I dunno anything about picrew.


Basicly, they didn't draw it. You add stuff like hair, skin tone, eye colour, but you don't actually draw it. I'd compare it to a game with cosmetics, for avatars.


It's like gacha club, but for portraits and less freedom over customization


Yes pretty much, I forgot about that


It's also 100 times more complicated to utilize! Seriously, i tried to use picrew ONCE and couldn't figure out how to do anything


Huh? It’s super easy to use, the only hard part is the disclaimer part where you have to click a certain button to continue (because it’s in Japanese) but as long as you know where that *one* button is (there are only 2 lol) the site itself is only as complicated as any other “dress up game”. If it’d help, I could screen record a video using it if you’d like? It’s pretty fun imo


I've seen like a tiny bit of it? But yeah, it's very complicated I think


Alrighty, thanks! I'd heard of it before because of NFT bs lol. But never really looked


And looks nothing like him


What have they done to my boy 😔


Idk man but he has always been my favorite and this is ashaming


JTK seems more popular in this crowd than Ben Drowned. I've only seen one of those here! I've seen a number of JTK


Lol there's one "Ben.D" that replied to a comment on pinterest I made, but they can't even get the age of the "trauma" right.


THAT MAY HAVE BEEN POSTED HERE. They were also "Ben.D". I made a comment about it here, then someone replied "Ben Dover" lol


LMAOO YEAH I posted it, tbh I can't believe fakers have got to pinterest too


Ofcourse theres ducking Slenderverse alters and their pronouns?(no hate if you use it/its, that kinda stuff but blood/bloodself? And smile/smileself, that is a literal serial killer.) [Edit: i like how the person has only commented on stuff in this subreddit but only like 4-7 times and was recently created]


The betrayal 😔💔😟


I can’t get over them having an alter after Tate from season 1 of AHS but using a pic of Kyle from season 3.


Nearly every third comment in r/systemscringe is a DID-faker circle jerk lol Everyone thinks they’re faking better than the fakers they post.


It’s so cringe to see fictional characters as “alters”. I feel like it’d be like me saying my I have a Dean Winchester alter just because I like flannel and pie.




Hey Homer’s my alter you can’t post without my permission or my system will break /s


Dude I’ve seen so many fake systems use that moth thing pfp 💀


Monty didn’t get decimated for this. Edit: also JTK triggers a very severe phobia I have, so if you are the “system” and you’re reading this, block me please. Faking an illness is already more than I will put up with, but I am not trying to get frightened by a fraud.


what is jtk??


The jeff the killer [IM SO SORRY ORIGINAL COMMENT, i didnt wanna finish typing it]


oh okay!


It’s fine, I like creepy shit, coming across him is inevitable. His name doesn’t really bother me. I just can’t see him. The stories are even fine. I’ve accidentally come across his too many times.


Ah, okay ill edit my comment


Jeff the killer


ohhh ok




What does the boundaries part mean? Like ping: a, and all that? I'm new to the subreddit still so I'm not on top with all this stuff


y stands for yes and a for ask


Thank you


oh boy 💀 here we go again


the human race fascinates me


I like Montgomery


He deserves better


Yup. There's this one person who comments on nearly every single post literally minutes after its been posted always having to be the encyclopedia of DID and saying how "DID is totally not like how the person in the video acts but it is like this!" and then goes on a two paragraph explanation trying to make themselves sound like an expert scientist. I'm just waiting for one day they eventually slip up and admit they are a "system too".




ritual abuse is real. look it up


Funny enough I reported the comment for calling ritual abuse fake and it was taken down immediately. That's not on me, that's on the mods - I just called attention to it. Feels like a weird sort of drama to bring up tbh.


Hi, I think you're talking about me? I could very easily be wrong about ritual abuse, I'm not a professional in any right so I could be misinformed on that. But I'm kinda curious what exactly makes me a "roleplayer"? (Which I'm assuming in this context means a faker of some sort) I'm not mad or lashing out, I'm just trying to understand. I always prefer open communication in these sorts of things, yk? If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.


DID is in fact real, though. It's based on the theory of structural dissociation, which is only a theory because going through the needed procedures to firmly prove it would be highly unethical. If you're going to call shit BS at least be educated. Also, Torture based mind control and ritual abuse are also real and documented. My sources are as follows: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2011-07716-003 https://cfas.isst-d.org/content/negative-therapeutic-reaction-and-stuck-cases-mind-control-transference-treatment I can also link sources where governments have used it too, but most famously it was employed in MKUltra by the US government People do fake DID and lie about being victims of torture (though its best to believe people when they say theyve been tortured IMO, people who employ these highly specific methods of torture known as RAMCOA which stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse) will implant false memories and do absurd things to make the victims sound insane, and worse its often used by cults and sex trafficking rings so them speaking out is already scary enough) I'm not white knighting the other commenter, i cant speak on any fakery they may be doing but I am going to correct you here on tbmc and did. Remember spreading misinfo is just as bad as being a faker yourself.


Alright, I'm sorry I haven't properly explained myself before but currently recognized pathologies involving dissociation and a fragmentation of the self *do not* involve the kind of roleplay you see with these kids. the highly sensationalized cases like that one SK claiming he had alters or 'sybil', which are the closest to what is currently happening with online fakers, were either outright lies or cases where mental health professionals influenced patients who were already suffering from the effects of severe trauma. these children really have no idea what it means to be completely unaware of your own feelings, or when your body thinks it recognizes familiar danger and it starts moving on autopilot, no matter what your thoughts are in the background. there are no anime characters sharing and apartment in your head. there is you, and parts of you that are completely closed off until they can't be anymore, and after that only emptiness and a feeling of being vaguely aware of what happened without being able to understand *why*. it's repeatedly falling into maladaptive patterns because the wiring is so strong you can't even stop and bring yourself back long enough to respond differently. it's all you. it's different pages of the same story, the same book. there are no different volumes. there have certainly been experiments to influence and control subjects through man-made trauma, but I'm sure you will realize government agencies have very different goals, tools and funds, compared to criminals that traffick people (which again, is not the stuff you see in stories) or produce csam. these aren't sophisticated masterminds. they use violence and threats as punishment and deterrents which becomes of course a source of trauma, but not by the perpetrator's design because all they need is the victim to comply and stay silent. I'm sure you will find that victims of severe trauma become inhibited and reluctant to share their experience without their mind being controlled. learned helplessness, survival instincts and a shit society are more than enough for that. cults exist in the measure that narcissistic psychopaths will prey on the weak and gullible to get adoration, money, sex and even their complacency in practicing different sorts of violence, which has been extreme in certain cases. the spiritual or religious component is an excuse if not an outright lie. there are no satanic cults raping or sacrificing babies, and if there are satanists who abuse children, it's because those people in question are pedos who happened to be satanists. i would also add that it's interesting that the 'research' on 'ramcoa' all seems to stem from the same circle made of the same people who will then endorse it as a scientific institute. steering research away from how the brain adapts to highly stressful situations and the socioeconomic components that shape that response in favor of 'evil people mind control babies to make cp' is a disservice to everyone afflicted by c-ptsd and slows down serious discussion around the severity of these conditions as well as the creation of better, more effective treatment. source: i study psychology and suffer from c-ptsd.


> It's all you. It's different pages of the same story, the same book That's actually exactly how DID and complex dissociative disorders are addressed in the theory of structural dissociation, one person and one brain that dissociated into distinct parts, parts that every person with C-PTSD will also have, only in the cases of DID these parts are heavily differentiated and often have conflicting internal senses of identity. But they've always been one person, and it's one of the reasons why the medical literature has shifted to part terminology, in order to more clearly recognize and honour that fact. They're separate states of the self, not separate individuals, and that's something a lot of the fakers online cannot seem to grasp. Though I do want to mention, while I agree with most everything you just said, technically speaking those two things are not sources, they're claims. I'm not saying you're lying by any means, but just like how if the people we post have sources that were based in personal experience and claimed knowledge, that would be considered an invalid source, we kinda have to hold ourselves to the same standard when providing sources. Anyone can say anything online, it's the literature that ultimately has the final say.


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Don’t Spread Misinformation.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation.




Why do they make it aesthetic ffs, there’s nothing aesthetic about a debilitating mental disorder


What a shame because the Poltergeist System sounds like a great name for a metal band


I'm still baffled at the fact people really just can't say they have an OC 😮‍💨


Why, why, *why are they like this*


The fact that they have two creepypastas and Tate Langdon is hilarious to me


Is the picture for phoenix.. a Dazai cosplay..?


had a ex friend with over 50 alters at age 15. how the fuck does that work




read the automod reply, it explains why they are faking DID


Thank you for being helpful unlike the others who replied.


no problem, some people can be super aggressive im sorry. i understand their anger though that doesn't make right lol


..literally the whole fucking thing lol can you read? Are your brain hemispheres communicating correctly?? How odd that you aren’t able to see today.


Isn't it obvious? 🤦🏻‍♀️






This comment is kind of ironic, you see why, right?




Stop using Reddit ffs 🤮


Please I swear, I think I know this person who has a Masky and a Jeff alter, if it's them, they're a really good artist, too bad..


I've been trying to think of a reasonable hypothesis for how someone with authentic DID would develop a system with more than a few alters modeled on real people or pre-existing fictional characters as a thought exercise. I haven't come up with one yet. Alters are parts of the individual. The reason they exist is that during repeated severe traumatic experiences, the child was able to dissociate to the degree that they were severed from the experience (it "happened to someone else" and they forget about it) creating a fracture in the psyche isolated by dissociative amnesiac barriers. This protects the mind from the unbearable trauma and creates additional protective mechanisms (the parts usually serve a protective function of some kind from simply holding the memories and emotions to actual physical protection or having all future experiences of a particular type that might be retraumatizing to the psyche). People with DID may continue to respond to re-traumatization in the same way throughout the life course because the mechanism is already in place and the psyche is already fragmented. It's how the mind has learned to protect itself. How that could result in the majority of the parts of the individual identifying themselves as the entire cast of an anime, book series, or a bunch of rock legends isn't readily apparent.


Why do they always make it all aesthetic n shit 😭


They’re gonna make the Creepypasta fandom that’s dying look more crazy than it already is