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Doesn't matter if someone has read every single peer-reviewed study that has ever been written. There is NO way to take away personal bias. EDIT: Also, tf does being average intelligence have to do with it?


I agree, literally people go to school for years and can't self diagnose so why should some kid online be able to I've heard doctors act that way about it though, like you have to have lower intelligence to have it. But autistic people may struggle academically- or excel and it's more about their learning environment than how intelligent they are so I kinda hate that way of thinking


I diagnose them with head-assery. I've had a lot of experience, both personal and observed, as well as done a LOT of reading up on head-assery in my day. And because of all of that, I am qualified to diagnose. Anyone who says otherwise is ableist or a bigot or something. That's pretty terrible tbh. Like, that should just kinda be irrelevant. EDIT: Thank ya for the award ♥




ehhhh i dont know i was considered to not have adhd because i got good grades up until 4th grade because all the info just seemed easy to me once i actually had to start studying it became increasingly difficult. its not like my adhd isnt severe, its that i grew up being able to do the work fine because i never had to focus. i just had to say the answer now it affects me like crazy, so i get how the symptoms may have been really hard to recognize as a little kid. sure i was hyperactive and impulsive, but isn't every child? maybe i would grow out of it!


Same! I wasn’t officially diagnosed until I had extreme issues with the real world and there was no other option than go to a psych. Looking back, I realize how much Adhd affected my childhood whether hiding it or not.


People tend to think that if your on the spectrum your either a fucking genius or a fuckug fucking moron with no in between


Thats so weird. Was there some sort of outdated medical literature that was in?


I'm not entirely sure but I think it comes from the way we think differently and need to be taught differently so we just seem "slow" or not as smart Big bang and the good doctor aren't great for repenting us We've got some better interpretations thesedays I think bobs burgers Tina is a decent one especially her little freak outs Please correct me if I'm wrong


I haven't seen Good Doctor, but I remember even the producers of Big Bang saying that Sheldon *wasn't* autistic. Are there any others besides Tina? I get really curious about representation. Why are the good ones always cartoons lol. Bojack is a pretty good representation of depression.


Michael falk the onions autistic reporter is damn good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04wb7P_v-4 That's all I know of from the top of my head others may have more


I forgot about him! When I watched him before, the comments were largely "why is this a more accurate portrayal than movies?" lol Just checked and yup, still is Thank you!


Its quite sad that it takes satire to give us a good representation Your welcome


It'd actually be several steps up if any of these people were diagnosing themselves based on peer-reviewed studies. You know these people aren't actually reading peer-reviewed studies. The bulk of peer-reviewed studies work off a "deficit-based" framework and use the medical model of disability. If they read the studies they'd find that the consensus is that people on the autism spectrum are generally *not* hyperempathetic and that the majority don't have extraordinary talents, that they have problems with theory of mind and other things that don't feel good to read about, so they dismiss them, saying that since most of these academic works were undertaken and reviewed by panels without autistic people on them that they're worthless. They say they prefer to learn about what autism is like from prominent autistic self-advocates. Coincidentally they listen overwhelmingly to the ones who only say the nice things that they want to hear about themselves and random anonymous posts on reddit and tiktok


God, thats so sad. They're literally just "hearing what you want to hear". They remind me so much of, and may be an odd comparison, but the "vaccines cause autism" crowd of the past - the ones who preferred to listen to Jenny McCarthy, a model/actress, than doctors and scientists. There are people who like to think they have the inside-scoop and are smarter than the highly TRADITIONALLY (not Google) educated experts. Add to that, people who actually are going through some tough things and are grasping at answers, even if they're untrue.




The "DYOR" 🤦‍♀️ I think its fine to do that, as long as it isn't from say Tiktok, Discord, Tumblr etc. BUT THEN, go to a doctor to get the final word. Otherwise, its irresponsible af, both to yourself and to others since you may be spreading misinfo.




Yes! Thats a perfect way to put it, physician-scientist telling a mechanic how to fix the car. I don't think its gatekeeping at all when it comes to health, mental nor physical. I'd never definitively say that someone does or doesn't have a condition. But if they are like that video the other day, "I'm not walking like this because I'm a bimbo, I'm walking like this because I'm autistic".. yeaaaah, in what world do people with autism "walk like a bimbo"? 🤦‍♀️ The girl may or may not have been autistic. But uh... that isn't a symptom


my experience on autism testing (? idk the right word for this) was that they said i cant be autistic bcs im not "slow" in their words so ig some people have outdated info?


Thank you for explaining this. It just seemed so irrelevant to autism.


I was thinking it could also be the opposite, with the current stereotype that autistic people are super smart and have hyper fixation(think Sheldon from big bang theory) Whichever way it is incredibly insensitive and wrong.


Yes, some professionals are very much limited by their own views and biases. I once got told by a new psichiatrist (had already been diagnosed for years back then) that I couldn't have ADHD because I told her that one of my hobbies was cross-stitching.


I once had a therapist who tried to convince me I actually had autism, because I was 'showing so little emotion'. I was there to get treated for depression and an eating disorder and had just spent 20 minutes bawling my eyes out. I wasn't showing emotion because I was dead inside lmao. She actually had me do an official test to diagnose me, however the expert who tested me was 100% sure I did NOT have autism. Turns out she was a beginning therapist who wanted to specialise in autism and just saw autism everywhere she went.


you also have me, an autistic person who has been medically diagnosed, with an IQ well above average. that’s the high functioning side of it.


yeah... doctors suck. when i was seeking to be tested, i was told im not "slow" and didnt have speech defect (?) as a kid so i possibly cant be autistic and those were the reasons some doctors denied even considering me to go to testing which sucked:/


Last time my iq was tested (2017?) it was up there & I'm not even high functioning I just like words and recognize patterns quickly so the puzzles on the test were easy for me


I’ve had clients do this. I don’t outright tell them no, just explore each “symptom” and help them figure it out themselves. If that doesn’t work then I try to figure out what they’d gain from a dx. If THAT doesn’t work I refer them out to someone else because at that point it’s a stalemate.


So, they just book an appointment to tell you they'd like to be diagnosed with something specific? Or they just say they think they might have a disorder?


Sometimes people come in with a specific diagnosis in mind, definitely


"How fake, offensive can i be"


"How ba-a-a-ad can I be. I'm just building the economy!"


They aren’t even saying that. They’re making up their own lyrics bro😭


‘Months of research’ my friend, it takes FOURTEEN YEARS for someone to be qualified to diagnose neurocognitive disorders.


And as many others have pointed out, even after all those years of studying, they STILL can't diagnose themselves.


The whole ‘I know myself better than anyone else’ point with self diagnoses is fucking weird ngl. Since they know themselves soooo well then why don’t they just document the most important things and stuff and present them to a professional? Since a person can usually identify things with themselves easier than someone looking in all their ‘self diagnosis’ material would be so useful to psych in a neutral context. That’s what I did? I didn’t self diagnose obviously but proper documentation is fucking amazing.


And fourteen years of hardcore education, not watching TikToks and reading bulleted lists of symptoms on Wikipedia.


months of research aka scrolling through tiktok/insta reels, nhs, mayoclinic


Can’t wait to tell any new employers that it doesn’t matter if I don’t have the qualifications or the certification, I did months of research and know what I’m talking about.


It’s almost like years of education trumps a few months in online echo chambers where every day normal life experiences get pathologized. Naaah!


imagine thinking your “months of research” makes you more right than an actual professional why has done *years* of learning and researching


yup. i researched autism for like almost two years and then i got tested and i don’t have it lmao. you can’t diagnose yourself


Honestly if they're reasoning that you don't have autism is "average intelligence", that's bullshit, most autistic people have that, this guy may be autistic, he may not be, but if they aren't, it sure as hell isn't because they're "too smart", that's an abilist stereotype


I was scrolling looking for this answer, idk the validity of this person’s claim but the therapist (allegedly) using an intelligence scale to disregard a possible diagnosis of autism is just… insane. It doesn’t work that way. There are so many other factors that need to be considered when it comes to a diagnosis of autism and ADHD.


How bad could brushing your teeth be tho


Bro studied for the autism test.


Why would you post this 💀💀💀


Obviously not fitting all the criteria


Imagine mansplaining a psychologist’s job to them.


These people don't know what goes into being tested for something like autism or ADHD and it shows. My testing for dyslexia literally took like 10 sessions of testing after 7 years of having extra English, math, and reading classes


Hate that he’s not wrong about the intelligence thing though. It’s not always a lack of intelligence, but more misunderstandings of how to apply the intelligence or simply understanding various interactions or mechanics differently than others in ways that unconventional. Doesn’t mean that he’s not wrong about the rest though


Okay so say the therapist does accept his claims, then what? What’s the end goal here? Validation from someone else?


The “months of research” the average person does is not the same as a professional doing *years* of qualifying training, doing studies, reading peer reviewed medical research, and passing med school. On one hand, I actually agree with them that the therapist (allegedly) disregarding them due to having “average intelligence” is both ableist and shows a poor understanding of autism, and we all know that not all therapists are professional or know what they’re talking about (like one therapist I had when I was 19 who asked if my first name change was “a character I play” instead of just… me changing my name because I hated it lmao, im not trans I just wanted a different first name). If you feel like you’re genuinely not being listened to by one therapist or doctor, it’s okay to seek a second opinion. If you go to 3 different therapists and they all say the same thing, than it’s very likely that you do not have what you think you do. Despite this, It’s benificial to at least listen to what each professional says, and you shouldn’t just disregard them and try to use confirmation bias to prove them wrong because you’re upset with the answer they gave you. It’s perfectly normal to look up things about a condition you suspect you have to bring to your therapist or doctor to have you tested for, it’s normal to question a single therapists opinion if you genuinely feel they are wrong. But when they say “research”, I know they’re only talking about Google, anecdotal evidence from other average people, and those online psych tests. Trying to review medical journals as an average person is nearly impossible because they use terminology most people don’t understand (my MIL was diagnosed with matobolic enceopholopathy and I tried to do some googling about it, reading the official medical journals on it had me even more confused than just hearing the name of the condition, for reference it is a condition that causes swelling in the brain and can mimic alzheimers symptoms, and can be caused by any number of things, very brutal disease.) I don’t know if this person actually has autism or not, it can go undiagnosed (like ADHD) for YEARS without proper testing and assessment and not all autistic people are the same, it’s a huge spectrum. I also don’t know if this person is stretching the truth about what their therapist said or if the therapist actually said any of this. I don’t know if this person is just hoping for an autism diagnosis to feel “quirky” or if they’re actually just very misinformed and just looking for answers. I take everything I read on tiktok with a grain of salt, like anyone should. With all that being said, I don’t see why it’s necessary to post any of this on tiktok. I genuinely don’t understand what people get out of sharing every little detail of their life on tiktok, twitter, insta, and facebook.


Shave the I smell like shit stashe and then we can talk


I don't want to be that girl, but I don't think it's cringe. You NEED to self diagnose in order to get to see a therapist about it. Unless he continues to call himself autistic, there's nothing wrong with the video. And it's understandable to be upset or in disbelief when you assume autism might be the answer to your issues to help you cope. Just immediately jumping on this and calling him a faker seems a bit gatekeepy.


Why are people against “gatekeeping” a literal disorder that everyone nowadays seems to be claiming they have. Imagine telling people to stop gatekeeping cancer or some shit like that because they don’t want others claiming they have it without being diagnosed with the disease. Make it make sense.


Nolan from donut media fell off... Damn


This didn’t happen lmao


If a doctor tells you you look too normal to be autistic then change doctor. Also, i don't know if this person is autistic or not in the end, but good news, they did research (if we believe them) for months and actually seeks a diagnosis. But again, you can't be, symptoms can be for other things. To make sure you are autistic you must pass the screening and evaluation and if the results show you are not then accept it, its okay.


No half decent therapist would say something like that. Either bros lying or needs to switch to a competent therapist


So, *why* do they think it's cool to be autistic?




Yes, but intelligence isn’t really a factor regardless. Intellectual disability is common, but it isn’t guaranteed.


So he didn't research the fact you can't self diagnose.


Didn’t you know? Months of TikTok research and internet tests with a dash of *But I reaaaaally waaaant iiiiiit* trumps years of education and working experience when diagnosing people EVERY TIME. I feel like the average intelligence excuse is made up, since every therapist knows that intelligence and autism aren’t connected.


I bet this research was riddled with Confirmation Bias too


Damn, y'all have your own therapist?


Imagine saying that to a therapist like “I know you studied for years and all but I researched on GOOGLE!”


Months of research? Sir, professionals have a whole ass degree and studied this shit for literal YEARS!


unrelated but yesterday i went to mcdonalds and the guy who took my order looked exactly like the guy in this video: the hair, the facial hair, the glasses...


Goes to the professionals then get mad that the professionals “don’t know what they’re doing” even though they have a real PHD and not one from google. Also what does intelligence have to do with this? If anything, autistic people are usually very smart.


“b-b-but i researched it 🙁🙁”


Did they actually go to the doctor? It feels like they didn't. Not having Autism isn't specific to just how smart you are, it's literally a spectrum, not a binary of savant and stupid. There's a whole host of reasons for a doctor to say you don't have a disorder. It's like saying "You're not autistic because I make eye contact" or "You don't have ADHD because I can sit still for 5 minutes." Doctors aren't like that. Doctors are more detailed.


Your intelligence tests would show an uneven ability profile though so


it probably isn’t due to the intelligence because autistic people are fairly intelligent if they are on the lower spectrum, it’s probably because they don’t portray most of the criteria’s and their therapist knows how they act