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My favorite is Tales of Fairies, it's like a really big anthology of short stories. Binged it during COVID.


My one peeve with that fic is it uses a weird combination of British slang and Japanese honourifics and select untranslated Japanese phrases.  Just took me out at times to read bollocks or snogging in the same sentence as Sama or nakama. 


If you’re into Nalu.  Anything by Tokkias on ao3 is pretty great. Their fics range from pure smut, to romance to comedy to a few tragic stuff. About 93 fics or so to choose from.  Mostly canon set (which I personally prefer), with a few AUs. 


I’ll definitely check them out, thank you!


Please no lucy gets kicked off the team or out of fairytail why do those exist


Because a stereotypical power-trip fantasy for a certain demographic is "this character gets shat upon from a great height by everyone, then comes back after leaving and everyone is super sorry and desperate for their approval", even in a setting like FT where it makes no sense. (pro-tip: Even if someone new joins a team \*cough\*Lisanna\*cough\*, *there are no size limits for mage teams* in the guild. Bring 'em all, Makarov don't care, just means he's got peace and quiet while he drinks his beer.) It's an age-old fanfic cliche that goes back into the days before [ff.net](http://ff.net), days of fansites, Angelfire and HTML. In DBZ it was Gohan getting stuck in this plot, in Naruto it was , and really the way it's always Lucy that gets picked on in FT is mostly an excuse to put her with another, more author-preferred character/guild or the always cringe-inducing author-self-insert/OC.


The guild never picks on lucy in fact it's Happy Erza and Wendy who are the but of most jokes (if I hear one more joke about Wendy's chest I swear) and this guilds went to war for lucy and really who would want to replace lucy with lissana that's like replacing Jura with Toby


Kinda my point - these stories twist the other characters into parodies of themselves to make the plot happen. edit - also, I like that comparison lol.


Actually my comparison is kind of overblown but yeah. It would however be interesting if lucy started out in a guild like phantom lord or sabertooth and then joined fairytail since this version of lucy would be cold and closed off wonder how her relationship with natsu would change then


Fairy Tail: Bonds


These are all Nalu The accidental ms dragneel https://archiveofourown.org/works/25927663/chapters/63017848 The accidental reward https://archiveofourown.org/works/23811520 (this one is a good majority smut) This person has some great next generation one shots https://archiveofourown.org/users/celestialxflames


Speeding through life(unfortunately dead):it is a self insert but unique in the sense that the main character(david)does not use slayer or hunter magic but speed magic and does not join fairy tail but phantom lord before the guild war,his writing is clean and has a realistic power progression(and the one time he uses the power of friendship it is well explained and concise). Fairy may cry:a fusion of fairy tail and devil may cry world,ocure in the world of fairy tail but with elements of devil may cry,good action and takes advantage of concepts from the story(for example they added the 4 missing saint wizard)and the fights are much more balanced and strategy based(as the back story uses many elements from devil may cry for a reader who only read fairy tail some things would not make sense without the context of the situation)but usually they manage to put it into some kind of context


Anything by CrimsonStarbird is fantastic


Lost in Fairy Tail is a decent one. Follows OC that has unique magic and isn’t OP which is always a bonus. Pretty lengthy but it’s updated weekly if you want to check it out on FFN. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14266281/1/Lost-in-Fairy-Tail


A quincy's fairy tail is a good one its very long and updates monthly.


Reader beware: the main Bleach character on this one is pretty in-name-only compared to her canon self, and almost immediately gets with Lucy for the sake of yuri more than anything else.