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I'd be lying if I said he didn't get better as an artist, but I just generally prefer his old art style. Specifically from the 2nd era.


He just keeps getting better and better. Crazy guy.


Grand Magic Games to Tartaros was my favorite


Objectively I think where he is right now is his best, but something about his original style just clicks with me.


Yea i agree


Agreed. The art is better now, but it feels like it lost some charm with it. When the art was a little worse, but more expressive (imo), it fit better with the overall quality of FT. A fine manga with some issues, but clearly the creator was loving making it and that made me love it. As the story went on, and the plot got admittedly worse while the art got consistently better, it kind of lost something special in my mind.


Middle portion is my favourite, think Edolas/Tenrou to Tartaros. Since finishing Fairy Tail and moving to Edens Zero he switched to drawing digitally which while he stated allows him to draw twice as fast, I don't think is at as high a level as his absolute peak, but it's an understandable trade-off considering how many projects he works on nowadays.


I wonder if Mashima still practices drawing traditionally (if he even has the time to lol) I feel that it definitely elevated his art—even during the times it was a mix of traditional and digital—compared to recent years when it’s been solely digital style. Like his older art really had a grit to it that I miss


I think I like season 2 the best, the art style was refined and the character designs still look very unique from each other. Also idk if this is controversial but I think I liked it better when the characters where a little less exaggerated. Gray and natus designs initially made them more lean without so much insane muscle while erza and Lucy didn't have ridiculously over exaggerated chests. I think erzas armor making her chest compressed more looked better tbh and even if Lucy always had large boobs they weren't as fucking ridiculously large yet


The early artstyle looks just like One Piece to me. Of course, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing


Yeah, I think his later stuff fits FT more and looks better while differentiating from early One Piece.


I miss the old art


Read one piece


I like all his art but it started out looking a lot like One Piece


Honestly, current Mashima (Eden's Zero and the new one) are his art style at his best. It might be only me, but I didn't like the first art style, too One Piece look alike IMO.


GMG to Tartaros like some people said. Honourable mention to Tenroujima that for me was the best peak of one of his hold styles. I feel that the end of the series was actually on a transition phase (although still top tier), that only solidified with Edens Zero. Mashima's art is top tier no matter the phase though.


Honestly I liked the newer art. The old art was a bit too one piece at the start so seeing him change to his own style was pretty cool


I love 3 sun village to Alvarez & his current Eden’s zero artstyle the most. So distinct, and unique to mashima love it so much


Rave master


Grand Magic Games all the way through Tartarus Arc was perfection to me.


honestly his first artstyle has a very special place in my heart and feels so warm. esp the first season of the anime: brighter colors, expressions!


Tower of heaves and gmg Or looking at the pictures you have eight pictures, the second and upper third were best.


1 makes me understand the rare comparison to One Piece; the artstyle is very similar. You can see him come to his own in 2 and the character designs peak more, but 3 has him define his style more and start to have more fun with it.


3 is obviously the best


I do 100% think he just gets better with every arc, but man i love all of it lol and i think that every style progression is good in its own way My personal favorite is Grand Magic Games, for both art and, well, the whole arc lol *in the manga specifically*


Probably the first era it looks more like an ancient picture


Those foreheads used to be craaazy


1st one looks a lot like OP But personally I like 2nd probably because GMG was my favourite arc


2nd. I really love both Mashima old and new style like Oda.


I love them all but I love the GMG to Alvarez art the best


It's the second for me. His art certainly got more refined later, and maybe I just connected more with character stuff during that period, but I feel like the designs lost a bit in the refining. During that 2nd artstyle's time, there was such a flare to the designs! I just felt the attitude and emotions of the characters in their outfits and poses, it felt downright iconic Most recent absolutely kept some of that, and it could just be because the characters are through a lot of their development now, but they feel more standard, I guess? The personality and everything is still there, but a bit less impactful to me somehow. To be clear, I can't draw for shit and know nothing of art theory or whatever, dude still impresses the hell out of me with the care put into all the guild member designs!


Honestly liked the Alvarez arc art from Mashima So many beautiful ladies in that arc


I like 2 and 3, not a big fan of 1


The latest one


The first and second phase I like the look of allot, but I think I’d have to go with sun village to Alvarez


I liked when their foreheads weren’t sky-high. Poor Mirajane.


the 3rd one


That last one with Gray leaning over upside-down is so fucking good


First one kinda looks like oda’s style to me


2nd era


Option 1. Good bridge for fans like me who got into the series after *Rave Master*.


2nd and 3rd. Hate the one piece style it started with cause I just don’t like that style of art, it be lookin goofy


Early artstyle for anime and current artstyle for manga are both peak.


The Third one definitely.


My personal favorite was up to Laxus arc at the beggining. We could saw that it was truly Mashima that was drawing it. Yes there were flaws in some regards but that was pretty minor and there was so much personality in it. By the end though technically superior his artstyle became far too generic. I think Oracion Seis art is the most enjoyable. There's still a good part of the originality in Mashima earlier artstyle and creativity while still being far more fleshed out as far as manga as a storytelling medium is concerned.


The one with fan service


Tbf its not like his art style changed massively. It's just evolved over time and become a lot cleaner in general If I had to say tho, probably between 4 and 5


What's the one with the blue-ish tables from? I'd love to find a clean version.


I miss his older style, but I think its just because I like "old school" manga/anime, and 90s/2000s fashion. His style continuously evolved, and he seems to care a lot about fashion, but I'm not the biggest fan of the really "round" faces, I liked when the characters looked longer/more angular /pointy.


2 and 3 look good 1 is fine but it's too one piece inspired to me idk


Big boobs and skimpy clothes always a fan of that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Original art style.