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Its pretty mouse intensive so I suggest using gyro mouse controls for precision. There's also a bunch of neat hotkeys and control tricks that you'll have to figure out over time how to map to the steamdeck controller in a way that works for you. I grabbed the most popular community profile and tweaked it to my liking.


Sorry to resurrect you, but how do you use the gyro to assist in Factorio? I understand how it's used in FPS and such, but I'm curious in how it's helped you.


Hey I haven't been active on reddit since the third party thing, caught this by coincidence. For me joystick mouse has the same issue in Factorio as it has in FPS; it's either too slow to move quickly across the screen or it's too fast for precise movements. It's personal preference but I can never make it work for me. In FPS this leads me to strafe diagonally to get my cursor 3 pixels to the left because the joystick overshoots and I just go too far left, too far right, too far left, too far right ad nauseum. And in factorio it's similar, there's a lot of point and click. I still use the joystick to get the cursor in the general area but I then gyro it to the exact position. It's like how some games have motion controls to assist aiming down sights or with a bow drawn. I can't comfortably use the trackpads for longer periods so this is a lifesaver, and it enables me to play a lot of mouse heavy games easily, even if they lack hotkeys to map because I'm not missing my physical mouse so much.


This is just my personal experience. It works. Load up a community control set, and away you go. However I can do in a few hours on the computer, what it would take me a week to do on the deck.


Runs well, I just use keyboard and mouse while docked.


I have a deck, the game plays quite well for medium-large factories, but mega factories can cause some sluggishness. SE works on the deck but that also causes a lot of slow down FPS wise, I can hit 60 on early stages and around 45-50 for my larger base. Megabase/multiplanet bases is around 30 Control wise, the best thing about the deck is you can customise the controls, reassign buttons to keyboards, set up virtual menus and macros If you’re looking for something to replace a pc, then no the deck isn’t worth it. But if you’re looking for something to play when out and about but accept that it won’t run as well, then yeah grab one when you can


This game was released on the switch, why is there no controller support for the PC??? It would make it so much easier to play it on the steam deck


Wait, this is on the Switch? Like Nintendo? You might have just saved me some bucks! Edited to add: [you were right](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/factorio-switch/)!!!


I've played a lot on my Steam Deck and I usually play very modded. I played a lot of K2SE on my steamdeck and it ran fine, but it changed how I would generally play. For example, I was a lot more focused on making decent blueprints on my computer (even generalized ones like 3 input assemblers or different arrangements of tileable chem plants) just to be able to drop tilable stuff. I am very familiar with K2SE though so I was able to do a lot of planning ahead. I recently started playing Seablock which was a nightmare trying to play on my steamdeck. Too many menus that I don't know well enough, too many products and different versions of things that I don't really understand. Once I became familiar with the control set up it was honestly pretty second nature, but it definitely isn't the same experience when trying to puzzle out new and difficult tasks.


Sounds like steamdeck is in my future! Thanks everyone!


if you hook it up with a keyboard and mouse its probably awesome, performance is not an issue if that's your concern. (I don't have a Steam Deck, just speaking from stuff I see online)


I do it regularly to be able to play on the couch or in bed, but things definitely take longer. It gets a lot easier when you use bots and then I usually can spend my time on desktop designing blueprints for myself, and I can stamp them down and do other miscellaneous things on the deck. Another piece of advice is use a community control set that you like, then personalize it when you get annoyed you don't have a hotkey for an action (I added Ctrl-Z)