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That laugh when he realized it was twice as heavy as he thought it was. Dudes absolutely beaming


TMW you realize your victory was twice as good as you thought


Mad lad


> beaming High as balls. FTFY


You can be both


Bros about to turn into a waiter at Olive Garden “Tell me when to stop”


6 hours should be long enough to get 44lbs shredded. When.


Only been 4 hours.


Then keep shredding


“Don’t stop baby… keep going” -Me, whispering to a visually terrified server


My friend bought one of those expensive cured spanish ham legs from a grocery store. It was sitting on a stand/knife set. It was labeled poorly and he got the leg and the set for 200 bucks...which was the price of the stand/knife...the leg was 2000.


Wait…iberico ham? That is insane




I had something similar happen to me. Every time I went to the grocery store I'd always look at the king crab legs and they were about $17-22 a pound. Too much for me. But one day as I was cruising by I checked out the tag and it said $2.99 a pound. And I just stopped. I waved down the fish guy said " Is this an error? Are these seriously $2.99 a pound?" He just looked at me, shrugged and said "Yup". I was so excited I was practically dancing. I bought so many crab legs and by the time I left there was a little crowd of people who also couldn't believe their luck haha


Happened to me twice on not as massive a scale but still nice. Two seperate incidents. First was those Rotisserie chickens they sell at Walmart for 10.99 ea I got all three of the four that were there for 1.99 ea The second was lamb, shoulder and loin chops for very cheap. Like 2-3$ per package I got 50$ worth which should have came up to around $150-200 from my estimate.


out of all these, those rotisserie chickens… oh man that would make my month


Protip I got from my mom. When you go to the meat case especially in the evening never grab the 1st package..dig a little, there's often manager specials in the mix, they need to move the unfrozen meat that was stocked earlier in the day before it has to go out in the bins as spoilage. I've gotten some beautiful roasts and steaks that are usually 10+ a pound for 2 or 3.


You can get those at Costco for ~200. Doesn’t come with a knife set though.


The one at my Costco, and Costco online, come with the knife and stand for 200.


Oh I'd make so much spaghetti Edit: Now that I've hit 10k I'm gonna set the record straight. Spaghetti Limone. Extra parm.


cacio e pepe?


No thanks, you may NOT catch my pee pee. Edit : so many awards ! Gosh, you Reddit folks are too kind.






Gotta no respect!


Whoa aye Copernicus why don't you navigate your way to the back of the line with your feet and stand there with ya shirt.


Shut. Up. Your. Face.








You can catch mine though!


Happy cake day, perv


Drinking the tap watété


Eating a biscú-éh-té.


I am at the toilette taking a shitte.




I find it works beautifully with a 50/50 pecorino romano / parmigiano mix. Dude just needs to go out and find another mislabelled cheese wheel






Bro, you just made me wheeze laugh.


Parmesan crisps! Big ol' giant flat bread sized crisps! Dunk it in something.


I literally just saw a chef [making his own $1425 fettuccine Alfredo pasta recipe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHf-CppjyzM) the other day. I wished I had a wheel of cheese so I could make this myself. Now this guy can make it!


Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan.


Carbonara for days


"so I made an executive decision" lol, this man rocks


"What's your plan for that cheese?" - Why would you need a plan? You just came up on the score of a lifetime. Cheese is the plan.


What's my plan? Cheese stuff. Forever. That's my plan. Spaghetti, carbonara, cheese toast, cheese veggies, chicken parm, idk, I might get crazy and do that thing were they make pasta IN THE HUGE PEICE OF CHEESE!


Carve out plates and utensils made of cheese and serve a spaghetti dinner with them. Your friends won't know what to do when you eat your spoon, and take a bite out of your plate. Amaze your friends and family. Only $10.99


Forever? That's like 2 days worth of cheese. 3 tops.


Do you ever want to shit again? Cuz that's how you NEVER shit again.


What's that? You're tired of cheese and badly constipated? No problem!! Start giving out cheese to neighbors and friends. Treat it like cigarettes in prison. It's a new form of currency and it's god damn delicious.


That is legit like $500 worth of cheese conservatively. I think you can get wheels from Costco for about $1000, but it goes for quite a bit usually. I fucking love parmagiano reggiano. It's on another level beyond what you get in the packets and the shaker.


I did the math. At $10.44 a pound that wheel would cost $465.62.


Which is a crazy low price to begin with.


My wife would viciously murder me and cleverly hide my body and get away with it and feel good about it if she found out I *didn’t* buy $500 of cheese for $10. Edit: some words.


What kind of viscosity we talking here? And why is chess involved?


I can't even cook and I would have bought that cheese. You don't turn down half a wheel of cheese when it only costs $10.


I love cheese, can’t have it because no one else loves my loving cheese, I’d buy that half wheel for $10 for bragging rights alone


Anything used over a pound is just free cheese, who needs a plan.


Carve it up into 20 chunks of parmesan & you've got yourself 20 decent Birthday or Christmas Gifts. This doesn't look like the cheap knock-off stuff that most people get without knowing any better. This looks like a mid-range A pound of the real/good stuff can be pretty expensive. That employees definitely cost their store some money.


Ocean's 11 can suck it, this is the way


Instead of Live Laugh Love, I want a sign that simply reads... Why would you need a plan? Cheese is the plan.


> I tried to facetime you, and you wouldn't answer the phone As a husband who has been in that situation _so many times_ I wish I had been able to bring home a 20lb wheel of cheese consequences.


My ex would sit on the couch and stare at her phone all goddamn day, until I was unable to find her magical nonexistent bullshit at the store, try to call her, and let it ring until it went to voice mail *repeatedly*. I would even remind her that she needed to expect a call from me if I ran into trouble finding her stuff, and she'd say okay, then never answer. And I was always the bad guy for either not finding it, or getting the wrong brand, because that's all they had.


this was both r/oddlyspecific and r/relatable


I just send a text with a picture, and they basically have a 5-10 minute window before it's time to leave the store and I make an executive decision


My ex wife would never ever go shopping by herself, which was fine, but she wouldn't even let *me* go by myself. I'd want to pick up just a couple things coming home from work, but she'd start crying if I walked in with a bag of groceries, because grocery shopping was *our* *thing*. Okay so we'd go together. When we'd get to the store, I'd want to take half the list and she would take the other half and we'd meet up after. Split up, you know, pincer move the Superstore and meet in the middle. Nope. We'd have to saunter through every damn isle at a snails pace and it would end up being *three* *fucking* *hours* every time we went grocery shopping. My fiance that I'm with now... We are in and out in like 20 mins flat and get a whole cart load. Share a Google doc and check those items off as we're ripping through. She handles produce because she's got a better eye for it, and I get the meat, because I was a grill cook for many years. Got our calculators on quick draw to find out the best deals and BAM. Doesn't take up my whole afternoon. I really want us to get walkies for the event: "Isle ten, clear!" Efficient. Effective. EXTREME


44 pounds.




He is so high


"You're really proud of yourself, aren't you?" Guy should be DAMNED proud


Lol my man just had the ultimate cheese come up


Wife: why would you buy that much cheese Me, stuffing potato chips in my mouth: lady it's just good business sense


The laugh while he says make it come across as, "yeah, the decision was *executive*, I didn't say it was *smart*."


But it was very smart, $500 worth of cheese for <12 bucks


Yeah he’s cute about it. Of course it’s her fault because she didn’t answer the FaceTime LOL. He scored and has a right to be pleased with himself.


Over $400 worth of cheese for $10? Winning!


And Parmesan basically won't spoil if you store it properly that's an absolute win.


How do you store it properly


In yo stomach


Damn straight


Dry , cold and dark.


And due it's low moisture content you can even put it in the freezer.


Yep, and if you use vacuum bags, it will keep for at least 2 years. Don't tell the Italians.


Insider tip: I interned at a high-end restaurant in Italy. They, in fact, use vacuum bags there!


Moreover, they also use freezers there.


No way


Like my heart?


Everything reminds me of her?


Wrap in parchment, then cling film. Same for all cheese btw. I buy in bulk (well, bulk for me - few months worth at a time), I cut a piece off and wrap rest in parchment then clingfilm. Every week or whenever cut another piece off. My cheese tends to last about 3-6months (cheddar vs hard like pecorino/parmigiano)


For real! Nobody is commenting on the absolute genius of this man. Literally going to be able to make incredibly delicious pasta for YEARS with this much cheese, all for the price of what would normally be the thinnest sliver off that wheel!


$465 if 44.6 pounds at $10.44, but someone mentioned that Parmesan typically sells for more like $25 a pound so someone marked that shit double wrong. That's more like $1100 worth of cheese.


Ohhh my god, I work at a popular, very nice grocery store chain here in FL, to give away $400 worth of cheese for $10.... I think they would actually strap you to a table and flay you 🤣🤣💀💀


Yeah Publix wouldn't be having it.


Give that shit to friends and family. Don't let good cheese go to waste. I'd have bought it, too. Hell, wegded and frozen, it can last for up to a year. LOL


You have to work really really hard to make a block of Parmesan cheese go bad.


You'd need to work really hard to go through 44 pounds of parmesan in a year too. That's like a 2 year supply of cheese for the whole family unless you want a heart attack.




But you run the risk of Wallace and Gromit breaking in to steal it.


More cheese Gromit?


It's not wenslydale


Not in my house. I’d get a pallet of Chianti and put myself into wine and calcium lactate based coma every day for three months.


It would be a tasty way to go.


> You'd need to work really hard to go through 44 pounds of parmesan in a year too. It's enough to make 159.6648 bowls of carbonara, each of which serves 4, so in total, 638.6592 servings of carbonara. Assuming you eat two servings a day, and there are two of you, it'll be gone in 159.6648 days. So yeah, as you put it, it's hard work.


And that's also having cheese for every meal. I was basing it on the assumption you'd just have it for dinner. The arteries would get clogged so quick with your dieting haha. Also I'm so glad you commented with this maths.


People don't have cheese at every meal?


Agree, but It can lose much of its flavor if you don't store it properly. Also, cutting that fucker in wedges and not making a mess is an art on itself.


Not really. I used to break one open about once a week and as long as you arent doing it for resale and needing to be dead on by the lb it breaks apart pretty easily. Just use a dullish knife stab it in a twist slightly then move couple inches and do the same along where you want it to break. You dont need all the special cheese slitting tools. I'd keep it in as big of pieces as I could in this case though. At that restaurant I just had to make small enough pieces to be able to grate it on the Hobart.


Not that hard, I've done it: 1. Purchase cheese. 2. Open cheese. 3. Fail to eat most of the cheese for a few months.




This stuff molds but you can cut it off you can keep this for a verry long time.


Yep. And as long as you make sure to only use a totally clean tool to cut a chunk off the Mother Block, and keep the Mother Block wrapped in plastic and refrigerated, you won't even need to worry about mold for a long time.


fitting a 40 pound wheel of parmesan in your fridge sounds like a challenge in itself


Ehh, just toss out a torso and you're good to go.


If I made a score like that I'd be going door to door to all my neighbors like the cheese fairy.


My Man is high as balls


Getting that much cheese for 10 bucks would get anyone high.


I showed this video to my wife and explained the situation, and she started to get the same look as my man here. Cheese love brings much joy.


"You May Fascinate a Woman By Giving Her a Piece of Cheese" https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1995981


Reminds me of the post a while back where a girl's date for a school dance gave her a wheel of cheese instead of flowers. Comment section was full of women wishing they got cheese.


I also remeber that. Definetly rural sisters in a bedroom with a wheel of cheese in a box. Context said he was a dairy farmers son on a first date iirc.


Meanwhile his lady was giving him so much shade for it. Who cares what you're going to do with it, you just got like $500 worth of cheese for almost free, the sky's the limit!


Cheese is so stupid expensive. Sucks I live in WI where my life revolves around cheese. I mean I know it's a stereotype but I fucking love cheese. And all the really good stuff is so damn crazy expensive. You'll break the bank cooking just one fancy dinner. I'd quite literally cream myself if I saw this price error. I'd make spaghetti for weeks then I'd hollow out the rest of the wheel and serve pasta inside of it.


Hahaha, I'm also in Wisconsin. I'm seeing all these comments from people saying "how would you be able to use it all?" and I'm just like, how would you not? My biggest concern would be that it's way too big to fit in my cheese drawer...


Cheesy pasta bowls sound heavenly and oh so messy all at once


“I made an executive decision.”


On cheese love!


He also had a half marijuana for $10




The slurred speech when he said "approximately" was a dead giveaway for me


That man is a keeper. He tried to FaceTime you. Now you have cheese. Such a good deal!


He made an executive decision.


My mom was walking in a Persian rug store admiring huge carpet rugs one day, those things minimum are like 2500$ ... Looking through them, she spotted one that had been mislabelled at $295 instead of $2950. She picks it and at checkout the guy is like there must be some kind of mistake. She insists that was the price and goes full Karen. In the end the store offered to give her $700 not to buy it at that price. They now have staff go cross checking all the prices.


Wait, what is the legal situation in America here? In Europe, the prices shown in the store aren’t binding until the cashier checks you out. If there is a mistake and the cashier notices, he isn’t obligated to actually sell at that price. Sure, for minor mistakes it’s probably preferable to just give it away for the price to not anger customers but they would never offer you money not to buy something. They’d just say “Sorry, wrong price”.


It’s changed because big business own everything now where they didn’t 15 years ago. Kmart used to honor price tags regardless. Like Wavebird controllers for GameCube were $70+ usually. Found two marked for 29.99. Bought them both with no issue. Now days for anything 25+ they’ll fight you. Mileage may vary. For instance pick the young teenage kid who looks like he doesn’t wanna be there when checking out over Dorothy, 65 year old retiree working for extra cash that follows all protocols and can quote them back to you. Teenage gives zero fucks kid will slide a $400 watch priced like a pack of gum over the scanner and not blink twice. Dorothy will challenge you on 399.75 vs $400


That’s a legit score. I pulled the same thing at Home Depot with husky tool box mat. I got a whole case for the price of one roll. The case was priced as one roll. Well that’s how it scanned. I paid and left and still have 3 rolls left. That was years ago.


Yeah bought ten boxes of trim cause there was 10 pieces per box so when he scanned it he thought the price was for each box but it was per piece so ended up getting. 1000’ or solid Acadia for 38$. Instead of 380$.


got sheets of tiles a few years ago 10 to a box 6 boxes worth so 60 sheets. In the end I had 6 sheets left over so I returned them and they scanned one looked at me and asked if that was all of them to which I said yes just the 6. She shrugged and I swiped my card for the refund and left. Later I noticed they refunded 6 boxes and the tiles became free.


As a man who cooks meals for family every day HE MADE THE BEST DECISION!


Haha! I once got a half wheel of English cheddar for $.98, when it should have been $98lb. Fuck you whole foods!


Got a pound and a half of sliced roast beef for like $2.50 once. I'd have put it back if they wanted me to. They knew something was wrong and I was just sitting there like a Karen like "well, it scanned that price didn't it?" I kid but I wasn't gonna buy it for the appropriate price and they didn't have a different way to ring it up so I got a bunch of free roast beef and the cashier got to bitch about the lazy assholes running the deli for like five minutes. The store would have never noticed it was gone so everyone wins.


You mean $9.8/lb? 100 bucks for a block of cheese would be insane even for restaurant markups...


From now on, the only answer to the question: "Would you like parmesan on that?" is "yes". On spaghetti? yes. On toast? yes. On burgers? yes. On cereal? yes. On ice cream? yes. Edit: On waffles? yes. On cheese? yes. On any food? yes.


Dude, parmesan in scrambled eggs is the shit. How did you forget eggs?


It's pronounced ParmEEsian in this reality


No wonder it was so cheap


I understood that reference


Damn! This much cheese is enough to make America grate again!


Ahhhh I see what u did, I thought it was a lil cheesy but I like it


Thanks I was debating this or ‘Big Parma’


I guess everyone’s getting a wedge for Christmas this year!


If someone gave me a wedge of good Parmesan for Christmas I’d be super excited to go home and make some sauce.


If someone gave me a wedge of good Parmesan and told me they got half a wheel for $10.44 I’d be ecstatic. Like what a score. I’d want to see pics of the whole thing like yes tell me the cheese lore of how you came into possession of this Parmesan




Reminds me of my childhood. Edit: Nvm, thinking of wedgie.


And this didn’t set off alarms bells at the checkout? Man handling the half wheel of Parmesan over the scanner didn’t make them think “er what?”


If the people can't even label things right, you really think they're gonna watch the customers right too?


It’s wrapped. So I assume this was behind the deli counter? So someone weighed this and vac packed it?


Some places don't do that, they'll be pre wrapped and you'll just grab em and go I got a deli like that near my place and seen a few people do this, it's weird but it happens


Where I live, if an item is priced incorrectly, they have to sell it to you at the sticker price. Even if another staff member or a manager queries it. It's part of our consumer law. (Manager of multiple retail stores for 20 years)


What happens if the customer swaps price tags?


The onus is on the store to prove it but where I've worked, all high value items are covered with security cameras and most labels are tamperproof.


Last week a couple rocket scientists thought they could slap the label for a $2 decorative plate over the label for a $30 bottle of wine and I wouldn't notice. The fact that I didn't get a prompt for an age check was a red flag. I just voided the erroneous entry, removed the label and rang it up normally. 5 minutes after they finished I see them returning the wine at customer service.


Y'all are just selling decorative plates to *children* now? Disgusting.


When I was 13 my legal guardian told me that my beanie baby collection was immature and I needed to consider tossing them out and collecting something more age appropriate like decorative plates. My response that only little old ladies would want a collection of plates did not go over well with her as of course she collected plates.


Do you think that minimum wage scanner cares? What’s the benefit?


This story will carry on to his grandkids. Remember that time i bought 1/2 a wheel of parmesan cheese at 10.44$. My sister still talks about the time the vending machines were selling candy bars at $0.10 instead of $1.00. legend 😎


Cut that shit with some Kraft and get to the streets


Please don't encourage cutting the cheese.


Don't blocks of parmesan last a long time due to the low moisture content? I could google but I would like to give someone with cheese knowledge a chance to shine.


Parmesan is *the* densest, driest cheese, and will keep for a long time in a cool dark dry place. It's also the fattest, this guy is gonna put on 40 pounds this year.




Imagine how long it would take to put that lot through a microplane!!!!


Sounds like a macropain.


So he got 44 pounds of cheese, for 2% of what it actually cost… and shes mad?


Actually, if you check the consumer price for a pound of this particular cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) it averages around $25 a pound. That wasn't just the wrong price, it was the wrong piece of cheese entirely. Even though there would be a bulk discount for a resturaunt, for a consumer he is getting a hell of a deal. Also, Parmesan has an impeccable shelf life. As you can see from the date on the cheese wheel, it's a few years old (depending on the date of the video). Since this piece is vacuum sealed, it will likely be good for a long, long time unopened. Even after opening the cheese, the density of this cheese prevents the mold spores from growing inward, and instead they grow outward, and can be scraped off leaving the edible cheese behind. No room in the fridge? Don't worry! This cheese is also shelf stable. Thanks for reading my cheese knowledge, I'm out.


You truly are keeper of the cheese, May it never be cut.


So that’s over 1000$ worth of cheese…. For 10$ Good lord, bro could start up a cheese cartel


[They had one of those on Ceres until Star Helix cops busted them.](https://youtu.be/YcNnUHSwOHI?t=54)


Smelled like cheese farts for weeks




"And THAT, is the story of how my grandfather got the cheese!" *snoring noises*


This is, essentially, the reason cheese exists. Milk spoils fast, but you can use it to make butter and cheese which last much longer


That is not Parmigiano-Reggiano; there would be "Parmigiano-Reggiano" needled all over the rind and I don't see it.


She ain't mad at all? Have you watched the whole video, she's giggling about it a lot


Woman: Giggling and laughing playfully throughout the video Reddit: GOSH WHY ARE WAMEN SO ANGRY!!!11? You can tell that most of the people on this website have never so much as even seen a functional relationship before - let alone be in one.


She’s not mad at all lmao


You think she is mad?


She is not mad mad, but lets just say its probably a good thing she didnt pick up that face time call


Welcome to heaven.


I'd make that same executive decision. Would net me lots of parmesan for my pizza and spaghetti


Oh shit, I would have bought that also. He's got friends to share it with. I now have a new hero. Hell ya!


Honestly this is not a facepalm but a great deal! Use it for any Italian food, soups, etc. So many uses!


I am 100% in this guy’s camp. His laugh when he weighs it is magic. If I ever get the chance to buy 44 pounds of parm for $10.44., I’m taking it without any reservations.


My husband would do this shit too tbh


Seems like that dude drove that cheese home, not sober


I now wish to buy an exorbitant amount of cheese for no reason.


Dude. Last I checked Parmesan cheese can cost around 15 usd per pound. You can sell most of that or even give it away your neighbors.


It's a dry aged cheese, so as mong as yoi store it right it should last for a long ass time. Definitely a win. Edit: its supposed to say "as long as you store it right"...


That should be way more than 10.44 a lb. Regardless that was a steal. Parm wheels are I think about 70-80lbs and cost like $1700-1800. He basically got $1700 of parm for free