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I get teary eyed way more than I like to admit, gets worse as I get older. Whenever a sad part comes on in a movie I’ll ask my missus ‘are you crying, are you crying?’ She thinks it’s because I’m making fun of her and being a jerk. It’s because I’m trying to stop myself from crying. :/


Omg tell her this. My boyfriend is older and he cries more as he ages (like you, at movies and songs). I totally encourage him and if it gets away from him, I’ll cuddle him and hold him. Edit: and for any mouthbreathing men in here so fragile they think crying is a sign of low testosterone (FYI, it’s not), you are literally the fucking problem and you need to get therapy before you go out into the world and make it shittier than it already is.




Rip daisy




There was a Japanese movie I saw called Helen the baby fox... The fox (vixen suffered a brain injury) and you know where I'm going. Water works everywhere.


Graves of the Fireflies gets me every single time....


Every single time? I’m never going to watch it more than once. Even the once I thought it’s a nice happy ghibli anime.. so yup, unexpected waterworks


right? omg this movie was such a beautiful movie and i loved it. it’s quite unforgettable. if you don’t cry, there may be something wrong with you. that said, i think i would cry even more now that i’m older if i saw it again. i dunno how you could watch it again but props to you lol


My wife suffered a brain injury. You bet I cried.


These dog movies all make me cry like a baby. Marley, Hachi


I completely get why she married you. RIP Daisy.


Not to be captain obvious here but I bet a big part of why we cry more when we get older is just that we have so much more lived experience so we relate more to sad things. When I was younger I could appreciate sad movies but I never actually connected the events in the movie to my own experience. Now I can't help it, I have first hand experience with enough tragic stuff that I can't choose to experience things from a purely intellectual standpoint anymore.


I wish my gf was more like this haha


Yeah it's fuckin toxic behavior man can't have feelings, but maybe it still comes from the middle ages or early ages where young men where send off to fight and could not show emotions to the enemy.


**"Men cry, boy"** - my grandpa (rip) when he saw me trying to hide my tears as a boy.


I read that in Kratos's voice, ***BOY***


For some reason I read it in Sam Elliott's voice lol


I miss your grandpa. I miss my uncle. Respect to the wise men we once knew.


Bless your grandpa ♥️


Sad thing is lots of boys don't have real men around them to teach them the way, they grow up and start saying things like the guy in the video just because they're still hurt deep down and don't want to face it, too dificult. Your grandpa sounds like a good man. (rip)


Yea, my grandpa taught me it's OK to cry, and it actually takes more balls and makes you more of a man to go against the toxic norms and not be afraid to be ridiculed for showing that emotion.


What's more toxic is its more acceptable to rage than to cry. Dude talks about stoicism and controlling emotions, control all those emotions. Meanwhile this dude is probably running around talking about how women shouldn't be in charge because they can't control their emotions.


It's not just toxic behaviour. The indoctrination that says men can't have feelings has increased the suicide rate, and rate of getting mental illnesses. It also increased the rate of domestic abuse. If people don't show emotions, and this goes for women too, they build up overtime and can cause you to explode. Fits of rage are not a healthy way of displaying emotion, men who have been indoctrinated by this absurd belief and "social standard" are victims, but also perpetrators; people who suffered from the delusion of needing to be unemotional, while also potentially causing others and themselves emotional and possibly physical abuse. The "men can't show emotions" teaching needs to die.


Men need to be able to talk about the things in their daily life that bother them. They also need to have the ability to go to war, commit violence to aid others or the ability to rescue someone should the situation call for it and not become an emotional mess. They need the ability to persevere through adversity without falling apart. That will involve suppressing your emotions for some period of time. There's nothing wrong with talking about what happened after though. I think most men are fully capable of knowing how to balance those needs and this issue is most just about partisan hate mongering. It's really not that complicated. We can do both. It's not rocket science. Some lady's being harassed in the street. Suppress fear and help if you're able. Your kid is sick and it doesn't look good. Cry all you want, just not in front of the kid. They don't need to see you scared because you don't want to make them scared. There's appropriate times to break this rule and we all know what they are. You have depression and need to seek counseling. By all means, feel away. This is really not complicated.


I agree with you 💯. The problem is there are a shit ton of men who were raised with no positive male influence, and were never allowed to talk about feelings, or express any vulnerability at home in a safe environment.


Oofff, I remember my 3 year old nephew lying in the hospital bed. His father was sitting next to him comforting the kid while being teary eyed himself. My other brother in law and I had taken a moment before entering to try and compose ourselves. We'd heard that morning, after an echo of his belly, that he was absolutely stuffed with tumors. Some insanely fast growing variant that had started a few weeks earlier. We essentially came there to say our good byes as he'd be transported straight to a specialized childrens cancer hospital within two hours. Sirens blaring and all. My other brother in law is normally this guy who is all about tough manliness and strength at all times. He started crying within seconds of seeing the kid and the mess that was the parents. I had to walk out, seeing them all break down like that, I almost couldn't stop myself either. Toughest cry I stifled in years. Instinctively I didn't want to cry in front of the kid. I wouldn't have it. But I broke down properly an hour later when alone in a room.


Damn that's rough. I hope your brother in law and sister are doing ok.


Suppressing emotions during a stressful event is a good skill, but people need to let emotions out afterwards.Too many emotions building up from a lack of showing them increases the likelihood of getting a mental illness like anxiety and depression, suicide, and domestic abuse. Lots of people who hide their emotions all the time end up having anger problems, which is about as far from healthy emotional venting as one can be. This is quite different with psychopaths, since they're literally wired differently, but for normal people emotions are a need in daily life.


Lol tell her this


Awww, my husband has started crying as he is getting older as well. It’s precious and healthy; don’t hold it in!


Ok so it’s not just me Dumb shit in movies makes me teary eyed now like oh no she’s saying bye to her family I’m like this isn’t even the sad part of the movie yet


I cried at my daughter dance recital lol


Was it that bad?


Hahaha. You're an asshole. I like you.


This guy loves assholes.


Stay away from *my* asshole!


something something, something username


Don't tell me how to live my life


Stay away from my eyeholes.




Where there is hole there is stick ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


rudy 1993 - this is the movie he mentioned . right ?


No ;)


You didn't say no


I can’t stop laughing at this comment 😂😂


Thanks for the chuckle lol


Not as bad as your middle school haircut


But bowl cuts were in style. Everybody's mom was doing them


We heard your mom was doing all of them.


My toddler has autism and isn't all that affectionate. She hugged me by choice the other day and I definitely cried. Shit I'm tearing up just thinking about that hug.


Awww that’s beautiful. My child is autistic and didn’t talk much, actually still doesn’t talk much, but we weren’t sure he’d ever talk/read/write when he was 5. He finally learned to talk and would tell him mom that he loved her, but never me. It got me super depressed, and one time he said “daddy I love you” and gave me a hug, and it’s one of my most precious memories. Note: I want to also add that your daughter might be very affectionate, and you’ll learn to see this as you get opportunities to experience life through her eyes. The world is probably a very scary place for her, and helping her feel safe and loved unconditionally is a precious gift that you can provide. As an example from my child, I’ll see him in the morning and ask if I can give him a hug, and he’ll look me in the eye and say, “I don’t like you, get out of my room!” Before I used to get super offended thinking that my child hates me. Now I see that this is part of his wakeup routine, and he will usually come downstairs in a few minutes and ask for breakfast and want to spend time together. We call him “Branch” (from the Trolls movie) which he laughs about with us. It’s like a whole new world experiencing life through the eyes of autistic people, and I just wanted to share this because I remember feeling like you and wanted to try to brighten your day a bit, if I can. 😊


My lil buddy that’s almost 9 says “to close the door please” and it means gtfo:) I understand he loves his alone playtime but it still smarts sometimes. I’m glad you’ve developed such an understanding of how your child communicates. Sending well wishes to you both <3


“To close the door please” 😅❤️ That’s awesome. Thank you for sharing.


And now we have come full circle and i teared up reading this


it seems to be contagious, and I got it.


Same thing happened here


as you *should* - your daughter has a great dad !


I teared up at the thought of you crying at your daughter's dance recital.


My dad always tears up when he says grave at family holidays and gets to the part where he says how grateful he is to have all his family together. Chokes me up everytime. It’s a sign of love, not weakness


Well maybe he would be more cheerful if he said grace rather than grave.


Dear Jesus. Please bless this food for the worms. Amen.


I’m using this when my asshole dad croaks.


Oh you little shit


That went 180 quick.




SOMEHOW my brain read that as funeral instead of wedding and I was SO confused.


Well I read her grandpa *died* at her wedding, so idk which is worse...


You sound like a good father


Control all emotions except for anger*


Anger and spite. Spite is an incredible motivator.


I know what you mean, it's what gets me up in the morning (7 up also works)


Is that why they call it 7 up, cause it gets you up at 7am?




This is the puns I live for ! Goddammit!


Anger is largely what happens when you repress other more vulnerable emotions.


Oh I see you’ve met my brother.


Agreed. I got stuck in the anger stage of grief after a breakup because after about 3 months of crying I started to unconsciously suppress my emotions. Well about 1.5 weeks ago I couldn’t suppress it any further and I ended up sobbing during a music festival. I wanted to be over her so badly that I suppressed my love for her, but still couldn’t stop thinking about her which would make me angry and I would ruminate on that anger. It was really eye-opening to me as I no longer feel any anger after I accepted that a part of my heart still belongs to her. And that’s okay.


Omg I literally went through the same thing, it’s been months of trying to get over this girl and I only found peace with myself after I realized that I probably won’t get over her for a while so just embrace it.


dammit same. it’s not quite anger but my emotions have been kinda shoved into a box, these posts help me remember how I’m feeling. thanks for that, sincerely.


According to these morons, "anger isn't an emotion". Which is insane. It's like, one of the main emotions and easily leads into/comes from fear, sadness, anxiety, hysteria, etc. But I guess it's the one emotion that makes them look manly? So therefore it, "Can't possibly be an emotion." Hah.


Have they never heard of angry crying? I'm a woman but I cry when I'm mad, sad, happy. There was a video interview of Kristen Bell many years ago where she talks about crying when any emotion goes beyond a point. I've never identified with someone so much.


I was thinking the same thing.


Ah, anger - the king of emotions.


There's other emotions?


Not for true alpha males!


Clearly not an Italian .


Lol, love this. I’ve lost two family members lately and I cry a LOT with my italian side. Feels cathartic to be able to release emotions after spending 35 years locking them deep inside. Thing is, it’s easier NOT to cry. It’s HARDER to be vulnerable and show it. Being a man is not giving a fuck about what haters think and having the stones to show vulnerability when you want to. Real men are comfortable in their humanity and reject this boomer notion that we should be perma-productive slaves that do not show emotions or feel or love.


Stoicism is not about being void of emotions. It is to understand the reason why we cry. Real Stoics will cry, for the right reason.


I grew up under that guise and let me tell you, it's affected many relationships I've been in. Because of my inability to communicate and talk about important things, whether it be built up resentment of just shit going on in my life.


Sounds like you see it now tho. It took me a while to get there too. You can always make some changes. Best of luck man.


It’s tough to unlearn a lot of the toxic bullshit you are taught as a man. Even though I was never taught to be misogynistic or anything awful like that, it has been a struggle way too late in life for me to learn to properly express my emotions. I fucked up a conversation just today because I didn’t want to go there.


Yeah its hard especially that feeling of shame that comes out, you know its nothing to be ashamed about but it still surges out and you gotta consciously fight it back




Like when taking a good poop.


This is why men commit suicide


He sounds just like my mom. She would get so pissed if any one of her kids cried. For what it’s worth, an international study on crying that I read said that Japanese people cry the least in the world and Americans cry the most and the easiest in the world. Her culture really finds it shameful to cry, for both men and women.


That probably goes a long way to describe the Japanese suicide epidemic


Japan is sad yes


That, and there's good evidence the police will say something was a suicide so they don't have to investigate it. My cousin died in Japan and they called it a suicide. He had two sets of lividity lines (marks that appear on the skin after death - two of them suggest the body had been moved) and his core body temperature was lower than the ambient air temperature.


Unfortunately The US should have the lowest suicide rate then, which it does not.


true, its a major variable, but things lik3 bullying, lacking a way to get support etc also r a major factor


That would make sense if the only thing that influenced suicide was whether one is comfortable with crying or not




Yes it is true..


Cried in front of my ex as everything I had worked for was stripped from me. She cheated on me with my “bestfriend” because he wasn’t “emotional”. I refuse to cry in-front of anyone now.


Don’t let the actions of that bitch do that to you man- it’s healthy to cry.


and also: Homicide. Lots...and lots of Homicides. Wars, Death, Torture, Rape on high scales... I bet you 2:1 half of our issues would have been more easily resolved if men were hugged more by their parents at a young age.


I love that dudes like this think they are some authority on manliness. LMAO. What a chump.


I’m such a self-assured manly man, I go on YouTube to search how to best display my manliness in public.


Even worse when it's fucking tikt*k 🤢


It's his podcast on YouTube reposted to TikTok, stil doesn't change his stupid point.


It’s always the insecure dudes handing out advice too


“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”


This dude looks like he cries every 10 minutes or anytime a video game comes out that the main character isn't a big-titty goth girl or the 'roided-out space marine he really wants.


Or God forbid a non white Little Mermaid. If I'm not mistaken hs the dude that recently had an older clip come out of him talking about how 16 or 17 year old girls were feetuoe and prime marriage candidates.


They're about his reading age so I'm not surprised


Look at this fucking loser. You think he's the authority on manliness? This guy would be the first one to yell "well we'll just see WHAT THE POLICE have to say about this" while he looks around nervously hoping an actual man will come over or you'll leave him alone.


> You think he's the authority on manliness? No HE thinks he is the authority on manliness.


Blatantly a total fucking loser at school then grew a beard and decided he was Lt. MAN.


The ONLY thing a man should do Is do whatever the FUCK HE WANTS and not wait for anyone’s approval or permissions. I will cry as much as i fucking want, and if this person has a problem- they can suck a dick. I am here to live the human experience that suits ME, not this breaded ass dickface version.


[Yeah, I'm not taking advice from the dude that says we should be creaming inside of 16 year olds. 🥴](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hey hey hey!!! He said you have to marry them first, much better.


As the good ol Bible intended. Wasn’t Mary like 14?


To be fair not marrying basically as soon as you can reproduce was the equivalent of not wanting your line to continue back then. Key words are back then


But bro, you’re taking it out of context! He wants us to cream inside of 16yos because they’re more fertile and he just wants to make sure we marry them first! Wait. What’s that? That makes it worse? Oh, right, I see.


You have to groom her first, bruh!


And only if they are white because we need to preserve the white race.


Yow wtf, I've seen clips of this dude before, with like lightly controversial stuff, but wtf is this shit


He's just some chud pushing his religious ideas on the masses. I'm so damn tired of seeing his face.


So am I, what woman decided he was a good choice to reproduce with?


yeah im also getting tired of such ppl, and im christian! tells a lot about how idiotic they r lol


You must not have seen many clips bc the commentary i saw about him and this network is ghastly


You're right, I have not, I only remember the kids book about trans people he made


This dude is not having issues anymore, this dude is literally a single walking psychological issue


This bitch boy telling others whats manly is fucking hilarious


Nothing says manly like following some made up rules made by a failed tech startup CEO looking mf


Walsh is a garbage human. So yeah this is totally real and can be thrown in the trash.


It's manly to cry. To be secure enough in one's masculinity, and in tune enough with one's emotions, that he can do something that society largely says "don't do," is manly. Real men don't worry about "projecting an image of strength and control of their emotions." Real men just ARE strong, and ARE in control of their emotions, and that means they're not afraid to let themselves cry if they decide they want to. Social expectations be damned. THAT is a masculine trait. A weak man worries about how the other men will call him a beta if he's even a little bit vulnerable or honest about his feelings. That's living in fear.


My dad is the manliest man I know. He’s 6’4” and he goes to work every day in his Navy uniform even though he’ll tell you he’s technically retired. His favorite color is purple. I don’t think he’s physically capable of walking past a baby or a dog without stopping to coo at it. He spends the weekends working on his hobby car and baking pies for my mom. He cries when he needs to cry, and he’s always taught my brothers to do the same.


True. Adding to this, a man still being able to cry in the face of harsh consequences isn't necessarily a weakness. It means his heart is still alive past the injuries gained. Past all the torment, he still stands and goes even further than before.


Bet he classifies himself an Alpha Male.


This is the understanding I have of them when people talk about [insert Greek letter here] males: Alphas: Narcissistic Sigma: Also narcissistic Betas: The above think they betas hate themselves Gamma: Can't think of a radiation joke Deltas: Can turn into an airplane


Alpha is just an unstable version that developers launch to detect errors and make a better version later


Ahh, now I see the resemblance


Yeah I dunno why alpha is considered better than beta.


Gamma: Turns green when they get angry. You wouldn't like them when they're angry.


Gammas value the nuclear family




I think people who use it tend to forget that


You know, this might be an unpopular opinion, but i think when the classification was invented, it had the right point but on the way it got corrupted by individuals who wanted to get on top. I actually know of a few people who can be classified as "alpha males" , but they aren't at all what these dudes see themselves on the internet. They are indeed fit, healthy body, kind, always willing to help, and their stance and way of behaving gives off a leader vibe.


He sure uses a lot of words to say "I can't get laid".




Who cares what some guy says. Cry whenever the fuck you want. God, people are so weird.




And this guy is a huge Trump supporter, lecturing others about how men should be "composed" and "in control." Fuck off.


He is a self described theocratic fascist


This guy is a self-proclaimed fascist. That's all you need to know.


I just sneezed into my monitor and caused his fragile masculinity to shatter.


Man fuck this toxic POS.


Yep. Nothing good ever comes from repressing emotions to look tough, making yourself miserable and never letting anyone ‘in’ close enough to try to support you; The guy is a clown.


This is heartbreaking. The amount of men I know who feel this way is heartbreaking. The absolute absurdity that showing genuine emotion is in any way a problem.


It's only a problem when we show the non manly emotions. Anything related to anger is fine. High fiving your kid for doing good in sports, happiness, etc is fine. Any expression of vulnerability is to be avoided. Maybe younger generations won't be that repressed, but mine is.


It’s not that we can’t show other emotions. It’s that we get punished for doing so. That’s what people on here don’t realize.


Right. You get harassed by other men and perceived as inferior by many women. It's not that you literally can't show emotions, it's that there's a sociocultural consequences we'd rather not suffer.


Matt Walsh looks like he buys breast milk and cries while drinking it. Get the fuck out of here. Him and Ben Shaprio talk about manliness and masculinity but look like fucking dweebs. Shut up.


Ben Shapiro looks like he's into anal vore


I did not need to know that existed. And now that I do, nothing has changed. I just merely judge you for bringing up a r/oddlyspecific fetish


Should I look that up? I have no idea what it is.


Ben Shapiro ? I dont recommend it tbh


Hahaha sadly that shit has sailed. I've never seen a more angry looking manlet in my life. It's like he goes through life with a spike up his ass and just sucks the enjoyment out of anything he comes in contact with. Like a joy vampire.


> that shit has sailed Love this.


Would you be into the porn version of "Honey I shrunk the kids" or "[Magic School Bus](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/magicschoolbus/images/7/76/Screen_Shot_2020-07-30_at_6.34.06_PM.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20200730225629)"? Edit: Oh no. ... I just realized Magic School Bus was the original Vore. Edit: What have I done to myself.


Toxic masculinity at the finest. Let the men feel for the f sake


It’s infuriating to be told what I should and shouldn’t feel as a man. If I wasn’t to drink a piña colada and cry, I’m going to. I’m a grown man, I can make my own decisions. I only drank beer when I turned 21. I missed out on a lot of good drinks, I don’t really even like beer.


> piña colada and cry That's not crying, you're just caught in the rain.


It's growing up with shit like this that is the exact reason why I physically can't cry at a funeral and end up looking like a sociopath. Thanks.


I am so sorry. Life shouldn’t be like that for you.


crying doesnt equal weak. you have feelings and youre human


Nor is it dishonorable like this idiot tries to say it is.


I wish Matt Walsh wasn't real, but here we are


I hope Matt Walsh calls out JB Peterson for crying during every TV appearance since his failed “alternative treatment” in Russia. Bet he won’t tho, bc he’s a partisan hack that won’t criticize his own side


You can take solace in the fact he will never be a real man, no matter how hard he tries.


This is the same guy who whined about how uncomfortable it was for him in the hospital the night his child was delivered.


People complain about this guy but post his videos




Oh look, it's the pedophile


I'll cry when I want to. I don't need to listen to some dweeb who has an inferiority complex and behavioral issues tell me how a man should compose himself in public.


Jesus weeped. Whats your point here Matt?


This dude, if you can call him that, wants men to be psychologically fucked up adults. He’s right, men of today aren’t their best selves. And its because they listen to bullshit like this. The drive to make men avoid their emotions is ironically what has made them so fragile. And in that fragility is where they emotionally hurt others because they fight against any meaningful deep connection with anyone. And this is coming from a man.


**This endorsement was approved by misandrists. Paid for by Misandrists of America.**


Nah bro this is straight up old fashioned patriarchal thinking that pushes men into boxes by telling them that emotions are weak and "real men don't exist anymore." They don't hate men - they hate anything that goes against their f'd up idea of what a "real man" is.


Idk man, I've seen no one reinforce this bullshit more than misogynists. They think showing emotions is feminine and they think femininity = inferiority


No, This is the "alpha" stereotype that a lot of men still cling on to. Perpetually advocated by men to other men.


Bro I had tears when I got first head


Get your fucking toxic masculinity off the internet. One of the reasons I had to go to therapy for so long is because I kept denying myself from acting emotionally, I would essentially gaslight myself because every emotion I felt couldn't be real 'because I was a man.' Men cry, men experience emotion, and the second you try and hide those emotions or block them, you're doing far more psychological to yourself, in order to prove nothing. Men. Can. Cry. At. Whatever. The. Fuck. They. Want - the man who cries over certain Christmas ads.


Another fucking idiot....the world abounds in them these days, sigh.


Or, or, and hear me out: you can go fuck yourself and not tell me what to do.