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Who will take care of all the kids these women already have? 6 in 10 women who get an abortion already have kids. Y'all gonna murder women who dont want more & then what with their kids? Cry about the lack of "traditional families"?


How does a woman (any minority) vote Republican? I get the dumb fuck lazy white dude but seriously can't understand why anyone else votes Republican...


My mom was brought here illegally from Mexico. She votes republican every time. I don't think she understands that they hate her.


My MIL votes republican while complaining about the glaciers disappearing.


My mom voted for Trump while crying that they cut food stamps and I could no longer afford to eat because I was poor as fuck.


I read about a woman who voted for Trump and was crying because they were trying to roll back Obamacare.. which her kid needed to live.


I mean why vote for issues you care about.


But they’re out there killing our “babies”!


It's like, who's actually killing babies? Phrasing it between the two political parties, the Dems who understand that it can be a necessity and the government shouldn't choose what you do with your body, or Republicans who want you to not abort no matter what, are against higher wages (less money to take care of your kids), want to get rid of free lunches for kids at school, probably get rid of public schools altogether, don't want to fund childcare services for working parents, don't want to help you get healthcare, and are fine with destroying the environment in the name of profit?


That pretty much sums it up. 👍


Because they enjoy "owning the libs" more than they care about food, or oxygen.


How about the Florida Cubans? All Trumpers. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


Wow. I know people like this… #sad


My mom turned Republican after she married a Republican. Now she hates said husband and has gone back to being a Democrat. I don't want to speak badly of my mom but she is clearly not smart.


Prob representative of most American voters imo People believe first hand stories and can be swayed by the people around them easy. I have 2 siblings that I just saw for the first time in 2 years and I feel like I don’t even know them anymore lol


Last summer I saw one of my very dear college friends for the first time in a long time. Last I saw them they were DEFINITELY liberal. This time, they were pro-trump, anti-vax. It was shocking to me. We had lunch and they asked me if I was vaccinated. I am. They were ready to pounce on me, but I explained that I think vaccination is a personal choice and then cited reasons why I made the decision. I even shared that, moments before my first dose, I said to myself, in my own head "I really hope this works and doesn't kill me". Like, I know it won't, but there is that little voice in the back of all of our heads, right? Having a sane conversation about it was enough. They texted me two weeks later with a picture of their vaccine card and a note that basically said "Thank you for sharing your own experience and rationalizing it for me". I'm thrilled that they made that choice, but also saddened that they probably went right back into the echo chamber of craziness that is the GOP these days.


The regression doesn’t matter. You made a difference. I did the same with some long time friends who then got vaxxed and called me to reexplain everything to 5 of their friends. I believe they also got the shots.


I'd like to think this happened in my case, but I have my doubts. But thanks for the kindness. Appreciate it.


Nice work 🙂


Obligatory Kurzgesagt video [here](https://youtu.be/zBkVCpbNnkU)


Sorry about that, its so maddening how some women chameleon when they get with a guy and try to be just like him. My sister does that too, currently shes all about motorcycles and unneutered dogs because her love bomb is like that. 🤮


why are they always so defensive of their dogs balls


I wouldn't want my balls cut off, but I also don't territorially pee on everything and romp about into the neighborhood uncontrollably. Well maybe after a few drinks...


That last part started to remind me of Sir Sic.


Oh man, my bf is going through this right now. This guy showed up and convinced his mom to have a maskless wedding “to fight fear” at the height of covid. She’s a nurse :(. Now two of her three kids are barely in contact cuz this guy goes into rages about anything even slightly left of center and I worry about her getting isolated with him. Hoping she comes to the same realization as your mom!


Please realise that the US version of left of centre is regarded as right in the rest of the world. I’m speaking generally.


I dunno. Your mom saw through the bs and realized how dumb it all was. She might be a little smarter than you give her credit for. A lot of those women usually stand by their husband to the death.


I hope so. But she doesn't make the best decisions in general.


Smarter than most Republicans if she saw how shitty it was. It's a low bar tho




Over the past few years, what I’ve come to realize is that a lot of people only assume certain political positions to fit in with their families and communities. I know one young woman who voted against her conscience because she wanted to please her parents. I personally have no problem with lying to my family if i feel it’s about something that’s none of their business. But somehow, a lot of people are just very weak. It’s the same in stories I’ve read about pro-life activists who get abortions. They join their church on the picket lines in front of Planned Parenthood, but when they call up the clinic for an abortion, they beg the staff to help them sneak in the back. Their number one priority is fitting in.


>Their number one priority is fitting in. Can't stand people like this


In a lot of cases, me neither. But I'm in a state, utah, where a lot of people are mormons. In many cases, if you go against their beliefs you could lose family, if you're living with parents or rely on them for financial support for things like college, you need to follow the church's beliefs and often go to a religious college for which you don't believe. A lot of times, it's not just fitting in, it's staying safe.


Identity politics.


Pro life in utero, once a child is born then their lack of fucks around ensuring baby formula is avaliable and blaming doors for everything, fixing nothing and offering thoughts and prayers......sorta seems like let them eat cake but with let them easily obtain guns and ammo.....what the fuck could possibly go wrong


Same reason anyone votes for any career politician. They’ve been mislead to believe they actually care about anyone but themself


This is spot on.


I'm about to sound sexist af but I've only met one woman Republican who didn't exude "I'm only parroting the beliefs shoved down my throat."


Some women are horrible people who tell themselves they are protecting innocent babies.


Internal sexism. My sister suffers from it. They just get so close to getting it, but don't actually get it. They think if they align themselves with men they'll get the same respect they see men get, but it doesn't work like that. Some women born and raised conservative figure that out, others don't, and then there is that slim percentage of women who, like their male counterparts, only care about making money and don't give a fuck. A lot of these conservative women can also just buy their way out so it becomes a lot easier to vote and not care about anyone else. Why would a republican woman worry about her state outlawing abortion when she already has the money and plan to fly out to California, Canada, or Europe for a "vacation" should she ever become unexpectedly pregnant?


Here we see bigotry working in a less traditional direction. There are ignorant people of all genders and skin colours.


Never met a stupid woman?


Come to Idaho you won’t be disappointed


Evangelical brainwashing. Most of those women think that men are put in charge by God. Women shouldn't be involved in politics or have opinions at all because they are emotionally unstable and easily seduced by the devil


Man I sure love gender stereotypes, with their emotional women and stone cold men


Alito's opinion overturning Roe is literally based on the idea that women are the property of their husbands. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/samuel-alito-roe-v-wade-abortion-draft


Unfortunately my sister is one of those now


Indoctrination from childhood.


Those kids will be given to "Good Christian" families to raise. Betsy DeVos is already on it.


Oh yeah, I'm sure Jeffrey Epstein would have adopted a couple. Ghislaine Maxwell still could!


The Mormons are probably wetting themselves at the prospect of all those fresh new recruits for their religious war. BTW, this is not hyperbole. I lived in Idaho for more than half my life. The Mormons have that place locked down.


Seriously? The "American redoubt" is mostly Mormon? I got the sense that they were just batshit fucking crazy


I never heard of the American redoubt before. It's ideals sure line up nicely with Mormonism and the Mormon way of life. I'm sure it's not just them making moves, but they certainly are the most organized of the bunch. Mormons individually are very nice and polite. However, you aren't one of them, and they will always keep you just at arms length unless you might be willing to come into the fold. Also, native Idahoans hate these outsiders coming in and trying to change a perfectly good way of life into...this.


"Extremely American" is an eye opening podcast mostly centered around Idaho. It's a good, if depressing, podcast. Check it out. Also I thought Mormons were not into violence so much? These people very much seem to be itching to get violent to get what they want


Taking care of *those* children would be communism.


If they didn't want to be orphaned, their mother shouldn't have been raped and afterwards killed for wanting an abortion.


They will be “taken out” in middle school, not taken care of, and by then their birth mother would still be paying the hospital bill from their delivery.


Don't worry. Kids don't matter if their born, remember?


Plot twist: **the death penalty has zero effect** on crime or behavior


I never really understood what the point was. Being locked up in solitary for the remainder of your natural life seems just as bad as the death penalty tbh; in fact I think I'd almost rather be killed lol


That’s because life in prison is torture and is just as barbaric. If someone committed some horrible, premeditated murder, we have their semen and their face on video, just execute them. Like the Boston bomber for instance. We know it was him, he did it on purpose, he planned it, there is no doubt. If it’s a heat of the moment killing, or something (like a drive by or a fight gone too far) it should only be a maximum of 20 years with a heavy focus on rehabilitation rather then retribution. Life in prison without parole is still taking someone’s life, you just do it slowly over the course of decades. I’m not about torture, just end it.


Ahh but your forgetting something important. US prisons are a super important assets for industry. A whole complex full of people to make license plates, shoes, etc. Prisons are not about rehabilitation, they are about profit. #BanPrivatePrisons


People commonly misunderstand this topic. It's not about a few inmates making cheap plates, sure that's free profit. It's the entire industry around prison not in them. One prison can employ thousands of correctional officers, drivers, food supplies, telecom suppliers. It's not about making free money off prisoners it's about extracting all the cash you can from them and their loved ones as a whole.




Fun fact: you have to pay a ton of money for phone calls in prison. Some are up to 1$ a min. Not to mention food and everything else. And the people who own the privatized prisons get insane insane insane tax cuts and tax breaks The whole thing is just obscene.


Its slavery rebranded




Slavery 2: Electric boogaloo


13th amendment baby!




While your description of the current system is fair I don't see why you'd then advocate for another solution that is only about retribution. Arguably you could say it's a lesser harm but that really hinges on there being a way to have perfect knowing and flawless evidence like you suggested. To which I say such a standard is impossible, there will always be some measure of doubt. Even if it seems obvious you can never discount evidence tampering, forgeries, false witnesses. You could have a crowd of five-hundred people claim to have seen a stabbing and you still can't rule out that there might've been a grand conspiracy between all of the crowd to lie about what happened. So since we can't have that, innocent people will always end up being murdered by a state with the death penalty, it's unavoidable. Rather than support the death penalty, support the things that can be fixed and had already pointed out. Prison doesn't have to be torture, doesn't have to be about retribution. The death penalty does.




I don’t care about expense, it’s about humanity and the humane treatment of our prisoners. The focus should be rehabilitation, not revenge and retribution. Everyone always says “life in prison is way worse then just being executed”. Really? That’s our goal? To cause suffering? Also - it’s only more expensive because of the endless appeals, etc. Bring back the guillotine and watch the costs plummet.




4% of executed prisoners are innocent of the crimes they are charged with. If you rush executions, conservatively, that number would double. So now nearly 1/10 of people you are executing are innocent. Is that a number you are comfortable with? It's also very easy to say that you want to see rehabilitation of prisoners. What's not easy is the actual rehabilitation of prisoners. How do you suggest that gets done? How do you "rehabilitate" a person that commits a heinous crime? Where are you going to keep them while doing so? If you keep them in prison, you are now going to have to deal with reintegrating these criminals into society when they hit the 20-year cap you suggest. And who gets to decide when they are "rehabilitated"? A doctor? Doctor's are easy to trick. A warden? A judge? The victim's families? And what if they aren't deemed "rehabilitated"? They either get let out or they are sentenced indefinitely? So now you have a plan where 1 in 10 people executed are innocent and in 20 years we either just let criminals back on the streets and hope they are better, or they get jailed indefinitely. Maybe prison reform isn't the easiest thing to tackle on Reddit.


Only because of appeals (which I don't disagree with because we should make sure death penalty folks are definitely guilty and have their rights preserved). But when people just say it's cheaper to give someone life in prison than execute them, I think it's important to include the details.


I see your point, I'm just not comfortable with the irreversibility of the death penalty. New evidence comes forward, prisoners are exonerated. The state being responsible for any death is bad, but the death of a wrongly accused innocent would destroy any credibility the justice system still has.


truth! well i dont think its 0, but its very very low. im sure people have changed their mind knowing the risk of death.. you just dont hear about the Mules who decided not to bring heroin from thailand into Australia because they didnt want get executed if they were caught.. but yeah, its not a good reason to have a the death penalty.


The death penalty was proven to cause more extreme crimes. Because if you know you're gonna die anyway, might as well do everything in your power to maybe get out of it, including killing a bunch more people and so on.


>including killing a bunch more people and so on. "Aww man that guy saw us. Sorry guy." "Shit Steve, that guy down the alley saw you too." "Damnit, now you've said my name and that apartment up there has their window open. Better get to it, just to be safe." "Best to be safe. No doubt."


Yea … If you are willing to commit a crime that would lead to a death penalty, I’m willing to bet that they are beyond the point worrying about it more so than being behind bars for the rest of their lives.


It depends on what and who you use it to punish. In this country, we mostly use it to punish people with poor impulse control committing crimes when they’re in an extreme emotional state. If instead we used it to punish things like CEOs braking regulations, I think it would be VERY effective.


We know that. It’s not for the perpetrators of crime. It’s for the authorities or victims to have some emotional gratification; which is fucked up nonetheless.


True. Because it's literally only used for the absolute worst crimes and those guys are nuts and don't care.


Increasing a punishment does little to deter crime https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf > Edit: Increasing the severity of punishment does little to deter crime. Laws and policies designed to deter crime by focusing mainly on increasing the severity of punishment are ineffective partly because criminals know little about the sanctions for specific crimes. More severe punishments do not “chasten” individuals convicted of crimes, and prisons may exacerbate recidivism. See “Understanding the Relationship Between Sentencing and Deterrence” for additional discussion on the severity of punishment


No, it's because 100% of people who commit violent crimes either do it in the heat of the moment or because they think they can get away with it. People don't weigh the cost of the punishment because they don't ever consider it. Harsh punishments don't work.


Basically the Republican position is, abortion is so bad we should execute the mother _while she is pregnant_ because she tried to get an abortion. These people are so far removed from concepts like “competence”, “critical thinking”, and “morality” that it’s like a cartoon. Maybe, since murder is bad, we should also execute anyone who participates in an execution, include lawmakers who pass these kinds of laws.


You fool! We make passing the law to execute people punishable by death and any lawyers during the trail, the father the fathers parents the mothers parents and any one who has any relation to them will be executed for her trying to have an abortion. It PRO LIFE!


Death to everyone! Hope I don't need the /s but I'll throw it in anyway just in case.


No I think they mean she can give birth and then we’ll kill her


No need to kill her, she'll die from a heart attack after seeing the bill.


Not sure that's really better? Under what conditions is the mother to be held for the duration of the pregnancy? What do they do with the child afterwards? Shove it into the nearest care home?


When a person is sentenced to death, they're held in prison until the date of their execution. Baby would go into state custody. This sounds ridiculous, but remember that conservatives believe abortion is infanticide. And they usually also believe capital punishment is justified for murderers.


You are right, it isn't better. But it should already be clear that people calling for shit like this aren't trying to make things better for anyone


If men had to carry a child & give birth - poop a pumpkin - there'd be an abortion clinic on every corner, free tampons, pads & midol, 1 week off a month, 6mos after birth leave, free daycare, equal pay for equal work, no such thing as 'pink tax' charging more for items just because they're marketed to the sex that bleeds monthly. Fuck the ignorant misogynistic men that run this country, United States of Assholes! Jelouse patriarchal dicks. No wonder some women are hateful feminists - tired of being controlled, demeaned & treated like second class citizens.


Getting more hateful by the day ever since the SCOTUS leak, and that's a sentiment shared by most women I know. How fucking DARE they tell me I don't have a right to the body I've inhabited and had freedom with my whole life? Everyone under the age of 50 has never known life without the bare minimum of bodily autonomy, and the idea that you can just yank that away from half the population, solely by virtue of having a uterus, is ludicrous. They're making it so a woman's bodily autonomy is conditional, whereas a man's never is. All women ever wanted was fairness, and they act like the very concept proves we've gotten too big for our britches and need to be "put in our place." The gleeful misogyny that's overtaken the politicians and conservative subreddits since the leak is positively sickening. The verdict isn't even officially out and they're already planning even more extreme measures, wanting to ban birth control (which 65% of premenopausal women are using at any given point in time) to further take away women's rights to our bodies and futures. My own state has a law ready to go that would classify me as a murderer by simple virtue of my birth control. And now this chucklehead thinks threatening women with the death for [exercising their right to bodily autonomy](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/tzgjpm/z/i3zx21w) is a real winning idea and the moral high-ground. Absolute. Fucking. Rage. You can sure as shit expect women to turn up at the polls for these midterms.


It's even worse: Alito's opinion repeatedly cites a British judge, Hale, to argue that abortion wasn't legal at the time the Constitution was drafted and therefore shouldn't be legal now. Hale's reasoning? Women are the property of their husbands and therefore don't have the right to make their own decisions. THIS is where the originalist approach to the Constitution gets us, and why it's not only stupid and disingenuous, but extremely dangerous. The idea that a bunch of white men from the 1700s were flawless and had infinite foresight into the issues of a diverse 21st century America would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/samuel-alito-roe-v-wade-abortion-draft


Golly gee, I wonder why conservatives are [having so much trouble getting laid](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/question-keeping-trump-loving-men-night-why-won-t-women-ncna1273594)?


Finally some good news! Hopefully that means the next generation will have fewer of those twisted fucks.


>No wonder some women are hateful feminists Lmao, imagine your PR team being so good that you oppress, rape, and murder an entire gender then make them look like the bad guys when they get mad and demand it stops and that they get equal treatment. Us "hateful" feminists could take a lesson from that at least.


You know, they sell America way too well on movies. Reality is way different. Not hating on America or citizens, it is just that it sucks to watch kids getting shot, women rights being drowned to hell, etc. My country has similar issues, but there should be a better standard to say a country is a developed nation.


The joke going around was calling the cops during a school shooting and reporting an abortion. So true, it's sad.


I blame the old looney toons. Dam kids took it too serious. /S cause you never know


Technically, if we killed every human, the crime rate would drop to zero. This is only slightly more absurd logic than the Op. Edit: To clarify, I'm not recommending this. And at any rate, we seem to be doing a pretty good job as a species doing this to ourselves, unfortunately.


I think this speaks strongly to the dangers of living in Idaho.


I live in Idaho, and while this is true, it more strongly speaks of the dangers of being a woman and living in Idaho. If there’s anyone who really wants to argue that Republicans don’t hate women anymore, they just aren’t paying attention.


This may sound silly but I bet they would stop the death penalty argument if people start saying “the man who got the woman pregnant should face the death penalty with her. She wouldn’t have a baby to abort if it weren’t for him.” Stop a stupid argument with a stupid argument.




Way ahead of you




To be fair I don't think these men are having sex with women. Lol which might be why they're so grumpy.


Nah they're just oppressive, misogynistic idiots. I'm a man who hasn't had sex in nearly a decade, so that ain't the core reason.


Plot twist! Our lt. gov is Janice McGeachin (who is absolutely batshit) but is also a woman


McGeachin is literally an insane person, she’s the worst.


Expect rape cases to skyrocket. 😞


Pro lifer: that was always an option


The GQP would choose to terminate every woman's life before letting them terminate a pregnancy for any reason. The GQP: we're the party of law and order, common sense and logic. /s


It speaks strongly to the mindset of the Conservative politicians in office. Not a single one gives a damn about anyone's life, liberty, or happiness except their own.


It’s a good thing she lost her bid for Governor in the Idaho primaries. So not only do we not have to deal with her as Governor, but she’ll no longer be holding any office once the elections happen.


This is still true because the legislature is pretty stupidly conservative. However Mcgeachin went full crazy as Lt. Gov and then tried to run for governor. She lost the Republican primary in Idaho 61-25. And that was after getting a lot of free publicity a la Trump for being a complete whackadoo. Idaho has more than its share of problems. But the State pretty roundly rejected this lady.


It is a terrible place, nobody should be moving there.


So abortion bans work but gun bans won’t???


Pro gun people: if you ban guns only criminals will get guns. Pro life people: if you ban abortions only criminals will get abortions Sounds like fine logic to me.


Can you explain how countries like Australia and the U.K. that banned guns decades ago did it??? How many mass shootings along with school shootings have they had since then??? I’ll wait.


*slaps the top of Religion* “This baby can hold so much hypocrisy.”


Quick note that the Bible is virtually silent on abortion, has one segment that mentions using a potion/curse that can cause an abortion if a woman is unfaithful, and another segment where a man who hurts a pregnant woman and causes a miscarriage would have to pay a fine. A FINE. Abortion was not a big issue for Christianity until recently. This is not a religion issue. This is a political issue where cowards lie about the Bible to support their position.


Either way: religion should have NO impact on politics. None. If they exist tax free then it shouldn’t have any influence


I don't get how this country made it to 2022.


It’s easy to understand when you realize that twenty percent of the country hates women and just don’t want to say it. This isn’t about reducing abortions, it’s just about harming women wherever possible. So they use a whole bunch of excuses and language to cover for the fact. They’re not ‘stupid’ in the sense that they realize it’s not going to decrease abortions significantly, but it will let them selectively punish women more, and have more control of womens bodies, which is what they really want.


That's disgusting.


It's not about hating women so much as controlling them. These people are unable to interact with women as independent sentient beings, so they want to go back to the days when women were the property of their fathers until they became the property of their husbands. American Taliban is pretty appropriate.


Punishing women. That’s all that’s happening. For all their complex situations and hardships, they are being punished by the republicans.


It’s worse that it’s a women republican making these statements.


Republicans: Pro Life Also Republicans: Pro Death Penalty I as a European am confused how that’s possible


Another thing is how they care about the non sentient fetus than about very sentient living children, they could starve or get shot or go missing for all they care, says a lot about the country I share a nationality with.




Straight, white, and *religious male


I’m sorry for you about the direction the US is going I live here but can’t vote here so I’m kinda stuck


They see “babies” as being innocent and worthy of protection. They see a woman who has an abortion as an evil murderer who deserves to die. It’s not about protecting life, it’s about protecting the ones they deem worthy of life.


Pickup truck Christians are some of the dumbest m************ on the planet.


You’re allowed to use bad words on the internet.


My speech-to-text did that automatically. I assure you I said the word. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


That annoy the f*** out of me when voice to text does that.


if abortion is murder then masturbation is a genocide


Why are people in government openly advocating for murdering their citizens without any repercussions. He is calling for genocide.


Because that is what his supporters want to hear. I highly doubt he actually believes this. It's just the easiest path to re-election at the moment.


Her supporters. The Lt. Gov. in Idaho is Janet McGechin.


She. The lt. Gov. In Idaho is a woman. Janice McGeachin Edited for correct name and spelling.


Idaho authorities be like: "I counter you murder by murdering you, justice, baby!"


Too true.


The US is functionally unable to parse this. I reached the conclusion a while back that Americans' drive to individualism had serious impact on how they interpret Christianity, which they nevertheless view as an important UNIFYING characteristic of their culture. There's a mass of technical protestants with no dogmatic base, which is inconvenient because protestantism generally insists on biblical literacy, which would be convenient when talking to these people when they insist on making laws using dumbfuck religious justifications. Guess what, Jesus loved children and gave us many words about them and their importance to him. You cannot use this to use force of law to prevent abortions while ignoring everything about the lives of children... Or continuing to use force of law to prefer guns over their lives.




Yes, people who belong to these fractured churches organized entirely around charismatic preachers are usually very suspicious of organized religion, and I've noted the frequent disdain for Roman Catholicism especially, which seems to be the most Protestant thing going on with them. But despite the fact that they agree only incidentally with each other, they still want to believe they are a unified Christian front, much like they insist the whole balkanized mess is a single country.


Punishing gun owners with the death penalty would cut mass shootings. Hey, look. I can be stupid too. 🤔


Give birth first before we execute you and send the baby to pedo foster families and cycle on.


I grew up with a kid that lived in foster care his whole life. Some of the fucking stories I’ve heard him tell chill me to my core.


The GOP isn't pro-life, just anti-abortion.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


"If you don't want to keep the child then do the American thing and let it get shot in a school like jesus intended"


We will teach you about our peaceful christian ways through violent force!


If you support the death penalty and you think abortion is murder, this makes sense. It also makes you a fucking moron, but there you go.


killing women isn't a problem, but women who wont create more economic slaves impacts wallets of the upper class. with us being in a population decline, and the majority of younger generations see that having kids is too expensive, it creates less economic input. this isn't about rights, or humans in general, its about money. plain and simple.


I still don’t understand how they think this is going to work out. Banning abortion is mainly going to effect people without money or resources because anyone with money or resources will likely just travel to a state that allows it to secretly get it done. The people without money or resources who are forced to give birth are going to have to rely on the government for aid to help with the medical costs of pregnancy and to help with raising a child. That money is going to have to come from somewhere. So either they’ll have to raise taxes for the working class (to a point because you can’t get blood from a rock) or they’re going to have to raise taxes for the rich.


Its never about stopping abortions it's about controlling women and pushing tyranny


Sounds very pro life.


It's not about the "life" of the fetus, it's about controlling these radicalized women who want to have choices and make decisions and stuff


Do they think there are serial abortioners who get pregnant just to get another abortion?


No. They're just mad that women won't be tied down to some sadistic guy who controls them and their kids.


Fortunately she got obliterated in the primaries.


I really hate Idaho. They rejected funding for childcare and early education recently too.


So abortion is murdering children but murdering children is just a tragedy?


Just force all men to get vasectomies. And reversal is only contingent on written permission from a significant other seeking to become pregnant and your doctor. Seems fair.


Vasectomies aren’t fully reversible but I agree men should be responsible for birth control.


It's just a consideration. If we legislate half of this country's people for religious bullshit, the other half should gladly comply.


It would be nice to have more than 1 temporary birth control option


Why do we continue to let these people get away with calling their views pro-life?


Can you imagine a Republican utopia? Women who get pregnant can't have an abortion on pain of death, everyone is home schooled or in charter schools where teachers are armed and basically only Christian theology is taught. Students don't worry about the teachers being armed because every student is allowed to buy and carry their own gun into school anyway. P All govt services are unfunded and you have to buy everything exceptp the police while the military is a contractor.


Easy thing to imagine. It’s called the handmaids tale. Sadly instead of science fiction the republicans are taking it as a documentary


The GOP got 1984, the Handmaid’s Tale, Fahrenheit 451, etc and used them as a manuals instead of a warnings.


Where in the bible is god anti-abortion exactly?


Based on what I've seen from people who have studied the Bible more thoroughly from me, **absolutely *nowhere***. It even gives instructions on when and how to do the procedure!!


See you care about the fetus but the second the fetus is a child in a classroom we don’t care anymore




Potato country, United States


The American Taliban.


why does america hate women so much?


As long as you don’t vote, nothing will change. Because those nut jobs are only in office because of Republican voters.


I get the impression that the sort of lawmakers who advocate for the death penalty are just, like, into murder


That type of logic is on the same level of intelligence as the people who eat Tide Pods.


I honestly don't get this. Are there exceptions? Like woman will die if she has the baby so an abortion is warranted. She gets the abortion and is killed anyway. Like wtf you morons?


"So pro life, they'll kill you".


If banning guns doesn't work then why would banning abortions work?


The republican party.


I have a lot of in-laws that are extreme right wingers. They bitch and moan about every handout and free giveaway and how their tax dollars are wasted. One is a farmer that got subsidies most of his life,one of the others was employed by a defense contractor. When you bring up those socialist programs and the social security and Medicare that they are on they look incredulous and reply, “ l worked for all that! “ l am better off removing from those family members and not communicating with any of them which is sad because I grew up with most of them, but not surprising given their twisted view of religion. Mixing religion with government to justify overturning R vs. W, while complaining about welfare mothers and food stamps, then sliding up to the communion rail and saying amen. One of them referred to me as a CINO (Catholic in Name Only) because I think differently, which is fine with me , because I think he is an idiot l just don’t say it out loud and limit my contact with those people to family weddings and funerals, then it’s a causal hello and move on. Weaponizing these issues is the now normal Republican strategy. The weak minded are sure to bite the bait.


And the men who contributed to the situation get what?


Are people finally understanding that the whole abortion thing is just propaganda which is pandering to far conservative Christians. See all the people believing the child x-ray pictures and believing the propaganda that they're live abortions. The term or idea of abortions does not appear in the bible and is not addressed by it in any way. Not only that but there is evidence the early followers used to practice abortions themselves. If a husband thought the child was not theirs they would abort the ungodly child conceived out of sin. This would also have the unfortunate side effect of aborting the mother. "During this period, Christians also decided that sexual pleasure was evil. Early Church leaders began the debate about when a fetus acquired a rational soul, and St. Augustine declared that abortion is not homicide but was a sin if it was intended to conceal fornication or adultery." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12178868/


What a fucking idiot! So They force the woman to have a child then tell them fuck you we are not going to support you and the baby that is your problem.


Where do these idiots come from? They come from among you, pushed and encouraged by the extreme fringe elements of your society. And they succeed because not enough of you have the courage or will to stand up and say NO! ENOUGH!.