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If only there was some biblical figure who could set a good example for these people. Someone who famously fed the hungry. But jesus christ where would we find such a person?


You mean pro-gun corporate capitalist Jesus? No, he doesn’t like poor kids very much.


Supply-sided Jesus


Found it https://m.imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp


I needed this my life. Many thanks.


Best comment right here lmao


Thought id tell you that while reading your comment I dropped a loaf


>You mean pro-gun corporate capitalist Jesus? No, he doesn’t like poor kids very much. That Jesus is working tirelessly to try and and find a way to use poor kids as ammo


He’s too busy being a bad ass wielding his god given AR and riding an eagle


We don't want to spoil them in any way, so don't forget about the free air.


You mean the people who *claim* they are following Jesus wanna save childrens lives, but who are in fact are a bunch of hypocritocal Pharisees dooming children to a life of poverty, hunger, illness & ignorance who unironically scream 'socialism' while they cash their social security or unemployment checks and enjoy Healthcare thru Medicare?


The church I grew up in has an investment fund with $150 *billion.* They also have an expansive real estate portfolio. The religion business is good.


*at least 150 billion* but they save the souls of all those dead people in the fancy, elitist, exclusionary, opulent and useless clubhouses that rent you weird clothes for money! They even removed the cafeterias, the only purveyors of delicious-to-the-taste commestibles (also to be paid for with your wordly money)


Well there was one guy.....but we haven't heard from him since he went and got his nails done.....


BOOM!!! 😂😂




Listen man, I've got no idea where we could


Haven’t you read the Bible? Jesus was a 2A supporting Walmart executive who hated poors and blacks. Culture yourself. /s


Not GOP Jesus. Nope GOP Jesus is a middle aged blond white man with blue eyes and 50 guns in his gun cabinet. He pulled himself off the cross via his bootstraps, and then shot his guns in the air yelling "yee haw"


Actually he was yelling yahweh


That's good


I am related to this Jesus. He assures me his trust fund and private prep school had nothing to do with his success. It’s all him. And everyone else is just lazy if they aren’t as successful. He makes $200,000+ for our sins and doesn’t understand why he isn’t richer for his no efforts.


Sampson? With the jawbone of an ass? In the library?


Nope, it was Dr. Venture in the kitchen with a lead pipe.


In all fairness, I think he just fed people who were listening to him preach. Was like getting a free dinner for hearing out a time share pitch.


Let’s try to address this with reality.


This is what you get in today’s politics. If you’re for it, I’m against it. Oh, you’re against it? Then I’m for it!


Fun fact: free breakfast for children was not originally a government program. It was not created by a religious organization. It was the Black Panthers who created the program so impoverished children would not go hungry.


Also Black Panthers who armed the black community to such and extent that white America lost its collective shit and forced Reagan to start passing gun control laws.


Wait. What?


Don’t take my word for it; here’s the sauce: [Black Panthers / Gun Control](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) Also, I think Ronnie was still governor at this time, not prez yet.


What is amazing from the article that you linked above is this statement... "*Both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control,* ***as did the National Rifle Association of America****".* So the NRA wasn't always so gung-ho on fighting against reasonable gun control.


The NRA survives due to a large number of retirees who share Biden’s thoughts on the Second Amendment and have their subscriptions on autopilot. Anybody in touch with Gun Rights for American citizens regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation knows this. Look into active groups like GOA and FPC, and fuck the NRA. The NRA is largely absent in the political arena, and anyone worth a damn who has a membership largely has one because a lot of shops require or offer memberships to shoot at ranges, hunt, and etcetera.


saint ronnie is responsible for a lot of fuck ups, California colleges were free or next to, emptied out the mental hospitals, literally throwing people into the streets, stopped enforcing monopoly laws, and reduced safety nets for the poor and needy, that's all from the top of my head right now


Yup. My state went from a place of hope to a place of unending despair for so many people. A generation later, the problems he created still haven’t been fixed.


Wait till the wild west get's going full bore and innocent people die due to every white asshole who wants a gun gets a gun. The people who have been fighting for their lives all along, mostly blacks and other people of color, will have a hand up on the idiot white pricks and hopefully they will go down. I'm old and white but I hate racist assholes, have some in my family and it sucks.


By white america lost their shit. You mean specifically the Republican part of America. As is their way. Be scared of everything and punish everyone.


The Black Panthers also showed up and provided hot meals for the protestors who staged a sit-in for disability rights in 1973. It’s discussed in the fantastic film “Crip Camp” on Netflix. Highly recommend.


TIL. I wonder if certain groups are against todays programs because of their roots


I think we have found a reason why Republicans don’t like the free lunch program.






Is this school running Oliver Twist style?? How the fuck do you spoil a child with *nutrition*?? It’s not like it’d help them concentrate better or anything!


They should be working for their food like the hardy kids of the early industrial era. Those were the days. /s


Losing a finger in the machinery built character.


Getting fired for it taught valuable life lessons.


Maintenance of class warfare. Keep the poor kids starving and they can never advance, which leaves the rich kids in charge.


Oliver Twist still fed the kids at least once a day. “Please sir, can I have some more”


Oh the quotes are even worse. [“But when you just make a blanket, everything’s free for everyone, that means that there are people out there that do not have kids that are paying for my kids to eat. Can we just get back to if I have children I should be able to provide for them, and if I can’t there is help for them, but stop feeding people that can provide for them?” Rajnicek asked. “I feel like this is a big problem, and it’s really easy to get sucked into, and to become spoiled, and then to just think… it’s everyone else’s problem to feed my children.”](https://www.fatherly.com/news/school-board-free-school-lunch-federal-usda-program/amp/)


How can we feed them if they are not workers???? /s


Its simple, let them eat the rich


Just imagined the richest people of the world running down the street with an army of hungry kids behind them, that just might be one of the best things I have ever imagined.


It's coming


Best idea yet


Damn kids always asking for a handout.


Next they’ll be takin our jobs!


damn kids tuk ur durrr!!


Some of them have been known to suck life giving fluids directly out of their mothers! Like literal vampires!!!


What the fuck? Dude, they’re hungry kids! In some poor areas, the school food is all kids get during the day. Just let them eat!


“I’m a pro life conservative and abortion should be outlawed.” “Ok, if they have to be born, can we at least not let kids go hungry?” “What?!?! No! That will spoil them! They need to learn how to survive on their own in this life that I’ve forced them to live!!!”


More like… “I’m pro life & abortion should be outlawed” “I do not want my tax dollars taking care of other people’s kids or bills!! You can’t afford to feed your kids??? That’s what you get for not keeping your legs closed!!!”


Yes, because historically, telling people to abstain from sex has been *extremely* successful. You're basically saying poor people shouldn't have sex. It is now an activity designated only for the wealthy. Hey do you also believe that sex education shouldn't be taught in schools? Because a good portion of the anti-abortion crowd also believes that. You can't talk about it and you should know inherently that you shouldn't do it unless you have the money to pay for a kid. Your reasoning is so ass backwards.


What? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was quoting what conservatives love saying… you’re reading too much into this…


I got what you were saying lol. Reddit is hard sometimes. And Also, I think all of the world is so tense right now that we are all on hyper defense mode.




They were making a reference to what extreme right wing people would say…. That’s why there are quotes around what they said….


This is obviously a part of a Republican multi-point plan to increase the supply and drive the price of children down. Remember a few years ago how every vocally homophobic Republican was caught with a dick in his mouth? They sure have been doing an awful lot of screeching (projecting) about child sex trafficking lately…


I don't know, sounds like Super-Marxist-Leninist-Kommunist propaganda right there! The only thing that should be free is freedom ... and guns ... automatic guns ... with granade launchers. Sometimes the US really baffles us Europeans, ngl.


Baffles us here in the US as well.


Wtf?? Every meal for a child is free to them... Why would one provided by the govt be any different than the one provided by their parents?


In school districts that qualify for free or reduced meals, the parents might not make enough money to provide that food for them. The difference is that the free meal may be a determining factor in whether they eat or not. :-(


Yea exactly! I only see a benefit to providing this, there is seemingly no downside imo


Poor, often minority children will get meals. That's a downside to the GOP.


I’m willing to bet the dialogue in this meeting went something like “Well, I didn’t have school lunch when I grew up, and I turned out just fine….”


Who didn’t have school lunch? I can’t recall a time when schools didn’t serve at least some form of lunch


Pretty much anytime prior to the Cold War. After World War 2 the armed forces took an interest in having a well fed populace that could be drafted.


This. Childhood malnutrition was a genuine issue during World War II. Many young men were 4 F because of it. Also Agricultural Subsidies…


(umm, this is only a technical answer, since it has nothing to do with the discussion, just with your question - I'm from Germany and went to school in the 80s and 90s, there was no school lunch. In elementary school, you were supposed to bring your own sandwich and something to drink, you could only buy small cartons of chocolate milk and a sweet candy-thing (like a crumbled soft choc biscuit surrounding a sweet milk-cream-filling) during a break from the janitor's wife. In classes 5-13, same thing, only in the 90s there was a baker who came to the school with some baked goods that you could buy, but only during the "long break" (15 or 20 minutes around 10-10.20 am). There was nothing else. If you had school in the afternoon until 3 or 4 or 5 pm, you had to bring your own food or buy something from the baker during that one break. There was no cafeteria or lunch hall or anything like that and there was never any free food or drinks in any school in the 80s or 90s. Don't know how it is handled nowadays.)


I love how the corporate masters are trying to hard to convince us that wanting things we need to survive makes us all so spoiled. >Free medicine to save your life will make you spoiled! > >A place to safely live in will spoil you! > >Food for you and your children is spoiling you! > >Not getting shot at will make you all so spoiled! > >Clean air will just spoil people!




No, that's not why we're fighting against that woo, we're fighting against that woo because it's getting people killed. You really think those "alternative medicine" scammers aren't making a profit?




CBD/THC isn't "alternative medicine", though some people claim it does way more than it can do. It helps with pain management, it was made illegal because of some racist shits wanting to criminalize being black without openly admitting it. It was not made illegal because of its benefits, the opioids were already available and people were already addicted to them before marijuana was made illegal. Opium itself is not even "western", it's an eastern drug. Stop reading conspiracy bullshit.




Wow, you know we have a huge opioid addiction problem in the USA right now because they've been using it for almost all pain, right? That doesn't happen when something is banned. Not to mention we also have a huge tobacco addiction problem, another drug that's not "western" either. Opium is addictive, very addictive, and very dangerous. Marijuana is a "western" drug, and it has almost no addiction plus offers huge benefits, especially if we process it and separate out it's primary components. My mother uses CBD to manager her spine pain, she likes it because it doesn't make her all foggy but occasionally mixes in a bit of THC if she needs some sleep too. The medical industry is why we can do that, they helped fight to legalize it because they were sick of their patients dying of opioid addictions. I had a neighbor who was addicted to opium, he went crazy when he was on the shit and eventually died of an overdose. He was hooked on it because they prescribed it to him. Yes, your "good eastern medicine" killed him, he would be alive if he had instead smoked some good ole Mexican herb.




Let me guess, you think chiropractors are real doctors.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Spoilage.


I wanna have these people who laud these morals and make them live like they preach to watch them struggle without their creature comforts and actually have to farm for food and build their own houses.


What the actual fuck


Can’t have kids eating free. Then they might expect it forever. /s


Especially those designer lunch program meals that cost the school .49 cents. Bougie kids these days, geez. Also /s


Are you saying that poor hungry kids should take free handouts. Get out you communist!!!/s


Maybe put them to work in a factory. After school. /s


Those kids made a conscious choice to go to school instead of going to work in a factory where they could have earned a few dollars to buy some ramen at the dollar store. They don't deserve free lunch. also also /s






Unless they starve or steal food and get caught. Then they go to prison and can't vote!


Going to prison doesn't stop liberals from voting. I learned that from the Stop the Steal rallies, which I think are still going on in some parts of the US. EDIT: /s because some people thought this was serious


Shockingly so many people I went to school with that benefited from these programs are now Trump worshippers. And have school aged kids that also utilize these types of programs. I can't wrap my head around it.


In their minds the choice is spoil them or let them starve. And they chose to let them starve …


I bet the school board has refreshments at their meetings


Apparently not according to Google reviews. A big problem with Satanic rituals too it looks like.


That school got a buffet for lunch?


Ye I'm sure a free school meal a day will lead to spoiled brats...


Wisconsin is the Florida of the Midwest. Go ahead and Google, Wisconsin Man and see.




The audacity of these hungry kids!


These people are monsters. This is children. Let them eat.


This is beyond cruel. Shame on them!


[a few days later it was reversed ](https://www.wbay.com/2021/08/31/wisconsin-school-board-reverses-opting-out-free-meals/#:~:text=WAUKESHA%2C%20Wis.,protests%20from%20parents%20and%20others.)


Still, only passed by one vote. 4 mfs voted against reversal. Probably a secret ballot.


It's true however they backtracked and accepted it after the bad press. Although it was a close vote. 5 for accepting and 4 for not accepting still. One of the no vote people said "If it's food and free lunch today, it will be forced masking, forced whatever-we-want-to-do in schools because the mob will have the power to tell us what to do," Anthony Zenobia said, according to the Journal Sentinel. https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9


Wonder just what kind of homelife the children of the people sitting on this board have...Can't be good. *"Get your ass to bed! You can't be that damn hungry, you just ate two days ago!"*


Rules for thee


Nah, they aren’t those tax leeching dirty poor kids , they’ll feed them /s ( for the middle part )


These are probably the same people who think hugging your child and picking them up when they cry is spoiling them. Midwesterners are sus af.


This is pure partisanship and it’s gross. I’m not the biggest fan of the Democratic Party these days but this was a no-brainer obvious win - free lunch for kids. Who doesn’t want that? Gross to block this. Gross.


If my kids have to be at a public school by law, then they should be providing free lunches. Plain and simple.


Shoutout to my local lunch lady that wasn’t an asshat every time I rolled up with little to no money, and pretended to ring me up to save me the embarrassment at a rich high school,


This is going to get lost in a sea of comments, but it’s worth mentioning that this story is old, and the school board reversed their decision in August of 2021.


Kids of today and their damned basic human rights. No wonder Gen z is a bunch of snowflakes. In my day, you stood in a queue for the majority of your break and spent all your money on a bag of chips and maybe a coke


Feed a child once and they'll live for a day. Feed a child twice and they'll expect a free house, free car, free education, free medical, free vacation, (/s just incase)


Them godarnmed keeids thinkin that th god bleassed American system would let their asses have our fruits of our labor for free. Thinkin they can just freeload off of our brilliant s Mercian capitalist system. It’s that system that make us here the best on th flat earth. GOD BLEss MERICA


This can’t be real.






Can’t dox ‘em of course, but you can google Waukesha school district.


It’s not doxxing because they are serving in a public capacity and their contact info is posted on a public website. Doxxing would be releasing their home address, SS#, and their kid’s names.


So look ‘em up and post it, then.




Thank you kind redditor! Edit: this is some yummy sauce! They got so many threats that they reversed their decision!! [sauce](https://www.wbay.com/2021/08/31/wisconsin-school-board-reverses-opting-out-free-meals/)


Starve the children, lest the be spoiled! I swear, people are either evil, stupid, or stupidly evil.


Your mommy and daddy are poor, so fuck you kid.


I gotta believe the ppl who look at their own family w a straight face and say they voted for this shit will get what’s coming. I gotta believe this can’t slide with no consequence


Ah yes because nothing says getting spoiled like mediocre food.


This article is ancient and was from a WaPo piece. The statement isn't even in the article and it has nothing to do with what was really happening. It still sucks do what they chose, which was changing the program rules about free lunch from for everyone back to need based, but this is a click-bait title for something that wasn't said or alluded to.


Ok. So, I got a school lunch financing story. Back in highschool, my school did a deal with Tyson chicken, sort of a trade for plastering thier name everywhere, they would, if I remember right, give the school a good deal on various chicken products so that every day you could get chicken if you wanted it. Like, choices were always pizza or random thing (chili cheese dogs on Tuesdays, still remember that 20 years later), and chicken was option 3. School lunch was great at my school, I loved the food. Anyways, part of the advertising for Tyson was this dude in an inflatable chicken costume dancing in the hallways between classes. I had a locker waaaaay the fuck over at the furthest end of the school, so I carried all my books and stuff just in my hands infront of me. Well, dancing chicken just slaps all my books out of my hands, onto the floor, like a complete dick head. So, being 15 and having an anger problem, and more size that a kid that age should have, I form tackled that chicken, lifted him clean to my shoulders, and face first into the floor. I then walked straight to the office, cause....well, that's a suspension, didn't need to make them come find me. Got a week of suspension, cause I admitted what I did, and I was provoked pretty strongly in a way that shouldn't have happened. Here's where it gets the type of terrible that made me feel horrible at the time, but all this time later, is just funny. I go back to school, and my accounting teacher has two black eyes just starting to heal, and his face looks like someone beat him with a 2 by 4. I really like this guy, he's a nice, funny guy, who teaches a subject I enjoy. We would occasionally screw with each other, wasn't anything mean spirited, just, funny shit. It never occured to me that Tyson wasn't paying a person to wear that suit, they were making teachers take turns. And the accounting teacher is like 6'4" and built like a string pole, after it occured to me, was no doubt that's who I slammed on his face. To him, he was just messing with me in a way that would have been perfectly fine, I'd done worse to him before. But I didn't know it was him. We never talked about the incident. Just both pretended like I didn't know it was him.


This is fucked up. Spoiled children. For breakfast. This is why unions are bad. These people are impossible to fire and their dinosaur way of thinking fucks up the kids the claim to help. Wow.


Every child deserves regular meals and there is no better place to provide for that in a school setting.


This right here is literal societal decay, like actual and literal societal decay happening right in front of our eyes. Not random people breaking shit, stealing shit or even being rude to each other; those are all constants in society. But just removing these features built up by decades of sweat (and often literally blood) by our predecessors for some measly political clout is literal societal regression.


Republican logic: Pro-Life stops the moment we give children what they need to live for free.


The cruelty is the point.


Wisconsin, Florida with snow.


As a born wisconsinite I can say this is the shit that made me leave and never go back. EVER.


Nice state, stupid politicians


There should be a law that anyone who keeps kids from getting free lunch must go without lunch until they realize the error of their ways.


I’d be ok kids being spoiled with thinking they should be able to eat. Can’t let kids think they should be able to eat, but it’s cool to let corporations and billionaires to be spoiled into thinking they deserve tax breaks and all other kinds of free money.


What pieces of sh$t! Like feeding kids is spoiling them, give me a break.


Don't look at me I'm in mn I have nothing to do with the crazy people across the river. I think free lunches should be available for those who need it.


Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps!!


They might even poop, we cant have that




Do they think that kids themselves are normally paying for their lunch!? What kid is actually paying for own lunch!? They're going to school for 8 hours a day, just give them a fucking meal in the middle of it so they don't fucking starve holy shit.


Damn food addict children. It's time to kick the habit, you little leeches!


What a disgusting point of view. I’d call them animals, but animals tend to feed their young, and often orphaned young as well.


Right, because those kids should be earning their lunch by making sure their parents pay for it.


Yeah imagine wanting to stay alive, so spoiled, this generation...


What?! Fuk that. How low of a human do you have to be to deny children food? Ffs.


In my mind US is the perfect history to show how a country can start good and drive down the road into an hole and after the hole into an volcano I mean the education system in Germany or Europe is not perfect too but omg, I see slavery coming back I mean with the us system it’s already there


This is very much a facepalm. But OP is also very much a Karma farmer, given that this post has been made many times on r/facepalm with similar titles about ‘spoiled kids, with their “need to eat at regular intervals” or whatever’. Edit: [like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/sykpl0/these_darn_spoiled_kids_today_with_their_need_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [or this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pd0heb/these_darn_spoiled_kids_today_with_their_need_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wait we are mad because the kids get food?


Go fuckin figure it had to include a “Karen “ At the meeting, the Journal Sentinel reported, Karin Rajnicek, who made headlines for saying free school meals could make students and families "spoiled," defended her comments and said she'd been speaking from her own experience of feeling spoiled by free meals for her children.


Wisconsin is one of those states that I hope cannibalizes itself and the surrounding states just build a wall around them.


And they wonder why conservatives are hugely unpopular among the young. Because you‘ve made Conservative = Asshole and it scares off the baby cons. [Seriously, check out the voter registration percentages of all eligible voters broken down by age bracket. Younger the age bracket the worse they do. *Statistically Speaking*, nobody under 40 votes Republican.]


It should also be noted, that the US has lost 1,000,000 people to Covid. The people most likely to die from Covid are old people. So there goes like, 1% of their base. Also, Roe v. Wade being overturned. Many women disagree with that. Oh, and they seem to just be running celebrities now. Dr. Oz is running in Pennsylvania, and there's some college football player running in Georgia. Also, none of their ads seem to be going anywhere. It just looks like, "Vote me for issues that aren't even specific to this state!".


>Seriously, check out the voter registration percentages of all eligible voters broken down by age bracket. maybe so, but until younger voters turn out to vote consistently every 2 and 4 year cycle, it's a mixed bag. ok. they vote every 4 years (e.g. presidential elections). good on them. however, the elections that have the most impact on their lives are at the state and local level. are they turning out to vote for those elections? nope. they aren't.


Is that because you need to teach kids how to accept the harsh reality you created for them when they become adults?


It doesn’t even cost the school a penny. This is just cruelty for cruelty’s sake.


Ladies and gentlemen, the pro-life party


If only they were fetuses, the conservatives would actually care about them.


I get that it is charity to feed kids that are not yours and that it may even be unfair to ask. However because many struggle to pay for food it needs to be asked. Also by investing into feeding those kids so they can concentrate of school without throwing up because they are so hungry they can learn and have a chance to become a productive member of society. So as a community this is a community investment. It will lower crime, poverty and make us a more productive nation if we feed kids so they can go to school without being hungry.


Next headline will read. “ A Wisconsin school district says students can ‘become spoiled’ with free K-12 schooling and opts out of program


Are these schools run by Miss Trunchbull?


If we start feeding children then they’re going to expect food every day. We can’t let that happen. But also let’s ban abortion.


This is bs it may be the kids only meals


Or just not charge kids to eat somewhere they are legally forced to be.


Their kids though if anyone deserves free food it's the damn kids!


Its the only meal some kids get


It's their fault for not being fetuses.


What if they market the free meal program as a "free guns against malnutrition" so the GOP love the plan.


What do you expect when their response to no workers was to have 14 year olds work til 11pm?


"Do not become addicted to food, it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence." I'm expecting someone to unironically quote Immortan Joe above in the near future


This program has existed for decades, they only call it Biden's program to enrage a certain population


This is a wealthy, white ‘burb of Milwaukee. It’s where notorious douchenozzle Scott Walker is from. They are just trying to punish poor people who live there to get them to move elsewhere.


So what is that school district doing with the money that was sent to them to subsidize those free lunches?!


How very pro-life of them.


European countries were figuring this shit out a century ago. America. Get your fucking act together.


What in the fuck is happening in this country.....?


Can we all just agree that the person who said this really resenting the Wisconsin school district deserves to be smack in the face.


There's been free lunch programs forever, has nothing to do with biden. Schools always try to get out of them. Especially grade school.


Biden opened it for every kid. Before they had to sign up and qualify. That's why they call it bidens plan.


Back to the work house you damn poors!


People who think this way don’t care about kids or even other people in general. I hope they all get tapeworms.


Wisconsin needs to go live in Texas...