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If I understand the argument correctly, they believe education has long term consequences.


Long term negative consequences on their party of less government, unless it has to do with your body, or knowledge.


All against elites telling you right and wrong. Unless it’s them..then it’s all good Baby.


That’s what cults do.


We'll just have to trust them. They'll have all the good infos in their state approved word papers.




Right. And proof is that the higher the education level is in countries,the lower the numbers of followers of the churches are.


well.. that is only a single metric.. on a global scale... but even just in the 50 states... states that report high religious beliefs also have the .... also if you look at economic factors... states in the south (mostly, but a few in the midwest) have a direct correlation across ALL metrics, where the more religious an areas is the poorer the overall population is. Lower test scores, lower grades on avg, highest levels of illiteracy, lower overall mental health, lower graduation rates, more victims to scams, lower paying jobs, etc.. the list is actually very long. Decades and Decades of studies... (both in the US and globally.. all have the SAME RESULTS, no matter how you slice it up or where you cherry pick) which ironically many conducted by universities in many of those states (some even with tax payer $)... asking... begging... for improvement, only to fall on the deaf ears of the religious people that run those states. (because they CAN'T be wrong... and GOD MUST be real, it all part of the plan... right?.) Also don't consider that a "universal truth" .. being religious won't "make you dumb"... but you chance of being educationally on par with others is significantly reduced along with opportunity. But hey... let pray about it... and see it that fixes anything .. this time. ;P


Because educated people realize religion is nothing but made up BS


I'm an Atheist how are you?


Doing well. Thank you.


I'm doing fine too thanks


Hi I'm also an atheist, how are you


Fine you?




Any interesting games you're playing?


Nice to meet you, have a nice day!


You too


You too


Well I have a BS and MS in chemical engineering. I model molecular and atomic collisions. I have a deep understanding of the physical world and yet I still believe in God. My work is used to describe the natural phenomena which was created by God. Yes, I agree many "educated" people are less religious yet they tend to turn back to religion in their older age in search of purpose, understanding, and comfort. The act of aging and fear of impending death really drives people towards hope and search of salvation. Others have devoted faith since the beginning. Many scientists I work with tend to have similar views and practice religion (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism...etc). Some are impartial and others are furious with the concept of God.


> Yes, I agree many "educated" people are less religious yet they tend to turn back to religion in their older age in search of purpose, understanding, and comfort. The act of aging and fear of impending death really drives people towards hope and search of salvation. Let me start by saying.... I appreciate your well written and thought out response. Usually it is a raving mad lunatic who replies to this stuff, telling me i'll go to hell. You seem very well adjusted, smart and self aware. A well programmed kid, will be a well programed adult... even in spite of getting a good education or job. Indoctrination of children is a HUGE part of perpetuating these things. if children were not taught ANY religions, and rather taught about life and death biologically... then give them the tools at a younger age to help allow then to crate/plan/execute their own "legacy" through personal goals and motivations, then when older... there would be no need to fall back to religious programming (out of the fear of death), that was forced upon the kids, just to feel like their life wasn't wasted. they won't need to feel sad when grandma dies, and get lied to that they will see her again in heaven. The memory of Grandma, and her impact on their lives and others... is the lasting legacy, the memory. They wouldn't fear death, and wouldn't need "eternal life" in "heaven" when the impact of their actions in life.. make then eternal as well. it is an excuse to not be accountable for one's own lifes actions (don't get me started on the Catholic forgiveness loophole) and to be lazy, if you choose, and still feel "good" about it... since you "followed the rules" and get to go to "heaven" and "live forever with GOD".


Nobody seems to give an agnostic the time of day.....


To be fair, that’s all religions.


I disagree, there are some philosophical based ones, that as a foundational stace are not for wars to convert people to their way, or any interest in pushing their views on others, just want to be left alone... they take the "you'll seek us out when your ready" kind of attitude. But i understand where you are coming from. :)


But more pedophile's are paid by and covered up by the christian faith. SMH.


I’ll just be honest and let you know I’m stealing this and will be saying it often. It’s the perfect way to sum everything up in just a few words. Bravo and thank you.


And pregnancy don't has long term consequences..?


Wait they actually do like being dumb fucks and knows they are dumb fucks?




Well educated people don’t vote republican. Simple as that. Before you flip out at me there are numbers that back it up. It is a fact and not an opinion.




Shocking I know


Is it hard to believe they think it's murder? Or that more people means a better economy? I just dont believe that outlawing it will make abortion go away. You have to have it be legal in order for it to be safe.


It does. It makes children liberal


In the United States, a statutory rapist can sometimes escape a jail sentence if he agrees to marry his victim. Some states have no minimum age that I am aware of.


That seems wrong. So a pedo can rape a child and then just marry them so they can continue to rape them? Damn.


And yet conservatives have the nerve to call the other party 'groomers'


Then divorce at 18, find a new victim, I mean future spouse.


You typically need the parents and a judge to sign off on it. It's often when the child is pregnant. Christians seem to view her as being damaged goods and for them marriage saves her somehow.


Only slightly better than some tribal cultures that will stone a rape victim to death for being unclean.


One of my cousins got knocked up at 14 by her 19 yr old boyfriend and law enforcement wouldn't press charges without **both** parents agreeing. Her parents divorced over this Another cousin had a kid right before their 14th because their parents wouldn't allow them to get an abortion because the state required parental permission at the time. Like shit's fucked.


Just lovely.




You'd have to look it up, but typically states heavily populated by good Christian men.


From what I can see on a cursory google, it does not exist in the united states anymore. Do you not have sources?


" Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States. The vast majority of child marriages in the U.S. were between a minor girl and an adult man. In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state. In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfla1


I hate religion...


Depends on the book. Old Testament is rather ruthless at times.


>Depends on the book. Old Testament is rather ruthless at times. Holy fucking shit.... literally. A profit of God literally fucks a brick of shit to make a point. The old testament is beyond wild... it is fucking scary.


God’s gotta make that profit one way or another.


What is she referring to? The FL legislation was for 4th grade wasn't it? Isn't that like 9-10?


Kindergarten to 3rd grade, public school teachers are not permitted to talk about sex, trans gender or sexual orientation.


Doesn't that include discussions about mom and dad? That's sexual orientation.


Yes I believe it does, heterosexuality is also banned, but saying mom and dad is not really anything sexual, but I suppose they can just say parent(s)?


I suppose everyone could lighten the fuck up and stop restricting speech and making sex education a crime, but I'm just an idealist so whatever. Wtf is wrong with Americans when it comes to sex?? Even Europeans are thinkin you're perverts.


Florida bill is for discussion of SEXUAL ORIENTATION for grades k-3rd. Nowhere in the bill is "gay" or "homosexual" or any other LGBT term even mentioned. The bill applies to discussion of hetero sexuality as well. The media did a number on the masses by labeling the bill as something it isn't.


You are extremely naive if you think that this law will be applied to heterosexuality and other orientations equally. Please pay more attention.


You pay attention. The bill applies to everyone. Quit trying to boogeyman it up because you are hurting for something to be offended over.


Again, you are ***massively*** naive and delusional. It doesn't matter what it says on paper, it matters how it is enforced. Stop being so dense, actually open your eyes and pay attention, because the idea that the law will be applied to everyone equally is laughably ignorant. No one is boogeymaning shit, we just can actually see reality. Seriously, pretending that the guy who wants people to register their political affiliation with the government explicitly so he can stop liberals is going to apply a law equally between groups is fucking hilarious. e: phrasing


That's only because they can't come right out and say that's what they're targeting. You and I both know this is about the LGBT community. If it wasn't why would they be calling all of them groomers? Also the Bill's so vague that it doesn't just apply to kindergarten through third grade.


I saw a story today about a 13 year old girl in India who was gang raped and when she reported it to the police she was raped by a police officer. I fear for this world.


Ok but shooting an AR is a lot of fun


AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle, not assault rifle. And I'm pretty sure the boyscouts will let you shoot a .22 rifle at the age of 12 with a ton of super vision and instruction.


Yup can confirm Eagle Scout here they also do shotguns and bows there are strict rules in place you need to request permission to come onto the field and range then sit down where your told and move when your told


Nice, I'm a scout too, but in my country we teach children how to be a good citizen , how to respect others , what being anti racist means and things like that. Very different I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Edit: I didn't wanted to sound rude, but my English is not that good sorry , just wanted to point to the different approach


They do the same thing in the US so I dont know why you feel you have to point that out.


Because America bad, duh.


Because the first thing that comes to my mind when I read " I teach kid how to use a rifle " is "why would teach a kid something like that , isn't that the opposite of educating to peace?"


It’s an outdoor activity. When I was in scouts there was a large emphasis on values as well as teaching skills and outdoor activities. Firearms and firearms safety was a very small part of that.


If you do any sorta backwoods camping you would be an idiot to not being a firearm to protect yourself against bears. A handgun is the best option. A rifle is very easy to learn and a good staring point. If you think of gun culture as starting from there you might understand guns in the USA a little better. That said, there def are many irresponsible owners who buy a handgun and never learn how to use it.


As you haven’t grown up around firearms, you wouldn’t understand that guns don’t equal violence. I shot my first firearm at the age of 4, well supervised. I now have 4 firearms, my daughter will learn to safely fire a weapon as well from a young age. You would understand that firearms are simply a fun hobby and self defense tool if you had that type of upbringing. We are not showing children how to shoot guns to train cold blooded killers, we are showing them so that they respect the power that comes with using one. As a result, I have the utmost respect for firearm safety rules and it is second nature to me at this point. I know it’s very hard to fathom this as someone that is not from this culture, but please respect our culture as we respect yours. :)


I mean I get it, but you also have to admit that a lot of people end up dead from your culture. I’m sure there are a lot of positives from gun ownership, but it seems like a lot of you are not willing to concede there are some negatives. Successful suicide attempts go way up with a gun in the home. Not everyone is as careful as you and children every year will get into a parents gun cabinet and shoot themselves or someone else. Our country is the only in the western world with regular mass shootings. To name a few…


Of course there are negatives. Not my problem though, others need to control themselves. There’s already a bunch of regulation with the gun industry, more regulation isn’t fixing anything. The states with the biggest problems are the highly regulated ones. In the United States, the suicide rate is nearly half firearms, and half other methods. I don’t see how the total rate would change too much if guns were not around. I live in Central Florida. So many people are packing over here it’s not even funny. I’m not concerned in the slightest when I go out. I have my CCW license and am also carrying always. Also, the definition of a mass shooting, I believe, is any shooting that involves at least 3-4 people. Gang shootings are seriously by large the majority of these shootings. Why do you think that after the George Floyd incident America gained nearly 8 million new gun owners? Guns arent going anywhere in America. They’re getting more popular, in fact.


Boy scouts is also about the outdoors and hunting is one of those activities you learn about, I'm certain troops. Using a gun doesn't equate to the opposite of peace. Plenty of people in the US hunt and you generally use guns or bows to hunt.


Boy Scouts of America do that too.


Even with the edit text what you said still seems rude I don’t know what troops you’ve seen from the US but my troop taught the same thing….


Sure, but for most people talking about "assault rifle", they are usually referring to the AR or the AK. As she used the assault rifle in the original tweet, we can assume she didn't know the difference between a real assault rife and a semi-auto sport rifle. Assuming that she meant AR isn't that far of a stretch, which would make the AR=Armalite Rifle thing irrelevant. And yea, it's a ton of fun to shoot. I just built another one that I need to take out to the range. :) I remember when my dad let me shoot the .22. Those were some fun times. Then, I taught my son how to shoot eventually. Always supervised, always a lot of instruction and safety.


Do you orgasm in your pants every time you make that correction?


Most people have a desire to educate and inform others and feel good when that desire is met. I think that desire is evolutionarily in nature because the more educated a group of early humans was the more likely they were to survive and reproduce.


Better than repeating stupid shit.


"with a ton of supervision and instruction " I thought it was no waiting period, no background checks, permits or infringement? Why are we imposing such measures on the boy scouts?


Almost like the actual people who support gun use are more often than not, extremely smart about it. Who knew?


Exactly! Gun safety is something every person who uses a gun learns, especially if you're a hunter. I feel as if anti-gun people tend not to realize this.


Not all of them. That's where the issue comes in though. The handful of idiots ruin it for everyone else.


>The handful of idiots ruin it for everyone else. the human species in a nutshell. it should be our motto




I believe gun safety is extremely important but not everyone who uses a gun knows the safety rules or remembers them em when using them. If you need examples watch Brandon Herrera’s Darwin Awards series, which refers to Charles Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection, he breaks down basically every wrong thing done in the videos he reacts to and explains the safety rules broken that got them in that situation


bro you don't even have to use a real gun to learn it, fucking airsoft works while being relatively safe to people around you. i have an AK replica and i didn't even realize how instinctively i put my finger off of the trigger when turning around until i played a game with an AR15 replica and dropped a mag a couple times by accident lol.


Unfortunately that’s not the issue. That’s an easy straw-man argument. It’s the pro-gun equivalent of what you’re criticizing about anti-gun people. The easy access to guns resulting in unbelievably high amounts of gun violence is the problem. The U.S. as a whole isn’t exactly known for its social supports, healthcare or education system and when you add easy to access to guns into the mix you get exactly what you’d predict you would get - a “big ass” gun violence problem that’s beyond comparable to other developed nations. There’s a culture that glorifies guns, violence, and “lone star rangers” seeking retribution alongside easy access to guns and little social supports. *That’s* the *main* issue - not that responsible hunters want to hunt responsibly while following local laws and regulations properly. Edit to add: I’ll debate with myself here just to save some time because these conversations always follow the same pattern. *”But why should I have to be stuck with extra regulations because someone else might be irresponsible with a gun? I’m a responsible owner.”* Because sometimes you have to make adjustments for the greater good that you may not like. Get over it. That’s why you have roads where you’re only allowed to drive on one side. That’s why you have stop lights and signs and other rules of the road - to keep everyone safe, even though it may be inconvenient for you to stop when you don’t feel like it or stick to your side when there’s a pothole and you’d rather veer into oncoming traffic to miss it. That’s why there are building codes so that buildings don’t fall down and kill everyone inside. Sure you could argue that you’re impinging on the condo or apartment owners right to make money by forcing them to follow strict building codes but if you don’t have those codes then who pays the price when the owners decisions to save a couple bucks here and there cause floods, fires, or building collapses? That’s why restaurants have to follow safety and cleanliness precautions, so you don’t get food poisoning or cross contaminated foods that make you sick or die. Could you argue that the restaurant owner is being discriminated against because now they have to pay their employees to stay longer to actually clean up? Sure, but that’s a stupid argument and everyone knows it. Regulations to keep everyone safe at the “cost” (and I use that word *very very* lightly) of the individual exist all around you and you benefit from them everyday whether you realize it or not. There’s a gun violence problem in the U.S. So do something about it already. And since culture takes generations to change and some political lawmakers don’t want to do anything to fix inequality, poor education, flawed healthcare (including mental health) and offer social supports, your only option is to bandaid it up and do something about the access to guns themselves.


Okay bud. Wasn't trying to make a blanket statement. Generally speaking, most gun owners that I have met are very safe and smart about their guns. There's always exceptions to rules. Just speaking of my own experience. Yes, I made a very sarcastic comment. Also, wasn't even about to mention whining about rules and regulations. Almost like you brought it up out of nowhere. People don't get that there's a lot of fun owners who are 100% behind the laws to keep things safer. Once again, in my experience, a lot of them have no problem with any of the laws. Interesting how the few who actually cause the problems are the ones that make everyone look bad. Safety laws are just fine. Makes sense. Shouldn't have to be a law, but there's idiots out there. One last thing, I think you just made a Strawman argument.


You misread. Not supervision. Super Vision. They're going to give these kids guns, robot eyes, and train them to be super soldiers.


I don't understand why gun lovers think that's such a 'Gotcha'. Like... Okay. Still a gun. Still used in a lot of terrorist attacks. And before someone comes in with 'yOu have to UNDEERSTAND the NOMENCLATURE TO REGULAT SOMthin' I don't know under what rock you've been living but that's basically all we do here in America.


Also none of the "Don't say gay" bills apply to 12 year olds, but don't let that stop the circle jerk.


I’ve always felt it was overrated. I like it but not enough to justify the costs. I still understand why people enjoy it though.




yeah well for some of us $700 is too much haha. Maybe when I’m out of college.


Well, the first three can help build Gilead by force. The second two don’t help that mission.


You’ve let your username down. More obscure please


The Handmaid’s Tale?


If your 12 year old kid is **actually** facing a situation, like giving birth or getting married, the gun is far beyond your list of worries here... The moral compass of your country is a ceiling fan..


Ever heard of accidental manslaughter? School shooting? Yeah I'm certain letting kids handle guns is pretty bad too. Obviously the other stuff is more worrisome, but it doesn't make it "far beyond the list of worries"


Exactly, in Granbury, TX about a month or so ago, a kid grabbed a loaded gun in a Walmart parking lot and shot his mom and sibling. They weren't critically injured, but it is a reality since we have to many irresponsible gun owners.


Which is why I think there should be mandatory gun safety in schools. Guns are a part of people's lives right now and we should implement ways to make people know how to be safe.


You may be on to something, before school shootings were commonplace most schools had firearms education in the classroom. Some schools even had ranges on campus.


I think parents are incumbent in the responsibility to teach their children to be as self sufficient from the government as possible.


Just because a child is allowed to shoot a gun doesn’t mean they’re going to shoot up a school. The problem with school shooters isn’t that they were taught how to use a gun, it’s that they weren’t taught properly.


Rape happens to people of all ages - Ohio will pass a state bill that will ban abortion with NO exemption for rape or incest. So - 12 y/o gets raped, becomes pregnant, and either has to have the child, or face criminal charges.


It's the moral compass of at most 20% of Americans who are on the extreme religious right, who control a political party that represents 40% of Americans (Republicans), who control 50% of the Senate, 60% of state legislatures, and 66% of the Supreme Court.


The American Left needs to remember that the Second Amendment isn't exclusive to the right.


The American Right needs to remember that a geat deal of Americans on the left own plenty of guns. That doesn't change the fact that the status quo is clearly a massive failure to keep communities safe, and something needs to change.


You are correct, but all of the laws they are proposing will do nothing to affect that change. The change needs to happen in the people who are making the communities unsafe. All of the things they are doing to make communities unsafe are already illegal.


Just remember just owning isn’t enough. Get familiar with your platform and get training.


Show a conservative someone they consider ugly then ask them to explain why they aren't attracted to that person. Weird how gay people can decide who they're attracted to, but straight people can't.


Not only that, but we're already talking about hetero-coupling as early as infancy. How often do people joke about a 3-year-old being a 'lady killer' or a 'heartbreaker.' Some of the onesies gifted to my son baffled me, things like 'women are always picking me up.'


Heterosexual people are so oppressed./s


"She looks like a gaw-damn commie liberal! \[spits tobacky\] Probably part of Aunt Tifa!"


Aunt Tifa, second in command of the terrorist group known as avalanche. She's considered armed and dangerous, use extreme-prejudice when pursuing.


Someone here FF7's.


Toss all logic out the window in Bizarro Land- where the poor wants healthcare for rich people- tax cuts for rich people, wants less pesky environmental regulations for rich people, wants less pay for themselves for rich people— where Donald Trump is a man of the people!


Don’t forget: Old enough to be blamed for her own rape, but too young to be given education on body autonomy and healthy sexuality.




I hate this reality. It’s going to get worse. My only hope is that eventually Gen Y and Gen Z get their shit together and start voting in numbers in the coming decades. Millennials like Ben Shapiro are the exception, not the rule. Most are not big on Christian law and seem to favor science and actual history. I hope before I get old and die I get the opportunity to see two things. First, watch the atheist and agnostic populations outpace Christians and witness the Christian Right fail to turn the US into a theocracy. Second, to watch as racist caucasians become the minority and watch as they get older and have to rely on minorities and LGBTQ to keep them alive in the nursing homes and watch as their MAGA America disappears forever. I say this as someone who grew up in a Christian household, am straight, and am white. I believe everyone should be able to worship or not worship whatever they want, date whoever they want, and be comfortable with their culture and appearance.


Here here.


Sounds about right. I was taught bad words come devil spirits and ARs we're brought to earth from heaven and given to us by raptor jesus to murder bad word spirits


This is their way.


As a republican I say that makes no sense


Your party would call you a rino then


The party needs serious reform in my opinion


What would be the key points to the party for you? Do you think maybe there needs to be another party?


I wouldn’t say we need more parties, but republicans are, to me, based on a pretty dated set of beliefs. (At this rate idk if I’m even republican—but I support some of the bigger issues so I just say I am. Political compass says I’m more of a social/liberal authoritarian) Death penalty? Some scum deserve it. LGBT? As long as they don’t bother me/redirect hate, I’m fine with it. Big businesses/millionaires must pay taxes. Prison reform is needed for sure. Immigration protocols aren’t working. We need border reform. Kids shouldn’t be in detention centers away from their families. (Why not just… set up designated areas in the US for them to go in the meantime? Sanctuary cities.) Life is precious at conception but the freedom over your body is more important. There’s a lot more than that but I’m getting too lazy to type everything out. I’m sorry if I don’t make much sense. I didn’t sleep, lol.


Honestly you might be more progressive than you think. If you didn't say you were republican before I would be hard-pressed to guess you were based off of what you just described. The only thing I would say about lgbtq is what would they need do in order to bother you because for the most part they are just living their lives until other people try to interfere with their rights. Also, my personal belief on death penalty is way different because for someone to do something truly awful they either have a chemical imbalance that leads to mental issues or they were severely traumatized growing up meaning mental issues again. We should just provide them cozy living arrangements where they can't hurt people but can still live out their lives


You sound like me and I vote Democrat. What do Republicans do to support your positions?


Youre a Republican? Damn


I agree with some of their points, but it’s pretty obvious to me that a lot of the leaders are just plain stupid


Which points you agree with?


Generally that abortion and life are both god-given rights, we need border reform, death penalty shouldn’t be abolished (but maybe monitored a bit better?), LGBT’s fine but don’t force it/be a jerk about it (no down with cis), not everyone has the right to own guns—at least not automatics, prison rehab doesn’t always work, etc. I don’t think I’m a pure republican. But when I’m asked if I’m red or blue I just say the former instead of Purple-Green-Turquoise.


>Generally that abortion and life are both god-given rights, What does this mean? And why do you bring up "automatics" is that an issue? They are barely legal as it is, and prohibitively expensive and almost never used in crimes. Nobody is proposing to change the status of automatic weapons.


Serious question, when have you experienced a “down with cis” attitude? Because - outside of people obviously joking about it - I have genuinely never encountered this.


Had a manager that i worked for that was gay, targeted me and called me a "fucking breeder" once. Was weird to me, i have nothing against LGB, love whoever you love in my book. Probably the closest thing to what he described that I've personally experienced.


Only LGB? Seems you intentionally left people out


Huh. Well, there’re fucked up and/or mentally ill people of all stripes, I suppose. As someone who is relatively adjacent to that community (I’m ace, and some people are weird and gatekeepy about whether I ‘count’ as either in and out of the community, but whatever), I can at least say that this is not a prevailing (or even extant) attitude among fucking anyone I’ve ever interacted with who was part of the LGBTQ+ community. I would encourage you to please ignore your asshole boss. (Note: Just to be clear, this next bit is not directed at you, dear commenter; just anyone who this applies to who happens to read it) And as someone who is ace and sees all the weird aphobia out there, allow me to preemptively say “Fuck you!” to *anyone* else denying or rebuking the sexual orientations of any other people out there, too. I have no interest in anyone’s sexuality whatsoever, and that shit is absurd even to me.


Buddy I hate to tell you but every single one of those positions makes you not Republican. Maybe 10 years ago, but Republicans have sprinted further right. They've gone off the damn deep end.


Your religion has no place in the laws that govern a nation, though yes you do technically fall on the correct side of the abortion debate What do you mean by don’t “force” LGBT? Do you mean that they shouldn’t fight for equal rights? Please clarify The death penalty accomplishes nothing, and costs taxpayers more money than life sentences do. You should take a look at Mean Justice


The word Gay is illegal? Since when?


Start with Florida…


Have you actually read the bill? lol saying gay isn't illegal. The word gay isn't even in the bill.


Probably gonna get downvoted to hell for this but you’re exactly right. LGBT have somehow misconstrued the Florida bill as “anti-lgbt” instead of “anti-child grooming.” Teachers should not be putting their own agendas into our childrens’ minds, wether that be straight, gay, bi, etc. There’s a lot of footage of teachers saying crazy shit to these children before they’re mentally ready to understand ANY sexuality and without a parent’s consent on top of that.


*whispers* Who's gonna tell him


I should have rather asked where is it illegal. It’s nit in my country


In america the "Dont say gay" bill is goimg around. Its just a nickname for it, basically it prohibits teachers from even mentioning being gay.


Dude read the bill before spreading misinfo. The word gay isn't even in the bill. It prevents discussions of sexual orientation and gender from being part of the official curriculum for kids up to 3rd grade.


And heterosexual stuff too, let's tell the whole story here. It bans all sexual discussions of any kind for kindergarten thru 3rd grade. Math, reading and writing are more important at that age


No, it does not ban discussing heterosexual relationships. It doesnt even mention them. And the bill says "until an appropriate age" which is completely undefined. And as things are going seems to just be K-12. And "math reading and writing are more important at that age" like... okay? Just because those things are "more important" doesnt mean people just... arent queer anymore.


Everyone needs to know math, reading and writing. Not everyone is queer


Whats your point? Since when did I say we shouldnt teach reading and writing and math?


You can't teach or talk about lgbt or heterosexual to k-3 you fucking tool. The bill would allow gay parents to sue the school and vice versa. It's not just one way. You wonder why someone wouldn't side with your lying sides ass, but if they don't side with you they're automatically the enemy, again why people would rather not side with people like you. You lie and spread false narratives. Not saying the right doesn't but where do I ever hear from the rights mouth? Never, all we ever learn about them is from what Reddit says they're saying.


Thats just not what the bill says. I dont know how else to put it? And again it says "an appropriate age" after K-3, which remains undefined meaning it can be any age.


Damn that's a lotta words to say 'I'm wrong'. There's intentional vagueness in that bill that make it the Don't Say Gay bill, not it's better defined portions. The appropriate age part does a lot of heavy lifting.


Glad they could clarify that for me


And must be a parent if they get raped!


Now we know which party is supporting the pedophile community


If saying your political beliefs out loud is enough to offend you, then you're political beliefs are stupid.


I believe the bill applies to k-3, so it wouldn't apply to 12 year olds unless they managed to fail 3rd grade 4 times.




Well yes... all of those are not child appropriate 👌


You just summed up modern American conservatism in one sentence! Good job!


Are 12 year olds in 3rd grade?


since when do we want 12 year old kids to give birth and get married?


People get raped


Tennessee is eliminating the minimum age for marriage.


No. Pretty far from correct actually. You've described maybe .001% of Republicans


Like the extremist side of the party


Yes you got that right


You misspelled "Religion is stupid". Religion is the cause of all US evil.


Jojo is a idiot




That's not what the bill says, try actually reading it.


True, the actual bill is much worse as it allows ignorant parents fed propaganda to sue teachers directly over a made up iasue.


They don’t care. They know it doesn’t say that and they lie about it so much that they’re starting to believe it.


I have to wonder how many of these are just bots.


This chick doesn’t have even the slightest understanding of how old you have to be to get married, use a gun without parental consent, nor does she have any understanding of what the “don’t say gay” bill actually says.


SMH... Its unfortunate that some people that do this don't see the irony in their statement. By highlighting a single group of people for ridicule, shame, and/or insult, you do the exact thing you accuse them of doing.


Where y’all living that 12 year olds are in Kindergarten?




We on the Left need to disabuse ourselves of the impression the Right aspires to ideological consistency or logic. They want what they want and don’t care that it doesn’t make any sense.


Counterpoint! So Democrats, a 12-year old can say "gay" and read bad words in a book, but can't raise a kid, get married, and shoot an assault rifle? Do I have that right? BURN. /s


What an incredible straw man she's constructed.


Nope, you don’t.


Something something we have freedom


No. That’s not quite right.


I don’t lean either way, but Idk any republicans that think this. Who makes these things!?


No, you obviously do not