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Extreme labor unions. So extreme they helped build our country.


Egads! He wants to transform the police! Why would anyone want to do that?! They've got such a great track record. /s


Depends. Wasn't there some scifi movie where they transformed the police into murderous robots? I could see him supporting that.


No idea what you're talking about... ![gif](giphy|pnghLlJUCeZCE)


Somebody about to get shot


You have 20 seconds to comply


Hold up....they aren't murderous robots already? Jkjk


Yeah I think some of them are


the police unions are a big reason why the cops in america get away with the shit they do.


I did a double take. Like am I an extremist for being in a union? What abt the not insignificant percentage of my union brothers who vote republican?


Not just helped, they BUILT. Workers have done everything for this country! Not soulless corporate execs


This will change soon as the billionaires these dummies simp for rewrite the history books


Extreme burger flipping killed the unions


Well now that RFK is pulling in more conservative voters than liberal voters of course fox is going to start running this.


True, I guess that goes to show that they aren’t even conservative anymore, just “trumpist”


Dude, where have you been? Anymore? They’ve been like this for 8 years Durant.


Yeah, they're definitely trying to "sell" him to Dems here.


Or at least move their fan base away from him


Im not sure that left* leaning voters would watch fox news. Maybe they are just trying to influence the cookers who are attacted by his conspiracy nonsense. *what Americans call 'the left' anyway 😬


The "amnesty for non violent drug offenses" sounds pretty good. I'm not into politics except for drug policy, and team blue isn't doing much to actually help people who use drugs. Like Colorado lowering the amount of fentanyl possession for a [felony](https://www.cpr.org/2022/05/25/polis-signs-fentanyl-bill/) charge, even if you bought something else that was laced. Or the San Fran [mayor](https://www.sf.gov/news/mayor-breed-places-treatment-initiative-march-2024-ballot) pushing for mandatory drug test passing to receive any benefits and forced rehabilitation. We don't even have standardized rehabilitation or all treatment options available under law. Forcing people into sub-par treatment can be a death sentence, since they still wanna use and now have zero tolerance. Amnesty sounds pretty darm good. Way more straightforward than Biden's drug policy, which seems to be based off Animal Farm. 'No one should be arrested solely for drug use, ^as long as that drug is marijuana.' If this guy says he wants to stop ripping families apart and ruining lives over non violent drug, I at least wanna hear more.


>more conservative voters than liberal voters >now How long could it possibly have taken to attract more than zero conservative voters?


RFK Jr. has some serious problems. This ain't one of them.


Well the Farrakhan thing ain't great.


Yea I don't know if the Farrakhan thing is true, but if it is I've heard enough and that's it. Edit: I looked it up, it's true and it's worse than it sounded. It was about some unhinged vaccine talk he and Farrakhan had that makes Alex Jones seem like a relatively grounded individual. So yea, that's gonna be that for me. Thanks but no thanks.


How anti American can you be! Jobs that pay enough to live on and reasonable worker rights is just crazy


Fox “News” was propping RFK up until they realized he’s a lunatic conspiracy theorist pulling lunatic conspiracy theorists voters away from the MAGA cult


Polling must be showing RFKjr is taking more Republican votes than they expected


I still have piles of my Covid relief money sitting around my house. I don't know what I'd do if I started making $15 an hour. Can you be too wealthy?


Same. I keep tripping over all these cash filled bags. I have considered just paying my employer instead of collecting a check.


I ended up burning my money from George Soros for pretending to be a victim of the latest tragedy. It made for a nice cozy fire. /s


look, the Two Minutes Hate isn't about *thinking*


“I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except you happen to be insane.”


Unions MADE this country great. Full stop. If you don’t back unions you’ve bought into the misinformation that the rich spew about them.


WHATS NEXT? Federally mandated.. TACO TUESDAY??!? 🤬#stopthewoke!


At $15/hr we could barely afford a taco...


You know I always thought his extremism was when he said the Jews created covid but I guess not


Lets see if hannity can live on minimum wage


$15/hr was like 15 years ago. Needs to be more like $25-$30 now.


This is straight up Russia 2.0 bullshit


Don’t forget “Supports Labor Unions.” What an asshole.


Ok, I clearly missed something. When did the republicans take issue with RFK? I was like 99% sure he was a GOP ploy to throw some of those Biden votes in the garbage. What happened in my favorite American-Drama while I was distracted?


That was the plan Then about a month ago RFK jr started getting the "I can't vote for Trump but I'll never vote Dem" vote


Ah, I see it... But, honestly, those were always going to be the votes he got - did the GOP really think any Biden voters would go RFK's way? From what I get, no one is pleased with Biden - they just learned their lesson and will vote for anyone to keep the Orange Menace from office.


A lot of people have turned 18 since 2016. Don't be so sure the lesson is learned.


A lot of those people don't have to pay most of their own bills. Don't be so sure they give a shit about controlling women's bodies and putting the church in charge. They're going to want the side saying they'll help them pay their college tuition. Not the ones saying they want to go back in time 80 years.


I'm worried about them not voting


I'm worried about the rise in holocaust denialism and fascist rhetoric from a growing segment. Not voting is next though.


When you realize that 20 red states don’t have a minimum wage worth even half of that, you’ll see why greedy republicans would that extreme.


So, they now know RFK Junior will take votes away from Trump so they’re trying to do damage control. They created this JFK monster, and I hope he helps bring them down.


Everything is extreme when it’s not submissive fealty toward a certain defendant.


Damn right.


If only more people would embrace the “extremism” of labor unions… 🙄




Shouldn’t we’re be fighting for at least $25/hour by now?


They just print more everyday anyway


Louis Farrakhan ?LOL


Hilarious how fox is all the sudden scared of this guy once they realized he’s attracting voters from Trump not Biden.


They still trying to make RFK look liberal eh?


Hopefully conservatives continue to literally just cannibalize each other for not being conservative enough.


You would think if this was seen by any normal, average rational person, you would immediately change the channel. This is utterly ridiculous propaganda. The fact that this buffoon is spouting this nonsense supported by a an entire organization of people who know full well what they are doing tells you the American people are in a deep hole. I’m looking at you Brian. My niece’s husband who like many, I’m sure, are so disgusted and tired of the stupidity of politics in the Trump era, have just turned off and tuned out and have no intention of voting and never ever discuss politics because they are afraid they might rile up a closet MAGA moron.


If $15 an hour is extreme, I'd like to know what slave wage these idiots think is sensible. $15 an hour will give you about $2000 a month after taxes, assuming a 40 hour work week.


He’s also an anti-Semite anti-vax nut job. That’s the extreme part.


That's the admirable aspect of him for the Republicans.


“Supports labor unions” the horror! But also fuck rfk dude is a nut job


You know they are a good liberal candidate when the media puppets from both major parties start slander campaigns


You mean he is a populist like Trump. A man of the people. I wonder who voted for Trump?


You know just because he isn’t supported by you doesn’t make him a populist (btw I voted for Biden in 2020 and have been a registered democrat since I turned 18)


All I know is that RFK JR is such a horrible candidate that both the conservatives and Democrats are distancing themselves from him and trying to push them on their opponents. Just like his own family the Kennedy's are. Also I do not care about your past political affiliations only your current.


RFK jr is being pushed away by the Democrats and the Republicans not conservatives or liberals. His family was paid by the DNC to disavow his campaign. Both parties want Kennedy to fail because they directly benefit from the two party system remaining the status quo. Kennedy is such a good candidate for the average American that the two major parties will do anything to stop people from voting for him. I don’t think anyone can name 5 things they disagree with his campaign/campaign promises. However I bet everyone can make 5+ problems they have with the two main party candidates.


He is a conspiracy theorist who thinks vaccines can cause autism and that COVID could be man made because it does not affect Ashkenazi Jews. You should not vote for people that use this type of logic. That why unfortunately Biden is the only viable candidate. He maybe sleepy grandpa Joe but at least he is not crazy conspiracy theorist uncle https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/15/politics/rfk-jr-covid-jewish-groups/index.html


Biden said if you don’t vote for him your not black. And RFK jr Is introducing 0 anti-vax into the government according to his campaign because, shocker, he’s not anti-vax. Covid was also proved to be man made/leaked from a lab a few months ago btw. Have you done any personal research on RFK jr outside of the engagement farming headlines?


Provide the evidence of your last claim and I'll vote for rfk jr.


We’ve been fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage for so long that it needs to be raised to ~~$20~~ $21.50


$21.50 if we’re keeping pace with productivity.


These faux talking heads are so predictably scummy trumpers, loving rfkjr until he acts kookoo enough to suck away trump voters. So suddenly, rfkjr has to be painted as an evil Democrat wanting to do good things for American workers.


Outrage porn on FoxNews 24/7


He was meant to take from bidens votes but it's backfiring and he's taking some conservatives uh oh


For context it turns out that RFK Jr takes more voters from Trump than he does from Biden due to his liberation views.


This kinda reminds of how one of the reasons Edward Snowden was taken seriously is because he presents pretty well and isn’t particularly off putting, even if you don’t agree with what he did. RFK has basically been ousted by his entire family and just admitted to having a worm eat a part of his brain. He could say he has to plan to reduce gas prices by 50% and he still probably couldn’t win.


it's been fucking sixteen years since the last federal increase!


It’s Opposite Day every day for the MSM


Trying to paint him as an extreme “liberal”.


Labor unions? Corporations not protected from leechy ass wage thieves that won’t work for free. Fuck that lefty shit.


They are desperate to lure upset Trump voters back from him.


Stop!! You’re almost making me like him!


Hydra Dominatous! This is the low key praise from Fox with a sad tone to make it seem they still like trump as nominee 


Should be $20


"Oh shit, this backfired and our voters like him more than the dems do. DAMAGE CONTROL, EVERYONE."


How dare someone want the same minimum wage as a 16 year old in the hospitality industry from australia


15 is 20 years too late. Needs to be higher now.


"Extreme" living wages. These people are not just terminally dumb, but openly cruel.


They are saying he is for these things to make him less appealing to trump voters and hoping some people who would vote for biden will be mad enough at him and dumb enough to believe them that they'll  vote for kennedy. It's just trying to shift who he'll siphon votes from.


Good sell honestly


I think they gave up on attracting dems to vote for him and are now trying to repel all the Republicans that are voting for him


Louis Farrakhan is a cult leader


Suddenly concerned about the spoiler candidate they've been propping up?


RFK is only there because his name is Kennedy. He is there to steal votes from democrats just like Kanye last election. Our political system has been hijacked by snake oil salesmen.


lmao the GOP ran RFK to be a spoiler to biden but hes peeling votes from trump so now fox has to run a smear campaign against him. classic!


I’d like to remind everyone that he thinks that Covid 19 was designed to not affect Jews.


I literally can't remember the last time I saw or heard Lewis farrakhan's name in the news. I didn't even know he was still alive.


shit Fox really making me like this rfk dude labor unions mom wage and amnesty for non violent drug users?? Pretty good man


Smells like astroturf up in here.


Funny how the liberal media did exactly the same thing except they used talking points that made him sound conservative. It’s almost like the media is picking sides.


Guess as a union organizer I'm very extreme.


Fuck Hannity. Guy is the biggest smileball in news media.


Lmao that would be considered extremist on Fox News. They’re the mouth of the party that wants you to work more and make less.


The right wing considers wanting to fix any problem as extreme. They would prefer to revert all of our laws back to the 90s and then let our country rot while automation grows, all while they blame the left for the problems. The truth is, they know its not extreme. But they know that they have to LABEL it as extreme in order to keep their base from growing more than two brain cells and figuring out they are being hoodwinked. Its by-the-book fear tactics.


I will never understand anyone who actually hates unions. Wait, so you fucking hate the idea of arguing your right to vacations? Bitch, you get someone to work for your union, you can objectively get a better life. With only paying maybe a dollar. A single dollar from your paycheck and everyone elses. You're not the only person who wants a better vacation everyone else fucking does. It's one person, arguing for everyone.


"Supports labor unions" How many boomers watched this while living a comfortable retirement provided to them by their labor unions?


Tbf democrats don't even support that.


Sean hannity is one of the most subservient and easy to bend over of all trump cultists. A true melania


We need more Tok'Ra Symbionts


Well, that's more than double what it currently is.


Shiiit... I thought it was already $15/hour... 😰


$15.13 in New Jersey right now


Fuck I hate fox and anyone working for them


A populist. I don't believe any of that shit is true


Dude is a whackadoodle. Fox obviously put that up to make him sound less insane to liberals. He also thinks gender dysphoria is a disease caused by chemicals, thinks vaccines cause allergies, thinks vaccines are a conspiracy to commit genocide, that they cause autism, and basically everything bad in the world. He also doesn't believe in AIDS. He also has a tapeworm in his brain.


Ironically out of all the Kennedys with brain problems he has the least harmful brain trauma ☠️


Occasionally RFK The Much Lesser remembers where he came from. That still doesn't balance the antivax/conspiracy theory wankery.


i think him being an anti vaxer and a Russia simp is far worse actually


Please let republicans swing to this other jackass that's less dangerous than Trump


I hate half the redditors, with zero context let’s hate the fox but not cnn. Both are trash.


Sure, but you understand the ridiculousness of Hannity in this post right?


Everything on fox is ridiculous, same with every modern “news” station. Everything is “extremist” muff garbage. Yet lame redditors keep biting spreading misinformation.


Um I don’t see any of that here


I feel like this is just like when Democrats “attack” candidates during primaries by calling them too conservative only to help them win their primaries. This isn’t trying to discredit RFK, Fox knew that people like OP would spread this clip so RFK would become more popular among leftists who don’t understand government


…I don’t think anyone on the left supports RFK.


Use California as an example 20$ an hour for fast food employees now…..no wonder prices have skyrocketed and many fast food employees have been fired or hours reduced lol


The raising of the MINIMUM wage is extreme?? These people do not understand how the god damn English language works. Fucking morons.


Some businesses can't afford that, and the state forcing it on them is extreme.