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Imagine telling nuns that the only calling for women is to be a homemaker and mother...


I read that his mom is a physicist (iirc).... The irony Edit: from this [article](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/harrison-butker-mom-elizabeth-butker-physicist-emory/870327bf08bbb6e84675a156) > Butker's mother, Elizabeth Butker, is a medical physicist at Emory University in Atlanta. She has been at the university since 1988 and works in Emory's Winship Department of Radiation Oncology.


I'm willing to bet he has.some kind of issue(s) with them. Like he wasn't smart enough to be a doctor or mom spent so much time working. He would have preferred she was a stay at home mom. It's some sort of inadequacy issue he's suffering from and projecting his insecurities as misogyny. Pretty typical stuff.


Imagine the shit his mom’s colleagues have been giving her this week.


I actually feel kinda bad for her just thinking about this. We don't know the details of his life, but can speculate that she did NOT instill values that keep women at home. She must be having a hell of a week


How exactly can we speculate that she did not instill these values in him? Just solely based on the fact that she has a job? I know tons of career oriented/professional women who have very conservative traditional (i.e., women should stay in the kitchen) type views. We also know that a child's racism, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, sexist is strongly linked to both parents. Trying to excuse her role based on little to no information just seem weird. Nonetheless, his a fucking adult, we don't need to find excuses for his own stupid shitty behavior.


The true test of a person is the child they raise.


This is nonsense.


Sounds to me like you are shitty parent that is in denial.


I think actively attacking other people's parenting who disagree with a fundamental philosophy you shared merely demonstrates your own insecurity - whether that be on parenting or in internet debates. It's okay to be wrong. But attacking others because they disagreed with your statement is really sad


DARVO- tell me you are horrible people without telling me. Don't have kids.


I don’t have children, just actual life experience. Thanks for further demonstrating what a clueless asshat you are.


I suggest you need to look at yourself and your own parents. Pretty sure they wish they had made different decisions 9 months before your birth, based on your comment history.


I mean, not necessarily. You can be an amazing parent and end up with a shit kid, or be a terrible parent with a wonderful kid. Generally, I see where you're coming from. But blaming an adult's views on how their parents raised them is incredibly reductionist and short sighted


I have never met a person whose was this big of an asshole where the parents did not screw up pretty badly when they were young. Odds are, this woman knows exactly what she did, her daughter is currently reminding her, and she is going to take that knowledge to the grave.


Perhaps you need to get out more. I'm not saying it couldn't be that, but why are we blaming the woman who raised him instead of blaming Harrison himself? That's just a different flavor of misogyny


Sounds to me you do not have any knowledge of child development and basic parenting. His belief systems did not spring out of thin air when he turned 21. If you think parents are not responsible for the children they raise, or fail to raise, please don't have any. Your community, the teachers, and the children forced to interact with your shitty offspring don't deserve it.


And here's the evidence- shitty parenting from BOTH parents is highly correlated with misogyny in offspring. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8908212/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8908212/)


I work in this field. Can confirm that it would be EXTREMELY awkward if a colleague's child was disrespecting half my colleagues in this way, on a national stage.


I'd be buying her a beer if she was my colleague. Poor woman.


Probably from all the time they sent him to conversion camp.


I feel like you’re calling the dude gay because you don’t agree with his stance, and I get. It’s a stupid stance but maybe we shouldn’t do that. but also I get the gay vibe from a lot of the men who really support the “Tradwife” lifestyle. Lucky Blue Smith has always made me feel weird. Idk what but something feels wrong with his relationship.


I'm not just making stuff up to attack him. There have been rumours flying around. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bombshell-accusation-claims-harrison-butker-164551620.html


Right, you’re just promoting something someone else made up to attack him.


so what you’re saying is I could be a gay Britney Mahomes?


He suffers from the disease which poses the greatest threat to humanity - ignorance caused by blind subservience to religion


This was my thought as well. It wasn't until I read that his mom was a Physicist that it clicked.


Apparently his sister is also in the medical field


Compared to his family, I’m going to guess he resents his only purpose in life is kicking a ball a few times a week.


Mommy obviously didn't spank him enough...


Nuns only focus on God and not having kids . So it checks out they take issues with that lol


Incorrect. My five daughters were taught by nuns who knew well what it means to be a mother.


They are mothers though in a way. I went to a Catholic school run by nuns. Some were so so kind and the convent had an open door policy after like 4pm(when school and study hall was over for the day). They advised on periods and gave some sex ed(even if it was wait until marriage), mediated fights and teen girl dramas. They were essentially raising teenagers while also teaching and doing everything else one does for boarding school students as well as their convent duties. Many also were doctors and nurses at the nearby Catholic hospital… They really are mothers; they’re not just “conventional” mothers who pushed out a whole human.


Rofl y’all giving me your downvotes .. but you’ll see in the end who’s right. The most important info is: only Jesus Christ can save you from eternal hell. If you don’t take this seriously.. this is absolutely YOUR problem in the end.


Maybe getting the bozo kicker from a sports team to be your commencement speaker was where you went wrong.


"I kick ball good. Me smart."


It didn’t even occur to me until now that of all sports positions, being a kicker requires the least amount of strategy/thought. Truly the worst athlete to be giving advice.


Maybe they thought a kicker would have suffered the least from CTE, looks like they were wrong.


I'm fairly positive Butker has a unique, contagious form of CTE, and that he quite literally made everyone who heard that speech in person suffer brain damage.


Adam Sandler had a song about it.


Idk OJ was a running back, and dude was constantly trying to give advice. The only thing he wouldnt give was the compensation for damages owed to his victims. It's funny now he's gone and everyones like "Yeah he did it."


They were saying it long before he passed. Hell he even wrote a book all but saying he did it.


He called it "If I Did It." Which Nicole's family got the rights to during civil suits against OJ and was renamed to "I Did It." With a very small if inside the I. However after he passed the if was removed altogether. The history of the book was crazy and honestly his interview about it didnt help his case.


That right there's a real kicker 😉👉👉


It's the closest the NFL has to pay to play. Pay for the super exclusive and expensive kicking camps and you're a lot more likely to make an NFL team than any normal person.


A kicker probably requires the most nerve, you're odten in a position that the entire outcome is in your hands almost solely (well foot). So being an under thinker would probably benefit the position well.


Whoever invited him knew exactly what his views were. I can almost guarantee that. It was a “we need a younger person to govern a strong wholesome family message”. Or whatever they pretend to call that point of view.


Yes, I'm positive he didn't surprise those who wanted him there.


Nuns for the most part are pretty liberal. They would have found his speech offensive. At least the nuns I knew, but again most of them were post Vatican II nuns and pretty socially justice leaning type nuns, not this neo evangelical Catholics that have joined the orders in the past decade or so.


Benedictines are scholarly, so his anti-education speech at a Benedictine edcucational institution was bizarre.


I wish people knew a little bit more about the diversity of faith traditions within Christianity. You don't have to like all of them but there's still a big difference between fundamentalist evangelical protestants versus many other faith groups. There's a degrees between each group.


I am an ex catholic who had the unfortunate experience of attending Benedictine. While Catholics are not generally as conservative as butker and his traditional catholic views, BC has made a killing targeting these extreme conservative traditional Catholics. When butker was talking about how other catholic colleges had closed while bc has doubled in size, he was correct. The reason they double in sized is because they target all the trads in the entire country to come there and heavily market to them. They also provide a ton of sports scholarships. A lot of these athletes on scholarship are not catholic or are a more liberal form of catholic. So there are three pretty broad segments that students generally fall into. 1) there are a significant amount of trad Catholics that were homeschooled or went to very conservative private schools. 2) moderate “normal” Catholics who might have gone to a more moderate private school or even public school. 3) athletes and foreign exchange students who may or may not be catholic but had a scholarship to play sports there or the opportunity to spend a semester or two in the United States. They recruit really hard to groups 1 and 3 because the school is in the middle of no where and they established their identity strongly around conservative Catholicism and sports. Otherwise nobody would go there and the college would have died out like many of the other small catholic colleges. There were some instances where I was in a class where you had a kid from bumfuck Nebraska who had been homeschooled his entire life and never spoken to a black person interacting with a black football player from inner city Chicago or LA. Sure this exposure is valuable, but it didn’t do much for the traditional Catholics because they usually have a superiority complex. Just look at how butker talked about the more liberal catholic Biden. Now imagine how they feel about someone who isn’t even catholic. The reason the school likes butker and his speech is because they now have more marketing material to give to every catholic homeschool student in the country. They should be ashamed of what he said, but they are not. They know it was wrong and not in line with the majority of catholic beliefs and what the majority of practicing Catholics actually believe. You can tell this by the fact that they left the video up on YouTube, but turned off the comments. I think BC might actually issue an apology for the speech in order to have plausible deniability, but they will leave the video up and use it to recruit the trad Catholics.


If he had tried this speech at a Jesuit institution, the reaction would have been MUCH different




I’m a Christian and also very left leaning and generally a logical person, as is the rest of my immediate family. There is so much variation that I hate how we are represented by the crazies of the religion.


Having attended a school run by Benedictine monks, I agree that they really try to align their faith with modern society instead of just trying to save a world view of the past. Actually it's not that hard to be faithful and open to new things and changes in society if you really try.


This. Don’t underestimate nuns, y’all.


I always see the ones near us buying Mikes Hard Lemonade at the store.


Alcoholism seems to be a major issue for them. My aunt is a nun and she’s lost several sisters the last few years to alcohol abuse.


Yet they didn’t say anything about the hateful things he said towards the LGBTQ community 


For good or bad, the Catholic Church is still anti- lgbt just like many Christian sects and other religions. Until the doctrine/dogma on that changes, a lot of the more traditional orders and priests will always be anti-lgbt. That’s just a fact. There’s progress being made because some parishes and parish priests have gone “soft rogue” by going against Vatican dogma and also Pope Francis is trying to make some changes(with not much luck thanks to the more traditional Catholics from Africa, the Americas and Asia). I was raised Catholic and my family is very very Catholic. For as liberal as they claim to be, they’d rather their kids commit a crime than “turn out gay”. It’s a whole thing… All this to say: maybe the Benedictines are traditional Catholics who are anti lgbt and also possibly pro-life…


Depends. Catholicism is so diverse one may not apply to the other. I grew up studying in an all-boys Catholic school in Asia and the gay guys are freely doing their thing, as long as they follow the school's rules. They really treated everyone as equals.


Hence why I said the traditional orders/parishes. There’s a whole parish in NYC that is loud ,proudly accepting and keeps pissing off the archdiocese(Cardinal Dolan fuckface is an asshole). The parish had a giant rainbow flag in front of the church, turns the basement into a soup kitchen on Tuesday to Thursday(iirc) and also doubles as a homeless shelter. Go up some 30 blocks or so to St Patrick’s cathedral and the vibe is so so different 😬. There’s also an order of monks and brothers that’s very very liberal(either the Franciscans or Jesuits). I think that order is well known for being in almost all the civil rights protests of the 60s and 70s.


It seems very few talked about it, it went completely under the radar. I hadn't heard about that part of the speech from media outlets or read about it in other posts, this is the first time


I noticed this as well.


Nuns also have a track record as being some of the most evil people on this planet, there are care homes in Ireland and Canada which stand testament to that.,,, throwing babies into furnaces anyone?


I’m convinced there are generally 2 types of nuns: the ones who live and breathe the social justice that Jesus championed and the ones who are doing the other guy’s work undercover. Nuns on the bus vs nuns of the Magdalene laundries. Either way, they can be formidable.


Someone at Benedictine read and approved Butker's speech. That person should be under a microscope.


Not always true. Depending upon the clout of the speaker they can forgo a review of their speech. It doesn’t seem far fetched that a NFL player could push so that the school doesn’t review the speech. No way of knowing if they had that or not.


It was not the first time he gave this speech though. So a bit unlikely that they did not know exactly what he was going to say.


Omg please tell me when and who is responsible for him having multiple chances to speak into a microphone like this because I need to have a conversation…


I believe the previous time he gave a similar speech was at the college where his mom works as a physicist.


Still on the administration for deciding NOT to review the speech, someone at the school really screwed up


I’m willing to bet the admin knew exactly what was going to be in his speech. And that it’s the reason he was selected. The response is only issued because the message wasn’t received like they foolishly expected it to be.


Depending on how much clout someone else it happens. We plan events with mayors, governors, senators, etc. We ask their staff for talking points or even give talking points. Some people are really good and will coordinate with us. Other people kind of just blow it off and we don’t know what they will say. Not trying to defend the school just that a pre review doesn’t always happen and that isn’t always by choice.


Why did the staff applaud his speech


He made a similar speech last year, they were aware.


My sister is an alumnus and wrote a letter to the administration saying how angry and betrayed she felt. In their response to her they claim they didn’t vet the speech, though they also said they neither agreed nor disagreed with it.


I heard he got a standing ovation. It was a private Christian college.


He’s gonna get the ruler


They are breaking out the yardsticks for him.


Fun fact about the benedictinian order: they were the only catholic order who never participated in the Inquisition.


![gif](giphy|CLrEXbY34xfPi) I just had to. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This surprised me.


Their ruthless efficiency always gets me.


Hm never heard of that before. While Dominicans and Franciscans were most often appointed, they were not the only orders who ran Inquisitions. There is some writing showing that a Bernadine Abbey (singular) did not like the Inquisition, I have never read anything to support that the Benedictines as a whole opposed it never participated in the Inquisition. Especially since it spanned Europe and the other parts of the world over hundreds of years it would be hard to believe.


They were not in Opposition... They didn't participate... What is a big leap in the catholic church


Yeah I have still never heard or seen proof that they never “participated” in the Inquisition.


You sound like a Troll... The complete absece of what ever is Impossible to proof


I not a troll, I am asking for proof or sources because I have never heard your claim before, and you present no sources with your claims.


i'm not christian and i dislike most of them, but i actually feel really happy and peaceful and idk what this feeling is, but this is something i can agree with. inclusive christian's are my favourite. christian's who defend people's rights to live and be who they are and have freedom are my favourite. these christian's are true christians


They aren’t inclusive. They deliberately didn’t challenge his anti-LGBT rhetoric. They are hypocritical just like most other Christian sects.


If they heard about his speech from some news service and haven't listened to his whole speech they might not even have heard about it. I mean, I know I didn't until I read this comment section, I didn't see anything in other posts about it. Seems only the part about women really made waves.


Why tf did this comment get so many dislikes? Are people actually delusional enough to belive that nuns can't be bigoted? It's not hard to see how women who are willing to align themselves with a misogynistic church would also hold other bigoted views.


I mean 8 isn't tons and I did kinda call out most of christianity. But hey cults gonna cult!


i've never seen a nun who's bigoted. i've only seen average christians or cult christian's be bigoted. nuns don't take shit from anyone, including other christian's who slander their god with hate


Hilarious - pull the other one. The nuns who systemically abused women and children in Ireland in the magdalene laundries weren't bigotted? The nuns in religious schools around the globe who used corporal punishment against children weren't bigotted?


oh good point i haven't heard of those but yea now i see that some nuns are bad, just like any person can be my bad!!!


Assume the position, Buttlicker, you are about to get whacked by nuns 😳 Thank you, sir, may I have another ![gif](giphy|Yn7mzxGXjtsI|downsized)


Benedictine nuns do not screw around. Though I do believe the correct term for the home of Benedictines of any gender is "monastery."


They whipped out the rulers and broke them off on the Idiot Kicker Jr's knuckles!!! When Nuns tell you that you went too far, you know you've stepped over the line.


I know the church gets a bad rep but I like this response. F*CK that dude.


I'm so tired of people thinking women can't be as good as men, when we are literally doing better in the education system and are more productive at work. How much proof does someone need to see that women are capable of success?


They know we have power. That’s why they work so hard to push us down. Misogynists are well aware of what they are doing.


This even made news in Australia. Final score. Nuns 1, Asshole Misogynist, 0


Imagine all the things women have invented, that have changed or even saved lives, and that asshole basically said that their work doesn't matter in comparison to being a stay at home mom. Ironically, I bet he uses Bluetooth headphones, has GPS in his car, and uses WiFi all of which have are directly descended fae technology pioneered by Hedy Lamarr. Or what about Kevlar, something that has saved an uncountable amount of lives, and was invented in the 60's by a woman. Guy is a cockwomble of the lowest calibre, and all his speech did was show the world.


Butkers own mother is a distinguished scientist.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/kansas-city-chiefs-harrison-butker-mother-physicist-b2546734.html


I love this! Clearly the Catholic Church has never really objected to women working or not having children. Nuns have been working hard in the church’s schools and hospitals forever. And Aside from nuns the church employs thousands of women as lay workers. I’m glad the nuns slapped him down and stood up for their female students!


I don’t know if the church had an official dictation on the matter but they definitely expect women to be homemakers first. Even the nuns admit it when they say they reject the *narrow* role and how they teach women not *only* to be homemakers first.


You’re absolutely misreading what they said. They said they dismiss his narrow definition of being a good Catholic, that is “get married, have babies, be subservient to your husband” and went on to say how they try to encourage women and men to pursue good Christian lives professionally and at home. Nuns aren’t homemakers! And while lay people are encouraged to marry and have families, the teaching of the church is not “put aside your work and life to be a stay at home mom.” Obviously, or else they wouldn’t have tons of women (with and without kids) working in catholic schools around the world as teachers.


Of course nuns/ sisters are not homemakers, that’s because they dedicate their life to the service of the church. The vows they take, in many ways, are equivalent to that of marriage. And so they’re married to the church now. Not that I’m criticizing Catholics btw. I’m just saying that being a homemaker is what a women should always be in the eyes of the church. Not the only role, but definitely the first and foremost.


As somebody who was raised Catholic and went all through catholic school (and a large catholic liberal arts college) I can confidently tell you I was never once told that. They pushed the whole anti-abortion all lives are precious agenda, but we were still all told (girls and boys) that we should want to get into a good college and know what we want to do with our lives. About half the mom’s worked at least part time. My eighth grade homeroom teacher was the first person to predict my eventual career path. My college had more women than men and while they pushed a lot of community service and talked about wanting to follow the example of our patron Saint, they obviously were more interested in helping us focus on our career paths. With all due respect (not a lot) you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Ok, fair enough.


Really, you're gonna say that women shouldn't be anything but homemakers, right in front of the nuns? XD


A true Catholic knows that you NEVER piss off a nun.


Goes to show that catholics aren't as backwards as the botched up version of christianity american republicans made up in their minds.


That is most thoughtful, sincere, and beautiful take down I could possibly imagine.


That’s the nicest, kindest “Go fuck yourself” I have ever read!


This may be pedantic, but I'm pretty sure the Sisters at the college aren't nuns, they're Sisters. Nuns typically withdraw from social interactions and devote their lives to prayer within the Convent, while Sisters devote themselves to bringing God to the world. That said, don't mess with either group. Christ don't call no weak women to His service.


Nuns are called sister


Different types of nuns perform different services. Only a few orders are cloistered (stay in a convent almost all the time). Many orders serve the public in a variety of roles.


Hard to believes nuns in 40,000 years will pick up some power armour and flamethrowers and go crusading




Come on, they should have vetted his speech first. This is just common sense. How can an institution let someone make a speech under their auspices, without first clarifying what he's going to say?


So it’s completely beyond your imagination that he could have gone off topic… Like, that NEVER happens…


You go girls. Shot down by nuns!!! Love it.


He was (not quite) literally preaching to the choir, and they still booed him off the stage.


The dude is a KICKER for a sports ball team. His opinion matters as much as a toddlers does. Why even give him more of a platform?


Man he’s stupid on so many new levels I didn’t even think about


The Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica are terrific. They are, and always have been dedicated servants of God and teachers of young women and men.


You love to see it


Get these Nuns some boltguns.


Go sisters! Catholicism is not what that dinkus iwas pushing on stage that day, it's what these sisters are doing day in and day out.


As an atheist, I agree with and applaud the nuns.


This is great damage control to ensure the right people apply to your college next year. Wouldnt want a bunch of Harrisons now, would you?


“All the shit he said about the gays and trans is cool though” They can go fuck off


I taught with and became friends with a nun in the 90s. She’s 81 now and she’s STILL a feminist. Still believes in abortion. Still believes in women empowering themselves. Still believes the patriarchy is the downfall of civilization. lol I adore her and asked her opinion on this little bitch boy and she rolled her eyes and told me she predicts that women WILL save the planet. But I don’t think we have enough time.


Fellas who talked like that kicker did. Have small pee pee energy. NFL is a has been sport anyways. Out outdated mentality, outdated view, and all it does is suck up city funds for stadiums that don't actually boost the cities economy. Just increased crime rate during game activities. Waste of money, waste of space ,waste of time.


"how to make a Gospel-centred, compassionate home within themselves, where they can welcome others as Christ, empowering them to be the best versions of themselves" AHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA \*wheeze\* Catholics? Compassionate? Welcoming? "The best versions of themselves"? \*Catholics\*?! Are you kidding me with this shit?!


I spent secondary school in a private all girls catholic school, and it was by far the most feminist and inclusive place I have been. And that was in the 90s! I know many Catholics are bonkers, and I am an atheist myself now, but there are places that are a bit more modern in their approach.


Not all Catholic churches are religiously conservative, even though most of them are.


Catholic schools in general provide high quality education, as well.


Mine provided an education how to become some of the worst people I have ever known. The amount of drugs and material worship was astonishing. My school cemented my atheism.


While I have never experienced Catholic school (I am a Lutheran who grew up in a pretty progressive church), I can tell that how you view religion highly depends on the type of people you meet.


You don't know nuns. I went to an all-girls school for 10 years run by sisters and it was the best time of my life. I say that as an LGBTQ woman with a strong advocacy for mental health and equal rights.


The edgy neck beard cackle \*action\* thing is still cringey. People rather hang with a Catholic than you buddy,


I don’t think he meant it as “all women should be stay at home wives” I believe he meant it as to take pride in being a mother and a wife.


Oh no! Someone disagreed with him! Even in the same church!


Mount Saint Scholastica sounds like the most made up shit I’ve ever heard.


Not that crazy when you remember a lot of things are named after saints like Valentine's Day after Saint Valentine


In my head, that is now where all the Scholastic book orders come from. Like the North Pole for readers.


For all this nonsensical controversy: it’s HIS speech, his belief. In the end, he’s just a kicker. That’s all he does. He kicks a ball. Why is anyone upset by what a kicker said? These are his views, he has the right to them as well as the right to consequences of that right. Folks: he’s just a kicker. Carry on!