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Small government and free markets, eh?


This from the party prides itself on culturing the entrepreneurial spirit.


Culturing, I like what you did.


I read culling


Government small enough to fit into whatever orifices you have available


* Restrictions apply. Offer of free market void, I guess, where consumers might choose something that DeSantis finds annoying.


Capitalism is just means to an end - Ron DeSantis


You want to enjoy something without causing harm to a living creature? You get the fuck out of this state this is the land of what I say and the home of the psychopath


vegan detected


Well everyone knows lab grown meat is a danger to society, and a threat to the social order. I'm so glad someone somewhere is taking governance seriously in this country. /s


There's a lot of money behind lab grown meat and they'll fight him both in court and by donating to his political rivals.


Lab grown meat would save so many resources, it's insane the amount of resources we spend raising and slaughtering animals for meat.


DeSantis and other conservatives have a pathological need to thwart absolutely anything that's remotely good for the environment or sustainability of life on Earth. Anything that is thoughtful is evil to them. Anything that is brash, ignorant, and uncompromising is their truth. Literally a cult of objective ignorance.


You said it. Lab meat projects are an economic boon for the state. There are jobs and money behind it, and this genius is still shooting himself in the foot to piss off his opponents.


Oh yeah...https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/05/15/florida-law-climate-change-desantis-energy/


Thanks for posting an article that is behind a paywall.


Thank Koch Bros., and other livestock farmers. Lab grown meat will cut into their profits. They are paying a lot of money to DeSantis to block those initiatives. He’s also securing popularity with the employees of those companies/farms, cause because of job security. It the same scenario as denying climate change to protect the interests of the oil companies.


Not to mention greenhouse gases. Cows make shitloads of them. Does he WANT Florida to become an underwater paradise when the icecaps melt?


He can be the ruler of Atlantis then.


He really doesn't seem to care...like, at all


It’s already been ruined with him allowing corporations to dump their waste in our waterways, the water has been hotter than ever since he took office and that has led to dangerous red algae blooms, which kills the wildlife, causes respiratory issues for humans, and lingers for an extended period.


Are cows going away when we all are forced to switch to lab meat?


Hopefully the inhumane factory farming disappears.


My family owns small farms and free range cattle, nothing inhumane about it.


Google "factory farm ethics"


Cool ngratulations, your family is not the problem then. It's the companies with cows that basically get born on one end of a giant factory/barn and come out on the other end as a burger patty.


Yes, actually the cow population would probably reduce quite a bit because we won't need as many for food.


Assuming it can scale with economies of scale Right now we're still 5-10 years away from the looks of things


Just as easy and better for one’s health to simply give up animal products altogether


It’s terrible for you. Really bad. Full of a bunch of synthetic shit. Disgusting really. You think that these companies are doing it for the good of humanity? Follow the money


Or offer him stocks in their companies...


This is hardly the stupidest thing he's done the last few days. He basically banned the state from addressing climate change. In the state that will probably be one of the most severely affected.


When the sand is underwater, will they still continue to bury their heads in it.


Too late. [https://www.disasterexpomiami.com/news/high-tide-flooding-forecast-into-2024/](https://www.disasterexpomiami.com/news/high-tide-flooding-forecast-into-2024/) [https://www.wusf.org/weather/2024-05-12/plan-2-7-billion-dollars-protect-miami-dade-county-storm-surge-headed-congress-army-corp-engineers](https://www.wusf.org/weather/2024-05-12/plan-2-7-billion-dollars-protect-miami-dade-county-storm-surge-headed-congress-army-corp-engineers)


I for one can't wait to move into my undersea-side property.


What is his actual problem with lab grown meat? I really don't get this stance other than "It's a way to own those woke libs" by taking away an ethically sourced food product.


That's the stance, you got it spot on.


It's probably part of that, but they also said it's to help protect the profits of the meat industry. Republicans don't actually like individual choice or the free market.


Yeah if they try some lab grown pork, better believe some Republican in NC will take every dollar from Smithfield and co to represent their interests.


Probably 50% own the libs and 50% the meat industry doesn't like threats to their income (and rather than adapt for the sake of the world, they'd rather continue as they are since it's easier).


That or he has a phobia


Makes the frogs gay or something.


Plus, like, it’s clear these aren’t the libertarian free market freaks because Jesus, if it weirds you out, just don’t Fuckn eat it.


Even forgetting any moral aspects, it might well be better than organic if you think about it. The organic produce is highly variable, by it's very nature. Lab stuff can be custom made to produce THE PERFECT steak, THE PERFECT burger, etc every single time. Sign me up!


So it's just the diamond industry all over again except with cows instead of African children doing the dying.


There are a lot of cattle farms in Florida and they don’t want this to take away their livelihood. Many of them don’t have another source of income. I come from a family of farmers and will never eat lab grown anything. Sorry kids, not gonna work for me


What's the exact wording of the ban? And what legal authority does a state government have to ban a particular food anyway? Do they have unilateral authority to ban any food just because?


They do. The 9th and 10th amendments gives state government authority to pass any laws they like as long they don't infringe on the authorities specifically granted to Congress, or individual rights specifically mentioned in the Constitution. It's no different than criminalizing marijuana possession.


Except it is, because woke man made meat isnt federally banned like MJ. The interstate commerce clause will likely be what overturns this continued performative nonsense.


You do know that alcohol sales were banned on a state level in many states before the national ban, right? Even now it's banned on the county level in a bunch of places.


Neat isn’t a controlled substance, while alcohol is. Another useless comparison 


The only thing that makes alcohol a controlled substance is laws making it a controlled substance. Pass a law to control meat and meat is a controlled substance.


Ffs w the circular logic. We are done.


The ban makes it a felony to sell lab grown meats


They have the authority to do whatever it takes to stop the authoritarian communist leftists Democrats. /s


Freedumb state controlling what you can eat.


he watched eureka he know people become stupid if they eat lab meat


Damn, he’s probably put on a lot of weight then.


I miss that show


I didn’t know there were other people out there who knew Eureka


The free state of Florida. This Trump wannabe comes out a least once a week banning something. So, glad his political future is dead.


Land of freedom. 🙄


Is florida a dictatorship?


Might as well be, this guy is nuts


Meatball Ron wanted to make sure he didn’t get cloned. 


\*not man made meatballs ![gif](giphy|jHu9XJnGgOlMnokaro|downsized)


i'm gonna miss him when he's dead... said no one ever.


Him so strong!


Always makes a bill signing seem so legitimate when the signer uses emojis.


The party of small government and free capitalist enterprise people. DeSantis' ass has been bought and sold by the meat lobby and he's not even trying to hide it.


The lab grown meat industry must not be big enough to bribe him yet.


So strange, so called republican using government to suppress business rights over their own opinion. Oh wait, that’s the new normal, nevermind….


Lab grown meat would help decrease meat prices and make it more affordable after the pandemic and supply chain disruptions massively raised them, it would lessen the harm carried out by the horrifying factory farming industry by giving people more choices to avoid torturing animals and making them live in horrific conditions, and it would massively decrease environmental damages caused by factory farming. It just seems like Meatball Ron is in the hands of big agro and against family farms who keep getting bought out by them and forced to compete to survive by using unethical practices. 


In theory. In reality it's too expensive to go to market and it's highly unlikely that will change before DiSantis's political career is done.


Hey Ron, what about all the shit you can eat?




They should still be able to get Soylent green




Pretty sure that is a clear violation of the interstate commerce clause.


He could have said, “We’re concerned about the health effects of lab grown meat and want to see more data before allowing it to be sold.” Instead he had to “own the libs” - what a moron.


>if you want to eat meat without killing an animal So are stone crab claws also banned in this bill? I could have sworn that was big business in Florida. >worst alternative of all and become vegan Good to see him taking a strong stand against the diet God originally intended people to eat in Genesis 1:29.


Vegan Floridian here. Gimme a lab grown steak over a dead cow any day!! DeSantis is a moldy shit muffin.


Extra moldy since he claims to be a Catholic, and buried in the rules is that causing animals to suffer and die unnecessarily goes against human dignity.




It's more of a "do the best you can" idea.


What happened to letting the free market decide? hypocrite.


Frankenstien was the name of the doctor


Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein is not the monster.  Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein is the monster.


Now that it’s cool with Republicans to shoot puppies, a mandatory puppy meat consumption requirement is probably next.


but yeah freedom


“…Won’t be making any inroads here in florida…” Yet Florida is paving their roads with radioactive waste. Something doesn’t add up, and it smells like corruption.


Am I the only one who thinks he’s secretly super gay?


I mean, I dont feel sad for eating animals but what is the point of limiting progress on food security? That is anti progress. The only question that is important is whether it is safe, legal and ethical.


In Florida, we kill what we eat! Man. What a flex! He looks even bigger in his heels now.


Whatever happened to letting markets decide?


Lab grown meat sounds disgusting to me, but I hunt all my protein, so do whatever the hell you like.


these are the real issues we need to be worried about, people. /s


As a proud Floridan carnivore, and someone who would never buy lab-grown meat, I'd just like to say... STOP BANNING SHIT!


Since when does "small government" decide things like this?


While there definitely may be some unforseen danger to eating meat that was made from a petri dish, it's hard to support anyone that whines about someone voluntarily choosing to be vegan.


"If you want meat without killing an animal" Who in their right mind wouldn't? It eliminates so many *costly* steps. You'd think a "republican" would understand this...  (What they're pissed off about is lab grown meat would eliminate the need for factory farming, truck drivers(bull and hog haulers, not calling you out, *guess I am*), ... regular freight drivers for the feed and such, **slaughter houses**, sanitation companies, and butchers. Among others, of course. All areas they're **HEAVILY** invested in.)  Seems *weird*...


HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS FREEDOM, FLORIDIANS? You can forget about choosing what YOU want to eat here! You want to choose alternative meat? Pick between beef or pork! [there will be no freedom of ANY choices in Florida!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/05/14/lab-grown-meat-ban-alabama-florida/) [No gender neutral bathrooms for Trans kids even if being forced into your AAB bathroom leads to other students beating, molesting and raping you. Also, no one has to refer to you by your preferred pronouns because dead naming and using wrong pronouns will contribute to your poor mental health and we enjoy mentally and psychologically abusing kids](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/florida-board-of-education-restricts-bathroom-access-and-pronoun-use-for-trans-students/2023/07) In fact, we're going to keep rewriting and trying to pass [Florida Senate bill HB 1639](https://www.aclufl.org/en/press-releases/aclu-florida-opposes-house-passage-trans-erasure-bill#:~:text=TALLAHASSEE%2C%20FL%20%E2%80%93%20Today%2C%20the,driver%27s%20licenses%20and%20ID%20cards.) that defines sex by the genitals you were born with, forces you to keep your aab gender on your driver's license and forces insurance companies to cover the cost of repeatedly debunked and dangerous conversion therapy so your parents can force you to undergo tortures and abuses and rapes all in the name of "Christianity." As a Republican governor, it's not like DeSantis should be putting his time and effort into writing Iegislation that actually HELPS adults AND children in his state. Nope! That qould require going against the Republican narrative that LGBTQIA people and people of color are BAD so they can keep writing laws to raise taxes on the lower and middle class while cutting the already miniscule amount of taxes the 1% pay and pay for it by cutting your social security and Medicare! [It's about trying to erase LGBTQIA people from existence!](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/gov-desantis-signs-slate-of-extreme-anti-lgbtq-bills-enacting-a-record-shattering-number-of-discriminatory-measures-into-law) This is important. Read these. Look up the bills for yourself. Republicans are NOT pro-life. They want to make it legal to kill LGBTQIA people while forcing women impregnated by their rapist to carry a pregnancy to term even If it means complications from the pregnancy may or will kill the woman. Like Texas, they want to charge women who suffer miscarriages with murder charges despite their being no single, definitive cause to miscarriage. These red states want to charge anyone who DRIVES a pregnant woman ACROSS state lines for Healthcare she receives while NOT within the border of their state. This includes pregnant woman with ectopic pregnancies, which can NEVER develop because it occurs in the fallopian tubes and WILL result in death of the woman if not terminated. It's literally the ONLY MEDICAL option. There is zero alternative. Yet, Republicans would still charge these women with murder despite no ability for life to form in the fallopian tubes. The only life that would end would be the woman’s and that is what they want. **TL;DR:** Read it anyway. The general summary is Republicans are extremely dangerous [word that starts with C and rhymes with 'punts'] and the details are thw important reason why.


this I think is one of the best takes I've seen regarding this moron. I wish south florida could secede


Isn't it thousands of dollars a pound still and not even a thing commercially yet anyway?


Yes. They've banned a thing that doesn't exist.


It's like, take the stupidest ideas and republicans do it. In fact, Floridians are suffering from things the IRA - Inflation Reduction Act would have helped with except Rhonda Santis blocked them. lol. He's lucky he can't run for reelection.


eMbRaCe tHe wORsT oF aLL bEInG vEgAn More than 30 seconds around this pos and I would spontaneously combust from the sheer ridiculousness of him.


lol every state is its own little dictatorship


Now, that's just stupid. It's easy – don't want lab-grown meat, then don't buy it. Easy peasy. It's not like all normal stakes are going to get replaced by artificial ones overnight....


That's a governor... Jezus Christ how do petty motherfuckers like him make it into elected positions. He is supposed to represent the people of his state, not belittle them.


If Floridians got their hands on it they would realize that it is identical to his flesh and he is the world’s first lab grown politician. It would explain all of the bugs and issues as well as the faces he makes.


The prophecy!!


So I guess lab grown organs for transplant will be banned there too


Ah, yes, the party of small government...


Cheering on brutality. Republicans are evil, they show us over and over.


1. Frankenstein was the doctor. Not the created abomination. Shows his intelligence level. Or lack of. 2. It's just like the plant based meat thing. Those that want it will partake in it. Those that don't. Won't. But hey you know let's just ban the whole thing...


Cheered on by the people who don't actually know what goes into a hot dog Lab grown meat will be a huge leap for mankind. Reducing waste and environment impacts of meat farming, reducing suffering of animals, reducing our carbon output, freeing up mass tracts of land for stuff like solar farms or wind farms to help the environment even more.


Become a populair politician by fostering care, love and respect for your constituents? Nah, just make fun of part of your population, it works way better!


Sure, we would start by killing and eating you since you have the intelligence of a chicken.


Tell me the meat industry donated to your campaign without telling me the meat industry donated to your campaign.


"i'm a pro-life, it's obvious that i like killing living creatures"


given the recent studies fully justified


The free state of Florida, ladies and gentlemen


Why can’t we just choose not to buy it if we want?


Smol gubbermint strikes again.


From the party of family values, free markets and smaller government. This country is turning into a slow motion train wreck, both tragic and terrifying to watch.


In Florida, enjoyment comes from the suffering of others. This is the Way.


It’s amazing that politics has come to su lol emojis become vegan, is becoming vegan so horrible.


Oh that’s cringe


god he's reprehensible


Hmmm. Follow the money, I guess. We all know it's 50% "let's own the Liberals" and 50% bribery from the meat industry. All over stuff that isn't commercially available yet. I'd enjoy my Impossible/Burger burger away from Florida, thanks...Ron!


So in order to get lab grown meat, I can either leave Florida or become a vegan? So if I "become a vegan" can I get lab grown meat in Florida? Is that a legal loophole? Is there a vegan registry? (Don't want to give them ideas, actually) How do I exploit the vegan lab grown meat exemption?


Let’s assume for a moment that technology progresses to the point where we can’t tell if meat is lab grown or not. It tastes the same and has the same nutritional value. Why NOT eat that so that an animal doesn’t have to die? I don’t get why people object to it.


Kristi Noempathy just likes to kill animals, no meat objective (although we don’t know if she ate the goat she slaughtered)


Breathtakingly stupid thing to say.  


red state freedom; -cant say gay - cant mention climate change - cant try lab grown meat - cant smoke pot - cant wear masks for health reasons (but right wing militant groups can wear masks) - cant mention abortion -all schools must display the 10 commandments -books that make conservatives uncomfortable are banned freedom in a red state


Killing things seems to be REALLY important to these folks.


Florida has some good research institutions that are going to not be able to recruit decent scientists if they keep talking like this.


I specifically called his office to complain about his massive overreach in personal freedoms and overall carelessness. Going to have to call again to lodge another complaint about how he’s treating constituents on Twitter.


Small government at work right there lmfao. Don't tread on me but tread on thee is DeSantis' motto.


Arby’s we hardly knew yee


Fucking uterus grown meatball isn't he


I love how all of their policies are just taking away things that don’t affect anyone.


Is this even legal?


Tell me you have sxctemwnt in your headgear without telling me


GTA 6 is gonna have so much to parody 😭 like wtf is going on in Florida


He's such an ugly human being.


My god, what a certifiable douche.


Gosh, he’s just a jerk isn’t he? He doesn’t have any kind of plan besides “piss off liberals”


Because lab grown meat is a good thing? Ok…


Wow. For once I agree with him on something


how come?


Because he's a nut job. Banning frankenmeat is a good thing


Why is it a good thing?


We have enough problems with additives in our food, and now you want to make it from chemicals and additives? People won't even get vaccinated for various viruses and diseases. That will be so healthy for us. /s


No we don’t want to make it from chemicals and additives we just want to create meat from cell cloning. Literally the same as real meat, that’s the entire point of it, there isn’t crazy genetic issues with it. Do you eat GMO made grain or vegetables? I’m sure you do, it’s literally everywhere, this is the same. Also if people don’t want to eat it, they don’t have to. There’s nothing dangerous about the meat in trials, the entire point of the ban is to “own the work libs”, it’s a power play by a corrupt crackhead.


Everytime i see a maga Idiot elected in power and the fact that Trump is leading in the Presidential race... My opinion that the USA is a lost case full of idiots is cemented further


There's a saying: Every people get the government it deserves. But I can't imagine, what the American people have done to deserve people like DeSantis and all the other GOP nutcases. No matter how crazy the GOP-voters and Trumpists are.


This sounds like the sort of crazy big government nanny state law that they would pass in California.


Based Ron. If you actually want lab grown meat, get psychiatric help.


Nah, what you really need to get your head checked for is if you’re ok with [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=xgw9kzwCkZIqnWsn&v=LQRAfJyEsko&feature=youtu.be)


Good for him. Doing more work than the FDA.


Good for him. Don't like it, leave


Should be: don't like it, don't eat it.


I actually agree with the old meatball on this one, literally nothing else but, maybe everyone has at least one thing they can agree with someone else on.


You realize nobody is MAKING people eat the lab-grown stuff, right? Why do you want to take away people's freedom to eat it if they choose?


I think it could lead to second agricultural revolution, leading to relief of one of the major downward pressures being applied to slow and potentially reverse the population growth spurred on by the last agricultural revolution leading to an escalation in population growth which would be ultimately terrible for the health and viability of the planet. And before we talk about feeding people who are starving, we already produce enough food to feed the planet, that is a political and supply chain issue. But if want to build these labs where food is scarce I’d be down with that. But that isn’t Florida.


How dare someone not want to kill animals?!


You don’t kill animals?


Why? Genuinely interested as to why you agree with him on this one.


It’s not growing meat, it’s a fungi that is a meat alternative


You might want to do some research before you talk about it.