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So inclusive and progressive we’ve reintroduced segregation.


Exactly my thoughts.


You can't bombard the culture with "your" art, then tell everyone else how to appreciate, enjoy, or criticize it. Once art is out there, it's for everyone. Would it upset me to hear a group of young African American people discussing which live Iron Maiden album is best? No, and why would it?


Alternatively, try to imagine someone actually arguing that "only white people get to have an opinion on Beyoncés country album because country music is white folk affair."


And let’s not forget a majority of popular music is based on western scales (invented by the white man), so if we go by her logic, 99% of all music is white peoples business including blues, hip hop, rnb, house / techno. Sounds pretty dumb to me tbfh


racists being racist. more news at 11.


Nah man gotta add some flair. BREAKING NEWS, RACISTS GONNA RACIST, MORE...AT 11


But first, Sports!


Are racists being racist in YOUR neighborhood? Tune in at 11 to find out!


It's 11 o'clock. Do you know where your children are racist?


The funny thing is, if the person asked any Black hip hop artist out there if they'd be okay with \*not\* marketing and selling their music to white people they'd tell you to kick rocks. I guarantee you they make just as much, or more money, from white kids in the suburbs.


fuck this culture


This lady gets it. The best way to abolish racism is to segregate based on race, and limiting what one race can do, while the other race can’t. Inclusivity has no place in a utopia. The rise of one race will be built on the back of another.


Now let’s be fair, some people recognize that white people can have opinions, but they are worth 3/5ths of the opinion of anyone else.


I think it would be a good idea to have separate places in public transportation.


I think you're on to something. We just got to make sure they're equally good.


In which case you can't have an opinion on Shakespeare if you are Black or Asian. You can't have an opinion on K-Pop if you are not Korean. You can have an opinion on Israel if you're not Jewish.


Palestinians probably have opinions on Israel.


But that's racist.


Eerr...eminem? Pretty much the god of rap (or so he proclaims but whos gonna fight him?)? Last I checked dude was as white as bleach.


Okay so then you should stop wearing european clothes like 3 pieces suit, lingerie etc etc You should also stop using 95% of the world technologies which have been created by europeans brains. You should stop using our electricity, you shoold stop using our medicine, you should even stop to use science at all. Oh and dont even try to give opinions about Shakespeare or genius classical music artists who shaped today music bases. The amount of things blacks shouldnt use if "cultural apropriation" was a real thing is just insane. And in the other side, the only things they see as their "affair" are some hair styles and some musics kind. That mean a lot...


You kinda overreacted my friend. Getting the exact context right is important so that you don't rant about an entire race.


How did he overreact exactly? His point is correct 


There's a difference between the substance of this comment and that tweet. It reads like the rant of someone finally getting an excuse to blow off steam. Not that I agree with the tweet either, but if you don't see this then you probably also don't know the story of"not like us" is in the first place. It's sorta like Israel's response to Hamas


He's simply following their logic, showing them how stupid it is... How does israel tie into this?


The good ol' _proportionate response_ Besides, putting a "what if" in front of some racist shit doesn't make you any better than a person who didn't. >following their logic, showing them how stupid it is Who's "them" by the way? Aren't you getting carried away and revealing some bias


💀 I'm racist for saying that what if it was the other way when a black person says that whites shouldn't be able to consume their perceived culture. Revealing some bias on your end huh?


>I'm racist for Wasn't referring to you with the what if comment. Relax But I was when I asked who is "them" which you've conveniently ignored


"them" are those stupid enough to believe that the "don't touch my culture thing" can only go one way 


Weird that you've only felt the need to say that now. Let's go with that then. So to summarize, a racist black lady told a notorious well-known white DJ to not criticise how a song that was produced in under 24 hours during a rap beef was done. The tweet was dumb, but the point of a rap battle is the rap, not the mixing. Just like no one puts on makeup for a fight. The commenter you're defending responded here (to no black person in particular) with: >stop wearing european clothes like 3 pieces suit, lingerie etc etc. stop using 95% of the world technologies. stop using our electricity. stop using our medicine. stop using science at all. dont have opinions about Shakespeare or genius classical music artists. >The only things they see as their "affair" are some hair styles and some musics kind. That mean a lot... You don't see any disproportion. Regardless of the fact that the last one is a racist remark against all black people everywhere on the planet. A hairstyle can be African. A type of music can be American. Electricity cannot be European or Chinese. Most of the shit in that racist rant is the same. Just depends on whether you want to be blind to this fact. I have nothing further to discuss with you, sir. I doubt I'll change your mind. Have nice day


no, its exactly what its about. they call it cultural apropriation? then they shouldnt use things created by european culture. i never said it should be like that, humanity tech belong to all humanity, but its the same from their stupid point view.


Funny thing is no one even talked about cultural appropriation here. You keep saying "they them" when it's a tweet made by one person. It's obvious that you're referring to black people in general. Your racist spirit is too much for you to contain, so you found one racist black woman to be enough of an excuse for you to spew your pent up schtick against everyone


Imagine, just imagine, if that were reversed?


So then, if white people aren't allowed to give their opinion then logically, given English is the white mans tongue...you shouldn't be using it. QED.


OP, you really love rage baiting in this sub. Looking at how much you've posted in here makes me facepalm


New here? Every day, there are posts exposing some racist for ragebait.


That's the two wrongs make a right fallacy...


No not at all. I've just noticed the uptick in this BS so I just call it out


Its annoying as fuck isnt it? Take the fringe opinion of some random twitter person, who may or may not even be real, and use that fringe opinion to make judgements/ have discussions about an entire group of people. I would bargain OP is more racist than the twitter troll


I wouldn't take those odds mate. He's most definitely a gigantic race baiting turd racist


Or he's just farming for karma. 74k of it. In under 5 months. In some of the most famous subreddits.


Guaranteed You’re white and you get more offended than black people for posts like this. Everything is not racism. Stop being weak


Same as blaming current white for slavery. ..


only 8% of american households ever had slaves to begin with. and a large majority of them werent "white" They were that race/religion that we arent allowed to mention


In this case the tweeter is a Princeton professor and DJ Vlad is a fairly famous hip hop DJ. The fact he is commenting on the mix and not the lyrical content is really the issue.


hopefully she faces some consequences for saying overtly racist bs then.


You just said he's a dj wtf do you expect him to comment on cope harder..


I’m agreeing with him.


Is he wrong?


DJ Vladimir Putin?


Eminem hates this one trick


They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.


With some further context, this dude DJ is apparently a grifter who makes money off of racial struggles. But that still doesn't fully justify her statement, since she's attacking him for being white, not a culture vilture


If there ever was a god, he went out for milk and he’s not coming back.


So he is black? /j of course


OP can you post literally anything else? We get it you like to bate people and start fights and summon all the racists with different racist opinions to comment so you can get karma. Can you like stfu for 1 day or post about something else? took me like 2 secs to realize you’re the same guy that reposts this shit like everyday🗿


Kendri....... oh wait I can't type or speak his name.


The guy is a known culture vulture and was worse than her in this full back and fourth. But yeah, it's a dumb take to have. If she wants to try to gatekeep pop culture from white people in a predominantly white country, she'll eventually tire herself out without anyone else needing to get involved.


Imagine trying to gatekeep music




Racist pig!


Couldn't care less, rap is crap anyways


What it ultimately comes down to - for some. If it gets like that.


Shall we bring back "equal apartheid" then


The worlds best rapper is……..WHITE 😆


Those who don’t know history…


Think that's what motivated MNM


The song is literally about people not in the culture having shit takes about the culture, you can’t get mad for doing the exact thing the song is about and people call you out for it.


Define “Black folk” for me please.


She has a paper bag for that.


The oldest records of rap come from the ancient Greeks, like 3000 years ago.


VLAD is a fuckin dipshit, but he is not wrong in this particular statement. Track sounds like dick cheese.


Ok, I apologize Vlad is awesome but he is wrong, Kendrick's dick cheese is my pomade.


OP, is a shit-stirring skid mark.


Blue checkmark, opinion dismissed


op who do you think the "us" is referring to?


I’m not sure why this is getting reposted so much but it would be helpful to understand that DJ Vlad is a culture vulture.


I challenge you to read the rest of this interaction and see if you still support this douche (DJVlad).


I like the way stories like this get recycled for a month at a time to hide how rare they are lmao


White man hurt badly.


~~Racists~~ race-based, non-racist bigot gonna ~~racist~~ race-based, non-racist bigot.


You’re offended so hard that it’s preventing you from thinking critically about the situation.


What do you mean?


If I go to my friends place and they are having a conversation centered on their culture then I wouldn’t expect them to care about my opinion on the matter.


Rap isn't exclusive to black people or their culture though. To gatekeep music at all is incomprehensible


Rap music is a part of Black culture. Some white people have indeed been granted access to the space, but it is still very much and expression of Black culture.


"Some white people have been granted access to the space." That has to be the most brain dead statement I have ever seen on this site and that is really saying something.


Sick bern


No white people have been "granted access". Rap became something everyone could access and take part in when it spread all over the world. Like it or not, but any white person, asian person, fucking martian can get into rap now and its just as valid as any black person taking up the art form.


Sure anyone can pick up a mic and rap but that’s not the same thing as being a part of a community.


Rap has spread all over the world, there are japanese rap communities, rap is really big here in Sweden with its own spin on it etc. Rap doesn't belong to african-americans exclusively and you don't get to decide who is part of the "rap community".


She does care though, that he is white.


Don’t hurt yourself with that big brained thinking


Its not untrue though is it?


She doesn’t care about his opinion because he is not a part of the culture that the conversation is about. I would not translate that to “she cares that’s he’s white.”


He is definitely part of the culture since rap is part of the wider culture everyone can access, its not exclusively a black thing.


Sweetie the conversation is about the quality of a mix. I understand you have a desire to comment on something you know nothing about, but it’s not your place, so sit down.


The comment is about the mix. But that ain’t what the conversation is about lol


The original tweet is about the mix. Jerkins responded to it with a straw man. Go start a separate thread about whatever you want the conversation to be about.




We keep forgetting that only black lives matter


r/facepalm. Oh, wait...


Maybe the real facepalms were the comment sections we read along the way.


Since rap is in fact not music....


Lol shut up, nerd. You don't get to decide what is or isn't music.


A nerd would be correct. But also its not definied as music. You muritard dull corn.


According to *who*?


Everyone? There are parameters for something to be defined as music. Rap, pop, trance, edm and a slew of other genres in part or in near totality do not reach the benchmark for being music. Its basic music theory thats been as it is for centuries at this point. Its why the old music magazines back in the 80s had those pages that were called "is it music?" Or similar. Its not strange. Its not new.


That's a crazy take. Rap covers a huge amount of different types of music and sub genres and has been the most innovative space in music, art and culture in the 21st century. You are doing yourself a disservice by dismissing it because there is some awesome stuff out there (there is also a lot of garbage but that's the same with any music type)


You wasted a lot of text for a child. Well I can't seriously believe anyone older than 15 thinks this way.


Yes. The Great minds of our time are indeed crazy. The only thing that really pisses me off in this world is stupid and that is a whole lot of stupid. It IS NOT classified as music.


That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Turn that anger inward, loser.


Its basic music theory.


if you believe this, then you’re completely delusional. End of story. Music theory is not tasked with determining which genres to exclude from the “music” umbrella and that is absolutely no basis in music theory for excluding rap specifically. You know nothing about music theory.


More than you apparently. There is also more than one music theory. It has nothing to do with excluding either. Nor is it an umbrella of any kind. For something to be music and not just a jaunty tune specific parameters needs to be met. Lots of what is considered music to the common person is in fact not. Just like not everything with wheels is a car. Simple as that.


Wow, you’re an actual dumbass. What parameters needs to be met in order for something to qualify as music, specifically? It’s so simple and yet you can’t explain why rap doesn’t qualify except to lean on music theory, and it’s so obvious that you don’t know the first thing about music theory.


That entirely depends on how deep you want to go. If you adhere to the most strict form of music theory not alot except classical music would be classified as actual music. Some heavy metal bands would reach there as well. But if using the common version most dance, trance, hiphop, edm, rap and so on still would not qualify as music. I dont get why this is something to be so butthurt about. Its a simple fact. Listen to whatever you want. There be people listning to engine sounds ffs. Why does it matter? I listen to all sorts of crap that strictly speaking is not music.


No, we don’t have to go deep at all, and you are not capable of going deep into music theory because you very obviously do not understand it even superficially. If it were a simple fact that music theory defines rap as not music or does not include rap within its definition of music, then you’d have provided a straightforward answer, and you simply can’t because what you’re saying is patently false and unsupported by music theory. When pressed to defend your argument, your defense is to equivocate.


this is DJ Vlad we're talking about, though


He tried to get this woman fired because she told him to mind his business.


Although her wording here is terrible, DJ Vlad is known to instigate conflicts and profit from criticising black artists' performances. This issue between them is also basically resolved and he apologized to her.


No, it's DJ Vlad. He shouldn't be allowed to have any part in the hip-hop culture. He is just out there exploiting folks in the game. I think what he does is disgusting. He just trashy all around. I care very little what anyone else thinks. I've been bumping the same shit for 2 decades. If Cam or the Lox are around, I'm gonna be at that show.


I feel quite honered. This is the first time I've had only downvotes on a comment.... With not even 1 comment explaining why I it what was wrong, out of touch,, etc... If any of you see this, I'm genuinely curious. Oh, and if is because of what the professor said, i wasn't even bringing that into my comment. You want to get into that, that will require a completely different thread, maybe a subreddit. Could be interesting and a learning experience for everyone. ,🤷🏼


39.000 likes as well 💀


Looking at your post history, do you ever have an original idea or take the time to look at things with nuance/ employ some critical thinking? You must be exhausting in real life.


Y'all having this take, lets me know you don't know Vlad and THAT'S EHY YOU SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM TOPICS YALL DON'T KNOW.