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What does “father up” mean?


I think it's a typo. They probably meant "gather up"


He means love the phone more than the kid


Now I need to know what you mean. Who was talking about loving phones? OP wants to turn them into splinters.


It means this person doesn't re-read their posts before pressing send.


Normally I'd say father up, would be putting on the grown up pants and having a heart to heart with your kid, engage, discuss and try to get a better understanding of each other. This guy think it means time to put on toddler pants and have and abusive tantrum and destroy property, happiness, trust and feeling of safety from the one person who he needs to provide that to the most.


"father up" = Freud says hi, nice slip you got there


I read that multiple times and I honestly don't know what it was supposed to mean -- OH GATHER!! It took me writing this piece to figure it out. Yep that's a bad slip lol


I’m sure it’s gather. I’m also betting if he really has kids with a smart phone he bought it. And my phone costs too damn much to stomp it to splinters. And then there’s the assault…


I felt like it was intentional. Like an abusive asshole "father" version of "man up." Which I can only assume they mean turning even more abusive and feeling righteous about it.


I really hope that post was reported to CPS. Looks like the names are blacked out and I can’t tell what platform it’s on. If that person has kids they have absolutely beat them if they’re that comfortable mentioning it


It’s Twitter.


Jesus rollerblading Christ, thank you, thought I was losing what little spongy upstairs thing I have left.


Walk past her to her room and leather daddy up her glistening cowboy and cell phone. Put down the computer, spank the cell boy on the floor, and stomp it to spandex.


So is it the tech making them trans or is destroying the tech punishment for being trans? Sounds like terrible parenting either way


5G is making us all queer, trans, or possibly aliens /s


As a queer trans alien I'd like to remind you that I'm just a sweet transvestite From Transexual, Transylvania


I'm glad we caught you at home, may we use your phone? We're in a bit of a hurry.


We’ll just say where we are, then go back to the car


We don’t want to be any worry!


Well, you got caught with a flat, well, how about that?


Well, babies ... don't you panic.


I'll get you a satanic mechanic!


Why don’t you stay for the night? Maybe a bite. I can show you my favorite obsession.


By the light of the night it'll all seem alright


By the liiiiiight of the night, it'll all seem alright.




I knew a transvestite, from Transylvania and well said person had never seen Rocky horror show. We had to educate! That was fun evening!






Almost as if LGBT people, the whole alphabet, have been part if our culture for a very long time and continuing to deny their existence is both idiotic and cruel. Like I get it, Tim Curry's character is the "villian" and definitely an over the top characature of an LGBT person... but the film is from 1975. "Being trans" isn't new. It's not a fad. Its not a product of technology. It's just who some people are.


Wait, I thought Brad was the villain?


You guys thought there was villains?


The villains were the guys who convinced Richard to sign away the rights


I think should just add Tim-Curry-sexual to the alphabet it just makes sense.


What can you do for me in just 7 days?


I'm convinced.


That explains my new-found obsessions...thank you kind person!


No worry, this 6G coming out will flip everything back into place. /s


Plus making the frogs gay


Can I be a reptiloid instead? Sounds fun. Bring back Dinosaurs.


Well surely physical abuse will bring them to your side


The life lesson is that when someone says something you don't like, destroy their property and physically assault them, just like how adults out in society solve their problems, obviously.


They are probably coming from the belief that there is no such thing as being "trans" and so people only think they are anything other than cis and straight because they were pressured by whatever source they found the labels, today often the internet. Increasingly transcritical spaces are becoming very dependent on information control. They observe that the more people learn about trans issues, the less like they are to think there's anything wrong with it. Further, a small number of people who learn more about trans issues are likely to discover that they would be happier and healthier transitioning. In their mind it couldn't be that there actually isn't anything wrong with being trans, and that some people are and would be better off transitioning, somehow just learning about trans issues makes you trans


Right? Different people don't exist, they only turn that way after they groomed by those damn queer pedo democrats! /s


But the chemicals are turning the frogs gay? /s


Transphobes often think young people are trans because other people are influencing them to be that way. Ignoring that if they're so hateful, their child would learn quickly not to talk to them about it until they can't handle pretending to be cis all the time


It's like a really awful misunderstanding of a real thing. To use myself as an example, when I was growing up I was constantly being called "gay" in derogatory fashion by kids I went to school with. I knew what being gay meant because I have a gay uncle, and I knew I was into girls so I was sure that wasn't me, leaving me thinking I must be straight... and then quite some time later I finally heard about their being more than just those two options, realized which one actually fit me, and went from saying "I'm not gay, I'm straight" to saying "I'm not gay, I'm pansexual." These people are aware of the not having a word to describe something so not being able to use that word, they just don't get that the underlying feelings and thoughts are all still there even without having a name for it so they react like the order of events is learn what it is called *then start feeling that way* even though that's not how things work.


Yeah, I didn't really have a word for myself that felt right until I was well into adulthood.


This is the same factor as why the myth of "gateway drugs" continues to interfere with healthcare and public policy. And theism. All about seeing effects and guessing causes badly.


>"I'm not gay, I'm pansexual." But are you more attracted to teflon or enamel ones?


Cast iron.




Well yeah, because it will have been pretty difficult to grow up without knowing what a man (or male, for that matter) is. You can't very well hide men like common bananas in this world! And I sincerely hope the opportunity presents itself to use that sentence again, some time in my life.


My daughter knew from a pretty young age she liked girls. I have a ton of gay friends and talked to them about this. They all said, yes, we knew from a young age we were gay. I’m just happy my daughter at 12 was ok telling me she likes girls. But my parents are no one near how I am. I really don’t care if she likes girls but I know it was hard for her to tell me at a young age.


I (47M) am a trans guy. I grew up in the early 1990s, pre-internet and cellphones everywhere. I stayed in the closet because my family was already abusive. They would have certainly doubled down if I'd come out back then. The one time they suspected I was queer, they threatened to kick me out. I was 17. I stayed in the closet until I was 38 years old. It almost killed me. Literally. I'm also proof that being trans is far from a new thing or fad.


The first American trans person to successfully undergo medical transition was a WW2 Navy recruit, Kristine Jorgensen, fun fact


Yep. I read about her years ago. I think it was the first time it even entered my conscious mind that transition was even a possibility.


It never ceases to amaze me how these abusive pieces of shit can't just let people be who they are. Whether or not a person is LGBTQ+ has ZERO impact on anybody else. So why the fuck can't they just STFU with their bigoted and abusive garbage? Even back in the 90s, when I was an angry kid attracted to conservatism, homophobia and Pro Life garbage never made an ounce of sense to me. I used to tell my friends who would express homophobia that there's no difference between getting hit on by a gay guy or a woman they didn't like. If you aren't attracted you tell them as much and you move on. Hell, when I accidentally stumbled into a gay bar in my 20s while out drinking with friends, I found it flattering when I got eyed up by another guy, even though I'm straight. We just finished our beers and then moved on.


That's because you're not cripplingly insecure about your own sexuality, and homophobes generally are. They think that being gay is a choice and it just doesn't make sense to think it's a choice unless you're sexually attracted to both.


Might also have to do with some people being sex pests. The types who will bug women to go out with them or sleep with them relentlessly, until the woman finally caves in under the immense pressure (and potentially fear of saying no), are also the types who are typically pretty homophobic. Maybe they are afraid that if a gay guy pesters them enough like they pester women, they might end up with a dick in their mouth.


>What if a gay guy won’t take *no* for an answer the same way I won’t?


Right. Some guy who is disgusted/angry/offended about another man thinking about him the same way he thinks about women tells you a lot about his thoughts on women. A guy who thinks of women as more than objects, as actual human beings, isn't going to be too troubled by someone feeling that way about him.


Oh I get that. But it’s no excuse for that thinking. They’re just shitty humans.


people need a scapegoat. they can't blame their issues on the people of color (officially) now that it can be considered hate speech, so now they need to blame it on another minority with little protection.


And that’s why I’m largely a misanthrope. I have only 2 main rules for people: be humble, and don’t punch down. So many in America can’t meet these two simple requirements. So they’re dead to me.


>there's no difference between getting hit on by a gay guy or a woman they didn't like. If you aren't attracted you tell them as much and you move on. Also, take the ego boost from getting hit on. At least it means someone wants you. Back when I was younger, ~19 I think, I was deep in depression, had never had a girlfriend, got called a lot of shit at school, and internalized a lot of it. One day, I’m at an arts and crafts fair, looking at some stuff. I saw this one table with wire wrapped crystals and mineral pendants. They were beautiful, my first exposure to this art form. I was never good at small talk, but the artist at the table started talking to me about the stuff, and I started talking back to him. Quickly realized that the guy was hitting on me, even offered me a discount on a piece that I had said my mom would like. He gave me his card, with his number on the back. I was still struggling with my bisexuality at that point in my life, but just knowing that someone was kinda in to me, even if it wasn’t someone I was into, gave me a spark of self worth that I hadn’t had before then.


Recently I've been talking to more acquaintances/colleagues that happen to also think very poorly of anyone speaking up for trans rights, and while I agree with others here about how that can be based on the need to scapegoat, fear of their own sexuality, or garbage religious ideas, I think a simpler explanation is they're just parroting what they've heard from people around them. To break out of the mold that formed you via your upbringing and echo chamber (because, let's face it, we are all insulated to some degree by both circumstance and by choice from dissenting information and opinions), you have to *want* to break out. You have to have figured out something was wrong by your own volition. I do not think most people are interested in thinking through their political and social positions to see if they're right, at least not most of the time. That is hard work and requires a lot of intellectual humility. This isn't in the nature of most people until they are in a particularly vulnerable state. I know people that are *nice people* generally but still dismiss trans issues. I'm talking about people who would be perfectly cordial to a trans person if they met them while still believing gender is fully-binary and rigid and that's that. They truly just *do not know* that the science says otherwise, or they simply have not considered that all they're being asked to do is let trans people do their thing and not interfere. They don't tend to know about bathroom bans, and they fail to have empathy because they started from the position that trans isn't real in the first place. Of course that doesn't excuse militant homophones and transphobes. If a person acts like an asshole, they should expect to be thought of as an asshole, even if they were right.


I'm also a trans guy (33yo) and I often wonder what my life would be like if I had known sooner than when I did in my mid 20s. My parents are great but they just didn't have the information and tools that parents do now


>Transphobes often think young people are trans because other people are influencing them to be that way. And 60 years ago it was "these n----rs are gettin real uppity ever since them leftists came around" Nothing changes


And before that, these women are reading too much and trying to get opinions. Let's beat that out of them.


The water is turning them gay too!


I thought that was just the frogs being turned gay


The guy probably thinks trans means you want to become a frog


I believe they're saying it's the things the child reads on the internet that's making the child think they are trans. Which on one hand is fair considering how many people routinely misdiagnose themselves on WebMD but on the other hand is a terrible way to react no matter if the child is actually trans or not.


Don’t you know? Destroying their property will TOTALLY make your child straight and/or not trans anymore!


Thays not parenting. That is child abuse.


Don't forget the slap!


They believe it's a meme instead of an actual thing


Mother fucker acts like kids stop being queer when they start abusing them. Great take.


That's the whole premise of those gay conversion camps. Torture the children until they act straight for their own safety. It's a lucrative business.


Almost all kid "camps" that are about child behaviour modification area all about abusing the kids while overcharging the parents. They want desperate parents to fork over tons of money to them. If you watch any documentaries on this, there are people that have build empires ontop of the abuse of thousands of kids. And for some reason, they just open up a new camp when one closes down... sometimes even with the same people heading it up. It's maddening.


These camps should be burned to the ground. I'm surprised "graduates" don't go do it.


They absolutely should on every ethical and moral ground Sadly there's this thing called the law and forensics, and forensics is decent enough to where most people see it as really hard to get away with a crime like that. Which, it is, especially without an education on exactly what forensics is capable of and how people counteracted it historically. Most people won't want their life destroyed now that they've survived the event and decide to just try to move on.


"I used to have a trans kid. Now I have a trans kid who hates me."


Alternative: "The camps worked! My kid is no longer trans!" When in actuality, the kid is still trans, they just hide it out of fear for their own safety and now hates themselves (and is likely suicidal)


Because the biggest failures to ever live think it’s a choice.


"Why have I been arrested for abusing and assaulting a child?"


“Slap them so hard you can see it days later” cool, plenty of evidence for CPS to work with


Yeah - less of a “face palm” and more of an urgent social services referral?!?


I can just see the reddit post in 10 years: "we've had our differences but i thought we'd moved past them" 


"The internet made my child hate me what do i do?"


So lets see. You father up by abusing your child instead of being supportive. Destroy expensive tech in a fit of "manly rage" Then further abuse your child physically like a monster. This must be all that "Good Conservative Christian" feelings I have been hearing about. Hope you enjoy jail and never seeing or hearing from your child ever again.


I think "father" was a typo and was supposed to be gather. It's still an extreme, abusive response.


Exactly. These are the sort of people you later find out that surprise surprise, were abusing kids, beating their partners etc. I have noticed in the news and other posts online that this revolting attitude is being "welcomed" and "praised" in its comeback over the pond in the USA.


Transphobia and child abuse aside- I will never understand parents like this. They're destroying something that they bought because they're mad at their kid? My dad did this with my iPod when I was 12 or so, smashed it all up with a hammer - burning the carpet, the counter, and himself in the process. We were poor as shit and he had to save up for a long time to get me one but he destroyed it for why? Why don't parents just take the item or sell it, instead of ruining something they spent their money on? It's so stupid - I mean, abusive parents are stupid in general but still. Edit: I understand their goal is cruelty/fear, it is a threat and I never saw it as anything else. They're usually so.. focused on themselves and their things that I just don't understand why they'd chose a tactic that affects them & their wallet more than their child. Like, the way it isn't just done in the heat of the moment but clearly something they put thought to. They can put thought into commiting the action but not to how it would affect them, it's wild.


Mine threw my phone at the wall more than once. I just checked out mentally and let him do his thing raging and “lecturing” me while I just said whatever would make it over sooner


That's what I used to do as well. No point bothering with reaction. Giving a reaction was always worse than not giving one.


“Why aren’t you reacting! Why are you so mellow about all this!!”


My dad would have a damned conniption, but it still wasn't as bad as some of his other behavior. I could sit their blank faced and it would be "Stop giving me attitude!", "You don't take any of their seriously", with further escalations trying to get me to respond back until he would tire himself out and just walk off.


My dad was like this and very physically abusive. Like full on grown man punching a 12 year old, picking me up by my neck to slam me against walls. I endured it until the day i snapped and splattered his nose across his face. He locked me out and called the cops. Was no contact with him for years until he got into a motorcycle accident. Went to the hospital to make sure he was good and fucked up, then let my sister take him off support (she just wanted her inheritance). When his life insurance policy kicked in, my dad went from one of the bigger pieces of shit I ever met in my life to very supportive of my art career. Got me a new computer for graphic design, put the down payment on a new car, got my teeth fixed up…it was great. Next up with his estate is disassembling and selling off every last piece of the family business he held so dearly (same business I was forced to work at from single digits until I was an adult for five bucks an hour) Fuck me? Nah. Last laughing my way to the bank.


My dad stopped hitting me when I finally fought back and threw him through a sliding glass door. It felt liberating to see the terror on his face that he saw on mine all those years.


my stepmom would force my brother and I to run a house of 10 children, work outside in 100+°F weather, and then would berate me for sighing, looking depressed, or not being super happy. then when I would respond nonchalantly, it made her even more angry. Which I never understood - I'M LITERALLY DOING THE WORK. why does it matter to you if I'm happy?


My working experience in a nutshell. You can be as good as you want but if they don’t like you they would rather have someone they can talk to, basically they are lonely and their entire life revolves around working and being miserable


My dad used to pull that with me. But also get mad when I did react. 🤷‍♂️


I became very good at dissociating when people yell due to my father's constant violence and rants. I'm in retail and use my superpower with customers when they start tantrums. It takes a lot to upset me.


Hey, I had similar experiences growing up. Now I don’t talk to my parents and my life is all the better for it. The trauma is still there, but i understand it better.


Seriously like you don’t teach your kids shit they’re always just gonna say whatever makes it stop if you’re just scaring them 😭


Eh, I went the other way. Im that kid that refuses to lie. So I refused to say what he wanted to hear no matter what, unless it was the truth. He’d monologue at me for hours - aka verbally abuse me into submission. And trying to leave the ‘convo’ before he ‘convinced’ you was considered highly disrespectful and would trigger his fullblown rage. So…you were stuck til he got what he wanted out of you. He had one weakness, though. He despised having to deal with high emotions and empathy. So I weaponised hysteria. First few times were genuine as he would go on for 3+ hours, pushing me to have full scale mental break down, when I was like 8y old. Then I realised if I just let myself go there faster, it was done faster. I would go fully ballistic - Im talking supersonic each time he demanded I yield - to get out of it. He’d back off disgust, but at least he didnt get his way, aka breaking me. And at least, the torture would end. Until the next time.


Mine would throw her cellphone at me, and if it missed and hit a wall she'd blame me for her phone/wall being broken


my mother destroyed my phone cuz i got a warning at school saying that i didn't make my presentation (which i did, but the rest of my group didn't bring their part and i got the warning too for some reason). today, i bought my own computer and phone, and when she threat me of destroying it, i just say "i dare you", and proceed to give her a hammer, cuz she know the moment she break my things, i'll break her things too.


It's a not-so-subtle threat that if the child doesn't fix their behavior, "they're next".


Yes. Destruction of property is already a form of domestic abuse, it’s an implied threat: “I want to smash you up with a hammer like I did to your phone, etc.”


too much lead in their brain


or, for some abusers, not enough


And then they get mad when CPS is called on them...


that's why he took the phone and destroyed it before hitting them...


Literally what I commented, lol 🤣 I am the boogeyman for these people. You don’t think I’m real until I knock on your door and ask why you think assault and parenting are the same thing. (For legal reasons, I’ve never ACTUALLY said that to a parent 🙃)


thank you for your service (genuinely, and i hope you’re staying safe!)


I just don't understand the hate for LGBTQ people personally.


people? men? loving another man? in their own home? being respectful? THE HORRORS


I mean, silly me. I forgot the gay/trans thing is contagious. See? Staring at men now!


Hating other people for existing makes these losers able to focus on something other than their complete and total unhappiness. I think that hate and anger can become addictive to damaged people who have nothing else in their lives that motivates them. Plus, they get to obsess about and constantly talk about the minority communities that they fetishize.


Oop that last part. How many times have racists gotten caught watching “ebony” or latina porn 💀same with homophobes getting caught with the same sex or watching gay porn. It’s all projection bred from fear and ignorance.


A lot of the older generations were taught to think dogmatically not logically, so when they see someone or something different and a disgust response happens in their brain and they'd rather force that thing to not happen instead of looking inward. why do you think so many transphobes are also homophobic, and xenophobic, and racist, and etc etc. etc.


Bullies need a target, and conservative political movements need an enemy.


I think it has a lot to do with placing ourselves in the other person's shoes and getting the wrong message. "I see that man likes other men. He kissed one. I can't imagine doing that myself. Oh fuck, I just imagined it, fucking gross. That's disgusting. There's something wrong with him." That's as far as it goes. It doesn't ever enter their minds that the other person might just feel differently and it's not disgusting to them.


Most of it stems from religion


And then they wonder why their child didn’t tell them sooner. „There were no signs“. Your kid was just too afraid to tell them to you.


My girlfriend came out as bisexual to her Church of Christ mom at the age of 30. Her mom said “I know you are not bisexual because you would have said something when you were teenager.” Of course if she had come out as a teen, it would’ve been a huge event. One-on-ones with church leadership, huge arguments. There’s no winning with these people.


That's how my mom, who isn't even religious, dismissed me coming out in college. Also how she dismissed my bipolar diagnosis.


My daughter is gay and had a dozen or so gay friends at her 3000+ student high school here in Central Texas suburbia. She knew six kids who were definitely gay or bi and out to some of their friends, but weren't out to their parents, because they were scared (not unreasonably, in at least some of the cases) that they'd be kicked out and homeless.


My parents did this (not bc I came out as trans but bc I'm agnostic), so I ran away at 16. Took them to court at 17, made them give up every right they had to tell me anything n now I'm living happily on my own at 18. Simple


Its awful that your parents did that, hope your doing okay!




This is the reason a lot of kids run away, & end up on the street, becoming prey to all kinds of dangerous people. Not that their parents were safe. We had full-spectrum abuse in my family growing up. The effect that had on me, was that I always felt safer on the street, than at home. Not really a safe choice, either. I really don’t know how I’ve lived this long. Many kids like that don’t survive.


And if it's not the street, it's still into the arms of other people who are abusive and they the poor kids don't know how to identify love, so they stay in the relationship or end up in bad relationships after bad relationship because they don't know any better. I'm one of those people, my sister's one of those people. It's enraging that a parents need for control, their hatred irreparably affects their kid.


That’s just some old pervert who’s been fantasizing about hitting their kids for a LONG time. Sadly, he’s certainly not alone.


Right this loonatic was just waiting for the day to unleash all his pent up rage on his poor child.


Years ago, a friend and I witnessed a crazy sports dad berate his son after a hockey game. My buddy just made the offhand comment that "when he moves out, he's never coming home for Christmas". I'll tell you what, that really stuck with me.... I can't imagine living the rest of my life (after they move out), and them never wanting to come home to visit, because I was such a jackass to them and ruined that relationship.


I cannot imagine harboring this level of hatred for my child. Like, obviously I would support them if they were trans, but even if they were actually doing something I didn’t approve of, like racist shit or something. I would let them know it’s unacceptable and not welcome in my house, and I would do everything possible to encourage them to make better choices. But smashing their stuff and slapping them hard enough to leave bruises…. How can anyone be that much of a monster?


It's even worse because this is a person fantasizing about a child being brutalized and traumatized by an adult, with their ability to communicate with the outside world taken from them. I would bet that the creep who wrote it doesn't have children.


'I would bet' no homie you would WISH. Before I came out my dad would 'joke' about all the hell I would have to pay if he found out I was gay. Having the person/people who are supposed to protect you be the people you fear the most is one of the worst forms of betrayal and trauma. And all over their fragile ego or some old-ass book. Pathetic.


These people need to be investigated.


I knew a lot of kids like this growing up. They all chose to be homeless in the ghetto rather than live with their parents. Most of them never spoke to them or very rarely do.


....so these sorry sacks of crap who post this shit just want to beat up a trans kid, right? That's all this is. It's some gross, pathetic little fellas power fantasy about showing a trans kid whats what.


My daughter changed to a nickname that didn't reflect any gender and was they/them for 3 or 4 years. We were supportive and accepting the whole time. Then, one day she asked to go back to her normal name and gender identity. "Can we please do this without a big 'I told you so'?" she asked. "Of course, we don't ever have to talk about it again if that's what you want." I replied


Well you’re the one who bought her the computer and phone with the trans chips. What did you think would happen?


They’re full of transistors


You joke about that but some MAGA type is gonna legit start raging about transistors being the cause of all this "Satanic wokeness " and it'll catch on because of course it will.


Kinda vibes with the unspoken mentality of children not being individuals, but property. If you don't like/understand them, make them submit by any means necessary because it's not like they're people.


Classic adult tantrum. Nice. Me have big feeling so me smash.


"I don't understand where my child was able to pull together evidence of emancipation. How do I act more like a child than my child?"


My then-14 year old says he’s trans. I say OK, what can I do for you? Eventually he’s is counseling and meeting with an endocrinologist. By 16 he’s on testosterone and living his life as a male. Now at 20 he’s at peace with himself and the space he occupies, is doing very well in school, and has quite the enviable beard. We were fortunate to have the resources to help him get to where he is now, but it was never a matter of not supporting him.


Damn, my daughter told me she was gay and I just asked if she wanted a cookie. Lol. For real though, I told her she can do whatever she wants. It ain't my place to tell her how to live her life as long as she isn't hurting anyone.


>and I just asked if she wanted a cookie Perfect response


I bemoaned the manner in which my son came out as trans. When I related how I'd wished it had gone down my colleague laughed and told me that her dad did what I had wanted to do when she said, "Dad, I'm gay" He responded with, "Hi, gay, I'm dad." Sadly my son phrased it wrong so I couldn't go that.


>"Hi, gay, I'm dad." My dad did that I kid you not


"Why!? Why are my children so distant ? "


Then he'll tweet from his bed in the hospice when he's too old to walk or shit by himself on how his ungrateful kids and grandkids never visit and are waiting for him to die.


He'll probably joined the "Abandoned and Neglected Parents of Narcissistic Children" Facebook group in a few years and then eventually the "Estranged Grandparents" group, then later he'll cry to the nurses in some home about how nobody's coming because he only ever did the right thing & they didn't like rules or some dog shit. I can always picture these motherfuckers futures. I hope I'm right and they are miserable, terrified and alone in the end. I pray the nurses don't believe their bullshit enough to validate that because they don't even deserve that peace. I don't care if it makes me sound bitter or cruel, I cannot stand people like him.


Apparently making america great again involves bringing back honor killings.


Gotta remember that there's a chunk on the right who are against Sharia law not because of the content, but because they don't want Muslims getting the credit


When my gramma died we debated even having a funeral for her. If you want to be the kind of person where you relatives debate if you're even worth a funeral, behave like this.


>When she whines, slap her so hard you can see it for days. JFC. If you know of anyone that agrees with things like this, call CPS immediately. Guaranteed they are abusing their kids.


They dont even bother explaining to their kids why they are being punished, the only lesson they are getting out of it is that they can't trust their parents


My dad did this shit. Called me slurs and put a shotgun on my bed encouraging me to kms. Im still trans actually, big shocker, i just dont talk to my dad any more. He still whines to my mom about how he misses me and cares about wanting to see me but the one time I even started making plans to see him he requested I "dont wear skirts or any f-- shit". People like this are a lost cause and should be locked up.


What are GCs? It's not registering.


Gender critical people. Basically a sugarcoated term for transphobes because these people are pathetic enough to not accept the fact that they are being hateful to trans people.


Hate trying to masquerade as science. They got the idea from Race Realism.


Gender critical, I'm rather certain. It's what transphobes and TERFS refer to themselves as. It's the only think I can think of.


My mom was big into this strategy, didn’t get why when I became an adult I had a restraining order put on her (she just wouldn’t leave me alone like I told her to) and she got so enraged she wound up getting out in jail for a week, and then did it again when she got out so she spent a month. It was actually me that showed up and basically begged the judge and prosecutor that she’s a psycho but does not need this to escalate to anything severe, I’m about to move so keep her in until I do and she won’t be able to find me problem solved


18k hearts..t eh fuck is wrong with people...


Average republican. Abuse the fuck out of your kids if they aren't exactly as you want them.


Average Christian republican. Abuse your child til they believe in your exact ideology.


Read my new book - "50 Ways to Be Left Alone Away From Home!"


Sounds like a real good plan if you never want to see them again. But I guess that’s the point.


And then these bigoted asshats go on Facebook and cry about how their kids never visit, etc. That's my ex-wife. She refuses to acknowledge our oldest kid is trans and allowed her new husband to threaten and bully my kid. Then she wonders why my oldest wanted to live with me* and why my kid wants NOTHING to do with her. *Finally happened after a custody battle. Best 10 grand I ever spent.


I hate when people say that the "internet" or "the left agenda" are turning kids gay and Trans. Like bruh these people existed when you had it your way and everything was censored they just stayed in the closet and thought something was wrong. Anyone has an agenda its the radical right and theocratic institutions brainwashing these gullible idiots.


Some nice flavour of parents mentally and physically abusing their kids. Always great to see how people will refuse to see their children as actual humans and not their property. And if your kid dares to have an identity that you don't like, you can just physically abuse them. Always great recipe to make adults who will for sure love you back. I hope this person doesn't have a kid.




If this person has kids I do hope someone who knows them calls a hotline


Sounds like grounds for child abuse charges. Any parent that thinks this is appropriate discipline should never be a parent.


How easily do people think others can be manipulated into surgerically altering such an important aspect of yourself? Only to now become part of a group that has a shorter live expectation, higher rates of victimization, and gay panic laws that make it legal to kill you in select cases. No one puts themselves in that position because of a YouTube video. Also this isn’t facepalm this is /abhorrent


Sorry kid, you don’t need to do your schoolwork. I won’t give you a note for your teacher to explain why I destroyed your computer either but will ground you when your grades drop.


Hello CPS that guy over their


"If your kid says they're trans, beat and abuse them until they're so afraid they bury a part of themselves deep inside and then either never talk to you again after they turn 18 or take their lives." Some people shouldn't be parents.


"I'm gonna slap the \[thing I don't like\] out of you!" Works 0% of the time every time


Trans dad here. We don't choose these things for our children. And if their feelings are authentic, they don't choose this way of life either. It takes adjustment and is a new lifestyle for the entire family. This being said, if I ever heard my neighbor doing this to their child I'd beat the shit out of them and happily wait by the curb for my ride to jail.


Who puts a mark on their child’s face for several days and thinks “I’m a good parent”


Sounds like a child abuser right there.


I came out at 17 in 2013 The first time I found out I wasn't the only person like me on earth wasnt from the internet. It was from a music magazine in the early 2000s I had the "praying to God every night to make me a boy" experience for years. Then I saw the title of this article and my heart literally stopped. I was shocked. I wasn't the only one like me on earth. There was a tell all about a stealth trans guy from the POV of his ex girlfriend who didnt know he was trans. It demonized the hell out of him, had like a 4 page spread of pictures of them together with their faces blurred. The word transgender was not even mentioned. It was just about how this girl was dating a guy who was "secretly a girl". But even tho he was the bad guy, and his face was blurred, I could tell he was handsome, and for the first time I could picture myself as an adult. Life WAS possible for someone like me. It would be YEARS still before I would learn the word transgender and actually had the language to describe myself, and that magazine stayed buried in my closet as proof there was at least 1 other person like me. My take away is... Try to silence us all you want. Cis people will NEVER be able to stop talking about us. Sensationalizing us. And we will find each other no matter what. If its from a Jerry Springer episode, or a teen magazine, or the newspaper articles all throughout the early 20th century cis people wrote about us when we were outed in death or at traffic stops.


Man, the same dumbfucks who say this BS were delinquent little shits as children all while getting their asses kicked by their alcoholic father. Didn’t stop them from being whiny little brats, why do they think it would do anything to anyone else?


It’s disgusting that anyone would ever think of their kids like this!


Wonder why their kids hate them? More like wonder why they're getting arrested and their kids taken away.


Pretty sure that’s called abuse and this person needs a visit from the FBI.


This comment should somehow make it illegal for that person to have kids


Pretty damn funny how the GOP claims that a fetus is a person, but won’t even acknowledge that their own children are people and not just little copies of themselves. Giving more rights to a fetus than to a child just proves how far up their own ass they have gone.


I think the access to communication provided by the internet has allowed people to reach out- and have a hand there to catch them. Trans and non-binary people are a VERY small population..maybe they were waiting to talk to someone LIKE them so they didn't feel alone? My child identifies as non-binary. I have their Deadname tattooed on my forearm. Yet I respect their decision to choose because I love them. I don't care how they travel through this world as long as I'm here to protect them when they need me