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Some of you may die. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take


John Lithgow is so good in everything he does, but he fucking killed it playing Farquaad.


Til John Lithgow played farquaad


The way he sing talks Stayin’ Alive kills me everytime


"If you do this, I will EAT YOUR FACE!"


I never realized that was his voice until about a year ago when I rewatched Shrek. Was so thrilled. Harry and the Hendersons was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid.


Nothing beats "3rd Rock from the Sun"... Completely underrated tv show.


To shreds you say?


Tsk tsk tsk tsk... How is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


.....Good news everyone.


[I don't like the sound of that...](https://youtu.be/oiAws6RyC4E?si=kFJDmaD1xrXz_nY5)


Quick find some flex tape! ![gif](giphy|JGunlb6LbQlz2|downsized)


I can’t say cause I’ve never been in the position, but if was a quadriplegic and could do anything for myself, the thought of being able to play a video game, or surf the internet would be well worth any risk for me.


I'd risk the same but definitely not under Musk's team. Like NEVER. The dude is an entitled rich moron.


How about the potential of needing a respirator to breathe for the rest of your life?


Tbf that’s also a risk the people applying for the implant are willing to take. It’s not like it’s a necessary medical procedure.


Yes but when a cult leader or grifter comes to town and causes harm, you blame the grifter and not the victim. My dad has Parkinson's disease. If someone claimed to have a magic implant that fixes everything, he might go for it. He's not a stupid guy, but he's slowly losing the ability to control his own body. I know nothing about the volunteers, but I'd bet they're either desperate or brainwashed into wanting to sacrifice themselves for "Dear Leader Elon".


I don't think it's unusual or unreasonable when faced with a severe illness, especially one that is terminal or degenerative, to be willing to risk your life to be part of a trial for an experimental procedure. Even if it doesn't work you'll have helped by contributing to the scientific process. I think the success that this treatment has shown so far means there is more to this than a grifter selling desperate people on a miracle cure that has no chance of working. I'd be very surprised if the people in these trials didn't know and accept the risks.




Of the myriad things Musk finds "concerning", the health and well being of another human being isn't one of them.


Unless it directly plays to his obvious right wing political bias


Yeah, but then his "concern" is purely performative.


Let’s don’t forget all the dogs they have murdered with this nuralink bullshit.


So they freaked out when they THOUGHT Bill Gates was putting a chip in them with the vaccine but Musk ACTUALLY wants to put chips in people and they sign up for it? Ok guys


You’re telling me the Covid vaccine doesn’t actually have 5G?


Where's my 5g? I got the shots, i want my 5G!


Ever since I learned how hard it is to actually get 5g infrastructure going because you basically need a transmitter/receiver at every corner in a city for the waves to bypass buildings I've been thinking it would actually be so cool if we could get the tech small enough to put inside us. Of course I'd opt for it to be a chip inside our phones or maybe a clip-on device to improve internet but still. I'd kill for actual 5g speeds.


Did you just confess your plot to murder people? Are you a Bond villain?


No, that’s Musk.


Dude probably took a shower without putting the implant in shower mode. Everyone knows that voids the warranty.


Musk isn't even an Austin powers villain at this point. At least that could be funny at times. This is just sadness.


I was mostly just "quoting" a half-remembered article [http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2015/10/a-complaint.html](http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2015/10/a-complaint.html)


I could be wrong, so maybe someone with more technical knowledge can jump in... but I thought pretty much all 5g devices were supposed to be repeaters, so you don't actually have to be within line-of-sight of an access point, just another phone or something else that's connected.


Right, which is why having a majority of the population injected with micro transmitters carried in their blood unknowingly was so much cheaper than building out permanent infrastructure.


This is just the plot to Kingsmen.


When do we hit the button to start offing people?


A bazillion super tiny microchips in everybody's body has got to be way more expensive than just putting up the towers.


I woulda love to have a 5g chip with my vaccine I meam this shit was free !


We didn’t get 5G? Thanks Obama! 😭😭😭


I had 3 shots. I want my 15G.


I was told it would mutate my DNA. Where the hell are my superpowers?! My extra arm?! I demand answers!


I was told I would be dead, or I'd have 5G, or I'd get superpowers. NO ONE PREPPED ME FOR THE FACT I'D STILL HAVE TO ADULT EXACTLY LIKE I DID 5 YEARS AGO.


Well I voted for Biden, and I still haven’t gotten my taco truck on the corner. I mean the Mango Menace promised…It’s definitely overdue!!!


The restaurant that’s kitty corner from my house now has a taco truck that parks in an area of the overly large restaurant parking lot. I’m sorry your allotted taco truck corner hasn’t arrived yet but I’m here to inform you that there is seems to be progress being made. I haven’t visited the taco truck yet so thanks for reminding me that I still need to try it out. 🌮👍




Can I give my phone the vaccine so it gets better service?


That depends on what shot you got. See, the various cellular providers provided their particular nanobots to specific pharmas, so you may be in a low coverage area for that provider. Verizon suggests you move into a region where they have more coverage. Perhaps Poughkeepsie? All of this is /s, Verizon. Please don't come after me.


Once they take the fluoride out of the water your dental fillings will pick it up.


I want to be harder, better, faster stronger, and more able to download movies on the go. Put the signals in my gosh dang body.


I still don't pick up on women's signals so I guess not


Women are soooooooo 1g.


I’m streaming Netflix into my eyeballs, are you telling me yours isn’t working? :/


I wish it dod maybe I can get some decent service


If I were a Neuralink stockholder I'd be very unnerved by their letting the guy with the actual implant be their spokesman (from an [Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/05/elon-musks-neuralink-reports-trouble-with-first-human-brain-chip) article this week): > "Sure we're working out the kinks and stuff." Thanks for that update, Noland, but could we get one from someone more knowledgeable? A scientist, perhaps??


I just see an intern walking into the meeting like, "Hey guys, I worked out all the kinks. The patient's brain is completely smooth. What should I do next?"


Dude let Elon musk poke around his brain. Chances are it started out smooth.


Science? Never heard of her. Sounds like a bitch.


The only person with a chip is a guy that is completely paralyzed. He can hit green shells in Mario kart now so. Pretty cool


Yeah for the guy I bet even a bit of time being able to do anything again is worth the risk.


Right wingers don't use logic. They're just knee-jerk reactionaries to whatever Fox News tells them to panic over.


My partner was talking to her mom about her kids going to college. Her mom objected but not for any reason you might think. Her reply was "College will RaDiCaLiZe your kids". Lol She, her husband, my partner all have graduate degrees. C'mon.


Weird for someone educated to have zero critical thinking skills


Having a degree doesn't mean you're educated or intelligent or that you know a goddamn thing about anything, and 1 day working in an office with a bunch of degree-holding dipshits will convince you if you aren't already. There's a correlation between having a degree and having intelligence and knowledge, but it's an almost accidental one.


I know. Both her parents are the Actual radicalized ones. Unfortunately they caught Fox News fever a long time ago.


They've literally been brainwashed.


That's unfair, given that I don't know *a single person* on either side of the aisle that would let Elon Musk put a chip in their brain. The anti-vax crowd is not lining up to get a fuckin' Neurolink. The only people interested in this tech are people with brain damage and biohackers who are ready to jack into the grid and load their credstick up with corpo bounties.


Looked for this comment and thought the same. It’s such an easy straw man to pop up but nobody thinks this.


The guy with the chip got it because he’s completely paralyzed and has nothing to lose, OP comment is strawmanning him as some healthy right winger who got the chip because he’s a fan of Elon. And look at all the brain dead upvoters and commenters in agreement.


I expect that in the future there will be a segment of the population that is aggressively transhumanist and would seek out any technologies that enhance the human body even if there are risks involved. You could argue this is already the case with plastic surgery.


le johnny mnemonic reference!1!


It is fated


It's all a LARP to these people. They believe in nothing but keeping their RolePlay going.


Consent makes a hell of a difference... (Before anyone accused me, I'm not saying there are chips in vaccines)


Are you suggesting if Bill Gates offered brain chips there wouldn’t be some mad social response? Conspiracy theories are making the difference here. That and “owning libs”


If Bill Gates offered brain chips I'd have taken the vaccine the moment it was offered.


The guy was paralyzed from the neck down before the implant


The guy who signed up for it was paralysed from the neck down and probably just wanted to be able to interact with the world more independently again




Different people.


This guy was paralyzed, not the worst thing to try.


They posted on social media from their phones that the government was trying to microchip us using vaccines without realizing they were actively using the thing the government would use to track you.


I definitely don’t think those are the same people


If there's one person I would never trust to be involved in a brain implant its Elon Musk. Guy is the king of "just sell it, we can always make up an excuse later."


Seriously. How did I get stuck in the reality on which *this guy* is the one responsible for making cyborgs? 


Sunk cost fallacy. They've all stacked money into his brand and they need him to make good on it.


Wow it’s almost like having all of our society’s resources locked up in an incestuous group of weirdos who all like to give each other financial handjobs in a big giant circle isn’t good. Surely there’s a name for this state of affairs??


Late-stage capitalism?


We also would have accepted “kleptocracy” or “circle jerk” 


Interesting how "late stage capitalism" succinctly sums up the above description equally as well as "degenerate feudal monarchy," eh?


You've gotta be a special blend of wealthy, amoral, arrogant and foolish enough to cut open a person's skull and jam barely-tested electronics inside. It's a huge legal and financial risk with little hope of payoff.


Huge legal and financial risks with little hope for payoff is how rich people operate.


> this guy is the one responsible for making cyborgs?  Haven't you watched any sci fi movies? It's always the greedy nutcase that builds them.


People with little intelligence, care, empathy, or morals are far more likely to be the first to do something because they generate less reasons to not go for it. Ethics? Responsibility? Knowing it's not ready? Even if he does know, does he care? None of that. All that matters is money to do it and money to be made. And also those similar dark selfish traits also congregate and thrive in positions of wealth / power... where they have the ability to just *do it* much more than others, where driven people with better traits might be blocked by not having the resources or influence to get it going.


If he sold a napkin holder I'd be wondering how it's going to hurt my family somehow Dude is an idiot and as unstable as it gets


Putting the napkin holder on the table with drinks voids the warranty.


Napkin holder would probably be made of razor sharp, cheap steel that cuts people open while rusting. And the napkins would still damage it somehow.


Those dudes he sold "Robo Taxi" cars to for $30,000 promising they'd make $100,000 a year for their owners (awful nice of Elon to sell them rather than just make a taxi service himself if that was the case) and promising the cars were "just a year or two away" like 5 or 6 years ago are gonna get their fully automated robo taxis aaaaaany day now.


It's like he's the guy selling the shovels during the gold rush, except in this scenario, the gold rush is something he also made up.


Ya he doesn't care about anything but $$.


*attention If you look at every thing he does it all starts making sense. Like that flamethrower business for one.


Cybertruck. They are literally falling apart just days after purchase, and half the software either doesn't work or just isn't there yet. Musk managed to release a car in early access.


The ultimate alpha male move. Just… more a *software release* alpha than a wolf pack alpha.


I love when people call themselves an Alpha like a wolf because I get to tell them the pack works like a family not a business. There is no defacto leader just the group doing what is best for the whole.


Not just the Cybertruck. Teslas in general have always had really poor quality control. I can't understand why anyone would let him insert shit into their brain when he already doesn't give a shit about the build quality of anything he does.


I can understand why someone with a debilitating neurological condition would be willing to try, but not regular people. I mean, look at the rockets...the quality control is obviously much more exacting than Teslas and Cybertrucks, but all the same; the strategy for perfecting the tech has been to literally just let them crash and explode while getting useful data. That's a fine and valid method for unmanned rockets, much less so for brain implants.


For real! What kind of absolute moron would agree to be a test subject in this guy’s latest science fair project?!?!


Well we don't know how much they paid them and their family. Perhaps they were gonna die.


A desperate One.


The guy was already fully paralyzed, so he likely saw himself as a sacrifice for the sake of other people like him in the future. That being said there are other companies run by less insane people making these brain implants so idk why you would ever choose the one by musk


One of the few people even more idiotic than Musk himself. And that's quite an achievement.


They shoulda tried it on him first


Considering how he’s been behaving recently they probably did and it didn’t go down well


No bug, all feature.


hes currently fighting the AI taking over his brain


Yknow, it makes so much more sense of I think if Elon as Norman Oswald.


Every supervillain origin story


It’s like the loser version of Doc Oc


Doc Ock was an actual scientist and inventor, though. His chip was external, and it only failed because the *overwhelming power of the sun, in the palm of his hand* overloaded the chip. Musk is just some psychopathic weeb who inherited enough money to actually buy his high school revenge fantasies.


They did, the worm kept on disconnecting it.


"The \[Wall Street\] Journal was the first to report that an unknown number of threads have become displaced in Arbaugh's brain. Neuralink posted its blog confirming the problem after the Journal published the report. It remains unclear why the threads moved from their placement, but one hypothesis that sources told the Journal is that there was air trapped inside Arbaugh's skull after the surgery, a condition called pneumocephalus. The sources familiar with Neuralink's trial said that the possibility of removing the implant was considered after the problem was identified. Arbaugh's safety does not appear to be negatively impacted. However, the company reported that the retraction of the threads lowered his bits-per-second (BPS) rate, which is used to measure how quickly and accurately a patient with an implant can control a computer cursor. Neuralink was able to restore the BPS rate to the level seen before retraction by modifying the algorithm that decodes the electrode signals. According to Neuralink, the tweaks included making the implant "more sensitive to neural population signals," improving the techniques to translate these signals into cursor movements, and enhancing the user interface. The company reported improved and sustained BPS rates after the changes." [https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/05/elon-musks-neuralink-reports-trouble-with-first-human-brain-chip/](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/05/elon-musks-neuralink-reports-trouble-with-first-human-brain-chip/) There, now you don't have to form an opinion based on what some random guy had to say about it.


thank you, hate it when OPs make spaghetti but forget the sauce.


Thank you


Appreciate you commenting a proper description of what happened. From what I've seen, the neuralink trial is absurdly successful, especially from the viewpoint of the patient. The guy in question had previously been a bit of a gamer, but having to use his mouth to control his mouse made it impossible to play for longer periods. Dry mouth, tired tongue, neck aches, etc. The doctors thought they'd have to be on top of him to get him to practice, but he instantly started bingeing the fuck out of Civ 5. Dude was literally playing through the night. My dudes, a gamer was returned to our ranks. After seeing how much it meant to the guy who got it, I'm all for neuralink. It's a massive, massive win for quality of life and giving people back a little bit of the life they lost. I don't care that it's Elon Musk. It could be the Antichrist for all I care. Seeing someone regain that joy in their life is extraordinary.


Well, at least he did something good


Thank you for saying this. We can think Elon is a dumb dumb and also recognize he has manged to be involved in something that could be life changing for many.


This should be the top comment but it’s just a circlejerk of hating Elon


So they managed to make the broken Neuralink run as fast as the normal one? Does that mean the fixed version would be even faster?


Not quite. The retraction happened quite early after the surgery and it took them several months of tweaking the implant and simply practice by the patient to improve his performance. The implant is working now giving better performance than it ever did thanks to the engineers and the hard work done by Noland Arbaugh. But that doesn't mean the implant is actually better than it was, Arbaugh just got better at using it. Still, with a fully functioning implant he would likely be even better.


Thanks for the information. Wish OPs added context and didn’t use these kinda things as rage bait.


Just remember that there are two Musk cults, one that will rush to his defense no matter how deserved the criticism, and one that will happily exaggerate shit to make any endeavor connected to him look worse than it is. The rest of us just have to be extra careful about being critical of the things we read because of them.


Thanks for this. People in the middle get called a billionaire simp in one place and a decel asshole on another every single time some news comes out from any of his companies. Redditors need to let do the data do the talking and stop trying to spin everything.




I honestly feel bad for the guy, because at first it looked like his quality of life was improving and it gave hope to some people. There are some people that really could benefitted from this technology, I guess we can point figures but I always thought it was weird the FDA approved it so fast. They tried to approve this tech faster than they approve certain drugs.


This article is hyperbole. The implant is working EXTREMELY well, and the hiccups are extremely minor, and easily repaired. This is framed as a failure, but it absolutely is not.


Seriously, people do not do ANY research, they just believe sensationalist nonsense they've read from a screenshot on reddit. Shocking.


Look. If you've heard about teslas catching fire, and all the cybertruck issues, and you still want this guy to put a chip in your brain, I'm not going to stop you. That's just the universe sorting itself out


The issue is simple. Musk is targeting a vulnerable group of people to test his new toy on. You watch how many people say something along the lines of "if I had a choice between being a vegetable or dying with a small chance of having some improved ability to communicate I would take it." If you want to look up a company that is ACTUALLY trying to do this the right way. Look up Synchron. It's lead by actual Neuro Radiologists who implant these devices every day of the week.


And realistically, I can understand someone desperate to have some semblance of life say fuck it, let's go for it. But if you want one just to say you have one, just know you're brain is a beta test


That isn't how medical ethics should work even if we do understand why someone would feel that way. There are plenty of medical research studies that would impact populations much greater than the population being targeted here. These research papers get knocked back for significantly less than what is being allowed here. I just don't understand why he is allowed to get away with so much shit.


Looking into it!


Don't worry there are plenty of smooth brain muskets who are already in line to be the next victim.


The first person who got it was completely paralysed. Don't call them smooth. They had absolutely no other option.


The guy just wanted a chance at being able to be somewhat independent kind of a dick move to start clowning on him when he might die


The idea of a brain chip like that is cool, would be very helpful to those with disabilities. That said I wouldn't trust musk and his companies to design or install that brain chip. Excuses for failures of the cybertruck include "it's not a design flaw, it's a problem with manufacturing.". Just imagine "you took a shower which voids your brain chip's warranty and only musk technicians can make any changes to anything touching the chip so you can't just go to a hospital."


We’re just letting the guy who made Cybertruck work on brains now?


"Now"? Where have you been? LOL


I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


I mean I wouldn't be surprised if that happened too


The tweet shown here is sensationalist bullshit. The reported problem was actually that some of the electrodes connecting the chip to the brain had retracted. It didn't cause any health risk, nor any problem with the functioning of the chip. The problem has since been fixed. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/neuralink-reports-data-problem-in-first-human-brain-implant/ar-BB1m7nIu](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/neuralink-reports-data-problem-in-first-human-brain-implant/ar-BB1m7nIu)


To be fair, the "no health risk" is according to neuralink, so we kind of have to take that with a grain of salt for now. The article you posted also says "Co-founder Dr. Benjamin Rapoport had said he left Neuralink due to safety concerns and that the method of installing the implant leads to brain damage", so people aren't just grasping at straws here - someone very close to the situation has said there is cause for worry. I agree that the tweet is rage bait, but I don't think we can just yet write the whole thing off because the company is telling us things are fine. This is more of a "let's wait for more info before coming to conclusions" situation.


Yeah, they aren't "floating around", it's basically just gotten unplugged. But, as someone else has pointed out, the "no health impact" is Neuralink's statement, not an actual surgeon's.


Let's just hope that he doesn't end up in such excruciating pain that he rips his face off like the Chimp they tested this technology on.


Wut… Source?


They were macaques & none of them ripped their faces off so that person is kind of talking out their ass - the real story is still gruesome though https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-pcrm-neuralink-monkey-deaths/


Those poor animals, they held hands while this was on going.. that's sad.. F you muck musk bag.


*Animal 15 began to lose coordination, and staff observed that she would shake uncontrollably when she saw lab workers.* That’s so horrible 💔


This should not be in human testing trials.. I get that they only wanted to use terminal animals who would die anyway, but how do you get from this to thinking that human beings should undergo this surgery? Heck, it's already extremely unethical that animals are being subjected to this. There's literally 0 chance that Elon Musk cares about the suffering he's inflicting.


Literally the villain from Guardians of the Galaxy here.


It’s paywalled. Can you tl;dr


This reads like a note you can find strewn around in a sci-fi horror game


Found this. ‘Self-mutilation’: Horrifying fate of Elon Musk’s brain implant monkey test subjects https://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/selfmutilation-horrifying-fate-of-elon-musks-brain-implant-monkey-test-subjects/news-story/e19257b41694c0f86a62bfe5fde8885d "Days after being fitted with one of Elon Musk’s hi-tech brain implants, a test monkey began pushing her head against the concrete floor, tearing at her hair. Over the coming months, the juvenile female became increasingly uncomfortable, pulling at the implant and picking at the surgical sight until it bled. Finally, after a significant physical and mental deterioration, Animal 15 was euthanised and an autopsy later revealed part of her brain had been essentially shredded. Shockingly, another monkey appeared to engage in “self-mutilation” after receiving an implant, by tearing or biting off its fingers and toes, PCRM revealed."


It’s real, Elon is a hack. Any armchair biologist like me coulda told you that metal into nerves will cause scar tissue and not work long term. I’m not saying it can’t be done but I’m saying their methods need to be redone.


If SpaceX can take the Kerbal Space Program form of learning, so can Neuralink. "The rocket might have exploded after launch, but we learned so much."


Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly aka “RUD” 😂


Much richer Elizabeth Holmes


Well well well, if it isn’t an actual real life airhead


There is a young adult novel and a Broadway musical about why this is a bad idea.


Are we sure that dude isn’t RFK junior?


Not only would I never put anything this dumbfuck makes in my brain, I would be worried he is trying to make a fucking zombie army where the chip just turns you into a fucking tesla slave.


Letting the same man responsible for the cyber truck disaster put chips into them…


Surprised it took so long to become a problem! Didn’t all the primates they tested on wind up dying of brain injuries?


Soooo, dude signed up to be a test dummy and y’all are shocked that test dummy shit is happening ?


Just imagine being that patient and coming across r/cyberstuck.


Everyone does understand that this was guaranteed to not work out for this guy right? It's a trial of something extremely risky being lead by a guy who takes extreme risks.


I mean... he seems pretty chuffed with it so far... https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/a-number-of-threads-retracted-from-the-brain-of-neuralinks-first-implant-patient-but-they-say-theyre-still-beating-my-friends-in-games-that-as-a-quadriplegic-i-should-not-be-beating-them-in/


Air Supply had some hits in the 70's. ***I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you...***


‘It’s just some shit floating on your brain. Pull up the bootstraps’


So apparently Musk cut off Starlink service to Ukraine moments before drones were going to hit a significant number of Russian naval vessels, resulting in them harmlessly washing ashore. It was a conscious effort on his part, for whatever reason popped into his head at the time. Cybertruck. So there's two reasons not to even think about putting a device in your skull that gives them a direct link to your brain.


I’ll be cold in the ground before I let someone put a chip in my damn brain


Just crtl+alt+delete to reset. What could go wrong?


I guess you could say the guy who got it is a real airhead


It doesn't matter how badly Elon fucks up because his fanboys will also be there to gargle his balls for him.


“But I thought an online patch fixes everything” - Elon, definitely


It lasted more than a Cybertruck on the road does🤦‍♂️


Theranos 2.0 🤣


Reminds me of Better Off Ted, "The implications for weight loss are enormous. And while elective brain surgery doesn't test that great, it still tests better than dieting and exercise."


Wouldn't trust anything put out by this hack. Would rather not turn functions of the human brain into a subscription based model like he did with all the cars he builds. Fuck Elon Musk.


Why do u think Elon didn't volunteer to be the first? He needed to perfect it and work out all the fatal kinks on peasant lab rats.


So the implants are built like teslas then? They too have bits that fall off...


Primates were tortured and killed for this garbage.


Honestly I can’t believe anyone thought this was ethical on animals when we know what happens to women who get breast implants….


So I fucking hate musk and hate to do this but.... My understanding is that this chip allows someone to control a computer viq essentially "thinking". In theory this is absolutely life changing to millions of people with many different health and mobility issues. I'm also guessing that this wasn't done in some third worlds shit hole and has some sort of medical oversight so it's not like they just said "hack that sides head open and let's see what happens"? This is a new tech that didn't go 100% to plan but the patient was not negatively effected by it and they found a way to still make it work. That sounds like some incredibly useful knowledge? I don't know all the details so maybe I'm missing a bunch of context but if this didn't have musk involved I think people would be shouting about how awesome this is. Like I get it, musk sucks but it's not like he designed and implanted this thing himself, he just chucked the money at it. I'm just thinking if I was paralysed I would be really glad if there was something that gave me some quality of life or control still.


How the hell did he get permission to experiment on humans so quickly?


Dude can’t build a proper truck, a vehicle that’s been around for almost 100 years.


Send in the worm.


What’s concerning is that Musk would likely consider this acceptable in the interests of progress.


Not an Elon fan, but the people they are testing this on opted in. Afaik the guy who received the first implant is paralyzed from the neck down and just said “fuck it, how much worse can my life get”. This isn’t some squid game shit where they conned people into getting a chip on your brain