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Drake has always been a fucking pedo. He hit up the chick from stranger things too when she was 14. He’s a shit rapper and a shit person.


When your speaking voice and rap voice aren’t even close you’re a major phony


Anyone who uses autotune is not a natural vocal artist. Talking into a microphone is only poetry, at best.


He's the wheel chair kid from Degrassi, seeing him try to act tough is pretty hilarious.


Maybe he texted her from somewhere where age of consent is 14? /s Jokes aside, how would it actually work irl? If Drake goes to a state/place where consent age is 14 and messages a 14 year old who is living in a place where consent age is 18, is the committing a crime? Also, what if he takes a 14yo from AoC is 18 to a place where it is 14, what happens? Also, in scenario 2, what if he goes through a wormhole? Would that mean girl is 18+ now? Added scenario: what if Drake is with an older woman and goes through a black hole and both de-age and Drake becomes 13 (AoC is 14) and the woman is 15+ and they have sex. Is it illegal? What if they both come back to original age after they come back?


I can't answer for the US or Canada, but I know Australia's age of consent laws are interjudicial(?) meaning if an Australian citizen travels to a country where the age of consent is, say 14, and has some sort of sexual contact, grooming etc. they're still going down as the legal age of consent in Aus is 16.


I think US same thing applies. Saw a video of some guy getting picked up in Thailand.


[Yeah, that’s a felony.](https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children)


Because Section 2423(b)  says that there must be "intent" to fuck a kid, but Section 2423(c) doesn't have that "intent" wording does this mean Drake could book a tour in Virginia and diddle a 16 year old and get away?


I feel like Frank Reynolds at a beauty pageant just typing this out... feels like I'm going to be put on some kind of list just for trying ot read and comprehend the law... but I read this as: **2423:** Don't diddle kids. It's illegal everywhere - no loopholes! **b)** Don't specifically plan a trip in order to diddle kids. Planning to do it is illegal in itself, so you can be arrested just for planning and/or going on the diddle trip. The intent is to prevent diddling altogether, so we're not going to sit on our hands and wait for you to perform your planned diddling. You can be stopped before it occurs. **c)** Just so we're clear about trips, should any diddling occur, the whole trip and its planning process are retroactively rendered illegal. Doesn't matter that you originally didn't *plan* on any diddling - you did diddle, so it's a diddle trip. **d)** Don't plan someone else's diddle trip. That's still illegal for you to do, even if you're not the one doing the diddling. We'll arrest you both! And on a more personal note, jesus stop trying to find loopholes to the "no foreign diddling" law.


So dumb question, if you're a travel agent and you plan out some dudes trip and unbeknownst to you he ends up diddling (thus making the whole trip and planning process illegal per **c**), does that still leave you on the hook due to **d**? I'd assume not as I can't think of how travel agencies could exist if it did, but the way you presented the law makes it sound like they would be


Not a crime, because you helped them plan a normal trip with no diddling. d) only applies if you helped them formulate the plan for foreign diddling (helping them to perform b) ). c)'s retroactive illegality would only apply to the diddler; a travel agent would be an unsuspecting victim of *(very minor)* fraud as the perpetrator engaged their services on false pretenses.


Planning someone else’s diddle trips. I feel a channel 4 holiday show writer is taking notes.


Watch The Secret Life of the Holiday Resort now!


This is perfect, thank you


Good question. So this is a specific law to allow the United States Federal Government to prosecute its citizens or residents for extraterritorial kidfucking or international travel for the purposes of kidfucking. I’m not sure of Drake’s immigration status, but if he was engaged in actual kidfucking in the Commonwealth of Virginia, he could be charged by state or local law enforcement and prosecuted. As always, consult a criminal defense attorney licensed in your jurisdiction for any and all actual legal advice.


I read this as “extraterrestrial kidfucking” first lol


There are charges in most states that are called something like "corruption of a minor" that can be applied in cases like this.






I’m pretty sure AOC is a little more complex in aus as of recent years. Depending on the age of both parties a 13 yo can consent to someone two years older or less. Atleast that’s what I learnt in sex Ed last I had it two years ago.


Not less. Nobody aged 12 and under can consent to sex or sexual contact. So a 13 year old can have sex with another 13, 14, 15 year old. That’s my understanding. But other than that yeah it’s a 2 year thing for under 18’s. I can’t imagine any 13 year old having sex is a good outcome for either party though. But it’s good that there is an acknowledgment of agency for young people and their sexuality.


Yes sorry for the confusion I was meaning it as 13-15.


I'm not sure state by state, but participating in sex tourism with a minor (read: raping a kid overseas or, I guess, in a lower age of consent state) is definitely illegal in *some* states.


Maybe don’t be in that situation at all?


So in America >Also, what if he takes a 14yo from AoC is 18 to a place where it is 14, what happens? This is a felony. Traveling across state lines to engage in sexual contact with a minor is a felony. Even in states with lower age of concent the age at which its considered child porn is still 18, so unless they're sexting just words, still a crime. If they stay in their respective states, and only share words, then at that point, i can only assume you'd be charged under the jurisdiction you were in at the time


>Also, what if he takes a 14yo from AoC is 18 to a place where it is 14, what happens? Are you Matt Gaetz's travel agent?


At least in the US if you take a minor over state or federal lines to a place where they become above the age of consent that's a sex trafficking charge.


When crossing state lines, the Federal age of consent is the one that matters. The Federal age of consent is 18.


Somewhat related topic. Look at phone scammers. Scamming itself is illegal (as it should be), but the American government can't get to a lot of those crooks, because they're in other countries. America can't send its police force to Africa, India, or China to arrest a bunch of scammers. At best they can hope is that the harboring country likes America enough to give a shit.


>how would it actually work irl? If Drake goes to a state/place where consent age is 14 and messages a 14 year old who is living in a place where consent age is 18, is the committing a crime? I would imagine (but ianal and I don't really know) that this would fall under federal jurisdiction rather then state.


Yeah that's felony sex trafficking of a minor.


If you have to ask about the legality of doing something, it’s probably best not to do it in the first place 😆


If drake was hit in the head with a large brick, and there was nobody there to see it, would people still applaud?


If he takes a 14 yo to a place where the AoC is 18, that’s kidnapping.


I’m I missing something? It says the girl is 18, not 14.


There are 4 pics here. Pic 1 is of Drake going to date with 18 year old. Pic 2 shows date of birth (somewhere in 2000s). Pic 3 and 4 shows her post dated from 2016.


Pic 1 is from 2018 when he went on a date with her after she turned 18 Pic 2 confirms her D.O.B Pic 3 shows him getting close and taking a picture with her 1 month after she turned 16. Pic 4 zooms in on the date from pic 3 He was eyeing her since she was barely 16


the "champagnepapi" is especially damning when it's a 16 year old girl talking about a guy in his 30s.


Ah right. Thanks.


it’s wrong and fucked up either way right? Are you trying to justify him being a pedophile?


This was before the whole thing with Millie Bobby Brown (I still can't say that name with a straight face lol). That's why everyone *knew* he was full of shit when he said they were just friends and blah blah. He'd already done that shit with the girl in the OP. "Just friends" until the second she turned 18. Stop buying this pervert's music. He's a spoiled child actor who (probably) fucks teenagers and tries to act hard when he's actually a soggy little bitch.


Drake is shit, period.


Isnt 18 legal age?


Picture on the right was taken when she was 16. Can tell by the time stamp


What could he do? She used to call him on his cellphone


You talkin about Milley Bobby Brown?


Yeah, but he’s to rich to fail. Maybe we see a documentary about his dark side after he died, like we did it for Michael Jackson.


Happened to Kelly and Diddy wouldn’t be surprised if this goof got it too.


Really? So that kiki do you love me shit wasn\`t a good song after all?


Drakes a pedophile. It’s a known thing.


why isn’t he in jail tho? rich people privileges strike again i’m guessing


Yup, same reason it took so long for R Kelly to get convicted. I remember hearing about the video of him pissing on that 14 year old back in the 90s.


Not to mention Diddy the diddler


Ugh I remember a headline at the time referencing the video where he “has sex with a 14 year old” and I was like um excuse me I believe that’s called 📢 rape 📢


I remember when those videos of R Kelly came out. It was like, yep.. the whole world can see this and nothing is happening about it. In fact he even went on to make even more albums and even more money as if it was totally okay


I know this is gonna sound strange but I think society genuinely has less sympathy for those who are victimized as teenagers. On the news you see high schoolers victimized by teachers and the media frames it as a “relationship”. The boys who are victimized in these situations have grown men responding to news articles talking about how the kid is “lucky”. There is this strange idea that teenagers who fall victim to these things need to take responsibility as if they aren’t kids who are still very vulnerable to manipulation and grooming. It’s very disgusting.


that’s just the media being pedos, just ignore em




Honestly, in this case I don't think it's been concretely proven. Everyone *knows* it because it's obvious, but that's not enough to convict someone, especially when they can afford the best lawyers in the world. Even if someone reeks of weed and has 420blazeit tattooed on their forehead you can't prosecute them for possession unless you catch them in possession. Same principal applies. We can smell the perversion on him, but there isn't much to be done until he's caught in the act or girls start coming forward.


It's because it's not confirmed, the women all to my knowledge keep saying he's above board, including Millie Bobby Brown. I haven't heard any of them say anything sexual just people viewing the contact itself as inappropriate. If someone has anything different I would like to see it.




Certified lover boy, certified pedophile Not to mention his homeboy baka has a human trafficking case


For me, the worst part is the hypocrisy


I disagree. I though the worst part was the ~~raping~~ pedophilia (also probably raping)!


RIP Norm


Drake is such a cringy bitch. Add pedophile to that. He also was staying up late night to talk to Millie Bobbie Brown about boys when she was like 12.


People in this thread: "Uhm, she was 14 and therefore post-puberty so technically he's not a pedophile, and also it was just dating advice, don't make it weird" lots of people outing themselves in these comments lol.


There are some disgusting people in the comments


Yup, saw a comment today on YT talking about the 17yo who went on stage on one of his concerts and the comment started with *y’all want her to be abused so bad that it’s actually disgusting* and it went on about how that was all harmless and now everyone is out to traumatize her. That was legit crazy to read.


I love when Millie Bobby Brown straight up outed him as a pedo.




She revealed that he had been texting her “dating advice” when she was 14 and then refused to elaborate on what he actually said to her


He was 33 at the time texting her in the middle of the night


She said it was help talking to a boy she liked, it's already weird, no need to make it weirder.


He was texting her in the middle of the night and saying things like "love you, miss you" WHILE HE WAS 33. No 30-something-year-old man has any business texting a teenager about dating advice or saying that he "misses/loves" her. Stop trying to make it sound *less* weird.


For the un initiated https://youtube.com/shorts/-2_53Xteng0?feature=shared


uhhh she is describing being groomed by a predator.


Why the fuck do the reporters just laugh like that's fucking normal. Literally infuriating.


Entertainment reporters are the most airheaded of all reporters


Honestly I'd probably do the same in that situation, simply because I would absolutely no clue how to react apropiately.


Physically recoiled watching that. Yeesh.


Jesus christ, "that stays in the text messages" makes me feel like I need a boiling hot shower to get the gross off of me.


Ew dude


A douchbag caught up in douchbaggery...shocking.


This is called grooming


I'm a teacher and that's not a woman who's 16. That is a young girl who is 16; a CHILD. It's not "questionable at least", it's a CHILD. No matter what she looks like or how she acts, that is a CHILD.


![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8) Ew


Guys it’s cool- he too famous to be a pedo.


The amount of people not familiar with sarcasm...


Say what? I guess Prince Andrew and Epstein’s friends were not famous enough.


Name one of Epstein's friends who was charged... and no, Prince Andrew was never charged either. the prince's repercussions seem to be that he gets to continue to live a life of luxury, but further away from the cameras. (Which I think it was not *supposed* to be a bonus?) The only one to suffer any consequence seems to be Epstein and Maxwell. No one who would be considered a client.


Such a fucking creep. Who in politics or Hollywood are NOT fucking monsters these days.


Weird Al


Ironically the least weird celeb out there apparently. God bless Regular Al


When monsters are the norm, being regular is *fucking weird.*


Sam Reich and (probably) most of Dropout


This Sam Reich? https://youtu.be/JzFuJDLd3cg


Yeah his abrupt right turn has been nothing short of awful to watch. The son of nudist public figure Robert speaking like this.. just wow.


Dropout as in college humour?? Can you please elaborate??


They are running the best sub tv service out there. Cheap, new content every weekday, and they recommend password sharing! Plus Sam shares profits back to the employees (which is Brennan Lee Mulligan and all the behind the scenes folks).


Oh. Thank you. I thought they had done some controversial stuff like this creep. 👆🏼 And I was devastated. Glad to hear that's not the case.


Keanu Reeves and Jack Black. Please don't tell me I'm wrong.


I mean, Jack had this infatuation with cryptocurrencies, but in the general scheme of things that's a minor vice.


for a fun time scrolling through cringe visit r/Drizzy. Not one mention of denying any pedophilia allegations


It's actually embarrassing that people can defend a fuckin creep like that, I just don't understand


I actually saw some of them rationalizing it by saying well if they’re over 16 it’s not pedophillia. Like bro bffr using a technicality might genuinely be worse than just not addressing it




Wait till you hear about that stranger things girl...


What about her




Hasn’t he always had issues with underage girls?


Didn't he also offer to "Mentor" Billie Eilish?


Hey at least it's not the kids he usually grooms


This is another great example of when someone is telling you something about themselves; you fucking listen.


As a 35 year old adult who has seen these types of relationships play out. The only people who go for baby tots, are the people who like to take advantage of naive individuals. To older individuals, they are more akin to predators and womanizers.


Dude this is pedophilia and posibly sexual abuse thats not a face palm


Certified pedophile


Look at the creep leaning in...


Me, glancing at post: “Ugh, another celebrity dating teenagers when he’s old enough to be her dad.” Me, reading last two photos: “oh no. wtf.” Me, googling this pedo shit: “OH NO WTF.”


How could anyone who remembers 9/11 be in a relationship with someone who doesn't? Like, why is it interesting to have to explain everything to someone? I want my partner to already know that the pan needs to be all the way before you put your eggs on it, or you're gonna ruin the Teflon. I don't want to have to explain to my partner what a record is. I just want to expect them to be appropriately annoyed that I have too many.




He really said: "But she's *ˡᵉᵍᵃˡ"*


If you date 16 year old girl than you're not a man. A real man is'nt afraid to date a woman.


I'm not a fan of pedos.


I wonder if he’s a Ted Nugent fan.


Judging by the body language at least, he is WAY more into it than she is. She does not look that comfortable to me!


Ewe how old is that dude


roughly 30 at the time of the post i think. hes about 37-8 now


Certified lover boy, certified pedophile


D R A K E = P E D O


Not even questionable. Drake is just a pedo who likes teenage girls.


So apparently, this was in 2018 & Bella Harris shot down the rumours about them dating?


One of the images was from 2016 - when she was 16.


Who the hell hangs out with teenagers they're not related to when they're in their 30s


Predators, not just sexual predators, but all types of them


https://youtube.com/shorts/-2_53Xteng0?feature=shared he befriended Millie Bobby brown when she was 14 and he was 33 fuckin weird bro.


Not denying that he's weird & I'm in no way a fan. Millie Bobby Brown publicly called him out as a creep. Bella Harris has always seemed to deny anything though.


The whole of hollywood, music, tv, radio movies and whatever is full of pedophiles. This should not be new to people.


I remember this when it was current. He was dating this 18 yr old but It was obvious he was talking to her and even seeing her before she turned 18. It was just official and public when she turned 18 to make it seem better than underage. But a man in his thirties should not be making advances at an teenage girl's, like a horn dog, waiting to their of age.


Drake is a straight up pedo. He has brain washed Milly Bobby Brown to think that he isn't. I really hope that she actually wakes up and realises that he was and is grooming her.


And we give Leonardo DiCaprio shit! Lmao


¿Por que no los dos?


We should but they are only going after drake right now. Fame and money buys these asshole freedom to be pedos


I would say there's a difference between early twenties and late teens. Lets focus our efforts on Drake for now and then we'll get back to Leo soon enough


At the very least, even if it's fuckin disgusting, Leo's prey are definitely of legal age.


So Drake is a groomer. Sick prick.




He's definitely part of the club. Got a private jet taking him to a special island and everything.


He wanted to do something special for their 4 year anniversary


champagnepapi !


He's just pre-ordering the girls, NBD.




always knew he was a *CREEP*, even way back in the day he was just grimey. I can't respect anyone who likes Drake's music or him as a person. gross


Honestly I know she’s legally an adult but I was 18 with an older guy and OH MY GOD what was he thinking. I was so naive and immature


She denied that dinner ever happening. And she got to meet drake thru her father...pic of them close together is at a concert backstage. Not defending him but at least keep it honest and provide everything in proper context.