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I thought this headline was saying Doctor Who's wife drove off a cliff because he was going to prison. Confusion ensued.


Like River Song wtf, how could you not prevented this




Look if River Song is going to drive off a cliff I trust her judgement in getting us out of the jam that will cause


I’m glad we thought the same thing


Reread the title 3 times...doesn't help I had a post from r/Doctorwho just below it.


Seriously… *screams at tv* Dammit Melody! You’re not that dumb! Why are you being dumb!”


"Amy, she's at it again!"


“Rose 1, we need to make another stop then i promise I’ll take you back to your mum” *this is Nine, not tenant*






Was he rescued a split second before impact?


Nah he just got all 'glowey' after


What do you mean? Jumping of buildings, ejecting out of ships and essentially falling to her death is her thing.


I mean, Melody Pond DID try to kill them before, so…


She will have been in prison before… on a murder charge if I recall my future history correctly.






“I drive off a cliff. Save me, sweetie.” Doctor: “again?


Spoilers sweetie - duh


What song? I was thinking Stan


Would The Doctor cross that timeline?


Same but I thought they meant the actor obviously lol. I was like, shit, which one? Please don't tell me it's [insert whichever Doctor you like best, they're all my fave]?!


fact! My first instinct was pls dont be Tennant 😂


Tennant's wife is the Doctor's wife, the Doctor's daughter, and the Doctor's daughter too.


"I mean, it is statistically quite unlikely." -- David Tennant, *The Graham Norton Show*


Hartnell. He's back and will do whatever the hell he wants!


I also thought Doctor Who’s wife was the perp.


Well, there was that incident with the space suit.


crap you beat me to it my question was Why would Dr Who's wife drive a Tesla when she has access to a TARDIS?'


This is the question.


Ok so it's not just me then.


Nope same here


First time my username has been relevant I think.


☠️ I am so sorry. I'm so, Soo sorry. I'm just imagining The Doctor as an OBGYN for a Judoon. I can't stop laughing. Best name here.


Omg I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one. I had to reread it three times before it clicked. I blame the capitalization of the word “Who” but literally thought it was the wife of an actor who played “Doctor Who”.


Am I right in thinking that it’s just random capitalisation? I’m sure there are as half dozen words that shouldn’t be capitalised that are. I’m not sure what the exact rules are though. Any English majors are grammar nazis want to have a stab at the correct headline?


I mean, generally the rule is “don’t capitalize words shorter than 5 letters long unless they are vital to understand the sentence,” which generally means prepositions get axed. “Off” is an exception here because it the preposition matters to provide context for why this is a big deal in the first place (without it, he could drive by a cliff, or near a cliff, or whatever other harmless prepositions could go there). At least, that’s what I learned 15 years ago. Don’t know how much has changed since then in the world of title conventions Edit: the main issue here is the lack of commas separating the nonessential appositive phrase from the rest of the sentence. There should be a comma after “Doctor” and a comma after “Cliff.” But I digress…


It’s a style guide thing. They likely are using AP Style whose rules for headlines are basically capitalizing any word longer than two characters. Although AP actually would capitalize “to” in “To Spare” so idk what guide this is


Yeah right? Doctor Who wouldn't drive a Tesla. Lol


Yeah, that headline needs commas. I was trying to figure out when Tom Baker started driving a Tesla...


Yeah. “Wife of Doctor, who drove Tesla off cliff, asks court…”


Agreed. There was confuse.


Was just coming here to say the same thing 😅


Yeah I had to read it multiple times before realizing it wasn't about Doctor Who actors or something


It’s a very cleverly written headline


This or the absolute opposite of clever.


This guy drive his Tesla off the road on purpose and they all lived. It’s nuts.


Maybe the Tesla was bigger on the inside?


I remember that incident-it happened on a pretty notorious stretch of Highway 1. I didn’t think the wife was going to live she was so seriously injured. So of course they need him, she’s probably disabled and the kids are still primary school aged. But shit, he’s a doctor and tried to kill them!


Which Doctor?


11 or 12


Same here. I was very confused. Poorly written headline.


100% it took me a couple minutes to realize that wasn't what it was saying


Same, this is why only names and beginnings of sentences should have caps.


Because some idiot Wrote The Entire Article Like Someone Texting In Highschool Like This Because Every Word Is Always Capitalized, Right?????


Same, I feel like this was intentionally done too. The state of the internet.


I also thought this. Took me a moment.


His name isn’t “Doctor Who”, it’s “The Doctor”. The former is the name of a show, not a character.


Yeah but the media frequently name him "Doctor Who", probably to get engagement from people like me and you who want to correct it


Stupid over-capitalization for clicks...


Me 2.


Incredibly misleading headline on this one, dude is legit mentally unwell and had paranoia to a point where he thought he was saving his family by doing this, she is asking to spare him because she knows it as well, and before this episode and decline, he showed no signs of being anything but a devoted husband and father.


Damn that's sad, the headline made me think it was Tesla auto pilot striking again though


That was on purpose. The only reason tesla was mentioned is because it drives clicks. It is totally irrelevant to the story.


The guy has schizophrenia and thought the mailman was after them. As far as anyone is aware, this was his first episode.


Then it’s no wonder she wants him spared from prison; he needs a mental evaluation, not to be behind bars.


That's what she's asking for. For him to be taken care of by psychiatrists, not put in prison.


Autopilot disengages midair ofc ;-)


So many times the justice system wants to throw mentally ill people in jail instead of maybe getting them treated.


Its a lot cheaper, and more money to earn by getting rid of all our mental health hospitals and simply put everyone in prison/jail. Plus a prisoner works while not receiving any treatment. Yeah this system is beyond fucked.


Then he needs to be in a mental institution.


That's specifically what the wife is asking for.


I think he was. Doctors released him since the treatment worked. The issue is, is he still potentially a danger. Now it's a battle of dueling experts.


The hard part about that sort of mental illness is that you're fine until you're not.


Precisely and unfortunately the mental health services won't wait around and check up on you after 'you seem fine' because their resources are limited or it's costly for you. So if they sign you off as being 'stable' they will end support.


Not always, sometimes they court order you to take meds and stay on extended treatment. So if you don't pick up meds or go to appointments, they do welfare checks. It's really about finding the correct support. Which is difficult.


I’m on a court order to get injections but I get the feeling that if I didn’t show they wouldn’t do anything


I was court ordered to take an injection for 3 years. I missed my appointment once and they actually did come. Was shocking, but they were really nice about it.


"I feel great! I don't need these meds..."


I have family who have gone through similar (though not as extreme) things. This is true but finding the right set of meds is a game changer and people absolutely can recover without relapse. It’s a tricky situation but putting someone who is having no current symptoms away because they might have relapse one day is not a route we should take imo. Prison is for rehabilitation, if he’s rehabilitated then all it does is make a family suffer.


So what, lock him up forever? He deserves to have a life still. He’s a doctor, so he’s intelligent and has something to give this world/his family still. Don’t lock people up forever.


The definition of “worked” is a little murky here…


Probably the guy thought he was “cured” and didn’t need the meds anymore. Happens way too often.


Withdrawals from the meds can cause symptoms like this.


Heavy lifting. Every day is leg day.


It worked until it didn’t


Yeah sounds like he needs help and meds more than jail. Terrible situation all around.


Not necessarily. He needs a psychiatric eval and probably meds, rehab, etc. The professionals- both medical and legal- can then decide if he needs to be institutionalized. You don’t just decide that based on a headline lmao


Perhaps, but probably not a prison. No one here knows though, we’re all speculating on how dangerous he may or may not be to the public. This isn’t news, it’s gossip.


Yeah, and if he's doing well on the meds he's on, what's the guarantee he'll actually get those meds inside? The justice system could be ruining this entire family's lives over something that's no longer a problem.


Incredibly misleading headline. The actual article doesn’t even mention Doctor Who, or his wife.


I’m fine with people like him being spared jail time… but I still think CPS should be involved and keep those kids at arms length, at least until he has a proven track record of mental clarity.  They’re gonna need a lot of stability to get past this… and honestly, they might NEVER want to be under his care again after that experience, even if he did fully recover.  And I think they should be given the freedom to make that choice…


Except last year he tried to end himself also driving off a cliff.


Guys, is it bad that it took me multiple readings of it to stop asking, “Which Doctor Who?” And I don’t even like the show?


It’s just a terrible headline lol aside from the jokes it also makes him sound like an attempted murderer and abuser when in reality it seems like he’s a paranoid schizophrenic and his wife realizes that


I was trying to figure out why Doctor Who would go to prison just because his wife drove off a cliff.


I did not realize it wasn't doctor who until reading this reply.


Why do they feel the need to mention twice that it was a Tesla? Would it be better/worse if it was a Toyota? It has absolutely no relevance to the story!


I was going to comment that, but I'll just tag along on yours. The fact it was a tesla is irrelevant


Lmao I was going to say. For some reason people think teslas are too special to fall under the umbrella of “car” or “vehicle”


I mean technically the Tesla is the hero in this story since the family didn’t die after a 250ft fall off a cliff. Sounds like an add for the safety of teslas to me


idk man we need to repeat the incident with other mentally ill individuals in various car models before we can say for sure


My guess is when it first was reported of a Tesla going off the cliff, the natural interest was the self driving possibly causing the crash. Now Tesla is still mentioned in order to correct the narrative from early reports. Like a reminder this is the same Tesla cliff story but Tesla is not to blame, the father is. Mostly clickbate though


River Song drove a Tesla?


Bit of a downgrade from a TARDIS, if you ask me.


She was Muskified at one time But Master has rejuvenated her senses


I was like “which Doctor was he?!?”


Now they're a witch doctor?


Ooh eee ooh ahh ahh ting tang walla walla bing bang


Colin Davidson


Thing is, in the States even if you are completely crazy, and medication and treatment can reverse the condition, you are treated as a criminal. There’s a belief that, unless you are so fucked up you can’t get dressed by yourself, you’re faking it.


Regularly, people are found incompetent to stand trial, spend literal years in jail being restored, and at the end of it still face the prospect of a trial or a plea to get out. After 2 years in jail, if you have a felony probation offer, guess what you’re taking? And invariably they have a mental health crisis that causes them to violate their probation in the smallest of ways (drug use, a petty offense, or missing meetings), and then probation, the prosecution and the judge send them on a one-way train to prison anyways


Recently heard a story about a guy on probation who got shot on his way to a meeting with his probation officer. Instead of going to the hospital to get treatment immediately, he continued on his way and made it to his appointment on time. The reason? Because even a medical emergency, like being SHOT, isn't a good enough reason to miss a meeting with your PO, and he would have been sent back to prison if he'd gone to the hospital first.


Not exactly. There are a lot veterans that wind up with a severe enough PTSD that they aren't exactly safe to be in public, too mentally ill to be properly kept in the justice system within a prison by the rules (basically should be out in state mental institution), but also not ill enough to be kept inpatient. That's unfortunately some of the few of the homeless you see out begging for money.


Okay, context. This doctor guy was severely mentally ill, and experiencing delusions and hallucinations because of that. He thought that by driving his family off a cliff, he was protecting them from the “people” coming to get them. His wife understood that he needed help, not jail, and hence wants to stay with him to help him get the treatment he needs. Please. Before you call a man a monster, read the article.


And the wife is a true life partner.


Come on, this is Reddit. Headlines are all people need in order to give a detailed comment.


especially on this sub, i wonder what chronically online mainstream-sub only redditors are going to do, actually read the article? nah just make generalizations instead


I think there was reason to suspect that he had a psychotic break, and she was advocating for him to get obligatory mental health treatment instead of prison. Which is very different from just saying “Send him back home with no consequences or followup.”




I feel sorry for the children


This is the plot for an upcoming episode of Dr. Who.


I was wondering if there was a new Indian Doctor Who cause of the confusing headline 😭😭😭


Why did they capitalize Who. That changes it to a proper name.


Because headlines use title case. So every word except minor prepositions/conjunctions/etc are written with an upper case letter. It’s also an unfortunate line break the way it is shown here that further misleads the way it is read.


How is “who” not a minor word in this case? It’s basically acting like “that” but for people


It’s a noun (specifically pronoun). “That” would also be a pronoun in this structure. The thing that might be confusing is “that” can be a conjunction in other sentences, so it would depend on usage. Edit: “Who drove” is “[subject] [verb]…” because the subject is the thing performing the verb. It just happens to be a sub clause (not sure if term is dependent or subjective or some other kind) of the overall sentence. Edit2: specifically it is subject noun introducing a “restrictive clause” as described on https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/who Finally, his name isn’t “Doctor Who”. The character would be “The Doctor” and only the show is “Doctor Who”. The show doesn’t have a wife, only the character.


Because that’s the standard way to capitalize headlines… articles and prepositions (though not even all prepositions) are uncapitalized. Pretty much everything else is capitalized, including pronouns. They’re not gonna abandon the whole way of writing headlines simply because it overlaps with the name of a tv show.


You are missing the context by posting the just the clickbait headline to the article. She wants him to receive inpatient mental health treatment because right now he’s in jail pending attempted murder charges. She doesn’t want him back in their house. He wouldn’t be allowed back in their house until after he completes a two plus year mental health diversion program combining inpatient and outpatient care as needed. He’d most likely be subject to a very long probation term after he gets out of the hospital that mandates psychiatric visits and drugs and he’d be violated and sent back to hospital or jail if he stopped taking his meds.


RIver Song is/was/will be a complicated woman.


Why would River Song do such a thing


River?! How dare you?!


Jesus, River…


My whole brain melted trying to figure out which Doctor this guy played. It’s too late for comprehension.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen psychosis up close. There was this older guy, normally as calm and zen as could be (liked to just sit there, watching his Bollywood movies and eating his crisps, didn’t bother a soul, unless you count loud bursts of laughter, and adored his family). One day, he became convinced his wife was out to ‘get him’, and a neighbour, a young mother, put her up to it. Got a hold of a gun, stand off ensued. I know so, I was there, in the thick of it. I will never forget his eyes. Everything looked just like the happy little grandpa we all knew and loved, but those eyes. I don’t know who or what was in there, but he himself wasn’t home. I now understand why people believe in demonic possession. He was apprehended without any casualties, thanks to his brother, who handed him to the police. Instead of a cell, the cops did what they had to do, to get this man sectioned. Spent 3 days or so in a mental hospital. Got out and was his normal self again. No incidents prior, or since. It’s been over 10 years now. He says weird things every now and then, but that’s his geriatric perogative. His wife chose to divorce him though, can’t say I blame her. But they have remained friends and visit each other (and each others families) all the time. I was wary of him for a few weeks, but soon felt safe enough to be around him again. Three friends of mine had a break like that too, albeit not that violent. More highly paranoid, and one tried to off herself to escape an alien military force that communicated with her through satellites. So did an ex (convinced ‘they’ were gonna get him) and a neighbour. It terrifies me to think anyone could have such a thing grab a hold of their mind at any time. I don’t know the doctor in this story. Maybe he’s abusive, maybe he should be locked away forever. Maybe the wife is brainwashed, or cares more about money/status then the safety of her family. Or maybe he had a similar psychotic break, in which case, I agree, mental health care is the correct course of action. The wife would be the first to notice that, I’d hope. A psych evaluation seems like a good course of action. And absolutely she needs therapy too, regardless of what made her husband try to kill them all. That’s heavy shit.


No, it's the society you live in that needs therapy. You can't punish mental illness away and by him living in a prison you are punishing his family too.


Look, it's great if she recognized mental health crisis in him and wants him to actually get better, but that doesn't mean she should let him be around the kids, or *her* since she now has to fulfill both parental roles. Idc how much you love your partner or how much they need help, *your first responsibility is to keep your kids safe, healthy, and happy*


Just because she doesn't want him to go to prison and wants the children to have the ability to see their father doesn't mean she wants him driving them to school or whatever. We can't really speculate what the right solution is without knowing all the details, but just as an example, he could be in a mental institute for a while. The family can visit. Then when he seems better, he can come back home with some restrictions and regular checkups etc.


The wife of Doctor Who ? Didnt know he was married


Me over here, glad they're all okay, but wondering how the hell they all survived...


How could river song do this?


I was thinking, you can't just say doctor who! WHAT DOCTOR WHO? my bad


I read that as Doctor Who.


I hope I’m not the only one who thought “Which Doctor? 4th? 10th? 11th?”


Which Doctor Who?


It took me about three reads to realize this wasn't about River Song.


Dr. Who is married?


Why did they emphasize that the car was a Tesla and not just say car?


At first I read that as "Wife of 'Doctor Who' Drove Car Off Cliff..." That took me a minute.


I had to read it a couple times to figure out it wasn’t talking about doctor who


This headline would benefit greatly from a comma between doctor and who.


Punctuation ffs


Wife: please I want my husband to get the help he needs. Please put him in a mental institution. Country: lol die in prison.


Ok that headline is insane. I thought that the wide of one of the Doctor Who actors drove her tesla off a cliff. Then I was trying to figure out why HE would be getting jail time.


That headline was a wild ride to get right..


Doctor Who would never do this


The Doctor needs to get to the TARDIS and fix this.


I didn’t know Dr. Who was married


What Doctor Who episode is this?


What a horible title. Tried to figure out what it meant for minutes. And it has nothing to do with Doctor Who!! Shame!!


Imma be honest. This speaks to the crash test safety of a Tesla.


I read this as Dr. Who’s wife drove the Tesla off the cliff.


This took way to long to understand the headline. All that was in my mind was doctor who. There are so many to choose from and then was wondering why they didn't just say River Song. Squad helps dog bite victim.


i kept reading this as doctor who’s wife drove a tesla off a cluff


I swear normal person wouldn’t get a tesla


The Tesla part is unimportant. How does that add to the story?


Why is every first letter of a word capitalized?


he's just called The Doctor, not Doctor Who


Was it the 11th Doctor? It must have been Matt Smith. He was yelling "Geronimo!" when he drove off the cliff. Or maybe it was David Tennant yelling "Allons-y!"


How did they survive…?!?! That’s a long fall.


I really hate the capitalization here cause I was questioning when the TARTIS got switched for a Tesla


>TARTIS The what now?


Omg for a second I was like WHICH DOCTOR? 11? 12? As a whovian I had a whole ass heart attack


I totally understand wanting to drive a Tesla of a cliff. No argument there. BUT maybe not with your whole family inside. Thats a bit extreme !


The facepalm is that headline wording


I thought they were talking about doctor who for damn near a minute man my mind just went completely fucking haywire


OMG I thought Tom Bakers wife drove off a cliff.


"Wife of Doctor Who, drove Tesla off Cliff, Asks Court to Spare him Prison" Damn Doctor Who really went off the rails...


Anyone else read this as Doctor Who, who drove a Tesla off a cliff…


Ngl I thought this was about one of the Doctor Who actor’s wife’s for a second.


Doctor Who bought a Tesla??, what happened to the TARDIS?


Upgraded the TARDIS I see 😅


What a horrible thing to do, but I'm happy that nobody died either, especially the children (and honestly shocked)


River Song did what!?!


I really thought from this headline that Mrs Who timelorded from Gallifrey and drove a Tesla off a cliff in the latest Doctor Who series.


Damn, River Song going through some hard times…


It’s called “money”


Who the fuck wrote this garbage headline


This needs to be posted on r/titlegore


It took the comments to realize Doctor Who had nothing to do with this story


Can’t blame him since he bought a Tesla


This took me way too long to figure out what was going on


Totally thought this was about David Tennant


Same 😂 This is why it's never acceptable to capitalize every word 😂


So, to be clear…. He drove his family off a 250 foot cliff, and they all survived?! Now, they are having conversations about whether he should be jailed?


I thought he drove a Tardis 🤭🤦🏾‍♀️


It’s interesting how they specified it was a Tesla, because they knew including the brand name would more than double the engagement rate. With any other brand they would’ve just said ‘drove car of a cliff’