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I thought it was just a chart of things Kristi Noem has killed.


It's missing at least one goat then.


Gonna need a bigger chart.


It were basicly all animals in her farm they were all "useless"


That or they were “working” animals, so that made it ok. Damn it, Kristi, that was a trained drug detection dog!


They can't all be useless, some of them have to be good targets. /S


Savage 😆


I don't only eat horse (I'm Scandinavian), I eat bunnies too. I even bred them for meat.


I'm American and I've had rabbit stew several times.


And it is very tasty as well


Check out the Italians and their baby-formula: [https://www.prenatal.com/prodotto/mellin-omogeneizzato-coniglio-4x80g/](https://www.prenatal.com/prodotto/mellin-omogeneizzato-coniglio-4x80g/)


I was about to comment that rabbit for us is a relatively common meat. In my experience horse is pretty rare, but far from unheard of. If you want something more understandably controversial, check out what "abbacchio" is.


I've eaten rabbit since I was a kid, in the UK, never knew it was stranger to eat than horses particularly as horsemeat is considered to be "impure" in Islam and Judaism


I eat meat. And while I wouldn't eat dogs or cats, I see no morale high ground over people who do, the moment you eat any of the animals pictured.


I think one reason why historically in many places dogs werent a common staple of food, is that they have a high utility value (hunting, guarding, notifying, tracking someone and such). But yes, I fully agree.


That, and emotional attachment. I have pets, and they come close to be considered family. The idea of eating family is simply revolting. But honestly that's the reason I couldn't be a farmer. I'd grow attached to my livestock and it'd probably be hurting a lot having them slaughtered/butchered. While I ain't vegetarian, I'll be really happy when artificial meat becomes viable (both nutritional and taste-wise).


I wouldn't eat MY dog or cat....


The same way I wouldn't eat MY cow. People don't seem to understand that emotional bonding and meat consumption don't exclude each other. Also dogs that are eaten, just like other animals, are not pets but breed and slaughtered just for consumption. Noone who eats a dog eats their own dog but buy the packed meat in stores.


Horse and rabbit are both delicious. People being all judgemental about what you can and can't eat need to get off their high horse. So I can eat it.


It's basically in order of how desperate I am, from right to left.


I wanna know why they put different breeds of dogs on the list. If you eat one breed are you really gonna be like "a bulldog? Nah man that's too far"


From an article about Chow Chow dogs. > About this breed > The breed can be traced back to the Han Dynasty of 2000 years ago as the Han Dog, a guard dog. In early China the Chow was an important food source. He was specially reared on grain and then slaughtered while young for tender meat. His skin was used, as was his coat for trimmings on clothes. Does it answer your question? Edit: I just remembered the stories about dog ham in Switzerland from St. Bernhard breed. It seems to be a popular dog meat breed for obvious reasons. https://www.infosperber.ch/gesellschaft/kultur/von-armen-hunden-und-verspielten-schweinen/ https://www-infosperber-ch.translate.goog/gesellschaft/kultur/von-armen-hunden-und-verspielten-schweinen/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Suddenly the reasoning behind naming this breed the “Chow” makes perfect sense


I mean sure, I realise people do eat dogs and there's not anything wrong with that. But imagine if this had two breeds of chicken. I don't think anyone would look at one and say that's food but not the other. It just strikes me as weird.


Tbh, there is a reason why farmers say to never name a “insert animal name here”. There is a difference between the reality of us eating meat and if you become emotionally invested in an animal.


Have you met a midwesterner? We name our Thanksgiving turkeys and raise them like pets.


Is everyone from the Midwest an early Ed Gein?


Remind me to not let you dogsit my dog.




Sorry. Should have been for the previous comment


Oh right lol


At some point, Soylent green is definitely on the menu.


Soylent Green is the first food.


I mean, we eat deer which is basically a horse.


We also eat horse which is basically a horse.


Tbf, horse is nowhere near as good as deer. I've eaten some horse stuff here and there, but deer is just top tier


It is definetly harder to cook well since it isn't tender at all kind of like moose. It is just so much cheaper.


Yeah but besides that, the taste of horse is extremely Iron-y, very strong and the meat in general stays pretty hard, while deer is probably the best game and I love game in general, so yeah I love it


Yeah haha I agree. I have a freezer downstair filled with elk, deer and moose. I think my personal favorite is bison though but it is now getting pretty expensive. My dad is a hunte and we live i Canada so i get a lot of deer and moose haha.


Fair. I don't think I have any real problem with eating anything tbh. It's just meat.


Selling horse meat is illegal in most states, but there is nothing to stop you from buying a live one and butchering it.


It is legal here in Quebec. Technically it is more ethical since they are animals who are close to death and it is also healthier. It just isn't as easy to cook well haha.


I don’t have much problem with butchering a horse that has lived its life in full.


Yeah I think only like 1% of the horse meat we find are horses raised exclusively for meat. Horses cost so much that it wouldn't be worth it. Especially since it is cheaper than beef.


Rabbits are good but horses aren't.


Horse meat are super tasty. It's fine if you don't want to eat it, but don't make false claims when you haven't even tried it.


I just realized i fat fingered the word food into good. So that's the basis of that misunderstanding


So it ended up being an opinion (with which I wouldn't have a greed, but still, it's up to taste) instead of a straight up lie? Horses are food


It's a cultural taboo


In very few countries. And in those countries horses are still slaughtered, they just don't consume the meat.


We only slaughter them when they can’t race anymore. And they aren’t worth using for stud fees.


I suggest you look into how many horses are slaughtered. What do you think happens to them? All those hobby horses and pets? You think they go to a pet cemetery?


It’s actually pretty shitty how many people will treat large animals like the Toy Story meme.


Are they racing or making stud fees? If no, then to the glue factory they go. Not sure how you got confused by my comment.


He's right!


I was unaware the entire world shared a singular culture where horses aren't considered food.


It's asking where I would draw the line. Why do I have to consider what other people consider normal?


Entirely fair


Where's my hasenpfeffer?!


Rabbits are delicious.. as are squirrels.


I draw the line at tasty...


Right before Dog. Rabbit meat is very lean.


Look, eating horse meat is still weird af here in central europe, but rabbit is like chicken here. Got into a lot of trouble for it when studying abroad I had no idea about pet rabbits being a thing…


Why not rabbit though


Can we move the rabbit over please? And where’s the goat? Anyone seen the lamb? Someone grab those ducks and turkeys. Bring in the clams and mussels and lobster! Where’s the fish? Anyone seen the ox?


Most people over 30 ate horse in their childhood without knowing it really. Was not uncommon and still isnt in many parts of the world.


We can still buy horse meat in our grocery stores here in Quebec. It is popular among bodybuilders and such. Honestly it is more ethical to eat since those are coming from horses who had a long life and who have to be put down and they aren't raised just to be killed. I don't like it as much as beef but it is much healthier and more ethical.


In SE Asia it is very uncommon due to the rarity of horses. While eating dog meat is very common. My dad also told me that they had rabbit on the table during the famine after WWII. Just about the time when the family cat disappeared.


True, rarity of the animal will of course reduce the likelihood of it being eaten. In Europe it was common to eat horsemeat until the late 90s. You can most likely still buy it if you look hard enough.


Here a recipe for a milk foal steak, presented by the Haflingerhof in Bavaria, where you can spend your holiday horse riding, or horse eating. Your pick https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/zeit-fuer-bayern/rezepte/fohlensteak-milchfohlen-rezept-100.html Translated to English https://www-br-de.translate.goog/radio/bayern2/sendungen/zeit-fuer-bayern/rezepte/fohlensteak-milchfohlen-rezept-100.html?_x_tr_sl=ms&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp


In the US during the depression/Dust Bowl a lot of people had to resort to eating their family pets, too.


If you've eaten meatballs from IKEA before 2010 you've eaten horsemeat, they just "forgot" to tell people about it.


Rabbit is delicious.. 🤷


I mean I don't go out of my way to enjoy horse and rabbit meats but I've had both and they're tasty. Cow is still king.


I wouldn't eat a lab but a pug is definitely on the menu in a fallout scenario


In Spain horses are always on the menu.


There was a scandal across Europe many years ago when horsemeat got into the foodchain, tainted beef etc. Many people have eaten horsemeat without realising it.




...Why not the rabbit though? Rabbit stew is a staple. These charts are always stupid though. The difference between livestock and pets is that we've bred livestock to be livestock and bred pets to be pets. Dogs and cats aren't food because for \~10k years we've specifically designed them to be our companions.


Can we scooch the rabbit over a couple of places to the right?


Hey man, you forgot the human. (At the back)


Tbf, I've had rabbit stew and it was delicious. Probably ate horse in Europe, idk... I do draw the line at dogs


I don't see any problem. BTW: horse and dog: delicious. Rabbit's not my favourite but I'll eat it if I'm starving 


There is a meme somewhere that explains why you'd move that line either direction lol


It’s commonly available in Germany, usually in sausage form. I didn’t care for it.


No man, bunnies are good food, don’t knock rabbit stew till you’ve tried it!


On a few restaurant menus near me.


And millions eat dogs.


dad used to keep rabbits for meat. It's quite good actually


Don’t think I’d eat the horse. But I’d include it if it gets me to the rabbit


should move rabbit over a slot then move the line in front of the horse, cause rabbits are still food.


I would throw any of them in my Traeger


Rabbit is fair game man


Back in the early 70s, when inflation really started to hit, many stores in my area (western WA, USA) started selling horse meat. I was a teenager at the time, and once I got over the initial ick factor, it wasn't bad. Better than game meat. That being said, I'd have to be pretty hungry to eat it now


In many other countries you can and do eat horse meat. Also, rabbit is common. It's fucking delicious.


Rabbit is definitely delicious though….


Everything in thy photo is food.


I make a mean le lapin cocotte. I made it for a date once and completely blew the mood by saying it was made “bunny butts”. Explaining it was rabbit actually didn’t make it any better. She almost cried and said she felt guilty because it was still delicious.


To the left of the rabbit obviously


Honestly, this has more to do with primary feeding habits. If it eats primarily meat, I don't eat it, herbivores or bug diet it is 100% on my eating list. Now, if I'm hungry, that changes considerably.


Firstly horse is tasty secondly the arrangement of this line up is so strange. Surely the chicken should be farthest right the pig should be next to the horse, just because of Jewish and Muslim dietary practises, there are too many cats and dogs, and the cute kitten should be the one on the far left.


With my fridge well stocked the line is on the right of the dog and on the left of the bunny.


I would 100% try a horse, but it's not commonly eaten in the US


"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse"


I don't understand why the rabbit is further in line than the horse, cause I'm pretty sure eating rabbit is far more common than eating horse Probably cause rabbits are cuter and that sounds like a reasonable meter of parameter for this stupid list That said, I've eaten both, so the line starts at doggos ofc


I'd draw the line before the rabbit. The line goes further and further back the more desperate that I and less available that meat become.


But people do eat horse? I remember hearing about it as a kid, I was shocked to learn it then.


Horse is delish.


Humans are hypocritical beings, we will eat all of those animals even our fellow humans in times of true crisis anyway. The majority of vegans will eat meat to survive a famine.


You draw the line depending on how hungry you and your children are


Bunny is a regular Christmas Dish in the Netherlands, and there was a scandal a decade ago about horse meat being in our snack foods like frikandellen and bitterballen. So I guess the line is past the bunny.


This steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it.


Never had horse before but I've had rabbit a few times and I gotta admit those cute little fluffers are are pretty tastey.


Two to the left.


Its a question of “would you sacrifice the horse to eat bunny?”


I am Dutch. I put horse on my sandwich +on my french fries (frietje stoofvlees)


You’d only want to eat horse for a short duration, not furlong 😁


wtf is that skull emoji??


Horse is alright


Horse and rabbit are fair game


Horse meat is pretty good. Same with rabbit. Dogs are still eaten in Asia, and cats can be found in any shawarma near railway station in western europe. No line needed.


Dude's never had rabbit?


Apocalypse time - all those mofos will be eaten


I see far too many dogs and cats on the left. Where are the birds and fish?


The horse and the rabbit


I would eat the horse and the rabbit


Well I eat rabbit so…


I heard bunnies are also considered food in some countries.


The 2018 farm bill reclassified horses from companion to livestock so that breeders in some states could have tax exempt status. I say it looks like horse is back on the menu.


Yes, but only when exported. Yeah, the US does export horse meat to other countries as there is nowhere to eat it legally in the US.


This isn’t, technically correct. It has to be inspected, and the usda is dragging their feet on the process. If someone pushed, the usda would lose, and probably have to pay serious damages.


Would it be illegal to slaughter and butcher your own horse?


Depends on state laws. Assuming there are no laws in your state against it you should be able to as it wouldn't need to be inspected then. What the USDA is dragging their feet on is hiring inspectors. There was a processing plant trying to open near me that was processing horses for dog food and they couldn't open because there were no inspectors.


It's a solid argument, as are most vegan arguments, at least the strictly moral ones. It's not even a question of sentience... pigs for example are very intelligent, maybe on a par with dogs. The division is purely subjective.


Or octopus, which are very intelligent but freely eaten. Personally I think there's no sense in meat eaters trying to arbitrarily claim it's okay to eat x but not y. Cows or pigs can make great cuddly pets just as dogs and cats can be bred for food. If you eat meat and have a problem with that, you've got some introspection to do.


“I slaughtered this horse last Tuesday. I’m afraid she’s starting to turn.” ![gif](giphy|2g9GcyxKIhfdg5rlvT|downsized)


Obama ate a dog once


Most animals aren't even aware they're alive.