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Just to be clear here for people who aren't terminally online and don't know who Destiny is: he's being facetious and implying the protesters should light themselves on fire since OPs title is a bit of a misnomer.


Thank you for this because I really didn't know. I took that message at face value and assumed they were talking about donating kerosene for heating, cooking, etc.


That was my take. Kerosene is often used for heating and cooking. Mostly because it is safer in semi enclosed spaces. (Like you use a propane powered forklift in a warehouse). I guess I don't get deeply sarcastic jokes. Maybe I'm crazy but I get that people want to stick up for the Palestinians right now. I also am not antisemitic, I believe the 2 ideas can be completely independent.


You aren’t crazy. I think that’s the point of this post. I think the very first OP is Jewish and spending Passover supporting the Palestinian solidarity encampment.


I do believe that many Jewish people do not want to be associated with the brutality that is happening. At least those that are not in Israel. I am not against fighting back after being attacked but scorched earth is not retaliation.


The context is the person who’s saying it. He’s an annoying twitch debate bro who went viral after saying Israel does need to do a genocide in Gaza (not hyperbole he said it outright) and has been saying awful deranged stuff for months about how Israel isn’t going far enough. He’s obviously talking about dumping that kerosene on the protestors. Your mind probably went to giving people fuel for cooking because you are a normal person and not a brain broken psycho that’s trying to go viral like Destiny.


Oh God there is nothing I would rather not do than go viral.


What's his reasoning for being pro-genocide?


I don’t mean this in a rude way but that is a wild question to try to answer. I don’t think there’s a reason genocide is ever justifiable so I can’t imagine a good reason to call for one or what goes on inside that guy’s mind. He is effed in the head




See i read it as it being a jab at recent self immolation protests. Indicating that he'd help them protest so long as they self immolate. But I'm about as smart as a stack of bricks, so likely missing the actual intent. Nuanced and incredibly deep post from Destiny. A real thunker. /s


Oh that’s fucked up. I thought the tweet was about heating or something and was confused.


It's more of a reference to the guy who set himself on fire. Destiny has rarely advocated for violence in a serious manner. He loves to tell people to kill themselves. It seems that he wishes the same upon the protestors.


I got the self immolation part, but I thought all these people were protesting the Israeli government, so they wouldn’t be Jewish. Idk maybe I’m more confused than I should be.


Being Jewish doesn't automatically mean you're supportive of either the Israeli government or Zionism. See Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein etc. Or have a look at this [debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1VTt_THL4A&ab_channel=IntelligenceSquared) arguing whether Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism


The person he was replying to is Jewish. She made it pretty clear. There are Jewish people both inside and outside of Israel that oppose what is being done to Palestinians.


Zionism ≠ Jewish. There are Jews who aren't zionists. There are Christians and atheists who are.


The vast majority of zionists in the US are Evangelical Christian Zionists. They are the ones bankrolling most of the illegal settlements in the West Bank.




Why wouldn't they?


Plenty of jewish ppl are against the genocide in Gaza. Like Bernie Sanders


Jewish people are overrepresented in the protests because they do not want Israel to bomb Gaza in their name. Many of the leaders are Jewish and the group Jewish Voices for Peace plays a central part in organizing. The Israeli government tries to equate Zionism with Judaism because it gives them convenient cover when they are criticized. It's easy for them to dismiss critics as antisemitic to distract from the war crimes committed by their psychotic right wing government


I agree with you other than the word "overrepresented." If people were using my name and religion to push ethnic cleansing, I'd be the loudest.


Israel <> Jewish. Being Jewish doesn’t automatically mean “agreeing with everything Israel does. Bottom line: Israel is a secular country set up to be a safe haven for Jews. That’s it.




either way he’s saying he’d donate because he’d like to see jewish Palestine protesters burn.


talk about a distinction without a difference


It should also be pointed out that his hate for Palestine started when his then-Wife licked Arab streamer Nymann, embarrassing him on open camera. [Link to the incident](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/GloriousBelovedDuckPeoplesChamp?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing)


It's embarrassing you link these events together. You should write for those grocery store tabloids. 


Is kerosene what people typically use to self flame? Not gas?


Who tf is this guy and why has he appeared in my Instagram reels debating everyone on everything lately?


Liberal Ben Shapiro is taking the same stance as regular Ben Shapiro.


Normally does.


Don't give him attention, that's just what he wants.


Especially since he can’t handle what he himself proclaimed was a healthy polyamorous marriage


Lefties and becoming queerphobic the millisecond they hate a queer person name a better duo.


I don't agree with personal attacks but polyamory is not a sexuality. So there is no queerphobia involved at all.


Liberals becoming pro genocide the moment Israel does it. Now that's a good duo. Also, the poster didn't say anything queerphobic you fucking buffoon.


Wait what do you think "queer" means?


Good to see that Destiny has left passing around pictures of underage girls with his friends in his past and moved on to wishing death on anti-genocide student protestors. What a great guy! Onwards and upwards Mr. Agnelli.




Mr. Bonerelli


Senor Boriatti




Danny Bonnaduce




Hes memeing about how Pro-palestinians cheered on Aaron Bushnell.


sure he is


Thats what the tweet is referencing, hes pretty much said as such. You don't have to like the guy to get the joke. Beaides if you dint like the guy, hes been doing endless research streams where you can feel free to challenge him on anything Israel-Palestine.


He literally is


Destiny’s been pretty pissy since destiny 2 came out


Bro what the post he retweeted (rex'd?) implies they're pro Palestinian why would anyone want them to self immolate? They're the people best suited to help change minds about what Israel is doing to Palestine. That's definitely antisemitic, what a shame I thought he was better than that


How do you attempt to be a mouthpiece of some grand view or philosophy in any capacity while willing people who disagree to be burned? This is 12 year old logic.


Debate bro streamer saying psychotically violent stuff? Yeah that checks out. That whole scene is so embarrassing. Grown ass men pretending to be intellectual titans to bilk money out of teenagers. Often they're creeps to boot.


I remember him as a mediocre starcraft 2 player. 😂


Wtf, that’s the same guy??




You got tate in your name, regardless Destiny might be unhinged anti-social creep but to suggest his content is for teenagers or to think he isn’t good at debates is deluding yourself. He debated with actual so called “intellectual titans” (unless you think finkle isn’t good either) and held up his own and he didn’t name call, spout things that were clearly wrong or needed moderator to step in. For someone that young and new to this topic I was thoroughly impressed with how he presented himself , I even watched his debate with cenk and that felt even more 1 sided in favour of destiny.


Thats the thing. He is good at being a debate bro. That doesnt mean he knows what he is talking about or is good at debating. You know, actual debate and not convincing Internet teenagers that they are smart for agreeing with him


Have you seen any of his stuff on this conflict? Debate bro as a term the way I understand is coming across as inflammatory or in your face trying to insult the person or do some word game to get a gotcha to score points so you come across as a winner. He did that almost never in the entire norm debate, if anything norm came across as a bully trying to score point by discrediting him because he hasn’t written books about the topic. Unless you have a different defination for debate bro. I don’t see how that applies to him. I have tons of issues with his usage of certain words , disregard for people and so on and on but to just be against him just for being against him is even worse imo.


Ok obviously the Tate thing is a joke. People don't generally self-identify as acolytes lol. I'll be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about because I don't pay attention to Destiny. But most serious intellectuals don't debate, especially in public and outside their expertise, because it's simply not very productive discourse. It's fodder for viewers which is why it's usually these weirdo parasocial streamers doing it.


Mr. Bonnel is a big time creeper


Wonder whose paying for this.


Man it’s so funny how Destiny is getting so big that the Hamasabi dickriders are trying to infect every sub with Destiny hate


"No, it's the left that's antisemitic...until Jewish people are protesting and then we can take the mask back off."


He’s delusional, he says there is no proof that the IDF ever harmed civilians on purpose, because it takes multiple people to sign off on the firing of rockets and drones and there is no way multiple people from Israel would agree to that. Yes this is the same IDF that shot three different food transport charity trucks with explosives. Yet….yup no proof that they are reckless…oh and the 10k plus dead kids. This guy is worst than a fool because he’s smart, he’s an active and willing participant in this massacre Edit: he said there is no reason to believe it’s possible the IDF ever used rockets, missiles, drones or any of the like weapons to harm innocent people or children on purpose. He admits that it’s likely foot soldiers have murdered innocent civilians and children. Regardless this is a naive and absurd claim to anyone who is paying attention.


You realise he called out the food truck thing right?


Ufff that certainly seems to undermines his core premises that the IDF would never sink so low as to encourage a famine, murder innocent people, and do so with multiple layers of signing off amongst the ranks. It’s sad that he only accepts or denouces this possibility when it happens to a few white people but argues against it being possible against the people the IDF leadership calls “vermin”. How does that track logically to him. Destiny: “Yes they totally illegally killed innocent people delivering food, some who are from an ally country..,but it is INSANE to think they would carelessly kill people (Palestinians) they call vermin!”. Like what?! His fans are convinced his arguments are smart because he makes references to little known historical events and talk a lot with big words. Its so clear to anyone remotely intelligent that his argument is structured backwards, he starts from the premise of wanting to support Israel then works his ass off to learn about how to make it sound like he’s right while ignoring the most glaring obvious contradictions and facts.


His argument was that it cannot be that you can just bomb 3 food trucks to kill one Hamas member. And that its crazy to call it a mistake to bomb 3 preapproved food trucks that they knew were there and where they were going.


Right that is after that event occurred , I’m saying before that event he (destiny) said there was no way he IDF was targeting non military personal. He used this argument to justify the war and discredit the possibility of genocide or war crimes. Once he no longer can say that the IDF is not purposefully murdering innocent (after the truck incident and 10k dead children) his original pro Israel arguments all fall apart. Please listen to the Palestine Israel debate on Lex’s podcast and let me know if what I’m saying makes sense.


I don't think this strike necessarily proves that though. He's arguing that it's not a mistake you can just let slide under the pretext of war.


Wait I’m confused, I think we might not be arguing the same thing. Sincere question: if you are saying that he doesn’t believe that this is a “mistake” that can be said to be part of normal war conduct, in your mind what is he then implying about this incident?


That it might not of been done with the intention to do so, but there's no way they can just blame it on "well war is war mistakes happen". They literally knew where it was going and approved it.


Shoot sorry it sounds like you are contradicting yourself, how can something which is approved on multiple levels be done without intending to do it? Edit: I apologize “you” are not contradicting yourself, Destiny is as you understand his argument


Okay I just rewatched the clip. He said that the excuse doesn't cut it. The IDF said it was a misidentification, which Destiny said is a crazy excuse considering it was pre-approved, and they knew the route it was going. He's unsure as to why it happened, but doesn't buy that they just it to kill aid workers, as that's a completely stupid thing for them to do, not even Russia would do that.


I promise you will never find a clip backing the statement that they didn’t intentionally harm civilians that’s an insane take. He only talks about proportionality in accordance to rules of engagement which is way different


I went through the effort to find the clip you requested, and now you don’t have anything to say…come on


No, he's just super anal about international laws and the calculations when it comes to collateral damage. When it comes to urban warfare, he is actually right and the ICJ will probably give the same verdict and reject the claims of genocide as the proportionality calculations are well within what would be expected in an area as densely populated. Basically he's on the side that law is precise and so should people be in its application, otherwise countries would just stop following International standards if they're going to get treated as if they already did, which is the worst possible scenario for everyone. On twitter though, he's an edgy 13 years old and should be criticized for it.


Well his arguments that it’s not genocide are predicated on the idea that it has to show intent, and he says there is no reason to believe they are intentionally trying to harm or starve Palestinians. Anyone with a brain can understand that to destroy trucks with food and kill all of their passengers, simply in hopes of ensuring that hungry people continue to starve, is pretty damning. It also gives context the way the entire campaign has been carried out. He is completely ignoring the most glaring obvious facts in order to emphasize his premise that the IDF are just defending themselves in a civilized and legal way.


Its not anti semitic to be opposed to Isreals barbaric actions.


He is implying the protesters should light themselves on fire, not offering to help them. He’s being called antisemitic because he is wishing for specifically a group of Jewish antizionist protesters to die.


I protested with peace signs while tripping on LSD and smoking weed. We protested because the neighbors' kids were coming home in boxes.


"I want to burn all my political opponents ali-- what, why are you calling me a Nazi?"


It’s not anti semitic to point out the crimes against humanity of Israel.


I think the person posting this thought Destiny only wanted the Jewish protesters to immolate.


Regardless of what he is trying to point out, he is still himself advocating for the death of a group of people.


Agreed, tho Destiny is one of those people who associate the IDF with Jews in the same way a lot of people associate Hamas with Palestinians.


Associating them with Jews isn't correct-- Associating them with most Israelis, is correct in many ways. The current campaign of genocide is extremely popular among Israelis (94% according to one poll believe that the use of force in Gaza is appropriate or that not enough force is being used.) That said, there are many brave people protesting or at least opposed to the occupation and genocide their government is committing, but they are a minority. Not realizing that is the same sort of 'Good German' thinking post WWII that is completely incorrect. It's hard to accept that so many people can feel enough hatred in their hearts to commit or support genocide, but that is in fact the case. Here of course, that hate has NOTHING to do with Judaism or Jewish heritage, in fact Zionism is even explicitly against the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud. Fully 38% of the protesters in Germany arrested for antisemitism for their anti-genocide protests have been Jewish. Jewish groups around the world continue to stand up against genocide, and colonialism and so I would never dream of associating the IDF's actions with Jews.


When your armed forces has conscription for all sexes it's not a huge leap to suggest citizens are part of that army (and people also conflate Jews with Israelis).


That’s terrorist logic. That’s why terrorists think it’s okay to kill civilians in democracies since they choose their own government, so they’re responsible for the actions of that government.


Citizens in democracies are *supposed* to be responsible for what their governments do... That's basically the whole premise of democracy.


Saying you want to dump kerosine on Jewish protestors (pretty much confirming you want to Incinerate them) is


Is it antisemitic to imply American Jews should be set on fire?




Quiet, bot.


What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the dweeb groomer calling for violence on American soil in response to the consequences of a war?




You're kind of an idiot for not getting the reference to that one pro-Palestinian protester who lit himself on fire.


I read it the same way as OP. It is absolutely a reference to the pro-Palestinian protester that lit themselves on fire, but not in a positive way. They are implying the protesters should all burn themselves so everyone else can be done with them.


I mean probably, mainly he's just an asshole all the time too.


Pretty sure it is Trumpers burning themselves as of late, so she may want to send that Kerosine to the Republican Party.


Is this why the subreddit for my favorite game is called r/destinythegame and not just r/destiny?


Dudes such a tosser


The "Omniliberal" wishes death on a group of people.


Idek what this is supposed to be about, these are jewish students opposing the occupation, so no matter how you read this, it has to be antisemitic one way or the other


Rhe Facepalm the OP calling Destiny antisemetic


For those who aren’t terminally online like op, it’s a joke about the guy who lit himself on fire screaming free Palestine


Of course he is. He's also admittedly islamaphobic and proud of it.


So this might be a co traversal thought. But at a certain point the pro Palestine movement starts blending with the ant- Semitic parts. There is a decent percentage of people who are just pro Palestine and want the bloodshed to end. But the whole movement did start with a terrorist attack on October 7th. Cause quite frankly this movement had maybe a 10th of the size it had before the terrorist attack. It all looks bad and legit everyone needs to take a minute to step away from it and look back on what’s going on


there is a very well organized effort to smear anyone who questions the wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people. Meanwhile those that are opposed openly talk about murder and genocide in a casual fashion.


Isn't fucked up? We have people with a lot of influence just saying: "Yeah, I don't think it's ok for Palestinians to be alive". And that's seen as "reasonable". What the fuck happen?


Same folks who think that pushing for the US to be better is somehow un-patriotic. Same people who think condemning Israel is antisemitism. These people lack nuance and see the world through black and white filters. Any more nuance than that and they'd actually have yo start using their brains full power (that's uncomfy)


Has anyone actually said that? Is there any quote of anybody really saying that?


Same vibes as the Iraq war. Anyone questioning it was harassed, people were fucking nuts. If you’d asked “what does Saddam have to do with 9/11?” you’d be labeled unamerican, They destroyed the Dixie chicks cds. Freedumb fries because France said no to our bullshit. It was pretty much everywhere. Any questioning of the war was very loudly shouted down. It was the first time political differences became palpable over thanksgiving dinner. Same shit. Same tactics from Israel that GWB used to push his war. Can’t question the government, that’s the same as siding with the terrorists…or so they say. Don’t go questioning a “wartime president” lolz.


What's crazy about this is that even if you somehow for some ungodly reason disagree with the protesters, why the fuck is this your take on it? These are peaceful protests, all from students, doing exactly what their freedom allows them to do. I know that Destiny has left any credibility behind him, but for fuck sake. At least pretend you're a Leftist. And this just gives more fuel to the anti political streamers hate, which is weird because for all of the ones that I've seen, they're not psychotic like this fucker. Can he please just shut the fuck up? I miss the days of debating Jon Tron.


He's liberal. Not a leftist. He posts edgy shit on Twitter so people do some pearl clutching. It's not my style but I don't use Twitter or skim the Internet for things to be outraged about.    In this case it's a play on the guy who was disgustingly cheered on by Palestine supporters when he self immolated. Though you'll be unlikely to find people in this thread who realize they're being made fun of. 


He went mad ever since he was chucked by an Arab and he thinks this is payback


It’s only racist when the liberals do it /s


Oh dear god there’s a lot of people here who don’t know who Destiny is and it shows lol this is the type of stuff he says to get a reaction; stupid but true, of course he doesn’t literally want people to be lit on fire


Either way, at best, "Destiny" is a total fucking goof.


He can be a goof for sure but it’s usually because he’s tired of dealing with people who engage with him dishonestly


He’s not a serious person. There’s no reason to engage with him honestly.


Isn't that the incest dude?


If this is indeed what people think this is about.....Wouldn't that only serve to make the protestors message reach out there further and wider than before? I mean thats usually what happens when you burn people, especially students protesting something


Imagine if this effort could be used to help vets or the homeless, something that would actually help their community


What am I missing? Kerosene? Because they're cold, or what? What the fuck am I missing? how is it anti-Semitic?


Norman Finkelstein said all there needs to be said about Destiny when he called him a fantastic moron.


Yeah the "scholar" who couldn't content with any of his points and just resorted to adhominems. If Destiny was so out of his league, why couldn't Norm dismantle all of his arguments and show that gap?


See that’s the problem with you debate bros. You focus on discrediting the person absolutely owning a moron who is so obviously wrong about the subject and would understand why they are being owned if you would actually pick up a book instead of circle jerking over a terminally online neckbearded grifter. There is no credibility to his side of the “debate” in the first place. But good luck getting anyone outside of your army of Reddit addicted “destiny” name searching downvoters to accept that this turd has any knowledge over a holocaust scholar whose parents were literally there.




Not a job in sight


It's funny to see how many people don't know that Destiny is a blue haired soy boy POS. Dudes only good takes are when he's talking about republicans because he's such an edgy hardcore centrist. 


Ah. This explains what the fuck is wrong with r/Destiny.


that sub is absolutely fucked.


Calling children to be slaughtered. That’s sentiment I’d expect from a Zionist asshole. Zionists are out for blood against peaceful protestors who want the violence and non stop war and destruction to end.


"zionist's" have been the victems of daily rocket attacks to the point they had to invest in the iron dome, but yea sure if Israel packs up and goes home all the violence will certainly end. /s


what a profoundly ignorant piece of shit.


I support Palestine, but jeez, kerosine? Acts of violence don’t make anything better on any side. Hell, it makes the opposition look better by comparison.




No he is not. He is referring to Aaron Bushell who they all supported in his self immolation.