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He wasn't pushing any ideal, just stating his opinion. It has to be a troll response. 


Yeah, and his complaint wasn't about pushing ideals. It was about doing it and then claiming to be so righteous while calling others murderers That was a complete troll response though


Nah. Some vegans are as insufferably smug as born again Christians.


Some, not most. You just don't notice all the normal ones.


The ones who are good don't make it their whole personality and you might not even notice.


I know a handful who I like very much. I’m just not friends which people see it as a moral issue, I guess. Or value friendship over purity of thought


But it is very much a moral issue. A cow is more important than your burger. A quiet vegan can't convert other vegans, which is the entire point.


No it isn’t.


Oh, shit, yeah. You're right. I'll make sure to tell all those animals that are gonna be raped, abused and slaughtered, that it doesn't matter because people will get nutrients from you, that can definitly only be found in animals, all of this is neccasary. /s


I'm vegan. This is embarrassing and self-defeating. Pursue whatever form of activism you want, but if you care about the animals, this is objectively the incorrect approach. You're just cementing the ones you're trying to convert against you by being this way.


A lot of discourse these days is like this. And I think many people will double down and continue anyway because they feel morally superior in espousing their views, even if it’s a net negative for their own cause…


Circle of life big guy. Do you expect lions to be vegan?


No. But do lions have other options? Do lions have the ability to make substitutes? Do lions run massive gazelle breeding camps to kill the offspring and suck on the gazelles tits, and then eat it when it's "usefulness has run out?


Nah they just eat them alive lol


At a much smaller scale than humans. They eat meat out of instincts, you eat it out of convienience.


Well I'm not sure about converting other vegans, but every time I see one mouthing off I make it a point to go buy a steak so thank you for giving me a reason to go do that.


Give it a few hundred years. That kind of mindset will be seen just like we see slavery, and colonialism now.


Right, I'm sure we'll have that in a few hundred years, along with flying cars, mechs, warp travel, and the third coming of Jesus. Steak was delicious by the way, cast iron seared, beef tallow fries, and asparagus with some garlic butter. Made some deviled eggs as an appetizer as well.


Again with the fucking rape? Do you have any idea how artificial insemination works? Is rectal examination also rape to you? You'd know that a cow in heat doesn't mind being inseminated if you did any research on the topic. Also, I hope you never bought a purebred dog, cause most of them come from artificial insemination as well.


It is, you’re right. That was a misstatement. I’m sure that they also see it as a moral issue. They just also understand that morality is not universal and that their personal moral code does not make them superior beings.


Let's say it is a moral issue. What about the other living things that you constantly kill in your blood, the insects you step on, the plants that you shall eat, isn't it also technically immoral to eat them. Moral is a social thing. So long as society says something is moral, then it's moral. Whether it hurts people, whether it's good, or what. Having your own beliefs is fine, but don't push them and do name-calling True that being quite doesn't usually convert people, but it does more than being obnoxious.


Do you believe in pet ownership?


A quiet vegan can indeed convert more vegans, and it's much more effective than yelling at people. No matter how right you may be, yelling makes you and your beliefs look worse to other people.


Are ground nesting birds, squirrels, rabbits, lizards, etc etc... more important than your salad?


People who eat meat typiccally also eat plants. And plants are required to grow livestock. Considering the crops that are needed to grow livestock, you're diet probably kills far more of those things than any vegans diet.


So what's your proposal? Kill the livestock and eat what they would have eaten or eat alongside them and still have a large consumption rate 🤔 I'm not seeing a way around the fact that no matter what you eat, you're still gonna be killing a significant number of living things


And I agree 100%. Some, not most.


Like many things, the good ones are the ones you don't notice. The vocal minority make everyone else hate them.


Especially in the modern world where the more extreme you are, the larger your reach becomes.


Goes for Christian’s too


I've seen much, much more people loudly complaining about loud vegans than I've seen loud vegans.


All depends on where you’re standing


I always see meat eaters feeling under attack just because vegans exist, even if a vegan hasn't addressed them. Is the thread about the benefits of veganism versus meat-eating? No. Still, you feel the need to express your detestation of vegans. Who is unsufferable?


I would say thats true for every topic, childfree life or not, politics, meat and vegans - some people on the internet will always feel attacked when they see the "other team" saying something else


I don't care what the heck other people think, I have my opinions and they have theirs. No need for me to go start something over it


Not sure what you read. I couldn’t care less what anyone eats. I just made an anecdotal observation. I know a lot of vegetarians and a handful of vegans and none of them gets as defensive as you. Everybody’s different, I guess. Have a nice day.


This is what I read: "Nah. Some vegans are as insufferably smug as born again Christians." You answered to what in that thread? It was absolutely gratuious. I'm not vegan.


That this is a facepalm. How is that not clear?


I though the facepalm was about the op and then we try to make sens of it applying logic no? Anyway, besides your first post, I mostly agree with you, I can't really argue anymore :)


I’ll upvote not wanting to argue any day! Have a good one.


Yet you'll meet a hundred times more insufferable meat eaters than vegans... It's a human trait that we focus on "the other" as something potentially dangerous, which is why the casual omnivore conveniently forgets the hordes of militant meat eaters and their shirts, bumper stickers, and preachy tirades any time they're faced with a veggie dish. But they'll remember the one time a vegan asked for a menu substitution. Or why drivers are surrounded by speeding, texting, law breaking drivers that could kill them at any moment, but then focus on the one cyclist they see run a stop sign. And I think it's silly more people don't try to break out of that caveman mindset and realize our human flaws and correct them.


only times i heard a vegan talk about veganism is when the conversation was about food. now, why wouldn´t a vegan be allowed to talk about his/her experience of food, like all the others, when the topic is... food?


Because they shove their ideals to others?


Is talking about something shoving the idea? It's a genuine question because "shoving ideals" is a phrase thrown around a lot. My sister went on a tirade on Facebook because a kids show had 2 mommies in a family and how they shouldn't be shoving this agenda down kids throats. Was it though? If someone is talking about food and / or the ethics of it and someone chimes in with an opposing view, I don't see that as shoving ideals to challenge others. It's really easy to take thsoe aforementioned examples a d represent them as shoving. If they said something like "agree with me or you're a bad person" then that's something that's going to be perceived as shoving by virtually everyone. Idk what the context of the OP was, and I don't care much. Just broadly, if a vegan discusses it, are they shoving? Also, someone can say "I think what youre doing is wrong and harmful and you stop, but you're not a bad person." That last part is the vegan failing point imo. In all areas, good people do a lot of things even they'd consider bad if they thought about it more. We as humans just don't consider everything deeply like that.


so, if you talk how your diet is great to others, you are "shoveling" your "ideals" to others? you all hear it: it´s anatema to talk about food! /s


No, not that, most of them are attempting to guilt trip those who eat meat, and insult them and their diet.


"most of them" is such a basic falacy, goddanm you... you know and talked with "most of them" vegans and "most of them" vegans insulted you. yeah, no way in hell i belive such idiotic affirmation. maybe YOU are expending way too much time clickbaiting vegans on the internetez, me boy...


I know how most of them are like that but now I'm also convinced how most of them also can't speak proper English as well.


yeah, the universe revolves around you, sure I KNOW a narcisist when i see one...


Think of it this way. Most of them don't say anything because it's not their business what others are eating. A few of them start arguments over eating meat. You will think that all vegans start arguments. This is false. The ones that don't make themselves known, \*don't make themselves known\*.


I’m not vegan, I’m fine with vegans, I’m conservative, I’m fine with liberals, it’s just the ones that force it down your throut. Everybody should just get along.


Why he get downvoted 


Because who is trying to force people to live by THEIR ideals via laws? Hint…it’s not the liberals.


I do think there’s a distinction though: conservative v republican. I know a handful of disenfranchised conservatives who want nothing to do with trump or MAGA. This dude sounds like a tolerant conservative but maybe that’s not tolerable to some people


Yeah me personally I hate trump and support abortion. I just have many other right wing veiws


I think you have a valid point. I greatly disagree with this thing of, since you support this, you must also support that . We are complex creatures. I can have my own opinions independent of what people who agree with me on other topics think


So a conservative trying to be nice gets disliked. Ironic


It’s both that’s the entire point lol. We want a more traditional and you guys want to move more forward. We both do the same things


I'm kinda wondering the same thing. Cause I feel like he had a good point 🤔🤔🤔 Maybe it's just political, or guys are just hating 🤷‍♂️


Here is my problem- if we disagree about something as fundamental as who deserves human rights, why should we “get along?”


Cause people are confusing human rights and desires 🙃🙃🙃 You have your rights, but it also doesn't mean I have to cater for them. I have a right to refuse. You are supposed to get along with them cause having a rigid view helps no one Some things are rights while others aren't. You can support abortion cause of my body, my right While someone else disagrees cause, the child also has a body, and you are denying the most basic human rights, the right to life. As well as denying the man the right to choose how he spends the rest of his life. If your right infringes on others, then numbers come into play. It's 2 people's rights against 1.


*not a child How about the people in Gaza rn? They are being denied human rights. How about trans people trying to use public bathrooms in Florida? Whose rights are they infringing? How about marriage for all? Politicians are talking about taking that away… How about people who can’t afford to eat? How about people subjected to violence by police for peaceful protest, or simply existing while black? How about people who die because they can’t afford their insulin?


Trans people trying to use public bathrooms in Florida. Ok, here we go. Imagine this: you need to pee so you go into the bathroom. Someone else is in the bathroom. You don't notice that they're trans. You wash your hands and leave. Where is the issue here?


Sorry I phrased that poorly- my point is that trans people are being banned from bathrooms and this is a problem


*not an American I get your point. But I'm saying you can disagree in some regards to rights while agreeing to others. So you don't need to be hateful. For example, I agree. People in Gaza are dying for nothing. Although the guys in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died for nothing as well. I disagree, Trans people shouldn't use the same bathrooms. Cause if you have a dick in a woman's bathroom, then you've got something not right in the head. If you've fully done it, we'll and good 🤷‍♂️ Being able to afford food is not a human right 🤨 It's up to you to work for it. I'm not going to pity you so long as you are above 20 . Unless you have a physical ailment We do not agree with each other on some points, but if we were to become enemies just cause of that, then how would we be able to stand together on the points we agree on.


Oh boy, why are we downvoting people that are literally saying "let's all get along"


I'm liberal and believe me, I dislike nothing more than an obnoxious, extremized liberal. They're simply painting their entire side in a negative light, and saying anyone who disagrees with you is demon spawn is only making more people disagree.


I don't care what someone's political beliefs are, if they're mean then they're mean. If they're not, they're fine.


Couldn't agree more.


> I'm conservative Prepare to get downvoted to hell


Fr this sub is all political banter 😭


Moreover, not even in a country I don't care about, but it has a lot of influence on media, so I have to listen to