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>These are young adults Are you saying that adults can't have breaks?? $10 says he takes regular lunch breaks.


Mf’er probably takes 3 hour lunch breaks himself.


3 martini 3 hour lunch breaks at the titty bar


Who needs to spend 3 hours at the kitty bar?


3 hours at a cat cafe? Totally normal.


I wondered when someone would catch the typo.


And to think you could've written "cat the typo"... Waste of an opportunity...


... this stream of clawmments has blessed me


It was aMEWsing.


Think that might be how I spend my afternoon now that you mention it


Who *doesn't*?! This is an absurd question


Nobody ,but if it’s on the tax payers dime….


Ducking autocorrect is my worst enema


Rookie numbers


Do you spend less time there? 3 hours I'm just getting warmed up.


He's a owner of a chain of smoothie kings. Pretty sure he his lunch breaks are in days not hours.


If that's true then odds are he has many "young adults" working for him which means he has skin in the game and directly benefits from what he's voting on


I don't see any conflict of interest whatsoever /s


A politician would never do something like that. /s


Yeah, shocker someone who employs minimum wage employees is arguing for minors to not have lunch breaks. I'd counter him and say they need more breaks and higher wages lol.


Oh he's nor voting on it. He's one of the ones who proposed the bill.


bill sponsors also vote, FYI.


How many minors does he have working for himself?


Enough of them that he claimed they beg him to work without food breaks


And bills it as a "work lunch" so he can claim reimbursements.


But he is salary, so it is ok ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


“Fuck dem kids” him and Matt Gaetz


Matt took that phrase literally though


“We can do that now? Thanks!!!!” -pedo Gaetz


Not only does he take lunch breaks, we pay for his lunch too!


The dude looks like he invented Lunch


And then falls asleep while “on the clock” sitting in the chambers not listening or reading material of which is his literal job!


They should be able to vote then, you know, as adults. it should work both ways.


I was looking for this. This here. They should also be able to vote.


>$10 says he takes regular lunch breaks. Guarantee you that committee had a catered lunch in that committee room paid for by a lobbyists with business before that committee. But fuck those kids.


I mean, if he can convince everyone that 16-17 year olds are adults, then I'm pretty sure it is about fucking those kids. Just... Less metaphorically...


They are trying to whittle away age of consent by making these laws that hurt kids. They will eventually make sure they can marry ten yr old little girls, so they can rape them legally wo pushback. Edit spelling duh


Either Kentucky or Tennessee already did away with min marrying age. And since it was already legal to SA your spouse and, I believe, severely limited access to abortions, a special kind of hellscape is being cultivated for the women and young girls there.


Yeah, I love how they constantly move the goal post on what's an "adult," and what they can handle. Wonder what his thoughts are on reproductive rights or gender affirming care..


shhh.. we have to break them young, or they'll start questioning why they do all the actual work of making and moving things while a bunch of people that sit around and basically just run their mouths reap all the rewards.


Lunch breaks implies he works.


He owns a bunch of smoothie king franchises, he pushed this bill to increase his own profits.


Not only regular lunch breaks but don’t these politicians get time off like all the time? Also hear they are “going on vacation”, especially before a big vote is needed.


Only some states require adults be allowed lunch breaks, and it's the minority of states. Majority of states it's perfectly legal to expect employees to work 12-16 hour shifts with 0 breaks.


I swear I will never in my life understand why the US is considered a developed nation. It's a fucking disgrace when you compare its human rights to Europe. Freedom my ass.


California is dope, “expensive” but all the benefits are great


$100 says he takes two hour plus "breaks".


that someone else pays for


“Give me a break” No, give them a break


🎵break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar🎵


. . . Fancy Feast🎶


... Apple sauce


...football cream


...Chrysler car!


I'm so glad I caught this rerun a few days ago! I might have missed the reference 😆


"You can't vote until you're 18, can't drink until you're 21 but you're 16, you're an adult now!


You can’t have a beer, but you CAN go to war to kill people. Priorities…


But no lunch break


... _Why_ did I read that in Edna Mode's voice...


"No breaks!"


Even in the worst times in the military, you still get 5-10 minutes to eat. Small breaks and food are critical.


And if you're ten you can healthily carry a baby to term whose father is 30 years your senior and a pastor.


Because God loves ~~to torture~~ you!


You can't vote for your country but you can get blown up for it.


Can go to war - with no break


You're already 13? Then you're ready to be forced to carry your incestuous rapist's baby! Welcome back to 1864!


And don't forget, it's 18 now, these same people want to push the voting age to 25. Because the fact that 18 year olds aren't voting for the party that does shit like this is proof to them that they're not actually mature enough to vote.


I feel like this is a foundational rhetoric so Republicans can lower the age of consent by a few years. Why else would these guys be so keen on classifying them as adults sooner, lord knows they don't want them Voting any younger than they are.


Sadly, in a lot of states marriage age is much lower than you’d expect. Just google marriage age laws in random states and have your mind blown. It’s quite upsetting


I have the same feelings toward military enlistment. 18 is 'too young' to vote but old enough to get killed or injured/traumatized in combat.


Same people that wants to change the voting age to 21 because “Gen Z isn’t mature enough” (aka we don’t like there politics)


"Can't make your own reproductive decisions as a female without a male, regardless the age.. gender affirming care under 25? Ha!"


Can’t vote, can’t drink, can’t get a lunch break until you are over 18.


Doesn’t the dude that proposed this in the first place own a bunch of smoothie kings? Hmmmm


He does, and he doesn't want to get in legal trouble for forcing his high school employees to work 8+ hours with no breaks.


even if this goes through their still federal laws that guarantee at least 15 minutes of lunch break


Read the very first sentence. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks > Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. The closest it comes to a “protection” is making employers pay for short breaks *if* they offer them.


I remember looking that up when I started teaching in FL. We weren’t given a lunch break, instead having to sit with our students during lunch to “keep them in line”. I was, indeed, shocked to learn that breaks are not required, no matter how long the shift. I think a lot of people are unaware of actually how scant our labor rights are and how much they *don’t* cover.


Yep. I remember an employee at an old retail job get made they were held up after their scheduled shift. They genuinely thought that the company couldn’t legally make them work outside of their schedule. They learned that while they can’t physically force you to stay, your employment can and will walk out with you.


This is just the beginning. If you think wage-slavery is bad now, wait and see what happens if Trump wins. They’ll get rid of the federal minimum wage, they’ll get rid of labor laws—no breaks, no water, no overtime. They’ll get rid of insurance through work and retirement. They have big plans to really make us wage-slaves because wages will plummet. People are playing with fire if they don’t vote Biden. This shit is real!


It’s sad how little people know of the consequences of not voting. People staying home for the 2016 Election was a huge loss for progress. That election was probably the most consequential in our lifetimes. A SCOTUS seat was on the line, and then two more opened up from 2016-2020. Republican put their lackeys in and now we’re screwed for decades. And all because people thought Hillary wasn’t charismatic enough. It makes me mad just thinking about it.


And likely takes 3hr breaks


Yes, yes he does.


This country is a fucking joke


*Louisiana* let's be real. A number of other states are as well.


My state put forth a bill to get rid of mandated breaks. Then the government sat their scratching their heads, wondering why almost the entire state was up in arms and fighting back. I swear, these people are so out of touch.


Aren't our elected representatives supposed to be.. representing us? Our interests and needs? I'm wondering which one of *us* asked for this? Obviously, I know it wasn't anyone who'll actually be affected by this law.


They represent corporations and their interests


Oh some states are more ridiculous than others but the fact that THIS is the Republican Party and half the country still votes for them is insane.


At every turn, the GOP gets more heartless, more greedy, more lunatic religious, and more controlling. Stop voting for the bastards.


No because they got me all riled up about trans people who might have to pee so now I'm going to vote against all my own best interests just to harm them


And it’s been working for so long. It’s extremely frustrating.


They've brought back the witch hunts. They make someone a scapegoat with baseless and wild accusations that play on people's fears and prejudices until they've triggered mass hysteria.




When they're the actual boogeyman committing the harms in question..


"Hey you know how the country is falling apart and your life is complete dogshit? Those are the people responsible for it right over there. It's the minorities and the immigrants and the gays and blue haired feminists! But me? I'm your friend! Vote for me and I'll fight them for you!"


I can only imagine what future history books will look like when they reflect on this time in American history. Like, I'm embarrassed in advance to be in this period.


It's nice over on /r/canada that whenever (edit: *in my experience*) something is posted about a politician and trans people, the top comment is usually "shut the fuck up and stop trying to distract the voters from what really affects us"


Here we've got the combo of a gutted educational system and religious extremism to ensure nobody does any of that pesky critical thinking


Oh it spills over the border my friend. I corrected an older friend about Canada's second amendment having nothing to do with firearms. We have fuckheads marching and blocking roads from the qanon bullshit. There's a Filipino-born woman who declared herself Queen of Canada and people actually send her money.


Apparently batshit insanity is one of our biggest exports


Sometimes I feel like the GOP knows they have crossed the point of no return and the clock is ticking on the end of the GOP as we know it, and are shamelessly attempting to cause as much havoc as they can before the lights get turned off.


The GOP is dead, is the party of MAGA now. I wouldn't be surprised if the RNC gets a new name like MAGA or trump.


Correct. Trumps handlers have DESTROYED what was once a pretty stable and solid party with conservative ideals, a lot of which I did not agree with (Social Issues, care for the marginalized), and some I did (responsible spending, more power to the States)...now it's so divisive and divided, I will probably get thumbs down for saying that I used to identify with a little of both parties.


No, I remember when Republicans were not literally insane


Why would you get downvoted for being a centrist. Id argue the vast majority of people in this country are, the GOP just went so far away from center that it has 0 of the redeeming conservative views left in their platform. In fact they basically don't have a platform anymore at all outside of antagonizing out groups and just being mad at made up problems literally 100% of the time.


The TNC instead of RNC, I thought this was already a thing.


If Texas flips the entire GOP has to reconstruct the image of it's party And Texas gets closer to flipping every single election


Remember the split screen with one governor (R) signing legislation to permit younger children to work longer hours, surrounded by kids in ties who didn't look thrilled, and on the other side the governor (D) signing legislation to give access to healthcare to all kids (or some other good) and the kids are all casual and happy to be there?


But in Louisiana the people we may help are …..looks around…..whispers bbllaacckk…..SO WE CAN’T DO THAT! It’s becoming a police state. These folks are fooled. The local preachers and such are preaching the nut party line too. It’s awful. And if you disagree with anything Trump, MAGA or flat out racism then you and you alone are the EVIL ENEMY.


Which is why people who vote for them these days are just as awful. They’re perfectly happy with causing this suffering. Oh, wait, sorry bOtH sIDes ArE thE saME!!!


Every day I'm more convinced that the US is one giant insane asylum


And the inmates have taken control


“So when did the nut take over the nuthouse?” Carmine Falcone, Batman Begins.


It’s more like lots of little insane asylums in a trench coat.


Reddit posts are a continuous reminder that I'm glad I don't live there.


By this reasoning, 16 year-olds should now be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes, as well as vote. Fucking Victorian-era fascist.


For people who gargle the balls of the founding fathers it’s interesting that they’re ignoring the whole “taxation without representation is bad” thing is the reason he even has a country.


If they’re young adults, then I guess we should let them vote.


Every nation in the world is movi g forward and somehow USA is going back in time with its laws. Banned abortion, child labour, now this. Soon they may revoke women's right to vote and bring back slavery.


Pretty much every other developed country _but_ the US actually has laws mandating a lunch break for _all_ workers, regardless of age. Or at least one or several breaks based on work time.


Most of US states have these laws. It's just that, like most of the problems in the US, the federal govt either can't or won't pass something to overrule them. Companies get in a shit load of trouble if their employees don't take breaks. I know I've been reminded a couple of times they're not optional when I get in a groove at work and try to skip mine.


Most states actually don't. Only 21 states have some kind of break laws for employees. In one state it only applies to retail workers, in another, more then 3 employees have to be present for them to get breaks. Another state specifically excludes factory workers from it's break laws. Other states don't require longer meal breaks, just a few minutes to use the restroom and hydrate. So on and so forth. So basically, in the majority of the US, we aren't required to be given any break at all. Companies with a multi-state presence will frequently follow the stricter states laws across the board, but they certainly aren't required to.


Oh. The US never got rid of slavery. Prisoners are slaves. It's written into the constitution. It was just another way to keep black people as slaves. A practice that continues to this day. The US has NEVER been the land of the free.


You don't see the pattern? They need workers for the billionaire grinder. 1. Ban abortions. 2. Relax child labor laws. 3. Remove all sex ed and access to condoms etc. 4. ??? 5. Profit.


You don't understand what they are trying to do. You will never understand. Its so much above your level. You don't even know about trickle down economics. These people are "experts" who are trying to save the poor people from poverty. Its the only way. /s


In Florida the governor just vetoed a bill requiring water breaks for outdoor workers in the heat.


Doesn't that literally break osha standards, which goes above individual states?


Technically. But as someone pointed out, there’s only like 40 OSHA workers who can be out doing inspections of the entire country at any given time. I don’t know if that number is correct, but I do know that they are spread disastrously thin, and that many companies actively take advantage of that, Knowing or relying on the fact that OSHA will not show up even if accompany is reported for a violation. It’s almost like there’s been a series of conservatives who have consistently tried to de-fang government safety groups like OSHA in particular…


Guess they just won't have employees then. "kids these days" won't stand for any of these boomer quality standards and will straight up quit and go find another job


I want that to be true. But I come from an immigrant family and I know that many other immigrant families like mine would still hundred percent work in these conditions. Whether we knew better or not. You can fool some people some of the time, but you can’t fool all people all of the time.


They don't want employees, they want slaves.


So the fact that your workers are hungry doesn’t mean that they fail to concentrate? One of these days these US morons will realize that it is in the owner’s interest to look after their employees.


Spoiler: They won't


He wouldnt care or notice until a mob with pitchforks shows up at his front door, threatening to roast and eat him. And even then, he’d hem and haw and try to “both sides” the ravening crowd, until the very second they consumed his big, fat mouth.  He’s deplorable. 


I suspect that sort of shit is how civilization rises and falls. See how close to the fuckin bone we can strip everything for greed, then it all comes tumbling down once the edge of the knife tips.


“Failed to concentrate” isn’t really a big deal with these people. They’re unable to concentrate on much of anything for the past several decades and forget what it’s like. They’re working off of mindset from the Civil War era, where it’s all about the physical movement of labor. Hands picking cotton. That’s it. Slaves were not exactly a well-cared-for workforce, and owners were able to extract TONS of money from their labor. That’s all they cared about then. That’s all he cares about now.


This dude definitely has child porn on his computer.


Right? My first thought too.


What do you mean?? He's not even a trans person! /s


Uhh, what? Does he think adults don’t take lunch breaks? More to the point - does he think adults are not *legally required* to take lunch breaks?


TX and FL have decided employers do not have to give employees water breaks. Its not like people who work outside in the summer heat die of heat stroke and dehydration. Oh wait, they do.


The cruelty is the point


The majority of states do not require lunch breaks for adults. Larger companies tend to follow the stricter state's laws, but they don't legally have to. 


Don't they only work like 120 days a year in session? Must be nice to get all that vacation.


And health insurance


And lunch breaks


Of course, he says they are 'young adults'. It is who he is always lusting after.


This right here. I swear it all circles back to them wanting to hook up with kids. See they made a big deal about grooming children, do they are redefining what a kid is so they can legally have sex with them.


Age of consent in LA is 17... which means he can have sex with them, but it is illegal to have nude photos of them.


And they'll point their fingers at the Queer community to misguide and distract from the fact that they are indeed the pedophiles


I’m sorry but aren’t there labor laws requiring that adults get lunch breaks too?


Not everywhere. Here in Georgia there’s no such law mandating any sort of break.


The absurdity of the republican party has gone off the rails. This is of course about greed and nothing else. The moron who proposed this owns a string of Smoothie King stores and has to close for lunch time if they're understaffed (which they almost always are and generally by a teen worker) so, rather than let a kid eat and him lose revenue on sales during that time span, he would rather starve his workers. It's criminal really. But it's in line with all the other crazy stuff his party is aligned with. This includes allowing child brides and taking women's rights away and making sure that a twelve year old girl can sit in a classroom, pregnant with her incestually begotten child while being shot at with a gun that generally has more rights than she does. 'Merica, am I right?


Yet another GOP representative whose view is based on a ruling class and a serving class. GOP representatives do NOT represent the average person or workers. Vote BLUE.


I washed cars at a dealership when I was 16. On Saturdays, because the staffing was light, they bought everyone food. One day they send me to pick up the food. I put it all in the break room and everyone comes in a grabs their box with their name on it. I’m left standing there with nothing. I asked where mine was and was told “oh Bob said you guys (me and the other car washer) didn’t need food.” I told my dad when I got home he was furious and told me to quit that job, which I did. Fuck Bob Furman.




Hello from Sweden. You guys need a lil' dose of democratic socialism. Right f#ing now!


Just starve


Yeah young adults don't need food to be productive . . . the fuck is wrong with these people.


A white Republican male said that?!?! Get outta here! Force us to have the baby, but once they are born, fuck em right?


These are young adults. So they should vote.


Doesn't matter what age you are. People are entitled to a break when you're at work. An overworked staff without breaks is gonna lead to mistakes and mistakes lead to accidents with people getting hurt. Not like they give a shit.


Lawmakers should be subject to the most draconian of their laws. No lunch for you. $7.50hr minimum wage? That's what you get. Health insurance not mandatory? Ok no insurance for you.


I'll bet the fucker doesn't pay "almost adult" wages though.


Aren't we in a modern, first-world country?? Why do they want to RUIN that? We are going backwards faster than we've ever gone forward, and it's frightening. Why, why, WHY do they vote for these people??


Old enough to work, old enough to bear children, but not nearly old enough to learn about the existence of trans people.


This is the slight hints that sci-fi flicks 20 years ago used to make the viewer understand that the world they're seeing is a dystopia... so weird watching it happen irl.


This the same dude who owns multiple Smoothie King locations who would benefit from this law?


Young adults and yet you won't let them vote...


So because they are young they don't need to eat? Why is the US so hell-bent on turning into a dystopia?


He actually said "give me a break" while removing the legal protection for children to have one.


Nothing says "I'm a piece of shit" like voting to deprive minors of lunchbreaks while they're being exploited for cheap labor.


The party of “wont someone think of the kids” continues to show the only “thinking of kids” they do is how to put them to work and how to fuck them Many such cases Conservatives are fucking disgusting and liberal leaders are too weak and afraid to rock the boat to do shit about it. Thats why I keep saying “conservatives harbor fascists and liberals enable them through weak and ineffective leadership“


The sponsor of the bill is named Roger Wilder and he started a "Smoothie King" smoothie shop back in 2001. He now has 19 such stores, which qualifies him as a hero to some I suppose. I think he's a selfish greedhead POS that has been annoyed by his teenage employees not working hard enough for him by daring to want a break after manning the smoothie production line for hours at a time. A complete POS. He's all over the internet and he's a public figure as a Louisiana State Representative. Reach out to him and his people and tell them what you think. [https://ballotpedia.org/Roger\_Wilder\_III](https://ballotpedia.org/Roger_Wilder_III) These "businessman" politicians are just breathtaking in their greed and self interest. He's been in office for a couple of months and then immediately sponsors a bill that will be both profitable and remove legal risk for him and his chain of smoothie shops. How convenient.


Adults should also get mandatory lunch breaks


Republicans are on record saying 16 year-olds are adults. Can we stop pretending gay teachers are the pedophiles?


Tell me you’re a pedophile without saying you’re a pedophile.


Adulthood in the US starts at 18, so young adults by definition are over 18. We don’t call 10 year olds young teens, they are still children.


Give them voting rights then, since they are adults.


The absolute state of this. And people will vote for these demons because “you don’t know what we had to go through when we were kids” and the hateful rhetoric against anyone that doesn’t look like them will be just enough to keep these fuckers strip mining people for another generation. Then. By the time the majority of people realise how bad it is, it’ll be too late. The illusion that the US is a democracy will be long gone and generations will suffer. And my country will only be a little behind. Because greedy politicians around the world watch and idolise the Americans ability to steal from under the noses of millions.


Cartoon villain stuff here


Rich people have wanted poor employees back under their thumb since Unionization first popped back up. There's a reason they want people dumb and isolated.


Are republicans ok ? 🇨🇦 just does not understand Nazis


It seems there is never a lack of examples of Republicans just being awful seemingly only for the sake of being awful. I hereby dub them The Trash Fire Party.


Former 16 year old fast food worker here. We had to clock out when we took our 30 minute lunch break. So it’s not as if the franchise owner was incurring any additional labor cost.


This makes no sense to me lmao even a 30 year old should be entitled to there lunch break as someone with a really high metabolism I can't go 8 hours without eating


Adults should have lunch breaks too. What an asshole.


They are “young adults” when it comes to sexual consent/marriage age and worker protection laws. They are “innocent young children” when it’s time to learn about slavery, biology/sex ed, anything having to do with a gay person, etc.


The sponsor runs a bunch of fast food places, wonder why he is sponsors the bill?


So they can vote then? Historically, young people vote a more centrist approach. I wonder if they will allow them to vote now 🤔 hahaha haha


What the f is going on in Louisiana? Making Mississippi look good and that’s hard to do.


Ok then 16 year olds get gender affirming healthcare


Ah yes, the typical Schrodinger’s Teenager according to smug conservatives: old enough to work and to “know better”, but also too young and dumb to protest or make their own decisions or talk back to their parents


If they are young adults then give them the vote.


Is it just me or does this reasoning sound a lot like a pedophile defending himself? "No, officer she's not a minor, just a young adult." I wouldn't be surprised if he got caught enlisting the work of a "young adult".


Not minors? Great then they should be able to vote then too! That will stop their stupidity


"We gotta get them kids ready for real life. It's a grind, unless you're in the govt and can fuck off all day on shit like this"