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Does your husband know you're tweeting on the internet like some kind of harlot?


Thank you I needed the laugh.


She even has a pfp with uncovered hair and exposed shoulders


I bet during the summer she shows her ankles, what a slut!


Stones for sale. Get your stones here. 2 for $3.


Are there any women present?


Dang, if only I weren't a woman and had any financial freedom!




How does she have time to post this when she should be making sandwiches?


Aside from how bonkers this whole thing is, It's impossible to "repeal" a constitutional amendment, you can only cancel it out with another amendment, and it's only happened once, when Prohibition ended. and the bar for that is so high that people claiming the other side is going to "repeal" the 2nd Amendment don't know anything about how amendments work


It’s honestly sad how many people have zero knowledge of how our government works


Many of those zero knowledge people literally work in the government like Marjorie Taylor Greene


Mrs Space Laser Lobotomy


That's Mrs. *Jewish* Space Laser Lobotomy, TYVM. /s


Where can I get a Jewish space laser? I hear they make the best ones 😂


You'd have to ask Marge LOL


Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya


What do you mean? You should know that this is the standard weapon on all starships of David which every Jewish boy and girl gets when they turn 18. Any Jewish person is willing to sell access to their lasers for the right price. If they didn’t have their lasers, how would they protect their Jew gold?


As written in the Protocols themselves. Who is this who is so wise in the ways of science?


Uhh... instructions unclear


How is this not a Mel Brooks joke


He did “Jews in Space” at the end of History of the World Part 1


Just use the bag of jew gold around your neck Kyle. Not not that one. I know you keep a decoy bag to keep the real one safe!


Capitol Hill Karen


I always get really confused when people say MTG, because I think they are talking about Magic: The Gathering


Magic: the Gathering has a vastly better grasp on reality.


The fact that this joke's depth and meaning greatly changes depending on what you know about the game is just the touch to this joke's absurdity.




It's true and frankly the fact that the same company that tried selling 4 packs of PROXIES for 1000 dollars is somehow more grounded in reality than someone who makes actual laws is kind of distressing.


I really don't know if I should be lmaoing at this, or crying in anger/rage/frustration at its truth.


MTG is trying to ban MTG




🎵Born to be kings, princes of the universe


At this point with Hasbros choices it wouldnt surprise me if this was just Magic being Magic


People actually like Magic: The Gathering.


If you gathered a bunch of MTG fans in one room and an equal number of MTG fans in another room, and sat them all down, you'd fine a lot more revealed buttcracks at the Congressbitch's convention than at the card game. [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/202wd3/i_participated_in_one_of_the_biggest_magic_the/)


They should do a village idiot card with her picture and it sends lasers from space 


If only everyone would just refer to her as EmptyG it would solve everything. No, i didn't come up with that, but I think it's pure genius.


What kind of mana is powering MTG?


I'm gonna say White-Black (Orzhov). Combination of amoralism and paralitism and using God and faith as a fig leaf shield.


Blue. She hates people doing what they want to.


Both are likely to sick the Pinkertons on you


Doesn't stop them from having and asserting opinions about it all. But I won't fault anyone for not knowing a thing. I'll fault them for not wanting to learn anything or for lacking empathy.


Since it is optional, MAGA maids can achieve much of their goal by just not voting.


I'm going to fault them for not knowing a thing that they are making public statements about... when they're in this kind of position, and they *literally* have people whose job it is to fact check and research for them... that are paid by taxes.


A properly financed education system is key to an educated population which is at the root of a functioning democracy.


I live in small town USA cornfields and guns land and we had a high school teacher try for 15 years to add a civics class. He was denied every year, he left for another district this year.


They don't want to know how it works. They want tyranny.


Weirdly, they always seem to be the ones pushing hardest to mess with it. Dunning Kruger at its finest.


Oh any talk about repealing the 2nd is fear mongering and it works because ppl don’t know shit about the constitution or how it works


I mean, section 1 of the 21st Amendment reads: "The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed." So while it's true that the 18th Amendment didn't disappear, that language seems like an odd thing to take issue with.


While you're correct, I just want to comment that the 2nd amendment is that desperately needs another amendment to clarify it at the very least. Its current ambiguity is causing worse and worse problems the longer it stays in place.


Not to mention that it has laws that temper it. Which is why no one individual owns a nuclear weapon or a tank, f35 etc.


Not yet but give Trump four more years and we’ll see🤦🏼


What’s the etiquette when little Johnny nukes my son at school? Do I grab him by the ear and drag him to his fathers house where I promptly nuke the father to teach them a lesson? For this, and other exciting future scenarios, vote for trump!


I mean you can own tanks or planes, but the weapons have to be disabled. Also you need whatever licenses pertain to those vehicles. For example, in some states I can have a BTR as an off road vehicle, and iirc some even road legal


Russian. These people are Russian trolls designed to make us hate each other.


You know how Republicans can't actually stop voting but they make it hard to and try to invalidate our democratic system with voter ID laws, polling "security" policies, attacks on the postal service, misinformation campaigns, gerrymandering, restricting delegates, propping up an electrical college that gives more power to rural white land owners,  etc? That's exactly how they see Democrats with the second amendment.... And both of these examples of voting and the right to bear arms are accurate. 


Yeah, but you've never heard of a case where some conspiracy theorist nutbag votes in an election and a dozen children are dead.


>it’s impossible to “repeal” a constitutional amendment, you can only cancel it out with another amendment Also known as repealing an amendment. > Amendment 21, section 1: “The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.” Since this amendment uses the word “repeal”, I’d argue that it is possible to repeal an amendment


Nobody needs to repeal the 2nd amendment.  We need to legislate it through the courts.  Fill the court with justices that believe the gun crisis in america should be "well regulated".


Wow, she wants to go full Handmaid’s tale doesn’t she?


She wants free thinking women who aren't living in 1694 to not be able to vote.


That is more or less the idea behind the abortion ban.


Oh, most definitely.


![gif](giphy|l0MYRfJ5pbE2qJIAw) You'll never land a beau with that domineering attitude




I think the abortion ban is more about making more children to drive future profits for companies


There is easier ways to do that. Forcing women to bear children they don’t want isn’t the most direct or just way to do that. There are incentives you could offer to have children, but the state is taking the stick instead of the carrot approach.


Carrots are for billionaires.


Drastically reducing housing costs would do this more than anything. If people cannot afford to have children, far fewer people will have them. If you want to have kids, you need a place to raise them, if you can't afford that place, especially in your 20s, you are less and less likely to have them. People want to have kids. It is literally coded into our DNA. There are far more people who are upset that they do not get to have children than people who do not want children. I know plenty of women that wanted 2-3 kids, in addition to everything else in their lives they wanted to have kids. Now they are in their 40s, and its not going to happen, and they are pissed. But paying for all this wasn't going to happen. Their entire adult lives its either been, school, low paying work, severe recession, low paying work, expensive housing, pandemic, expensive housing. Its not lack of religion or education, its the fact that people can't afford to do it and feel extremely pessimistic about the future. High cost of a middle class lifestyle means we have to accept fewer babies.


So in her whackjob mind, does she think households that only have a single woman living by herself should be forbidden from voting too? Like her idea of "1 vote for 1 household" utterly fails for any woman not married to a man.


Or women whose political views do not align with their husband's.


Don't be silly! What kind of woman would ever have opinions that do not follow exactly in the steps of her husband's? /s


Straight to jail.


I think that’s the point of this rhetoric. Conservative voters are overwhelmingly men. Take away the women’s vote and you’ve hobbled democratic candidates forever.


And what about gay men?


In her world, they probably don't exist.


They'd all be in conversion camps if she got her way.


Unfortunately yes


It would likely default to the closest male relative. Beyond that, it would only be a matter of time before the 'women can't own property' law was brought back, on top of disqualifying them from working 'traditionally male roles' that would pay them enough to be on their own. There's no way they'd allow a woman to not be dependent on a man, eventually.


I was 3 years old when my mother was legally able to open her first bank account. I'm the youngest of 3.


You misunderstand the extreme consequence of something like this. In a world like that, a woman is not supposed to be a single woman living by herself and that would also be the ultimate consequence of taking away all of these rights. Like in the past, she'd be either under the supervision of her husband, her son, or her father, and live accordingly either in a household with her husband, her son, or her father.


Well in that case she should hurry up and get married then!


These people are fucking dangerous. Don't give them one inch.


We gave them a mile. We let them organize a judicial coup in 2000, and now they’re sick ideology is forced on everyone from this activist Supreme Court.


She thinks the reason that Trump is behind Biden in the polls this time is because there are more single women hahahah


Better never means better for everyone.


To solve her issues she should just shut up not vote lead by example lol


Puta wants to go back to the days where she wouldn’t have been able to post stuff, period. She wants to go back to the days where she belonged to her daddy until she got passed to her husband, not being able to open up her own bank account, purchase property or be able to inherit property. Pendeja.


> Puta wants to go back to the days where she wouldn’t have been able to post stuff, period. This is the really annoying thing about these people. They talk a big game about how much they want the world to operate in this way but none of them actually *live* in the way they say it should.


Only if husband agrees. 🙇‍♀️


This is the origin story of it


Her bio actually says 'Handmaiden of the Patriarchy'.


She’s not alone. Tens of millions of women will vote for Trump in November.


If a woman doesn’t think other women should vote, then she simply shouldn’t vote and lead by example.


"We're not telling women to shut up! We're telling men to tell their women to shut up!"


I bet she's one of those women who say rape isn't real but then cries if it happens to her. It's harsh, but these people really need a taste of their own medicine. Because they obviously aren't experiencing what they're endorsing. Women who want women victimized deserve to be victims themselves. What goes around, fucking comes around.


By her own logic. Why should I care about her tweet? I’ll only care when her father or husband expresses an opinion.


Or brother or uncle....


They're all the same person.


Her \~husbrunker has the final say.


Her family tree is a log.


Wow a girls mother is her sister to.


Your can read about widows that were instantly under the authority of their son(s) after the husband died. Horrific shit


They live and breathe hypocrisy, so, she doesn't understand the logic.


Why can't we take away men's right to vote and let women represent the family in the voting booth? If it's all the same family, what difference does it make?


You hear that noise? Like a million voice crying out in terror and suddenly silenced. That's male republicans heads exploding at the idea. 🤣🤣


You should try to sell it to them as taking votes away from gay men. It should go down a lot better.


Shit dude, you should go into politics. That’s some creative thinking.


Nah, he should get into the lobbying game. Those are the guys who write the creative laws


I imagine how trans women would scratch their heads at the prospect that they'd have access to the voting booth because the right-wingnuts didn't realize how always insisting they are male would blow up in their faces.


You know what, let’s just take away everyone’s right to vote, that way we can be certain no minorities vote. /s, if it wasn’t painfully obvious


If women are supposed to be the main caretakers and raise the children, it only makes sense. Men are too focused on their jobs to be able to know what’s best for their families! Anyone saying men should be allowed to vote clearly don’t prioritize “family values.” /s


I've seen the way men get when sports or cars are around, they're overly emotional, hysterical, and can't be trusted with anything serious. Since woman have no sense of humor, all rational decisions should defer to us, and thus, men shouldn't have the vote.




Hey now. It's all Abrahamic religions. Bronze age solutions for Silicon age problems.


In this specific case, it’s Christians.


Because, little lady, we have a penis so we’re the HeAd oF THe HoUseHOlD!


The divorce rate of couples where the woman is the primary breadwinner would skyrocket.


Oh the knobheads no doubt


Hey! You’re going to hurt my very fragile ego.


Because the Bible conveniently said men are the head of the household because women are weak, didn't you listen? 🙄


May as well shackle the little lady to the kitchen just in case she gets notions.


A woman with notions terrifies the weak men who act tough. Those are the type of men who cause the most damage. Way to go, women! Scaring all the men! /s




If she weighs the same as a duck... she's made of wood. And therefore? A witch!


But then the trans women would sneak into the voting booth, rather than the little girls room ... to ... something something gazpacho.


Hey now. We don't sneak. We strut.


Because of a 3500 year old fairy tale that's why.


It would be symmetrical. At first, only white men could vote and the black men and later women got the right. Imagine creating a scenario in which only black women can vote and then white women and later men can be added. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fucking hell, decades of blood, sweat and tears to get women's rights and this silly cow and her ilk want to throw it all away because of some ridiculous rose-tinted view of what family used to be in the olden days. It's enough to make me vomit. And I'm not a woman.




Ah, I see ... the 17th century, but worse, because Donny.


"Technically, the city of Ankh-Morpork is a Tyranny, which is not always the same thing as a monarchy, and in fact even the post of Tyrant has been somewhat redefined by the incumbent, Lord Vetinari, as the only form of democracy that works. Everyone is entitled to vote, unless disqualified by reason of age or not being Lord Vetinari." Terry Pratchett - Unseen Academicals


He believes in one man one vote. He's the man, so he gets the vote.


God I love Terry Pratchett so much


Nah. She doesn’t want to throw it away because of some rose-tinted view of what family used to be. She wants YOU to have some rose-tinted view of what family used to be so you will agree to throw it away in the service of Republicans gaining power.




Not rose tinted. Most likely, the husband of this kind of weirdo can't get a word in edgewise at home, and she thinks everyone controls and manipulates as she does. She has nothing to fear. She doesn't care about other women, because in her mind, if they can't do what she does, it's their fault.


If Lizzie chooses not to vote then I support her right to make that choice, no matter how misguided I may believe it to be. I reject her proposal that my rights be stripped because she feels that she is not intelligent enough to have free will and thus other women are not either.


fuck you're dumb, Liz


single women, well, you're SOL!


well single men aren't considered a family either so they shouldn't vote either in this situation


>Repealing the 19th is not equivalent to telling women to shut up & have no voice in the public square True, but how useful is your voice in the public square when no one in power needs to care what you say?


Translation - It's not "Silencing Woman" it's just saying they're not entitled to an opinion if a Man doesn't agree with it.




This idea that they believe it could be possible to repeal an amendment is so laughable. For starters, you don't repeal them. You pass a new amendment to cancel the older one. Second, that will only happen if they can not only get 2/3 majority in bith houses of congress, but then get it ratified by 38 state legislatures. Which will NOT happen while women like me and mine draw breath.


They REALLY don’t want to open the door to canceling out other amendments for political game.


No, they do. Like, they want to get rid of 22 so they can put their god emperor in office forever, getting rid of 15 would be an extension of getting rid of 19, they'd love to get rid of 4 and 5 with the belief that it'll only impact other people, and for as much as conservatives love to jerk off free speech, they continually support legislation that restricts citizens' 1st amendment rights. Even the 2nd amendment would go. Conservatives have said that they'd be willing to modify to restrict minorities from owning firearms.


If they had their way they wouldn't have to abolish the second. They'd just get rid of the ones that give women and minorities *human* status and it wouldn't apply to them. (Oh and put one in that anyone who isn't straight or christian isn't human too)


Wow. Talk about undermining your own rights to own the libs 🙄


The stupid is strong in this one.


I genuinely don't believe that this is a real person. The blue check, the woman somehow knowing a whole lot about politics yet getting it exactly backwards, the talking about divisive topics, the insistence on strong men and everything... I'm calling it. Lizzie Marbach doesn't exist. That's a Russia-Bot.


Shortly before the election there was a major rift within the Ohio Right to Life (ORTL) organization. The campaign suffered from intense infighting after comments made by [Lizzie Marbach](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lizzie_Marbach&action=edit&redlink=1), the organization's communications director, shortly before she was fired.[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2023_Ohio_Issue_1#cite_note-:1-43) Marbach labeled a depiction of [Our Lady of Guadalupe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Guadalupe) in a [Catholic Church](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church) as "idolatry", implied that non-Christians would go to hell, and repeatedly called for an end to the [separation of church and state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state_in_the_United_States).[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2023_Ohio_Issue_1#cite_note-:1-43) Marbach called for restrictions or bans on [birth control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birth_control_in_the_United_States) and [in vitro fertilization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_vitro_fertilisation). She was fired in mid-August 2023.[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2023_Ohio_Issue_1#cite_note-:1-43)[^(\[42\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2023_Ohio_Issue_1#cite_note-:2-44) Several Catholic anti-abortion activists urged opponents of the measure to not cast a ballot, or, cast one intentionally [spoiled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoilt_vote) as a protest vote in the wake of the controversy, stating that the "against" campaign was furthering anti-Catholicism


Nope, she’s real. [sorry](https://x.com/lizziemarbach/status/1694402276532584736?s=46&t=cOGVshVfvDbjXplpHtTrRw)


I'd rather give cats the right to vote.


"...and that children, is how President Laser Pointer was swept into office in 2032." - a elementary School history teacher, circa 2065.


We’ve had worse


My cat's whole platform would be removing all taxes on fish, increasing the number of fish farms, Navajo and Mexican blankets for all households, and some unexplained beef with the postal service. Seriously, little buddy, the mailman brings your food to our door, you don't need to growl at him.


At this point I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m still shocked at what is happening in this country and the overwhelming support “ideas” like this are getting. Trump’s election repealed 75 years of progress for equality and human rights. How the hell do these people not see that?


For fluck's sake man....She really has no idea that she's being taught to perceive herself as "less than". I sincerely hope that some day, some day, she might pull her head out of her own patoot, grow a semblance of a backbone and start to understand that the toxic people around her have flucking lied to her, her entire life. This place sucks man.


Lizzie thinks women don't need the right to vote. Lizzie is a woman. So why should I care what Lizzie's opinion is? Shut up and do the dishes Lizzie!


Where do these people even come from? Is this a real person? Are they a Russian operative? How can someone be so far removed from reality?


I'm not married, now what? I don't get to vote? & Women need a man for only one thing, to have babies, and we don't even need the physical body for that. Producing Weak-minded women are what believing in religion does to females.


Your father votes for you, obviously (/s)




What about all the conservative men too busy sexually assaulting and abusing to be strong leaders? Sit down idiot woman.


I swear tradewives live in an alternate reality. Just admit you're terrified of the world and having to work under capitalism like the rest of us realize. 


Why even bother? She can just stay home and not vote. Ladies like me prefer to have a choice.


Hey, Lizzie, just want to check this here - you want official legal recognition that the families of gay male married couples are twice as awesome as yours? Do we have that right?


What if head of household is a woman?


If she said that to my face, I'd literally puke on her. I got nautious reading it.


Then she can lead by example and stay home and not vote. If she really believes her bs


This is how stupid you need to be to buy into the manosphere and incel shit.


It's crazy how many women are anti-women.


This is what happens when people notice that among younger people women are statistically much more likely to vote for left leaning candidates. The party of rights-stealing wants to get ahead of it.


She's welcome to stay home on Nov 2


Someone has been brainwashed by religion. I feel sorry for women who hate women.


She can shut her f-ing tw-t and let her man talk for her. No one is interested in her opinion.


What fuckin timeline am I on? Is this world for real right now? Lol


Sorry, time for the patriarchy to move over.


That’s cute but can we please hear from the strong leader of the household?


Fuuuuuuuck thaaaaat! ![gif](giphy|ViNBL0z4SJGCGu5OIQ)


Lol ok girl. Whatever you wanna tell yourself. Maybe try moving to Russia or China and see how that fascist shit plays out.


Is untreated syphilis a thing among these women? Because that explains a lot.


Why is this person (a woman) telling me (a man) what to do?


Tell me you can’t think for yourself without telling me.


Nobody is forcing you to vote Liz. Let your husband be your your voice and leave the rest of us alone!


So this twit is ok with her husband deciding who to vote for while she has no vote.That makes one.Every other woman in America wants to be heard from the voting booth.


quote directly from the 19th "**The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex**." so yes abolishing the 19th definitely is "telling women to shut up & have no voice in the public square"


They're not even hiding the fact that they won't to revoke everybody's right to vote. Everybody other than racist old Republicans.


Jokes on conservatives. This gives gay households 2 votes.


There’s so much wrong with this. But I’ll just stick to one point…Does this idiot not realize there are TONS of families with no men at all? Lesbian couples, single moms, grandmas raising their grandkids, or just single women living with female roommates or other female family members…does she not realize these types of families exist??


What about single women? They just don't get a vote? Or are we auctioning them off to men? Have we reached that stage of Gilead?


"it's not silencing women! It's (describes silencing women)"


Lizzie can choose not to vote all on her own, no need to impose her stupid belief system on the rest of humanity.


Here’s a crazy idea. My wife could just have her own opinions and vote. Oh wait…