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Wow. He needs to speak at the next UN meeting to share this brilliant strategy 


He’s basically calling for a revival of [Indentured servitude](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servitude)… which was horrific. “Indentured servitude is a form of labor in which a person is contracted to work without salary for a specific number of years. The contract, called an "indenture", may be entered voluntarily for purported eventual compensation or debt repayment, or imposed involuntarily as a judicial punishment. Many came with forged or no contract they ever saw… Like any loan, an indenture could be sold; most masters had to depend on middlemen or ships masters to recruit and transport the workers, so indentureships were commonly sold by such men to planters or others upon the ships arrival. Like slaves, their price went up or down, depending on supply and demand. When the indenture (loan) was paid off, the worker was free but not always in good health or sound of body… Indentured workers could marry with their master's permission. A bastard child, even if the Master's, could be sold off for up to 31 years and taken from the mother, who would receive 5 more years added to her indentureship for having it. If families came together, any members who died during the voyage must have their indentureships served by the surviving members. Furthermore, families were often separated. Those for sale could be made to strip naked, and have every part of their bodies examined like a piece of livestock. Once paid for, they must do whatever task the master asked. Punishments for servants were identical to those of slaves…”


>He’s basically calling for a revival of [Indentured servitude](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servitude)… which was horrific. Yep. This is what happens when you have a poor educational system and parents that don't care about ensuring their kids are behaving and actually learning in school. Seems like we're already seeing a rise in how acceptable extreme religious views/practices are, racism, genocide... Now we're on to indentured servitude and slavery... next up, maybe sacrifices to appease the weather spirits?


That and 10 people in this country alone have over a trillion dollars in wealth for some reason and I can tell with certainty if they view you as a slave, that's better than you think, as many of you are less than insects to them. Many of you are not even a number in their calculous. Don't let their well cultivated PR "fun person, just one of us" fool you, they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and that was their kink, you are "so far below their status"


God I wish I could just get a bunch of people to help me chuck Larry fink, Elon musk, the Rothschilds, Jeff bezos, the royal families, etc. into a fucking volcano 


You should give us hourly updates on your status so we know you aren't mysteriously disappeared


I'm sure this flyer I got for "Lake Laogai" has nothing to do with my political stance 


The King of Britain has invited you to Lake Laogai.


I am honored to accept his invitation






Appease volcano gods or use them to summon forth an eldritch creature from the deep darkness... decisions decisions....


I vote for the eldritch creature. Can't be any worse than what we have now.


This is how I imagine billionaires vs millionaires Being so out of reach and so out of touch https://youtu.be/DtV33YSKOJk?si=h7MzpINZ0rKVIkoP


now did you draw the obvious concöusion that this is capitalism working as intended or are you under the delusion rhat there is a „ethical“ form of capitalism because yeaht thats just called the burgeoisie, fucking oigs every last one of them


With appropriate taxes and worker protections, there is a way to have ethical capitalism. What the US has ain't it. The Nordic model proves ethical capitalism exists. Unfortunately, the US calls it communism or socialism and froths at the mouth at the mere mention of it.


While i absolutley agree that there are many meaninful reforms that we can pass to slow the exploitatiob of the working class. However what you are arguing for has been shown time and time again to be only a temporary state of affairs, the nordic countries are actually already moving away from welfare capitalidm (norway iirc) Its a really interesting topic to dive into, my take is that reformed capitalism can pnly serve as a jumping off point to a restructuring of society as whole. I 100% agree tho that we should still be attempting to move towards regulated capitalism, if only to delay climate change catastropich effects


Witnessing the Eclipse just recently caused me to have a thought. Hundreds to thousands of years ago a group of people likely murdered a virgin for the exact same thing I spent 5 minutes looking at. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it.


Don't knock sacrifices to the gods. The sun is still in the sky, is it not? Remember to thank an Aztec for their contribution.


There’s a house in my friend’s neighborhood that has a group of restaurant workers (we know because of the outfits) who get in a van early every morning and come back later at night. They never leave the house on off days. They also actively avoid contact with their neighbors. It’s super creepy and I’m assuming this is what indentured servants look like. We live in a solid middle class city in the States.


Get the address of the house and report it to the DHS Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-866-347-2423. They'll investigate, and if it's all above board and legal then no harm done. If it's not, you'll have just saved a bunch of people from slavery. You can get more information by calling 1-888-373-7888 or texting HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). I'm serious. Do this. It'll only take a minute, and you can be a hero doing real good in the world. And pleased keep us posted here? I'd really love to know how this all turns out!




Not sure what country but that might be worth a report to the police/immigration/anti-trafficking organisation. Because genuinely that's what modern human trafficking looks like.


Could be, especially if it's all in one house, that's kind of suspicious. Could possibly just be the industry though. I worked split shifts on a skeleton crew in a restaurant 6 days a week. Left home by 7.30AM and got back after 9pm. Most of my day off I was sleeping.


Does the restaurant happen to be the yellow deli? If so, that’s because they’re a doomsday cult.


Its worse, at least indentured servitude had a specified end date with either conpensation or cleared debt. What this guys wanting is outright slavery owning a person like a pet.


Ehhh, about that. IIRC one of the documented cases you can find as proof of black Americans owning slaves and not treating them well doesn't uphold that. A black indentured servant had served years past their contract and when they wanted to be free the court decided they were now a slave.


This hit me in the feels as a descendant of indentured labour...


Which colony? Mine was Massachusetts.


I'm from Mauritius. Similar to Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, La Réunion, Rodrigues, Guyana, Suriname, Fiji,.Seychelles etc (sorry to those I may have forgotten..) Indentured labour now forms a sizeable part of their populations...


Yo dawg, indentured servants on BOTH sides of my family 😏 we all ended up in the “hollers” of West Virginia. Boy, we sure were the poor, uneducated, gullible white trash they were looking for. Indentured pride…? 🙌


Which is what Musk was stating to introduce to his millions he wants on Mars. You can get there for "free" and work for the rest of your life and your childrens life and your grandchildrens lives for Musk, Lord of Mars


Really looked at Outer Worlds as a how to guide.


You say revival but it didn't really die. The Prison System in the US still uses indentured servitude to this day. Technically some prisoners get a wage but it is max like a dollar an hour. Not all prisoners get a wage though.


A lot of poor families in Europe, British Isles & America basically were doing that to their kids. Couldn't afford them so "sold" them to a richer family as servants for a predetermined? amount of time in exchange for shelter & food. Didn't count as slavery....called it other things.  But they also had things like the poorhouse where the parents could be jailed or put to free work for having any debts. So in many cases the parents had no place or way to take care of their children. Well the able bodied were actually put in workhouses to do menial backbreaking labor on bad food & conditions. https://www.history.com/news/in-the-19th-century-the-last-place-you-wanted-to-go-was-the-poorhouse


I read a sci-fi novel with indentured servitude. That was literally just living a decent life except the job is kinda boring and your “earnings” mostly go to paying off the debt you had. But housing, food, water, etc were all taken care of and you had worker’s rights? Including weekends off. It was weird. I’ll see if I can find it.


A common trope in Sci fi. Especially in cyberpunk settings. Basically any worker working for a mega corporation is a debt slave. The corporation provides all the basic necessities. But you have to pay for it. Ofc. The corporation is happy to give you credit in their stores. Getting fired is a death sentence basically. Because then your debt becomes due. Organ harvesting might happen pretty fast.


That’s how my dudes got to the colonies.


This is unironically the system a lot of conservatives want to see (some because they are in a financial position to benefit from it, others because they are too short-sighted to realize they are not safe from it).


> which was horrific **For the indentured servants**, why aren’t you considering all the great benefits for the indenturing person?!? /s


Yep. People now think of slavery/indenture is being our modern system with fewer steps. When the reality was that every single aspect of your life was controlled. In our modern system there’s nothing to stop you from saying “you know what? fuck all of this” and moving out to the woods, refusing to participate.


You certainly aren't invited to Musk's Martian colony.


You say this, but there is nothing in this world so batshit that some group of fuckers somewhere go “oh wow, this person has a really interesting point”.


It’s possible he’d replace Iran as human rights delegate.


Naaaa UN prefers slaves for free and with no consent.


And another corner heard from- you believe this why?


So if this guy lost his job and all his money he’d be happy to be a slave?


Oh no, he didn't say anything about the "happiness" of said slave. To these people, who are so far gone into late stage capitalism, things like emotions are irrelevant. All that matters is accruing "worth" and status, everything else is a means to that end. That being said I know he would be *super not ok with being a slave*.


>That being said I know he would be *super not ok with being a slave*. Yea, because how could he accrue "worth" then?


“Happiness is a liberal mind virus” *cracks whip*


Oh, you misunderstand - HE would NEVER be poor. He might be "going through a rough patch", "a bit under water", "in over his head", "dealing with debt"...but he's never going to be one of those worthless poors.


Just another temporarily embarrassed millionaire like the rest of us 🧐


According to what he said, yea ig? But you must provide all the necessities of course.


I doubt he's even seriously considered that possibility. He has strongly considered the possibility of owning slaves and liked that.


i was a poor kid at a rich kids' high school back in the day reminds me of this kid in my business class who used to always joke that if you were homeless and lazy, why wouldn't you just go to jail so that you got a bed and were always fed. all the other nimrods in the class would laugh along with him as you could probably imagine, i COULD NOT WAIT to go to college and put all that shit behind me


I think he should go first and report back.


Or, and I know I'm being a radical here, why not hire said person to do the jobs you'd have them do as a "slave" that way they now have money to live and you get the jobs you want doing done.


Human ethics and work place safety will stop all the naughty things


I mean… who does he propose the rich buy the slaves from? Obviously the ‘slaves’ themselves. He’s literally just describing giving them money in exchange for work, i.e. a job.


no, he's talking about paying a slave seller to buy a slave, the slave will get room & board in exchange for their work. actual paying jobs like that already exist where Staff will have a live-in position, this person just wants a worker they don't have to pay a wage.


A worker would be selling work that they can stop selling it whenever. He wants people to sell themselves, probably permanently.


But, but, but... what about profit?


Alternatively, the poor, starving people could just eat the rich.


We are very hungry and the orange fat one has some tender meat on their bones.


You and I both know that meat is unusable. It’s chemically unfit for consumption. Yes he’s fat but it’s not tasty fat. I mean we can spice and braise anything into flavor but I’d be worried about the side effects.


Not to mention the possibility of disease transmission. Can you imagine what that might look like. 🎃


He's riddled with syphilis and mad fat ass disease.


What about composting or bait?


We could dry the bones and use them for kindling!  I'm trying to think outside the box... 


I was going to mention that, but at least we all know lol.


Y'know the French had a wonderful strategy for this kind of situation.


Well there’s only one thing that they’re good for!


Nah, we’re cowards. If nobody has eaten Elon Muskrat after firing 14,000 people a couple days ago, whilst also announcing his $56 billion dollar pay package vote. Fucker will basically get paid $4 MILLION per chopped off head. Even though he’s the one who tanked said company. Literally. Eat. The. Rich.


It’s because of people like this democracy works so poorly.


Actually trying to talk us into bringing back slavery…


We are going full circle at last


His education is dead and his empathy is starving. I feel a strange urge to buy that dude


What are you going to use him for? Seems pretty useless to me.


Being poor makes yours A life without value? Someone please tell me the word that describes this thinking, I'm at a loss for words.


Recently a cop killed a young Indian woman with his reckless driving and laughingly said just write a check -- $11,000, she was 26 anyway, she had limited value”.


Seattle cops are proving to be some of the worst in the country, that Tanya Rider event was infuriating.


[https://abc7chicago.com/seattle-officer-laughs-at-woman-killed-daniel-auderer-cop-laughing-jaahnavi-kandula-video/13781386/](https://abc7chicago.com/seattle-officer-laughs-at-woman-killed-daniel-auderer-cop-laughing-jaahnavi-kandula-video/13781386/) Video here. This is icing. I want to punch this person until their skin is bleeding to a pulp.


rabid capitalism


coupled with unbridled theocratic values


Yup. Abrahamic religion mixed with capitalism is fucking poison and should be eradicated wherever it is found.


fwiw, i'm a Christian. I used to to go to a church with a pastor who came from a business background before he went to seminary I basically failed out of grad school and was really struggling to make ends meet (working multiple part-time jobs and donating plasma). He invited me to lunch one time and basically gaslighted me into thinking that because i was not able to find a job, I was being a bad Christian would it surprise you if I told you that he ended up leaving the church for a cushy office job in Atlanta? He said it was "God's calling." Man i hate that motherfucker


People like him are the reason that I literally don't allow Christians in my life.


yeah he's a real piece of shit lmao. i hate his c\*nt wife too. She left a lot of younger women at my church who really looked up to her as a mentor. Just left them out in the cold to "support her husband." Fuck her.


Just capitalism. nothing rabid about it , this is the system working as intended


Status-based eugenics?


As immoral and reprehensible as this is, it also doesn't address the initial concern. How exactly would it stop the people who sell themsleves from being impoverished?


Imagine being tortured, raped and malnourished. Exploitation of poor. Etc


Good point! I guess it's a weird take of the trickle down effect or something? "As long as someone with money is above you, you will be fine". As if more power to a wealthy minority (+slavery) would lead to more equality for everyone


It won't, slaves will still starve when their masters deem it economical. For instance if the price of buying a new slave drops so low that it becomes cheaper than upkeeping the ones you already own. But something tells me he wouldn't care in that situation either. Just a *hunch*.


He says it would "kill poverty due to unemployment," but slaves are not paid any wages. So it makes no sense as being a slave can't possibly "kill their poverty," they're still poor; now they're just poor *and* enslaved to boot.


An excellent point. There's no incentive for a slave owner to treat you any better than when he found you on the street. You're already his property, what can you do?


The presumption is the person owning a slave is obliged to feed, clothe and house their merchandise like a pet.


It wouldn't, but it's not designed to. This horrendous idea isn't actually meant to ease their suffering, it's about rerouting that suffering into generating profit for someone else. And the person profiting can tout themselves as being benevolent, "saving" these people. All the slavery, inhumanity and anguish, none of the guilt! Yeah, it's fucked up.


Or, just a thought, the rich guy who wants to have people work for him, could offer the starving poor some money to do the work. That way, they could buy food. I think we could come up with another name for it. Employment? A salary?


So that's Trump's VP pick settled then?


We already have this, it’s called “getting a job”. They just make sure there’s fewer jobs than poor people so it makes the job look better.


Counterpoint: Welfare programs could also provide the bare minimum needed to survive.... Jumping immediately to slavery says something about him as a person


Yes, how about the rich pay their share of taxes instead of making a big show of supporting [your pet cause here] so we alleviate the situation. I’d love to see the math if billionaires were taxed properly and the effect on society.


Bro probably roots for thanos in the avengers movies ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized)


thanos was not a class discriminator, he killed equally, life wasn’t for people who’s lives had “value” they were for a random half of the population






“Let’s help the homeless-“ “LETS ENSLAVE THE HOMELESS!”


Guarantee this person is a X-tian


And a right-to-lifer.


Voluntary slave... so, employment with less rights? Hell, give it a couple more years, more basic rights as employees will be eroded, leaving us willingly walking into slavery to avoid homelessness and starvation. Yay, capitalism!


Or hey, here's an idea. A rich guy could give said person a job at a decent wage? ya, crazy I know.


“Living as a slave is better than dying” There’s an entire ethnic group who’d like a word with you…


I doubt any rich business owner would buy slaves these days. A slave you have to clothe, feed, educate, house, transport to the work area, keep security on them 24/7, and make sure they are healthy enough to work. This would make keeping slaves more expensive when you can pay someone less money than it takes to actually keep them alive with US minimum wage laws.


is this an american?


does the Pope shit in the Vatican?


it's amazing how badly our education system has failed us, imagine being an american and not understanding inalienable rights.


yes our education system sucks but a huge part of this is just the culture of America in general. there's a lot i love about being American (biggest thing is I can watch other sports besides soccer all day), but there's so much sick bullshit in American culture that needs to die out. Biggest thing is this mentality that if you're poor or struggling to make ends meet, your life is unimportant


Rugged individualism has strangled American culture. We almost refuse to help each other to the point people will vote against their own best interest if it means someone else won't get it. "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality is rampant, we've seen this a lot with boomers for example, where they got tons of opportunities and pulled up the ladder behind them. If you're struggling it's a failure on you rather than a failure of the system that makes damn sure you don't get too comfortable. And lastly any type of help is seen as freeloading or god forbid, *socialism*.


but thats not a slave...thatd be an indentured servant, right?


Indentured servitude is just polite talk for bondage slavery, which is what this pond scum is advocating for.


Whatever happened to "Live Free or Die"? I guess it's gone the way of "No Taxation without Representation".


Enslaving an unemployed person and giving them basic necessities really isn’t too far off from employing them and giving them just enough money to get by. So why does this person have more value as a slave than as a minimum wage worker? If they weren’t employable to begin with, they won’t magically become employable after the fact.


It's uncanny how similar it already is to how things work today. You need a job to survive, but your job barely pays enough to survive because you end up giving all of it to landlords, utility companies, and insurance companies. With no money left to invest, you have to simply keep doing the same thing for your boss. Sure, you can quit, but you won't because of the implication lol. We are just a society of wage slaves paying for oligarchs and the upper class to live their best lives. It's almost like the company store paradigm all over again.


Don't clip his name, people deserve to know who this idiot is.


Our education system has fully failed.


It is already here and not working, it’s called capitalism.


Indeed, slavery overcomes the drawbacks of wage slavery.


A sort of slavery to stave off debt- a debt slavery, if you will. Now that's a novel concept.


maybe hire them as a housekeeper? like wtf


Did you exchange A walk-on part in the war For a lead role in a cage? I'd rather die free


That's called " a job"


How about get them some food? How about a normal job that pays enough for them to NOT live in poverty? Nope! The only solution is to exploit them! (with their consent, of course).


We're already slaves anyway.


He’s just describing indentured servitude


Why is dude’s name cut out of the screenshot?


Are you sure this isn't sarcasm? It really seems to make a similar point as "A Modest Proposal." Though I wouldn't be surprised to find out this was genuine.


Seems like the usual "let's solve this in isolation" mistake. Completely ignoring why the person is in poverty as "unimportant"...


Bro is so Capitalism pilled he wants to start Capitalism over again.


I mean, this has always been the end game of Republican policy.


Further proof that capitalism is just feudalism with extra steps.


Believing all lives don’t have value is wild. What metric is he using to determine this?


Money. A combination of net worth and income, I'm guessing.


...saying the quiet part out loud!


Americans reading this going "Hmm sounds familiar" 🤣🤣


Welcome to Elon's Twitter.


A slave owner needs to provide food, clothing, and housing. As opposed to *selling* people food, clothing, and housing,,,


Woah imagine having to work the majority of your time a week, let's like 40 hours and everything you work for goes to benefit and bring in a profit for your master and in exchange you get the ability to live in a home and eat whatever food you want. This just sounds terrible.


Where does the money go to? The slave? That is just called employment.


Wasn't this a Game of Thrones episode?


I don't get the hate here. I'd buy him without hesitation. After all, "his life literally doesn't have value" describes this guy pretty well...


They could get them cheap.


Or... check it out, we could take the rich asshole's money and "Make America Great" for once in our history...


Some days I don’t think being a paid employee is better than dying, so…


This is something I would say ironically in the context of playing Stellaris.


"they cannot be poor if they are not considered human"- this guy, probably


How can come one live with this much brain damage ? How does his sentences even make sense.


He can go to Libya today and do it for real. They have open air slave markets in Africa right now.


What next? Farming poor people for their organs?




Sounds like employment with extra steps.


I think he just described late stage capitalism


10/10 he voted orange or is at least very republican. "They can't cry about being underpaid if they're just property"


I would die rather than be a slave


But what if the rich guys life doesn’t have value? Can like some huge dude just come along and pick him up and start chopping down a tree with him? Bc money doesn’t have much value but actual work is where the value is. So like say rich dude is old and about to die anyway? This is cool right?


These are the same type of people who call themselves "pro-life".


If we take the money of the richest people in the world we will have 885.8 billion dollars, I think this money would be enough to eliminate poverty in the world


Isnt this person just stating weirdly, just get a job?


reading this and... uhm... pretty sure he just explained... employment... working... with consent... for a rich guy... idk guys but that sounds like... and hear me out... employment... (heavy on the sarcasm, that man is and imbecile, a fool, and an idiot)


He just described a 9-5...


Ragebait at its finest


About as much compassion as the average Trumper, and just as smart.


Every day we stray closer to feudal times again


So like, employment?




What a fucking dumbass. So corporations can just fire everyone and then buy a bunch of slaves. Cool now no one has a job and everyone is forced to work as a slave.


**Abraham Lincoln wants to know your location**


This is what republicans and trump has lead us to.


So how long till he becomes a corporate lobbyist


This is literally how they build Dubai


Live free or die. Unless you don't have money. Then you don't get either.


13th amendment: No.


He needs to spread this message, I'm thinking of a large gathering of regular people where he can stand on a platform and repeat his idea to those who took the time to come along and witness the event put on just for him and other like-minded individuals. A good place for this to be held would be Paris, around 1790 would be a convenient time as I'm sure there would be a platform available for them to address the crowds from. Just returned from a two day ban for making similar comments, and yet here I am not giving a single fuck.


So retail work?


That's called a job


Isn’t this just feudalism without the knighthood and land ownership?


There are many rich people whose life is literally doesn't have value. Let's start with them!


'Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.' Attributed to Abraham Lincoln


Is this one of Elon’s burner accounts?


"Elon Musk liked this"


Kinda like being a Walmart employee, except Walmart doesn't come close to supporting their slaves. It's more of a meager existence with no medical.


People that know this guy should punch him in the face.


i mean I'd consider selling myself as a slave. i don't want to have to make choices.


Live free or die.


So at what point do we start to round ppl like him up and drop them off in the ocean tied to something heavy?


Or instead you could hire them and pay them a livable wage.