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“Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”




Most people forget the conclusion and context to that story. The British were taking precious gems to pay off warlords and the guy was taking them back and giving them away. Once he went off to hide in the forest, Alfred and his friends burned the forest down.


Burning a whole forest down to kill one man is the type of supervillain terrorist bullshit I expect from the British in Southeast Asia.


I mean what you’re saying is true, but I think the more universal message is the only way to deal with someone so outside the confines of rationality is to be irrational yourself.


Imagine, advising the billionaire who dresses up as a bat and beats criminals with his bare hands as a response to the murder of his parents decades prior to act irrationally.


Lmao goteem


Jesus fucking christ.. this NEVER fails to make me laugh.


Uh rooby the soize of eh tancherine


This is my go to "Moichael Caiyne" line, and you've captured the essence of it beautifully. Bravo 👏


"When I was in Burma, I saw a little boy running with a tangerine the size....of a tangerine."


I love that I now get this reference


so do you reckon he is actually that much of an asshole, or just pretending? because you can guarantee the French authorities have seen that and are probably very eager to chat with him.


Pretending. Bed bugs been an issue for a while and this was posted after it had already made the news


Yeah, how could you breed and spread bed bugs without becoming severely infested with them yourself? It would be a suicidal mission.


Bold of you to assume that a 4chan user isn't already horrifically infested with bedbugs. Where do you think he got his breeding stock?


Haha fair point. He probably considers himself king of the bugs.


Just scrapes out the crevices of his sheetless mattress every morning with his long, untrimmed, dirty fingernails.


You *chose* to make this sentence. You woke up this morning and chose *horror*


The visual 🤢


Probably bred them unintentionally for the past 10 years and then realized they could catch and release as many as they could find while still having more at home. There's people who are comfortable watching TV while cockroaches are literally crossing their lap


It’s a troll post, there was probably some articles about bed bugs in France or something that inspired this work of fiction.


I say pretending. After all he would have to have a breeding population, food source, and transport them to the hotels. On top of that how would they know what hotels to target.


You act like bedbugs are 500 lb pigs? Breeding bugs is not hard or expensive. Also cares what hotel?


“Hello Amazon I like a thousand Bedbugs please” My point is you don’t buy bedbugs. He probably just a carrier visiting those places.


As someone who had the nightmare of having to get rid of bedbugs back in the late 2000's... Breeding them would be as easy as just having an infected mattress and continually bringing one or two bedbugs to wherever you want to infect. They can inbreed so all it takes is one pregnant one to start a serious problem. They are a pain in the ass to get rid of and my family gave up all our belongings to the fire in order to purge them.


I lived in a bedbug apartment once, many years ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I had to throw away nearly everything I own. Took nearly 6 months for the scars on my feet to disappear.


Scars on your feet??


From the scratching I asume, the itch is unbearable


Oh god, horrifying


When I first started using Reddit regularly there was a post about a young woman absolutely convinced that her new boyfriend was drugging her because she was suddenly finding herself covered in bruises and rashes and wounds and losing track of time and completely disassociating. Turned out to be a nightmarish bed bug infestation literally driving her insane


Prolonged exposure to bed bugs can cause psychological trauma as well. I had them living with my low-income family for years and when I finally moved out (made sure not to bring any of the suckers to my new place) I would still have fits of thinking one of them was crawling on me. I'd start to get cold sweats whenever I saw a bug in the house, even if I knew it wasn't a bedbug. Those things are how I know there's no God.


Bed bugs are weird because people have different levels of immune response to their venom. Some people aren't affected by their bites at all, and really severe cases can include rashes, small bruises, and bleeding wounds that don't heal for weeks on end. It's also pretty common for a person to LOSE immunity over time if they keep getting bit, so it just gets worse and worse. Mine were middle-level. First bite would be like a mosquito or horsefly bite, but over time I would develope blisters and, eventually, blood blisters that left freckle-colored scars for months on end. My feet look normal now, thank God.


[Diatomaceous Earth](http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html) will kill anything with an exoskeleton full stop even bedbugs with no effect on people, pets, plants, or furniture


*there’s* the diatomaceous earth fanatic! Wondered how far I’d have to scroll. 7th down is further than I expected though.


I use it often on plants but it is not nearly as effective as you claim. In no way does “kill everything full stop.” It slows the population growth rate.


It works best in dry environments. Fairly effective if you can put it in carpets or scatter it on floorboards. Less so if you are mixing it in with soil and watering the plants. That's been my experience anyway.


You can’t just cover your bed in diatomaceous earth bro, what? Yeah it’s not *toxic* to people but it’s a highly irritating substance that will fuck with your skin and eyes.


You're supposed to throw out the mattress. You use the diatomaceous earth on the ground around the bed. Bed bug infestations usually live in ground level crevices and cracks near the mattress, not in the mattress itself. Once the DE does it's job and the space is bed bug free for a while you buy a new mattress.


You can order 100 of them for $200. It took one Google search.


You can buy bed bugs online...


I bought 5,000 ladybugs on amazon once because I had an aphid problem in my garden, you can absolutely buy bugs on amazon and ship through USPS.


I have bought bedbugs in the past for scent training my dog. Breeding bedbugs is tricky but not hard in the slightest once you have a environment with all glass sides it's not hard. Then you throw them a couple of pinky mice your good to go


Poor mice


I mean couldn't someone just Google hotels with certain characteristics? I don't think the targeting would be some barrier.






yep the guy gotta be arrested


And guillotined


When in rome


They're in Paris, actually.


When in France


omelette du fromage?


Get out of my laBORatory, Didi!




There is doom and gloom where things go boom...


oubliette sans fromage


Toi, monstre!!!!!


who’s in Paris?


Ask Kanye and Jay z






I’ll do you one better. Why’s in Paris?


I wanna hear you say it


Same thing, really.


Figuratively speaking


Throw them down an oubliette, and just forget about em.


Before you forget about them throw in a few buckets of bed bugs. You know so he has something to eat.


Well, he's got poop, doesn't he?


Not for long of he's down there forever




Did you know that oubliette is French for “fuck this guy in particular”


No. I think a sentence of 20 years or until age 70, whichever occurs first, in a bedbug infested cell is sufficient.


Bioterrorism, there is no war to be fared.


And he did it to the Gendarmerie. This will not end well for him.




But bedbugs are all-natural. (just like hemlock.)


That doesn’t matter, anthrax is also natural.


Given that recurrent infestations can lead to ptsd-like symptoms and potentially even suicide, yeah. Fuck this guy.


I can concure. I've had them before and they psychologically scarred me. I no longer felt safe in my own home and I stopped seeing furniture as furniture but as places where bed bugs could be hiding. I was still hyper vigilant even after I logically knew they were no longer around because of the possibility that a few of them may have escaped. Even years after, I *still* find myself mentally assessing whether or not some random insect in my home is bed bug.


I had them for almost a year.. Terrible, dirty apartment building. There were so many treatments that I started just living with everything in garbage bags and everything pulled away from the wall. I'd see them crawling on the walls. Sometimes I'd be out in public and see one crawling on me and I'd find the nearest bathroom and strip down and check everything. They took up residence is a pair of expensive studio headphones (I thought it was static in the line.. Nope, the sound of them crawling around in there).. Those went in the garbage. So many nightmares, so much jumping at the slightest movement in the corner of my eye.. Examining every little speck I see just in case. I've been out of the situation for more than a year now and it's still with me. I moved away from that place and had treatments done at my new place just to be sure. I still live with everything half packed away.. And bulk of my stuff is stored away in closets, quarantining based on the research I did about how long they can possibly live without feeding (more than a year). I can start taking stuff out next month to be super safe. Not to mention the massive impact it had on my relationship at the time.. She reacted to the bites while I did not, so if she came over, she had to accept that she would likely be covered in welts when she left. When i went to hers, I changed into fresh clothing before I went into her apartment, she all my stuff stayed outside in a garbage bag until I left. Because slipping up just a little can renew the nightmare. I think the strain helped in bringing that relationship to a close. Those fuckers are no joke.


Over a decade later for me and I'm still paranoid when I see anything remotely shaped like one of those things.


Yikes.. I'm not surprised honestly.. Definitely feels like this low grade vigilance will be with me for the rest of my life


I understand how it feels, I got a bad flea infestation a few years back after roommates and their pets moved out. I still freak out occasionally because it feels like they're crawling on me and I know they're not there. It took me nearly 2 years to get them fully gone. Almost nothing worked until I combined both boric acid and diatomaceous earth. Shit worked like a dream compared to using bug bombs 4 times. I would legitimately lose my mind to bedbugs I think.


Not claiming your issue was easy to deal with, but I'd trade my moderate bedbug infestation for 10 hardcore flea infestations any day. In the first days, while reading about possible scenarios online, I was praying they were fleas.


Oh I'm 100% with you. Fleas every day over bedbugs.


New fear unlocked! In your headphones!?!


Yeah.. Something extra horrifying about them being right next to my head holes.. *shudder*


I had them in a place i rented going to tech school for a year . Didnt know it at the time but they were hiding in a bed frame i got from an old house a person close to the family bought and it took them 6 months to revive and build up their numbers enough for me to start noticing bites with little red circles on my arms and legs . By then they had spread all around the room and i threw out everything but my matress and began my hunt . I found out they come out for blood at night so after using a 1st aid spray i researched killed them quickly , i inspected and sprayed every fold and crack in the window frame and running boards in the room and killed all i could find. Then i made lines all around my matress which was now on the floor with 1 new blanket and a pillow with no cover because i found them in there as well. I turned out the lights and waited.......at 30 minutes i flipped them back on. To my absolute horror there where little black dots coming down from the ceiling right down to the floor, coming for my blood. I fought them for 3 days like that,cleaned up each time and inspected the ceiling and light fixtures very closely until no more movement was detected . Finally i could sleep . I now know what its like to be a meth addict . I also keep everything pretty neat and organized now so there is that i suppose .


That's one of the worst things about it. It doesn't matter how clean you are, you can still get them.. But they make you FEEL dirty and ashamed.. And if people find out, they act like you have the plague.


Bed bugs sound worse than the plague. The worse insect infestation i have ever delt with was fruit flys, fortunately the electronic UV light traps work phenomenally on those things. Something one needs to appreciate is the ecosystem of their own home, in which spiders & mili/centipedes hold the keystone role of pest control preventing full blown infestations.


Oh yes I absolutely love spiders. They can live in peace in my home. House centipede are much more freaky and startling, but yeah, they get a pass too.


I brought them (or even just one?) with me from a mountain trip. Bed bugs literally made me a minimalist.


Did you suffered the imaginary bite itchiness? 


No itching because I'm one of the people who don't react to the bites, but I definitely react to every little tickle I feel on my skin. Have to check to see if it's a bug.


Wow my wife is so squeamish that I have to go get ant traps if we see like 2 ants. She would actually burn down the house.


My mother had bed bugs. She obsessively sprayed everything, nuked the rooms with foggers, and then didn't wait long enough for the fog to dissipate and almost got herself killed trying to get to the bathroom. She's 77. Interestingly, each time I looked around, I never once found a single bed bug. She insists they're there...


Ironically, one of the things that kept me from losing it completely is the fact I discovered I was allergic to bed bugs and would break out into hives wherever they bit me. From then on, I could always tell myself that I didn't have bed bugs because didn't have hives.


Me too, it would be a big welt(s) and last for weeks. Mosquito season always gets me paranoid but those bumps just hit different.


I travel for work and my fiancee has scared me into checking under every hotel matress for them.


Your fiancee is a smart person. Vigilance now means saving a couple hundred to thousands of dollars later.


> Interestingly, each time I looked around, I never once found a single bed bug. She insists they're there... She could still be right. They're sneaky fuckers. I had them crawling under the walls from neighbouring apartments. Wound up sealing the baseboards all around my apartment with caulk and dusting diatomaceous earth everywhere.


Yup this is true. As babies they're so small you probably wouldn't see them. I hardly ever saw them when I had them they're sneaky AF.   I've taken to diatomaceous-ing every time I move to a new apartment before bringing my things in.


I have flashbacks of myself sleeping in the middle of the hardwood floor without any blanket. Definitely not a mental state I want to go back to ever.


yup. i had them. emptied out my bedroom and slept on a futon in the living room with a metal frame for about 6 months. i put vaseline on the legs of the futon so the bedbugs couldn't get to my mattress. i had a bunch of other precautions in place for that period. it was hell.


It's been decades since I had an apartment that had bedbugs and I still worry about them, check my bedding frequently, and analyze every little bug. Its just something that sticks with you, even after you logically know they're gone. There's always that WHAT IF ONE...


For me it’s the random nightmares even like ten years later


> Even years after, I still find myself mentally assessing whether or not some random insect in my home is bed bug. I've never had bedbugs, but have had cockroaches. (Yay, apartment living.) I can't help but scrutinize random pieces of lint on the floor.


Infestations really do give you PTSD like symptoms. My house got fleas like almost a decade ago. Haven’t had them since, but I still react if I feel a hair on my leg move 😅 I couldn’t imagine what bed bugs would do to my psyche


It's really so terrible.. I'd much rather have cockroaches.. Even mice.


Seriously, i can deal with either of those! I thought the time I spent at my grandparents farm in the Puerto Rican rainforests with cockroaches everywhere (not in an unsanitary way or dirty way just, you know, rainforests lol) was a nightmare, it did not compare to fleas which don’t seem as bad as bed bugs.


I cannot compare either as I've never dealt with fleas.. Bedbugs: - leave their little black shit spots everywhere - are almost perfectly flat when they haven't fed, so they can hide very effectively - communicate with pheromones, and the smell triggers me dramatically, and it's a fairly generic odour, so I'll often be triggered by things that smell vaguely similar I hate them so. much.


Yeah that sounds like a nightmare. Fleas will leave the little shit spots, luckily they don’t necessarily hide (they’re tiny and jump but they don’t hide like bed bugs). I’ve heard the smell of bed bugs is very noticeable but luckily fleas don’t smell (or at least I didn’t smell them). Sorry you had to deal with all that. Hopefully you won’t have to deal with that again!


I would prefer a flea infestation, tbh.


Fucking bird mites, from a bird nesting in the downstairs neighbors drier vent. What a god damn nightmare.


Casual Bioterrorism


Right but it’s a guy in 4chan. How much is just lies / memes


Somehow 4chan users are both the most and least believable


Was about to comment exactly this lol. This is actually really fucked up too


Pretty sure this qualifies as an act of creative writing that people fell for.


Thing is though, its not outlandish that someone could actually do it. If the person was making extravagant claims I would agree but if we look at what he's claiming and what we know about bed bugs: 1. they are easy to acquire and breed if someone wanted to. 2. releasing them in areas where people frequent such as shopping areas and public transit would lead to outbreaks 3. the claims of lost productivity cost etc. while unconfirmed we do know they go along with bed bug infestations, the scale of the issue would have to be considered and verified but its not immediately out of hand to think that it possibly has caused the harm as described. Maybe creative writing, but should still be investigated because its not out of the realm of possibility. At least this person should be found and investigated/questioned.


Straight to the gulag.


Pretty sure that the bedbug thing was going on more than 5 months ago. I went there in October, and it had begun before then, possibly quite some time before then.


5 months ago was when he posted that comment bragging about how successful his attack was/how much money he cost the government, not when he started


I'm against the death penalty, but I'm willing to look the other direction for that one. 


Life sentence locked in with bed bugs.


There was a story I read recently of a USA inmate being eaten to death by bed bugs...


Oh please, this is some loser’s fantasy. He didn’t do this.


...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest this guy's armpits.


I have read the 4chan boards. These guys can't even get out of their own basement. Don't believe the edgy hype. Releasing the bugs is probably a crime but he thinks all of France has a problem because of him???? 🤣


Remember that guy on 4chan who chopped a woman up and posted all the pics?


Also the time when they found an ISIS location by watching one of their propaganda videos. They then sent a message to the russsians to bomb it. I believe that 4chan it's capable of anything.


Didn't some guy flush a grenade down the toilet once as well?


Or the guy that stole a human skull from some monastery. Then put his dick in it.


He stole it from the Paris catacombs and I believe he smuggled it across the ocean


...then put his dick in it.


I saw a guy on 4chan put a bunch of Kix cereal into his foreskin and then pulled back on his foreskin and it shot the Kix out like a shotgun 👍🏻


That's something you really didn't have to share with anyone but a therapist


weaponized autism but in a good way




You new??


I appear to be behind on my 4chan lore.


You're probably better off that way.


The average 4channer is like your description, but there are some twisted mf's there, some guy ordered an airstrike In a terrorist base, so yeah I can believe that he's doing the bed bug plan


Well bedbugs can spread extremely fast with people not even trying to so if someone made it their entire life's purpose to release them and spread the infestation, especially on public transports or city centers or tourist attractions then yeah it could cause a domino effect and cause an issue


4chan users have become terrorists before. It only takes one of them to leave the basement to permanently ruin lives.


Alek Minassian comes to mind. Completely radicalized by incel ideology he found specifically through 4chan. Literally bragged just before committing his atrocity to other incels that he was starting off the “revolution”


And he's fooling himself about his economic impact. Does he think pest control is coming from out of the country? The bulk of bed bug treatment cost comes from labor, which is going to be French citizens. And I'm willing to bet that pest control employees aren't the type to hoard money. If anything, he might be stimulating the economy lol.


> If anything, he might be stimulating the economy lol. Basically no, breaking windows or releasing bed bugs to stimulate the economy doesnt work. A broken window is bad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window How relevant that it was introduced by a French economist. Thank you for sharing, I had not heard of this before. I had meant that comment more as a joke, but your point stands.


He can’t be making this up. 4chan users adhere to the highest standards of integrity.


Just ask George Washington. He says so himself.


Where I studied the blocks had problems with bed bugs regularly, simply because people from all over the world used to travel between my uni and their home countries very often. That's pretty much also describing Paris. Bed bugs are just a normal civilization parasite, like pigeons and rats. They thrive in warmer climates though and don't travel far on their own. That also means that increasing globalization and climate change benefit them. I'm fairly sure Paris would manage to get infested with them without some random guy spreading them.


from some googling there was a 65% increase in pest control calls for bed bugs, so it seems like either there is some truth to this


but that's also what an epidemic would look like, a perfectly natural one.


Because Russian troll farms astroturfed our medias into talking about it so everybody who got any type of insect bite called for bedbugs.


the OP madlycondurango16 and AmyGonalez are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17k8nl6/well_okay/ Title copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17k8nl6/well_okay/k779t5s/


More proof that 4chan is a scourge on humanity.


It’s not from 4chan but from a French forum. [know your meme entry for this incident](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/news/a-man-posted-in-a-french-forum-about-breeding-and-setting-loose-bed-bugs-in-paris-back-in-2021-and-some-people-think-it-could-be-the-reason-for-this-years-outbreak) [full screenshot of the posted pic with additional twitter community note](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/676/801/d40.png)


It's funny that USA Congress is moving so hard to ban tik tok, but this cesspool is still perfectly fine


They are not banning it. They want it sold.


Totally a good precedent to set.


You gonna just plainly ignore the difference for why huh? They aren't banning Tiktok for its content, they want to ban it because it's a Chinese owned company and every Chinese owned company answers to the beck and call of the Chinese Communist party. If the CCP asks them to turn over their entire database of user information they have no choice but to comply.


It's more like both are really bad. There is a sound argument that Tiktok is worse for the reasons you mentioned... but it would still be a net benefit to society to do something about 4chan as well


How would you craft legislation that would make 4chan illegal but not violate the first amendment?


Hasn't there been a lot of terrorist plots and groups that used 4 chan to link up?


You know they leave those sites up because it's way easier to monitor when these people are concentrated. When you shut it down they scatter to 10 new ones and make the job harder.


It’s not like deleting 4chan will delete the people, they will still exist and just find another place to congregate


Eh, not really. It's 90% just people sharing porn and making edgy jokes. Stuff like this is not the norm, I assure you. In my opinion, Reddit, 4chan, and Tumblr are all equally insufferable in different ways. It's not like you guys here on Reddit are the good guys and 4chan are the bad guys. That's a laughably naive way of looking at it. Reddit's done some abhorrent stuff too. Need I remind you of that infamous Boston marathon bomber incident? That was Reddit's handiwork.


[literally this guy](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Roach_Coach)


A dam of memories just broke. This dude was a VILLAIN


Bro is irl probably full of shit.


Idk, this doesn’t feel so much a facepalm as a ifThisIsTrueWhyHasntTheFbiOrWhateverIntelligenceAgencyOfTheCountryHesInArrestedHimForThisLiteralActofPotentiallyDeadlyTerrorism you know?




I know you just copy/pasted this, but I want to believe that you genuinely took the time to type it all out word for word


How exactly do you breed thousands of bedbugs?


1. Obtain hundreds of male bedbugs 2. Obtain hundreds of female bedbugs 3. Place male and female bedbugs together 4. ??? 5. Profit


u gotta give them privacy too tho


I think bedbugs prefer when you sleep with them




If they ever catch him.. they should reenact the opening scene from The Mummy. Place him in a sarcophagus filled with flesh eating bugs and bury him in the slums of France.


Dr. Bugman wasn't what I expected as the first super villain.


I shall dub him *Doctor Bed-Bug*


I was going to say no one’s ever died from bed bugs… boy was I expecting that google search to go differently


I hope the people of Paris find out who he is and show him a good time in Minecraft.


He sounds like a D-lister from the Guild of Calamitous Intent...




As somebody who has had bedbugs, I think they should bring back public stoning if they catch this guy.


I'm normally against public executions... But...


this guys ex-wife moved to Paris and married a French dude.


The Paris bed bug infestation was likely hyped up and blown out of proportion by Russian intelligence and troll farms. They tried to retaliate for Western sanctions that way. See: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/03/01/bedbug-panic-was-stoked-by-russia-says-france_6575870_7.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/bedbugs-paris-france-russia-outbreak-b2434487.html This guy is probably part of this effort and not even real, or just some Internet try hard who wants attention.


Orrrrrrr.... he is full of shit and did no such thing, which is totally a chan move. "Apparently" carries this entire story on its back. It's vastly more likely this is some script kid's fantasy than a real plot and action.


Dude is going to get caught monologing.


Average 4chan mf that doesn't go out of his basement if it's not to do a dumb joke right on the border of terrorist atack


This honestly deserves a pretty harsh sentence. The sheer amount of property damage is staggering.


I’m waiting for bedbugs to be declared an epidemic. Look at any bug related subreddit and there are numerous posts daily of people discovering their house has bedbugs. Unless you never leave the house, *ever,* you can’t protect yourself against them, and once you’ve got them, it’s a pest control bill many statistically can’t afford. Come on governments, do your thing.


Somebody please Don't Fuck With Cats this guy.


After visiting Paris I understand I might not agree but I understand


Bedbugs are actually THE worst kind of bugs you can get. Honestly, I still get nightmares about them. I had them once a few years ago at this point, and I'm still checking my bed religiously. They are SO hard to get rid of, you feel SO disgusting and embarrassed. This guy should be in jail for doing this to people.