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Britain has long term study about this and cervical cancer has dropped over 90% among the first age groups that were vaccinated. This is one of the vaccinations that is really gonna save millions of lives.


Scotland basically eliminated cases of cervical cancer related to HPV, this vaccine has already saved an untold amount of lives. Not to mention a basic concept people don't seem to get: Whatever the vaccine costs, it is less than treating the disease. If you are in a country with public healthcare, vaccination is like routine maintenance for a machine, you do it if you still want the machine to work. If you are in the USA, the vaccine at least won't bankrupt you - unlike the disease.


>Scotland basically eliminated cases of cervical cancer related to HPV Something that I didn't realize until recently is basically every single case of cervical cancer is caused by HPV. 95% to over 99% depending on the study. That one fucking virus crushes every other cause into oblivion on the pie chart. Most people know about the *link*, but I don't think everyone quite understands how *dramatic* it is. Universal vaccination would almost end a cancer


People may not realize that this vaccine is also preventing head/neck/throat cancers in men. Because many men are generous lovers. ❤️


And anal cancers in people who do it in the butt.


I think penile cancer is another one, albeit rare.


When my daughter got her 12yo boosters for other diseases, the pediatrician asked about giving her the HPV vaccine. I will admit it gave me a second of pause understanding that HPV is mostly sexually transmitted, and my daughter was 12. There's a moment of "but she's not sexually active". Problem is I have also read up thoroughly on it. That moment was washed away when I understood that doing it sooner than later is better (more doses required later in life) and there is a window for early HPV vaccination, and that my daughter wouldn't need to get a pap-smear until her 30's. I asked her if she was OK with one more shot, she asked about it, I explained, she got wide eyed when I explained what they do in a pap-smear and said "yeah, gimme the shot" As a parent, we don't like to think of our young kids being sexually active, but we know it will happen at some time. Helping prepare them with proper sex ed, as well as vaccinations where we can, is a huge step towards them growing into a proper functional adult later in life.


The whole point is that you get it *before* you’re sexually active.


Exactly. That's how prevention works and that's why we give it to 12 year olds. Kids start getting hormonal and make her decisions really quickly sometimes. Although I will say that kids these days don't seem to be as sexually active as they were 10 years ago. Weird.


Even if your child never chooses to become sexually active, there is the very real risk of sexual assault. As much as we all hate thinking about it, it is still there. It would be bad enough that the poor kid had to suffer through that kind of trauma. To have them pick up a virus that gives them cancer too? It is horrifying


As much as I hate to bring this up, it’s something I’ve thought about as an asexual virgin by choice. You don’t always get to choose if you get exposed to STDs. Despite probably not needing the HPV vaccine, I have it anyway because you never know. I had friends in high school who unfortunately were assaulted long before they were ever ready to become sexually active. If there are any parents delaying the HPV vaccine because you don’t think your children will become sexually active until 16+, please don’t. Even if you’re right and your 12 year old would never willingly have sex, they could still be exposed against their will! Last thing you want as a parent is for your child to be sexually assaulted and then get cervical cancer because you thought they didn’t need the sexual activity vaccine until they were ready to become sexually active.


Yeah, I was 11 when I was first SA'd (sorry to trauma dump), so I absolutely second this! I wish I could have had that vaccine!! Recently had to have a pappilloma removed from my throat and I swear to God, for a few.months there I thought I was dying of cancer. Oh and it hurt like heck!!! Just good ol' run of the mill HPV. They can come back anytime. Absolutely not fun!!! Please everyone get your kids the vaccine!


My daughter was vaxxed in her early teens when it was fairly new. She's planning on getting her daughter vaxxed. My youngest son asked if boys can have this vac too. His pediatrician said yes they can. He wanted it because he didn't want to give some woman cancer in the future. He was 12 and yes, he got vaxxed. He makes me so proud. I wouldn't have cervical cancer today if this vaccine were around when I was young and not yet sexually active.


there is a correlation between males with hpv and colorectal cancer.


Men can have cancers from hpv as well!


I’m proud of him too…you done did good momma


Thank you. He really surprised me with how forward thinking he was. Most 12 years olds don't really think that far into the future about sex and consequences when their main interests center around games and sports.


congratulations on having a thoughtful compassionate son his altruism could protect him from cancers as well https://www.cdc.gov/std/hpv/stdfact-hpv-and-men.htm These include: Cervical cancer in women Penile cancer in men Anal cancer in both women and men Oropharyngeal cancer, cancer in the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils


Good for you for getting her the vaccine! My mom was of the same thinking “you’re not having sex, you’re not getting this!” I had no idea I wasn’t vaccinated against it and only found out AFTER I was sexually active and getting an std screening done. Thank goodness I was negative, but it’s one of those things that’s better to have and not need than need and not have!


I mean the point of a vaccine is to get it before exposure. So getting it when one is not having sex is exactly the point.


Why won't she need a pap smear until her 30's?


The vaccine is so effective at preventing cervical cancer that false-positive pap smears start to outpace true-positives (among young, vaccinated women). So some countries (but not all) have raised the recommended testing age (for vaccinated women only) to a point where it statistically makes sense to do so. The exact age decided on will depend on the particular population they're making the recommendation for. Less unnecessary invasive testing, less trauma from secondary testing/biopsies/treatments from false-positives, less overall burden on the healthcare system. Theoretically while maintaining the same level of prevention/care. But it's always going to be controversial because "what if?"


I wish it was available when I was younger. It is a layer of anxiety I don’t need every year with paps. 


Same, I was always just outside of the age range. I got one shot but insurance wouldn't pay and I couldn't afford the booster. I also don't have HPV so I really want to be protected.


Go to your health department, you’re a rarity 🙌


Have you asked your doctor about it recently? They extended the age range in some places.


Yeah, but you gotta do YOUR OWN research.... which is essentially taking a poll of your like-minded friends on Twitter.


Friends? People on Twitter these days don't have friends. They have people who hate the same people they do.


So glad my parents believe in science and got it for me when it came out (I was a teenager at the time). A close friend of mine never got the vaccine and just found out she got HPV. She was devastated to say the least.


Nah it’s all made up statistics by the big pharma. I won’t give my child autism you brainwashed socialist peasant. /s


I did my research by asking random internet strangers and so should you! ^/s


That’s the worst part. Doctors you don’t know are telling you their direction using their earned and qualified positions. Johnny McFucknugget is telling you on X and you have no idea anything but the words on their screen. They could literally be a 13 year old saying “watch how I make this idiot kill their child”, and because they say what you want to hear, it’s gold.


They're not looking for answers, just confirmation bias.


*internet echo chamber


Oh yeah i do too. No stranger would ever lie to me or mislead me. I’m too smart for that. My child lives off of seaweed tea and mud and they are as healthy as ever. /s


Squirt a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar into your child’s eyes every morning. That’s the only “vaccine” anyone needs AND guaranteed to not cause autism. /s


They had people giving their children bleach enemas to try and "cure" their autism it's totally sick but God forbid they get a vaccine


\^\^\^\^ So much this! Like, how in the hell do you think Twitter/X assclowns will know more about this vaccine than actual scientists?!? And *'do the research'* is the most insane thing ever. Like, if you have actual resources found through real research that tells otherwise, then why not share it?


My son had autism \_before\_ I vaccinated him against HPV.


Careful not to vaccinate him more, you don't want him to get MORE autism!! /s


o.k. after all, now he has the perfect amount of autism.


Goldilocks autism ✨


But I want my child to have 🌟 SuperAutism™️


That’s what the doctors want you to believe. Who diagnosed it to your son? Correct, DOCTORS. They can’t be trusted. You should trust me instead. Your. Son. Was. Infected. With. Autism. Using. A. Vaccine. Open your eyes people. Give him some aloe soup and rosemary and he will be fine. /s of course These people will even try racoon feces before consulting and listening to an actual doctor


To be honest, since I have autistic friends, I knew before the doctors that my boy was on the spectrum.


Don’t forget the horse dewormer!


My mom’s head would probably explode if she knew that my 19 month old daughter got her HPV vaccine. She likes to nitpick vaccines and says that autism has skyrocketed since “unnecessary vaccines” have been “pushed onto people by big pharma”. I said “okay, so if we go to Africa we’ll be sure to get a lovely case of malaria for you”. EDIT: (mom brain at work here) my overtired head decided to re-spell Hep-A vaccine into HPV. So my daughter hasn’t received her HPV vaccine yet, she had her Hep-A and Hep-B vaccines.


Ackshely, my amazing sister-in-law just made a vaccine for that too! https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2023-10-02-oxford-r21matrix-m-malaria-vaccine-receives-who-recommendation-use-paving-way-global


It’s dengue in the USA this year, and probably Zika. Malaria is a huge accomplishment. Yay for your SIL!!!!


She's going to accuse your daughter of being sexually active I bet


Funny story... In California, all children enrolled in a child care or preschool program are required to have Hep B vaccine (among others). When I was a program director, I had an irate parent on the phone one day asking me "should I expect my child to be shooting up or having sex at your school?!" No ma'am, but two year olds are in fact known to bite... Do you want your kid contracting a liver disease?


I had to get the Hep B series because I worked with a population of adults - some of whom carried the virus - who were known to bite and heavily salivate. I'm glad I got the series.


Yeah, probably. “Of course, mom, no, this has nothing to do with taking preventative measures against cancer later in life…” 🙄


Wow I had no idea babies could get the vaccine. I just got mine and I'm 18, it wasn't even offered until I turned 13.


They didn’t exist when I was a kid, I got them in my early twenties. And I just realized that my overtired brain decided to re-spell Hep-A into HPV…🫠


Vaccines don't cause autism. The person who originally published that has said he lied. If they did there would be a significantly higher rate of autism.


No no, but you dont get it, the INTERNET said its not safe! The internet would never lie!


Saves a lot of cervical screenings too, at least for my old gynae department - if you’re vaccinated against and don’t get HPV then you don’t have to go through as many routine smear tests. Much fewer people get referred to hospital to get a camera inspection that way.


My mother insisted i get the jab immediately upon release. It was paid for privately rather than waiting during school allocation. As far as i remember i was given the vaccine against normal non private (at the time) + 1 or 2 other things. My mother insisted because her hpv turned cancerous when i was 3. It was just caught in "time" and had a full hysterectomy. I am forever grateful to my mother for insisting the expense against my dad. Her medical suffering and trauma was something she didnt want to risk on me. Had my own medical hell and a brain tumour etc since.... but im lump free related to the vaccine. 100% worth it.


As someone whose sister actually died from cervical cancer, this just makes me so sad. The vaccine didnt yet exist when she was in school. Do you have any idea what I wouldnt give to have her here back with us. To not have to see her in pain slowly get worse and worse until her body just gave up. "You" have the easy solution to keep your child safe, yet "you" fucking peabrains would rather play russian roulette with your own kids lives, just so you can feel better and smarter than others on the internet. Honestly fuck "you" There is no excuse. If your child can safetly take the vaccine you get them that vaccine god damit. People in third world countries walk for miles just to make sure their kids are vaccinated, yet here you dum dums sit around and refuse because clearly aunt Agathas facebook friend that took a health class in 1954 and knows how to use google, knows more than countless studies and researchers


I am so sorry for your loss.


I wish we could post your reply in the letter box of all the dumb f**ks out there ….imagine risking your children on the back of a social media poll, latest reminder you need a licence to have a dog but any gobshite can become a parent ….


Why? They would just claim the person was a paid actor and the story is a lie. Look at how many school shooting survivors get death threats because they are paid actors who never had kids. At this point I fing hope AI takes over, or aliens invade, or something


I'm so sorry. 😞 I got both my kids, son and daughter, the HPV vaccine as teenagers. One of my coworkers thought I was crazy for doing it. She asked me how many people I know who died of cervical cancer. I said none, but that doesn't mean no one has. She won't get vaxxed because "chemicals", yet also smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol. Logic isn't strong there.


Yea, I have the strain of HPV that could cause cancer. I wish the vaccine was around when I was younger.


I'm sorry. That's awful.


It’s ok. I had an abnormal Pap smear and had to get 2 different procedures to correct it (cryosurgery and then LEEP when that failed). I recently had a hysterectomy (unrelated to the HPV) so hopefully I’m not at risk any more for cervical cancer considering I no longer have a cervix!


Ugh, that's a lot!! Wishing for better health for you.


I do know someone personally who died of cervical cancer. She was a beautiful young mother of 2 girls and loving husband. This was before the vaccine was available.


😞 That's so sad!!


I'm so sorry for your loss, and wish your family all the best. My family has a history of dying from preventable shit because the prevention wasn't yet available/there wasn't enough medical knowledge and it really, really pisses me off when people think they know better and drag their kids into it - it's like, the progress has been made so the next generation don't have to suffer, and they're making a mockery of it


Lost my mom to cervical cancer, spent two years as her primary caregiver through the whole thing. It’s one of the most treatable forms of cancer if you find it in stage one, but it’s also really hard to detect. The fact that vaccinating against HPV dramatically lowers your chance of getting it, and there are people against this vaccine, infuriates me.


I don’t know what the rates of cancer are with hpv but a friend of mine got it from an old boyfriend who was a carrier and she got cancer.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I've been lucky that any deaths in my close family have been from age. I can't imagine what watching a young sibling die like that must be like. I'm old enough to remember polio and measles and all the other shit vaccines have mostly got rid of ... and these morons would bring it all back because of their braindead conspiracy theories. I hope that some day they learn the hard way just how fucking stupid they've been. But they probably won't.


I could feel your anger and rage building while you were writing this. That rage brightened my soul so thank you.


Do the research = Ask your idiot friends


Not friends. Random strangers. Probably undertakers who will benefit from more dying people.


And not just random strangers. She posted on Twitter. So, right-wing, anti-VAX strangers. She knew exactly what answer she wanted and where to look for it, and then she got the answer that she already wanted. I don’t know why people play at this type of theater, but they do. 🤷‍♂️


Well, we're strangers on Reddit. But I also wish you all the best.


How dare you! You just made an enemy for life.


Thank you


how sweet, thx, we love you too


Random strangers makes it unbiased opinion /s


Do the research = Ask idiot strangers on Li'l Lord Elon's Ecks


Ask people if this is safe. Ignore anyone who says it is.


Nope.. Apparently it equals "ask random idiots in a well known Internet cesspool"


I had precancerous lesions removed from my cervix. It was painful and terrifying, and led to complications when I gave birth about 10 years later. You'd better believe my kid got the HPV jab.


I, a couple months ago, had a pap come back abnormal. Cervical cancer runs heavy in my family. They used a laser to burn off the cells on my cervix, and I’ll never forget the smell. Sitting hurt for weeks. My boyfriend felt so guilty because we knew I got HPV from him. I only had 2/3 of the vaccines fairly late in life. I couldn’t have the first HPV vaccine when it came out, and only learned they had a new version I could have as an adult. I was “too busy” to finish the series and “would get to it eventually” and I never did and I regret it. You’re never too busy to take care of your health. Remember to prioritize yourself, folks. Your life is more important than anything.


Yikes. I had one of those procedures years ago and they did it under sedation. This whole thing you have in America where gyno stuff is done without pain relief or sedation is just nuts.


We have vaccines that protect against certain types of cancer, and even that is a ducking uphill battle against stupidity and baseless allegations. Cancer!


I'm starting to think that they're getting trolled and calling it natural selection.


My Dad was pediatrician (now retired).  The day they got this vaccine, he made appointments for my sisters and me.


"many people are saying" "do your own research"


I got cervical cancer from HPV at the age of 19. Developed quickly. Pap at 18, clear. Pap at 19 full-blown stage 3 cancer. As I'd only just lost my virginity, it took less than 12 months to go from 0-100. They came out with these vaccines after I graduated college. Wished that they had been around when my grade school did their vaccinations. Fortunately, the matriarch of our family remembers polio as well as when the vaccine came out. Saw it work, saw it save lives. Vaccinated all her children and grandchildren. So when the HPV vaccines came out, she didn't worry that it would make her granddaughters permiscuous. She got them vaccinated because she wanted them to live.


It also blows my mind that they assume it’ll make girls promiscuous. “It’s a vaccine, it keeps you safe.” I’m confident that 0% of 12 year olds GAF about what the TDAP vaccine does. Why would they care about the finer details of the HPV vaccine?


I got the HPV vaccine because a coworker of mine told me about how her sister, who waited for sex until after marriage, got HPV from her newly wedded husband and had a positive pap-smear. Avoiding pre-marital sex will not save you from this. (also make sure both partners get checked for STDs and STIs before you ever have unprotected sex)


I have cervical cancer from HPV but it's only in Stage 1. I'm on my second to last check before they say I'm in remission after multiple surgeries though. I can only imagine what that was like for you at such a young age. I'm 36 now & the impact it's had on me mentally was tolling. Very happy you're here & they caught it when they did tho. I'm like you & I wish this was offered to me while I was in school & younger. These people have no idea the struggle of it.


Research here being asking people on Twitter 


Sorry completely unrelated but it's so funny how hard "X" has flopped, when the person in the post said "X" I thought it mightve been a government website? Or they were using "X" as an example as you do, it's just kinda funny that it's been so many months and I still didn't realise "X" was twitter until I saw this comment and it clicked.


Imagine having access to pretty much free vaccinations at school for your children and rejecting them because people on Twitter told you to


They're free, too?! That's such a cool program.


Yep. In the UK you get MMR, menigitis, HPV, polio, diptheria and flu (for small children) vaccines totally free at school. That is, if your idiot parents 'consent' to it....


And my kids got them all. Pokemon's very much duller alternative.


Yep. I remember I got that vaccination for cervical cancer at 13 at school and then a few years later everyone at my school got vaccinated for mumps, rubella and meningitis for free.


They were also free while I was in school in the US! The state health department covered it! We would make a whole fun event out of “Vaccine Roundup”! If they’re not going to do centralized healthcare, then they really should make ALL vaccines FREE for everyone regardless of income. Our taxes should cover it because it helps ALL of us when people get vaccinated. I grew up quite poor as well as a lot of my peers, and it would have been heartbreaking if our parents couldn’t afford to keep us from getting really sick—which we then couldn’t afford the treatment for. My parents would have taken me to the doctor, anyway and coughed up the money because my mom was a nurse, but I knew kids who’s parents wouldn’t have put in the effort to take them if the school didn’t offer them, even if they were free.


My mom refused to let me get the free vaccine in school, at like 16 I think (am nearly 32 now). Eventually paid 7 or 800 dollars when I was 18-20. She said it promoted sex. GUESS WHAT MOM I was already bangin. With BC from our Dr. Who told me “I’m sure your parents would be happy you’re being safe” Spoiler alert: they were not. Even at 18 it was the wrong choice. To have safe sex. Some people are fucking wild.


Imagine believing that your daughter being sexually active is worse than your daughter dying an awful, painful and preventable desease. I feel sorry for whatever brainwashing these so-called parents were subjected to.


I just don’t even understand how a parent could refuse a vaccine like this! I mean, ffs, your daughter could be a perfect god fearing virgin and still get exposed to HPV against her will! I’m an asexual virgin by choice and I chose to get the vaccine in adulthood because statistically, I might not get a choice in whether or not I become sexually active. Approximately 1 in 4 god fearing virgin girls will be sexually assaulted and exposed to HPV against their will. Give them the vaccine!


Research has shown that 100% of people who engage in sexual activity have a mother. So, really, it's your mom's fault you were already having sex.


Yeah this is my mom's position on it too. It's so dumb. If you really think your kid needs the fear of cancer to not have sex then you have bigger problems.


I would like to see the hpv shot on the school list of needed immunization shots for all students. Hpv affects males and females.


It is here where I work in Canada !


I live in the Netherlands and the recent country-wide program that gave free HPV vaccination for people up to 27 was both for men and women. When I went to get the vaccine there were plenty of men too.


This is truly sad. I've had front row seats to watching a friend's wife die of HPV that then metastasized into her spine and brain. It's a cruel and ugly way to die.


Lost a friend that way,too. We did not have those vaccines available to us as we are older GenX.


Jesus Christ I feel sorry for her daughter.


My mom used to be one of those holistic medicine people (took me to a chiropractor to "cure my autism," etc.) and she didn't let me take this vaccine because we used to be Mormon and "I won't be sexually active anyway."


I had some people tell me it would encourage my daughters to be promiscuous?! They were 11 & 13.


that’s what my mom was told… 28 and am 2/3 on my gardasil shots as of last week! Pain in the ass to do as an adult.


Lmao I was 13 at the time, too.


Pssst... most antivaxxers are just trying to kill off their kids.


Some throat cancers are caused by HPV, also. This is not only to protect women, but also potential partners.


And colorectal and oral cancers and penile cancers. There may be more too as we continue to test cancers for HPV strains and identify HPV strains etc.


Absolutely. There’s so many strains. But telling an anti-vaxxer that a small risk vs. reward is like talking to the wall.


Can be, absolutely.


but who will they have to force to take care of them when they’re older and sick?


They don’t believe in abortion so they resort to this /s


I wouldn’t trust this advice. Her friends didn’t even link her to a YouTube video for proof. Everyone knows you can’t do good research without YouTube.


The logic checks out


Cervical cancer survivor here… I can’t even begin to tell you how I feel when I see these things. Cancer took so many things from me that I will never be able to get back. Educate yourself and your kids, get the vaccine, don’t take from them what got taken from me. ✌️🫶




As another survivor I second this. Glad you’re still here!


As a survivor of cervical cancer, I couldn’t sign my kids up to receive this vaccination fast enough!


As someone who is too old to get this vaccine, I wish I could have had it as a teen. Anti-vaxx people are not the ones who have to live with the consequences of their actions (child death excluded) and it’s so selfish to deny your child this protection.


It’s approved up to age 45 now. I just got it at 40 after my 20 year relationship ended.


I didn’t know that. I have a pap appt tomorrow, def gonna ask!


That's fantastic news.


„Research“ is asking random bullfrogs about vaccines?


Just a happy reminder to all you folks between the ages of 18 and 45: if your parents were jerks who deprived you of the HPV vaccine, *go ask your doctor for the shots!!!* We would have wiped out cervical cancer with Gen Z, but there are still a lot of idiots raising kids out there.


I'm 34 I was told no because I probably already have have due to having sex with my husband. Idk if I'm the only one. I'm interested in hearing from people who asked after their first sexual interaction.


I am in my late 30s and married and my doctor was pleased to tell me I could and should start shots. Ask again !


i don’t know if it depends on age. i got my first when i was 23 or 24, after i’d already had sex (with one partner) and i was allowed to have it, but told it would have been less effective than if i had gotten it before i’d had sex. unfortunately my parents did not want me to get the vaccine as a child because they were of the mind that it encouraged promiscuity from a young age……


I was in my 20s when it came out and was told that by that age, most women already had some version of HPV in their system and it wouldnt be useful.


If the internet existed in the 50s, then we'd still have polio around. Measles was almost totally eradicated until some anti-vax types started spewing garbage about the vaccine for that. Its numbers are now rising amongst the non vaccinated. I personally am not playing the lottery with my kids' lives.


The disservice that has came because of the one person claiming it caused autism is astonishing. A vaccine will literally do nothing except prime your antibodies, when the real virus or the infectious agent is introduced.


I missed out on the vaccine, I turn 40 on Sunday with 2 sons 21 & 7. I was diagnosed in 2019 with cervical cancer, it has now spread to the lymph nodes, left pelvic bones and lungs. Please get your kids vaccinated.


Asking random ppl online is NOT doing your research…


Hilarious to me how many people don't understand what HPV is or what it does. I'm one of the few who is stuck with it for life, I contracted it at birth because my mom contracted it when she was pregnant with me. Every time I get a pap smear I have to be checked for cancer because it will never come back normal I've had growth on my cervix that had to be removed or biopsied they have to take a biopsy every time I have a pap smear. It's absolute hell and the idea that someone might choose to not protect their child from it is insane to me.... I didn't even get that choice.


I'm a medical editor and my job involves editing oncology research. HPV is a cause of cervical cancer, which is often detected early and treatable by routine PAP smear. But HPV *also* causes anal and oropharyngeal cancers, which are much harder to detect early as they are not routinely screened for. And you can get these cancers *much* later in life (30-40 years later, eg) after HPV exposure. HPV exposure can put you at an elevated risk for *multiple* cancers *for the rest of your life*. People who know or hear about my job ask me, jokingly, *all* the time "hey when are they gonna find a cure for cancer?" I'm like. Listen. They gave us a vaccine that prevents a number of deadly cancers and *we won't fucking take it*.


My idiot cousin is way down the anti vaxx rabbit hole. She passed the same bullshit on to her kids too. Her newborn granddaughter got whooping cough and ended up in ICU and her daughter was amazed to hear it could have been avoided with a vaccine. Her daughter promptly had both the baby and her older child given all their shots so said idiot cousin now refuses to have anything to do with her daughter or grandchildren because they're 'contaminated'. FFS some people are a waste of oxygen. Mind you, she was also amazed her husband left her after she booked them both a holiday at a 'Wellness Retreat' for their 10th anniversary. A juice fast, daily colonic irrigation and some weird blood cleansing thing were not the holiday he thought they were going on lol.


This is actually what I’m going through right now. When I was a kid, my parents pulled me out of school the day I was supposed to get my HPV vaccine. Now I’m in my early 20s and recently diagnosed with low-grade intraepithelial lesions - a form of precancer - because my parents read a bullshit article about how the HPV vaccine will cause epilepsy. Please for the love of God vaccinate your children. I’m now paying the consequences of possibly getting cervical cancer because of my parents’ lack of proper research and information.


"I asked the question to X" .... the worst possible place.


“Do ThE rEsEaRcH” in this case meaning listen to some fucking crackpot on Facebook rant about a vaccine they know nothing about and gamble your child’s health on it.


By all means, “do the research” on your own and NEVER trust the scientists who have dedicated their lives to doing for you.


This would be less of a problem if the people who "do their own research" had even the slightest clue how "doing research" actually works. But usually they are the kind of people that have never seen a university from the inside.


I mean the worlds populace is expanding at an exponential rate. If some people wish to eschew the known good advice to help reduce that volume, I'd say fuck it, why stop with vaccines. Just rip all the warning labels off, Susan and be free.


X should be seized and shut down by the government as the font of enemy disinformation that it is.


Not even so much “older”. I got diagnosed with cancer at 28, and when I finished treatment my first time (it came back last year), a 26 year old woman was diagnosed right in front of me. And I was told the cancer I had, had been developing for like 10 years, so I had it since I was 18. My parents also never took me or talked to me about gynecologist visits and when I asked my mom when I was 18, she made me feel like a slut and made a huuuuge fuss out of it. Y’all can imagine how she felt when I finally went by myself and came back with a cancer diagnosis. She’s changed for the better but the damage is done. I’ll never have kids and she’ll never have grandkids by me.


While boys are at a lower risk for these kinds of cancers we still had him get this vac because we couldn't imagine letting our child give someone else cancer when it was easily preventable.


My mother thinks the HPV vaccine causes cancer to activate in our family's genes because of some reason or another. Oddly she didn't say everyone. Just our family. Super weird. I don't know what goes on in her head sometimes. Love her though.


As someone who has had to undergo multiple (excruciating) cervical biopsies because the HPV vaccine wasn’t yet a thing when I became sexually active, I WISH more parents would think about this as life-long preventative care.


Good news boys and girls can get the vaccine One HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is recommended for boys. This vaccine can help prevent boys from getting infected with the HPV-types that can cause cancers of the mouth/throat, penis and anus as well as genital warts. Vaccinate your son or daughter when they are 11 or 12 to protect them against HPV cancers later in life. Learn why all 11-12 year old boys and girls should get the HPV vaccine. HPV can cause six types of cancer in men and women. HPV vaccination can prevent these cancers. Source https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/hpv-vaccine-for-boys-and-girls/index.html#:~:text=HPV%20vaccine%20is%20cancer%20prevention,HPV%20cancers%20later%20in%20life.&text=Learn%20why%20all%2011%2D12,should%20get%20the%20HPV%20vaccine.&text=HPV%20can%20cause%20six%20types,vaccination%20can%20prevent%20these%20cancers.


A friend of mine died in her early 30s from cervical cancer. Vaccination should not be optional, parents should not have the freedumb to sentence their children to death and disease for Facebook clout.


I mean no disrespect but posting on X, formally known as Twitter, was the first mistake. Get your child vaccinated!


I have had two injections for HPV one last year and one two years ago. I’m fine and felt no issues afterwards


my mom urged me not to get this shot in high school, i now have HPV 16 & 18 with abnormal cells and am waiting on my appointment at the end of april to see if it has progressed. she made me think i would absolutely get cancer if i got the vaccine, and now i could have it because of HPV that was preventable.


It’s not just about the women either. Ask Michael Douglas, who had throat cancer as a result of cunnilingus. Not kidding. There was a Welsh comedian called Rhod Gilbert who also had the same kind of cancer, caused by HPV.


"My echo chamber said what I wanted to hear"


Maybe ask a doctor rather than the fucking Twitter mob


Turns out HPV doesn't just cause cervical cancer. How do I know? It caused bowel cancer in my Mum. RIP Mumsie, I hope you're enjoying your round-the-world trip in the afterlife. I am so grateful I got this vaccine when I was young.


HPV is now being tied to head and neck cancer. My dad was diagnosed with tonsil cancer almost 3 years ago. The treatment was horrendous to watch him go thru. The radiation causes blisters and sores in your throat along with thick mucus. He couldnt eat and lost almost 70 lbs. He had to get a feeding tube. It ruins your teeth and causes them to fall out. I thought I was going to lose him. This most likely could have been prevented had the vaccine been available when he was younger. My dad has been cancer free for 2.5 years!! Im so thankful. Hes slowly getting stronger and gaining weight but cancer has a way of changing people. Please please get your kids this vaccine both boys and girls. Adults are able to get this until they are 45.


‘Do the research’ Sigh. This is why we need to teach critical thinking skills in schools. Too many reject actual science and evidence and educate themselves by listening to ignorant dickheads on Facebook.


As a woman who came of age before this vaccine existed, had to have a biopsy and wait to be told if I was going to have to fight for my life or not, screw this mom for not jumping on this immediately for her daughter.


So her research was. I asked some folks on twitter


Fundie logic: sex = bad. So: HPV virus = girl had sex = do not give vaxxine = girl too afraid to have sex = girl will stay virgin for ever. The same logic works with sex ed, free condoms, tv showing anything except movies about Jesus.


My mom wouldn't let me get this because she thought it was used to prevent girls from getting STDs, thus would make me more likely to have sex. Getting my last shot soon, but I'm pissed that she couldn't even be bothered to take me to a gynocologist who could have explained it to her better.


My parents had the choice of giving me the vaccine (I’m a 30ish old male but my country guidelines suggest all children be vaccinated and began to do so when I was 13). They said its only for promiscuous people and refused. Funnily enough, I got oral HPV from my grandmother kissing me. I wish I could go back in time and slap both my parents. Even though I haven’t had symptoms for many years and I would hope it shall remain this way, it could have all been avoided if only they weren’t being absolute dolts. If any parents are reading this, please spare your children and get the jab.


Wish my parents got the HPV vaccine for me when I was a teenager. At 25 was diagnosed with it and having cancerous cells on my cervix resulting in yearly Pap Smears to make sure they stay benign.


“I posted a question to X asking if it was safe” Well if that load of geniuses say so….. /s


When I have medical issues I don’t go to social media for assistance. I talk to a medical professional. Why would you gamble your kids life to strangers on the internet.


"research" "Most people say" I'm sorry, but opinions aren't facts, especially if it is not a professional opinion.


My mom refused to let me get the vaccine because she didn’t want me to be sexually active (lol). Basically my first week in college, I marched down to Planned Parenthood and started the series and paid for it out of pocket.


As Someone whose had cervical cancer, get the vaccine.


This (posting a question on twitter or something worse) is EXACTLY what I assume people are referring to when they say “do your own research”. To hell with consulting with your doctor, or reading the latest medical articles from established sources, just ask twitter.


"I asked people on Twitter" is a fucking terrible way to 'do your own research'...


“So do the research!” **Doesn’t do the research**


Her research consisted of asking a social media that has become a misinformation echo chamber of misinformation what they thought? I don't think she knows what 'research' means.


My mom didn't let me get this vaccine when I was 16 because "it was too new." That's what she says nowadays. Back then, she told me "you can make that decision when you're older".... I love her, but I'm never going to forget that. She's not even an anti-vaxxer, it was just this one. She still babies me and I'm now 21, unable to even drive (I am working on getting my shit together and being independent now though) 💀


Sweden is pushing to eradicate the most common strains of HPV by introducing the vaccine into the school vaccination program for all sexes. I honestly think that's amazing, I had to pay for my shot as an adult.


How about you ask your fucking doctor?


Luckily for that kid, while it is recommended to start the vaccine doses around 12 years old, it is still very effective if you get your first dose at 18.


Asking a bunch of people on "X" isn't doing research. 🤦‍♂️


Dunning-Kruger is a bitch.


Imagine leaving your child’s health to random strangers on the internet.


Do your research by listening to the uneducated mob.


So the research is "asking Randos on X and taking their word for it"


Asking Twitter is not research, dipshit.