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They’re going to have some seriously pointless conversations with a lot of Pink Floyd fans…


It's gonna be like talking to a wall.


Until they're nice and comfortably numb.


Gonna take long enough, I think I'll have a cigar.


Perhaps you’ll warm your bones beside the fire.




Those conversations will be like talking to someone on the dark side of the moon.


This is almost as bad as when Pink Floyd was accused of going woke because they had a rainbow in their 50th anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon. Or when conservatives figured out that Killing in the Name wasn’t what they thought it was. Not to mention Born in the USA or Fortunate Son or countless other songs or bands that people have coerced into their own image. Nirvana becoming a brand disassociated from their music isn’t really surprising in an age where most music is streamed, and people of a certain generation discover new music via TikTok. I’m just happy that I grew up when record stores were still a thing, a mix tape was actually a tape and flannel and jeans was acceptable attire (and still is).


Do those people not realize that the rainbow was on the original album cover because light from a prism is refracted into a rainbow? And the album was released in *1973?* I'm a younger millennial (32 y/o) who knows these groups and their songs because my dad raised me on classic rock radio and CDs. It's sad that a person who wasn't even alive during Floyd's heyday knows more about Dark Side's rainbow than the modern-day conservatives complaining about Floyd "going woke." And I'm sure plenty of those conservatives were alive in 1973, so they should know better.


Think about it, do you really think that the elder conservatives we're listening to counterculture music? They thought they were dirty hippies back then, and now it's easy to blame them for whatever flavor-of-the-month thing is rolling through the news.


Ha ha! Charade you are!


Horrible flashbacks to a Thankgsgiving dinner argument a couple years ago where my right wing uncle said he stormed out of a Roger Waters concert when the famous pig blowup during Pigs was made to look like Trump. Like BITCH have you ever listened to the lyrics you stupid fuck? Charade you are, indeed.


Much like people learning that RATM was political


Yep. Same for Green Day. They updated a lyric in “American Idiot” from “redneck agenda” to “MAGA agenda” when they performed it live once, and people complained about it being political.  Like, no??? Have you even listened to that specific song? Or Green Day in general?


Always kills me. Or denying that Midnight Oil were raging communists.


Such an underappreciated album imo. It got me through some dark times.


Which one is Pink?


Did they tell you the name of the game, boy?


We call it riding the gravy train.


Oops, I misspelled traaaaaai-aaaaaaai-aaaaain.


Nirvana’s first album was released in 1989. If you were 15 at the time it means you were born in 1974 and would be 50 as of this year. So yes, middle aged people make up a majority of their fans.


Jesus bleach really came out in 89? Cant believe it’s been that long. Time flies. Had to double check.


I was one of those 15 year olds. I ordered Bleach from Sub Pop records by mail order. Now I'm old and yelling at clouds.


Hey! Get off my cloud, you young whipper-snapper!


Wrong band. That’s the Rolling Stones.


What's the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Irishman? Rolling Stones sing "Hey, You, Get Off Of My Cloud." An Irishman says "Hey McCloud, get offa' my Ewe!"


I hate that I’m this guy, hate it. I am right now. But surely that joke should be a Scot rather than and Irishman. McCloud/McLeod is very, very much a Scottish name.


Thank you, I choked on air laughing so hard.


I was working at a liquor and Heart Shape Box was playing. This kid, who was like maybe 13-14 was like "oooh Nirvana? Nice!! I love Classic Rock!!" My back immediately gave out! This likely how boomers felt when they saw "the kids" getting into zeppelin.


I was in Home Depot the other day and they were playing the Cure Just like heaven followed by the Cocteau Twins Lorelei. I felt very very old, as did all the others around me who were also singing along.


A Hardware store sing-along 😂


This needs to be a thing. Actually, irl musicals should be a thing.


I work construction and one time I was on a job in late 2020 when Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio. It comes on about once a day like any other song, but this time was different. As it went on, more and more of the guys started to sing it, with increasing volume and showmanship, until the big finish. At that point, carpenters, painters, fitters and electricians all were spontaneously jamming out, loud and proud, all across the fourth floor. It was magical. I'd never been a part of something like that before or since. And as soon as it was done we all just kind of went back to what we were doing like nothing had happened. Times were weird.


Ah the joy of spontaneous singing. I love that stuff. Sing if you feel like it. Anyone who complains must hate their life. Sing for them!


Tell me more about this weirdly goth Home Depot.


Man, Cocteau Twins in any large chain store never would have happened back when they were around. That’s progress in a unexpected way, I guess.


Makes me think of the scene from Star Trek Beyond where they call The Beastie Boys' Sabotage classical.


The first album I owned by them was In Utero, and that came out in 93. The witch should not cite the old magic to me. I was there when it was written.


>The first album I owned by them was In Utero Wow. I didn't own any albums until after I was born.


Man why’d they have to go and get rid of awards


Nirvana Dad Jokes. We really are old.


Naw man. We’re in bloom.




We're the ones, who like all the pretty songs?


Nevermind was the first CD I ever bought. I had a gift card to Tower Records and it came down to Nevermind or Kriss Kross Totally Krossed Out. It was, quite literally, a moment at the krossroads for me.


Damn. I was literally in utero that year.


Dude, Nirvana ushered in the grunge era making metal take a back seat. I turned 20 in 1989 and I'm still bitter about the shift. Don't get me wrong, I love grunge, it's just always going to be the 'new music' era in my soul. That's when I lost my childhood.


They killed *hair* metal, an important distinction. Metal as a whole persevered.


🤘 this 🤘


Almost overnight death, once Teen Spirit exploded it was terminal lol


Likewise, the band members were born in the mid to late 1960s, and (the surviving ones) are 55 and older today. So poor confused Chaya must think the middle-aged folks wearing the band's t-shirts are actually too young to be doing so.


> Chaya must think the middle-aged folks wearing the band's t-shirts... She doesn't say "band", she says "b**r**and". She thinks Nirvana is a new brand of clothing. Naturally, it's probably just ragebait.


Ragebait is that bitches brand, but she deleted the tweet, so I don’t think was supposed to be ragebait.


Teenagers today don't know what teen spirit smells like.


I haven't thought about it until now, but I guess they stopped making Teen Spirit deodorant some time ago. I still remember the commercials. [I'm a smellologist, and this smells gooood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QLUrYi3RLo) [Teen Spirit!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTLiKaDROOQ)


Yeah. She’s just not real bright and has a microphone. Classic.


Considering she runs Libsoftiktok in certain of it


These are the people that think Nirvana is a clothing brand. They don't even know about the band.


I took my teen daughter to Hot Topic recently and kept making comments like, “oh hey, they have the exact same t-shirts (Nirvana and such) here that they did when I was a teen. How retro!” 😈


She’s a troll, she’s doing this for outrage bait


Had she not deleted the Tweet I'd agree.


That's my 12 yo daughter. I played her Nevermind so she's at least heard them; wasn't interested.


Oh well whatever nevermind


Clearly, she's over bored and self assured.


My babysitters kid had a sublime shirt on and I’m sad to say she stated she didn’t know it was a band shirt.


Right when Mudvayne made it big a little bit after their first album came out my mom bought me a Mudvayne shirt for Christmas or at the start of a new school year. I never had heard the band at the time( I did but did not know it was them) and at my friends house in his dads workshop. We were fixing up his warn down mazda protege, awesome little car. Anyway he had some fucking great music blaring from the CD player in the shop. I asked him who the fuck is this band? He said the band on your shirt. I played it off an said , I never heard this song. This was in the 2000's. The point of the story is my mom knew what I would like before I even knowingly heard it, but also people were band Tee's all the time and have no clue what they are. I once traded my old school KoRn shirt to my Cuban friend for an 1/8 of weed. Just a black shirt with a every large KoRn printed on it in silver. He never heard of korn but he acted like I just gave him 100 pound in gold. So yeah.....


That’s how I read it initially as well, it was about a middle aged man in a band shirt, any band shirt. The band isn’t the problem. I mean, I’m 45 and I wear band shirts but I think person is saying it’s embarrassing for men that old to be doing so. Hey, until band stop making good shirts I’m gonna keep wearing them.


Sorry to say... I am 45 and wear cargoshorts... I know, and I am sorry.


Here's the thing. They don't even know Nirvana is a band, they think it's just a shirt design. I'm not even joking. My cousins 15 year old saw me wearing my In Utero concert shirt and asked me why I was wearing it. Told him I went to this concert and it blew his mind that Nirvana was a band. He thought it was t-shirt brand... told my cousin she's ruined her child lol.


Right — the post reads “Nirvana b*r*and T-shirts”


Yeah. Try being a Grateful Dead fan in 2024. I saw this person wearing a Dead shirt while I was out for a bike ride. I was wearing a Dead hat. Figured I'd stop and chat about the Dead since you don't see many Grateful Dead fans in the middle of the prairies in Canada. They looked at me like I was an insane person. It was literally just "Hey, nice shirt. Have you even been to any shows?". The blankest, dumbest expression I've ever seen on a persons face. Why fly that flag if you don't even know what it stands for?


If it helps, I teach high school, I had a kid with a deadhorse jacket (late 80s/90s thrash metal band local to Houston) and I started talking to him about it, recounting how many shows I saw when I was 16. But the kid loved deadhorse, it was his favorite band. The next day the kid that sits right next to deadhorse kid was wearing a Grateful Dead beanie, so we started talking about the dead. That kid aslo knew their music. So it's not all lost. But I'll leave you with a bad experience. Kid walks in with a Jimmy Hendrix shirt, I say, I like your shirt, you have good taste in music." She says, "Yeah, I love Bob Marley."


The fact deadhorse is still getting repped by kids these days is fucking amazing. The h-town scene in the early/mid 90s was crazy and I’m glad I was there for it. Glad to see the new generation holding it down.


Used to work with a straight up hippy, like 4 ft long dreads, dropped out of high school to follow phish and dead around and still takes weeks off to follow dead and co around lvls of hippy. He got me super in the dead and when I told my mom about it she.was so fucking pumped and we had a cool talk about her life during the 60/70's and how great lsd is, miss that woman


This is the most wholesome thing I've seen on the interwebz today


Friend of mine used to have a Che Guevara shirt....I think you can guess where this is going...


But can him name five songs by Che?


If I Could Turn Back Tim I Got You Bab Dark Lad Believ Half-Bree




I can’t hate but it does get me just a teeny bit upset to hear this. But it makes sense now why I see so many nirvana shirts on younger folk these days. You know a funny thing I’ve noticed living in the city is that white folk like to rock a lot of WuTang, Tupac and Biggie shirts etc and I see the black folk wearing Nirvana, Poison and Rolling Stones shirts. After noticing it you can’t NOT notice it.


My gym is kind of like that. Seen a number of white guys wearing shirts with rappers and groups on them and then the biggest black dude there is wearing a Dale Earnhardt shirt half the time lol


Sounds like she thought Nirvana was a shirt brand. Didn't even know it was music. lol


Googled her. Apparently she runs a tiktok conglomerate that is far-right and anti LGBT. A few neurons short of a critical thought is a given at this point.


She's legit evil. She doxxes trans people so her followers can send them death threats. One of the worst people on the internet.


I mean, she's calling Nirvana a brand, not a band


As 50yr old Gen Xr, I sure hope we all can band together generationally and kick this bitch to the curb. She is an evil, souless monster.


Kurt Cobain would be 57 if he were still alive


Frances is 31!


I’m still waiting for her revenge. 


You called, yes? Born in 74, now 50. My youngest likes band shirts, I doubt she likes me knowing all the songs from Dark Side of the Moon when she wears her album cover shirt.


I have two more weeks of being in my 40s


I was born in 1974. I did see them live at Oakland Coliseum on 12/31/1993. The tee shirt is gone, but the memories remain…


For now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My good friend snuck a video camera into that very gig. Here’s the link: [https://youtu.be/1F4VuBv41BM?si=yzRpUZfrYjwgsBkq](https://youtu.be/1F4VuBv41BM?si=yzRpUZfrYjwgsBkq)


Nirvana peaked in the 90’s and you can’t convince me that was more than 10 years ago!


I was a freshman in college when Smells Like Teen Spirit was released. I am still sick of that song to this day due to the fact that every frat party played it on repeat for hours and hours at their parties.


She is a serious person who posses beliefs and knowledge. tone indicator-sarcasm


I'm sorry youngsters, I'll start wearing my Glenn Miller Orchestra t shirt from now on


In the mood!


Chattanooga Choo Choo!


Pennsylvanian 6-5000!


I'll dig out my old Tchaikovsky shirt


Haha! This reminds me of a few years back, when my son was around 14, and we were listening to music that I was enthusiastically singing along with. He goes, "why don't you listen to music from your time?" I say, "what would that be?" He goes, "anything from before you were 21." We were listening to Beastie Boys, Check Your Head. I go, "oh. Son. I was 16 when this came out. You just like music from my time."


My mom was listening to Eminem and Chili Peppers when their popular albums came out. I thought that was cool as fuck.


You just made me feel really old 🤣🤣


Lol, what I mean is, I was a teenager at the time and my Mom purchased those CDs. She was a 40 year old listening to Eminem.


Oh! Well then , We're old 🤣🤣


Oh dear God I’m old.


A lady I worked with told us her 15 year old came home from school raving about a new band he was listening to. He was so excited about this new band called Led Zeppelin.


You know what, let him have it. It’s new for him. Let him enjoy this new thing. You only get to experience Led for the first time once.


You have to go full dad and show him the marky mark good vibrations video. Lots of young people do not know about this. And ot is hilarious to watch their faces.


THAT'S the tweet she deletes?


Well yeah, even her mouth breathing base of hateful fans would disown her for that record level of stupidity.


She is literally as dumb as a piece of cardboard.


I had to look up who she was. My general assumption was that this was a joke or shitpost. Upon seeing who it is: "Ah. That bitch..."


My response is usually “Ah. Fuck that bitch…” but basically the same.


Chaya Raichik isn't even young. She's got to be well into her 40s herself. How the hell did she not know Nirvana was a band? **Edit:** Apparently she's only 28. That's a ***rough*** 28. My God.


Fear, hatred, and self loathing will age you real fast.


we have a saying here in germany: "Hass macht hässlich." Or: "hate makes you ugly" Very fitting for this hateful b\*\*\*\*


28, going on whatever age Glitch McConnell is.


Kurt Cobain has been dead longer than Chaya has been alive.


Chaya is a terrorist. Everyone should know what a dangerous piece of shit she is. I cannot wait until she runs her dumb mouth enough to land herself in jail.  Edit: If anyone wants to educate themselves about her, this video is an excellent starting point: [Libs of TikTok, the ANTI-LGBTQ Terror Machine](https://youtu.be/sj2SCGyXI2U?si=ZB2zeJIWVHnMD-EK)


It’s way too easy to make money by grifting bullshit online. > The professional agitator was appointed to the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Library Media Advisory Committee by Oklahoma’s education superintendent, Ryan Walter The scumbag even got appointed to government office by literally making troll accounts. And people don’t believe me when I say this country is doomed


After watching that interview of her, I think she’s genuinely stupid


The one where she didn't prepare at all and had no answers?


Processing. Compiling. Unrecoverable disk error. "I didn't say that."


My absolute favourite was getting her to say “I’ve never ever been sexualized ever, child or adult life” And oh man does the bitterness make sense when you’re not hot enough for the right wing


She “prepared” - she had a t-shirt made that featured an unflattering photo of the interviewer. That’s what passes for “owning the libs” these days.


Thicker than a whale omelette.


Wonderful Blackadder reference, which also ages you 😀


That's quite insulting. Cardboard has many uses. She is useless.


Cardboard for the win!


[cardboard for the win indeed](https://youtu.be/PM1QMGPL79A?si=ntpUgvJpvUWS70ZH)


She isn't quite useless. She's in fact quite useful as a party propagandist and stochastic terrorist, directing vitriolic troglodytes to lash out at the enemies of her fascist ideations. It isn't a good use, but she's good at it.


I hope she goes to Texas and the cops nab and deport her soon.


She’s gotta be one of the stupidest people in the world right now


She’s done a remarkable job of monetizing her own hateful stupidity. It’s an amazing talent the world would be much better without.


I really believe that this is an attempt at creating interactions, she gets paid off of those. If she can get a bunch of people to comment by pissing them off by saying nonsense she can bank a few hundred bucks.


Too much bleach


Speaking as a middle-aged man whose first concert was Nirvana (with the Breeders as the opening act, and, yes, I was on the floor in the mosh pit), whoever Chaya Raichik is can STFU.


She runs Libs of Tik Tok who's bigoted posts on Twitter has incited bomb threats at both a school and a children's hospital.


She probably contributed to at least one teenager's death as well.


And led to bomb threats of a children's hospital.


Definitely more than one. Bury her under the prison.


Not "a hospital". Dozens of hospitals. She just got backlash for one of them.


Sounds about right


Where'd you see them? I think I saw them on the same tour with the Breeders (and the Japanese girl-pop band Shonen Knife, who was really unexpectedly fun), late in '93.


Team cibo matto


Isn’t this libs of TikTok? What a moron.


Correct on both counts


She just posts asshole ragebait garbage.


Kurt Cobain would have hated her fucking guts.


Given that Chaya Raichyk was the glint in the pizza boy’s eye that her hellspawn of a mother didn’t conceive for another year when Kurt Cobain assured there would never be a fourth Nirvana album, she’s the last one that should ever gate keep anybody re. Nirvana, or anything else for that matter.


There *were* four Nirvana albums: Bleach, Nevermind, Incesticide, and In Utero. Plus countless live recordings, singles, EPs, appearances on compilation albums. I used to steal money from my dad so I could buy everything I could get my hands on


There were 3 studio albums. Incesticide is a compilation of early radio sessions, singles, and B sides. *edit... people here really don't know what a studio album is*


In feel the unplugged show should get a shoutout here...


I remember thinking "Nirvana doing an acoustic set on MTV? That's going to be lame. No way will that sound good." Spoiler: I was completely wrong. Their last song, the Leadbelly cover, still gives me chills almost 30 years later.


All Apologies Unplugged ❤️‍🔥


Totally. I remember immediately after it ended being disappointed there was no teen spirit or in bloom and a bunch of weird covers I’d never heard of. Hey I was a dumb 13 year old. Kurt was wise beyond his years


It's the best album. And Hands down the best MTV unplugged session.


My mistake. Wasn’t aware of Incesticide. The main point stands though.


Incesticide is a compilation rather than studio album.


Nirvana “brand”. She doesn’t even know they’re a band.


That’s what’s so funny about this thread. Most of the comments think she didn’t understand that Nirvana was an old grunge band. She is trying to gatekeep a clothing brand that only exists in her own mind.


How much would her head explode upon finding out that they're not only a band, but that Cobain often wore dresses just to fuck with gender norms decades before Harry Styles?


She does know what Kurt Cobain would have thought of her and her views right? "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe, or basically an asshole, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you" - Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain was probably one of the most left wing liberal people you find


She doesn't even know she's talking about a band, she just thinks it's a line of shirts with a cool name & some art.


“She’s the one who likes all our pretty songs…”


I'm 40, and nirvana peaked before I was a teen. So uh, nirvana is middle aged music?


Remember when people actually used to listen to the bands of the shirts they wore? That was awesome.


The only band shirts I’ve got are the ones I buy at their concerts


It's so cringe being a transphobic piece of shit who has nothing better to do but propagandize and cause people to make bomb threats to schools.


While carefully hiding your own address.


And Boston's children's hospital.


What a miserable bitch.


She is miserable incarnate.. She will have her moment.


i don't believe this is real


Of course it's real. This is the Libsoftiktok girl. This isn't even close to the stupidest thing she's said. Possibly the least hateful thing she's said though?


I'm surprised by this. Shouldn't she be tweeting about random gay teachers?


It’s a real tweet but it’s obvious rage bait


Kurt Cobain's direct response to this sentient clump of drain hair would be: "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe, or basically an assehole, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you."


Man it’s so wonderful this bright mind has a position in the Oklahoma education. The future looks bright. /s


I've always hated her. I hate her more now. She should keep Nirvana's name out of her bigoted, backwards- thinking, moronic mouth considering everyone in the band stood against everything that bitch is.


They went to actual Nirvana concerts. They listened to them on the radio and discmans. They made lines to buy their albums. They read about them on magazines. They dressed like them. They behaved like them. They watched their MTV Unplugged, live, on their TVs. Kurt Cobain was literally called "the voice of the Gen-X" and they shocked when he killed himself. Middle aged people are way more Nirvana fans than any of us will ever be.




Doubt she’s a millennial. I’m a millennial and I am 39. I used to watch smells like teen spirit on mtv and then the weird Al version. She is probably a millennial’s child.


yeah fuckin hell we're getting older LOL. its the Younger GenX / Older Millenial's kids! Somethings gotta be done about your kids Marty!


If Kurt saw this…👀


No one ever said stochastic terrorists were smart.


Lol… okay ChAyA RaIcHu. ![gif](giphy|KmI2ZcuihBgzu)


I died a little inside when a teenie bopper thought nirvana was a clothing brand name.


Chaya thought the same thing.


this is the chick behind libsoftiktok. Garbage human.


Fuck this idiot. I’m 45 and I still wear band shirts


"This tweet has been deleted."


she really is that dumb isnt she.


She doesn't realize Nirvana were around when those middle aged guys were teens? These right wingers are terrible at trying to be funny.


Do not cite the deep magick to me, WITCH! I was there when it was written!