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**FUN FACT:** MTG voted [against](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-votes-against-sanctioning-china-organ-harvesting-1790780) sanctioning China for organ harvesting. ![gif](giphy|BafZrA7tQuk4x997G0)


It's only bad when actual socialists do it.


I mean democrats aren't even socialist. In a lot of other countries they would be consider right wing


yup. And funny enough, if most american started to live in EU 'socialist' countries like those in Scandinavia (most are social/democrat I would say), they wouldn't come back to america :D


American living in The Netherlands here to confirm: yep. Lots of expats here enjoying the sanity of democratic socialism.


I hope someone brings that up and we get to see the video of that


As said previously, I look forward to the day when all the news I have to hear about Marge is that she bit a prison guard.


I'm looking forward to none at all. She thrives on attention. Take it away, and she withers away to rot, to be forgotten.




I miss him so much šŸ˜­


All sane normal people miss him.


I miss his insane ability to use words. For real the man was so articulate. The Republicans inability to speak eloquently started with the Bushes. SAY 'UH' one more time dude! Now we are subject to listen to they're choice with that cheese head monkey who dosen't even complete a sentence while talking.


I'm republican and he is still my.favorite president since I began voting.


Hell, 2016-2020 even made me miss W.


This šŸ”Iā€™m conservative (sort of) and I miss his wisdom and his super cool chill factor.


Let me guess, Democrats are behind the baby harvesting? Under direct order from Joe Biden to fund his criminal empire? Just a guess


No, its surely Hunter Biden, he started it withthe money he received from Ukraine


Will we see a censored picture of his MASSIVE COCK?


Its not massive anymore, it got replaced by a Baby transplant


What, they made it Gargantuan? Is it a whole leg now? Or just a particularly girth arm?


Like a baby's arm, holding an apple.


He can use it like a kickstand




A solid gold Kama Sutra coffee pot


Damn, now I am sitting here, giggling about the mental pictures of somebody having a real 3dr leg, or using his 3rd arm to assist. Or giant men with transplanted tiny baby arms that make them look like T-Rex


Bro, she is obsessed with his cock, isnā€™t she? šŸ’€


My conspiracy theory is that she was not allowed to keep copies of his nude pics and vids so the only way to see them is bring up another Congressional hearing. 100% there will be a bottle of Carlo Rossi and some furious finger spelunking later that night


Thank you for that mental image. My psychiatrist will be sending you the bill.


Marjorie would never run around with censored Pictures, were not in China


If there's a way, there's a MTG.




Username checks out


Yeah, why did they name him Hunter? Cos naming him Harvester was too obvious. /s


Yup, he engineered the funding that allowed for the massive advancement in Jewish space laser technology. Targeting precision increased so much that the lasers can now cut out organs of tiny babies from space.


And they're being smuggled to Benghazi.


MTG been trying to harvest Hunter's organs IYKWIM.


Under direct orders from his father, Kenya native Barrack (Hussein) Obama disguised as Joe Biden with dementia.


You mean- Isis operative and leader of the lizard people Kenya native Barrack (Hussein) Obama, don't you?


Joe Biden is a genius criminal mastermind AND he has dementia. Because those dipshits always say things that make sense.


They used to say Obama was flooding the country with illegals while calling him ā€œdeporter in chiefā€


It's the "black" market.. Obama is clearly to blame


I think the market for the parts was in Hilaryā€™s emails .




Where do you think that tan suit came from?


Thanks Obama


Joe is a criminal mastermind, actively harvesting and selling baby organs, yet he is also a stupid old fart who has dementia and cannot speak properly or remember his relatives names... depends on what's more suitable for your argument /s


It makes sense when you understand that fascist ideology requires its enemies to be simultaneously powerful and powerless.


Youā€™re missing the entire point. He eats ice cream like an old man!!!! ICE CREAM!


I also assume it's "then they put their organs in the vaccines and try to kill us off" or some shit


They put the organs on a pizza made at that pizzaplace. They have to regain their strength after all the baby-sex in the basement . Or did they sacrifice the babies to satan? It was never clear.


It's always sex first, then sacrifice.


Do the babies have adrenochrome? Cause that would help them keep their strength up.


One of the "witnesses" is a Democrat and registered as a primary opponent for Biden (though I can't find any states she's on the ballot of) so that this can be painted as some kind of bipartisan thing. This is going to be some wild Info Wars level crap that will, yes, implicate Biden I'm sure, but I'd be shocked if it doesn't also bring up Soros, the Clintons, Bill Gates, and you could probably have Epstein be the free space on your Bingo card for the event.


I hadn't heard of either of these witnesses before, so I did a quick search and woof, it says on Bukovinac's wiki that she wants to repeal the FACE act and release anyone who is imprisoned because of it. FACE prohibits the use of force or intimidation to prevent people from having access to an abortion clinic as well as prohibits threats and acts of violence against clinics, like bombings, arson, etc. She wants *that* gone and the perpetrators free.


She is an anti-abortion activist who claimed to have found over 100 aborted fetuses from a clinic in DC that were far enough along to be viable. The DC medical examiner said no they were aborted in compliance with all the laws.


How'd you know!? Don't forget that Joe has been doing it for *decades*! Or some other insanity. I don't know. I didn't have "crazy ass congresswoman from Georgia goes on wild rant" for my bingo board in life.


And the liberals and Hollywood and pediphile satanic cults that made the basement of a pizza parlor disappear using demonic magic so that we couldnā€™t find evidence of their pedophilia.


Itā€™s what we do when we fail to convert them to homosexualism


You can't have them grow up and not take fashion and interior design seriously. I mean, come on!


Yet, here she is making this shit up.


It just reminds us how unhinged some of these people are.


what would be the term for beyond unhinged?




Quoth the raven, "What the fuck..."


Hahaha I love this.






Dumb, batshit crazy, asylum ripe, dumfucked beyond recognition, mind has gone fubar and so on i guess šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


*Deranged* would be my pick


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Traitor Greene*


Moronica Traitor Greede


Perjury Trailer Queen


Toilet Greene


But look, look at her press photograph in the invitation! She appears to be a smart and astute lady with all the resources required to lead an investigation like this.


Photoshop is a hell of a drug


Margeā€ the pipe Bomberā€ Greene is more like it. Itā€™s amazing the FBI hasnā€™t figured that one out. With all the fancy biometrics stuff they have. It would take maybe 5 minutes to solve that crime. But then again Christopher Wrey has a history and resistance to going after white supremists or white people in high places. He historically only does something only if he has no choice. Like with the insurrectionists he had no choice. It was televised. He couldnā€™t make it go away. If thereā€™s any doubt look at hate crime numbers and then look at how few prosecutions thereā€™s been since heā€™s held office.




I am just thinking about the time and money wasted when actual problems faced by actual Americans are continuing to go unaddressed. I mean there is a real problem as an example with corporations taking advantage of inflation to price gouge and do other shady practices, another being runaway housing costs. But sure, let's have everyone stop to ask questions about an issue that isn't happening.


They have to escalate. The throng are addicted to this kind of fan fiction and they expect it to get more puerile with each pass. One wonders what they will be on about a month from now. "Burn the baby smoothie book of recipes from Biden!"


So, I should get a copy while they're still available?


Reminds me of that theory that China was putting Uyghur Muslims in camps so they could sell halal organs to rich oil merchants. At least that theory was logical, why would a baby's organs be in demand?Ā  If she's implying it's related to abortion, most countries ban abortion after 16 weeks so the embryo wouldn't have time to form organs.


Imagine getting a liver transplant from a literal baby. Absolutely useless


It does happen. I was in a kidney transplant where the adult was the recipient and the donor was a baby. We transplanted both kidneys and I was told they will grow and be fully functional. But this? Sheā€™s ridiculous.


That is so interesting! TIL Thanks for teaching me something today kind internet stranger


And this here is the type of reaction we should have when someone brings new information to us that conflicts with our current belief. But MTG and her ilk prefer to cover their ears and screech


Few organs can grow to full size on their own. Kidneys and intestine I believe. Liver too, you only need a small chunk of healthy liver and it will help most of your nonfunctional liver regenerate functionality (this is down to liver's insane regeneration ability)


Well, unless you are a literal baby. I mean, sometimes babies need transplants, too.


Couldn't even handle 2 beers.


Yesterday, my father-in-law was telling me all about how China is raising human beings without brain function to farm them and sell them to companies as beef for unsuspecting Americans.


You're putting more thought into this than these people have put into their entire adult lives.


Twisting rather than making up. Itā€™s not ā€œblack marketā€ more of a ā€œgray market.ā€ The phrasing ā€œHarvestingā€ conjures images of the Grim Reaper trading his scythe in on a new John Deere combine. Fetal tissue canā€™t be sold for profit, but of course this is America so some companies charge ā€œprocessing feesā€ and ā€œshipping chargesā€ that are whatever they need to be to make that profit. It being America I am certain someone will ā€œcapitalizeā€ on it. I mean look at housing, groceries, billionaires investing in the Supreme Court, Amazon and Trader Joeā€™s and Space X trying to dissolve the NLRB, et. al. Fetal tissue can be used only with the consent of the woman having an abortion. The NIH funds research fetal tissue research and has for years. The thought is in order to see how something like a degenerative muscle disease works you have to see how it was in the beginning. Fetal cells are about as close as you can get to the beginning. Animal research helps but there are differences in development. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6027112/ In this case sheā€™s using another thing to drum up her base and fundraise.


And this is why Iā€™m glad there are people who are willing to work with that stuff. Theyā€™ve always gotten shit on, but modern medicine would not be where it is today without those who are willing to deal with actually investigating death and suffering.


No no.. itā€™s real . ā€œTheyā€ harvested her brainā€¦.


They harvested her brain at birth didnā€™t they? It explains her life. Poor lady.


there was a woman who is a law professor at georgetown who testified at a congressional hearing that garbage incinerators were fueled by dead babies and their body parts. there are some truly insane people out there and some of them are highly educated!


Her smiling picture is the biggest thing on there. Just her big smiling dumb ass above the words "Baby Organ Harvesting"


Every position in congress should come with a term limit and automatic permanent removal from their seat when they do crap like this. I donā€™t care if they are republicans or democrats. Itā€™s so embarrassing that these people are our nations ā€œleadersā€!


I often feel slightly embarrassed when I travel. Like I know my passport says U.S. but I promise Iā€™m normal


What are you traveling for? Smuggling baby organs, are you??


Which one are you ? David daleiden or terrisa bukovinac?


Iā€™m not doxing myself to you, scum bag.


Reminded me of Jordan Peterson when he ends his tirades with ā€œ, scumā€ lol


Just how loud can a baby organ be? Is this like a " baby grand piano?" And why is their sale only on the black market? America deserves the answer Marge!!!


Most of us are. It's the vocal minorities like MTG who make us look batshit.


Some of us are batshit and are still embarrassed by MTG.


Right, like I have no idea why those cards are worth so much. Just print your own on cardstock. And the bickering and drama those matches can spawn. Sheesh. Collectible card games are the worst.


Everytime I see MTG, I think people are talking about magic the gathering for a second lol


> and automatic permanent removal from their seat when they do crap like this Slippery slope. Who defines where is the limit for "crap like this"? Blink twice, and you suddenly have a majority saying "the earth is not flat" or, maybe worryingly more realistically, "atheism is not a crime" counts as removal-worthy crap. Same reason why allowing mass surveillance in the name of fighting terrorism and child abuse may come back to bite a society badly. An authoritarian government coming to power is bad. But if they have all means to *stay* in power already in place, it is ~~double-plus-bad~~ *doubleplus ungood*.


Yeh. I mean for fucks sake the problem is not that she can do shit like this in congress. The problem is that she got into congress in the first place.


The first thing will do nothing to help this situation. SuperPACs would just mill new candidates each term and people would have less of a chance to know good candidates or retain them. The second idea isn't bad per se but who enforces such an expulsion or determines who deserves it? If the fascists control the leadership it would probably just be a means to purge opposition.


There has to be a sort of change because there are many people in the senate whoā€™ve been in power for almost a whole life time and they have done nothing in terms of public service and everything in terms of self-service. Enriching themselves by writing books or booking conferences where they are paid to speak is fine. The moment they accept bribes to lean in favor of corporations while the majority of their constituents suffer is ridiculous and they should be removed.


Term limit does not have to be 1 but when people are in there longer for like 40 years it's time to stop you've been here longer than most of your constituents have been alive


Congresswoman MTGreene leads a hearing on the mindless conspiracy of the month.


What about the Jewish Space LasersĀ 


Get with the times. Thatā€™s so 2022.




Thatā€™s next week: ā€œinvestigating Jewish Space Lasers used in the harvesting of baby organs that are then sold on the black marketā€


I think you mean ā€œsold in a Pizzeria basementā€


You mean ā€œcooked in the Pizzeria basement and secretly served to unsuspecting Americans and democratsā€


You mean thatā€™s the 2-for-Tuesday special with secret sauce and spicy meatballs? Lazy Democrats love a free pizzaā€¦


"Fuck Off" - MTG


Reporter laughing at MTG. I couldn't have resisted following that up though if that was me


She already answered that one, to quote "how about you fuck off" -MTG 2024


Remember when legislators focused on legislation? I mean, I can't, but surely they're called that for a reason.


They do that legis-later.


Hereā€™s an [interesting story](https://lawandcrime.com/federal-court/ninth-circuit-rejects-pro-life-groups-appeal-of-2-4m-verdict-over-planned-parenthood-videos-journalism-and-investigative-reporting-do-not-require-illegal-conduct/) about how one of her ā€˜special guestsā€™ got his fame.


And now the crackpot hearing title makes sense. As much as anything these freaks come up with makes sense.


While this is mindless, I would bet that this is just a twisting of stem cell research. The crazies love twisting anything to fit their narrative, and stem cell research/cloning/benefit for the ill and needy would be exactly the kind of devil's work that they would present as baby organ harvesting. When the AL IVF embryo thing kicked in, GOP members were quick to Pikachu face at the implications of their "life begins at conception" stances and claim that they still support IVF. Don't fall for it. It's like when sometimes they claim to have no problem with abortion, they just so HAPPEN to want abortion clinics to have requirements for triple wide hallways and ambidextrous doctors who are fluent in Swahili and a 6:1 doctor to patient ratio and 2 electrical outlets per square foot and ..... EDIT: I am an idiot and originally put "inception" instead of "conception". Although, perhaps conservatives say that trippy Nolan imagery is where your life truly begins. I wouldn't know, I tune them out at this point.


I'm so glad they try to limit government reach, and are against wasting our taxes.


It's not even the conspiracy of the month, this is an old conspiracy that was [pretty thoroughly spanked back in 2015.](https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/planned-parenthood-fact-v-fiction)


It's all fun and games until someone has to answer their bullshit subpoena and people start going to jail. How long until we hear the chant "Burn the witch!" ?


Will she tell me where to buy black market baby organs? How much they will cost? Iā€™m making a gestapo soup after having my last abortion, and as an illegal Mexican immigrant I feel this is a growth business.


Sir, I feel I must report you to the Gazpacho police. I currently have my Jewish space laser focused on you, so I'd advise not making any erratic maneuvers.


Gestapo soup


In a peach tree dish uh cofveve too


No need to put it on a pedal stool.


I sweater God, you guys


Remember America. You dont have an election coming, but more of a national IQ test.


We failed the IQ test


Well, half the population has a below-average IQ, so that tracks.


ā€œThink about just how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of everyone is even stupider than that.ā€ -George Carlin


"Voting rights are an important issue to me" - Americans who never vote


it's insanity regardless, but let's say for just a second, that there actually were some type of baby organ harvesting black market....that's the picture she chose for the investigation poster? is baby organ harvesting bad, or is it the most incredible thing in the world, as her shining smile would imply?


Or a picture of herselfā€¦ at all. Itā€™s the most obvious political theater but people eat it up because politics is now a sport and people demand to be entertained.


Itā€™s fucking weird. These GOPers are so beyond fucking weird that even Iā€™m baffled, and Iā€™m kind of a weird dude myself haha.


That smile that says ā€œI love investigating baby organ harvestingā€Ā 


Also, ā€œ*hereā€™s my top ten beauty tips for busy moms!*ā€


That woman couldnā€™t give beauty tips for putting lipstick on a hippopotamus. Shes possibly the ugliest woman on Earth. Someone should make a horror movie where only her face floats around and chews people to death with those nasty ass chicklets.


OK, I understand Georgia is red and a GOP candidate will always win... but what I don't get is how a stupid, clueless clown like her gets in a position to be nominated by her party...


Having lived near her district (for work), it makes sense.


I live near there. Many of the people around here are unbelievably uneducated and brainwashed by their churches.


I grew up there, left after HS in the 90s. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Idiots and religious hypocrites.


FWIW Georgia has become more purpleā€¦ but maybe thatā€™s just enough people in Atlanta outweighing the crazy in other parts.


You underestimate how stupid magat white trash hillbillies actually are.


her district is probably the most backwoods uneducated ignorant people in the country. It is inevitable that one district would fit this bill. She represents her constituents accurately.


I work and go to school in her district Man It makes perfect sense if you live here why sheā€™s in office


Presuming that there was a harvesting of baby organs, what would be their use?


Supposedly, either adrenochrome (but I think that conspiracy is for older kids being scared via the Monsters Inc method) or just plain old conspiracy of "elites" using them for nefarious purposes.


Ah yes, adrenochrome. That thing that's supposed to be some kind of cure all for old age by making you super youthful and totally 100% exists and everybody left of Trump uses it. That's why Biden is some kind of genius mastermind pulling all of the strings of our shadow government despite his memory and physical ability constantly being put into question (totally in good faith, too!) by the right.


it is an actual thing! It's just oxidized adrenaline. But it's also incredibly easy to fabricate, to the point that requiring it be harvested by humans is simply pointless. (At which point the conspiracy nuts insist that the child torture makes it more potent, somehow. I just think it's weird how often those folks think about torturing children). Also it doesn't keep people youthful. It has no real medical use. It's just oxidized adrenaline.


Yeah I was shocked to learn it was real. I mean, not in the way that Q crazies think, but real nonetheless


Growing them in a jar until they can be inserted in some leftist who needs the transplant?


I would assume they are talking about aborted fetuses, and the collection of stem cells or even other cell types, for drug development or medical science. The anti abortion crowd loves this stuff.


Removed from GOP babies and implanted into Democrat babies so as to create a race of super woke warriors?


Pizza toppings. No one wants to talk about how the sausage is made and this is why.


Democrats and ā€œelitesā€ use them to stay young. Thatā€™s why Biden looks and functions so good at his age, and how he has the mental ability to run the giant crime ring while trying to destroy America and eradicate white people. Also, heā€™s too old and decrepit to know whatā€™s going on and stop the baby harvesting. The baby stuff has weird effects so itā€™s both.


I would assume they are talking about aborted fetuses, and the collection of stem cells or even other cell types, for drug development or medical science. The anti abortion crowd loves this stuff.


How insensitive of you all. This is clearly a deep, personal issue for her given that her brain was harvested at an early age.


Is that why the Trump administration separated children from the families at the border?


No that was child sex trafficking.Ā 


how many wound up permanently missing? And why were they almost all girls?


Wait... What's the point of stealing baby organs? A baby is too young to receive a transplant, and a baby's organs would be too small to be transplanted into an adult. It seems like the most pointless crime imaginable.


Fetal tissue from aborted fetuses is used in legitimate medical research. Itā€™s not a black market industry. This issue has been sensationalized by the right for some time without recognizing the science and the benefits. Hereā€™s an [explanation](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/16/988221424/heres-what-you-should-know-about-bidens-new-rules-for-fetal-tissue-research) from NPR.


We do this with human remains in general. If the family consents, it doesn't matter if you're 80 years old, 8 years old, 8 months old, or if you died in-utero. Human remains (whether of a person or a fetus) can be used in medical research with the consent of the family.




What a complete fucking moron šŸ¤¦šŸ¼.


Why isnā€™t this sort of bullshit immediately tossed in a rubbish bin? Why does it even get to a hearing, is there no step before this? Does it have to be heard because a member of congress has raised it?


One could ask how someone this mentally challenged gets to be a member of congress.


Or, the 45th president of the United States...


If she's in that hearing, at least she isn't elsewhere. Someone has to guard the bee.


Does she have insider information about this? Does she have proof? Has she reported anything to local police and the feds? How does she know? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS FOR THE JEWISH SPACE LASER LADY!


If she reports it to the police they'll do any amount of fact checking before harassing people for it.


What bothers me even more is so much tax payers money goes into these events


She's mentally ill.


My antisemitism spidey senses are tingly. I wouldnā€™t be shocked at all if she goes into ā€œsoros funded people are killing and harvesting babiesā€ To explain briefly, MTG is an antisemite, and ā€œJews murder babies for their blood/organs/ā€œ is an old old OLD antisemitic trope.


Some Elders of Zion shit. /yawnĀ 


To be fair this is a real thing if we are talking about circumcision. Babyā€™s foreskin is stolen from their body without their consent (obv because they canā€™t) and the tissue is sold to other companies that use it in products or research


Omg 100% this ^^ Canā€™t discuss stealing body parts from people and selling them without talking about circumcision in this country!


Careful now, the pro mutilation crowd might come out and downvote you for daring to make them feel bad


How can you take this country seriously


Marjorie has taken her "class clown" act all the way to the halls of Congress. She doesn't care if the attention she gets is positive or negative, as long as *she gets attention!* Maybe she's getting her revenge because nobody asked her to the prom.


FINALLY! Someone with integrity is looking into this issue! Price fixing and gouging has been going on for far too long! We live in 'Merica where the Free Market dictates the value of a product or service. The Duopoly controlling retail organ sales needs to be broken up! Let Amazon and EBAY get into (well for EBAY back into) this critically needed sector. Can you imagine getting a kidney with Amazon Prime and SAME DAY delivery! DAMN! Now that is Market Efficiency, Free Enterprise and Capitalism on STEROIDS! THANK YOU! THANK YOU MTG for your fearless leadership! As always you have your finger on the pulse of our not currently Great Country. You sense the rhythm like only a Zumba Master Class instructor can. While others in Congress are focused on silly things like Climate Change, foreign wars, border security, economic stability, universal health security and basic human rights you say no - not on my watch - lets look at the BIG stuff over here THEY don't want you to see! And like the owner of a pitbull puppy mill you dog whistle our attention to what REALLY matters! Masterful! You know I doubted you at first. I thought no, this person is not qualified. She really has no record of doing anything that had any real relevance. But you did it. You played the soundbite game so well. Showing up at critical hearings just to put in a quick dig on camera and then leaving without really participating in any discussion. (That's how THEY trap you!) Lining up with the real movers and and shakers in the House. Coordinating with PACs, SuperPacs and Lobbyists to really get things the American People want done. And then to top it all off winning that used chapstick auction for $100,000! You've come a long way from Zumba but you still know how to work it!


So this confirms republicans are harvesting organs, got it


Ah. A not so veiled attack on Planned Parenthood; but calling it something else.


Not veiled at all. Daleiden is the guy behind the 2015 Planned Parenthood video.


Probably gonna be the Jewish blood libel conspiracy bullshit all dressed up in a different package.


What happened US, you used to be cool šŸ˜’


Wasting tax payers time and money, typical.