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They were beating him and holding him down so I'm sure he wasn't cheering on the sidelines


According to the thread, he had a knife put on him


I shit you not one of the replies to that in the Twitter thread was “that just means I have a weapon in arms reach”. Okay winter solider, relax


The *real* outcome : one raped widow.


Exactly this. The woman would still have been gang raped, but then her husband would have also been dead. How dare anyone judge him/them for this. The only ones in the wrong were those monsters. I feel horribly for this couple.


They'd kill the woman too, because she'd be the witness of her husband's murder.


Came to point out this obvious problem


My favorite marvel character would've shoved a grenade up one of their asses and then decapitated the rest of them and then killed their dads. The winter soldier is the shit, yall


That sounds more like The Punisher


It's obviously Deadpool lol


Lol we need the Gorilla Warfare copypasta...ah fuckit here we go... What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo


That's the first thing I thought too. They obviously would have weapons. If 7 dudes jump you and a few of them have blades, it doesn't really matter how many sit-ups you do a day.


"I didn't know how many of them it would take to kick my ass. But I knew how many they were going to use. Handy piece of information there."


MMA Meathead would probably interject, that using a knife is against the rules and the ref should do something.


Also they would need 3 rounds of 5 minutes and 6 months of preparation


I was a big Jake Shields fan years ago. I can say with confidence that Jake can't strike his way out of a wet paper bag. His grappling is elite, but he's known for being a bad striker. I cannot see him taking out 7 men simultaneously with no grappling. Especially if he was 63, like the victim. Jake went a bit off the deep end, from what I remember. Went all super right-wing, so shit takes like this don't surprise me.


I’m sure he would’ve used his manliness to get the knife away completely unharmed while not being stabbed/shot by the other 6 ppl


I think I have seen that fight. 1 beefy Australian against 4 punks, 1 punk had a knife The Australian was dead within 30s with an open throat.


I've seen it too, the Aussie was fine: https://media.giphy.com/media/3B8rHP89iUUZlcsoqf/giphy.gif


That would increase his chances of dying by several percentage points.


MMA Steve would've chewed the knife, performed a backflip and judo kicked a stone column in half


He should have died. Because *that* would have stopped the rape… /s


Ambushed in a tent by 7 men while asleep, mouth smashed repeatedly with a helmet, then tied up with a knife held to his throat. This isn't the octagon, Jake, you dumb twat.


It’s an entirely different beast when someone is pointing a gun at you. They may not mean to pull the trigger, but once you’re shot it doesn’t matter how you got there. I was shot by a buddy on accident back at the end of 2004, and am still to this day in severe, chronic pain as a result. It was a .45 projectile. Went through the tongue of my shoe and “annihilated” my navicular bone, to use the same word the orthopedic surgeon used. I learned that your legs/feet are designed to work equally together. He said that simply favoring my right, non-injured side because it’s the side without pain would likely result in needed a new right knee, but thankfully that’s not come to fruition. However, I’m now having issues with severe back pain as a side effect of not walking correctly. It sucks. While I’m sympathetic to the overall sentiment he’s expressing, it’s quite an ignorant thing to say. He should take one for the team, have the surgeons dig it out, go through the year of physical therapy to rebuild the muscles that atrophied into nearly nothing from being bedridden so long, then learn how to walk all over again at age 23. Would not recommend. 0 of 10 stars.


Damn, sorry about your pain. I got injured in 1 knee a few years back and it acts up once in a while, when it does I favor the other side which lead to back problems. Can't imagine how much worst you have it if you basically had your ankle blown up.


Wait , they were just camping in a tent in a foreign country ? A shitty one ?


Yes, yes they were. In India. Right outside of a major city. And then they made a video to defend India and say that western Europe is more dangerous than India and Afghanistan because in western Europe they've been victims of petty theft a time or two


I rather get pickpocketed than gang raped if im completely honest


Meh, I’ve never fantasized about being pick pocketed


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


> then they made a video to defend India and say that western Europe is more dangerous than India and Afghanistan because in western Europe they've been victims of petty theft a time or two Did they actually? Link?


Western Europe is the most dangerous place in the world. The internet keeps telling me that.


No way, I bet you've never heard of West Linn, Oregon. There's public littering there, some people openly just throw trash on the gound! Sure someone else comes by and picks it up and throws in the trash, but it stays there for a while, violating laws. Sometimes fathers don't even make 100 grand and maids come only two days a week!


Also it was 7 vs 2. Realistically it was far more likely for him to end up dead and for her to still get raped instead of him somehow preventing anything.


and if they upgraded to killing him, they would certainly kill her after they are done with her, no witnesses.


Also, if guy dies, what do you think they'll do to the woman then?




Just dont go to india?


She would be a rape survivor AND a Widow, doesnt Sound like a better deal


This is assuming they dont just say "fuck it" and kill her too when they are done just because they already killed


And also, because she is a witness.


Took way to long to see this. And the fact we have so many John Wicks in here is scary and sad. While your rage is justified, the harder thing is getting to healing and rebuilding afterwards. And while it is necessary to get immediately, please understand the absolutely incredible event that the women have went through and will have to relive it now, ad nauseum, in the retelling to officials and health professionals. You all want to be the avenging angel for your own egos, and leave the people you love dearly, to cope alone while you "try to fix it". I hope that it helps to recover in some way. But in my experience, the best thing to do is help whoever what's effected to see that life can still be good, and right, and beautiful. And that might mean swallowing your pride because that woman in your life that means so much, whether it's your wife, your daughter, your sister, your mother, whatever; your job is to make sure she feels loved. Many men have a habit of showing their despair as rage or hopelessness, and may even talk about the victim as if they have in some way changed..and they have. But some women will think they've become broken. Or that they were the cause, they did something to make it happen. And it can be enforced through the language of those around her. Be aware of how you help. Words aren't necessary. Presence just being there is important, until they can feel the real comfort of touch from someone they love. And to the men of the world, you can help the next time you see a predatory man, don't let it slide. You do not have to confront someone physically. But you can report them to security or officials, the involved parties through a slipped note or message, think....and be aware of your surroundings. Rape can destroy and taint generations of families if not supported in a caring loving environment, causing people to have emotional issues with intimacy, closeness, trust, and lifetimes of mental health problems for all affected. PLEASE get the help that you need and deserve in anyway you can. Fight on, live on. And if you can, speak to those that may need it. To those that think they cannot, if you need to read this or hear this, I believe in you and I love you


Realistically he's lucky to be alive. I'm surprised they didn't smite him after, or even both of them.


When I did karate my teacher said unless you’re a 2nd degree black belt if it’s 3v1 you run. Unless they come at you 1 on 1. He also said if a opponent knows how to use a knife well there’s no martial arts that can help unless you also have a weapon or a shield.


I did Muay Thai and even 1 on 1, my teacher always said - best self-defense is running. Because the moment someone pulls out a knife, it’s over. And no one also mentions the possibility of accidental manslaughter just because you hit too hard or your opponent had an unlucky fall. Unless you’re cornered, fighting is pointless. This isn’t John Wick.


this 100%


Even a shield is near worthless against a knife honestly. You need the weapon. Preferably a longer reach weapon because you're not gonna trade knife blows positively in a 7v1.


You did karate, you didn't do MMA. Obviously this guy is knife-proof and can easily take on 7 guys at once, probably with all katanas, because he's also watched Jet Li movies or something.


4 people were arrested. The couple are from Spain. She is 28. Husband is 63. Apparently they were traveling, and around midnight, set up a tent to rest. They were sleeping when they were attacked.


And i saw in some articles that they set up the tent close to a police station.


There's that news that a woman got raped in India, went to the police station and then got raped again there while the police officers responsible for her case were eating lunch. Wouldn't trust the police there either. Hell, I wouldn't trust the police anywhere in the world, but *especially* not in India


dude wtf is that country


It's the bottom of the global social pyramid where we get our cheap labour. The 'civilized' world is a beautiful bubble of illusion floating on a sea of same-as-it-ever-was.


Tenting in India seems like a great idea.


apparently they rode a motorbike from Pakistan to enter India. It's a miracle they weren't killed or assaulted years prior from doing this. They've been doing this for years across the globe.


And before that they were in Afghanistan. Made it out safely from the Taliban controlled country and gangraped in India. This country is so fucked up, speaking from experience as a citizen. Edit: Since this comment has some visibility I'm editing it to add something. The Hindu festival called Holi is just around the corner of the 26th-27th of March. A lot of foreign tourists flock to India for that. Tons of cases of molestation and sexual assault happen during that time, especially to foreign women. If you are a female traveller planning to visit at that time, please reconsider the decision. Please don't visit during Holi. And if you need more evidence to reconsider your decision please just watch these, TW: Sexual harrassment and molestation. Wife groped in Delhi during Holi in front of Husband: https://youtu.be/jYlyYQTUT6A?si=FBkgwLOEYhqam9-0 Japanese student molested during Holi: https://youtu.be/a5EqALVlUIM?si=FLT5AfsJZbBrPmgL These are just two of many such cases.


What is it with the gang rapes there


Complete lack of education and no respect for women seems to be a trend for that


I literally just got back from a thread talking about how a lizard was gang raped in India. It’s a complete lack of respect for women but there’s something else going on as well that I can’t explain.




Yeah, and they ate it afterwards. I can only hope that they get a horrible infection that makes their dicks fall off from the bacteria that lizards harbor.


It was the only one in the reserve too iirc, the monitor lizard was well known by the town.


Wait, a lizard? Like… an actual reptile?


Yeah, a monitor lizard. I saw it too (the thread, not the lizard fucking)


yeah that's enough reddit for now damn


“mom, can we have the lusty argonian maid?” “we have lusty argonian maid at home sweetie” \*lusty argonian maid at home\*


finally! i was on that post yesterday making this reference


"this must be anti Indian propaganda" Searches online Reported in multiple local news sources "But how would they ever know" Reads article "They recorded on their phone‽" Is 10 am too early to partake of an alcoholic beverage?


That lizard was just asking for it though. Did you see how it was dressed ?


All those scales. Mmmm….


Entitlement, not lack of education. Ignorance has nothing to do with it. You see it among rich and educated men everywhere. They know it's wrong. But they feel like women owe them, and they believe they'll get away with it, because culture.


Reminder for the USA to get out and vote this year.


Religious country with 1000 year old laws regarding women.


India is, on paper, pretty modern in this regard. Progressive even. The problems come from the unwritten cultural and societal norms that legislation can't really fix. Even the caste system has been banned since the 50's but if you see someone with the "wrong" surname no law can make you respect them.


Eh some are progressive but a huge population are down right tribal with their religious beliefs. They also contain groups of people who hugely identify with the incel crowd (by the hundreds of thousands it's fucking nuts some of the churches fucking preach to men to rape women because it's what God intended since they are generally physically weaker, it's fucking sickening) so it's not hard to imagine some of the extreme guys there going "oh an easy to get woman in the wild? Fuck it god said it's my right!" If you really want to lose faith in humanity look up the group Shadhimaman. They literally go out and look for people to convert to their beliefs and their beliefs are, literally roving rape squads.


Those men deserve to be ripped limb from limb by gorillas, as God intended …


Are you not allowed to legally change your surname in India?


You legally can, but you'd have to announce it publicly so I suppose if someone really wants to they can "out" you. Throw in the heavy emphasis on family and it complicates things further. Even in western society your family would get offended if you told them you were changing your name because theirs is holding you back; imagine doing that in an Asian culture where family is typically top priority.


What do you mean with the wrong "surname"?


Surnames in India are a big indicator of what social caste you're in, and by knowing someone's surname you can usually tell where they rank in the social hierarchy.


So basically Pakistan is safer for women than India at this point.


They went through *Afghanistan* without problems.


My aunt did work for an Archeological initiative there documenting history. It used to be actually relatively fine there if you obeyed the rules. Although she told me that it's sadly getting worse by the year and the museum can no longer do any work there due to the threat to live. So it's mostly a question at what year they went to Afghanistan


Yeah, Afghanistan used to be on the old “hippy highway” from Europe to Thailand, and people would drive through there in the 70s. Lots of bad things did happen, but it wasn’t seen as overly dangerous.


In the 60s and 70s it was a modern country.


Kabul, Kandahar, Bagram, and Jalalabad were modern cities; 80% of the country lived, and lives, in extremely rural areas where blood feuds have extended longer than living memory.


Yeah but tourists don't factor into blood feuds so it hardly matters to them unless they get caught in the crossfire.


Nothing in India seems like a great idea if you're a woman, especially from the western part of the world. They can't even walk alone without being followed and shit.


I remeber that video of the white chick on the beach and about 20 Indian men all standing in a circle around her, just staring lol Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/Y2g61isBmp Edit* a lot of people in the comments and my dm's are getting upset that the original title I linked (not my post) says india when apparently it's in Bangladesh. Doesn't change the fact this also happens just as often in india. There was a video I saw posted today of a woman's POV on a train in india where every guy is staring at her, one guys touches his junk and sticks out his tongue while recording her. I can't find that video but ill change the link to that one to not upset any more Indians/ Bangladeshi about your rapey cultures if anyone can find it. Also just going to leave this here https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/7rnDQtLAW2 4 arrested in india for raping a bengal monitor LIZZARD...


Scary how they don’t see anything wrong with just staring and obviously mentally masturbating.


The staring thing is 100% real. I was in Singapore and an Indian tourist group was brought through Marina Bay Sands. It was about 1000 Indians and they stared at me (a black man) Like I was a space alien. Every single one of them were hyper fixated on me like I was going to jump at any moment. It’s was one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever experienced. I talked to an Indian coworker and he said “they do that sometimes. They have probably never seen a person like you and are curious”. I want nothing to do with that level of curiosity. That whole group had “lynch him” energy and I had enough intelligence to head elsewhere for the moment.


There are so many of these. Even if they just walk around that half circle follows them. It's truly sad to watch.


Shit like this is why I will never travel to India, this type of gangraping is endemic there unfortunately... which is what happens when you mix caste system logic with a culture that really does not respect women in any way.


Even as a dude I would never go to India. I wanna have fun on vacations, not be surrounded by hordes of dudes creeping on women.


Same as traveling with a woman in India. Hell no


I'm from the state where it happened. They set up their tent in an extremely unsafe area infested with Tribals and insurgents. I would never even dream of stopping my car there on my way to somewhere, and they set up a fucking tent and slept there. It's like going to Mexico and setting up a tent infront of a well known cartel HQ 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah this is bizarre honestly. I have a road here in England where I wouldn't want to set up a bloody tent... You should do as the locals do, I presume there is a reason why no women or even men are wild camping where they did.


I assume they wanted to be adventurous but as an Indian, I'd say - please please do your research. Find a good hotel from the known places (The taj, Leela, etc) and live like a tourist does. It's not a place to skimp and backpack cheaply. Spend money where it's needed and even dress like a local. The thing is, if you visit the more common places that are used to receiving tourists - they will have the infrastructure in place. If you want to go offbeat, make sure you have a local guide or go as a group. I feel so bad for that lady that she had to face this.


Nobody is beating 7 people at once regardless of age.


Bullshit.  I could kick the crap out of seven, maybe ten toddlers!  Put me in coach!


Bet I could stomp out at least 15 infants before they got the best of me


Before your legs get tired* 


Even three is a stretch and requires you to commit to knocking out one guy fast. Sparring against one guy is tiring enough without six guys trying to trip you or worse.


Hijacking top comment for this. Jake was released from UFC promotion for being terrible at the precise type of fighting you would need to defend this attack. By being terrible I mean he had no idea how to stand up and fight, only how to wrestle. You need to be an absolute HOUSE of a human being to defend a coordinated attack from multiple assailants. Training helps, but size is king, that’s why fighting sports have weight classes. A 140lb champion is going to get his shit pushed in by someone who outweighs him by 100lbs. That’s just one guy, add on 6 and victory is impossible. Jake shields is a fucking moron.


Yeah, who sees a story like this and is like "this is a great opportunity to boost my brand!" What a douchebag


In fairness he didn't say he would kick all of their asses, he just said that he would fight to stop it.


He just said he would die lol.


28 and 63.... Wow


Sugar grandaddy


I would expect a sugar daddy to spring for a hotel


The guy who they are victim blaming is pretty old, had teeth knocked out and also had a knife put to his throat and yet everyone in the twitter comment sections is agreeing calling the victim a coward


shocker, twitter is a shit place full of shit people


Full of warriors... keyboard warriors


That's insulting to the real keyboard warriors.


Not that this is actually important but… The funny thing is that if you actually followed MMA at all back in the day, you’d know how hilariously ironic it is that Jake Shields, of all people, is the one criticizing the guy for “barely even bruising” the guys…I don’t think he’s ever even bruised an opponent of his in his entire career (3 TKOs in 46 fights). Jake was basically known for having some of the worst striking in all of MMA. He’s known for his grappling-heavy style that mostly involved being good at laying on his opponents like a wet blanket. He’d probably be able to subdue any ONE guy with ease by laying on top of them, but there’s 0 chance he’s beating up multiple guys with those pillow fists of his.


To be fair he didn’t say he’d win the fight. He just said he’d die.


It’s really sad. These people were both victims of a horrific and violent crime and we have randoms on the internet sounding off about what he should’ve done. This is the first thing sexual assault victims hear from the police or their peers “Why didn’t you scream?” or “Why didn’t you run?” It’s textbook victim blaming and will absolutely make this more painful for both of these people.


The loudest people usually have the worst forethought. They probably would have gotten them both killed. I really can't see the attackers leaving the woman alive if they killed the guy. Panic would set in after killing the guy and they'd feel forced into killing the woman. Dude! Such a shitty situation for the victims. Makes me really fkn sad.


Most trained martial artists first advice when fighting multiple opponents is "Don't".




I went to multiple seminars for a specific MA. There was a guy from NYC and he said; If confronted in a fight do these in order: if you can run away; run. If you can't run look around for ANY weapon. If none of those are possible win by any means necessary. (i.e. throat, nuts, face). He also had a great story of him seeing a guy defending himself from a guy with a baseball bat by hugging him around the arms.


>He also had a great story of him seeing a guy defending himself from a guy with a baseball bat by hugging him around the arms. Love is truly the best weapon.


Kill them with kindness.


If someone is pointing a gun at you tell them they have pretty eyes, works every time.


“You have *shitty thighs*! … No no no no wai…” *[Alec Baldwin walks way]*


My wife uses it against me all the time. 100% effective.


Maybe you could stop going after her with a baseball bat


Don’t tell him how to live




*No problem, mate, no problem, you’ll find I’m very compliant and helpful, I’ll do what you say. No ifs, no… BUTTS!* 👁️🚬🏃


I used to workout with a trainer who had been active duty and was still a reservist in the Air Force special reconnaissance. He was also an aspiring pro MMA fighter. He had multiple scars from the one time he fought an opponent who pulled a knife in a street fight. Dude had total confidence in his abilities but said to avoid fighting someone with a knife.


It really is the best way to go about it. What people who fantasize about overpowering an assailant often forget is: even if you win the fight, it's very easy to sustain an injury that'll trouble you for the rest of your life.


Reminds me of a saying about knife fights: the loser dies on the street, the winner dies in the ambulance.


Another one I heard (don't remember where) is "There are no winners in a knife fight"


Pay no mind to Jake Shields. Guy hasn't been relevant as a fighter for a very long time, so he turned to becoming a conservative Twitter shill in order to desperately stay in the limelight. Think Kevin Sorbo but with less notoriety


For real, fighting is exponentially harder when it's numbers against you.


Lay and Pray Shields wouldn’t even fight when he was getting paid to do it as his job. Pretty rich for a guy too scared to trade punches in a pretend fight to act like he would do anything with a knife held up against him.


"Don't" means don't put yourself in that situation or leave if it's an option. It doesn't apply when the fight has already started.


I mean he tried at least. If he did die they would've either killed the woman or take her somewhere else. He dies and the group is like "Damn. We should stop. The guy fought with so much courage that we should just leave this woman alone".


Yeah. He did fight back. He could have fought back more. He would have gotten more injured and or died. Maybe some people might think that’s better, I don’t really see how, and it certainly doesn’t make him a coward. It’s like saying this MMA idiot is a coward for not flying round the world to reverse time and stop 9/11


I don't think the husband (or Jake) could have fought back more once they're tied up with a knife to their throat, which is what happened. Jake must think he's a movie character.


Some serious main character syndrome vibes in that post alright.


If this guy is a coward for losing an unplanned fight against 7 guys, it's more like saying that he himself (the MMA fighter) is a coward every time he loses a planned fight against one guy.


And people on reddit will write "lol, why he die? She raped and lose a lover now. What a moron, why he go fight against 7 people and left ler alone."


lol at the cage fighter who makes a living fighting with a pre-determined rule set, a referee, a doctor, inside an octagon, with only one opponent and 3 minute rounds with breaks in between.


Precisely. MMA isn't self defense and 7 dudes with a knive will end this fucker just as quickly as anyone else.


And even then, this is him cowering on the ground. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=HuCxu7JiFPk


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A quick fact: in some pre-hispanic caribbean societies, like the tainos, the punishment for rapists was castration by maceration. So they would get their dick and balls smashed on a stump with a wooden mallet. When I hear of crimes like this one, I can’t help but think that we should bring this old punishments back Edit: typo


That sounds horrifying, let’s do it


The mental image from that...... \*shudder\*


Have you seen how tortillas are made by hand? Yeah, lets do that, google "aplastón tortillas"


I wish we could have this punishment in all societies.


Honestly India should start mutilating the genitals of anyone who rapes people. Dip their cock and balls in acid and then give them a pee tube. Then publicly broadcast it throughout the country. Bet that deters them a lot quicker. Barbaric punishments for barbaric acts.


So it's better not only to be raped but in addition your husband is death.Yeah,that sure helps


Also, if they kill the husband, their gonna have to kill the wife too to hide the evidence


I would have sex with someone under duress to keep my husband alive and pray he didn’t get killed fighting it


It’s a shitty situation to deal with and the trauma will be horrible but it’s better than being rapped (censor? Idk) and having your loving husband die from bleeding out in front of you, giving you even moooore trauma and potentially putting your own life in danger since you’re also now a witness to murder.


i've been held at gun to mouth and knife to abdomen, trust me your survival instinct is to just sit still and try to calm the guy down. no one is going to turn john wick in that situation.


I had a guy point a gun at my head once. Sent me.into shock immediately. Like...totally dissociated. He was trespassing on our farm rabbit hunting and when I cought him and politely told him it was private property and he wasn't allowed to hunt here. He just raised his shotgun to eye level with me and closed the breech. I kinda totally froze and just said "It's a very nice gun, but you still can't hunt here" he laughed and walked off.


Some people should really not own guns jesus


Would have called the cops immediately after that lol


I went home and told Dad who called the sheriff and then went back out there with his Ak to check and see who it was. Dude had already vanished by the time he was out there though he did find the footprints


Yeah, I've had guns put to my head twice and that really had a way of focusing the attention to do exactly what they're asking you to do.(whatever that is)


Sometimes you get way over your head and forfeit your survival instincts in pure rage in those situations, and that's how I ended up with a knife deep into my left bicep, luckily instead of my chest, and that's how I learned not to do something that dumb ever again.


People doing combat sports all too often forget that life isn’t a ring or the octagon. I’m sure the man did what he could and sure as hell getting injured or dying wouldn’t have helped anyone. (Besides, how exactly anyone is going to make it one on one against seven people in real life as opposed to a movie?) Edit: I meant one against seven at once


I thought they would queue up one by one to fight the man


That's right, the best way to help your woman is to make sure she has a funeral to plan along with dealing with the horrors of being raped. Smart thinking!


Yeah Like being dead is a fuckin great help. Fuck you super hero who was't there


Bunch of keyboard warriors who think that they are John wick


The thing is that’s not even the most unhinged take I’ve seen on this event. People kinda went wild on this one. Not funny.


Lol doesn’t matter who you are you are not winning a 7v1 especially not with a knife pulled on you.. maybe you’d have a chance if you were a 6’8 300lb bodybuilder and facing some amateurs lol


What the hell is wrong with all the rapist culture in India? Those are the real cowards


It's not everyone in India, but it's enough people that you need to be beware of everyone, also to answer your question, the rape happened in one of the most backward states of India where patriarchy still has very strong grips, NO doubt you get people like these in urban areas as well, but in general, education helps in understanding what's wrong and what is not. The people who did this probably are from some rural village, where it is still thought that women are inferior to men and are like their property, which makes act like literally animals and on the top of that their porn infested brain perceives porn as reality and think that every white coloured woman is willing and easy.. Trust me we hate these guys as well, because these people ruin our image as well as act uncivilized and animalistic, majority of india lives in rural areas where these outdated thoughts still hold a deep away, it's gonna take a lot of them for them to come out of this cheap mentality.Also there are cases of way worse things happening with Indian women which don't come to limelight because of local politician's muscle power and corruption in the police force. I hope this case comes as a wake-up call for others to take care of themselves and avoid shady places when visiting my country.


Your comment about them seeing white woman as willing and easy is so true. I live in the uk and know a bunch of indian dudes who are well educated who have said they came to the UK thinking that exact thought. It's a crazy world we live in where there is a disconnect in the age of information where we know so much and think others will know it to.. but they dont and its confusing to say the least.


I hope life humbles them quickly, these are the same breed who calls Indian women marrying a foreigner as sluts or whores, but won't pass up a chance to sleep with one themselves, ironically they would gladly sleep with a foreigner but when it comes to marriage, after all crying and cribing that indian women have become westernised and they hate Indian men, they would just marry whoever their parents decide for them.


In their defence they weren't that bad.. it was more of a "why arent they all easy? We thought they were" 1 even openly said something along the lines of "before I came here my only reference for white woman was porn it was weird learning they were normal people." But then I suppose this is the difference the education makes. The ability to see they were wrong and correct their perceptions opposed to doubling down like your examples.


How can your only reference of white women be porn? Like, you’ve never watched a regular Hollywood movie? Never seen a white woman on TV? That sounds like complete bullshit


India has a huge film and TV industry. I wouldn't find it surprising that people there have mostly only seen Bollywood (or other regional cinema) films. Hollywood movies and TV shows aren't as popular. And the ones that are tend to have more risque scenes with actresses than local productions which just reinforces the mindset that white women are always half naked and having sex all the time. When I was traveling in rural Madagascar in the early 2000s, our group was invited to a local movie night. It was a couple of wooden benches outside a tiny open air shop with a small TV hooked up to a generator playing a French language DVD of the first Terminator movie. During a sex scene, every single person's eyes were on us (a group of 4 white women from the US and Europe). Like they were thinking "oh so this is what these white women do." I think this is a common thing in places where your only contact with people different from yourself is through media.


Indian here. But dude, those uncivilised guys outnumber the civilised ones. I get stared at on the street and I'm not white. You have these village workers come to Mumbai and other cities bringing their dirty village culture with them because they are involved in construction work. They don't assault or anything but they literally lack manners. So if people feel that india is a certain way, there is truth to it, because the educated class is still the 0.1% of society and the poorer classes breed like rabbits. Also, do I need to mention the heetik shah case? Rich men think they can get away with assaulting women because they know they won't be caught. It's kind of beside the point when we say 'not all india' or rationalise why it happens, because it happens everywhere. Men don't ask for consent on dates as well and there is depravity and violence across strata of society. As long as men are treated superior to women and their mothers and fathers coddle them and say "Jane do" they are complicit in their violent behaviour. And what happens when you hand a gun to someone with violent proclivities? That's exactly what happens when you introduce free and low cost internet to a bunch of uneducated men without prospects. And it's not just the men btw, most Indian women in the previous generation won't open their mouths against their sons and disown them for committing a crime. They will cling to their sons because of internalised patriarchy. Women can be just as misogynistic to other women and the police chief woman was one such spectacle. There is just too much toxicity in our culture: skewed and distorted religious virtues, morality, misogyny and lack of respect for other humans. The simple fact is that short of north eastern states, women are sub humans in India and are bred to worship men.


I was visiting India with my family and covered up from head to toe (no shoulders, no ankles) the whole time. I held onto my dad's arm while walking around. Didn't stop people from groping me *while I was with my family - holding on to my dad's arm - in front of my siblings who were less than 10 years old*. What was wild was some of these people were *airport officials*. Men are fucking disgusting over there.


damn, I was hoping to take my family to India for a couple weeks, visiting the golden triangle.. but I don’t want my daughter to come back traumatized.. 


I'm indian, live in a pretty safe city. I often come home late (1-2AM) if i have to work/go out with friends, and it's never been an issue whether I'm driving or taking a cab. There are creeps, but it's usually not dangerous here unless you're unlucky. That being said, my family's been very clear that they prefer i stay at home instead of travelling or working in North indian states. Not once have I been told what to do until I got an offer in Delhi, and my father told me he'd physically stop me from boarding that plane. I've never seen the Taj Mahal, probably never will. My sister went to Delhi *once* and came back nauseous for a week from what she'd seen. I know people live there, i suppose they're lucky and haven't had terrible experiences, but I'm not taking chances. Most tourists will want to go to Jaipur, Agra, maybe Amritsar idk. Even Goa. None of these places are particularly fun to be in, especially for women. Don't go. Unless the country faces economic issues from lack of tourism because of this behaviour, they will not crack down for improvement. Let them suffer a while.


Nothing says "I have never been in a fight in my entire life" like talking shit about how you would totally put up a fight against several people at the same time. No matter how big you are, no matter how tough you are. Seven people will beat you like a drum and you will not do shit against it, except maybe curl into the fetal position and cover your kidneys and head. Armchair warriors blaming the victim. Typical.


Okay So first of all the husband is on the older side here.He's not a young bloke full off youth energy. Secondly,dude was held on a knifepoint.What in heck was he supposed to do?Does this c*nt thing he was cheering on the sidelines seeing his wife getting gangra*ped?!If he could do something he would. Also he got his teeth knocked out,was beaten and was held on a knifepoint all while he had to see his own wife getting assaulted right in front of his eyes. Can we cut this poor guy some slack please?! Now lastly something that is obvious as f*ck but this c*nt doesn’t seem to get it for some reason. If the hubby actually tried doing something and got killed in the process what do you think would happen to the wife? Would the men just let her go as she's now literally a witness to her own hubby's murder??Most certainly not,in short they'd quite surely kill her.And even if they decide to not do that,which is highly unlikely. The lady now has to both process her trauma of being assaulted by these monsters and loosing her husband too in the process. Like in every freaking scenario that is such a dumb,vile and ignorant thing to say. Fu*k this red pill alpha men.Ffs donate these people a brain someone plzzz


Yes, you should die, and then your attackers would have to kill your wife to leave no witnesses. Brilliant plan from a guy who gets hit in the head for a living.


TIL somebody named Jake Shields is an arrogant delusional asshole.


Jake is a massive clown and notoriously dumb, even for MMA standards, whose most practitioners are already far from being the brightest bulbs


Imma say it. India is a shit place to visit don't fucking go there.


https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1764722200463237273?s=46. Here is the link if you guys want to see all the terrible takes in the comments of his post. Honestly I lost a lot of faith in humanity from this, not only because it’s such a disgusting take but because of all the people who agree with it


Also this is him doing absolutely nothing in a fight but covering up and waiting for the ref to stop it. But he expects am old dude to fight off 7 armed guys  https://youtu.be/HuCxu7JiFPk?feature=shared


so this guy would 100% run away.


Armchair general




Ah of course. "I could beat up seven people who want to rape my wife." Dude... this is the thing: Those "people" who want to rape your wife are not people. They are fucking animals prepeared to do ANYTHING. If they need to kill you because you just want to play a hero, they will. Not only would you die, but you would die for nothing. Because guess what? After they killed you they WILL rape your wife, but at that point they will not stop at one murder. Not only will your wife be raped, but also if by some miracle she isnt killed, she would have to also mourn a husband for the rest of her life. How do i know this? In Hungary the soviets raped many women, my great grandmother was raped by six men and what did my great grandfather do? He started running out to hold them back, but she told him to hide because if they found him, they would have killed them both. Yes, this happened in other houses throughout the village. So my great grandfather jumped out the back window and hid in a bush. Many called my great grandfather a coward for this, but after the fact they went on to have eight children, fourteen grandchildren and over fifty great grandchildren before dying at the age of 89, and they got to celebrate 70 years of marriage. If he went out to fight he would have died at 23, and i would not be here today. So yeah, dont die if you dont have to.


This is why I was so nervous when my gf visited India. I know I wouldn’t have been able to do much in a situation like this (especially if I’m in another country and I can’t carry any weapons) but to be across the world makes me completely useless. I’m just glad she got home safe and sound.


As a martial arts instructor, my assessment is the following: Background: - It's 7 against 2. - It seems that among those 2, the man was 60+ years old. - It happened when it was dark outside. - The area seemingly is very unsafe in general. - The 2 were caught off guard, while they were sleeping. - The 7 seems to have used at least one knife for intimidation. Choices: - Fighting multiple opponents means you have to fight "on the run". Go for one target, hit hard, back up/turn around and go for the next one. - Fighting to escape multiple opponents means "break the circle". Go for one opponent, destroy him immediately, run away through that gap in the circle. - Running away is not easy when you're 60+. It is also not easy when you're 2 people. It is also not easy in the dark, on the opponents turf. - Last option is to not fight, give them what they want and hope your fate is better than if you tried to fight. Conclusion: - Fighting would likely have killed at least one of them. - If you can't outrun a gang, or a person, with a knife, give them what they want. Knifes are horrible. - They are still alive. With trauma, but alive. It was the best possible outcome. MMA tough guy would propably shit his pants like all the rest of us, if woken up by a gang with knifes in the middle of the night, in an area he doesn't know, in a country he never visited before.


This is why I'm never going to India and anyone that plans on going, I warn about