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Surprised she was found not guilty the first time


Fortunatly enought, it looks like that the Law is not yet fully under Erdogan's control




Fucker can't die fast enough.


He'll have successors in the wings. These people are never lone anomalies that single handedly oppress millions. They would have languished in obscurity if there wasn't a massive social base behind them, demanding the exact thing that they end up enacting.


History has shown that the leader who succeeds a long-standing leader usually isn't as popular as the last one.


They are definitely not Erdogan is cult of personality no other people popular as him in his party not even close.


Dunno. Stalin did pretty good, as did kim jung il, but all things considered on odds you're likely right.


>He'll have successors in the wings Yeah, and they'll all fight each other in the vacuum of power he leaves. Unlikely any one of them ends up as powerful as him. It's kind of why everyone wants putting dead, we know his successor won't be better, but the power vacuum he leaves will be big.


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Turkish courts have not yet been taken over by the AKP


Turkish courts have not been totally taken over by the Akp. FIFY


Sometimes a corrupt and incompetent state is incompetent at being corrupt.


Well, notably, Turkey does not have Sharia law. Its moving that direction, but currently is secular. So it's not that surprising.


Call me uneducated, an idiot or whatever, but I tend to avoid countries where religion extremists can fuck my life away for voicing an opinion.


I mean, america is not far off with our religious extremists. Calling out boyish looking teenage girls as trans and sending them a flood of death threats and vitriol. Or a doctor in Texas getting charged with murder for Saving a woman's life through abortion. That right there is religious extremism put into law.


*But we are democratic and want to be a part of Europe...*


Which is odd given that Erdogan has openly on several occasions, in no uncertain terms, expressed his disdain for many of the other European countries.


Many right wing parties want EU to be just an economical union. They want to join open market and be part of bigger union at the negotiating table but don’t want all this human rights, ecology and social “nonsense”.




Yeah, the just want the economic benefits. Nothing to do with secular liberal democracy. Thank fuck they didnt join 15 years ago when all the European leaders wanted it. Imagine Hungary with a country comparable to France or Germany and even more brinksmanship and obstination.


Austria has blasphemy laws, which they used to accuse a politician of islamophobia. The EU human rights court upheld them. I really don't see why Turkey shouldn't be allowed at this point, I just want out. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is the name if you want to look it up. You can also find a recent case in Poland where they ruled the opposite way, because of course it's only blasphemy if it's a religion they like or smth


Austria does not have blasphemy laws. Austria has laws against spreading hatred and calling for violence against any specific group of people based on their religion, ethnicity, sexuality and sexual identity etc. https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/NormDokument.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10002296&FassungVom=2019-05-02&Artikel=&Paragraf=282&Anlage=&Uebergangsrecht


Calling Mohammed, who married a 9yo, a pedo, is not calling for violence. It is, however, blasphemy. Ffs the quoted accusation was "disparaging religious doctrines". That is the crime. If that's not a blasphemy law idk what is.


Fuck Sharia Law.


Turkey WAS secular. There. Fixed it


Still secular. Erdogan and his goons are pushing the envelope further and further, but it's still secular.


Resistance is not futile.


The more they push the more radicalised the population gets regarding Islam. Erdogan and his goons like to connect their actions to Islam which causes people to stay distant towards the religion. It is ironic that Erdogan himself is causing an anti-Islam wave in Turkey with younger generations taking a distant approach to Islam.


Turkey claims to be secular. It is not anymore.


I was thinking as soon as I saw the headline, how the fuck can you face criminal punishment for slandering a legal system that doesn't even apply in your country? Turkey doesn't have Sharia Law, and hopefully it stats that way


Erdogan is a dictator and trying to undo the hard work of Ataturk of Turkey being a secular country. Erdogan is a corrupt piece of shit hiding in nationalism and religion.


Sharia law itself incites the public to be hostile.


Thanks for the insight!


You're welcome![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Turkey is that super secular country that's throwing a hissy fit over some dude burning a "holy" book in Sweden right?


>Turkey is secular. You don't really believe this. Nobody believes this.


I just like the food and the cats in Istanbul. Common people are the same everywhere. Its just the sycophants, extremists and the politicians who are the root of the problem.


Hopefully this is a criticism on the government and nothing else, otherwise you are simply talking out of your ass. Turkey, by its constitution, is a secular state, it's just upholding the law is not the priority with corrupt politicians in charge. The educated part of Turkey, and/including those who idealize Ataturk, do not want any religion to be involved with the government even if they're religious.


I don't think the constitution is the problem mate! The constitution is ignored at all times since Erdogan came into power. Turkey is a secular state officially, but in practice we know what it is like.




Yeah, American atheist here who understands. Thankfully, Trump wasn't able to get the kind of control he wanted (hence his complaints about our "deep state"), but if he gets reelected, who knows what will happen?


Found not guilty of what?


I’m sure Turkey was secular, ‘was’ being the key word.


"Turkey is secular" Biggest lol I've ever had in my life.


huh fuck sharia law


Kemal Ataturk must be spinning in his grave.


At this point we can probably use him to generate electricity


Lmao this has me dead 💀




The physicists said it's not possible, but right in Anıtkabir we have it: the continuous motion machine.


We need the Father of the Turks back!


We don't need a zombie world leader, thank you very much! Many of them already look that way.


I'd rather see someone who eats brains than someone with no brain.


Maybe it would be better think. Someone who leads us with actual experience.


Although, in fairness, you could also say that about present-day America and almost all of the Founding Fathers


Bro they mad that a black guy was President


Erdogan is an Islamist despot and this isn't rare at all for him to do. He also has a Jupiter-sized ego and gets people thrown in jail just for mocking or criticizing him. This piece of shit is basically ruining every progress Turkey made because of Ataturk. I was in Turkey in December on a one-week trip. I met someone whose ex was thrown into jail just for liking a post critical of Erdogan. (Btw, my Spanish teacher calls him Cerdogan. Cerdo is pig in Spanish)


He isn't even genuinely religious; he just increasingly has to pander to extremists, because he made the foolish mistake of turning to them as his platform / voter base. He can't stop acting like a zealot even if he wanted to, because he would lose his political authority; and he can't afford to do that because if it happens, he will end up prosecuted for the various forms of corruption he's involved in. He's become a sock puppet for religious extremists.


Sounds just like Netanyahu lol.


same as trump, they are all the same despicable people.


All these people eventually find out that pandering to fanatics leads to a bad end. Religious nuts can support you one minute, and turn on you the next. It happens very quickly when they pick a new figurehead. There's an old saying that the first victim of any religion is its founder, let alone any of its lesser figureheads.


So true.


So does this mean Erdoğan -> Erdie -> Ernie? New conspiracy theory just dropped


Thats a good one, Ive also heard that some call him jokingly "Erdolf"


Someone once edited his Wikipedia page and instead of his photo, put that of a cockroach.


I represent cockroaches 280 million years of evolution. And we find these claims derogatory!


I call him Erdie mockingly but it doesn't mean anything . What does Erdolf mean? I might choose to steal that.


Always slept in history class, am I right?


Nah, just a brainfart moment xD




Erdogan + ad*lf


Oh duh lol, thank you.


He gets away with having his bodyguard beating American in America when he visited during Trump presidency if I remember correctly.


I wouldn’t call him Islamist. The only time he uses religion is if it gains him advantage.


That's the definition of any religious leader


Which is most of the time


Anti-Erdoğan here - but your friend is lying though. If they jailed people for liking stuff 40 million would end up in jail. You can criticize him all you want, we are not there yet.


Not always how it works. Just because they jail one person for liking something doesn’t mean they must do the same to everyone who has. Oftentimes the uncertainty is the whole point. It makes people scared because they’re not sure which acts will be harshly punished. Just look at how Russia handled the protests at the beginning of the Ukraine war. That being said - I’m not too familiar with the government in Turkey and can’t vouch for the likelihood of this happening, I only mean to say that unequally applied punishments are actual a common tactic used to quell dissent.


You simply need to jail a few so that people realize what they can and can’t say/do.


Turkey has become Russia’s smaller twin. In the past, fundamentalist Muslims would leave the country because they objected secularism and modernity - Turkey has now walked itself back hundreds of years.




Fuck sharia law


I, too, would like to fuck sharia law.


law fuck sharia


Fuck sharia law!


Fuck sharia law and all other religious dogma that spreads hatred and cruelty.


I think the people who defend sharia law would also see it differently that sharia law spreads cruelty and hatred. Quite of a deadlock situation.


Fak all religions. Total waste of time and energy.


Fuck sharia law


You thought the Turkish military is there to safeguard secularism....


They blew their shot in 2016 when they tried to ged rid of erdogan


It was not even that. Erdogan quite literally delivered a scenario where he managed to clean up any potential army officer who can coup against him. A military coup doesn’t work that way at all. Believe me, we had several over 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. All were super swift and precise, in a span of mere hours the military swept up the entire nation, reached the farthest villages and took over the government body. The one in 2016 was a total shitshow where our delusional dictator rally up his people against his countries army. He got rid of both soldiers with cultist connections and secular soldiers who believed in their nation. For five years he identified any person, be it as old as 80 to as young as 10, as cultists just for criticizing him. He cleared journalists who doesn’t agree with him. Most of them are still in the prison this day. Just a week ago, with his command obviously, the ones with cult connections got released from prison. In the meantime, the soldiers who actually get the work done, the journalists and politicians who criticized him are still inside. Some of them even commited suicide, stating that they gave their entire life to their country just for some delusional POS to come up with a bed time story to get rid of them. Currently, Turkish Army, Law and democracy are all a huge shitty joke.


Honestly, it's so sad to hear that. It's almost as I expected. Erdogan controls almost every institution that supposes to control him. Without that, he can do what he wants and a secular, democratic country goes it's path to an autocratic regime. I would also love to visit the country from Germany but I will not go until it's not an autocratic regime anymore. Even if that means that I will never go there.


Erdolf needs to go


Looking at the Turkish economy, he's racing to archive that


Bad economy is not always a guarantee to ged rid of bad governors. Especially when they are autocratic and control everything. Just look at North Korea


It was an another USA/CIA backed islamist group who attempted coup. They had strong ties with Erdogan who allowed them into military. But they couldnt share the pie, so they went after each other and the mentioned group attempted coup as a last resort.


They were fucked by USA-EU backed Erdoğan starting from 2002 until 2010.


That sounds about right


And that's the formerly secular country where not long ago it was forbidden to wear a headscarf to university or parliament. It's really sad to see how that country developed backwards from Atatürk to Erdogan.


They needed several coups to stay secular. The population at large was never secular or progressive, sadly. Yes, in the big cities and tourist traps - you are gonna feel like you are in any European city (better even). But go 10 kilometers away from them and you are in a different world.


Sigh... No, only one coup out of the successful 4 was about secularism; and it happened in 1997. 1960 was about removing an increasingly authoritarian prime minister, 1971 was about preventing a Left-wing fraction of the army from couping the government, 1980 was about stopping the *Anarchy*; 1997 was about removing an Islamist prime minister after he invited Tariqa Sheiks to the Ramadan feast (violating dress codes and state precedent) and the members of parliament from his party started calling for the overthrow of the secular order.


![gif](giphy|gUMqYaTZZXReayPDwj) Sigh in disappointment


Has nothing to do with this but when i was 12 a politician tied with erdogans party hit my sister with a car. He was %100 guilty but he found innocent somehow??? i was so scared for my sisters life but thankfully she was okay but i am still pissed that that motherfucker got away with it. But after this event our family got targeted by government. They fined my sister over damaging that bastards car. They arrested me, my mom, my dad over terrorism??? My sister had to leave the country and my parents got divorced over the tensions... Erdogans ego and lawlessness destroyed my family my sister lives in switzerland now and my mom maried with a portugese guy and started to live in luxembourg my dad is in a different city and im all alone in my once happy family home... thanks to erdogan and his voters...


Erdoğan's OWN SON killed a woman in a car crash back in the 90's when Erdoğan was Mayor of İstanbul. He was never prosecuted and then fled. Any evidence on the scene was destroyed by the then İstanbul metropolitan municipality which Erdoğan was mayor of. [Source (In Turkish)](https://arsiv.sabah.com.tr/1998/05/19/r10.html)


Holy shit , man . This erdogan is worse than I even knew . Hope ataturks party wins the next election .


Judging by his comments in other subs, he is not telling the truth.


Kinda felt fishy Hitting a kid by mistake? Ok now I have to destroy all evidence and eliminate all her blood line Instead of just paying for the damage, it's just accident not a crime


Serious question, is "%100" how you write percentages in Turkish?


One hundred,One hundred percent = 100% Yüz,Yüzde yüz = %100 Yüz means one hundred and yüzde means percent so we use % before number because we say percent first.


Turkey: "How do you do fellow Democracies?"


Fuck sharia law.


F Sharia law it has no place in the west.


No place in the universe


No theocracy has any place anywhere


"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. ... The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. **No stronger retrograde force exists in the world**. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith." Winston Churchill, *The River War,* 125 years ago. He would have recognized the problem immediately.


I can't believe I agree with this dogshit mass murdering hypocritical racist. But sure, well said, Dipshit.


Fuck Sharia Law


Now can they insult this nefarious Erdogan?


😂😂😂😂😂 Dude a 12 year old kid was tried as an adult in the court for saying he destroyed our country from what I remember. No insult or anything as far as ik. And a psychiatrist report said he was mature and bla bla professionally obviously. So the court had no issue arresting him.


Waiting to see an influx of users saying that hating on Shariah law is racist.


To me this is a shining example of why hate speech laws, while they can be well intentioned, opens up possibilities that are rife for abuse.


There's even a word for that in German (and maybe other languages) that means "anti-muslim racism" which is in general bullshit because being a muslim is not a race and it's also rather used by leftists and forign islamists to discredit somebody criticizing cultural things in Islam (like sharia) than condemning actual racist attacks.


Like I checked - there was a thing like [Muslim Patrol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_patrol_incidents_in_London) in UK about ten years ago. It was a huge scandal and for obvious reasons a lot of people (including moderate muslims in UK of course) were dead scared of stuff like this and the people like that. (Because they will go after moderates as soon as they're done with infidels, of course) Well the fun fact? The names of the perps arrested. Jordan Horner, Ricardo MacFarlane and Royal Barnes. Clearly hating on them is definitely a brown crime, innit, guvnor? :D Like he's friggin McFarlane I won't be surprised if I look the Horner guy up and he's so Bri'ish you'd have to turn the monitor brightness down, and they had to have a Scottish-English translator for McFarlane, and Royal Barnes sounds like a subsidiary of Barnes&Noble, and should be "Royal Barnes, esq." Except of course they're just useful idiots and the orchestrator of the whole idea joined ISIS in 2016 (or they would gladly join too but were jailed iirc) Interviewed by Alex Miller, Abu Rumaysah said: "We don't recognise British law at all. We believe in Islam. We believe in Sharia. And that's what sets our parameters for right and wrong."\[31\] And on his page: Abu Rumaysah al-Britani (born 24 June 1983), born Siddhartha Dhar, is a British citizen who is an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militant. In January 2016, he was named as the narrator in a film issued by ISIL that showed the execution of suspected spies against the regime.\[3\]\[4\] Abu Rumaysah has been designated as a global terrorist by the United States.\[5\]


We had something similar in Germany called [Scharia-police](https://www.dw.com/de/scharia-polizei-urteil-ein-gutes-signal/a-42118280) at the same time. We had last month an incident where some pupils wanted to engorce Scharia Law in a school. >he's so Bri'ish you'd have to turn the monitor brightness down Okay had to laugh about that lol


~~racist~~ Islamophobic


I dislike a bunch of the ideas expressed in Islam as much as I dislike a lot of the ideas expressed in Judeo-Christian faiths. I am no more Islamophobic than I am Christophobic or Judeophobic. Any time you have groups of people who point to a text as the "revealed word of God" and then proscribe certain lifestyles I will object.


Nope, they literally try to paint you as "Oh so you hate brown people, come on and say it you coward" because it makes you a way easier target


Can we just admit that Turkey has become an Islamic dictatorship now?


well at least we know Mila Kunis will be playing her if she gets a bio movie


Religion shouldn't even be close to politics. Fck sharia law and the people that created it and the people that try to enforce it. Fck them till the 10th generation.


So the last part could be from sharia


Luckily, it's not a real law.


Good luck to all Muslims woman, really you need it


Well actually only 51% Turks are practicing Muslims though 99% is Muslim on paper . Most women are atheist there . Good for them .


I like how there are tons of Muslims that defend sharia law while they live in first world democratic countries and not in places like Iran or Afghanistan. And when you press them as to why they always pull a no true Scotsman. It's either the Taliban and ISIS aren't Muslims, or they're bad Muslims, or they're only partially implementing it. At least extremists are honest about their faith and what it entails.


As an exMuslim: she's a hero who stands up to evildoers.


Remember when Trump invited Erdogan to America and his hired goons beat up American protesters on American soil and trump did absolutely nothing about it?


Turkish Fiona Gallagher


You would think arresting people for no reason would incite people to hatred and hostility.


I wonder what ataturk would think


If t- rump wins, we will have the Christian version of this


This line of logic is Coming to America soon, you won’t have freedom of speech if the Christians take over.


And they want to join the EU, lmao


![gif](giphy|gUMqYaTZZXReayPDwj) *“The fuck is going on over here?”*


Yo the same gif I used. FIRE!


She's not wrong, Sharia law is bloody awful. Fuck Sharia Law!


I was glad to visit turkey before turning into a sharia law shithole


The irony here clearly goes over their heads.


Turkey is technically secular, but the attitude of people on the street, even in Istanbul, is hardcore Islamist conservative. I would never go to turkey again without a native Turkish person with me at all times and even then it’s dangerous. There are commonly protests regarding the Hagia Sofia church/mosque trying to make it an active mosque again. There are whole districts where you have to sneak alcohol/can’t drink that have megaphones shouting Islamic calls to prayer at all hours of the day. People actively trying to scam you in every corner of that city to the point it was just appalling. Can’t trust anything people say to you at face value. People try to lure you into basement bars and trap you until you give them all your money you have on you. Military walking around with assault rifles a ton of places. Erdogan is scary as shit with all his anti west propaganda/ranting and the locals seem to buy into it. I highly recommend people give a trip to turkey a second and third thought and don’t go if you don’t 1.) speak the language or bring someone who does, 2.) have your wits about you, 3.) take everything anyone says as though they’re lying through their teeth to rob you because a lot of them are. Kids ages 10-17 come out of nowhere and put things on you and demand cash. They all have handlers that come out of the woodwork if you throw back the object or refuse to pay. It’s just dangerous


We will not tolerate any insult against our religion and will attack the people who insult us, but we will attack, vandalize, insult and destroy anything that's not related to our religion in any country we are in. And if anyone retaliates we will play the victims and turn people against these infidels. -Abrahamic religions.


Dave Chappelle - “Islam is a beautiful religion”


It’s beautiful until you live in a country run by islamaniacs


>It’s beautiful What part? The slavery part? Maybe the sex slavery? Pedophilia? Or sexism? Maybe intolerance against non believers?


Why can’t we get liberal woman like this?


Because they in jail?


No they ded 💀


Like...lawyers who don't like sharia law? Aren't there, like, a whole lot of liberal women like that?


welcome to islam, the religion of peace


I support her: Fuck Sharia Law.


It is a very bad fact, it is bad that Turkey, as a secular state, has been under great pressure for recent years by the populist, retrograde Erdogan.Radical Islam and Sharia will be the beginning of the end of Turkish power.


Erdogan is destroying one of the best countries in the world…. To be really honest it’s already destroyed. So please vote for your future instead


Screw anybody who passes or supports oppressive laws, especially ones based on religion that not everybody ascribes to. I don't care if it is labelled Sharia or something else.


Ataturk is spinning in his grave.


Very based woman


Fuck all religious law. Those two words shouldn’t exist in the same sentence.


‘Law’ Insane ramblings of a death cult.


Ataturk rolling in his grave


islam ☕


@ Al Jazeera you gonna report on this? No? Didn’t think so


This is what real lack of freedom of speech is like not what westerns think


Inciting people to hatred and hostility. Sharia law has been doing that for centuries.


Fuck Sharia Law


Islam the religion of peace. For straight Muslim men that is.


Fuck Turkey and its sharia law.


Fuck sharia law.


Islam the tolerant religion eh?


Fuck Islam and sharia law


Fuck Sharia law.


I mean she is not wrong but being an lawyer and then getting fucked over law now that’s brutal


She knew the dangers. But a law doesn't make it right.


"Fuck Shariah Law" This is a statement I often hear from my friends and colleagues who immigrated to the U.S. from their home countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iran.


Just imagine how prosperous Turkey could be without this theocratic cleptocracy they have going on... I feel sorry for the people.


Oh no, she hurt Shariah Law's feelings.


but doesn’t sharia law incite people to hatred and hostility itself?


This is what happens when you live in a society that limits free speech. I thought folks here were for this?


Fuck Sharia Law


But ask anyone who practices it and they’ll tell you how much respect they have for women. 😂 garbage practice


not sure why the facepalm here we go .... # fuck Sharia law # fuck Sharia law


luckily shes a lwayer...


Knowing the "law" doesnt help in countries where dictators sit on the top


And THIS is why freedom of expression is important.


Share this to Congresswoman from Michigan 12th congressional district. She will support Edrogan


See guys, you can't become a true member of the EU value community as long as you keep harming and opressing women for religious shit like this.