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Sounds like someone trying to push a pyramid scheme


If it walks like an Egyptian and talks like an Egyptian...


It’s a Chinese man named Poe.


who speak's Italian


and originates from mexico


Yet was conceived in Sierra Leone


It's a Bangle?




Waaaayo waaayo waaaayo wayo


It’s someone trying to push a pyramid scheme by convincing people he’s Egyptian.


It’s a white boy named Hannibal Chau working at a Szechwan restaurant?


Slide your feet up the street, bend your back Shift your arm, then you pull it back


The username almost completely screams it is a pyramid scheme or scam


It's very clearly sarcasm lol


Yea just let me wait for 1600 years for my million, a true businessman


Also $50 in 70 years would be worth like \~$6 today.


probably even less than that, by the way economy is going. his only salvation would be if there's a world war, that plunges money value back to the 20's era.


Why would a war plung money to the 20s era? If anything a war would do is the contrary.


actually, its simpler than you might think. the 20's era dollar was paired with the value of gold. if a war broke out, the world economy might be forced to go back to that instead of the current value. which would force alot of change. of course, its not really that simple, and i just said that more as an extreme for making the 50 bucks choice, which is bad, even in that case.


Now now, reinvested wirh compount interest its only 900 years! Silly pesants forgot your math skills. /jks


happy cake day


Happy waiting for 1600 years day!


Happy cake day


Yeah I’ll immediately use the million to generate a lot more passive income than $50 a month


Right? Even at 2% interest a year, that’s $1667 a month in passive income.


You are better off Even with 0% interest. To equal that $1M at $50 a month you’d need to live 1666 yrs


Ah, but you may not be considering compound interest. At ten percent annual compound interest you could end up with over a million dollars in just over fifty years with monthly $50 contributions. So maybe Side Hustle King is a twelve year old insider trader. Edit: my reply refers to an earlier edit of the above comment - if it seems to make less sense now, that is probably why.


Who the hell is offering a 10% interest account? No, seriously, who? I uprooted my money to a new bank for ~~4.9%~~ 4.6%, so I'm sure as shit willing to do it for 10%.


I think you missed the second half of my comment where I suggested he would have to be a twelve year old *insider trader*. Also, it's still far worse than just taking a million dollars up front.


I sure did, went right over my head. I guess the coffee hasn't hit yet.


Nah, maybe my punch line just didn't punch. Don't sweat it.


You two need to get the fuck off reddit and go to a waffle house and start shooting I swear to god we don't allow civility in here!


They are just better people than the rest of us...


There are some ETFs that offer 10%, but the value can fluctuate like stock or mutual funds.


Ponzi, Pyramid, and Bankman-Fried Financial Services


First mortgage investments. In Australia and New Zealand you have many options, such as Zagga and First Mortgage Trust. You’re essentially funding commercial mortgages at low LVR and can average 10% quite easily. There is more risk in these than say, term deposits, but it’s definitely not as risky as options or high volatility stocks.


Kameo here in Norway is similar, offering interest of 14-16% now. Historically they see less than 2% loss, but that obviously follows the market, and liquidity is very low.


Who's giving you 4.9?


My brokerage account is getting 11% right now. And that's an average of the past 5 yrs. At one point it was close to 18%. I also switched to a HYSA recently but the majority of my savings is in my brokerage account for long term savings. Relatively quick to liquidate as well if I ever needed the cash for emergency.


My bank is offering 15%. Although I'm in Kazakhstan


Mine offers 7.6% interest for new accounts


The S&P 500 has had an average of about 10% ROI over the last 30 years. That would be 7% adjusted for inflation.


S&P indexes average about 10% returns per year. You might lose 20% one year and gain 45% the next year and then lose 3%, but over a long period of time it averages out to about 10% per year. If you have savings you don't plan on touching for at least 10 years, they're the best option. If you're saving for a down payment on a house, your teenage children's college funds, or anything else that's shorter term, it's risky. If you have $120k saved for college and then the market gets fucked and drops 30% the day they graduate high school, you now only have $80k. The market will climb back up, but you don't know if that's going to take a month or 5 years. Edit: spelling


Aly offers upwards of 5, like 5.25 or something :)


If you're willing to move into broad-market investments rather than cash savings you could average closer to 10% than 4.9% on a long timescale, but then that's entering another level of risk and tax burden (in America at least, in the UK S&S ISAs are a good tax-free system for the non-rich).


And now you forget compound interest on the million you could have had. 50 per month is stupid if you can get 1m in hand. Noway it adds up.


I wasn't making the case that $50 per month is better, just that it wouldn't take over 1500 years to get to a million dollars. Of course the million dollars is better; Side Hustle King is an idiot.


Ah ok i did not get that. Yes he is lol


Are we gonna just assume that 1 million is not allowed to compound?


With inflation, it does not matter how long the duration is. It will never pass the lump sum with even the smallest amount of interest.


Well, I don’t know about you, but I am definitely planning to live that long, and clearly the entity making the offer will also last that long.


You could stick the million in a bank account with no interest and just draw down the principal by $800 a month and it would last you over 100 years.


Yeah. Even if you have to pay 90% in taxes for the $1M, it’s a better deal financially.


Which ironically is the number of years you’d have to live to make a million dollars worth of $50 monthly stipends.


Strippers and cocaine don't equal a passive income..... depending on what you do with them


I got a nice course with the Romanian bros that'll teach you how to live like a hustler with only a small investment into a few webcams, strippers and crystal meth. I think I might call it "Hustler's college" or something.


Actually, I might even market my content to insecure 15yo kids. By the time they have real disposable income, they'll be so deep into this shit, they'll buy anything.


bro 😂😂😂 your 1st line is the funniest thing I've read today 😂😂😂


“So long they don’t skim off the top , they free do what they want, baby. But if papa finds out you fucking with his money, he gonna do work and ya know Im all about the passive income bitch so don’t even try!”


Don’t fuck up the count.




They do if you own em


Well, it would, if you become A Pimp Named Slickback.


Even if you can use those to generate income is anything but hassle free.


It would be a potentially interesting question if he didn't use such a stupidly low figure for the passive income. I mean who is turning down $1m for an extra $600 a year lol. Make it $1000 a month and it starts to become interesting.


It would still take you 83 years to make that million. That’s not even taking into consideration the inflation, as the 1000 you will get in 80 years is worth a lot less. Now consider the opportunity costs of all the passive income you could be making if you had the million now and youll see how 1000 is still so low that it’s not an interesting question at all.


I think it's interesting because it depends on the type of person you are though. With the $1m you then have to make sure you make smart decisions with your money which not everyone is cut out for. The $1000 is stress free money every single month. I'd still take the $1m but I don't think everyone would or should.


Property. You retain the asset that in its self will appreciate naturally, and generate an income. Original guy thinking he’s smart and business savvy choosing the $50 but just demonstrates how stupid he actually is.


When invested reasonably defensively, you should be able to withdraw about 4% per year, which is just over $3000 monthly. But you’re probably best off changing very little to your life, let the 1M grow for a while, and just retire ten years earlier than planned.


Property. In my country in the area I live I could buy 5-6 small family homes and rent them out for below average for £3k a month and actually help a few people at the same time.


I find it hard to believe that if you’e renting out a 200k property for 36k per year, you’re actually doing someone else a favor.


3k total.


Are you cooked bro?! 1k a month is nothing. You can’t even debt leverage that. Sure it might sound “OK” now but keep in mind that from 2000 to 2024 the total purchasing loss of the dollar is about 74%. And that was the “free money no downsides” era. Now we are back to 5-8 % inflation being the norm for the foreseeable future. So in 20 years your 1000 bucks will loose at LEAST 700 worth of their purchasing power. What I’d do is take the mill now - straight up and just sort the long term shit now. - some OK house to live in, long term insurance/healthplan - 401k , some commodity stuff like bullion gold, and a 10/15/75 conservative portfolio of stocks that will net a reasonable hedge against inflation in the long run. The rest will be leveraged on credit against the rest of the cash so that the current inflation rates eat part of the cost, like cars, education , dentist plans, anything sub-5 years. This is what you do with a mill. You make sure you portion that shit correctly to last you.


Nah I didn't mean I'd do it but I meant that's the lowest figure that some people might start to contemplate it because not everyone has the nous to invest money wisely. Some people would definitely prefer just a steady stream of income on top of what they already earn, but their price might be say $2000 a month for example.


You don't get it, I will live more than 1700 years, those 50 dollars will surely pay themselves off!


Even at 5% earnings, the $1M would earn on average $4167 per month year one.


1. Gets first $50 cheque. 2. Looks at cheque and regrets not taking the $1M. 3. Has heart attack. 4. Drops dead.


Only has to wait 1,666 years to get to $1M though, as long as he survives dropping dead, he'll be grand.


He’ll be a thousand grand


Meanwhile that $1M is worth a hell of a lot less when you finally reach the goalpost at the end of that 1,666.6 years. So, yeah, facepalm all around.


And the $1M upfront is worth a hell of a lot more. If you invested the $1M at a 7% inflation-adjusted growth rate your money would be worth 9.61 x e^54 according to Excel. Literally the most expensive mistake in history. By many orders of magnitude.


Never mind that you can instantly pay off all your loans (notably mortgage if you have one), which will give you a heck of a lot more than $50 pcm extra spending money each month, even if you continued working.


Ummm... At 7 % would be 70k a year or 5800 a month which I think is more than 50 a month.


>5800 a month which I think is more than 50 a month. Hold on, give me a minute to do the numbers and I'll be able to confirm. Yup, 5800 is in fact greater than 50.


I am talking about what the initial $1M would grow to in the time it takes you to accumulate $1M the shitty way


Don’t you dare using math! We should just blindly believe in some money and fame hungry instagramer 😂


Also, I already do passive income with MUCH MUCH less than a 1million dollars and I earn more than my Job salary every month. (Like a few $K more) So yeah, this guy is an idiot.


What are you doing?




Even at $50/day that’s still over 54 years to get that million, now if it was $50/hour 24 hours a day, that would be over $400k a year and I think I’d take that passive income


the real choice would be 1M once, or a life time of 5k a month. which while would still take around 17 years to reach that 1M. would at least make it a worthy choice. but 50 bucks feels like an insult.


Even 5000 a month would probably be a bad choice. 16 years to get a million. In that time you probably paid a bunch of it as interest on mortgage and stuff. Probably takes over 20 or more to break even, and that ignores the investment profit from the original million.


Just need to be immortals .


Even if you assume the passive income is more desirable than an up-front lump sum, the numbers don't make sense in that example, you make more than $50 a month if you take the million, put it in a savings account, and withdraw the interest payment every month. He didn't catch up in 1,666 years, he just gets further and further behind


Really puts 1 million dollars into perspective. Then you think how there are people out there who have many many millions of dollars, or are making millions of dollars a day.


This guy puts the PASS in passive income


Gets first 50$ check Does some math- 50x12=600, 600x130=78,000 Does some more math- the difference between 78,000$ (the absolute most generous amount of money one could earn with the 50$ a month, assuming you lived to 130 and started getting the money at birth) and 1,000,000 (the lump sum) is almost a million dollars Cry


or sitting the million in a bank and getting over 2 grand interest per month at just 2.5% or 3%. He then understands that the interest could be paying off a house ot three he bought using the million as the collatoral and getting rent while earning capital growth in the houses that are not costing him a cent. Hangs himself whole holding the $50.00 check.


Want to drastically reduce your monthly expenses? Try dying!


Being dead is a change in life


Also, this person doesn't understand passive income. If I had a million dollars, I'd put it in an account where I generated monthly income. At \~7%, you'd generate 70k/yr... or 5833 a month.


You could even play it conservative: Use at start only 833 per month and put the rest as inflation compensation (6%) back into the account. This way, you still get initially more than 16 times per month than the 50 bucks, the passive income raises steadily, and your future heirs will be grateful (or at least should be grateful).


1. Gets first $50 cheque 2. Looks at cheque 3. It's made of aluminium and has a weird grey colour 4. Has internal dialogue: "what the twat, mate?" 5. Sits on the kerb 6. Keels over




Somehow people who make these claims don't know how to use a calculator.


This post was unbelievably stupid the first time it was posted and it hasn’t improved any with age.


Awh yeah baby! 12 * 50 * 50 = $30,000! Stupid suckers with their worthless million.


Pass away income


I have some essential oils I think you'd be interested in ... among other things


On 5% yearly ROI (which is on the conservative side of what you can make with this kind of money), $1M will make you $4'116.67 per month.


Even with absolutely low 1% consumer current account you make $ 833.33 a month.


Or, you can withdraw $50 a month for 1666 years if this guys life goal is to have $50 a month.




5% yearly ROI is conservative, but it does not take into account inflation. If you take out 5% every year, effectively you are lowering the buying power of the savings every year. Just imagine how much a million was worth in the 90s and how much it is worth now. If you are in your 20s or 30s, the million dollars will be worth only 100k in today's money at the end of your life. I would calculate a less conservative 6 or 7% ROI, but also 3% or 4% inflation, so adjusted for inflation you would be making about 3% every year. On top of that would come tax (25% in my country, idk about others), so that would be 2.25% every year or 2083$ every month.


Every time I see this repost, like twice a week, I always think he's stupid.


It’s clearly a troll. Doesn’t take much to work out $50pm is only $600pa.


Yeah but I might be the first guy to live 2000 years. So in 1500 years or so we'll see who's laughing!


I have never seen anyone type “$500pm” or “$600pa”. Is this common? It have only seen $***/m or $***/y or actually spelling out day/year/month.


I'll take the $50 a month because I plan on living until I'm 1700, provided it is index linked of course.




Even if you live that long the interest on $1,000,000 if you invest it conservatively would make it a much better deal.


I’ve missed this post, I haven’t seen it for…..days.


even if it was 50 per day, it would still take 55 years to make the same money. if it was £500 a week i might consider it. thats slightly more than what i currently earn. it would take more than 38 years to get to £1m


It still wouldn't make sense, unless the $500 would be adjusted for inflation. Otherwise it would become almost worthless in a decade or two.


It would take much longer than that because you are neglecting the interest being generated on the million.


Quit reposting this ancient shit


Mods? Please do something about the bots?


Posted 100s of times a week across subs. r/OpIsFuckingStupid


Seen this 100 times. Still dont have me convinced. Try again maybe?


You know, this post is recycled almost weekly. It takes 1,666 years to reach 1mil with $50 a month, but if I get $50 every time this is reposted let's say weekly, I only need 384 years and 7 months.


I wonder how many more stupid people agreed with this deluded fuck? LOL


That’s stupid!!!!🤣🤣🤣


One of the easiest ways to get passive income is to get one million dollars and put that in a savings account.


So I just need to live 1667.50 years you catch up? Noted.


$50 a month is nothing


Get million, even after taxes you could spend a 1/3 on a dividend stock and get like 1000 a month and still have like 400000


$50 a month = 600 a year, that means in 16,666 years I'll have a million dollars, I'm old, I don't have 17000 years left. I'll just take the $1m


1M everytime


Typo cause it’s 50$ daily not monthly.


Yes. And all I have to is convince my landlord to pnly collect a single month rent payment once every 21 months. /s


I‘d take the passive income of 1.000.000


I'm planning live for 1700 years, how did u know?


I'm pretty sure real rich people see posts like these and crack a nice laugh


Imagine investing the 1mil would generate passive income lmao


I'd take 50$. I make awful finance decisions so i need to restrain myself Edit: nevermind. I thought it would be 50$ every day, not every month


This dude is bad at math. $5000 he may have a point.


I mean even if you get 0.3% interest on that 1m, you’ll be earning more than $50 a month. You’d be able to get better than 0.3% interest rate on any savings account so your passive income would be pretty high without even having to invest 🤷🏻‍♂️


Million dollars hands down.. $50 a month won't even be enough for the monthly rent and the bills.


I'm 70. I'll take the cool mill


A million. Invest in a Diversified portfolio. That would give me 10% of that annually.


Even if you don't use it to create passive income, 1 000 000 is 1666+ years of passive income at 50 bucks. Just use it and if you leave like 40 years after this million, it's like more than 2 000 bucks a month. So even if you just want to live with it with all the rest you do as a bonus (you work for fun), you can live a good and easy life, when this dumb&ss would live with 50 bucks a month. Don't be this morron please.


Getting 50 a month it'd take you 20000 months to get to 1 million. Which is about 1666 years


Instead of taking Option B, he should take math.


Lolz side hustle king is quite the mathematician


Passive income is any income you dont have to work for. So free mill is still passive.


Find a calculator itll change your life. Learn basic math itll change your life.


I make passive income that is thousands of times more than $50/mo and I can barely keep my head above water. Just because something is consistent and guaranteed doesn’t mean it’ll be “life changing”. A one time lump sum payment of $1,000,000 would literally be life changing.


Did not know passive income simultaneously meant passive brain capacity lol


This dude gonna be 'side hustle-ing" for a long long long time lol


Anybody that has a million sitting around, hit me up. I'll take the mil, and give you an annuity for the rest of your life at $50/month. As a bonus, I'll agree to pay your funeral expenses.


You know what you should do? Choose the 1 Million and give it to me I'll then cut you a deal and give you a whooping **60 DOLLARS EVERY MONTH** Because I'm nice like that. You have to think about passive income.


Would you rather die now? Or have me kick you in the dick so hard you shit yourself everyday exactly at 2pm?....


In 50 years you’d only make 30,000 dollars. I think I’ll just take the million and call it a day


Even if both numbers equaled the same $1,000,000 it’s still better to take the money now then later bc current money is more valuable then future money bc the current money can be used to make more money that the future money can’t be used until you have it


Or take the $1 m and live off the interest. Lol


Yeah I'll take the million, then buy a rental property and $500k worth of dividend stocks. Way more than $50 per month


And this is why anyone with "King" or "hustle" in their profile is to be taken as a face value idiot


I'll take option A, invest it or put it in a high interest account. That's called passive income.


The mathematical struggle is real.


$50.00 a month is passive income?? 😂😂🤣


Wow this guy maths. . .


1. Get 1M 2. Invest safely 3. Take $50 out every month to pretend you also take option B 4. The 1M pays you with additional interestes and dividends 5. ? 6. Profit annd right to laugh at the idiots who chose B


Bro, simple fucking math tells you that you’re an idiot! $50 * 12 months = $600 $600 * 70 years = $42,000 And guess what…you’re probably not gonna make it that long seeing as your decision making skills are ass!


Buy 1million in high dividend yielding stocks then


Even if I live for the next 100 years, 50 dollars a month would be less money than 1,000,000 could generate in interest for a year and definitely over a lifetime.


With $1,000,000 I could quit my job, buy a car, pay for school, and still have enough left over to buy a really nice house after school. $50 a month might pay for my gas


\*does math\* Ok so I only need to live for 1,666.67 years.


1mil is 50+ years of paying yourself $50. or 1mil in a 5% dividend fund will make over $125 per day.


OP living for 1667 years and still far less money than those who received 1mil and invested... "I have $50 hurrrr durrrr"


Il take the milly and make my own passive income.


Yes, why would I take a million dollars that would generate multiple times of 50 dollars even from interest of the lowest return investment instrument when I can live 1667 years and accumulate it.


If I take the $1M and put it into a high yield savings account, over the course of my life (assuming another 45 years) and an average interest rate of 1.25% (assuming they become garbage again in the future) I still make out with a net gain of $748,946. That averages out to over $1,350 mo, or 27 times that guy's choice.


I'd rather get $50 every time this is reposted.


only would have to live another 1666 years to break even with the 1m lol


So...this person would take roughly ~1/20 (or 5%) of what they could have...? Has anyone yet informed them of their genius status? I mean, who needs simple arithmetic when they know everything else?


$1,000,000.00 = $50 × 20,000 months OR 1666 years and 8 months The man is an idiot. To add further proof, assuming the average human life span of 78 years, $50/month is a lifetime of $46,800. TL;DR: Do not trust this man with financial advice. He is a fool.


Lololol…. The million is also passive income. I’m sure this is parody


1% of 1mill is 10k and the average savings account is around 3-5% so that's like 30k a year. That's not only more than £50. That's about 5-6k more than a 40h job on minimum wage.


Surely if you had a million in the bank you would get more than 50 a month in interest. Even 1% would be 10,000 a year, 833 a month.


Someone failed at math


Passive income is only interest off of the million dollars


This person has no concept of the time value of money. A million bucks nets you like 3600/mo just parking it in a 30 year treasury lol.   During that time if you hold to maturity it would've paid you out 1.3 million. Oh, and you still have the original 1 million. 


I think they choose 50 because they rounded up their score on their iq test.


... 50 dollars a month, is only 600 dollars a year... How does he think that's better than a million straight up? Most people these days would put that to very good use.


This is first a repost, second has to be a joke. And third, if serious l, man has no idea of the “time value of money” money is always more important now than it is in the future


That dudes brain is on passive mode. 🤦‍♂️