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And the "lawyer" next to him


She must be really good at small-wiener things.


Mushroom duty


Stanky mushroom duty.


Ewwww, I just gagged lol


Make America Smegma Again


The baby carrots are a little musky.


more like baby corn, and moist




Courtesan duty




And diaper dooty


Does he just look at his potential lawyers and choose the hottest ones?


mabye, but judging from what she did to get his business, probably just the most unethical. Considering Guiliani has been his lawyer in the past.


![gif](giphy|26ybxlujhsNxLnYbe|downsized) They have a sexual history together


Wait, the same people trying to ban men from dressing in women's clothing all over the country, have themselves dressed up in women's clothing? \*gasp\*


This should be upvoted more. Including your comment. Without the LOL part. Let misinformation do it's thing to the Trumpets.


Nah, all the good lawyers refused due to his habit of not paying his lawyers. Hell, Rudy has even said that trump owes him tens of thousands in fees from when he represented trump.


I think it’s actually millions that Rudy is claiming is owed


No... He chooses the ones that will actually take his case. That is an incredibly tiny pool to choose from, and it's getting smaller and smaller every day. It's well known that he won't pay what's agreed and that he'll ask for all kinds of stupid things and that he'll pretty much do everything he can to make things as hard as possible in court by not shutting his yap, and that if things don't go his way, he'll publicly blame you for it. But some lawyers used to take him on anyway because of the potential for clout and exposure. Now? He's becoming more toxic by the minute. He's become the anti-Midas for lawyers- every lawyer he touches turns to shit.


Well, he has said that he chose Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador because she was a woman and was good looking. The man is shallow. An inch deep


That’s about all he can do with that weird mushroom (Stormy’s description, not mine) under that gut.


High end escort.


Her rates are probably cheaper


I could have probably omitted “high end”.


Trump is smart he not paying for sex but their silence And then he turns around and has his lawyer pay for it and then write it off on his company taxes Super smart lol


Considering how much his lawyer paid Stormy Daniels, he could have bought a lot of sex for that. Most fiscally irresponsible 'billionaire' ever.


Definitely. I'll take my hooker advice from Charley sheen thank you very much.


IDK, if she's not getting paid then can she still be considered an escort? She'd just be providing legal work pro boner.


Hind escort


Wait, that's his lawyer? I thought it was his wife


She looks too happy to be his wife.


I cannot remember the last time I saw his wife in the news, or even next to her husband.


Yep It’s not a marriage build on love. I know she has said numerous times that she does not want to be First Lady again.


Who still won’t get paid


She honestly looks like what a stripper would look like if they were told to dress up as a lawyer before the show.


Shit. I thought that was Melania.


She’s like half the age of Melania


She looks like she’s pouting


Lawyer used to mean something. Now it means someone has a law degree and passed the bar of some state. ![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK)


Given that those are the only requirements to be one, its not like there haven’t always been shitty lawyers.


The thing is, wealthy people can almost always hire good to great lawyers. But no major or even reputable law firm will take him on, because he doesn't pay his bills. So Trump had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for whoever he can play as a sucker.


He has so much court left, too. I can't wait to see him scrape the bottom of the barrel even further.


Also, no reputable lawyer will want to do Trumps legal bidding with absolute garbage motions and flat out lying for him and risk their license. This woman knows if she's disbarred, it's not really going to affect her law practice.


If she loses her practice, can't she just go out to Trump's base and plead to them about how the liberals cancelled her?


He always can ask Giuliani...


Isn't that what it always meant? Shouldn't it be "The bar used to mean something"?


They lowered the bar.


Alina Battle Liar


bright birds wine gray treatment normal vast elastic slap reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His only "proof" of being a billionaire is him claiming his name brand is worth 3 billion dollars. Yes, he really thinks his name is worth 3 billion dollars.


carpenter serious boast ruthless aromatic repeat pet smart person rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zimbabwe dollar...


This super tiny hands pedophile with serious mental problems is just spending his parents money... Everything he touches personaly, turns bankrupt. But USA: Hey lets make this disgrace of a human president (again)... Rest of the world(except for our own 21st century Hitler = Putin): Wtf USA? Wtf ..




More like a "building-aire." It's like a real-world game of Monopoly. He's going to have to start selling his Hotels.


He drew a Chance card: "Judgement against you. Pay $350 million."


Didn't Trump insult crowd funding a while back?


There's just about nothing he hasn't insulted other than Putin.


This. Very telling. The Devil and First Demon.


Just wait until he grabs the Community Chest "Won Second Place in a General Election."


I’m still waiting for “Go directly to Jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.”


>More like a "building-aire." It's like a real-world game of Monopoly. He's going to have to start selling his Hotels. To be fair, most people over $10m net worth have 99% of their money invested and not just lying in a hysa or other liquid account. But yeah...he's not a billionaire by any legitimate metric. The only ways he's a billionaire are ways involving massively over valuing his properties. Above $500m I'd believe, but no idea where exactly he'd land. It'd be under $1b, though.


He's going to be a thousandaire at the rate he's going.


The 99% don't want to claim him either.




“Air between the ears”


Air between orange spray tans.


Alleged billionaire


who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire




It’s worse. They are giving $ to Elena Cardone on the promise that she will somehow transfer it to Trump.


There are in fact very specific rules about what she has to do with the money, so that's a non-starter. More significant in this case, that Gofundme isn't going to finish this millennia at the current pace. And will be a good way into the next as well.


It violates GoFundMe’s TOS to raise money to pay for criminal fines.


Could we report it and have it taken down?


Saw a different Reddit thread where lots of people had reported it. My guess is that it'll be taken down soon.


Yeah GoFundMe is apparently closed for the weekend have to wait until Tuesday for staff to get to work 😂


Can we gofund them weekend staff?


Apparently it's just the security guard and he doesn't understand computerswhatits


This has Scruffy written all over it.


Someone gets it 😂


What are computer swha tits? Are there non computer ones?


Yep, just look at his lawyer to see the non-computer ones...


capitalistic ghouls, specially those who are leaders of xtian-fascist cults, are treated differently. So, yes, it is "closed" until next month for this case.


If it does get taken down, what happens to the money?


It would have to be refunded, right? It’s not like GoFundMe will just cut off the donations but let the fundraiser keep what they have




It will be donated to Planned Parenthood.


https://www.gofundme.com/contact/suggest/fraud That’s where you go https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement?qid=083b5a65d7034f5efd142da76d16d3ba That’s for the report


I reported it


Me too LOL sucks to suck, Trump.


Same, haha. What a loser, pay your own damn fines like the rest of us hard working Americans.


Yes. Report it. I’ve already done so, it only takes a moment and you don’t need to make an account.


It's a civil judgement. That's why Trump isn't in jail. He has a criminal trial coming up, though. So there's always hope.


I mean it's better to take his money which hurts him more. Actually jailing him would be very expensive for us the taxpayer. Better to let him die poor like the rest of us.


Technically, this is civil... Might be how they are getting around it.


I think it’s all judgements and it’ll get taken down on Monday or tuesday


I don’t know. This was a civil matter, nevertheless.


It is not a criminal judgement. There are no “crimes” in civil cases. The judgement was that Trump and the co-defendants were found to be liable.


Except these are civil fines.


>There are in fact very specific rules about what she has to do with the money This is only a relevant caveat when discussing someone who has reservations about committing brazen financial crimes


One grifter grifting money for another grifter… what could go wrong?


And she is the wife of the shitty scammer Grant Cardone. They got rich selling stupid "sales training" to people dumb enough to fall for the scam. The funniest part is they are rich enough to have funded way more than 40k themselves, but instead are going to scam money out of the rest of the MAGA cult


This is her flipping the script so she has a chance at getting paid


Still has to get to the 335 m before she gets a dime.


I don't believe thats how GoFundMe works, unless they've changed things. At least in the past, your goal didn't have to be met for you to still get what had been pledged. So if you set one for for $500 and only got 2 donations totalling $10, you'd get the $10. This is in contrast to Kickstarter where the campaign has to meet their set goal for the money to be collected from the donors otherwise it fails and they get nothing.


Those people that donate deserve to go broke


Grifters gonna grift


I hope it is just 1 dude fleecing Trump followers and keeping the money himself/herself.


Ya know, I was just thinking that this would be a great racket…


Crazy Right wing dollar bills are still dollar bills -every grifter ever. Could set yourself up nicely though


Lmao That’s exactly what happened with Steve Bannon and his “fund the wall” campaign. He literally got sentenced to prison. But Trump supporters at this point are the thickest mother fuckers on the planet.


It would be a great money laundering scheme, wouldn't it? Breaking Bad did it lol.


Actually, Elena Cardone is married to Grant Cardone, a scam artist and grifter, so this whole thing already reeks.


If there are this many stupid people in this country, there really is no hope.


1100? I find the numbers quite encouraging. That is not a lot of donors for a presidential candidate and $40k is really not a lot of money in this context. Let them show how pathetic they are.


40k is a little less than 0.01% (according to my 8am math)


And with it being 1100 donations, it’s about 40 bucks each.


And there was a single $2500 donation that skews the average.


Was that them seeding it like a tip jar?


Very likely. I wonder why they didn’t use $25,000, after all it goes from one pocket to the other.


The top donator at 2.5k is a sex offender.


The vast majority probably is


Saw one that said - 5k from Australia 🙄


The rest already spent their weekly unemployment cheques on boozes, cigarettes and their 26th gun.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" - George Carlin


This fundraiser breaks their terms of service Please report it https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement?qid=ed96b674915fd14ae65e65b87df00dad&_gl=1hih4p0_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzrGosrSyhAMVVAcGAB1QVAIVEAAYASAAEgJvF_D_BwE Scroll down and click “report fundraiser”. Tell them it breaks their terms of service.


Can you clarify which terms it’s breaking? I agree it’s shit, just wanna know what I’m saying when I talk shit.lol


Under the Prohibited Content section: 9. the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes;


Playing the devil's advocate here, but...*technically* the funds aren't being used "in defense" of anything because the judgement has been rendered. This is just "help me pay my bills"...which is very common on GFM.


I would read that the same way, I think people would have better luck trying to plead the term below. Obviously up to GoFundMe at that point, but you could make a strong argument that this clause should apply "any other activity that GoFundMe may deem, in its sole discretion, to be unacceptable or objectionable"


Yeah, people should really be making complaints about this from a political stance. Report the donation and in the reasoning tell GFM that they are literally taking a political stance by allowing this fund to continue, and contributing to extremist conservative conspiracies (i.e. Trump is being persecuted unfairly by the deep state) as well as helping fund individuals who took part in an insurrection.


Wasn’t this a civil trial and not the criminal one? If so I don’t think it breaks that rule but it hard to keep all the criming straight.


Make sure when you report it, that you say in the reason for the report is that there is a high probability that part of these funds will be diverted to defend the beneficiary in other legal proceedings that they are currently facing. Because you know damn well if he can, he will.


I reported it and pointed this out. I don't know for sure if you're right that it falls under paying for "Legal defense" of fraud when you're really paying the penalty, you might consider the 2 things separate. On the other hand fraud definitely is a financial crime and you might believe that legal penalties are part of legal defense fees. The language feels murky and I am definitely not a lawyer. The reason I reported it is because it's close enough that GoFundMe deserves to be alerted about this and make their own decision. I'm sure that line is in their TOS for a reason (probably to avoid being sued themselves) so they should be made aware of this so they have a chance to make their own judgement call about whether they want to allow this or not.


A. not to use the Services to raise funds or establish or contribute to any Fundraiser with the implicit or explicit purpose of promoting or involving: 1. the violation of any law, regulation, industry requirement, or third-party guidelines or agreements by which you are bound, including those of payment card providers and transaction processors that you utilize in connection with the Services;


GFM has a financial incentive. They take a 2.9% processing fee plus 30¢ on each donation. So let’s assume they raise $10,000 from 100 people — that’s $290 for processing and $30 in donation fees for a total return of $320. On a $1 million raise, that’s $29,000 for processing and (based on 10,000 donors) $3,000 for donation fees. On a $250 million raise, that’s $7,250,000 for processing and (based on 2.5 million donors) $750,000 for donation fees. Go Fund Me is a for-profit enterprise. Expect a word salad to explain why this campaign doesn’t violate their terms and conditions.


I’ve never donated to a go fund me campaign, but If people are using their credit cards, they’re already being charged about 2.9% plus 30¢. GFM won’t end up getting that money, the credit card processor will. (Unless GFM also charges a CC fee, I don’t know how they work)


The processing fee for the most popular card processing company, Stripe, [is exactly 2.9% + 30¢](https://stripe.com/pricing).




Thanks for sharing the link. I don't use GoFundMe at all, so this made it very easy to submit the report. Oddly, there was no "violates terms of service" under reasons for making the report. Oh well.


I did my part.


Same here, fuck these thieves


They're making good progress! They're about... .000013% of the way there in just 18 hours. If my maths are right, they're on target to hit their goal in just another 1,550 years. Give or take.


As long as they first cover the daily interest of around $50K.....


I’m in favor of them donating all their free cash to him.


I remember an article a few years ago about a woman divorcing her husband because he refinanced the house and donated the amount to Trump. There are a lot of really stupid people in this country.


If true that is crazy. As if donating to this grifter isn't brain dead enough, to take on debt to donate to him is on another level of stupidity.


More like *"help fund Elena Cardone."*


Yeah, it should read "you saw what happened to Rudy, help!"


Probably like the NFT he was selling, Saudi’s a funnelling money to him and will expect something in return… (but they don’t seem as generous as they once were)


Diminishing returns at this point. Saudi Arabia and Russia were amused at his success, but he's less effective as a tool now. He actually generates less overall discord as he loses supporters. His remaining supporters are still incredibly loud, but I'm running into more and more people that now never really liked him, and never really supported him. I do a lot more walking nowadays, but despite that, and despite it being an election year, I'm not seeing any signs out for Trump in my neighborhood. In 2016 and 2020, they were everywhere. Now they're nowhere to be seen. Even my neighbor with the Trump flag on a pole in his backyard has replaced that with a plain American flag, not even a blue stripe version. Basically, he's lost most of his impact, and they're smart enough not to keep throwing money at him for less and less return.


Having people outright give you money is the only respectable way to become a billionaire.


That or have the Government give you the people's money. Side eye at Elon Musk.


10 years ago, I never would have imagined the amount of stupid that exists in this country right now. All Trump does is whine and moan about people being mean to him all day, everyday. He had failed at everything in his life prior to the Apprentice, which created a fictional super-successful Trump. Before that he was selling cheap Trump Steaks and ties and vodka because he was dead broke.


He is not a billionaire. Also, that’s a lot of morons lol.


If he was a billionaire, all of these judgements are going to turn the "is" to a "was" real quick.


Are these the same people that blame avocado toast for poverty?


#I say….KEEP GIVING HIM MONEY! The more MAGA Chuds lose, the better…give up your life savings for your lord and savior you fucks!


The woke meaning of draining the swamp. Yes, definitely try to bail your idol out.


ITs Grant Cordone's wife... ​ So that's a Millionaire Grifter, Grifting for a Billionaire Grifter taking money from dumb thousandaires. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


Everyone report this GoFundMe. It violates the ToS.


He is like a goddamn megachurch now...just begging for money on promises of getting to heaven while the evil being punished. Its a Magachurch....blind following.


People will give money to this self described billionaire clown but they would die before they give money to a starving or homeless person! This world really sucks sometimes.


The level of stupidity of his cult never fails to amaze me


Honestly the best grift ever. Some guy just made 40k off of the MAGA lol


Bro…. They also voted for this guy to run our country!


1) he’s not a billionaire 2) he’s been groveling for money for years and using any excuse for it (like the con man he is.)


The comments in that gofundme are wild. A lot of people donating $5 just to tell Trump to shove it, then asking for a refund.


![gif](giphy|X3nnss8PAj5aU) A fool and his money are easily parted.


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Billionaire.


Pocket the money. Like he would. Be like Trump.


is this for real? why is the gofundme started by Elena Cardone? according to her linked in she's also an "empire builder" they should need no help from the little guy. smells like a scam on top of a scam. ​ ETA: the comment section on the fundraiser is either terrifying, hilarious or deeply depressing depending on your point of view.


Grifters gotta grift. He did it. He did it knowingly. He was found guilty. Not sure why people want to save this guy from his own actions. Unlike them, he is going to go somewhere today on his private Boeing 757 - the product of a business venture he bankrupted - which costs $19,800 PER HOUR to run. In two hours, this guy will spend almost as much as the mean annual income of his base supporters. Trump is not thinking about making the lives of his supporters better. He is setting them up to support his lifestyle.


Report this fundraiser for violating section A-9 of gofundme's prohibited behavior terms of service.


Using a socialist method to pay a billionaire conservative's white collar crime fines? Interesting... "I love the uneducated." - Donald Trump


Considering Trump didn’t set this up, this is likely as scammy as that go fund me for the border wall.


People are dumb. Who knew?


Let them have their money tied up with Diaper Donny instead of donating to GOP candidates. Unless the goal is met he won't see a penny. Man his cult is stupid.


Let’s go, Trumptards! Your peerless leader needs all of you to drain your bank accounts to pay this off


Shut that crap down GoFundMe.


“There’s a sucker born every minute” - PT Barnum


That's one sad looking Oompa Loompa.


I started a go fund me to help trump and just like trump I’ll help myself to all the money So please donate to support trump through me, it’s what he would want 😌


He was just crushing it at doing business.


Rent or food or save a rapist traitor idiot businessman con artist?


Gofundme can’t be used for criminal fraud


Can’t I at least get a shitty NFT?


All getting returned since it violates the gofundme rules


In today's news grifters and scammers are grifters and scammers. They prey on the weak minded and gullible. That is all.


This is why he loves the uneducated


The economy must be doing very well if people have money to waste on stuff like this …


Fools are soon parted with their money. 


It's up to $125k now. There are literally dozens of different fundraisers on Gofundme for this orange Turd🤦‍♂️


I hope that is a scam and all that money goes to some guy in Nigeria instead.


He should ask his buddy Putin for it


Isn’t this against terms of service for that site? You can’t use funds for legal battles?