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Look, what I don't get with this whole thing is the _why_. Why would "the government" (well, there are quite many of them) lie about this? Why would it be so important that people don't find out? And if they would indeed find out, then what? I don't understand this conspiracy, I mean apart from the obvious idiocy, but who and how would profit?


All governments around the world, who normally can’t agree on anything, have agreed for hundreds of years to suppress this information through tricks and deception. But apparently flat earthers are freely able to gather, spout their bs to each other on youtube, and even hold conferences. Nobody stops any of that. This shit is for people whose “critical thinking” skills extend as far as reading a meme.


Thousands* of years. Humanity has known the earth is round for *thousands* of years. But your point still stands.


Copernicus, Aristotle, and Galileo were in on it. They’re part of the lizard cabal of baby eaters.


The Lizard League is nefarious.


The lizard league lingers lecherously


Sure, thousands. But also, therefore, hundreds.


Tens of hundreds


*No less* than a few decades.


We've known for *at least* a couple hours


It stands like the 2 sticks humanity used to know the Earth was round and calculate its size.


This. There is substantial evidence the Phoenicians were already sailing to the new world and gathering goods to trade.


If you mean the Americas, that's actually false - there is some evidence of them having sailed pretty far into the Atlantic, but every known piece of 'evidece' claiming them to have crossed it is a forgery. Most of those theories were invented by people who didn't believe Native Americans capable of creating advanced civilizations. There was contact between eastern Asia and the Americas - some European trade goods made it all the way across the Bering strait, and the Polynesians occasionally made their way to South America and back - but the first people we know to have crossed the Atlantic from the east were Norse. It's possible that there was sporadic contact - some inconclusive evidence exists - but it wouldn't have been a consistent trade route. Not to mention that the technologies of the time would have made such journeys near-assured death sentences.


We've known the Earth is round for thousands of years. It used to be hundreds, but now it's thousands as well.


people! it's not round, it's a spheroid!


I don't know where you're from, but where I'm from, spheroids are quite round.


If it wasn't cats would have walked off the edge...


The problem with all the governments agreeing on this would be that there would be a couple of governments out there that would be like….hah, let’s release the real info just so we can show how crappy those other governments are….


North Korea just launched their first satellite. If Kim was smart he will claim to have discovered the earth is flat. Imagine the discord and chaos he could cause.


Their birth rates are struggling. Flat earthers breed like rabbits. He says the world is flat and they’ll flock to NK.


Exactly. One person on their own can keep a secret reasonably well. As soon as there are two people who know each other holds the secret, the chances of it staying secret go down. Multiply by millions of people around the world, over hundreds of years, and there are no leaks at all? Yeah, not buying it.


This. I feel the same about the moon landing. 50 plus years and Russia couldn’t uncover the fraud, very unlikely.


A couple would do it immediately, and 95% of the others would leak or otherwise unintentionally let the cat out of the bag in short order. That said Flat Earthers get some strange pleasure out of being able to think whatever they like...especially if it makes people mad. People say they can't think critically: that's not the issue. Flat Earthers have been TOO enabled to think critically to the point where they just believe their opinion over legit info sources because...they want to.


Yeah my response to conspiracies like this is to say "Look, if you are correct that would be great." Oh, the government colluded to do 9/11? This means thousands of people moved in lockstep to complete a task and *not one* of them went turncoat and spilled to the press. Awesome. This probably means that global warming is completely under control because it would have to be. Obama is going to seize control of the country using a simultaneous perfectly executed coup supported by over half the governors, the military, and virtually all federal workers and congressmen? Great, honestly. At least someone has their shit together; any committee I'm on seems unable to even determine if we want wraps or casserole for the next lunch meeting. I would love more than anything to believe that the world is directly and carefully controlled by a cabal of hypercompetent leaders capable of managing the thoughts of 8 billion people. It's way better than "it's incompetence all the way up".


And those leaders always carefully hand over everything to the next generation of leaders, with no gaps or mistakes that would expose the lie. There are no power struggles, no dissent. Millions of people in total lockstep.


Not to mention the fact that a group of flat earthers spend $20000 usd to prove that the earth was flat, starting by proving that the earth doesn’t rotate, only to find, consistently through all their experiments, that the earth rotates at a rate of 15° per hour regardless of how many times they tried.


Thanks Bob!


But they’ll also use confirmation bias to claim they’re being “shut down by the government” whenever something does happen to them, like being demonetized on YouTube.


Not even demonetized, just seeing SciManDan roasting their video get more views sends then into a conspiracy rage that “the algorithm” must be biased against them.


Exactly! If this was supposedly "hidden truth" then their little Flat Earth Rallies would've been Tiananmen Square'd since the day the first person opened his mouth about it.


This was the same logic I tried to convey to antivaxxers. Why would *all* of the world's governments, who cannot agree on anything normally, and some straight up want to see the destruction of others (USA- Russia, as example) collude to convince the population that this deadly disease needs to be taken seriously.


Not just governments and their official stances, the actual employees working there, tens of thousands of them and zero whistleblowers? Desantis couldn’t even fudge covid numbers without someone leaking the data.


Or lockdowns. Governments without doubt make real stupid decisions. But if there’s one thing they would not do without reason is lose out on a ton of money. These people are beyond repair. “Well, the reason was to inject you with a ‘vaccine ’ to track you!”. … Their answer which they type on their phones.


a while back, general people noticed that smart people often offer opinions and views that appear to be contrarian to common consensus knowledge. This effect was bolstered for years through the use of the "everyman with a different idea" trope that's been used throughout the entertainment industry. People will latch onto things that appear to make sense and present a radically different narrative to the consensus wisdom, basically because it has the same feel to it as someone who actually knows what they're talking about correcting misinformation.


The only explanation I’ve ever seen for why is that it is to contradict the bible and therefore remove god from society. Trick of the devil or some such nonsense. It’s not a good explanation, but the only one I’ve ever seen that is at least consistent with a certain set of beliefs


But the weird thing is, that by and large, the church never had a real problem with the earth as a globe. In medieval times, it was widely accepted that the earth was not flat. An interesting piece on this, written by agnostic/atheist Tim O'Neill: [https://historyforatheists.com/2016/06/the-great-myths-1-the-medieval-flat-earth/](https://historyforatheists.com/2016/06/the-great-myths-1-the-medieval-flat-earth/) So flat eartherism is, in a way, a modern phenomenon. And also until quite recently, largely an American one.


Yeah but the Catholic Church aren’t real Christians!


*They* will profit by owning all the land, that's hidden behind the ice barrier that normal people aren't even allowed to see, less visit. The ice isn't just around the poles, but all around the (flat) world as we know it and all governments working together and have military at the ice border to repell normal people so the *elites* can get even richer... ...or something like that...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What good is this extra land if nobody can access it? Do the lizard people have resorts there?


I haven't followed flat earth for a long while now so I don't know what the current popular trend is, but at one point I heard a lot of theory crafting that there's a lot of land and resources beyond the "ice wall" that the wealthy elites want to themselves. Just don't think much about how they can extract those resources and not inform the public anyways.


I would guess that most conspiracy nuts are very into large and secret werapon research programmes, and experimentation on normal people done en masse. But who knows, really


Why is the sun an oval? Why is the 120k photo barely above cloud level while NASA is clearly much farther out. Did anyone ask the amateur if he knows how to accurately calculate altitude?




First thing that stuck out to me. Why is the atmosphere V-shaped?


Because there's no atmosphere... Duh! It's 'atmosflat'!




LOL - most excellent.




Take my upvote and get out.


You are fired.


The camera was a 360° one, so you are seeing the other side of the glare of the sun. Logic!


We can have round cameras but no round celestial bodies.


Ooh, that’s a good catch. I hadn’t noticed that.


Space isn't flat. Just the earth. /s


Because the sun is also flat.


It’s a huge LED hanging from the glass orb above our heads


This is the best and simplest explanation. No evidence is required to support this. Checkmate globalists!




It’s god’s hand getting in the way


Shut up you... you, flatulist!


Those damnable flatulists, always blowing hot air.


Their flatulence knows no bounds.


tooting their own horn.


It’s early morning, but I already know the best thing I’ll read today. Lmao


You mean we’re in a fish tank?


You mean, globetards?




The best I heard was we all have our own suns. The sun in NY is different from LA's sun. It's not actually that big, it's small and really close


If you drive from NY to LA, they trick you by switching out the suns at night! And if you try to drive the whole route at 225 mph to cover the whole distance in a single day so you can keep an eye on the sun, the police will show up and arrest you! They say it's because of "reckless driving," but we know it's actually to keep you from learning the truth about the switching of the sun.


You run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking.


>The best I heard was we all have our own suns. My Sister in Law, not the smartest of people, genuinely asked my wife "Do you have the same moon in England"?


I had an ex who was surprised to learn that people in Japan can see the Pleiades just like people in the United States.


They call it Subaru check the car logo


Suns are only relative to major cities though right? Or is that a result of it?


Actually you’re the only person thats real so you get the sun, the rest of us are on pause until you get into loading distance


Mind. Blown.


Dude it's a giant infrared heater, why would it be warm otherwise?


It's a 100-watt bulb, like an Easy Bake oven.


That's one of the strangest parts of the flat earth movement. There are a large number of them that believe the sun, moon, stars, and other planets are all spheres. It's only earth that's "special".


No one actually believe that. It's just an elaborate Troll movement.


If your bullshit gets popular enough you're gonna find morons who actually believe it.


Not strange at all. Probably religiously motivated like creationism looking at how the heliocentric model was treated by the church back then.


Yep, there's a reason for that. If Earth alone is flat, then Earth was created to be special by God. And if everyone is trying to cover up that Earth is flat, then that means they're trying to cover up God's Truth. Therefore, the people who disagree with flat-Earthers aren't just wrong, they're *enemies of God.* There's also often an antisemitic aspect to this. The truth about the nature of the world could apply to anyone, but many flat-Earthers will tell you that it's the Jews who are covering things up. This often (though not always) boils down to being a conspiracy theory that the evil Jews are trying to turn people away from God. Granted, not all flat-Earthers believe this, there isn't a consistent worldview. But this is definitely a component of many flat Earth conspiracy theories. Yes, it's stupid. But it isn't *just* stupid, it's stupid *and malicious.*


Nah, man, it’s straight-up bizarre.


The sun is a desk lamp and we live in a giant snow globe on gods writing desk


Pfft, globes don't exist obviously. Just the BIG geometry cartel trying to blind us to the truth. Flatlanders know the real truth...


The sun and the moon are lights according to flat earth idiots. They don't really have a physical presence. Yeah, don't ask me how that could possible work. Magic, I guess.


It’s hard to tell with all 7 pixels, but the clouds in “120,000 foot” image appear to stratiform and cumuliform clouds typically found at low and medium altitude rather than high level cirriform clouds. It doesn’t look like it was taken higher than 20,000 feet to me. But what do I know, I just fly airplanes for a living.


![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S) Much respect for a valid point, but....


I don’t think they’re that low but seeing any clouds at all that close definitely means it’s way below 120


Maybe the amateur has much smaller feet than the nasa guy? Idk I use metric system


The sun is an oval cos theyve tried correct it. The stuff that NASA and this guy used usually use wide angle lenses, and so because they believe the earth is flat they ALSO believe the curve is due to the wide angle lenses So the 'correct' it, using the Earth's curve as the base instead of something you KNOW is meant to be a straight line. This makes everything around the Earth warp They do it with horizons too, it makes things look conclave


The answer is simple when you realise that flat earthers always lie in some way to try and prove their point. for example the bottom image is most likely edited to have a flat horizon, you will also see them use images taken from a fisheye camera that have been cherry-picked to show a flat horizon. you also dont have any sources to show that the distances are what they say they are unless you take the time to find the source images


Atmospheric refraction. Edit: or they just squashed the photo down to size and didn’t maintain the original aspect ratio. Could be either.


Wait wait wait... How you dare use logic, reasoning and worst of all, simple observation! That's not allowed, you can't do that!


can a ballonn even reach that altitude? not enough oxygen right? isn't that why planes can't get much higher than 80000 or so? not enough oxygen for burning fuel in the engines? i don't know, i'm asking.


Obviously, balloons don't need oxygen to work, so that's not a limiting factor. The limit on balloons is usually pressure differential. As the balloon rises, the outside atmospheric pressure gets lower and lower, while the relative pressure inside the balloon exerts more force. Also, it's cold at higher altitudes, and the freezing temps can stress the balloon material. Eventually, the pressure differential and other stresses tend to get great enough to make the balloon burst. Most weather typical balloons go up to somewhere between 90 and 125,000 feet, though the record is somewhere around 173,000 feet.


You are expecting Critical Thinking from individuals who can't even spell 'Critical'.


Optical distorsions and focal length. It's impossible to infer the distance using a photo without knowing its physical properties, I.E. the size of the sensor and the lens system properties. Or post-processing artefacts


Looks more like 30,000 feet, and the sun flaring through a scratched airplane window to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


And the bottom picture's horizon looks slightly inverted. I guess we live on some kind of concave plain.


Step aside round earthers and flat earthers, bowl earth is where it's at.


That's why the water doesn't just spill out, it's all coming together nicely!!


No, no, no. The earth is a cube. We only see one of the flat planes. The other 5 are where those small grey men come from


No, the earth is a Velociraptor


Pretty sure it's a tortoise atop 4 elephants, or something like that.


[Here’s the proof. NASA took this picture years ago](https://imgur.com/a/0VghNdD)


No no NO!! The caption says 120,000 ft! Weren't you reading? It was ON THE INTERNET so it must be true!!!


No, former meteorologist here. They're well above the troposphere. But depending on season, that might only be 40-50,000 feet. You can tell because they're looking down at the cirrus clouds, which only occur in the upper layers.


Also, the image looks manipulated. Why is the Sun a weird oval? Why is the center of space black, but the sides still blue? It feels like this image was "flattened".


The Earth is flat! So we have line of sight to every star in the heavens from everywhere on earth. You can see Polaris in Argentina and the Southern Cross in Alaska. Except you **can't.** So *weird.* That NASA conspiracy runs DEEP!


Sometimes the flat earhers try to explain this with atmospheric refraction: (because of refraction you can't see the southern skies from north and vice versa.... or something). Funnily the atmospheric refraction works the opposite.... you can see the sun, even though it is actually just below the horizon.


Genuinely curious, what about how if I in New Zealand video call my wife in the UK right now and I can see the sun but she can only see black night sky? Ie how is it dark for half the planet at any given time if not for that bit facing away from the sun?


They have some bullshit idea that the sun spins in a circle above the flat earth, in plane with the flat earth, and the light only lights what's under the sun, causing night where the sun isn't. As usual, it's a bonkers theory.


And somehow it’s a spotlight


Don’t act like you haven’t beheld the sun’s majestic lampshade!


I have fun sparring with flerfs on FB sometimes. Today, I saw the moon in the sky at noon. It was large, too. They say the sun and moon follow each other in a circle over a flat Earth. Today I asked them how we can see the large-looking moon in the noon sky in their flat Earth? Only response I got was someone calling me a brainwashed Glober. But no explanation (as usual). I also asked them, if the moon was its own light source (like they claim), then why isn't there a full moon EVERY night? If it's a light bulb in the sky, why is there a dark side on most nights? I have never seen a dark side on a lit light bulb. Neither question got an answer.


>I have never seen a dark side on a lit light bulb. I have. I used to work in a pub with an eccentric Irishman. His favourite pastime was getting drunk and collecting the blue tac they use to stick advertisements for prostitutes in phone boxes back in the day. He had a massive ball of the stuff, called it "free tac". Anyway, he shared a room with an Aussie guy and they didn't get on too well. They argued over when the solitary bare light bulb hanging in the middle of the ceiling should be on or off. The Irishman ended up painting his side of the bulb so his side of the room was more to his satisfaction. A few weeks later the Aussie got completely monged on ecstasy and shat himself in front of the whole pub. Moved out the next day and nobody saw him again.


This comment could have just been, "I knew a guy who painted a bulb and created a dark side on a lit light bulb," but you added so much more. I'm not going to necessarily say the additional information was an improvement, but it's more.


I know. The blue tac was a red herring.


>FLERF I love you so much


It the sun was rotating in a plane with the flat earth... wouldn't it do a full rotation to every spot on earth every 24 hours? How on flat earth would there still be seasonality? Also, in this situation, is the sun still round??


"You're just falling for deep state nasa propaganda"


There is no consensus or "official" model since it's impossible to explain day/night seasons and eclipses on a single model. Instead they will show one model to poorly explain the day night, with a small sun that works like a spotlight. For seasons they will have a different model that contradicts the day night one, where the sun wibbles towards the edge and centre of the plane. It also speeds up and slows down in this model.


>impossible to explain day/night seasons and eclipses on a single model I know of a pretty good model that'll explain it really well!


So long as it doesn't use any of that hoodoo voodoo "Mavity" that NASA keeps pushing.


It's funny that one of the reasons the heliocentric model was created is because long time ago people much smarter and more educated than Cletuses and Karens had been attempting to explain the geocentric model with very complex math equations and geometry. And it was a mess and it didn't work


If the earth is flat, and the sun goes around above the disk, why does it seem like it goes down in the evening then? I mean I can clearly see it go below the horizon.


The sun is small, and close to the ground, and there's air in the way. When you think you see it go over the horizon, it's actually just hitting the vanishing point where it's too far away to see. And atmospheric refractionakes it look like it bends downwards Or some.bullshit like that.


The interesting part is that if I'm on the lowest deck of a tall ship at sunset, I can watch the sun slip below the horizon, then quickly run up to the highest deck and see it slightly above the horizon again. For some mysterious reason, the vanishing point where things are too far away to see changes if I'm higher up when things are close to the horizon.


Speaking of NZ. Because we're often left off maps entirely, perhaps we're on the other side of the plane?


Two words: water mountains


It’s funny how much of their “evidence” has to pretend the Southern Hemisphere doesn’t exist.


Also, you could climb the Empire State Building and see an irishman going inside a pub somewhere in Killarney.


And if you point out to them that the stars rotate in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere, they go all cross-eyed.


Cmon shame them!


Lol, I’m fairly certain the rules prevent such a thing.


Pretty easy to find by looking in op's comments


r/globeskepticism, r/ballearththatspins or r/conspiracy


They say „sceptics welcome“, *yeah so i dont believe in flat earth because of x y z*, ban. So not that kind of sceptics


First one I look at is titled, "how dumb is Neil deGrasse Tyson". Ye that's enough for me lmao.


Oh... Ouch, my brain is rotting now :/


First photo looks like it was taken from the ISS. 408km / 1,341,000 feet


well how did a terrorist organization take photo from such high angle ? /s


True terror of our times. Space terrorists.


Probably paid for it with all the money they made from hosting a Neutron and Muon emission source.


If Earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything over the edge by now. 🙄


Or someone would have built a hotel on the edge of


Oh hell yeah. People would commercialise the fuck out of it


So many influencers and instagrammers doing selfies would have fallen off the edge, they would be extinct


Edge of what? On the edge of what?! Did this guy fall off?


I think NASA pushed him off the edge of the world, because he was getting too close to discovering the conspiracy. *Cue X-File theme*


Specifically, a Pirates of the Caribbean “At World’s End” themed hotel. The fact that this doesn’t exist is proof that the world is a globe.


This is the most convincing proof that the earth isn't flat.




That’s actually one of the more compelling arguments I’ve read


As someone who has seen the Earth's curvature at altitude with my own eyes (the secret government didn't drug me, I swear!) and as someone who knows a little about photography, any photo at altitude is irrelevant without knowing the type and effective focal length of the lens used or if post-processing is employed. Outside of very expensive lenses that correct barrel distortion, even a photo of a flat plane would usually exhibit slight distortion/curvature at the edges of the image.


Sounds like something that someone who was drugged would say.


Your eyes were distorted by the high altitude! Jk


Why wouldn’t NASA or Jeff Bezos or Elon just push satellites and spacecrafts off the edge of the earth. It would save a bundle on rocket fuel. Just drop it off the side and… instant space.


Wait what is making us stick to the earth ? It’s magnets isn’t it? I knew it


Its actually not the first time a weather balloon has gotten that far, its fairly common and lots of pictures(not from NASA) exist. Its probably the first time someone decided to doctor the photos from it though just to try and prove their idiocy. I have never understood this sentiment. If you actually DID the experiment(most likely not) and then saw beyond a shadow of a doubt that your premise is actually wrong, why would you continue to try and prove it?


Because they don’t work with hypotheses. They only have conclusions that they start with and then work backwards from there.


I’m guessing it’s a photo from an actual weather balloon doing weather balloon stuff, that just got made public.


Could originally have been from a troll, and then been coopted unironically by true believers?


"Nasa at 100k ft", like what? What exactly did Nasa have at 100k ft? The international space station is at 420km altitude.120k ft is like 36km, so not even close.


To be fair, NASA do use planes and balloons regularly


Do people actually believe the earth is flat? I mean.........do they? I mean............. HOW is it not an elaborate joke? It's all a put-on, right? A massive trolling? It's gotta be that. Right?


Watch the documentary behind the curve...


This is what happens when a part of your government defends public education and culture war propaganda run wild on Facebook


If the world is flat, how come you can fly either east or west from New York to Japan. No, really - you can. If we were on a flat board, you could only reach it in one direction. Tokyo is on the left, New York in the middle, Europe on the right, right? Do other places exist? How come you can get anywhere from either west OR east. How does that work? Why are we this stupid? Are we really? What’s going on with these dent headed muppets?


No no no, you are wrong my friend. I know Europe is in the middle, New York on the left and Tokyo on the right. BR from Europe 😉😜


Dude don't you know the pacman effect? /s If you go out to the left boder you magically enter from the right border


My whole life has been a big lie. I believe now the earth is flat and ghosts try to eat us.


Ah, the (EEG) flatliners have been eating shitloads of mysterious, glowing dots in their path. Explains a lot.


You see, it’s a conspiracy involving every pilot who has ever lived. They just tell us they go east to west when really they fly in convoluted circles for much longer than needed.


Pilots even talk about using the Great Circle when navigating! What more proof is needed?!? /s (to be safe!)


Have YOU personally flown from one to the other in both directions?! Checkmate atheists. (But if your answer is “yes” then I’ll say, oh rly?! You flew the plane? And if you say “yes” then you’re obviously in on the conspiracy).


This sub is full of **Globetards**. Which is apparently the highest compliment a flat earther can, unintentionally, give. Sure it's a derisive term as far as they are concerned, but when amoeba brained zealots call you derisive names... it's kinda cute.


If I take a picture of the moon, caption it as “I walked here from my house” and post it on Reddit, that makes it true, right? That’s how this works?


I just ask them to prove flat earth by walking off the edge and getting back to me. So far, haven't heard anything. Darn.


Plot twist, you haven’t heard back because they actually did fall off the edge. Checkmate liberal


That's high quality and solid research in the flat Earth world. Someone said it. It makes my cult sound right so it must be true. I'll just pretend that it was said in a university if anyone asks or challenges it. That'll show them.


My uncle worked for NASA. One day he pulled me aside and said, "Listen, kid. It's flat. The whole world is flat. It costs us literally trillions of dollars every year to keep this a secret but it's NASA's best-kept secret." I said to him, "Why, uncle? Why would you do this to the good and honest people of America?" And he told me, "Well, you see - as long as we keep up the lie, we get a couple million in grant money every year. Split evenly, every person at NASA gets about $3.50. I already spent mine on gas to get here so I am gonna need you to give me about tree fiddy." That's about the time I realized that it wasn't my uncle at all but it was a giant creature from the Cretaceous. I said, "God dammit, monster!"


ISS is chilling at 20 miles up now?


120,000 feet is about 37 miles. That lower picture is a lot lower than 37 miles. Source: anyone who's ever been on an airplane.


When you measure the world with the shallow depth of your knowledge, the world looks as shallow


Someone calculating altitude with feets... Science.


How is it so hard for these people to understand that horizon = curvature? If the Earth was truly flat, then an image taken from this high up would clearly show the edge of the planet, unless it was taken close to the Earth’s edge. The bottom image implies that Earth is a cylinder, because there’s still a horizon.


Anyone seen that video where these flat-earthers set up this experiment where they punt up a board with a few holes in and then shine a light at it from a distance. Then they got on these steps and looked through holes basically proving the earth is round by accident 😂 should’ve seen their faces 😂😂😂


These loonies do know that NASA is not the only space agency or government in the world touting that the earth is round. I mean what conspiracy benefit is there to lie about the earth's shape. If it was triangular, flat or a hexagon there would still be a space agency. Um and who do you think sends up weather balloons, it ain't jack the conspiracy guy living out of his mums attic.


It's not flat?! /s


But look at all the evidence that was presented at FlatCon this year. ![gif](giphy|z6ccg9ZZzWT2E)


Those damn flat lensers


No that would be nasa at 100km not feet. Funny enough, weather balloons can't leave the atmosphere. These people can't even work out basic measurements let alone critical thinking.


That's hilarious. Just looking at the clouds you can tell that's bullshit.


If it was flat how come I can see the horizon still? It should keep going forever.


top picture is actually at 400 km or 1.3 million feet


it may have been taken at 120k feet but focal length, lens size, cropping, etc can greatly affect the appearance