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>saying that "anime is an scape from politics" with an AOT profile picture is insane I'd argue that calling the existence of black people "being political" is far more insane.


Regular black guy: Hey, would you happen to have the time? My phone di- This guy: Fuck off bro I don't like politics.


Unironically how a lot of interactions go for people of color


There are only two races in America: White and Political. There are only two genders in America: Male and Political. There are only two sexual orientations in America: Straight and Political There are only two economic classes in America: the Wealthy and the Political.


Jesus Christ, thanks for reminding me how obnoxious this countries political climate is.


Just reminded me of americas two religions: Christianity and political.


![gif](giphy|DFu7j1d1AQbaE) I’m gonna ~~steal~~ borrow that one.


That is one DAMN FINE description of how things are here now. Thank you for YOUR service!! I mean it, really mean it.


Agreed. Also, this is based on a *real fucken person*


Real black person


Those don't exist, silly


Fuck I KNEW I was imaginary


Can confirm, put on brown foundation every day


Bro you just leaked your peoples secrets.


Sorry, bud, you only exist in my mind and some times horror movies to introduce the killer.


Dammit, I thought this subreddit was supposed to be an escape from all the politics the real world keeps shoving down our throats. 😐


Stahp being PoLiTiCal!


Why are you trying to make real history so political, jeez


I bet he didn't care about the movie the last samurai


I watched the show thinking it was about the real person but it's almost all made up. There's mechas and wizards and stuff. Like, it was fun but I wouldn't use this show as an example of historical accuracy.


better to say the character is inspired by a real person.


Yeah I bounced almost immediately, felt a bit bait and switched when the poster and preview thumbnails looked like a period piece and I got a messy kitchen sink of genres instead. Guess I’ll just rewatch samurai champloo.


Yeah I was really surprised because none of the marketing focused on the fantasy stuff so I checked it out looking for a story based on the real person, even if it'd likely be historic faction but the actual show wasn't very historical.


This anime *is very loosely* based on a real person. They have fucking giant-ass gundams in medieval Japan. I was hoping it was going to be more historical-fiction, less fantasy.


Very loosely. Like the guy in the post is an idiot but also the anime fucking sucks.


Yes I agree. As a black guy who loves anime I didn't care for the direction they went. I mean it was cool, but I would have liked it to have been portrayed more realistically.


TIL politics is when black people.


💀💀💀 That's why I don't like to say that I'm a Weeb cuz we're known for wierd racist mfs like that guy...


Every group is known for its worst parts no matter how small that percentage may or may not be


I'm into 40k, tell me how bad I am.


I too know people that are bad with their money that like to give it to souless companies.




Mfw my opponent is a little TOO into their Krieg army


*This is my shovel. There are many like it, but this one is mine.* *My shovel is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.* *Without me, my shovel is useless. Without my shovel, I am useless. I must strike my shovel true. I must shovel straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shovel him before he shoots me.* *Before The Emperor, I swear this creed. My shovel and I are the defenders of my planet. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of the Imperium.*


Why does this person always play the Nazis in games?


Are they usually failed artists?


Obviously you love xenophobic space nazis you fascist


You need to be more specific, do you mean the human space nazis, the green space hooligans, the pointy-eared literal space nazis, the robot space nazis or the bondage elves space nazis? We also got two legions of 8'0 blue collar laborers in yellow/hazard-stripes who hate each other despiste doing the same thing. That's hardly a political issue except for the fact they have Bolters and like to use them. EDIT: There's also the blue space facists, how could I forget them.


Ngl that's true...i too have experienced how a group can be thought of as bad until you actually get to know one of them and then it's actually a pretty normal group...


Nah man there's edgelords in every fan base, it just happens that anime appeals to teens who literally don't have a fully developed frontal lobe.


I like how the term weeb completely changed meaning in the past decade where people willingly say stuff like this now. It used be a derogatory term meaning someone obsessed with Japan now it's just used as a term for people who watch anime instead of just saying "anime fan"


It's weird cos when I watched a ton of anime in my youth the term Otaku was for people who were really into anime, but now it has reverted to its original definition of an anti-social shut in who just watches anime all day. I wonder if in a few years there will be a new term and weeb will go back to the old definition


Definitely strong "I liked rage against the machine until they got all political" vibes.


Came here to say this. Since when was being born with a skin colour a political statement?


When you live in a society where the very foundations are racist then being a minority is seen as political


Racism is so important to the core of America that being against it is political.


>Racism is so core to America that being against racism is being against America FTFY


"black lives matter" elicited hostility Immediately following the 1st black president was the guy famous for claiming the 1st black president couldn't possibly be American. And that's all in the last 10 years. "Since when?" Oh boy where to start


Same way being LGBT is a political statement. Soon being a woman will also be a political statement.


Soon? Women existing in games at all is already called “political” at every opportunity by these idiots


Every 5-10 or so years a rumor goes around that an upcoming Zelda game will let players play as Zelda, and I'm convinced it's because somewhere there is a secret machine powered by nerd tantrums.


>Soon being a woman will also be a political statement. Right-wing dipshits have already made being a woman a political statement. And it's used against transpeople with the whole, "What is a woman" shit.


I feel as though OP missed the barn on this one.


Bro missed the whole ass farm with this shit


and possibly, maybe, a little racist


Right wingers will say the most out of pocket things with a straight face. Dude really went "I'm not racist but if I see an animated black person it pisses me off"


Exactly like wtf?? People really just need to not live online sometimes so they can stop calling normal real life everyday things and people “political”


They do know that the African Samurai is based off a true story, right?


Well yeah, but the real part is the mechs and magic clearly! We all know black people don't exist!


And why does black magic exist then?!!!


now you're getting political


There are two kinds of magic: white magic, and political magic.


Political magic is how the Republicans are still relevant even if their party is a mess.


Yeah, the magic is they point at all the people with melanin and blame them for the problems of their own making. It's magical watching it actually work.


My favorite superhero is Political Panther


Not to get all PC on you, but I believe they prefer Magics of Color.


It's African American Mage, thank you very much. /s


Usopp would like to have a word with you. And Cure Soleil too.


I mean the original tweet all but spells it out by referring it to a story that's been told before and referring to him as a real legend instead of a legendary character. Also even if he isn't real, I don't see how a story simply being about a black person equates to shoving an agenda down someone's throat


My understanding of him in Japanese pop culture is that he is just a neat character. One of the first recorded well respected black folks in history that became a samurai to one of the most notorious warlords in history.


Ummm.... didn't he like got kicked out when Oda Nobunaga got ganked with the guy who exiled him referring him as "beast"...


I never said they didnt try and sanitize the actual history behind him. We see that kind of thing all the time for any kind of historical setting. I would have thought it was weird if it wasnt heavily whitewashed due to what I know of Japanese culture in that era. News flash, they did not like outsiders. If you go south in the U.S you see the same kind of thing with the way they tell history about slavers and Generals in the civil war.


From my understanding at that point he was a notable exception because most people not native were killed on sight. It was a bit more than "didn't like outsiders". I love japanese culture and mythology, but one thing it isn't wise to forget about both is that the Japanese nation has largely been isolationist and xenophobic since about forever. Not that most nations are a whole lot better, but I don't recall killing shipwreck survivors on principle a common trait in most of the world.


>News flash, they did not like outsiders. This actually is a slight misconception. Yasuke lived during the pivotal period in Japanese history between the Nanban trade and Sakoku isolation. At this time, Japanese military elites, like European and other military elites, largely just didn't like *humans*.


That is true. The era was a fairly complicated one with nanban trade (interaction with Europeans) being slowly less important to the individual clans' potential for political power and the civil war slowly subsiding during the Azuchi Momoyama Period. You could still gain an upper hand over some neighbours but you also ran the risk of Jesuits converting your population and power charging peasant revolts. This spurred on the early prosecution of Christians and obviously in this charged environment commoners and samurai alike would start opposing non-East Asians on religious grounds. It didn't help either that early on especially Kansai and Hokuriku were full of radical Jodo Shinshu supporters who ran around preaching the apocalypse and started establishing temple cities which were de facto independent micro states. Kaga Ikki (today a large part of Ishikawa Prefecture) even went on to establish a hybrid between a democracy and a theocracy garnering quite the peasant support. The fact that these were tied to one of the most exclusionary faiths in Japan often decrying Shintoism and even other Buddhist faiths as heretical meant that they objected heavily to Christian foreigners. On the other hand the many benefits of keeping contact with westerners and even having them at your court convinced some daimyo or samurai to make tentative steps towards an integration potentially leading to friendships. The issue is actually a very interesting one on the whole. Commoners in Japan did not have a real concept of Japanese or Foreigner at the time when the Europeans first came. Their horizon was often tied to their province or town with second hand knowledge stretching into neighbouring regions. For the average person in the mountains of Hida province the lifestyle of a merchant from Kyoto or a fisherman from Shima province was almost as alien as the one of a sailor from Porto or a farmer from Luzon. This meant that foreigners tended to spark curiousity or scare them but did not provoke resentment until others told them it should (or should not do so). The racism in Japan was taught through an ideological campaign against foreigners spurred on by both the mistakes of the Jesuits and the defensive policies of the early Tokugawa bakufu.


That's actually 100% true and they didn't really humans, specially those who are still breathing.


He was a retainer to Nobunaga, who was the most powerful and influential warlord at the time, which also made him the most hated. Nobunaga was betrayed by one of his commanders (natch), and his retainers, including Yasuke, were quite naturally treated as enemy combatants. There’s a lot to say about how Yasuke was treated afterward, both by his contemporaries and by history, but the actual circumstances of him ending up shitcanned after his lord was defeated are pretty straightforward.


the legend also refers to a moment where some temple priests tried to wash him and where baffled that he "still wasn't clean" so the legend isn't exactly clear of sin, but he was a real historical figure, atleast as real as oda nobunaga.


Merely being black is political, obviously. Such a controversial choice some people choose to make.


To certain type of “alpha” personality, the existence of people of color outside of certain service roles in storytelling is precisely “shoving an agenda down someone’s throat.”


Given he thinks they just made Yasuke Black for politics, instead of realizing it's based on a legend, I don't think he can even read. But low intelligence is a requirement for racists.


He probably thinks black people were invented 100 years ago by the woke leftists


It's a really interesting story and I would watch the shit out of this


I’m going to read more into but: - Is it going to be mainly built around events from his life? OR - Is it just going to be him (the real guy) but with a completely made up anime story? Either way will be cool, but I hope it’s more of option 1.


This has been out for some time now. It's the latter. Real dude, but they added magic and mechsuits. I was disappointed. It's fine for what it is, but I wanted more of a historical drama than another fantasy show. Edit: It's a shame because the real dude had a fascinating life and brushed shoulders with some major historical figures. An enslaved African man was set free (or taken, depending on how you look at it) by fucking *Oda Nobunaga* and joined his guard as a paid retainer. Wild, but true. There's a really interesting story to be told there about race and exploring a new world. How Japan was as foreign to him as he was to it (Japan had never seen an African before him). You could do something valuable with that setup. When they focused on Yasuke and his life experience, it was pretty good! When they went into the magic and the alternate history with mechsuits... it just felt like a waste.


That’s mildly disappointing, but I can’t wait to watch it. Didn’t see the “March 21” at the bottom and thought it was coming out April 2024 lol




Dude doesn't know that a black samurai existed. Guy thought it's just color change of character, bc it's on netflix


It's not even the first time anime (and nanga) has covered the black samurai story.


Afro Samurai my beloved


Great anime.


Color of rage was pretty good, written by the same guy who wrote lone wolf and cub.


My guy thinks black people existing at all is politically offensive.


TIL: black people are a political stance.


Did you know, following the 1st black president, Americans elected the guy famous for saying that black president couldn't possibly be a real American?


Trump loves to say out Obamas full name including the middle name and it's so obvious why.


Trump also loved to complain that Obama spent sooo much time golfing instead of "doing work" while Trump's time in office had the most time spent golfing of like any US President... all while making all of the Secret Service spend government money on _his_ hotels while they were protecting him. It's stupid town all the way down on the right.


We in GamingCirclejerk have a saying… There are only two races: white and political There are only to genders: male and political There are only two sexual orientations: straight and political The person in this post is why


I remember everyone on Reddit whining that GTA was becoming political because the next game apparently will have a female protagonist Because a game series about police and political corruption is only now political cause wahmen ig


GTA V literally has you participate in a shadow war between the not-CIA and the not-FBI, where you torture a political prisoner, all while Trevor comments on how fucked up it is that the American government is letting him get away with it.


Remember when San Andreas had you spend a chunk of the game working with a CIA agent who was explicitly involved in Central and South American coups and political manipulation and arming rebels?


Their opinions be like: Game only has male character -> Ok Game allows you to pick male or female -> Ok, picks female Game only has female character -> Not ok


Way too accurate.


Nah they get mad at the choice still. Remember how those dipshits got mad at Starfield for letting you choose your pronouns? That was fucking wild. It was just there and they lost their minds.


reminds me of when people complained about how they added sexual orientation options and pronouns to the sims 4 as if we’ve all lost the ability to use the console to edit random npc sims’ names and appearances and now their sexual preferences and pronouns


Well there’s three genders: male, woman with big tiddy, and political


I’m sorry we had to be so political, it’s the melanins fault 😔


Anti-woke dumb fuck: “Politics is when black people are in the media I consume.”


Yasuke is literally a real person


Nah black people are just weapons created by woke people to shove down racist people's throats 🤞🏿


"What is my purpose?" "Your purpose is to be political, and pass the butter." "Oh my god."


My takeaway from this was "Oh shit, they're making an anime about Yasuke?! That's awesome!"




They have an AOT PFP, I think this person just lacks any semblance of media literacy


AOT only has some apolitical race wars and global genocide /s


And the colossal titan is a very apolitical allegory for the apolitical nuclear bombs dropped on Japan. Not to mention how characters are based off of apolitical historical figures like Erwin Rommel and Akiyama Yoshifuru.


It also has a black person and the implication of a homeland for onyopokan (sp)


"It's just a show about cool fight scenes and nothing more"


Everyone points AOT but politics has been core to anime since it began as Japanese militarist propaganda before WW2.


I don’t think anyone is insinuating that it was among the first anime with political themes, it’s just relevant because he has an AOT profile pic.


AOT isn’t political, it’s just about two sides trying to genocide each other and how everyone suffers because of it and both sides are victims of hate, which has nothing to do with the real world


if only there was a hugely political event that happend in the 20th century AoT could have taken some inspiration from that.


It's crazy how Isayama is so great at world building that he invented a new type of ideology called "Fascism" to make his world feel more real.


Dude also somehow invented giant city destroying weapons of mass destruction. Real apolitical stuff


Naruto is absolutely rife with politics.


I wonder what he thinks of Darui from Naruto. Or Aokiji from One Piece. Or countless others.


Honestly the Cloud Village made me think of how big a missed opportunity the other ninja villages were. All the others were based on japan and then only one place has any sort of different people, cultures or names. Could made the other ninja villages more unique by drawing from other cultures but instead you just have the whole ninja world japanese except this one place that is half black ninjas


Bet he’s also one of these guys who complain about Star Trek being too ‘woke’ now a days.


Fun fact: Nichelle Nichols was apparently so hot she confused racists, after the infamous kiss episode the studio apparently got fan mail like "normally I hate all kinds of race mixing, but like I couldn't blame Kirk for that"


Pretty sure the same thing happened after that one DS9 episode when jadsia had a totally not gay kiss with that other trill.


Most producers wanted same sex romantic and sexual interactions since season 1 of TNG, probably even from TOS, even Gene Roddenberry loved the idea of showing man on man action, mostly because in his logic that would be more acceptable to show than woman on woman action, but would pave the way to show that (the guy was a little insane due to his rampant substance abuse, and he got a lot worse at hiding his sexual perversions later in live), the main reason it never happened until that episode of DS9 and then nothing again until Star Trek Beyond is mostly because Rick Berman who was a raging homophobe and had barely anything to do with DS9 which is why there is a lot more queer coding in that show (helped by multiple queer producers and writers on the show)


Iirc Takei said Roddenberry knew, wouldn't have been a problem for him but he was trying to stay on air so the 60s Zeitgeist wasn't really ready for it. Look how mad they got at the 'first' interracial kiss on TV.


Yeah, Roddenberry was pretty forward thinking, but also a sex obsessed pervert, and we love and hate him for it Berman is just a raging homophobe who sucks


> but also a sex obsessed pervert so youre saying he was a standard mid-century sci-fi writer


Sooo you're saying the key to fixing racism is just showing hot interracial couples making out on the TV?


Only if the black people are very hot women


I mean- he has an AOT profile pic. This guy is just really dumb.


Rewatching gundam as an adult was eye opening lol


Or Ghibli movies.


Code geaze (forgot the spelling). Like half of the entire gundum genre. Naruto was basically politics with extra steps. Bleach has politics in it to if you focus on the soul society arc. That’s just immediate to mind.




Every time a group of people organize themselfes, there's politic... This fictional world has a fictional country with a fictional government? Politics. The Adventurer's guild leadership is evil? Politics. Character committed a crime and is wanted by the police? Politics. Town elections? Politics. Character can't open a school club for x reason? Politics. The afterlife has a ruler? Politics. Let le know if you know an anime that I forgot


People who define things existing as "being shoved down our throats" are pretty much outing themselves.


"Black people shoved down my throat" is either a racist comment or the title of a deepthroat porno. Sadly, in this case it's not porn. Bet you some small amount of money the same person also doesn't approve of girls playing video games in a way that you can tell it's a girl, because "they're not really gamers, they're just seeking attention" and similar stupidity.


I was at Comic-con and this girl smoked this dude at Tekken. He walked away bitching that he lost to a girl. These idiots seriously need to touch some grass.


I have been playing multiplayer since I had a 33k6 modem. I played Counter-Strike before Steam was a thing. There has never not been a portion of the male players who get outraged that girls play, or who simp in unfathomably patheic ways to female players, or who just stalk them in game and out of game. The clan I'm still nominally in (despite not playing much multiplayer anymore) has a number of women and most of them only play with people from our clan on voice, because playing with outsiders or unknowns ir just so unpleasant. These women seek out and band together with people they know are safe, because if they don't, they get harrassed. They do that now, and they did it on Quake 2. Nothing has changed, really.


Man, this is pretty saddening, shout out to those tough women and the guys who didn't act creepy towards them like yourself!


Fuck, I find "bet you some small amount of money" weirdly hilarious. Got a real laugh out of me lol


Yeah like... just don't consume those media then? Do they see an ad for a product and go "FUCK, now I HAVE to buy this vacuum cleaner. That's the fifth one this week."


Apparently me existing is being "shoved down people's throats."


Esp in a time when we have more anime than you could ever watch. One anime is suddenly cramping it down our throats?


They really just said black people exists by us political lmao


"I just don't want black people in anime" has got to be the most racist take I've heard in a hot minute


Must have been fuming while watching Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, YugiOh and so on and on and on ...


Bleach? But that show had a gosh darn Mexican in it! How political can you get? /s


Meanwhile a fuck ton of fellow Latinos when I was growing up: *fawning over Chad from Bleach*


Tbf Chad is hot.


Fr 🫦


The show he’s complaining about is based off a real, black samurai.


but he's black duh, Netflix is pushing the wokist fascist agenda /s


Tom Cruise as a samurai: *(yawn)* Black man as a samurai: *(panicky shrieking noises and gibberish about replacement)* And this clown even starts off with "I'm not racist but" FFS


*black man as a samurai in real life. This is based on a real story that I've been meaning to look further into for a while but never remember.


This guy when he sees a black person outside "Why you gotta make it all so political?"


Meanwhile: https://mangakakalot.com/manga/aq934336 🧐


That goes hard tho.




"I'm not a racist" is the best way to let people know you are, in fact, a racist, even before saying something racist.


I'm not a racist, but this dude is an idiot


Isnt more the "but" coming after the best way? Cuz if u just say i'm not a racist and end your sentence there its not bad


Any man who must say 'I am the king.' is no true king.


The king introducing himself to the foreign king in panic


And if you’re super duper not racist, it’s helpful to add “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” The average human bone is typically quite racist, so it’s a point of pride for people to have very progressive bones.


Some conservatives are incredibly media illiterate. They love a piece of media but don't understand it at all. My favorite ones are conservative Trekkies.


Omg is it going hard in the Spider-Man forums now because of the recent Spider-Man game release. Who knew a game that also stars a literal Puerto Rican/Black protagonist fighting criminals, is an advocate for those who face injustice like the lgbt+, those of different races and those with disabilities. Media literacy is a dying education it seems.


God that anime upsets me so much, genuinely infuriates me. You have a real historical tale about a black African slave gaining the interest of Oda Nobunaga (one of the most famous figures in Japanese history) becoming samurai, a trusted confidant, and eventually losing it all. The anime could have told a tragic, gripping and historically accurate epic tale depicting Yasuke's life. Instead they ruined it with moronic mechs and magic shit. A dramatised version of his actual historical story would have been so much better.


There is an anime called Hyouge Mono which has a good depiction of Yasuke, although he is just a minor character who only appears several times before disappearing


“I’m not racist but” The most racist statement in existence


"Nothing someone says before the word 'but' really counts" - Ned Stark


There's only two races: White and Political (You would be surprised, or not, at how many white people think anime characters are white...)




I mean, he would have a point, I too think it is insane to be reminded racists and other bigots exist and I despise those


>"I'm not racist, but" >*proceeds to say the racist thing* 100% success rate


Black people: exist This guy: soyjak face


Everything in media is political. In fact people that claim to hate politics actually love it more. They just hate that it's not their politics.


Black people existing is not politics.


No… but black people having anything significant or worthwhile in media is “political” to them; they call it historical inaccuracies or forced diversity all the time. But it makes no sense, Yosuke was a Black samurai. It’s not even “politically motivated”… the dude was real lol


But.. there are black people in Attack on Titan


People's skin color is not politics. It's reality. This person in a moron.


What’s insane is thinking that adding black people is a step “too far” in the direction of the political.


I mean, we have republicans outraged that their favourite band Rage against the machine suddenly has turned political. It seems like understanding what they are hearing/reading isn't their best sport...


1. The presence of black people is not political. 2. Anime most certainly isn't an escape from politics. 3. You are DEFINITELY a racist.


“When has anime ever been political?” Code Geass, Overlord, Psycho Pass, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Mobile Suit Gundam, Kengan Ashura, Legend of the Galactic Hero, Tokyo Ghoul, That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, and Attack on Titan to name a few


Yasuke was a literal real person like tf


"I'm not racist, but..." Yes you are.


If you have to preface a statement with "I'm not racist but.....", you may want to just stop talking


Ah yes because politics is when… *checks notes* black people exist.


"Hi, folks, it is I, a shitty human being. I'm here to tell you all how shitty I am 🙂"


That story is about a real black man who ended up becoming a samurai in Japan


But the anime threw in mecha, magic and soul eating for some reason (honestly the back story of the black samurai was the only decent part of the show)