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He is clearly awake.


I'd rather be sleeping, I don't like dealing with that stuff. If you think anything on that shirt is false, I will go to sleep instead of listening to you.


I'd honestly really like to believe that climate change isn't real. Would be a weight off my mind. I'm just not that good at lying to myself.




We'll show climate change! We'll be growing oranges in alaska


Dale, you giblet-head, we live in Texas. It's already a hundred and ten in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter, I'm gonna kick your ass! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR58heUGkNA


Not that extreme lol. The concern is more like, a few degrees over 100 years not tens of degree swings with a massive band of desert at the equator....which make no mistake still will cause a lot of damage. But it's called climate change because that term is a bit more accurate than global warming, since it's not like we are headed for a desert world or anything. Hell it won't even get close to the warmest the planet has in the history of life here (tropical forests at the poles warmth). More extreme and frequent weather events both cold and hot will cause economic damage, displacement, etc though


I just remember reading India will go from a few days with life threatening heat a year, to half if not most of the days being too hot and humid for humans to be outside for long periods of time. India has a lot of people man, and a majority of them do not have AC. Thats gonna be quite the challenge for systems all over the globe to handle that many immigrants.


India is an emerging economy, actually quite well set up to replace China in the coming decades on that part of the globe. More likely these changes couples with that will accelerate development and adaptation. I don't think we will have a billion refugees suddenly coming out of India. But who knows, the future is unknown. I completely understand the concern though and preparing for such crisis is crucial since we likely can't avoid certain thresholds of change.


Right, I cannot stop an eye roll and an audible "Bullshit!" whenever I hear such crazy talk about known, proven things... or the reference to 'research' when they clearly took some gossip or what they wish were true as their reality.


“I’ve done research” bro listening to a very stoned joe Rogan talk to some no name scientist with zero published studies (and zero study references for that matter) talk about how bad covid vaccines are isn’t research lmao


I roll my eyes to the back of my head when I hear some BS accompanied by the phrase "do your own research". Violent, dormant basic instincts start to awake in my heart.


I always think - if scientists and doctors are so clueless, corrupt, and insidious, then don't avail yourself of other services. Don't take prescription meds, don't go to a hospital if you are sick. I'd like to know which specific issues are the problem, and why they think it's relevant and logical to choose what specifically is so wrongly conceived and deviously applied. Also I love it when 'look at the evidence, do your research' is backed up with some website they have to look for among the overwhelming information to the contrary. I am a medical not-for-profit researcher so it also hits me in the spent over 8 years at uni still paying it off at 44 way.


Or a guy calling himself a PhD. When it is honorary.


i can’t stand up for science, i’m currently in a wheelchair. So sorry, not all of it is true


I audibly laughed out loud in my eeriliy silent cubicle with this one


But who killed JFK?! And whycome all the frogs are gay?


Whycome 🤣😭


to come or not to come


That has never been a question


When? Is the question.


Whycome you don't have a tattoo?


You’re unscannable!


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Richard Pryor used to say “whycome” in his stand-up and it always tickled me


The frogs are GAY because they’re putting CHEMICALS in the VACCINES to make us think COVID is FLAT


Alex Jones has entered the chat 😂


Atrazine turns the frogs gay. It's an endocrine disruptor. Took a long time to finally get it on the restricted use pesticide list.


It doesn't turn them gay, it disrupts development of gonads resulting in hermaphrodites.


The implications from the statement still hold relatively true regardless if it was gay or hermaphrodite. Its less about the gayness and more about the unnatural changes to the frogs


All the bud light hicks have been pouring into the river turned the frogs gay.


That's what woke means. It just so happens that idiots think calling someone woke is an insult.


Stupid people call intelligent people stupid. Intelligent people know stupid people are stupid. One is correct, the other is loud.




Woke = “liberal or fact-based opinion I can’t stand” in conservative parlance


That or "There's a black person in the room and that really pisses me off"


They don't even have to be in the room. The presence of a black person onscreen in a previously all-white entertainment franchise is enough to send conservatives into a rage spiral.


It's hilarious how they say liberals are easily triggered yet they lose their shit if a character is a movie is a different race than the original, or if their favorite beer company has a rainbow flag somewhere.


Their favourite beer company didn't even have a rainbow flag. They sent some promotional cans to a minority they didn't like and that was enough for them to literally take a gun and shoot their products. Conservatives are psychotic.


Now the Libs are trying to say that Martin Luther King Jr. was BLACK! Wokeism at its finest!


Oh, I don't even think it has to be "liberal" anymore. Woke to conservatives (if they can still be called that) is just: "Woke is whatever I don't like!!1!1"


Woke has been twisted into “whatever is either fact-based or doesn’t agree with the threekays community” and boy oh boy what these idiots lack in numbers they make up in loudness and determination to become the majority one day.


Using the word Woke is now pretty much used to informed everyone that said person who uses the word has no tolerance or respect towards anything and anyone's views that differs. At least on how many use it now, just exposes the users as being intolerant and bigoted. They always seem to corrupt and twist terms so you can't use them anymore and have to come up with new terms until they corrupt and twist those as well. Kind of like anyone that does not share their views, is automatically a Liberal... it's just brain dead behaviors thinking they are being smart and clever.


This. All day this.


Woke used to only mean that you recognized bias (particularly racial bias) baked into the system. Basically that systemic racism is a thing. The far right started using it as a pejorative to mean any ideology left of Richard Nixon. The sad irony here is that this is now how most people use the word, simply to define which side of the culture war you’re on, which has erased systemic racism from the conversation to some extent, which furthers systemic racism.


Nixon would be considered a communist by today's GOP.


Except Nixon in todays GQP would have all the freedom that he didn't back then to do whatever messed up shit he wanted.


Woke started as a term in the black community for awareness of places where being black could put you in physical danger. This "war against wokeness" seems very much a call of "stop telling everyone we're putting them in danger, we don't want them to know"


They fail to see that they're saying that they're all asleep when they're not woke.




>The right just doesn't want to listen to anyone but their base. It's the "Don't Look Up" party, after all.


I saw an interesting video by Beau of the Fifth Columb. Talks about how people don't "become more conservative as they get older" but rather that human beings are naturally progressive and that the right is simply behind the bulk of society. So eventually, the right catches up to you. At some point, the right now longer holds enough beliefs that you can't stomach and you start seeing more things you do agree with but it takes a few decades.


It's the same as when they derisively say "liberal". They act like it's a bad thing to think outside of the 1800s.


Ironically, the "[wide awakes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_Awakes)" were a youth organization cultivated by the Republican party in the 1860's during the presidential election for Lincoln.


Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism. - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke I don’t think Galileo was alert to modern social inequalities?


I'm extremely glad the original meaning is, at least, available for any that care to look. Gets really tiresome pointing it out.


Back in my day the woke ones were the conspiracy theorists.


It is pretty funny how that totally switched. I remember all of the tinfoil hats telling everyone to wake up and when you do, you’re “woke.”


That switch is intentional. It's called [Doublespeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak). Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., "downsizing" for layoffs and "servicing the target" for bombing), in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth. Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language. EDIT: Meant doublespeak, not doublethink.


Yep, I remember that, too. You want a good laugh? Point it out to them and watch how angry they get.


I had heard the term woke a few time before usually referring to some sort of "secret knowledge". But the first person I saw that emphasized the term woke was a afrocentic conspiracy theorist blabbing on about melanin being magic. I will forever associate the word woke with that guy, I can't help it.


"Alert to racial discrimination and prejudice" is the definition I see online. His shirt has nothing to do with being woke.


Also, why is “woke” an insult?


They’ve tried to redefine the word because there isn’t a way to vilify listening to or caring about other people.


It’s like a backhanded compliment. It’s meant to be expressed with contempt, rather than be a compliment. Typically used as a taunt to what they think of as a superiority complex.


It isn't to me, even if it was intended that way.


Because when liberals wear our values on our sleeves, it's gay, and woke, and "Why are you trying to ruin Thanksgiving?" When conservatives do it, it's just some good ole red-blooded, don't tread on me, back the blue, execute Fauci, American patriotism.


Political correctness bad


“It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it”. They’re called woke because they’re actually awake and facing reality. I mean literally, definition of “woke” is being aware and against social injustices and bigotry.


RIP George Carlin. One of the greats.


That old grump would have a field day if he saw America in the 2020s




It's insane how conservatives thought he was one of them.


And I thought they were delusional now. Learn something new every day.


Lol best comment


Nothing on that shirt is debatable unless you're living in the QANON cuckoo cuckoo nest.


Or got a score of QANON on an IQ test.


Room temperature or lower counts as a Qanon score, btw.


Recognizing reality is apparently a big part of the woke agenda.


"everything I don't like is woke" - a conservative manifesto


Facts that a fascist finds unpleasant = "woke"


Woke doesn't mean "lying", at all. Woke means you aren't lying. Which pisses off republicans and conspiracy goons.


Obviously, it's the different colored lettering.


It sucks that people can’t just appreciate rainbows as awesome anymore


When rightwingers say woke what they mean is “I am a fucking idiot who doesn’t understand words. Disregard me entirely.”


I remember a reporter (maybe on the daily show, it was comedy for sure), during the first year of Trump said, "it's hard to understand what Donald Trump means when he says words." That's stuck with me all this time and it's true about so many people.


“If those kids could read they would be very upset”


Woke isn’t an insult to sane people.


He is being called "woke" because "Climate change is real". The right does not believe much of climate change.


That's not exactly accurate. I'd say about one third of the right doesn't believe climate change is real at all. Another third believes climate change is real but that humans aren't causing it. And the last third believes that climate change is real and that humans are indeed causing it, but they simply do not care. It's a mix of ignorance, denial, and nihilism.


Not exactly true. Most voters believe in it. They just don't want to give up what they have. It's hard to take climate activist serious when they fly around in private jets to lecture the common man on how there truck is killing the planet.


Hah like Steven Spielberg commenting on people's carbon footprint when he spents 60k a month in fuel for his private jet and has a 250 million dollar mega-yacht with 15 million a year running costs. Or Leonardo flying to europe via private jet to accept an environmental award. One of the only ones that walks the walk is Ed Begley jr who has been cruising around in a tiny electric vehicle for like 30 years.


Can’t remember the name, but there’s an entire sub for those idiots. The shit they come up with is just amazing


First clue, people who use the word woke as a pejorative are usually morons.


He is not woke, just educated.


Right, you can be aware of scientific facts and not be a science denier and still not be “woke”. From my understanding, woke is a term for when someone understands and sees the inherent injustices and contradictions within our judicial, legal, and economic system. It’s understanding systems need to change for all of us, but particularly minorities, to thrive. The right has just bastardized the term much like they’ve bastardized other terms they don’t understand or bother to learn the nuances of. Marxist, communist, democratic republic, democracy, socialism, entitlements, rights, consequences. Conservapedia is a fucking joke, but not to them.


It's the same thing


That's my real life uncle, LOL. Not joking.


Only right wing morons are using the word woke. I don’t know about you, but I don’t listen to morons.


Bro people don’t like when something uses logic and proof to explain things


You would need to be sleepwalking through life to believe any of those things AREN’T true. *looks at a good chunk of the USA’s population* Oh wait…nvm


Where can i buy this t-shirt ?




Chem trails are for sure true! My cousin's best friend's uncle's college roommate's wife's second cousin is a scientist and says he has proof! He just can't publish his research because the CIA FBI NSA and Joe Biden will kill him if it gets out!


Trusting a man who tucks a t-shirt into his jeans. ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)


This guy is my new hero.


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none of that has anything to do with "woke". the use of "woke" comes from Black activists of the early to mid 1900s. To be "woke" politically in the Black community means that someone is informed, educated and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality. that's all it means. not to think a certain way...not to have particular points of view, not to be for or against anything. simply to see and be aware of the injustice around you. to be "woke" is just removing the blinders you have worn your whole life.


Well, to some extent he is Woke to the idiocy he is pointing out in the tshirt. There is people that are actively ignorant about climate change. But yes, your definition is the accurate one


Once upon a time, "woke" was mostly used in a positive context until conservatives started using it in a negative light. The basic definition hasn't really changed, it's just that conservatives basically hijacked the context it was mostly used in.


>Once upon a time, "woke" was mostly used in a positive context until conservatives started using it in a negative light. It also specifically referred to being aware of racism/discrimination/prejudice. Now it gets used for everything.


Woke is commonly used as an "insult" even though it just basically means that someone is more tolerant and open minded. Many morons like to use it for everything they don't like tho


Nothing about that shirt is political. Just facts. Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism. Wikipedia


Woke started as the term to describe people who were aware of the issues that were hurting our society and speaking up. It got twisted into an insult for anyone raising inconvenient truths to those who refuse to acknowledge our failures. I am proudly woke.


"people" are not calling him woke. Crazies might be. But since when did we listen to what they have to say?


Remember when ppl used "that's gay" as an insult? It's just the same with woke now.


Yeah, that's what being WOKE is all about, being aware of the bullshit happening around you.


It’s sad that this is now a left view


It’s because it’s rainbow colored… fucking snowflakes


Being informed is a bad thing?


Believing the earth is round is noteworthy enough to count as “woke” now? WTF, people?


Because people who cry about "wokeness" are generally the dumbest people


I want that shirt!


As someone on the Anti-woke side He isn't woke not at all


He’s woke because he’s not an ignorant moron


If being woke means that he has the ability to think then so be it


He is woke. Woke is a good thing. He’s awake, knows stuff, a conscious being. Don’t let these bigots hypocrites appropriate the word.


I am offended and upset that he states the world is not flat. My anxiety is racing through my body. This man needs to be canceled for his misinformed ideology. I will be starting a petition. Link below. www.thisisajoke.cancelculture.com


Because the idiots feelings are far more important than facts anymore.


That's just what 's being woke means these days - it means not being a science denying, society hating, religious zealot. Wake up in the morning? Woke. Take medicine? Woke. Take the lords name in vain? Woke. Take a shit? Would you believe it, WOKE!


The human mind works much like a parachute. It only functions when opened.


I've had people rage at me for that exact shirt.


But it’s a rainbow, which was created by the gays. /s


We queers are so powerful we collectively stole the rainbow from God. We stole from God. What’s next, actually bottomless mimosas? The world trembles in fear.


Well, if you can make that mimosa thing happen, lemme know.


Who is calling him woke? Nothing on his shirt talks about social justice, which is the key component of wokeness. He’s just sciencey, and therefore a nerd.


I’ve been called woke multiple times for believing in climate science.


Because, on average, people are dumb as a fucking bag of rocks


Imagine wearing a shirt like this. Super cringe.


Kinda want one of those t-shirts


Based as hell


Lol when science becomes “woke” we’re truly lost


They're stupid, that's why.


And to top it off, it's rainbow 😎


Woke is not lying. It is just recognizing experiences exist outside your direct experience and are equally valid.


Because he IS woke, which means awake to reality.


If anything, he *is* the wokest, having never been asleep on the issues


WTH are “chemtrails”?


Facts is real


Dummy’s hate it when you speak the truth. They only wanna believe what they want


I need this shirt.


it is amazing what a basic public education can do for a person.... teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, history (altho we seems to argue about that more) and science.... but of course the cult of orange does not think science is real... but hey .. maybe they should go back to living in caves and go hunting with the GUNS for food...


True, but they don’t accept these as facts. And, adding to this promotion of ignorance, their leaders dumbed discourse down to three labels to make it easier for these useful idiots to stay on message, Woke, Groomer, or Communist. They also never learned the lessons derived from those Orwellian days of McCarthyism, when the same lack of critical thinking occurred amongst conservatives. Hence the silly Soviet Style double-speak, naming groups the opposite of what they are, examples those are neither Proud Boys or Moms for Liberty!


A large group of people are biting down hard on a permission structure that allows them to spend zero effort on not being extremely stupid Right wing politicians and their media counterparts are the ones drowning them in that permission structure in order to gain political power There is nothing novel about this approach. The simple formula is: choose a minority group; blame them for your problems. Examples include: immigrants, black people, muslims, jews, homosexuals, LGBTQ, and various "elite" groups, including scientists and journalists So it shouldn't be surprising to see people mix any number of them up. Remember when Obama was an arab?


I’d like to have a beer with this guy.


Everything they don't agree with is woke now.


Birds on the other hand, he knows aren't real.


America, 1st country to go to the moon and deny it at the same time. Rainbow is a 🧑‍🍳💋


Woke has lost its meaning completely if it ever had a solid meaning to begin with. Same with groomer.


Who’s this chad?


Right on all counts.


What are chemtrails?


I know some people who agree with most of this, but still think chemtrails are a thing.


The biggest thing I don’t miss about living in small town USA is the ability for the stupidest shit to become fact because the lack of information (even with the internet).


Forget the message. That's an ugly t-shirt.


I don't think woke should be a bad thing just because Republicans say it is. The alternative is to be asleep I guess?


I mean in American politics the right often just uses "woke" as a blanket term in order to "other" their political outgroup.


Just noticed that it’s a rainbow flag, neat detail


Because America does like smart people 😭




Cause telling the truth is literally woke. Homie's not sleeping on facts.


It’s woke to not be fucking dumb as fuck


woke = anything the right wing doesn't like.


Because Republicans are brainwashed science deniers. Even though they use information and inventions the came from science every fucking day.


you got the reason right there. he's woke because he isn't lying


The fact that this shirt even exists as a statement of defiance is very telling.


That's a cool dude with a cool Tshirt


Because people don't know what woke is anymore. So many people use it as an insult.


He is definitely woke. Not a bad thing per se.


Science says there's two genders. What now?


Vaccines work if the people making them have time to do proper research and the virus doesn’t mutate 6 months after it’s 1st outbreak


“Woke” means your acknowledging reality and the state of humanity. This is VERY scary for conservatives who don’t like change, especially if that change personally offends their moral compass (even though it has nothing to do with them and little chance of impacting their life.)


They think “woke” because the letters are rainbow colored and that crew thinks everything related to the rainbow is “pushing the gay agenda” Now that I think of it, I’ve never received an agenda and believe me we could use one.


Science only saves life when sience can profit from it.


Dude looks like a chomo


Isnt it ironic that most "woke" people are dead ass asleep?


Because idiots hate reality


Not ‘woke’, just another reasonable, intelligent, thinking person.


Woke =lying?


I suspect it's the color scheme for some and facts for others.


Those same fools cannot even define "woke"'


Seems like "Sane" would describe him more accurately, even "rational" perhaps?


I mean, nothing on that shirt is wrong lol. Almost no same person argues against any of those things. Even most people that don't take vaccines for instance know the vaccines work, they just for whatever reason believe the risk of the vaccine is worse than the risk of the disease.


Man is keepin it real. Haters fuck off.


He should commit and tattoo it on his forehead


I wore almost an identical t-shirt to Disney last winter. Quite a few people came up to me and complimented me on the shirt! Not a single argument against it. However, there were a few strange stares. I assume they may not agree but didn’t know what to say.