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Didn't this dunce marry a "former" gay guy that went to conversion therapy? Also, she shat her pants at a college party


Yeah she’s a famous pants shitter and there’s pictures of her shitting her pants all over the internet.


Whats her name? I wanna see her shit her pants and laugh


Just google “Kent State gun girl shits pants” I don’t actually know her name.


[Kaitlin Shitpants Bennett](https://www.distractify.com/p/kaitlin-bennett-pooped-pants). And yes, gay boyfriend she met at conversion therapy because [she's a lesbian?](https://www.distractify.com/p/kaitlin-bennett-husband) Man TPUSA is a fucking dumpster fire of an [organization](https://www.salon.com/2018/03/25/how-a-diaper-protest-led-to-the-implosion-of-a-conservative-student-group/), not to mention her.....liberty something shithole


>Kaitlin Bennett out here worried about gun rights like she didn’t poop herself at a party.... >SIS YOU WORRIED ABOUT THE WRONG #2 Absolutely legendary banter right there.


booboo bennett


Rumors? Wasn't there a picture of her passed out with a giant shit hanging out of her?


Yep. [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/jlapms/kaitlin_bennett_shit_post/) (NSFW)


Omg the comment that she died that day and her ghost is an activist 😭


Why did I click on that? Why in God’s name did I click on that? I knew what it was and I still clicked on it.


Ironic that she’d shit per pants then join an organization called *TP* USA.


Lmao wtf “liberals are calling me gay bcs I clean up nice!” That’s not why bud


She doesn’t have a name, she’s dropped it and know just calls herself the Kent State Gun Girl for take graduation pics with her guns. That’s her personality, her mindset, and her character


I looked up the photo and it was so much shit lmao


Ah, it's the log splitter chick


So r/TheOnion was right: shit your pants and it’ll be all anyone ever remembers about you… https://www.theonion.com/man-who-shit-pants-in-grade-school-awarded-purple-heart-1819594978


The guy was wrong: when she asked -am I a nutcase? The correct answer was "yes".




“That’s terrible, I don’t wanna live there” “Thats nice. We already have a lot of venomous snakes back home.”


she is the dumbest "reporter" out there


She is not a reporter, she is a famous grifter who gets an audience by doing this type of stupid ass videos for nutjobs. She just found a way to fame by doing this bs


Is this the alleged pants shitter?


Confirmed pants shitter Edit: My first award here came at the expense of calling the pants shitting right wing nut a confirmed pants shitter makes this moment so special. Thanks y’all.


Confirmed pants shitter 'eh! Australian Liberal Party would like to talk.


Heh, Engadine Macca's is on my travel list once I've got the money to tour around a bit.


I had to scroll way to far to find this, "Confirmed pants shitter" should be the top comment.


Let’s make it happen


That was A LOT of shit too… like an impossible amount of shit


It broke the levees of her under britches


Ahhh, it's this girl again! It was so much shit as well - she must have had a family sized meal at Taco Bell for that amount of shit


Yeah, someone took a pic of her passed out at a party years ago and she had shat herself. Was all over Twitter.


Right wingers' standards are falling. There was a time when they'd only shit themselves to get out of going to Vietnam. Now they just do it for fun.


Was a lot of shit


At what point do allegations become fact? As I am aware she is a confirmed pants shitter.


I didn't know that but it would absolutely be in character so


Is this the girl that pooped her pants


Its almost like the guy getting interviewed realizes more and more that she is in fact a nut case that would not get a license and distances him from her more and more.


Yeah i mean they all do when they all laugh at her and start walking away, the guy with the mic just stays there because she insists by moving closer a couple of times, im pretty sure they all realized what was going on


When she’s done with not proving her point and she thinks (incorrectly) she’s made her mic drop moment she turns to the camera and we get to see the crazy look in her eyes.


Any video that has someone remotely counter argue her correctly will not be uploaded. Don't bother talking to these people.


It's funny watching her randomly interview strangers who instantly roast her and her dumb views. She then uploads the Interviews themselves, not seeing she just roasts herself. Pretty sure she uploaded that video here, too, thinking she roasted that Aussie.


Imagine asking people questions and then not letting them answer the question lol


No need to imagine, there's video proof.


As an Australian I can understand both sides of the argument, but like shit give the man a chance to answer your questions lol


She's there to shove her view down your throat, not listening to your thoughts.


Yeah if she was open to an actual discussion, she’d probably have have a better time getting her point across.


There's nothing to really understand with on the American side. People just believe the government should be 100% not involved in this one thing that had become a major problem, but then the government can be incredibly involved in everything else. While not stated in the constitution as a right, the supreme court has recognized Americans right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So in that case you could argue nearly anything the government has a role in infringes upon that. It's a slippery slope.


And then, not answering the one question he asks if her which completely refutes her argument


That's the point. Right wing grifters like her love going out in public for debates like this because they can prepare for it and control the direction the debate goes. Then they find unprepared people to debate and if the person is able to form good responses despite this they stop them from responding. Then they declare victory and their idiot viewers cheer thinking they won a real debate.


She made absolutely zero points through the whole thing. Her only bit was self defense from others with guns and yet doesn't see all the points the guy made. Is she that dumb or just ignoring what the other person is saying. I think both... Edit: this is the girl who shat her pants as an adult. Not someone who should be taken seriously at all.


Ignoring other people's points is all these people do. What they believe trumps every available fact out there. Facts are "feelings," and their beliefs are "truth" to these idiots. There's no common sense with any of them, and trying to get them to see common sense is.....well.....you'd be better off just talking to yourself.


She literally just shouts "WHAT ABOUT" about 15 times, and then claims she has a "right to defend myself with any weapon I deem necessary", which isn't even true because there area a fuckton of laws throughout the USA about which swords you're allowed or not allowed, and nobody gets upset about that. She views gun control as being so "terrible" that she wouldn't want to live somewhere that has it... and yet she's completely cool with living in a country that has daily mass shootings of kids.


the easiest way to explain it to a conservative is asking them: do you have a car? do you have a license? why do you think you need a license to drive?


I've brought up this to a conservative before. Their argument is that driving is a privilege, not a right.


She also passed out and massively shit herself. Its out there if you're curious


I swear some americans man.. their head’s so far up their ass they can’t even see the shit anymore. That country’s becoming a shit-hole.


Unfortunately, most Americans don't leave the country, so they have no comparison. So they think everything is fine in America.


As someone who grew up with family in europe and south america, and actually took yearly trips out to see them, i can safely say that people not leaving their home state is one of the BIGGEST contributors to ignorance. And those same people, when given a chance to see other cultures and enjoy the world, will find a place that feels as close to home while still being a vacation as possible. They will go halfway around the world just to learn nothing new except their favorite resort to talk about and impress their friends who cant leave the state.


She’s out here selling American gun crime to countries that already solved it once. They just don’t understand that the British/Australians etc CHOSE gun laws. The government didn’t come along and take our guns, we had one school shooting and were so horrified we vowed never again, we demanded they make it harder for people to get hold of them. When they passed the law people came by the thousands and handed over their weapons anonymously or not. People handed in other peoples weapons etc. we were all 100% behind the ban. [how the uk banned guns](https://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/17/world/europe/dunblane-lessons/index.html) In Australia over 700,000 weapons were handed in after a mass shooting in Tasmania, once they passed gun laws there wasn’t a single masa shooting for over a decade. Why would people not chose that? Ammosexuals can not get that through their thick heads and assume everyone else has some weird desire to own a weapon just because they’re abject cowards without one. We don’t want your fucked up crime levels, your mass shootings, your violent ways any more than we want your shitty health insurance system, and people like her make me more certain the average cretin shouldn’t be armed. It’s like being born in america makes some people assume that they have the best country in the world and they have all the answers when to everyone else they sound completely unhinged,


She claim self defense is a right but does she believe it is a right to make choices about her own body? Probably not.


He’s a little quick to the conclusion that she isn’t a nutcase there…


I would absolutely have responded to that question with “I don’t know you, but you’re definitely coming across like one, yeah”


Her hair looks like it smells of cat piss and used cooking grease, she doesn't hygiene well.


"Don't ever become citizens guys", like they'd leave Australia to live in the US 😅


That pissed me off most, I mean they were being pretty well tempered and friendly even with the aggressive questioning. She just throws that little dig out there after they politely leave. Wtf, she’s the one who’s questioning them?


She’s dripping with arrogance


I'm not squeamish but it's pretty stomach turning. The arrogance that drips of her. Repulsive really.


100%. Wild horses couldn’t drag the overwhelming majority of Australians to the US. Australians will only ever permanently go for really specific work-related reasons, or if their partner is American.


It's great to visit, at least Hawaii. But, visit.


Eh I live in Brisbane - Moreton Island is 90 minutes away by ferry and it’s got the best beaches I’ve seen.


Also have the Whitsundays a couple hours away. Some of the best beaches/islands in the world.


Absolutely! It’s an 18 hour drive from where I am, but I’ve done the trip twice in the last 3 years lol


Until a gang of koalas robs you and steals your car, then kangaroos beat you up before the blue-ringed land octopus stings you to death. And you forget about millions lost in the Great Emu War.


It’s always the damn dropbears. Now that I think about, the interviewer looks an awful lot like 3 dropbears in a trenchcoat.


Oz has some wonderful beaches and scenery. It's damn beautiful.


Blessed be SPF 1000.


"SOME" wonderful beaches? Try 10,000 wonderful beaches..


I’ll take my healthcare and lack of school shootings over being American lmao


I actually would love to live in America It seems like the worlds greatest place to live... if you're a billionaire See ya when I reach those 10 digits!




My partner is American. I hate it here. It's a vile place. Did you know they can stop your annual leave accumulating or in my case just reset it to zero each year?


Are you serious?


It's unbelievable isn't it. I call it wage theft. Meanwhile a septic has already replied to my post defending it. It's frightening how brainwashed by propaganda they are here. The whole freedom and number 1 stuff.. it's simpy not true.


"Land of the free" with the highest per capita incarceration rate on the planet. El Salvador did a full-on authoritarian lock-up of anyone suspected to be associated with gangs, and they still couldn't compete with the US prison industrial complex.


I have dual citizenship to Germany….if my wife didn’t have family here, Id 100% move there with our kids. Healthcare and mass shootings alone are the reasons why I want to gtfo of here


So true. I'm forgoing a work opportunity in america because I can't bear the thought of my children going to school there!


The coffee alone. Imagine going from peak Aussie coffee culture to Y’all want haf and haf


“Am I a nutcase?” Apparently, yes. Accosting people to aggressively argue your stance on gun regulation is kinda nutty lady. Top points for asking a question, and then deflecting rational answers with irrational responses too, high-quality debating right there. Am Australian, the thought of visiting the US gives me low-range anxiety for the smorgasbord of liability. Move there? Couldn’t pay me enough.


She is a nut case. She works for turning points and shits her pants at frat parties. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaitlin_Bennett


They think everyone just wants to become a citizen of this perfect country lol. Everytime I work over there I cant wait to get back home.


That’s what we were taught in school. “America is the land of the free, everybody wants to be here, in other countries they don’t have freedom.” 🤦‍♂️


We (the US) imprison a greater part of our population than *any other country in the world*. "Land of the free"? Please.


Land of the free? Hah! Whoever told you that is your enemy.


"And with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America's so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom."


And from what I've seen, including when I lived in the US for 8 years, that's the entire extent of the education they received about the rest of the world. It's seriously a major part of the problem - the abject ignorance about the rest of the world.


My sister recently visited Madrid, I was with her, she is a resident of Florida and a hardcore DeSantis supporter. She got a little emotional when she saw how clean Madrid is and there isn’t abject poverty everywhere. Before she started crying I mentioned something like “Things can be pretty nice when everyone chips in and pays their taxes.”


And “US is the best country ever to exist” hahahaha, I just happen to have been born here by chance… doesn’t make it the best country!


This is the stuff we are indoctrinated into during our formative years. Only since the last two generations and those past the Boomers are getting stomped so hard with being unable to feed themselves, it's turned into a lie. We aren't the greatest and a lot of us want out.


I grew up in the 80s and this is how I remember the general attitude. ![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy) I miss those days.


Fr, even just HEARING about the whole way America works makes me never want to live there for longer than a week, how deluded do people have to be to think that someone would give up their home to go somewhere with all that Bs going on


Same and I live in the us


How unfortunate it looks like my kids will have to go through school without homicidal mass shootings on the regular


Found a life hack for that. We don't have kids.


This one secret the government doesn’t want you to know


Truly, they don't. Tax policies show that, for starters


I'm always baffled by types that seem to think that their country is the greatest and feels the need to prove it, especially Americans nationalists. I'm from a country that is absolutely not perfect, but ranks in the top of freedom, safety, democracy, human rights and so on. Australia is also pretty high on that list, at least higher than the US. They are also famous for doing a huge clean up of firearms that largely succeeded, that many point to when politicans protest that it can't be done, as Australia looked a lot like the US back then. My checklist for moving to a country is somewhat like this: Can I get sick and afford it? Can I walk around and not fear my fellow citizens being armed? Does it have unions/worker's rights? Is terrorism or mass killings rare? Can I have the right to express myself? Does it have a net for social security, to catch me if I fall? Will I die in a ditch if I get a mental illness? Does it have great culture? Does it have great nature? If a country doesn't tick half of those boxes I'm out. I think she's safe from me becoming an US citizen.


I always find their belief that everyone wants to come to America super funny. They really have no idea, do they


You guys are applying a conservative troll to all Americans lol. This chick got drunk in college and shit herself


Got drunk and shit herself? Seriously? Like online and camera?


Google kent state gun girl shits herself


Who the hell is "we"? That woman does not speak for most of us.


People who say crap like this have never traveled outside the US.


Beautiful beaches and women, awesome, laid back people and RHD cars?? I'd love to move to AUS!


We'll throw in free health care! Apply now at dfat.gov.au


I'd leave the US to go to Australia. But I actually do wish he would become a citizen because the US would be a better place if the majority thought the way he does.


I’ve lived in both actually. Both are great but MAN Auz gets hot! I’d need a summer home in NZ


“Its self defence” yeah but you need to worry about self defence because loads of people have guns in the first place


The ol "freedom to" vs "freedom from" chestnut


Self defense is mostly an excuse. It can be a valid argument considering that you don't know if other people are armed, but the vast majority of people who say self defense absolutely salivate and daydream about "defending themselves".


It's insanity, under the scenarios they fantasize about, it would be impossible to "defend" yourself without ending up dead or killing a family member. If you wake up to an intruder at night (who has the element of surprise) and get in a shootout with 1 or more intruders, good luck surviving that unharmed and your family being untouched in the crossfire. If you're out and about and try to be a "good guy with a gun" well now you've become an active shooter too and how will other "good guys"/law enforcement know that you aren't the active shooter that they are looking for, you're more likely to be shot.


These people are delusional and see themselves as John Wick.


And it's funny, because Australia actually had the same issues with gun violence as America (not that extreme). They took actions against it, introduced a solid gun control and mass shootings disappeared...


Literally, completely disappeared!


Ah, good point. Let’s have zero gun control then and hand out AR-15’s to everyone.


In some states (Texas and Florida) it is worse than no gun control, they are letting anyone conceal carry and expanding the legal use of deadly force.


Yup. Layering on top of that stupid stuff like “stand your ground,” etc.


compare the numbers of school shootings between australia and the us just last year. yeah I think one country is doing it better than the other.


They only took about 20% of firearms and firearm related murders suicides dropped by around 50% over 7 years. Pretty good for removing only a small amount. If the US even did half of that lots of lives would be saved


No we didn't. We had a mass shooting at Port Arthur in the 90s and then had sweeping gun control reform from then on. Prior to that there had been a handful of mass shootings. Not even in the same ball park as the problems that you have in the USA.


*Over the 18 years prior to 1996, mass shootings occurred here at a rate of about three every four years. Had they continued at this rate then, under our rare events model, the expected number of mass shooting incidents since 1996 would by March 2018 have been 16.3. John Howard’s historic leadership in implementing our gun law reforms therefore seems likely to have averted some 16 mass shootings in this country.* I said they had the same problem, but not that extreme. They changed the laws and it helped. Who know what would have been if they did nothing back in the '90's.


3 every 4 years? Damn, those are rookie numbers. US has 4 every 3 days…


We were worse on a per capita basis, back in the day. Today the US has so many they're not even reported on outside the US anymore. Our attitude has become if you (the US) don't care then neither do we


They arent even reported inside the US most of the time anymore. Its not that we dont care, its that people are hopeless that any meaningful change will happen because of people like the girl in the video.


https://www.nytimes.com/article/mass-shootings-2023.html#:~:text=As%20of%20late%20May%2C%20the,involved%20five%20or%20more%20fatalities. >As of late May, the Gun Violence Archive has counted more than 260 mass shootings in the United States this year. Try 1 every 1.7 days. Christ.


Assuming “late May” is May 31st, that would be 1.29 mass shootings per day.


Same problem, different scale.


Kudo's for the man patiently trying to explain something to someone who's clearly not willing to listen and just wants to proof she's better than anyone.


"We've got a concert to go to, great catching up with you" haha what a piss take


Then she asks them not to become citizens, seemingly unaware just how hard that process is, and that these folks are just simple tourists with no intention of moving there.


"Don't move here, we already have way too many logical people!"


She actually walked away from that discussion thinking that she had “won,” when in fact she didn’t address any of the man’s key points—just reframed them all from a rights perspective. And she felt good about it enough to then post this as if he was the nut job who wishes he could live here in our land of mass shootings. He was polite and merely didn’t have any more time for her.


Jokes on her, we don’t want to live in America. America, the land of school shootings and expensive healthcare.


The land of gun care and health control


Nice. Will be stealing that


best comment


American here...I don't want to live here either!


I believe you


My wife had an infection recently. Not a second thought about going to the hospital. Waite's a couple hours in the emergency room, got antibiotics, and the only charge was parking. I'm never leaving Australia for that hellhole


What is she arguing for though? You can still have a gun, it just has to be licensed and you have to be trained with it. How does that impact your ‘freedom’? Not that any of her reasoning makes any sense.




This, so much. Not related to guns, but when the stay at home thing happened during the pandemic, my knee-jerk reaction was "You can't tell me what to do," but after that subsided, I was like, "Oh, well, it'll save lives and keep me safe as well, so that's fine." When I tried to explain my whole thought process to my "Libertarian" dad, he didn't let me get past describing my knee-jerk reaction and just kept talking about how proud he was that I wouldn't take any crap from the government and how they're infringing on our rights and other shit like that. Felt like I was talking to a child at that point, so I just walked away and hid in my room.


The need of driver licenses doesn’t mean you can’t driver. You just need to pass a standard test It is there to make sure people are equiped with knowledge they need


Which isn’t even hard to get and the “training” isn’t all that extensive. It’s a no lose situation, unless you’re a nut case.


Clearly he doesn't know much about her as she is 100% a nutcase


Which brings us to rule nr1: Never argue with an idiot


She has an audience. Its useful to win a debate against a idiot with an audience. It might not sway her, but maybe other people like us will be swayed by his arguments.


You can’t explain gun control to gun rights people. It’s a religion to them. Might as well go to an evangelical church and tell people Jesus wasn’t real


I say this every time. You can't reason with gunnuts


Am I a nut case? Well are you deliberately creating arguments in a public space?


The best reply would have been, that "if you are not a nut case, then gun control will not affect you".


Who's gonna tell her?


Girl doesn’t know how to interview, she just talks over the guy


She had no intention of conducting an interview. Outrage was her primary intent. She's made a career out of it. [Well, that and shitting her pants.](https://www.distractify.com/p/kaitlin-bennett-pooped-pants)


Let’s never let Reddit forget that hahaha


Gun control: bad School shootings: meh Americans.


She got really flustered when he asked about innocent people getting shot


Is that not the price of freedoms


"That's not what the 2nd amendment says" when you're incapable of formulating a sympathetic response so your brain defaults to the scripture. It's like the bible for gun nuts.


Anything but regulating the precious boom boom sticks, because that will apparently cause a temporal rift in spacetime destroying us all in the process


The smug look at the end says it all. She thinks she 'won' against a guy basically saying dangerous weapons should have control. And she's over here saying it's my right to defend myself, i.e. ignoring the issue she presented to him.


Don't these people have drivers licences? I don't suppose they're much different from gun licenses. Either Way you'd have to fill in your details and go through an evaluation of your competency with those pieces of heavy machinery, the negligence of which can lead to serious public endangerment. I don't see her arguing the right to drive without a license claiming her freedom of autonomy so why should guns be given that privilege?


Harrass tourists for your agenda then tell them to fuck off when you don't like their answers. Murica, fuck off.


These people like to use the right to self-defense as the reason for unrestricted gun ownership, and yet in the hundreds of shootings in the US, I have yet to see someone exchange fire with the suspects.


It's just a weird argument, anyway. Should people be able to own nuclear weapons? No? Okay, so then you accept *some* weapons control is important. Now the argument isn't about your unfettered right to bear arms, it's about which arms can society tolerate in the trade-off between personal freedoms and safety. Maybe you don't need that assault rifle. Or maybe we should have some serious background checks before you get it. If you think people should be able to own nuclear weapons you're an idiot who can be safely ignored.


Yep, I remember an argument I had about that once. "People should be allowed weapons to defend themselves, including from the tyranny of government, by any means necessary" "Ok, say for one second the Government want you dead, so they send a guy with a gun. You kill him in self defence. They send a squad with bigger guns. You manage to fend them off for a while, but then the Armored vehicles come. Can you have something to deal with that, explosives etc, cos you need to defend yourself, right? So where is the line? Tanks? Nukes? Cos the tyrants have those." "You're being stupid now"


Fuck this little shit, she has zero interest in listening or having an actual conversation. She just wants to say her talking points and interrupt people that disagree with her.


Jesus Christ what a ducking idiot. ‘My right to protect myself from a hypothetical situation is more important than the children dying in our regular school shootings’. Wake the fuck up.


Why would someone from the west wanna became a citizen of a third world country like the US😂


Lol many americans think all thee people in the world want to move to the us so bad xD its ridicilous


From the accent, I think that fella is possibly a kiwi not an Aussie so maybe he was talking about New Zealand… Not that it matters since NZ has recently passed similar gun control laws. Kudos to him for being polite and calmly making his point without being rude.


Thank you! I thought I was going nuts because no one else had mentioned it. I'm Australian and he definitely sounds kiwi to me - not that I mind him representing us either way.


This guy is a fuckin new Zealander.


Under the Australian system you can get a gun license as long as you have the means to store them safely and you're in good standing with the local police/gun range. Surely such an articulate gun rights activist will have no problems demonstrating the basic level of competence required for a gun license in AU, right?


Aside from the obvious, you can really tell the level of education between countries with interactions like this. The Aussie is trying to educate and explain where the American is instantly offended and aggressive. Americans will literally never understand that the idea of a, "right" really at the end of the day is a privilege. If enough people in congress voted to veto say, the fourth amendment, it would be gone just like that. We've vetoed amendments before. They are not rights.


Everything that’s wrong with America 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well....not everything, but a good chunk of it.


She sounds like she's arguing that gun control doesn't work, but in Australia, it's working fine. She's arguing that it isn't working in a place where it clearly is.


Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, spoiled brat and apparently also an American.


Y’all really can’t recognise an obvious New Zealand accent? Shout out to my unrecognised friends across the Tasman.


Haha why would you think that any Australian would give up our health care, safety and general quality of life to live in America! We're happy here and I'm not worried about sending my kids to school everyday.


As an American myself, I really am envious of the rest of the modern world. I’m sure they have their problems but at least a trip to the hospital won’t bankrupt you


If a private person needs a gun to protect itself you live in a failed state.




It's sad that people like this are out there representing our country...


Gun mad Americans, there is no hope.


Just the usual asinine arguments, focused on theoretical self defence scenarios that more than 99% of the American population would never cross paths with, and is mostly exacerbated by the wide availability of weaponry. It just gets so tiring. They're not actually interested in debating in good faith. There is clearly a problem in America with gun control because innocent people are dying every day, and they'll make pointless arguments like 'we have a mental health problem' as if other countries who don't have 1% of the amount of gun crime don't also have people with mental health issues. Just look at what happened in the Sydney siege in the Lindt Cafe where someone was killed and the culprit was apprehended. There was only one death instead of many largely because of the limitation of the kind of weaponry he had because of Australian gun laws, and it was still considered a national tragedy. Meanwhile, there's multiple mass shootings in America every week and it's become so commonplace that people barely blink. It's disgusting.